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利用北京地区13个气象台站1979~2005年的气温资料、NCEP再分析资料以及1990~2005年的三期1:10万土地利用/覆被数据,在分析气象站点3 km半径缓冲区内土地利用/覆被及变化特征的基础上,通过比较气温变化在不同下垫面状况下的差异,分析了北京地区3种主要土地利用/覆被类型对气温变化趋势的影响,得出以下结论:1)建设用地对气温升高的影响最显著(0.822°C/10 a),林地、草地、耕地混合类型次之(0.296°C/10 a),林地最小(0.197°C/10 a);2)利用“观测减去再分析(OMR)”方法后,建设用地的OMR年均温升温趋势依然最大(0.527°C/10 a),林地、草地、耕地混合类型次之(-0.012°C/10 a),林地最小(-0.118°C/10 a),表明建设用地对气温升高具有增强作用,而林地对气温升高具有抑制作用;3)当土地利用/覆被类型向城市建设用地类型转化时,转化的面积越大,气温变化量越大。  相似文献   

土地利用变化对20世纪中国地区气候干湿变化的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
利用CMIP5耦合模式历史情景和土地利用情景结果,定量评估了模拟的土地利用变化对20世纪中国地区气候干湿变化的影响。结果表明,土地利用的变化加剧了20世纪中国地区干旱化的进程,其贡献约为1/3。其中,湿润区具有显著变干的趋势,土地利用变化的贡献约为35.4%;半干旱区显著变干,土地利用对半干旱地区变干的贡献不显著;两种情景下干旱区干湿变化都不显著。在土地利用情景下,中国地区土地利用的变化主要表现为一级土地的减少和牧草用地的增加,二者分别从国土面积的72.7%和12.9%(1901年)变为36.0%和41.9%(2004年),且1950年代之后变化速率显著增大。其中大面积显著的变化主要发生在青藏高原、内蒙古以及新疆北部地区,导致这些地区降水减少、温度降低,而降水减少带来的干旱化作用大于温度降低带来的变湿作用。  相似文献   

生物泵在海洋碳循环中的作用   总被引:11,自引:1,他引:11  
金心  石广玉 《大气科学》2001,25(5):683-688
生物过程在海洋碳的自然分布中起着重要的作用,它使海洋中碳的储量大大增加.作者用包含海洋化学过程和一个简单生物过程的三维碳循环模式模拟了生物泵在海洋碳循环中的作用.模式计算的结果表明:生物过程产生的海-气通量的量级非常大;在高纬度和赤道它的量级与因溶解度泵产生的碳的海-气通量差不多.在高纬度地区这两个通量符号相反,使组合模式中的通量大小比只有溶解度泵时的通量小,而在赤道两者的符号相同,使组合模式在赤道的通量大于只有溶解度泵时的通量.在稳态条件下生物泵对海洋吸收人为CO2的直接影响很小.  相似文献   

为了适应气候变化,中国作为世界上产生碳排放最多的国家,正在从多方面制定减少碳排放的计划,并提出了2060年实现碳中和的目标。随着贸易全球化,全球其他国家消费的排放越来越多地在中国生产。国家间的贸易条件受政策影响很大,关税的高低会导致商品的贸易出现变化,进而导致进出口商品包含排放的变化。本文结合中美两国的贸易冲突,对中美两国加征关税后的贸易变化进行模拟,结合全球贸易分析模型的结果与投入产出分析法,定量地研究了关税变动后中国进出口隐含排放的变化。研究发现,在中美加征关税后,中美两国的贸易量大幅减少,并导致两国贸易涉及的排放变少,而中国向世界出口的排放反而有所增加。另外,由于进口市场被冲击,中国从全世界进口的排放明显变少,进而导致中国净出口的碳排放在加征关税后变多,且集中于能源密集型产业。从结果看,中国在贸易受限的情况下依旧向世界出口了大量排放,通过贸易合作来促进新能源产业的进步或许可以更好地解决减排需求。  相似文献   

<正>世界气候研究计划(WCRP)提供的耦合模式对比计划第五阶段(CMIP5)的地球系统模式(ESM)较之以前增加了较为复杂的碳循环,即在原有的全球大气耦合海洋环流模式(AOGCMs)中,把大气与陆地和海洋碳循环过程加入,这样较真实地再现碳循环和物理气候系统之间的相互作用~([1])。为了表征它们之间的相互作用以及考虑碳循环响应于未来的气候变化和CO_2的变化,经常考虑碳—浓度参数化和碳—气候反馈参数化,这是两个强的和相反的反馈。碳—浓度参数化是度量陆地和海洋碳库对大  相似文献   

A process-based approach to modelling the effects of land use change and climate change on the carbon balance of terrestrial ecosystems was applied at global scale. Simulations were run both with and without land use change. In the absence of land use change between 1700 and 1990, carbon storage in terrestrial ecosystems was predicted to increase by 145 Pg C. When land use change was represented during this period, terrestrial ecosystems became a net source of 97 Pg C. Land use change was directly responsible for a flux of 222 Pg C, slightly higher but close to estimates from other studies. The model was then run between 1990 and 2100 with a climate simulated by a GCM. Simulations were run with three land use change scenarios: 1. no land use change; 2. land use change specified by the SRES B2 scenario, and; 3. land use change scaled with population change in the B2 scenario. In the first two simulations with no or limited land use change, the net terrestrial carbon sink was substantial (358 and 257 Pg C, respectively). However, with the population-based land-use change scenario, the losses of carbon through land use change were close to the carbon gains through enhanced net ecosystem productivity, resulting in a net sink near zero. Future changes in land use are highly uncertain, but will have a large impact on the future terrestrial carbon balance. This study attempts to provide some bounds on how land use change may affect the carbon sink over the nextcentury.  相似文献   

Forests play an important role in sequestrating carbon from the atmosphere. Since the 1980s, reforestation activities have been implemented in the area surrounding the Qianyanzhou Forest Experimental Station in Jiangxi Province, China. Farmland and heavily eroded waste land were replanted with fruit, orchards and forest plantations. The area surrounding the Qianyanzhou Forest Experimental Station was selected as research site to analyze the potential of reforestation in carbon sequestration. This study evaluates the variation of soil organic carbon storage under the different land use types. Soil organic carbon storage varied greatly with land use types. From 1984 to 2002, soil organic carbon storage increased 2.45 × 106 kg across eight land use types. This study demonstrates the potential for carbon sequestration in soils from reforestation. However, a complete understanding of soil carbon fluxes at the landscape scale will depend on the potential and retention period of soil organic carbon.  相似文献   

土地利用变化和林业清单方法学进展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
介绍IPCC土地利用变化和林业(LUCF)国家温室气体清单方法学指南的进展,特别是针对IPCC土地利用、土地利用变化和林业(LULUCF)优良做法指南和IPCC 2006国家温室气体清单指南的重大改进,以及我国未来LUCF清单编制面临的挑战作了简要的介绍。  相似文献   

黑碳气溶胶及其在气候变化研究中的意义   总被引:39,自引:0,他引:39  
秦世广  汤洁  温玉璞 《气象》2001,27(11):3-7
简单介绍了黑碳气溶胶的一般性质,着重叙述了黑碳气溶胶在大气辐射强迫中的特殊作用以及对气候变化的影响,概括介绍了国内外相关领域的研究现状,指出黑碳气溶胶在气候变化以及大气环境等领域中具有重大的研究价值和意义。  相似文献   

土地利用和土地覆盖变化对气候系统影响的研究进展   总被引:4,自引:4,他引:4  
土地利用和土地覆盖变化(LUCC或LULCC)不仅对人类赖以生存的地球环境有重要影响,同时与人类福祉密切联系。人类活动对气候的强迫不仅包括温室气体排放导致的气候变暖,还通过直接改变地表物理性状以及间接改变其他生物地球物理过程和生物地球化学过程等对气候系统产生深刻影响。作者在此认识的基础上回顾了LUCC对气候系统影响的研究历史,结合新近的研究结果归纳了诸如森林砍伐、城市化、修坝等LUCC活动在区域和全球尺度的气候效应。LUCC具有高度的空间异质性,因此气候系统对它的反馈也具有明显的空间差异。由于全球平均后变化幅度相对区域上的小,LUCC对区域气候影响显著,而对全球气候影响不明显。它对区域气候的影响取决于反照率、蒸散发效率和地表粗糙率等变化的综合效应:在热带地区LUCC主要引起温度升高,在高纬度地区使温度下降。在全球尺度上LUCC导致气候的变暖主要通过减少蒸散发和潜热通量引起陆表水循环的改变,其次通过改变地表反照率导致辐射强迫改变。最后指出目前LUCC在气候变化学科中的研究所存在的问题。在此基础上提出了未来的研究首先需要评估的3个气候指标,并提倡多学科间的相互合作。  相似文献   

This study is a contribution to the ongoing debate about the selection of the approach for carbon accounting in wood products to be used, in the future, in the national greenhouse gas inventories under the UNFCCC (United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change). Two accounting approaches are used in this analysis: the stock-change approach and the atmospheric-flow approach. They are applied to the Portuguese Eucalyptus globulus forest sector. To achieve this objective, the fluxes of wood removed from the forest are tracked through its life cycle, which includes products manufacture (mainly pulp and paper), use and final disposal (landfilling, incineration and composting). This study develops a framework to the estimation of carbon sequestration in the forest of E. globulus, a fast growing species, more specifically, in the calculation of the conversion factors such as bark and foliage percentages and densities, used to convert wood volumes into total biomass. A mass balance approach based on real data from mills is also proposed, in order to assess carbon emissions from wood processing. The results show that E. globulus forest sector was a carbon sink, but the magnitude of the carbon sequestration differs substantially depending on the accounting approach used. The contribution of the forest ecosystem was smaller than the aggregated contribution of wood products in use and in landfills (including industrial waste), which reinforces the role that wood products play in national carbon budgets.  相似文献   

Illegal activity, such as deforestation for illicit crops for cocaine production, has been inferred as a cause of land change. Nonetheless, illicit activity is often overlooked or difficult to incorporate into causal inference models of land change. Evidence continues to build that narcotrafficking plays an important, yet often unreported, role in forest loss. This study presents a novel strategy to meet the challenge of estimating the causal effect of illicit activity in land change using consolidated news media reports to estimate the relationship between drug trafficking and accelerated forest loss in Central America. Drug trafficking organizations engage in illegal land transactions, money laundering, and territorial control that can manifest as forest conversion to agriculture or pasture land uses. Longitudinal data on 50 sub-national units over a period of 16 years (2001-2016) are used in fixed effects regressions to estimate the role of narcotrafficking in forest loss. Two narcotrafficking activity proxies were developed as explanatory variables of forest loss: i) an “official” proxy from drug seizures data within 14 sub-national units; and, ii) an “unofficial” proxy developed from georeferenced news media accounts of narcotrafficking events. The effect of narcotrafficking was systematically compared to the other well-known causes of forest loss, such as rural population growth and other conventional drivers. Both proxies indicate narcotrafficking is a statistically significant (p<0.01) contributor to forest loss in the region, particularly in Nicaragua (p<0.05, official proxy), Honduras (p<0.05, media proxy), and Guatemala (p<0.05, media proxy). Narcotrafficking variables explain an additional 5% (media proxy) and 9% (official proxy) of variance of forest loss not captured by conventional models. This study showed the ability of news media data to capture the signal of illicit activity in land use changes such as forest loss. The methods employed here could be used to estimate the causal effect of illicit activities in other land and environmental systems. Our results suggest that current drug policy, which concentrates drug trafficking in remote areas of very high cultural and environmental value, has helped to accelerate the loss of Central America's remaining forests.  相似文献   

宋轩  邱帅  陈杰 《河南气象》2009,(3):83-87
在遥感和地理信息系统软件支持下,通过2002年的ETM+和2007年的CBERS遥感图像分析,利用马尔科夫链的元胞自动机模型与构建土地利用适宜性图层,模拟西平县2012年土地利用变化。结果表明:到2012年,西平县城镇及工矿用地将在原有基础上向四周辐射发展,交通运输用地将在原来基础上拓宽,村镇居民点及公路周围的耕地将减少,林地、其他用地也将减少。  相似文献   

基于GIS的西平县土地利用变化分析   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
宋轩  邱帅  陈杰   《气象与环境科学》2009,32(3):83-87
在遥感和地理信息系统软件支持下,通过2002年的ETM+和2007年的CBERS遥感图像分析,利用马尔科夫链的元胞自动机模型与构建土地利用适宜性图层,模拟西平县2012年土地利用变化。结果表明:到2012年,西平县城镇及工矿用地将在原有基础上向四周辐射发展,交通运输用地将在原来基础上拓宽,村镇居民点及公路周围的耕地将减少,林地、其他用地也将减少。  相似文献   

以河南省郑州市为例,利用RS、GIS软件对1993年和2003年两时次TM、ETM 影像进行遥感解译,采用GIS空间分析和数理统计分析等方法,研究了10 a来该市土地利用变化过程尤其是土地沙化的变化过程及其社会经济驱动机制.结果表明:10 a来,西部山区、东部沙化地区以及黄河沿岸地区土地利用类型的变化比较大,特别是东部地区用地变化比较剧烈;旱地、草地、工交建设用地面积明显增加,沙化土地、水田、林地、水体面积呈现减少的趋势;沙化现象得到了有效遏制,草地面积的增加,改善了研究区的生态环境.此外,林地面积的大量减少,应引起重视,可实行退耕还林或植树造林以建立良好的生态环境.  相似文献   

以河南省郑州市为例,利用RS、GIS软件对1993年和2003年两时次TM、ETM 影像进行遥感解译,采用GIS空间分析和数理统计分析等方法,研究了10 a来该市土地利用变化过程尤其是土地沙化的变化过程及其社会经济驱动机制。结果表明:10 a来,西部山区、东部沙化地区以及黄河沿岸地区土地利用类型的变化比较大,特别是东部地区用地变化比较剧烈;旱地、草地、工交建设用地面积明显增加,沙化土地、水田、林地、水体面积呈现减少的趋势;沙化现象得到了有效遏制,草地面积的增加,改善了研究区的生态环境。此外,林地面积的大量减少,应引起重视,可实行退耕还林或植树造林以建立良好的生态环境。  相似文献   

使用维多利亚大学的地球系统模式进行模拟,选取1800-2500年间较高的CO2浓度情景(RCP8.5),分析由于CO2增加引起的气候变化对海洋碳循环的影响。当气候敏感度为3.0 K时,相对于无气候变化,到2100年,由于大气CO2增加造成的气候变化导致海表面温度升高2.7 K,北大西洋深水流量减少4.5 Sv,海洋对人为碳的年吸收减少0.8 Pg C;比较人为溶解无机碳在海洋中的垂直累积分布,发现气候变化对海洋吸收大气CO2的影响在北大西洋区域最明显。1800-2500年,相对于不考虑气候变化的情景,模式模拟的气候变化导致整个海洋对人为碳的累积吸收总量减少23.1%,其中北大西洋减少32.0%。此外,比较不同气候敏感度(0~4.5 K,间隔为0.5 K)的模拟结果发现,气候敏感度越高,气候变化对海洋吸收CO2能力的抑制作用越明显。  相似文献   

Increasing carbon sequestration in agricultural soils in Canada is examined as a possible strategy in slowing or stopping the current increase in atmospheric CO2 concentrations. Estimates are provided on the amount of carbon that could be sequestered in soils in various regions in Canada by reducing summerfallow area, increased use of forage crops, improved erosion control, shifts from conventional to minimal and no-till, and more intensive use of fertilizers. The reduction of summerfallow by more intensive agriculture would increase the continuous cropland base by 8.1% in western Canada and 6.8% in all of Canada. Although increased organic carbon (OC) sequestration could be achieved in all agricultural regions, the greatest potential gains are in areas of Chernozemic soils. The best management options include reduction of summerfallow, conversion of fallow areas to hay or continuous cereals, fertilization to ensure nutrient balance, and adoption of soil conservation measures. The adoption of these options could sequester about 50-75% of the total agricultural emissions of CO2 in Canada for the next 30 years. However, increased sequestration of atmospheric carbon in the soil is possible for only a limited time. Increased efforts must be made to reduce emissions if long-term mitigation is to be achieved.  相似文献   

基于2001年和2010年中分辨率成像光谱仪MODIS(MODerate-resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer)土地覆盖数据,利用公共陆面模式(Community Land Model, CLM)模拟真实的土地利用/覆盖变化(Land Use/Cover Change, LUCC)对地表能量平衡和水分循环过程的影响。研究表明:1)在2001~2010年,中国LUCC最明显的区域位于干旱半干旱区过渡带、半干旱半湿润区过渡带和南方地区;中国区域荒漠减少0.92%,草地减少0.01%,农田增加0.77%,森林增加2.86%,植被覆盖度整体增加。2)在2001年和2010年两种土地利用/覆盖背景下,LUCC使大部分地区感热通量增加,植被蒸腾、蒸发潜热通量增加,土壤表面蒸发潜热通量减小。3)LUCC使大部分地区地表径流减小;中国西北东部、华北和东北地区土壤湿度减小,其他地区土壤湿度增加,仅干旱半干旱过渡带上的土壤湿度发生了显著变化。4)当典型过渡带区域由荒漠变为草地后,感热通量增加1.11 W m?2,潜热通量增加0.14 W m?2;冠层蒸腾和蒸发分别增加0.039 mm d?1、0.009 mm d?1。土壤湿度平均减小0.01 m3 m?3,且随深度增加变干更明显,这是由于根系吸收了较多深层土壤水分,以满足植被显著增加的蒸腾而产生的结果。当草地变为灌木时,其能量通量和水分循环的变化与上述结果类似。  相似文献   

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