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盐粉催化积云降水的数值模拟   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
徐华英  郝京甫 《大气科学》1983,7(4):403-410
本文利用二维直角坐标非定常积云降水模式模拟播撒盐粉催化降水过程.播撒是在云中一个网格点中一次引入盐粉,盐粉进云后碰并云滴长大并随云中气流移动和沉降.在计算盐粉成雨的同时还计算自然成雨. 计算结果表明,在合适条件下,盐粉催化后约半小时可出现增雨,增加雨量为10%—50%,它是播撒量的几千倍.盐粉直径小的降雨效率高,但在云中生长时间长,一般采用几十微米至一百微米直径的盐粉为宜.  相似文献   

本文用一维非定常积云模式研究积云中云滴群的凝结增长。比较了几种盐核谱及不同湍流交换强度等情况下凝结形成的云滴谱特征。结果表明半径1.5—2.5微米的巨核在凝结过程形成大云滴中起主要作用,而较大的巨核对平衡态凝结谱影响不大,仅起到提早出现大云滴的作用。凝结核浓度过大不利于大云滴的形成,对半径 1.5—2.5微米的巨核浓度为 10~(-3)个/厘米~3比较有利。凝结平衡谱随湍流交换和夹卷作用的影响较大,在某些条件下可以模拟出双峰谱。  相似文献   

积云暖雨过程及其盐粉催化的参数化数值模拟   总被引:8,自引:1,他引:8  
胡志晋  蔡利栋 《大气科学》1979,3(4):334-342
我国南方夏季浓积云和积雨云前期的自然成雨过程中,暖雨过程(没有冰相参与的凝结、碰并过程)起着主要的作用。多年来我们进行的盐粉催化积云的人工降雨试验,其作用原理也在于影响积云的暖雨过程。在数值模拟中必须对暖雨过程提出比较切合实际的可用的数值模式。  相似文献   

风切变对积云发展影响的数值模拟研究   总被引:5,自引:3,他引:5  
本文采用二维暖积云模式研究了风切变对积云发展和降水大小的影响。计算结果表阴:一般有风切变情况下积云的发展和降水量都明显减弱。这是由于水平气流的作用促进了云内外水汽和热量交换,减弱了积云发展的条件。计算还表明:在多种不同风速廓线和大气层结下风切变对云和降水发展均不利。 我们发现当云移行前方有高湿区时,在中等的风切变下可能有利于积云发展和降水形成。这是由于在水汽场和风场的配置下,云中得到充沛的水汽补充,促进了云和降水的发展,总降水量可增加2—3倍。  相似文献   

冷水面对积云的影响——数值试验   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
采用二维平面对称暖积云模式研究了夏季午后水面对移行过境积云的影响.讨论了过冷水面积云发展演变过程、流场结构和雷达回波结构.试验中考虑整层均匀环境风,并对水陆温差进行了适当处理.计算表明,冷水面对过境积云的影响表现在两个方面:水陆环流辐合上升运动使移近水面的积云受到一定程度增强;水陆环流的下沉运动和冷变性气层的共同作用使积云移入水面后发展受抑,强度减弱.受冷水面作用后的积云流场和液水场均发生很大变化,有些积云移过水面后可以重行增强.  相似文献   

利用2020年7月30日山西省人工增雨防雷技术中心在山西省忻州地区开展的大陆性浓积云飞机探测资料,分析了积云微物理参量、云滴谱离散度随时间和高度的变化以及云滴谱离散度的影响因子。结果表明,该大陆性浓积云云滴谱离散度随高度的增加先递增后递减,但变化范围较小。云滴谱离散度随数浓度、含水量增大而逐渐收敛,呈弱正相关关系;离散度与体积平均半径的相关性随体积平均半径的增大由正转负,与垂直速度呈现正相关关系。云中碰并过程对云滴谱离散度及其影响因子影响较大,建议未来云滴谱离散度的参数化增加对碰并过程的考虑。  相似文献   

为了获取华北春季降水性层状云中冰相粒子形状分布及其在降水发展中的变化,利用机载云粒子成像仪(OAP-CIP)在三次层状云降水天气过程中所测粒子图像资料,分析了不同降水阶段不同温度区间内不同粒径范围下的冰相粒子形状分布特征,并研究了影响云中冰相粒子增长变化的关键微物理过程。结果表明:在降水发展早期,云中冰相粒子形状分布以霰和线形状为主,在500μm以上粒径统计中,这两者的出现频率分别在20%和40%以上;聚合状粒子除了在0~-4℃的温度区间内出现频率在10%~20%之间,其他温度区间内出现频率均在10%以下;云中粒子增长以凝华和凇附过程为主。在降水成熟阶段,霰和聚合状粒子是两种主要粒子形状,其出现频率在25%以上;线形状粒子在0~-4℃和-4~8℃温度区间内出现频率在10%~20%;板状粒子的出现频率在5%~15%;不规则状粒子在125μm粒径以上的粒子数统计中出现频率在10%以上,但其他粒径段则在10%以内且随统计粒径增大,其出现频率降低;云中粒子增长在凝华基础上以凇附和碰并聚合为主。  相似文献   

利用高性能空中国王飞机搭载的DMT(Droplet Measurement Technologies)探测系统,分析2020年6月15—16日祁连山地区两次冷锋过程前后积层混合云的宏微观特征。结果表明:冷锋前CIP(Cloud Imaging Probe)粒子平均浓度在101~102L-1,PIP(Precipitation Imaging Probe)粒子浓度在102 L-1;CIP粒子数浓度随高度逐渐上升,降水粒子在7 300 m时浓度达到峰值后下降;平均粒子谱拓宽速率为3.5 mm·km-1,随着高度的下降而降低。冷锋前存在对流泡区域,对流泡内粒子浓度均高出对流泡外,粒子谱拓宽速率高出层云一倍。冷锋后大CIP粒子粒子浓度为102 L-1,降水粒子浓度为100~102 L-1,粒子谱拓宽速率为1.5 mm·km-1,较冷锋前粒子谱拓宽速率小1.7倍。锋前后粒子均呈现多峰型;锋前积层混合云云中对流泡内外谱型一致,云顶处对流泡内外峰值粒径不同。锋前云粒子形状为聚合状、枝状、柱状和不规则状,以聚合状为主;云内冰晶以凇附和聚合增长为主;对流泡内外在粒子形态上没有明显差异。锋后粒子形状以不规则粒子为主,云粒子增长形式以聚合增长为主,并伴有上层云向下层播撒大云粒子的现象。  相似文献   

This paper presents airborne measurements of ice nuclei (IN) number concentration and elemental composition from the mixed-phase Arctic cloud experiment (M-PACE) in northern Alaska during October 2004. Although the project average IN concentration was low, less than 1 L−1 STP, there was significant spatial and temporal variability, with local maximum concentrations of nearly 60 L−1 STP. Immersion and/or condensation freezing appear to be the dominant freezing mechanisms, whereas mechanisms that occur below water saturation played a smaller role. The dominant particle types identified as IN were metal oxides/dust (39%), carbonaceous particles (35%) and mixtures of metal oxides/dust with either carbonaceous components or salts/sulphates (25%), although there was significant variability in elemental composition. Trajectory analysis suggests both local and remote sources, including biomass burning and volcanic ash. Seasonal variability of IN number concentrations based on this study and data from SHEBA/FIRE-ACE indicates that fall concentrations are depleted relative to spring by about a factor of five. Average IN number concentrations from both studies compare favorably with cloud ice number concentrations of cloud particles larger than 125 μm, for temperatures less than −10 °C. Cloud ice number concentrations also were enhanced in spring, by a factor of ∼2, but only over a limited temperature range.  相似文献   

Physical experiments designed to explore the potential of rain augmentation through airborne glaciogenic seeding on small, isolated non-precipitating cumuliform clouds near Red Deer, Alberta were carried out during the period 1982–1985. The microstructure of 90 cumulus congestus clouds have been documented through repeated in-situ sampling using a cloud physics instrumented aircraft platform. Observations from the inspection passes of 57 clouds seeded with either dry ice pellets or silver iodide pyrotechnics, and all the passes of 33 natural clouds are presented.Measurements of the cloud droplet concentration indicate that Alberta cumulus clouds are typically continental in nature, with an average droplet concentration of 535 cm−3 and an average droplet diameter of 10.6 μm. Alberta clouds have average liquid water contents of 0.57 g m−3, with a peak 1-sec value of 3.17 g m−3. The 1-km average liquid water contents are 0.83 g m−3, with a peak value of 2.81 g m−3. Cloud lifetimes vary between 11 and 20 minutes. Concentrations of naturally occurring ice crystals are found to be low. The average maximum 1-km ice concentration was 31−1, and the peak 1-km concentration was 73.11−1 in the natural cloud dataset. Evidence of precipitation-sized particles was detected in 21% (7 of 33) of the clouds, and precipitation below cloud base was detected in 6% (2 of 33) of the clouds.A comparison of the Alberta cloud characteristics to the cumulus clouds from different locations showed that there are some distinct differences between Alberta clouds and the clouds from the other regions.  相似文献   

对流云中冰相过程的三维数值模拟 Ⅱ:繁生过程作用   总被引:11,自引:4,他引:11       下载免费PDF全文
在可压缩三维冷云数值模式里对冰晶繁生过程进行了参数化,显式考虑了过冷滴冻结破裂和Hallett-Mossop两个繁生机制,并对冰晶浓度进行了订正。对暖底孤立积云的模拟实例表明繁生作用对对流系统宏观特征没有显著改变,地面总降水略有增加,最大雨强增大且时间提前。繁生过程的主要作用是改变了云的微物理结构特征,使云中冰化时间提早,冰化程度大大加强,引起云上部增暖并抬高云顶。在所考虑的两个繁生机制中,冻结破裂繁生机制是引起微物理结构发生变化的主要过程。还对各冰相微物理过程的相对作用进行了分析。  相似文献   

Summary A technique has been developed for measuring total water mixing ratio and condensed water mixing ratio in warm-based convective clouds. The jet engine compressor on a Learjet 24 is employed as an evaporator to convert all cloud condensate to vapour and the vapour density in the compressed (bleed) air is measured with a Lyman-alpha humidiometer.Sources of error in the measurement are i) a contaminant in the air lines which must be evaluated regularly by baselining the measurement against a dewpoint measurement in clear air; ii) nonisokinetic sampling at the jet inlet, which has been evaluated by monitoring the volume flow rate of air at the inlet.The Lyman-alpha humidiometer has been found to be robust and serviceable, with very slow drift properties. The drift is monitored by introducing dry nitrogen into the measurement cell.
Zusammenfassung Eine Technik wurde entwickelt, um die Gesamt- und Kondenswassermischungsverhältnisse in konvektiven Wolken mit warmer Basis zu messen. Ein Düsentriebwerkskompressor auf einer Learjet 24 dient als Verdunster, um alles kondensierte Wasser in Dampf umzuwandeln, dessen Dichte in der ausströmenden komprimierten Luft dann mittels eines Lyman-alpha-Feuchtemeßgeräts bestimmt wird.Fehlerquellen sind zum einen die Verunreinigung der Luftstraßen, die regelmäßig ausgewertet werden muß, indem der Hintergrundswert durch Taupunktmessungen in klarer Luft bestimmt wird; zum anderen die nicht-isokinetische Probenentnahme am Triebwerkseinlaß, die aus der Volumsflußrate der Luft am Einlaß bestimmt wird.Das Lyman-alpha-Feuchtemeßgerät erwies sich als robust und wartungsextensiv, u. a. aufgrund seiner geringen Drift. Die Drift wird mittels in die Meßkammer eingeführten trokkenen Stickstoffes aufgezeichnet.

With 10 Figures  相似文献   

采用实验室观测和DDA法理论计算,分别获得了球锥扁椭球形冰粒对3.2、5.6和10.7cm三种波长极化波的后向散射特性数据。结果表明,测量资料和计算数据具有很好的一致性。球锥扁椭球形冰粒的后向散射截面大小不仅依赖于其尺寸(等容半径)而且受其形状影响,“差反射率雷因子ZDR”与粒子形状参数“水平-垂直尺度比”呈很好的线性正相关。这是利用双偏振雷达探测识别球锥扁椭球形冰雹的依据。  相似文献   

黄土高原尘沙作为大气冰核的实验研究   总被引:13,自引:3,他引:10       下载免费PDF全文
将黄土粒子直接撒入云室进行成核率检测,在–15℃时成核率可高达4×106/g。这些结果可解释在沙尘暴期间观测到的大气冰核的高浓度。从中国黄土高原扬起的沙尘粒子为下游地区提供了丰富的冰核。  相似文献   

甘肃省秋季层状云冰雪晶粒子特征个例分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
利用安装有PMS探头、温湿仪和GPS的飞机 ,对 2 0 0 1年 10月 12日甘肃河西地区降水性层状云进行了探测。根据获取的资料分析了此次降水性层状云的冰雪晶特征 ,包括不同粒子的分布特性 ,给出不同温度下的冰雪晶粒子谱 ,还分析了粒子谱型随温度的变化及其包含的微物理机制。与我国其它地区的冰雪晶浓度比较认为 ,在一定的云水条件下 ,甘肃秋季层状云有较大的增雨催化潜力  相似文献   

Ice nucleating particle(INP) measurements were made at two high-altitude stations in India. Aerosols collected on filter paper at Girawali Observatory, Inter University Center for Astronomy Astrophysics(IGO), and at the Radio Astronomy Center, Ooty(RAC), were activated in deposition mode using a thermal gradient diffusion chamber to determine the INP concentrations. The measurement campaigns at IGO were conducted during 2011, 2013 and 2014, and at RAC during 2013 and 2014. When the aerosol samples were exposed to an ice supersaturation of between 5% and 23% in the temperature range~(-1)7.6?C to-22?C, the maximum INP number concentration at IGO and RAC was 1.0 L~(-1) and 1.6 L~(-1), respectively.A maximum correlation coefficient of 0.76 was observed between the INP number concentration and ice supersaturation. The airmass trajectories analyzed for the measurement campaigns showed that the Arabian Desert and arid regions were the main INP contributors. Elemental analysis of particles showed the presence of Na, Cl, Si, Al, Fe, Cu, Co, Cd, S, Mn and K, as well as some rare-Earth elements like Mo, Ru, La, Ce, V and Zr. When aerosols in the size range 0.5–20 μm were considered, the fraction that acted as INPs was 1 : 10~4 to 1 : 10~6 at IGO, and 1 : 10~3 to 1 : 10~4 at RAC. The higher ratio of INPs to aerosols at RAC than IGO may be attributable to the presence of rare-Earth elements observed in the aerosol samples at RAC, which were absent at IGO.  相似文献   

沈阳冬夏季可吸入颗粒物浓度及尺度谱分布特征   总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15       下载免费PDF全文
利用沈阳大气成分监测站颗粒物监测仪 (Grimm 180) 连续测得的夏季 (2006年8月)、冬季 (2006年12月和2007年1月) 可吸入颗粒物的数浓度和质量浓度数据, 分析了沈阳市可吸入颗粒物浓度日变化、谱分布及污染特征, 在此基础上结合沈阳市常规气象资料, 分析了气象要素和颗粒物污染之间的关系。结果表明:沈阳市冬、夏季部分时段可吸入颗粒物浓度存在明显的日变化和日际变化; 谱分布较好地符合Junge分布; 沈阳冬季PM10超标日数占冬季观测总天数的77%, PM2.5超标日数 (按美国EPA日均标准) 占冬季观测总天数的87%, PM10平均数浓度为6668.7个/cm3, 平均质量浓度达252.8μg/m3, 分别是夏季的3.0和2.4倍; 冬、夏季PM2.5/PM10平均质量分数分别为0.647和0.603, PM2.5占可吸入颗粒物总数量的99%以上; 浓度变化在很大程度上受到各种气象要素的影响, 与温度、风速负相关, 与湿度正相关, 降雨、降雪过程使得颗粒物浓度明显降低, 近地层逆温和雾是颗粒物增多的一个重要因素。颗粒物污染对城市能见度影响较大。  相似文献   

对流云中冰相过程的三维数值模拟 I:模式建立及冷云参数化   总被引:51,自引:22,他引:51  
本文建立了一个完全弹性三维冷云数值模式。采用参数化方法处理冰相微物理,包括冰核化、凝华、结淞、雹干湿增长以及融化等15个主要过程。使用理想初值条件和环境场对模式进行了检验,证明是可靠和稳定的。三维对流云系统的一些主要特征均能够成功模拟出,例如弱云外补偿下沉运动、云中水平涡耦及其分裂、中层障碍流、弱回波结构等。  相似文献   

Dispersion of particles, as evidenced by changes in their number distributions (PNDs) and concentrations (PNCs), in urban street canyons, is still not well understood. This study compares measurements by a fast-response particle spectrometer (DMS500) of the PNDs and the PNCs (5–1000 nm, sampled at 1 Hz) at street and rooftop levels in a Cambridge UK street canyon, and examines mixing, physical and chemical conversion processes, and the competing influences of traffic volume and rooftop wind speed on the PNDs and the PNCs in various size ranges. PNCs at street level were ≈6.5 times higher than at rooftop. Street-level PNCs followed the traffic volume and decreased with increasing wind speed, showing a larger influence of wind speed on 30–300 nm particles than on 5–30 nm particles. Conversely, rooftop PNCs in the 5–30 nm size range increased with wind speed, whereas those for particles between 30 and 300 nm did not vary with wind speed.  相似文献   

A continuous measurement of number size distributions and chemical composition of aerosol particles was conducted in Beijing in a dust storm event during 21-26 March 2001. The number concentration of coarse particles ( 〉2μm) increased more significantly than fine particles ( 〈2μm) during the dust storm due to dust weather, while the anthropogenic aerosols collected during the non-dust-storm period tended to be associated with fine particles. Elemental compositions were analyzed by using proton-induced X-ray emission (PIXE). The results show that 20 elements in the dust storm were much higher than in the non-dust-storm period. The calculated soil dust concentration during the dust storm was, on average, 251.8μg m^-3, while it was only 52.1μg m^-3 on non-dust-storm days. The enrichment factors for Mg, A1, P, K, Ca, Ti, Mn, Fe, C1, Cu, Pb, and Zn show small variations between the dust storm and the non-dust-storm period, while those for Ca, Ni and Cr in the dust storm were much lower than those in the non-dust-storm period due to significant local emission sources. A high concentration and enrichment factor for S were observed during the dust storm, which implies that the dust particles were contaminated by aerosol particles from anthropogenic emissions during the long-range transport. A statistical analysis shows that the elemental composition of particles collected during the dust storm in Beijing were better correlated with those of desert soil colleted from desert regions in Inner Mongolia. Air mass back-trajectory analysis further confirmed that this dust storm event could be identified as streaks of dust plumes originating from Inner Mongolia.  相似文献   

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