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This paper is a short report on concepts, methods, definitions and fields of geographical research into tourism and recreation in the GDR. Main centres of research are the Dresden College of Transport, the Dresden College of Education and the Geography sections of the Universities of Berlin and Greifswald. After the Dresden Conference on Geography of Tourism in 1965 the Greifswald Geographical Symposium on Recreational Geography in 1978 was the second decisive GDR conference. Than it became quite clear that the emphasis in research has shifted from tourism to territorial problems of recreation, primarily the various forms of outdoor recreation. The theoretical approach is shown as Greifswald model of recreational geography (Fig 1).  相似文献   

Transportation has been a bone of public contention for decades, the discussion ranging from traffic-calming measures in individual streets to the continual growth of global transport movements. In the last 20 years transport topics have also received increased attention within the discipline of geography, be it academic, professional or in schools, but the topics addressed by today's transport geography have almost nothing in common with the roots of the field. This means that transport geography is a handed-down, hyphenated sub-branch of geography in name only. In fact, the name refers to a field of geography that is experiencing not only all the birthing pains and uncertainties of a discipline in the process of defining a new direction for itself, but also the sense of excitement and thrill of the new. This paper sets out to show both the role transport geography plays as part of human geography with its concepts and paradigms, and also the role it plays within the political debate on transport. An appeal is made to geographers to become more involved in this branch of our science.  相似文献   

Leonard Guelke 《Geoforum》1985,16(2):131-137
While physical geographers are united in a commitment to the scientific method with its emphasis on quantitative evidence, human geographers face a dilemma in deciding whether to adopt a scientific or humanistic approach in their research. The scientific approach offers a more secure, objective knowledge, but limits the scholar to a relatively narrow range of topics. The humanistic approach allows the scholar to explore a wide range of human experiences, but it lacks rigorous procedures of objective verification. The difficulty of the application of theoretical ideas to human societies can, to some extent, be avoided by adopting an historical approach, with an emphasis on the empirical investigation of human activity as a reflection of ideas. As long as human geographers have a commitment to basing their interpretations of geographical phenomena on objective evidence the possibility of a profitable co-operation exists among proponents of different philosophical approaches. A unified human geography embracing scholars of diverse views depends for its success on the identification of geographical problems that transcend philosophical and theoretical points of view.  相似文献   

N. J. Demerath 《GeoJournal》1994,33(4):486-488


Old and new disputes within German geography: A review essay  相似文献   

During the Neogene and Quaternary, the western Mediterranean geodynamics was apparently dominated by the nearly eastward migration of the Apenninic arc and the associated opening (spreading) of the back-arc basin (Tyrrhenian Sea). However, during the last 5 My, the collision of the arc with the Apulian platform led to a dramatic change in the tectonic setting of the area. As geological processes require a long period of time to register the displacements of the different blocks, it is indispensable to take into account the present-day motion given by space geodesy data analysis in order to better constrain the geological models.Geodetic motions were derived from Global Positioning System (GPS), Satellite Laser Ranging (SLR) and Very Long Baseline Interferometry (VLBI) observations collected from different networks. All the geodetic solutions have been computed and combined at the Centre of Space Geodesy (CGS), at Matera, Italy.The geodetic results show a NNE motion of the Adriatic plate with a small component of counter-clockwise rotation, in good agreement with the geological and geophysical observations.In the southern Tyrrhenian area, the lengthening of the Matera–Cagliari baseline should imply that convergence cannot be considered as the driving mechanism for the Apenninic subduction process. The estimated motion of Noto is in quite good agreement with the estimated motion of the African plate.  相似文献   

Over the past five years or so, Anglo-American hegemony in human geography has been widely debated. This debate has highlighted the obstacles put in the way of the building of a more international geographical discipline. In this paper, we reflect on the possibilities and also the limitations of Europe as a context for the experimentation with a more cross-national discipline. In doing so, we notice on the one hand the increasing attention towards the Europeanisation of human geography, particularly at an institutional level, but on the other hand we also notice the lack of some basic forms and tools of communication and exchange that might facilitate the mobilisation of scholars around the ‘European project’. The paper tries to offer a contribution to this issue by discussing the ways in which a European journal of human geography might be conceived and also concretely organised. In this respect the paper takes into account issues of language, access to scientific knowledge and recognition of cultural and academic diversities.
Ugo RossiEmail:

Mediterranean flash flood transfer through karstic area   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Karstic aquifers influence flash floods propagation in Mediterranean countries. Near Montpellier, Southern France, discharge data are recorded on the Coulazou River upstream and downstream of the Aumelas Causse. Two gauging stations are used to describe the hydrodynamics of this binary karstic system. The first station characterizes the non-karstic catchment area. The second one is representative of the karstic part of the watershed. Records since April 2004 are used to understand how the river interacts with a karstic aquifer. Hydrograph analysis of three flash flood events is described. Corresponding discharge time series recorded at the two gauging stations are used to describe the modification of the hydrographs by auto- and crosscorrelations analyses. Finally, linear system analyses are used to provide the transfer functions of this binary karstic system according to the three flood events characteristics (initial conditions, volume, spatial distribution of rainfall, etc.). Theses functions summarize the hydrodynamic behaviour of the system: their shapes are indicative of the dynamics of the storage, the release and the contribution to surface waters.
Vincent Bailly-ComteEmail:

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