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卢绪兰  彭新东 《气象学报》2021,79(1):119-131
大气边界层湍流运动是地球大气运动最重要的能量输送过程之一.当数值模式分辨率接近活跃含能湍涡长度尺度时,湍流运动被部分解析,被称为"灰色区域",传统的边界层方案不适合此时模式湍流问题的描述.为了提高模式边界层方案在包括"灰色区域"的不同网格尺度上的描述能力,适应不同分辨率模式的需要,在雷诺平均湍流理论基础上,修正Mell...  相似文献   

利用中尺度模式WRF对2009年冬季四川省入冬后最大的一次浓雾过程进行模拟,模拟结果表明,模式对雾区的模拟与实测结果基本一致,模拟的相对湿度也接近实况.利用成都双流机场的实测能见度和相对湿度资料分别用确定性和概率性方法获得能见度(Vis)和相对湿度(RH)的参数化方案,用模拟的相对湿度来估算能见度.研究结果表明,概率为5%的Vis-RH的参数化方案在浓雾过程中估算的能见度最为准确,可以为今后能见度的预报提供参考.  相似文献   

In an earlier paper by one of the authors (Smith, 1968), a momentum integral method was developed to parameterize the gross constraint imposed by the surface boundary layer of a steady, axisymmetric, tropical cyclone on the meridional circulation within the vortex itself. Specifically, the method provides an effective means of estimating the radial variation of mean upflow/downflow induced by the boundary layer, compatible with a prescribed radial variation of azimuthal velocity just above the boundary layer,V gr. However, it relies on a judicious choice of vertical profiles of radial and azimuthal velocity components within the boundary layer. An especially suitable set of profiles is discussed herein; these are Ekman-like profiles in which turbulent mixing is characterized by a vertically constant eddy diffusivityK M , matched to a constant stress sublayer just above the sea surface. An attractive feature of the formulation is that a suitable value forK M as a function of radius, which is extremely difficult to extract from observational data, can be calculated when the state of the sea surface, described by a roughness lengthZ 0, is prescribed. Although observations ofZ 0 at high wind speeds are not yet available, the effect of radial variations in sea surface roughness can be assessed and it is shown that these affect the upflow to a significant degree.  相似文献   

Fog and low stratus forecasting experiments have been carried out with the numerical weather prediction model ALADIN on a case of long lasting fog. The model has been used with different radiation, cloud diagnosing and horizontal diffusion schemes, different representation of orography, increased vertical resolution and with or without prognostic condensates and turbulent kinetic energy (TKE). Some of the numerical set-ups are able to reproduce the fog (low stratus) field as seen in the satellite images as well as the measured 2m temperature and relative humidity diurnal cycles. The results show that cloud diagnosing schemes and overlap assumptions play a more important role than a more sophisticated radiation scheme, or introduction of prognostic cloud water, ice, rain, snow or TKE. More realistic orography representation and a more physical horizontal diffusion scheme significantly improve the modelled low stratus and 2m temperature in the areas with variable orography.  相似文献   

The nocturnal boundary layer during the passage of a mesoscale fog front   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
The structure of the nocturnal boundary layer affected by an advected fog mass is investigated. For this, measurements of the horizontal wind vector, the temperature, relative humidity and horizontal visibility performed on a radio mast 300 m high are used together with a monostatic SODAR recording.The shape of the cold fog mass, which roughly resembles that of a density current, is described by the shallow water equations in a first approximation. Ahead of the leading edge of the fog mass, a stream function analysis suggests an upward flow component. In addition, a local circulation pattern exists at the density interface. After the fog front has passed the measuring site, the boundary-layer flow becomes more turbulent and, from the hydrodynamical point of view, critical. In agreement with this, the friction velocity inside the growing fog mass increases with time, as shown by a simple integral method.  相似文献   

数值模式中的大气边界层参数化方案综述   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
大气边界层对下垫面和自由大气之间的热量、动量和物质交换以及全球辐射的收支平衡有着非常重要的作用,数值模式中对边界层的模拟需要通过参数化方案表现出来。综述了数值模式中常用的边界层参数化方案,从闭合框架以及边界层内的重要物理过程这两个方面对各类方案进行了总结,并讨论了边界层参数化方案的发展方向。  相似文献   

A thermodynamic sea ice model that has been numerically structured to take time steps on the order of a week has been shown to be sensitive to time step size. This sensitivity was caused by the extrapolation of initial ice growth rates over the long time step. A new parameterization of new sea ice growth on open ocean and in leads that can be used over a large range of time step sizes (at least from 0.3 to 12 days) is described here. In this parameterization new sea ice growth is computed as a power law function of the initial energy deficit in the ocean. This power law takes into account the rapid reduction of the ice growth rate as the sea ice gets thicker, and therefore reduces sensitivity to time step size. Tests of this parameterization show that this method does a good job of simulating the rate of new ice growth when compared to data from Mawson, Antarctica, and is relatively insensitive to the length of the time step.  相似文献   

Summary A simple parameterization for the estimation of turbulent kinetic energy (TKE) and momentum flux profiles under near-neutral stratification based on sodar measurements of the vertical velocity variance has been tested using data from the LINEX-2000 experiment. Measurements included operation of a phased-array Doppler sodar DSDPA.90 and of a sonic anemometer USA-1 mounted at a meteorological tower at a height of 90m. Good agreement has been found between the TKE and momentum flux values derived from the sonic and sodar data (with correlation coefficients r>0.90 and a slope of the regression lines of about 1.01.1) suggesting the possible use of sodar measurements of w 2 to derive turbulence parameter profiles above the tower range.  相似文献   

针对WRF模式中行星边界层参数化过程中的不确定性,发展了一种针对行星边界层参数化过程的随机物理扰动方案(SPPBLPT),该方案针对行星边界层计算的温度、风场、水汽倾向项进行扰动.使用该方案、多行星边界层参数化方案、多参数扰动方案及针对WRF模式总倾向的随机物理过程扰动(SPPT)方案对2014年7月进行对比实验,发现...  相似文献   

一次深厚浓雾过程的边界层特征和生消物理机制   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:4  
杨军  王蕾  刘端阳  李子华 《气象学报》2010,68(6):998-1006
2007年12月13-14日,南京出现一次厚度达600 m、持续近14 h的浓雾过程,其中强浓雾阶段维持4 h.通过系留气球边界层探测系统、涡动协方差测量系统、雾滴尺度分布和自动气象站等外场试验资料分析了此次深厚浓雾过程的边界层结构特征和生消物理机制.结果表明,此次雾过程首先由地面辐射冷却形成贴地雾层,而后因低空平流冷却形成低云.在发展阶段,伴随低云不断下伸,贴地雾层不断抬升.在贴地雾层受到地面弱冷空气平流降温影响下,雾中微物理过程迅速发展,雾滴数密度、含水量、平均直径、最大直径等微物理参数在15 min内跃增,雾体爆发性升高,最终导致地面雾和低云上下贯通形成深厚雾层,地面能见度骤降至15 m以下.雾体爆发性增强时,地面垂直动量通量和向下长波辐射通量密度增大,净辐射趋于零.整个雾过程中,由于贴地层持续弱冷平流降温和上层雾阻碍了下层雾的辐射降温,二者的共同作用使贴地强逆温结构始终维持.  相似文献   

通过对2005-2011年间南宁出现的7次平流雾并同时伴有毛毛雨天气过程的温度、湿度和风场等边界层特征进行统计分析,得出在广西地面处于高压后部,锋面北退,500hPa为宽广的西南气流控制和850hPa强锋区的形势下,当逆温层下降到1200m以下,厚度400-800m,逆温层上下温差不大和水汽处在准饱和状态时有利于南宁出现雨雾并存的天气.  相似文献   

两种反演地表净太阳辐射的参数化模式在北京地区的比较   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
地表净太阳辐射(NSSR)在地表辐射平衡、地-气能量交换、天气预报、气候变化和太阳能利用等研究方面具有重要的作用.利用卫星遥感技术能在广大的空间区域内快速地获取地表净太阳辐射的分布情况,特别是在无人观测的极地和海洋区域.本文基于CERES/SSF卫星数据,分别采用两种地表净太阳辐射(NSSR)的卫星反演参数化模式--Li模式与Masuda模式计算了北京市上甸子地区2005年1、4、7和10月的NSSR,并将反演结果与上甸子大气本底站的实测结果进行了对比分析,并对两种模式进行了修正以更好地反演北京地区的地表净太阳辐射.结果显示:Li模式和Masuda模式反演结果与实测结果间的平均绝对误差在晴空条件下分别为62.2和50.8W/m2,在云天条件下分别为82.1和71.8 W/m2;Li模式相对于Masuda模式具有偏大的趋势,在晴天和云天条件下两者的平均绝对偏差分别为11.5和10.2 W/m2;对Li模式和Masuda模式进行线性拟合回归后能有效减小反演过程中的系统性偏差,修改后的Li模式和Masuda模式在所有天空状况下反演的月平均NSSR值与观测值问的平均绝对误差分别为-1.8和-3.4 W/m2,均方根误差分别为19.6和26.0 W/m2.  相似文献   

Summary The broadband solar absorptivity concept is employed to parameterize the aerosol absorption effect. The solar radiation model developed by Liou and his associates was modified to incorporate the parameterization of solar radiative transfer in an aerosol layer. Comparison of the results from this method with other schemes exhibits close agreement. A Sahara dust storm case was also chosen to test the performance of the present model, and the computed heating rate profiles agree well with calculations based on optical properties derived from observations for both clear and dust cases. In general, enhanced heating due to aerosol absorption of solar flux occurs particularly in the lower troposphere (below 5 km). The heating rate is independent of the scattering partition factor (), but the planetary albedo increases with . Further study shows that the aerosol heating is sensitive to the surface albedo (r s ) and to the cosine of the solar zenith angle (µ 0). The decrease inr s and/or increase inµ 0 lower the solar heating rate, the planetary albedo and the atmospheric absorptivity, but raise the surface absorptivity due to reduced multiple reflection between the atmosphere and surface.With 9 Figures  相似文献   

WRF模式边界层参数化方案对西南低涡模拟的影响   总被引:4,自引:3,他引:1  
刘晓冉  李国平 《气象科学》2014,34(2):162-170
应用中尺度数值模式WRF(V3.3版本)选用4种行星边界层参数化方案(YSU、ACM2、MYJ和NOPBL)对2011年6月16—18日造成强降水的西南低涡过程进行敏感性试验,对比分析不同边界层参数化方案对西南低涡过程模拟的影响。模拟结果表明:4种边界层参数化方案均能较好地模拟出西南低涡以及暴雨带的东移,其中YSU方案对低涡路径、强度及降水的总体模拟效果最好。YSU和ACM2方案,与MYJ和NOPBL方案相比,模拟的低涡中心区域正涡度柱和垂直上升运动较强,达到的垂直高度更高。造成这种差异的主要原因是对边界层上的夹卷效应以及垂直混合作用考虑的不同。不考虑边界层作用的NOPBL方案模拟的地表风速异常偏大,造成地表热通量明显偏强、边界层高度偏高。YSU、ACM2和MYJ 3种方案模拟的边界层高度和热通量的日变化比较一致,夜间基本维持少变,白天变化大,其中MYJ模拟的边界层高度和热通量较大,ACM2模拟的较小。地表风速是造成热量输送以及边界层高度模拟差异的主要因子。  相似文献   

利用常规气象观测资料、射阳站探空资料、旋翼无人机探测资料等,分析2019年10月19日夜间到20日江苏东部沿海地区一次强浓雾过程的边界层特征。根据无人机垂直观测资料及湍流参数Ri结果发现:大雾形成之前到大雾成熟阶段,近地面始终存在强贴地逆温,最大逆温强度达4.6℃/(100 m)。在大雾形成到发展阶段,逆温逐渐增强,弱湍流区的发展高度也逐渐抬升,最大发展高度达280 m,雾层厚度逐渐增大。大雾成熟阶段,逆温层高度达到最大250 m,而此时受太阳辐射影响,逆温层上层湍流开始逐渐增强,弱湍流区发展高度降至150 m。大雾消散阶段,逆温减弱,雾层厚度迅速降低,湍流增强,逆温层逐渐趋于消散。在大雾形成之前到大雾成熟阶段,逆温层之上均存在较大的东南风,海上暖湿气流的输送不仅使逆温得以加强和维持,而且在冷的下垫面上促进了水汽凝结,从而形成了东部沿海地区的强浓雾。无人机垂直观测完整的获取了此次大雾过程的边界层结构变化特征,Ri的结果很好地反映了大雾发生期间稳定层高度的变化情况。  相似文献   

不同边界层方案对一次华北暴雨数值模拟的敏感性研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
以2010年8月17—19日华北地区的暴雨事件为研究对象,采用中尺度数值模式WRF,通过8个数值实验测试暴雨事件模拟结果对不同边界层方案的敏感性。结果表明,采用不同边界层方案的模拟结果存在明显差异。分辨率为12 km时,7个边界层方案实验均模拟出类似观测的四处较强降水,但模拟得到的降水强度和强降水中心位置与实况有所差异,NOPBL实验模拟的雨带收缩,降水相对其他模拟实验较少且更为集中。分辨率为4 km时,采用边界层方案的7个实验均可见小尺度降水结构,模拟出较多虚假降水中心,而在NOPBL试验中降水的小尺度结构不明显。检验表明:分辨率为12 km时,MYJ试验的TS评分、相关系数和误差分析等整体表现最优,分辨率为4 km时,Bou Lac试验整体表现最优。与NOPBL试验相比,加入MYJ边界层方案后,模拟的水汽输送增加、上升运动及涡散度绝对值增大。  相似文献   

二维正方晶格光控太赫兹波调制器   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:2  
2006年冬季在南京北郊盘城利用系留气球探测系统、自动气象站等仪器对雾日和非雾日的边界层进行了监测,对比分析了两者的边界层结构。结果表明,非雾日主要为单层贴地逆温,并时常出现短时的双层结构,雾发展成熟时逆温则脱离地面。与非雾日相比,雾日平均雾顶之上温度日较差增大,雾顶之下则减小。平均风速的时间—高度分布在雾日和非雾日类似,在稳定性边界层中风速随高度出现一个或者两个极大值区。温度和比湿在非雾日没有显著的对应性,而在雾体内具有较好的对应关系,在雾顶升降过程中反相关。较强的逆温、较低的温度和较小的近地层风速是南京冬季成雾的背景条件。  相似文献   

In this work a formulation for the standard deviations of the wind-velocity fluctuations in the atmospheric surface layer is assessed for heterogeneous conditions and with a particular focus on calm wind regime. Starting from a standard formulation used in the devoted literature, its empirical coefficients are estimated by analysing three sets of surface-layer observed data. The possibility of inferring a formula for these coefficients as functions of the wind speed is investigated. The curves of the standard deviations as functions of the stability show different behaviours depending on the set of coefficients used, even if the values of these do not affect the overall statistical agreement between predicted and observed standard deviations. Referring to typical literature values of the coefficients, it is shown that the agreement certainly improves when distinguishing them for two wind-speed regime, low-wind and windy.  相似文献   

利用WRF模式对2017年6月9日重庆合川区一次局地暴雨过程开展对流可分辨尺度的模拟试验,比较三种边界层参数化方案对降水模拟的影响。结果表明,不同试验均能模拟出此次降水的主要分布特征,而不同边界层参数化方案能够显著影响降水落区和强度的模拟。MYJ方案对强降水的模拟最好,能较好地模拟出降水触发的时间和位置;其次为BouLac方案,触发时间偏晚约2 h,降水落区与MYJ方案相近;YSU方案模拟的降水分布偏差较大,降水触发的位置和落区偏北。湍流混合强度是造成落区模拟差异的主要原因,通过影响1.5 km高度以下风场分布改变造成此次局地强降水过程的西南涡位置,进而影响到降水的落区。基于YSU方案的湍流混合减弱试验证明了湍流混合强度与降水落区的关系。  相似文献   

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