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The stratigraphical relationships of the upper Aeronian-lower Telychian formations in the Aberystwyth area are examined in the light of a new biostratigraphical subdivision of this interval based on graptolites, in which part of the Monograptus turriculatus Biozone is divided into six subzones and the Stimulograptus halli Biozone is resurrected. In the Aberystwyth area (B.G.S. 1:50 000 Sheet 163 (1984)) there is shown to be greater diachroneity of formational —boundaries than previously recognized. Notably, the Cwmsymlog Formation facies persisted in the northeast of the area far longer than anywhere else, due to the persistence of a bathymetric high into the lower Telychian. Also, the basal beds of the Aberystwyth Grits in the west of the area are shown to be of the same age as the uppermost beds of the Devil's Bridge Formation in the east. Thus for a short period the area was subject to turbiditic incursions from two sources. The degree of diachroneity of the base of the Aberystwyth Grits Formation as a whole is less than previously thought — the oldest beds are approximately one subzone older in the south than in the north. The core of the in the clinal pericline responsible for the crescentic outcrop pattern of the Aberystwyth Grits is demonstrated to lie in the vicinity of Llanrhystud, rather than at Aberarth as previously suggested. Four new graptolite species are described and one new genus is erected.  相似文献   

The stratotypc of the Arenig Series (Ordovician System) and its boundaries are critically re-examined. The lithostratigraphy and biostratigraphy of the Tremadoc, Arenig, and Llanvirn age rocks at Arenig Fawr, North Wales that were constructed by Feamsides in 1905 are amended. The Arenig Series at Arenig is represented by the Camedd Iago Formation which was established by Lynas (1973) in the Migneint area. Examination of the sparse graptolite faunas indicates that the type Arenig Series is incomplete, only the extensus Zone having been recognized with certainty. There is a possible unconformity at the base and a probable unconformity at the top, and on present knowledge the succession cannot be correlated precisely with what are considered to be Arenig sequences elsewhere. It therefore may prove necessary to redefine the Arenig Series at a more useful type section. It is suggested that the Carmarthen district may provide a suitable stratotype.  相似文献   

The Llandeilo and Caradoc volcanic rocks that form an inlier near Llanwrtyd, south-west of Builth, Powys, consist of acidic tuffs and basaltic rocks. They are interbedded with marine mudstones deposited in conditions of low oxygenation, and turbidites, slumps and debris flows. The cored Gilfach Farm No. 1 Borehole shows that this igneous activity is of Llandeilo age, extending from the teretiusculus Biozone to the gracilis Biozone. Evidence from exposures suggests that this igneous activity ceased at about the end of gracilis Biozone times (early Caradoc) and was probably extrusive; but evidence from the core, especially the presence of peperites towards its base, also indicates intrusion into wet sediments. Evidence is given for an early Caradoc basin-wide sedimentary event.  相似文献   

A deep‐water trilobite fauna has been discovered in the otherwise graptolitic Mydrim Formation near Clarbeston Road, Pembrokeshire, south‐west Wales. Associated graptolites indicate an early Caradocian age. The trilobites comprise three species with eyes reduced or absent, representing an atheloptic assemblage with benthic life habits, which appeared during a short period of relative oxygenation of the Welsh Basin. The trilobite Platycalymene dilatata (Tullberg) is redescribed from the type material from Sweden, and new material from Wales is assigned to this species. Two new species are described in addition. Rorringtonia multisegmentata sp. nov. possesses twelve thoracic segments, which has implications for the classification of the Rorringtoniidae within the Aulacopleuroidea. Trinucleus conollyi sp. nov. differs from T. fimbriatus in the proliferation of the radial sulci. Copyright © 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Several modifications are proposed to the Ordovician stratigraphy recently proposed by Mackie and Smallwood (1987), based in particular on the recognition of a major Mynydd Trawsnant anticline on the northwest flank of the Tywi structure and on field relationships indicating the Foel Formation directly to overlay the Caradoc black shale succession and directly to underlay the Craig Las Formation. The Clyn Glas Formation is suggested to have accumulated at a slope base rather than a shelf–slope break.  相似文献   

Nearly 50 sections through the Llandovery and Wenlock black shales of the Barrandian area (Bohemia) have been examined bed by bed. This has made possible the compilation of an improved and well defined graptolite zonal scheme with much new biostratigraphic data included. A total of 268 graptolite species and subspecies have been found. Their stratigraphic distribution allows the recognition of 27 graptolite zones: ascensus–acuminatus, vesiculosus, cyphus, triangulatus–pectinatus, simulans, convolutus, sedgwickii, linnaei, turriculatus, crispus, griestoniensis, tullbergi, spiralis, grandis, insectus, centrifugus, murchisoni, riccartonensis, dubius, belophorus, rigidus, ramosus–perneri, lundgreni, parvus, nassa–frequens, praedeubeli–deubeli, ludensis, and several subzones. The biozones are defined by the vertical ranges of their ‘index’ species and are characterized by rich accompanying associations. The zonal scheme is correlated with graptolite sequences elsewhere.  相似文献   

Pendent didymograptid graptolites are described from mudstones immediately overlying the Hen-dy-capel ironstone (St. Tudwal's Peninsula, Lly̌n, North Wales). The graptolites indicate a Llanvirn age for these beds, implying a Llanvirn or Arenig age for the ironstone, in contrast with the previous interpretation of a gracilis Biozone age. The redating of the ironstone horizon suggests that the Pen-y-gaer mudstones may be at the base of the local Nant Ffrancon Formation, rather than being equivalent to the lower Caradoc Tyddyn Dicwm beds above the Tremadog ironstone as widely supposed. The ironstones at Trefor, Betws Garmon, and Llandegai, which have been correlated with the Hen-dy-capel ironstone on the basis of acritarch assemblages, may also have a similar age. A reinterpretation of the age of these localities as Llanvirn would remove the stratigraphic problems introduced by their previously suggested early gracilis Biozone age. The Hen-dy-capel ironstone forms one of a large number of ironstones recorded from close to the Arenig-Llanvirn boundary in N. Wales, and elsewhere at high southern palaeolatitudes.  相似文献   

Ordovician rhyolitic tuffs in North Wales are correlated on the basis of their whole-rock trace element composition. Multivariate statistics verify that major ignimbrite sheets are chemically unique, with Zr, Y and Nb being the most useful elements to characterize individual deposits. Fractionation processes during transport and emplacement of the pyroclastic flows results in little lateral variation in the whole-rock geochemistry of deposits; different diagenetic histories in subaerial and subaqueous environments did not mask recognition of primary ignimbrite units. A partially welded vitric ash flow tuff is correlated with the Pitts Head Tuff ash flow sheet, and a tuff horizon previously assumed to be reworked Pitts Head Tuff is shown to be chemically most similar to the fourth member of the Capel Curig Volcanic Formation. Validity of these correlations is upheld by biostratigraphic and sedimentological evidence. The new correlations necessitate a revision of the stratigraphy in North Wales and indicate a significant lapse of time (perhaps one million years) between emplacement of the Pitts Head Tuff and eruption of the Lower Rhyolitic Tuff of the overlying Snowdon Volcanic Group.  相似文献   

A white mica crystallinity study of the Berwyn Hills, North Wales   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Abstract White mica crystallinity studies have been carried out on 90 samples of mudrocks, six of spotted slate, and five of accretionary lapilli tuff from the area around the Berwyn Hills, North Wales. Strain was measured for some of the spotted slate and tuff samples. The metamorphic grade increases from southeast to northwest, with values of the Kübler index varying from 0.64 to 0.20Δ2θ. Metamorphic zonal boundaries follow the strike of bedding and cleavage, but crystallinity values increase into stratigraphically younger rocks on the northwest side of the Berwyn Dome. This effect is attributed mainly to a rapid increase in the thickness of synmetamorphic overburden to the northwest, comprising exposed Silurian turbidites and inferred Lower Devonian non-marine sediments. Strain variations have a more local influence on crystallinity, and lateral variations in the contemporary geothermal gradient cannot be ruled out. However, only with unrealistically high gradients would the need for a thick Lower Devonian component to the overburden be removed. This reasoning implies that the metamorphic peak was coeval with the Acadian (late Caledonian) event, rather than with an early diastathermal event.  相似文献   

A large sample of coronates (over 90 specimens) from a narrow horizon in the Upper Ordovician, Sholeshook Limestone, at Talfan Farm, Llanddowror, South Wales allows assessment of variation and growth in a population of these rare Palaeozoic echinoderms. Variation is extensive and we synonymize two previously described species. This occurrence extends the stratigraphic range of Cupulocorona rugosa Donovan and Paul down to Cautleyan, Zone 2. Internal moulds reveal new morphological features, especially of the coronal canals. The flattened blade‐like and kite‐shaped portions support the idea that the coronal canals functioned in respiratory gas exchange by increasing the surface area. We suggest that internal currents flowed up the inner (adoral) canal and down the outer (aboral) canal. Quantitative estimates of flow rate suggest that a volume of coelomic fluid equivalent to the entire body cavity could be flushed through the coronal canals in 10 seconds at most. These coronates probably lived attached by a relatively long stem with a simple, conical holdfast and bent over in gentle currents. They seem to have been characteristic of relatively high‐energy environments and are not generally distributed in the Sholeshook Limestone of South Wales. Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The brachiopod fauna from the base of the Bryn Siltstone Formation (middle Caradoc), Glyn Ceiriog, north Berwyn Hills, North Wales, consists of Platystrophia elevata sp. nov., Salopia abbreviata sp. nov., Kiaeromena ungula (M'Coy) and unnamed species of Hesperorthis?, Reuschella and Bicuspina. The dominant brachiopod species, Leptaena (Leptagonia) ungula M'Coy, 1851 is revised and its current assignment to the leptaenid genus Kiaeromena confirmed, based on the examination of type and topotype material from the Bryn Siltstone Formation. Kiaeromena spjeldnaesi nom. nov. is proposed to replace the junior homonym K. ungula Spjeldnæs, 1957 for that congeneric species from the upper Caradoc rocks of Ringerike, southern Norway. The fauna as a whole is unusual within the context of the Anglo-Welsh province and may represent a rare preserved nearshore community.  相似文献   

The Crugan Mudstone Formation is formalized and the Dwyfor Mudstone Formation proposed for restricted Ashgill outcrops respectively near Llanbedrog and Llanystwmdwy in the Llŷn Peninsula. These mudstones contain brachiopods of the Foliomena fauna and a total of 26 determined genera of trilobites, one, Pseudosphaeroxochus represented by a new species, P. seabornei sp. nov. Elements of the trilobite fauna are used to demonstrate a Rawtheyan age for the mudstones. The generic assemblages both of brachiopods and of trilobites present in the mudstones indicate relatively deep water environments of deposition, that of the Dwyfor Mudstones probably being the deeper. The trilobites belong to what is here described as the Nankinolithus-Opsimasaphus association.  相似文献   

The Moel-y-Golfa Andesite is a discordant intrusive body of porphyritic pyroxene andesite, 1 km across and at least 200 m thick. Textural variation defines a central facies and a marginal facies, the latter displaying well-formed lobes, tubes, and pillows. The vertically stacked lobes, brecciated tubes, and elongate pillows of andesite intrude and locally enclose enclaves of altered host sediment and are cut by steeply dipping slide scars. The host sediments are locally strongly silicified and cut by numerous, anastomosed vertical and subvertical fissures. Fissures are filled by disrupted host sediment and fragments of brecciated andesite. The formation and filling of each fissure system was probably concomitant with the brecciation of an intrusive magma lobe. The complex relationship of igneous and sedimentary material indicates that the Moel-y-Golfa Andesite was emplaced into the host sediments whilst they were unconsolidated or only partly lithified.  相似文献   

塔里木盆地奥陶系生物礁储集层受到广泛关注。笔者优选塔里木盆地良里塔格地区奥陶系鹰山组顶部生物礁体(NYG-1)和一间房组底部生物礁体(NYG-2)为研究对象,通过详细的野外观察、实测和薄片鉴定,对生物礁的生物类型、岩性特征和沉积相单元进行分析。结果表明:塔里木盆地良里塔格地区鹰山组和一间房组的造礁生物主要由瓶筐石组成,与生物礁相关的岩性有障积礁灰岩、粘结礁灰岩、生屑粒泥灰岩、生屑泥粒灰岩、内碎屑泥粒灰岩、生屑颗粒灰岩、内碎屑颗粒灰岩和球粒颗粒灰岩。NYG-1礁体发育礁基、礁核、礁顶、礁翼和礁盖5个沉积相单元;NYG-2发育礁基、礁核与礁盖3个沉积相单元。从生物类型来看,鹰山组的礁为托盘—障积礁,为近似圆形的台内点礁,展布无明显的方向性;一间房组的礁为托盘障积—粘结礁,属台缘礁,常呈现出礁体迁移的特征。鹰山组和一间房组成礁模式的共同点是都经历了礁基的形成、礁体的发育和礁体的衰亡3个阶段,而差异主要表现在生物礁体的灭亡阶段: 对鹰山组生物礁而言,海平面的快速下降和高能水动力条件导致了瓶筐石的灭亡和内碎屑灰岩的产生;对一间房组生物礁而言,海平面的上升和浮游藻类生物大量发育造成造礁生物甁筐石的灭亡。以上研究对于建立符合塔里木盆地地区条件的礁体沉积模式和探索露头与井下生物礁对比研究有重要意义。  相似文献   

The Yr Arddu Tuffs (Ordovician) are a sequence of predominantly welded acid ash-flow tuffs in the outlier centred on Yr Arddu (North Wales). The tuffs accumulated above a NNE-trending fracture, the Yr Arddu Fracture, which had previously influenced sedimentation. The heterogeneity of the tuffs and their restricted development suggest that they represent proximal accumulations from small or suppressed (boiling-over) eruption columns. The eruptions and emplacement developed, at least in the initial stages, in a submarine environment. Lithological, geochemical and palaeontological evidence indicates that the tuffs represent the earliest eruptive phase of the Lower Rhyolitic Tuff Formation. They were later intruded by comagmatic rhyolite domes, whose alignment reflects the continued influence of the early fracture.  相似文献   

Three deformation phases are recognizable within the Lower Ordovician metasedimentary sequence of the Aberdaron area and they are similar to those described for Lower Palaeozoic sequences in other parts of North Wales. There is no certain evidence however for a major Aberdaron Syncline as described by some previous workers. The first deformation phase produced southcast verging mesoscopic folds with steep to moderate dipping axial surfaces and a sporadic axial plane cleavage. The second deformation was relatively weak and produced only a low-dipping crenulation cleavage at a few favoured localities. The third phase gave rise to numerous small buckle folds, kinks in some pelitic units where the first cleavage was well developed, an axial plane cleavage, and a suite of quartz veins. The orientation of the third phase minor structures is not uniform and the fold trend and strike of axial plane cleavage varies from east-northeast to south-southeast, although retains a constant angular relationship to the local strike of bedding. The distribution of the third cleavage is bimodal and the third deformation phase may have been brought about by conjugate shears during a late brittle fracture stage of NW–SE compression. The structural sequence affecting the Ordovician cannot be correlated with that in the Mona Complex and it seems likely that the Mona Complex was deformed before the Arenig.  相似文献   

A fining-upward, siliciclastic sequence of Wenlock strata, coarsely rudaceous at the base, infilled a canyon, about 4.5 km wide and 1700 m deep, in older strata. The rudaceous deposits, at the flat base of the canyon, are composed mainly of rounded cobbles and boulders of acid volcanic rocks. These are interpreted as cohesionless debris-flow deposits that were succeeded by northward-directed high concentration turbidity currents. The infill is deduced to have been derived from a terrain of acid volcanic rocks to the south, similar in Nd isotope composition to the Llewelyn Volcanic Group of Snowdonia. It implies mid-Silurian uplift and erosion of the Harlech Dome.  相似文献   

塔里木盆地柯坪地区奥陶系层序地层研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
以露头层序地层学和沉积学为指导,对塔里木盆地西北缘柯坪地区奥陶系3个剖面进行了深入研究,建立了柯坪地区奥陶系层序地层格架。柯坪地区奥陶系由6个三级层序组成,横向对比表明四石厂剖面发育最完整,同古四布隆和苏巴什剖面有地层缺失,只能识别出下部3个三级层序。碳酸盐岩磁化率测量结果表明,磁化率的变化趋势与相对海平面升降曲线之间呈负相关,并且与层序界面、层序内部各体系域之间有着较好的对应关系,可以作为划分层序的一个辅助性的定量化指标。  相似文献   

Ordovician marine carbonate basement traps are widely developed in the paleo-highs and paleo-slopes in the Tarim Basin. Reservoirs are mainly altered pore-cavity-fissure reservoirs. Oil sources are marine carbonate rocks of the Lower Paleozoic. Thus, the paleo-highs and paleo-slopes have good reservoiring conditions and they are the main areas to explore giant and large-scale oil reservoirs. The main factors for their reservoiring are: (1) Effective combination of fenestral pore-cavity-fracture reservoirs, resulting from multi-stage, multi-cyclic karstification (paleo-hypergene and deep buried) and fracturing, with effective overlying seals, especially mudstone and gypsum mudstone in the Carboniferous Bachu Formation, is essential to hydrocarbon reservoiring and high and stable production; (2) Long-term inherited large rises and multi-stage fracture systems confine the development range of karst reservoirs and control hydrocarbon migration, accumulation and reservoiring; (3) Long-term multi-source hydroc  相似文献   

Progressive thermal demagnetization of samples from the Tan y Grisiau granite defines a coherent easterly positive characteristic remanence (D/I = 124.9/60.3°;, 42 samples, R = 40–51, a95 = 4.8°;) residing in magnetite. An ancient reversal of magnetization is recovered in the highest blocking temperature spectrum of a few samples and suggests that a cooling-related dipolar axis is recorded by this pluton. Only facies of the granite which have been reddened, probably by submagmatic streaming, have recorded a stable remanence. Adjustment for tilt yields a very steep remanence (D/I = 193/88°;) incompatible with any known Early Palaeozoic and younger field direction from Britain. The in situ remanence has a similar declination to the primary magnetization in Late Ordovician dolerites from the Welsh Borderlands and yields a comparable palaeolatitude (41.5°;S). It is concluded that the Tan y Grisiau pluton was magnetized in Late Ordovician times after deformation. Folding in this region is therefore interpreted to be substantially of Taconic (Late Ordovician) origin and not Acadian in age. As both in situ and tilt-adjusted remanence directions are incompatible with Silurian and younger palaeofield directions from Britain, the pluton is interpreted as a subvolcanic component of the North Wales igneous province. Large anticlockwise rotation of Avalonia is identified between Late Ordovician and Late Silurian times.  相似文献   

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