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Die natürlichen Fähigkeiten und Eigenschaften von Makrophytenbeständen, insbesondere bestimmter Pflanzengruppen der überschwemmungswiesen, für Nährstoffeliminierung und Grundwasseranreicherung werden der biochemisch-makrophytischen Methode zugrunde gelegt. Am Beispiel von Kleinstsickerbecken wird die Methode zur Nährstoffelimination aus Oberflächenwässern beschrieben. Prinzip, Durchführung und Auswertung der Methode werden am Beispiel verschiedener Makrophytenarten für verschiedene hydrochemische Parameter anhand von Grenzwerten, Eliminierungs- und Infiltrationsraten dargestellt. Geeignete Einsatzmöglichkeiten der Methode für wasserwirtschaftliche und landeskulturelle Zwecke werden besprochen.  相似文献   

For checking the quality of the effluent from an activated sludge plant for waste-waters from the sulphite pulp production the respiration of an activated sludge sample in air-saturated water is determined initially without the addition of substrate (ground respiration) and after that with an addition of substrate (methanol, substrate respiration) by means of the Clark-electrode. The measuring device is designed by means of zero displacement in such a way that the difference of the oxygen concentration is indicated by a time relay as the difference quotient. Between the ground respiration and the effluent concentration of BOD5 exists a significant positive regression, which can be used for controlling the plant. The determination of the substrate respiration serves only for checking with respect to perhaps given inhibition of the conversion of matter by the activated sludge. The determination of the activity of the activated sludge sample takes only 20 min; inclusive of the required determination of the dry matter of sludge, the technique provides a well reproducible measured value for the biochemical conversion in the activated sludge plant within 1… 1.5 h.  相似文献   

Artificial nitrate solutions and a large number of membranefiltered nitrate-containing water samples from Mecklenburgian lakes and rivers were investigated in the spectral range of 200… 260 nm with a dual beam spectrophotometer. By the formation of derivative spectra there are achieved a higher spectral resolution and the elimination of undesired disturbing effects since first- and higher-order derivatives are formed. As it is known, the direct spectrophotometric nitrate determination is influenced by organic substances and some inorganic ions of natural waters. As a result, the UV derivative spectroscopy of 2nd order is recommended as a suitable technique of nitrate analysis for surface waters with a high degree of accuracy and precision – detailed reports on investigations being given. Compared with the equivalent salicylate method, however, the expenditure of the UV derivative spectroscopy described is considerably lower.  相似文献   

Es wird eine Möglichkeit diskutiert, Windmaxima in den Zonen der troposphärischen Strahlströme und in der Stratosphäre zu bestimmen. Experimentelle Untersuchungen haben gezeigt, dass starke Veränderungen der Intensität von Strahlströmen und ihre Migration durch die Zone der Beobachtungen sich in einerÄnderung der Intensität von tellurischen Linien des atmosphärischen Sauerstoffes bemerkbar machen. Der Verfasser schlägt vor, solche spektroskopischen Messungen von tellurischen Absorptionslinien atmosphärischer Gase zur Abschätzung der Intensität von Turbulenz bei klarem Himmel (CATs) zu benutzen.  相似文献   

Under the influence of the wastewaters of the potash industry the Werra river shows considerably varying salt contents (0.47 … 28.2 g/l Cl?, annual means 4.4 … 11.4 g/l Cl?) in dependence on the hydrological situation. Between 1982 and 1988 a total of 112 taxa of diatoms were observed. Of special interest is the occurrence of Stauroneis constricta (EHRENBERG) CLEVE, which is new for the river Werra. Its spreading upstream was observed. Compared with earlier findings as well as within each annual cycle there are observed clear changes in the species present and in the colonization structures in dependence on the salt content. The close relations between the salt content and the diatom communities are truly expressed by the index of halobic organisms. Diversity indices of 1.048 … 3.259 as well as values of 0.074 … 0.817 for evenness verify the imbalance of the colonization, without, however, revealing a relation to the salt content, except for variations of concentration which may be too sudden.  相似文献   

A discussion is presented on the conditions required and limitations of the guaranteeing of quality in water analysis as the basis for the necessary standardization of analytical methods. The following concepts are of particular importance: principle of analysis, method of analysis, technique of analysis, specification for analysis, measured value, analytical value, result of measurement, result of analysis, precision, repeatability, reproducibility, detection limit, determination limit, sensitivity and rate of retrieval. Prequisite for the ensuring of quality proper are the standard addition method and the ring analysis. In the water analysis the guaranteeing of quality is of particular importance due to the multifarious matrix as well as for the interpretation of the analytical results as a basis for important decisions in the national economy.  相似文献   

There are investigated the variables O2, BOD5, seston, NO3-N, NH4-N and o-PO4 from at least five-year series of five stations along a river section of 50 km. After exclusion of a linear trend and substraction of the individual monthly mean values from the monthly mean of many years in order to eliminate the effect of the annual variation as well as testing for normal distribution, first the correlation coefficients of the variables to the flow rate Q and the temperatures of air and water are determined, which show directional changes just in the longitudinal profile of the river. The same holds for the correlation of the variables between the measuring points. From this the model structure is derived, according to which the concentration at one measuring station can be simulated by multiple regression to Q and T at the same level as well as the concentration at the upper level. The results are discussed in detail and evaluated with respect to their inclusion in longterm management models of water quantity management.  相似文献   

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