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《Geomechanics and Geoengineering》2013,8(4):269-280
A mathematical model is proposed to simulate isotropic compression test results obtained for specimens of silty sand mixed with different cement contents and cured at different void ratios. The ability of the model to represent the isotropic test results of specimens with different cement contents cured at high and low void ratios under high confining stresses was successfully checked. The physical meanings of the parameters established by the model were also evaluated. Finally, the applicability of the model to other artificially cemented soils was demonstrated. 相似文献
F. Molenkamp 《国际地质力学数值与分析法杂志》1988,12(5):467-475
A simple isotropic nonlinear elastic model has been developed to describe the behaviour of granular materials immediately after stress reversal. Its three parameters can be measured in the same drained triaxial test. 相似文献
利用弹性矩形板与多层地基表面的竖向位移协调条件与光滑接触条件,由横观各向同性多层地基应力与位移非耦合的传递矩阵解,推导出弹性矩形板下竖向应力和位移的解析解。在此基础上,编制了相应的程序,并进行了数值计算。计算结果表明:矩形板刚度对板底竖向位移及板中心下的竖向应力有着较为显著的影响;板底竖向位移及板中心下的竖向应力随着板刚度的增加而减小,相同荷载作用下横观各向同性地基与均匀各向同性地基模型的计算结果差异较大,实际工程中很有必要采用更符合土体性质的横观各向同性地基模型 相似文献
An extended version of the classical Generalized Backward Euler (GBE) algorithm is proposed for the numerical integration of a three‐invariant isotropic‐hardening elastoplastic model for cemented soils or weak rocks undergoing mechanical and non‐mechanical degradation processes. The restriction to isotropy allows to formulate the return mapping algorithm in the space of principal elastic strains. In this way, an efficient and robust integration scheme is developed which can be applied to relatively complex yield surface and plastic potential functions. Moreover, the proposed algorithm can be linearized in closed form, thus allowing for quadratic convergence in the global Newton iteration. A series of numerical experiments are performed to illustrate the accuracy and convergence properties of the algorithm. Selected results from a finite element analysis of a circular footing on a soft rock layer undergoing chemical weathering are then presented to illustrate the algorithm performance at the boundary value problem level. Copyright © 2002 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. 相似文献
黄土高原地区的土壤侵蚀具有水力侵蚀和重力侵蚀相伴发生的特点,在大多数针对黄土高原的侵蚀模型研究中未考虑重力侵蚀的影响,使得模型的模拟精度较差。针对黄土高原的侵蚀特点,采用量化影响重力侵蚀发生的主要因素,确定重力侵蚀发生的具体沟道栅格单元的方法,从而考虑了重力侵蚀对产输沙过程的影响。所建立的分布式土壤侵蚀模型以逐网格汇流的水文模型为基础,采用逐网格侵蚀输沙的模拟方式,能够模拟上方来水来沙对侵蚀输沙的影响。经小理河流域实测资料验证,模型具有一定的计算精度。 相似文献
土结构性是土结构空间排列几何特征和联结特征所表现出的力学性质,是影响土力学特性的重要内在因素。它与土的密度、粒度、湿度相联系,能够综合反映土的强度、变形等力学特性的变化和发展。从综合反映增湿导致土结构内在主动变化和加载变形导致土结构被动变化两个方面出发,沿用土综合结构势的应力比结构性参数,首先建立压缩、剪切及增湿作用下黄土的结构性演化规律;其次,通过压剪湿作用下黄土的应力-应变特性、屈服破坏特性及其与结构性之间的关系,揭示结构性变化对土力学性质的影响;进而,建立了反映压剪湿作用下黄土结构性发展演化的湿载结构性本构模型。最后通过与试验数据、修正剑桥模型的比较分析,初步验证该模型的准确性。 相似文献
When impact loaded, concrete is submitted to high triaxial stresses. The experimental response of concrete under quasi‐static triaxial compression is studied using a triaxial press capable of applying a mean pressure greater than 1 GPa on cylindrical samples measuring 7 cm in diameter and 14 cm high. A numerical analysis of these previous experiments is performed herein at a mesoscopic scale. Concrete is modelled as a biphasic material consisting of a mortar (cement paste and fine aggregates) and roughly spherical aggregates (with a diameter exceeding 2 mm) whose characteristics are applied on a regular cubic finite element mesh. A damage‐plasticity model is then used to model the behaviour of mortar. An identification of model parameters on mortar samples and the subsequent comparison between numerical and experimental tests will be presented for hydrostatic and triaxial compression. Copyright © 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. 相似文献
Anisotropy is frequently present in geological structures, but usually neglected when source parameters are determined through waveform inversion. Due to the coupling of propagation and source effects in the seismic waveforms, such neglect of anisotropy will lead to an error in the retrieved source. The distortion of the mechanism of a double-couple point source located in an anisotropic medium is investigated when inverting waveforms using isotropic Green's functions. The anisotropic medium is considered to be transversely isotropic with six levels of anisotropy ranging from a fairly weak to rather strong anisotropy, up to about 24% in P waves and 11% in S waves. Inversions are based on either only direct P waves or both direct P and S waves. Two different algorithms are employed: the direct parametrization (DIRPAR, a nonlinear algorithm) and the indirect parametrization (INPAR, a hybrid scheme including linear and nonlinear steps) of the source. The orientation of the double-couple mechanism appears to be robustly retrieved. The inclination of the resulting nodal planes is very small, within 10° and 20° from the original solution, even for the highest degree of anisotropy. However, the neglect of anisotropy results in the presence of spurious isotropic and compensated linear-vector dipole (CLVD) components in the moment tensor (MT). This questions the reliability of non-double-couple components reported for numerous earthquakes. 相似文献
Effects of recoverable deformation induced anisotropy in the elastic stiffness of isotropic materials are described. In isotropic materials, thermodynamics predicts coupling of hydrostatic and deviatoric responses. It is shown that the coupling of the two responses is more significant than previously recognized in the literature. Properly accounting for the coupling of hydrostatic and deviatoric responses requires re‐evaluating elastic materials characterization data, allowing for the coupled response. The result is an apparent decrease in the pressure sensitivity of the elastic shear modulus. The decrease in the pressure sensitivity of the shear modulus leads to stress paths that are more tangential to the yield surface in stress space, resulting in an increase in predicted elastic strain at each step of an elastic–plastic stress update. Consequently, predicted plastic strains and, in particular, volumetric plastic strains, are smaller than if recoverable deformation induced anisotropy had been neglected. The result is an associated plasticity model, which appears to be non‐associated. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. 相似文献
The present work proposes an approach to adapt existing isotropic models to transversely isotropic materials. The main idea is to introduce equivalence relations between the real material and a fictitious isotropic one on which one can take all the advantages of the well‐established isotropic theory. Two applications of this approach are presented here: a failure criterion and a damage model that takes into account the load‐induced anisotropy. In both cases, theoretical predictions are in agreement with the experimental data. In the present paper, the developed approach is applied to sedimentary rock materials; nevertheless, it can be generalized to any material that exhibits transverse isotropy. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. 相似文献
Radiation-induced smoky color and associatedelectron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) signals develop only in potassium feldspar (KAlSi3O8) free of structurally bound molecular water. Fluid inclusion water does not influence coloration. The integrated intensity of each of the four bands (11,600, 16,200, 19,100, and 27,200 cm?1) in the optical absorption spectra are linearly correlated with the doubly-integrated intensity of a broad, asymmetric first derivative atg eff=2.027 in EPR spectra. In microcline, the EPR pattern is resolved into an asymmetric six-line pattern atg eff=2.024 and a single derivative atg eff=2.009 which, based on analogy to alkali-silicate glass, are due respectively to [SiO4/K+]2+ and a hole shared between two nonbonding oxygens on Si. We propose that structural water inhibits formation of smoky centers in feldspar by releasing atomic hydrogen during irradiation which destroys centers while diffusing towards a stable site. 相似文献
从大量的地震参数分析可知,在由同一主震引发的所有的余震发生的位置都不同。在发生地震之前,地震的震中位置都是一些相互独立、互不连续且发生了弹性应变的单元个体,笔者称这些独立不连续的弹性应变单元称为应变量子。综合前人研究成果,笔者建立了一个地震模型。运用该模型对2008年5月12日发生在中国汶川地震作了解释:由于在龙门山断裂带周围形成了许多的应变量子,这些应变量子的形成阻碍了龙门山断裂的运动,产生滑移亏损,从而造成在地震前测量到的龙门山断裂带速度场变化很不显著。2008年5月12日14时28分时,在龙门山断裂周围已形成应变量子中的其中一应变量子最先达到它的最大储能,释放它所储存的应变能,引发了汶川Ms8.0地震。此次地震产生的地震波引发了龙门山断裂周围地壳应力的重分布,使得其他应变量子提前达到最大储能,释放出能量,于是触发成千上万次余震。此外,我们或许可以通过观测断裂滑移速率的变化情况来预测断裂周围应变量子的形成,从而来预测该断裂是否存在潜在地震的可能。 相似文献
Rail tracks undergo degradation owing to particle breakage and fouling of ballast by various fines including coal and subgrade soil. As the ballast becomes fouled, its strength and drainage capacity are compromised, sometimes resulting in differential settlement and reduced track stability. This paper demonstrates a continuum mechanics based framework to evaluate the detrimental effect of fines on the strength, deformation and degradation of coal-fouled ballast under monotonic loading. An elastoplastic constitutive model that considers the effect of fines content and energy consumption associated with particle breakage during shearing is presented. This multiphase constitutive model is developed within a critical state framework based on a kinematic-type yield locus and a modified stress-dilatancy approach. A general formulation for the rate of ballast breakage and coal particle breakage during triaxial shearing is presented and incorporated into the plastic flow rule to accurately predict the stress–strain response of coal-fouled ballast at various confining pressures. The behaviour of ballast at various levels of fouling is analysed and validated by experimental data. 相似文献
A comprehensive numerical model for the analysis of offshore foundations under a general transient loading is presented here. The theoretical basis of the model lies on the Swansea formulation of Biot’s equations of dynamic poroelasticity combined with a constitutive model that reproduces key aspects of cyclic soil behaviour in the frame of the theory of generalised plasticity. On the practical side, the adoption of appropriate finite element formulations may prevent the appearance of spurious numerical instabilities of the pore pressure field. In this respect, the use of a coupled enhanced-strain element is here proposed. On the other hand, the practicality of the presented model depends ultimately on its computational efficiency. Some practical recommendations concerning the solution strategies, the matrix storage/handling procedures and the parallel multi-processor computation are here provided. Finally, the performance of the model with a benchmark study case and its practical application to analyse the soil–structure interaction of an offshore monopile under a realistic transient storm loading are discussed. 相似文献
循环加-卸载岩石本构模型是预测压气储能洞室长期稳定性的关键,但目前还没有适用的本构模型,因此,提出了一种能够描述岩石循环加载和卸载的本构模型。鉴于岩石在循环作用下损伤不断累积,将基于Weibull分布的岩石损伤软化模型进行拓展,并用内变量疲劳本构模型描述每个循环的初始模量和卸载模量的变化,进而得到循环加-卸载作用下的岩石本构模型,然后将该模型与现有的试验结果进行对比。该模型物理意义明确,涉及的参数较少,且便于拟合。提出的循环加-卸载下岩石本构模型对试验数据拟合效果较好,能较准确地反映循环荷载上、下限值对应的轴向应变,也能反映出循环内部变形模量衰减的趋势。该模型的成功建立为循环加-卸载下岩石本构模型的研究提供了新思路。 相似文献
基于各向同性弹塑性损伤和Prevost模型的基本理论,把弹塑性等向硬化、运动硬化和各向同性损伤结合起来,推导了循环荷载作用下不排水饱和软黏土的弹塑性动力损伤本构模型。由循环累积塑性偏应变建立损伤演化方程,以描述循环加载对软黏土结构的破坏作用,并通过对循环三轴试验的模拟验证了模型的有效性。结果表明,提出的模型能较好地描述饱和软黏土在循环荷载作用下的变形、孔压变化及模量损伤过程。 相似文献
冻融作用下岩石力-热-水耦合本构模型研究 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
在寒区隧道工程中,冻胀的水分迁移作用加剧了隧道围岩的冻融破坏。耦合水分迁移作用的岩石本构模型对防治冻融渗漏、崩塌等隧道围岩灾害有着重要意义。基于内状态变量理论,将冻胀过程中的水分迁移量作为本征变量引入Helmholtz自由能,在热力学框架下建立了一个岩石力-热-水耦合本构模型。模型描述了温度和水分迁移对冻融后岩石损伤阈值、等向强化饱和值、等向强化速率等力学参数的影响。模拟了岩石冻融后力学性质的劣化。区别于全量经验公式,本模型以增量形式给出,为复杂应力历史条件下的数值模拟提供了便利。通过将模型模拟曲线与冻融后岩石常规三轴压缩试验曲线进行对比,初步验证模型的可靠性,为实际寒区工程的冻胀破坏预测提供参考。 相似文献
抗剪强度和压缩体应变是冻土与结构接触面的力学特性指标中最重要的两个参数,对冻土与结构接触面的力学分析至关重要。采用自行研制的大型多功能冻土-结构接触面循环直剪系统,开展了冻土与结构接触面力学性能及变形规律的试验研究,采用损伤力学理论,基于等应变分布假设、零弹性域假设、弹性应变无耦合假设,选择不可逆性体应变与最大不可逆性体应变的比值作为损伤因子,建立了用于描述冻土与结构接触面剪切行为的抗剪强度与压缩体应变损伤模型。通过相关试验对建立的损伤模型进行验证,结果表明,所建模型是准确、合理的。 相似文献
Laplace transform solutions are derived for an evolving permafrost region in saturated ground when the freezing interface moves with constant speed. The solution is inverse in the sense that the melting temperature at the interface and the groud surface temperature are prescribed functions of time. The solution procedure incorporates an initial temperature distribution in a domain extended above the ground surface. This allows, by asymptotic analysis, the construction of initially continuous melting and surface temperatures with bounded first and second derivatives. Solutions for two classes of initial conditions are determined by numerical inversion of the transforms. These solutions are used to test the corresponding solutions obtained by a direct finite difference algorithm developed earlier.1 Good agreements for both interface path and temperature profiles are obtained in both classes. 相似文献