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Simultaneous photoelectric observations of sunspot penumbrae at 5790, 6690, 8760 and 16700Å are presented. No change in penumbral intensity from spot to spot is found in a sample of 11 large sunspots.  相似文献   

A penumbra model in hydrostatic equilibrium is presented. The model accounts for the continuum observations as well as the observations of Fraunhofer lines in the penumbra. The uncertainty in the model in deeper layers is discussed. It is shown that the penumbra is probably not in strict radiative equilibrium.  相似文献   

Torsional oscillations of seven single spots are studied based on the observations of the longitudinal magnetic field and the field of radial velocities in the photospheric Fe I λ 525.3 nm line. The periods of umbra and penumbra oscillations are 2.2–7.1 and 3.3–7.7 days, respectively. The spots at a greater solar latitude are characterized by a longer period of oscillations and a smaller axial strength of the magnetic field. The periods of umbra and penumbra oscillations increase with an increase in the period and amplitude of the sunspot umbra oscillations. The obtained results can point to a unitary mechanism of torsional oscillations of umbra and penumbra of single spots and a connection of these oscillations with the differential rotation of the Sun.  相似文献   

Several authors have studied solutions of Einstein's field equations for a conformally invariant scalar field with trace-free energy-momentum tensor for the Robertson-Walker models forK = 0, ± 1. The relationship of these solutions to a previously existing one by Som (1985) is discussed. TheK = 0 model derived by Innaiah and Reddy (1985) is shown to be a special case of the Bianchi type-I models due to Accioly, Vaidya and Som (1983a).  相似文献   

Golovko  A. A. 《Solar physics》1974,37(1):113-125
The peculiarities of magnetosensitive lines in the penumbral spectrum and the abnormal distribution of circular polarization in them are explained satisfactorily in terms of superposition of radiation originating in different elements of penumbral fine structure. Complicated asymmetric rv contours can be represented as a sum of two components related to bright (BR) and dark (DR) penumbral regions. Crossover effect in sunspot penumbra appears, when there is considerable relative radial mass velocity in BR and DR, having the magnetic field of different polarities in them. Such conditions are supposed to exist in the penumbra of some sunspots, situated close to the solar limb.  相似文献   

G. Ekmann 《Solar physics》1974,38(1):73-75
Based on pinhole photometer observations in 4–6 wavelength regions we have searched for a connection between the intensities of the umbra and the penumbra of sunspots. For the 1.67 μm wavelength region it is apparent that spots with dark umbrae also have dark penumbrae. In the other wavelength regions similar relations are found. The darkness of the spot is probably connected with the degree of complexity of the spot.  相似文献   

During the summer and fall of 1971, Doppler spectroheliograms were obtained for several sunspots located near the solar limb. These observations confirm a previous result based on the study of only a few sunspots that in the plage-free photosphere surrounding sunspots the spatially-averaged, horizontal flow tends to be outward at 0.5–1.0 km s–1 for distances typically 10000–20000 km beyond the outer boundary of the penumbra. It is suggested that these material motions are the means by which small-scale fragments of magnetic flux are carried away from sunspots.Operated by the Association of Universities for Research in Astronomy, Inc., under contract with the National Science Foundation.  相似文献   

The properties of small (< 2″) moving magnetic features near certain sunspots are studied with several time series of longitudinal magnetograms and Hα filtergrams. We find that the moving magnetic features:
  1. Are associated only with decaying sunspots surrounded entirely or in part by a zone without a permanent vertical magnetic field.
  2. Appear first at or slightly beyond the outer edge of the parent sunspot regardless of the presence or absence of a penumbra.
  3. Move approximately radially outward from sunspots at about 1 km s?1 until they vanish or reach the network.
  4. Appear with both magnetic polarities from sunspots of single polarities but appear with a net flux of the same sign as the parent sunspot.
  5. Transport net flux away from the parent sunspots at the same rates as the flux decay of the sunspots.
  6. Tend to appear in opposite polarity pairs.
  7. Appear to carry a total flux away from sunspots several times larger than the total flux of the sunspots.
  8. Produce only a very faint emmission in the core of Hα.
A model to help understand the observations is proposed.  相似文献   

In the bookHistoria Coelestis Brittannica, John Flamsteed (1725) lists his daily solar observations from 1676 onwards. Coupled with his comments in thePhilosophical Transactions of the Royal Society and his letters to William Derham in the Cambridge University Library, it is possible to reconstruct a daily chronology of his solar and sunspot observations from 1676 to 1700. These observations are important because, coupled with daily logs of observations by Picard, La Hire, Eimmart, and others, a detailed record of the observations during a portion of the Maunder Minimum can be constructed. For example, for 1691, a typical year, the longest gap between observations is only four days. Flamsteed's observations are also important because they add to the data gathered by Wolf, Spoerer, Maunder, Eddy, and others in their study of solar activity in the seventeenth century. Flamsteed's observations are summarized here and a sample of his observations is presented.  相似文献   

P. Maltby 《Solar physics》1970,13(2):312-318
Spectral observations of large sunspots during the period June 1968 – Dec. 1969 in five wavelength regions between 4795 and 6775 are discussed. Selecting the best observations of two very large sunspots, we find slightly lower umbral intensities than derived by earlier observers. It is suggested that the small difference may be explained by the fact that earlier observers have used an average value, whereas we believe that the minimum value gives a more correct estimate of the umbral intensity.  相似文献   

The spectra of sunspots were observed in the region of the LiI 6708 Å lines and several FeI and CaI lines. The observations were carried out with a CCD camera in May, June, and July 2007 using the BST-2 telescope of the Crimean Astrophysical Observatory. The spot models were calculated using the observed profiles of FeI and CaI lines. The lithium content was estimated at log(NLi) = 1.20, 1.15, and 1.00 (at the scale of logA(H) = 12.0) using the calculated spot models and observed LiI 6708 Å line profiles.  相似文献   

Spectra of sunspots in the region of the lithium 6708 ? line, as well as certain CaI, AlI, FeI, YI, ScI, VI lines, were studied. The observations were performed on July 8, 1973 using a BST-2 telescope at the Crimean Astrophysical Observatory. A sunspot model was developed based on the observed profiles of CaI, AlI, FeI, YI, ScI, and VI lines. Using the developed model and observed profile of the Li 6708 ? line, the abundance of lithium was determined. The obtained result is log(NLi) = 0.95.  相似文献   

Sunspot spectra for LiI 6708Å lines and for several FeI and CaI lines were obtained. Observations were performed in January and in August, 2011 using the TST-2 telescope with a charge-coupled camera at the Crimean Astrophysical Observatory. The sunspot models were calculated by using the observing profiles of FeI and CaI lines. Lithium abundance was determined by using the calculated sunspot models and LiI 6708Å observed profiles; this equals log(N Li) = 0.98 and 0.95 (in the scale logA(H) = 12.0).  相似文献   

Naked sunspots     
Naked sunspots are spots seen in Hα to be devoid of associated plage. In magnetograms and K-line little if any opposite polarity field is found, and in soft X-ray images a blank appears in the region of the spot. In almost all cases studied in which naked spots resulted the spot groups had emerged in unipolar regions of the same polarity as the naked spot. At least half of the naked spots are associated with coronal holes. The naked spots are long-lived and show rotation rates close to the Newton-Nunn curve. Most of the naked spots had bright rims in Hα, and the one spot observed to disappear left no trace in the background magnetic field. These spots may be a means by which separation of p from f magnetic polarity occurs.  相似文献   

The sunspot models published so far do not reproduce the observed run of the umbral continuum intensities over the entire spectral range 0.5 < < 4 m. Moreover, in several previous models is the temperature gradient smaller than both the adiabatic and the radiative equilibrium gradient.Agreement between intensities computed from acceptable models and measured intensities can be obtained by introducing an additional opacity for 0.8 m, which is probably caused by the crowding of atomic and molecular lines. We present a new umbral model atmosphere with a wavelength dependent opacity enhancement factor which explains the continuum intensities and also reproduces plausible center-to-limb variations and line profiles. This model is in radiative equilibrium down to 0.5 = 1.5, with an effective temperature of 4000 ± 100K. For the deeper superadiabatic layers a small but probably significant departure from radiative equilibrium is indicated by the intensities in the range 1.5 < < 2.4 m.The uncertainties in the present model and the effect of the additional opacity on line profiles are briefly discussed.  相似文献   

A remarkable vortical distribution of sunspots, photographed at National Solar Observatory, Tucson, may be an important indication that a vortex flow is essential in the formation of sunspots. It is argued that the concept of vortex flow around a spot is not a heresy, since a generation mechanism of non-trivial force-free fields requires the presence of time varying vorticity in the photosphere.  相似文献   

In the umbral atmosphere the depth dependence of the opacity due to the vibration rotation bands of various abundant molecules in the wavelength region 1 m to 10 m has been calculated. In the higher layers of the umbral atmosphere, the molecular opacity seems to dominate the opacity due to the negative hydrogen ion.  相似文献   

As a first step in constructing three-dimensional decaying sunspot models we select the relevant observational data. From these we conclude:
  1. sunspots, except the smallest, obey a radial and evolutionary similarity;
  2. sunspots may be considered as isolated, fairly well defined flux tubes, wrapped in thin current sheets;
  3. a substantial number among stable regular spots show a phase of slowest decay whose rate is independent of the spot's area.
Arguments are given that the slowest rate of decay is ultimately determined by Ohmic dissipation in the inner part of the current sheet. Preliminary asymptotic models for the deep layers (deeper than 2000 km below the photosphere) are given which satisfy the above three constraints. To meet the observed rate of slowest decay the current sheet has to be very thin, about 10?5 to 10?4 times the umbral radius. Radial large-scale fluid motions are required in the current sheet to maintain the similarity of the structure. The radial motions are linked with the vertical motions which may be connected with the Evershed flow. Finally we discuss details which are less relevant in the large-scale structure of stable sunspots, such as fine structures, twists, the break-down of the similarity and the relation between sunspots and smaller magnetic structures, and the intrinsic scatter in some observed quantities.  相似文献   

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