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We have tested the polar wander paths recently proposed for Mars by Schultz and Lutz-Garihan and for the Moon by Runcorn through a comparison of the lithospheric stress field predicted for rapid global reorientations against observed tectonic features. We have employed the theory of Vening Meinesz and of Melosh to calculate the reorientation stresses, and we argue that the formation of normal faults or graben in broad regions surrounding the former rotation poles should be the minimum tectonic signature of a reorientation that generates lithospheric stresses in excess of the extensional strength of near-surface material. Such regions of normal faults are not present in the vicinity of the most recent proposed paleopoles for Mars, despite the large magnitude of the predicted shear stress (1–2 kbar). The minimum tectonic criterion would not be relaxed by invoking gradual polar wander or by considering the superposition of stresses associated with the global lithospheric response to the Tharsis rise. We conclude that polar wander of the magnitude and timing proposed by Schultz and Kutz-Garihan did not occur. It follows either that Tharsis has always been located near the Martian equator or that Tharsis began to dominate the nonhydrostatic figure prior to the end of heavy bombardment so that any tectonic signature of reorientation has since been obliterated by cratering. The predicted directions of stresses that would result from the most recent episode of proposed polar wander on the Moon, including stresses produced by reorientation of both the rotational and tidal figures, show little or no correspondence to observed tectonic features in the vicinity of the postulated nearside paleopole. The magnitude of the predicted reorientation stress is at most a few tens of bars, however, so that the tectonic test of polar wander on the Moon is inconclusive.  相似文献   

We present measurements with an Energetic Neutral Atom (ENA) imager on board Mars Express when the spacecraft moves into Mars eclipse. Solar wind ions charge exchange with the extended Mars exosphere to produce ENAs that can spread into the eclipse of Mars due to the ions' thermal spread. Our measurements show a lingering signal from the Sun direction for several minutes as the spacecraft moves into the eclipse. However, our ENA imager is also sensitive to UV photons and we compare the measurements to ENA simulations and a simplified model of UV scattering in the exosphere. Simulations and further comparisons with an electron spectrometer sensitive to photoelectrons generated when UV photons interact with the spacecraft suggest that what we are seeing in Mars' eclipse are ENAs from upstream of the bow shock produced in charge exchange with solar wind ions with a non-zero temperature. The measurements are a precursor to a new technique called ENA sounding to measure solar wind and planetary exosphere properties in the future.  相似文献   

108 +/- 11 photons of the martian He 584-angstroms airglow detected by the Extreme Ultraviolet Explorer satellite during a 2-day exposure (January 22-23, 1993) correspond to the effective disk average intensity of 43 +/- 10 Rayleigh. Radiative transfer calculations, using a model atmosphere appropriate to the conditions of the observation and having an exospheric temperature of 210 +/- 20 K, result in a He mixing ratio of 1.1 +/- 0.4 ppm in the lower atmosphere. Nonthermal escape of helium is due to electron impact ionization and pickup of He+ by the solar wind, to collisions with hot oxygen atoms, and to charge exchange with molecular species with corresponding column loss rates of 1.4 x 10(5), 3 x 10(4), and 7 x 10(3) cm-2 sec-1, respectively. The lifetime of helium on Mars is 5 x 10(4) years. The He outgassing rate, coupled with the 40Ar atmospheric abundance and with the K:U:Th ratio measured in the surface rocks, is used as input to a single two-reservoir degassing model which is applied to Mars and then to Venus. A similar model with known abundances of K, U, and Th is applied to Earth. The models for Earth and Mars presume loss of all argon accumulated in the atmospheres during the first billion years by large-scale meteorite and planetesimal impacts. The models show that the degassing coefficients for all three planets may be approximated by function delta = delta (0)(t(0)/t)1/2 with delta (0) = 0/1, 0.04, and 0.0125 Byr-1 for Earth, Venus, and Mars, respectively. After a R2 correction this means that outgassing processes on Venus and Mars are weaker than on Earth by factors of 3 and 30, respectively. Mass ratios of U and Th are almost the same for all three planets, while potassium is depleted by a factor of 2 in Venus and Mars. Mass ratios of helium and argon are close to 5 x 10(-9) and 2 x 10(-8) g/g in the interiors of all three planets. The implications of these results are discussed.  相似文献   

We report on the nature of fine particle (<150 μm) transport under simulated martian conditions, in order to better understand the Mars Science Laboratory’s (MSL) sample acquisition, processing and handling subsystem (SA/SPaH). We find that triboelectric charging due to particle movement may have to be controlled in order for successful transport of fines that are created within the drill, processed through the Collection and Handling for In situ Martian Rock Analysis (CHIMRA) sample handing system, and delivered to the Sample Analysis at Mars (SAM) and Chemistry and Mineralogy (CheMin) instruments. These fines will be transferred from the surface material to the portioner, a 3 mm diameter, 8 mm deep distribution center where they will drop ∼2 cm to the instrument inlet funnels. In our experiments, movement of different material including terrestrial analogs and martian soil simulants (Mars Mojave Simulant - MMS) resulted in 1-7 nanocoulombs of charge to build up for several different experimental configurations. When this charging phenomenon occurs, several different results are observed including particle clumping, adherence of material on conductive surfaces, or electrostatic repulsion, which causes like-charged particles to move away from each other. This electrostatic repulsion can sort samples based upon differing size fractions, while adhesion causes particles of different sizes to bind into clods. Identifying these electrostatic effects can help us understand potential bias in the analytical instruments and to define the best operational protocols to collect samples on the surface of Mars.  相似文献   

The case for an ocean having once occupied the northern lowlands of Mars has largely been based indirectly on the debouching of the outflow channels into the lowlands, and directly on erosional features along the margins of the lowlands interpreted to be the result of wave action. Two global shorelines were previously mapped from albedo variation, embayment relationships, and scarps interpreted as coastal cliffs. However, not since the early, Viking-based studies, has there been a focused assessment of the presence or absence of coastal constructional landforms such as barrier ridges and spits, located on or near the mapped “shorelines.” Such constructional landforms are typically found in association with coastal erosional features on Earth, and therefore warrant a detailed search for their presence on Mars. All presently available THEMIS VIS and MOC NA images located on or near either of the two “shorelines,” within the Chryse Planitia/Arabia Terra region (10° to 44° N; 300° to 0° E) and the Isidis Planitia region (0° to 30° N; 70° to 105° E), were examined in search of any features that could reasonably be considered candidate coastal ridges. Additionally, raw MOLA profiles were used in conjunction with a technique developed from Differential Global Positioning System profiles across terrestrial paleo-shorelines, to search for coastal ridges throughout these same regions. Out of 447 THEMIS VIS and 735 MOC NA images examined, only four candidates are observed that are plausibly interpreted as coastal ridges; no candidate coastal ridges are observed in the MOLA profiles. This overwhelming paucity of candidate features suggests one of five possible scenarios in terms of the existence of standing bodies of water within the martian lowlands: (1) No ocean existed up to the level of either of the previously mapped “shorelines”; (2) An ocean existed, however wave action, the primary agent responsible for construction of coastal landforms, was minimal to non-existent; (3) An ocean existed, but sediment input was not significant enough to form coastal deposits; (4) An ocean existed, but readily froze, and over time sublimated; and lastly (5) An ocean existed and coastal landforms were constructed, but in the intervening time since their formation they have nearly all been eroded away.  相似文献   

HiRISE has been producing a large number of scientifically useful color products of Mars and other planetary objects. The three broad spectral bands, coupled with the highly sensitive 14 bit detectors and time delay integration, enable detection of subtle color differences. The very high spatial resolution of HiRISE can augment the mineralogic interpretations based on multispectral (THEMIS) and hyperspectral datasets (TES, OMEGA and CRISM) and thereby enable detailed geologic and stratigraphic interpretations at meter scales. In addition to providing some examples of color images and their interpretation, we describe the processing techniques used to produce them and note some of the minor artifacts in the output. We also provide an example of how HiRISE color products can be effectively used to expand mineral and lithologic mapping provided by CRISM data products that are backed by other spectral datasets. The utility of high quality color data for understanding geologic processes on Mars has been one of the major successes of HiRISE.  相似文献   

The paper presents the results of a new analysis of the data from the Magnetic Properties Experiment onboard the Mars Pathfinder Spacecraft. The spectral data from the extended visible region of material adhering to the magnets are presented as well as the time dependence of dust accumulation to the magnets. A new model is developed to estimate the magnetic properties of the accumulated dust. It is found that the optical reflection spectra of the magnetic dust differ slightly from the reflection of ground soil/dust in the vicinity of the lander. Several possible hypotheses are given to account for this difference. Magnetic dust has been removed from the magnets at least twice during the 80 sol mission by wind gusts, and it is suggested that this happens in a manner similar to sand blasting. A lower limit for the saturation magnetisation of the most magnetic particles is found to be 5 Am2/kg.  相似文献   

The density of craters larger than 1 km in diameter has been determined for the entire surface of Phobos, and half that of Deimos. Densities of craters as small as 10 m on Phobos and 5 m on Deimos have been measured for small areas of the satellites. On both objects, crater densities are similar and yield plots which have slopes close to -1.9 on both incremental and cumulative log-log graphs. These densities are close to those expected to obtain under equilibrium conditions. They are also near the maximum predicted, based on the fragmentation lifetimes of the two objects: that is, the densities are near to the maximum possible before such objects are likely to suffer an impact severe enough to disrupt them. While the observed crater densities cannot be converted to absolute ages in any rigorous fashion, they can be understood if the flux at Mars has been similar to that at the Moon and if the surfaces that we see today generally date back to the end of the period of heavy bombardment some 4 billion years ago. It is extremely unlikely that the surfaces are younger than 1 billion years. There are no large areas on Phobos for which crater densities differ by more than a factor of 3 from the average.  相似文献   

The recent discovery of methane on Mars has led to much discussion concerning its origin. On Earth, the isotopic signatures of methane vary with the nature of its production. Specifically, the ratios among 12CH4, 13CH4, and 12CH3D differ for biotic and abiotic origins. On Mars, measuring these ratios would provide insights into the origins of methane and measurements of water isotopologues co-released with methane would assist in testing their chemical relationship. Since 1997, we have been measuring HDO and H2O in Mars’ atmosphere and comparing their ratio to that in Earth’s oceans. We recently incorporated a line-by-line radiative transfer model (LBLRTM) into our analysis. Here, we present a map for [HDO]/[H2O] along the central meridian (154°W) for Ls=50°. From these results, we constructed models to determine the observational conditions needed to quantify the isotopic ratios of methane in Mars’ atmosphere. Current ground-based instruments lack the spectral resolution and sensitivity needed to make these measurements. Measurements of the isotopologues of methane will likely require in situ sampling.  相似文献   

We provide an overview of features indicative of the interaction between water and lava and/or magma on Mars as seen by the High Resolution Imaging Science Experiment (HiRISE) camera during the Primary Science Phase of the Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter (MRO) mission. The ability to confidently resolve meter-scale features from orbit has been extremely useful in the study of the most pristine examples. In particular, HiRISE has allowed the documentation of previously undescribed features associated with phreatovolcanic cones (formed by the interaction of lava and groundwater) on rapidly emplaced flood lavas. These include “moats” and “wakes” that indicate that the lava crust was thin and mobile, respectively [Jaeger, W.L., Keszthelyi, L.P., McEwen, A.S., Dundas, C.M., Russel, P.S., 2007. Science 317, 1709-1711]. HiRISE has also discovered entablature-style jointing in lavas that is indicative of water-cooling [Milazzo, M.P., Keszthelyi, L.P., Jaeger, W.L., Rosiek, M., Mattson, S., Verba, C., Beyer, R.A., Geissler, P.E., McEwen, A.S., and the HiRISE Team, 2009. Geology 37, 171-174]. Other observations strongly support the idea of extensive volcanic mudflows (lahars). Evidence for other forms of hydrovolcanism, including glaciovolcanic interactions, is more equivocal. This is largely because most older and high-latitude terrains have been extensively modified, masking any earlier 1-10 m scale features. Much like terrestrial fieldwork, the prerequisite for making full use of HiRISE’s capabilities is finding good outcrops.  相似文献   

Sergis  N.  Moussas  X. 《Solar physics》2001,201(1):191-200
A very smooth and time-invariable bow shock of Mars is revealed using Mars Global Surveyor's data. The bow-shock position has been identified using magnetic and electron flux data obtained by the Magnetometer and Electron Reflectometer (MAG/ER) experiment aboard Mars Global Surveyor, in the time period between days 87 and 255 of 1998. From the magnetic field and the electron flux measurements, 148 bow-shock crossings were detected, concentrated mostly on the northern hemisphere of the planet. With these results, a 3D configuration of the bow shock is constructed and presented. The results show that part of the observed bow shock is a surprisingly smooth surface. It is possible that the bow shock is smooth only in the northern hemisphere, since the southern surface is characterized by local magnetic anomalies. Its real shape can only be revealed in a 3D representation in the planetary centered solar ecliptic coordinate system and questions the theoretically expected variation of the bow shock.  相似文献   

The Tharsis rise on Mars with a diameter of about 8000 km and an elevation up to 10 km shows extensive volcanism and an extensional fracture system. Other authors explained this structure by (I) an uplift due to mantle processes and by (II) volcanic construction. Gravity models of four profiles are in accordance with a total Airy isostatic compensation of the whole rise with mean crustal thicknesses of 50 km and 100 km. But two regions exhibit significant mass deficits: (i) the area between Olympus Mons and the three large Tharsis volcanoes and (ii) central Tharsis. This can be explained by (1) a heated upper mantle, (2) a chemically modified upper mantle, (3) a crustal thickening, or (4) a combination of these three processes. Crustal thickening is mainly a constructional process, but the mass deficit should contribute to a certain degree of uplift causing the extensional area of Labyrinthus Noctis. Gravity modelling results in a different isostatic state of the three Tharsis volcanoes. Pavonis Mons is not compensated, Ascraeus Mons is highly or totally compensated, and Arsia Mons is medium or not compensated. The large, flat volcanic structure Alba Patera has been explained by a hot spot with an evolution of a mantle diapir.The results have shown that the Tharsis rise is a very complex structure. The central and eastern part of the rise is characterized by extensional features and a mass deficit (Extensional Province). The western part is dominated by many volcanic features and a central elongated mass deficit (Volcanic Province). The northern part consists of Alba Patera. It seems unlikely that the whole rise has been generated by one stationary large axisymmetric plume or hot spot. There could have been one or more active hot spots with an evolution in space and time.Contribution Nr. 421, Institut für Geophysik der Universität Kiel, Germany.  相似文献   

Simultaneous operation of two Mars satellites, equipped with instruments for the study of the plasma environment close to Mars, the European satellite Mars Express and American satellite MAVEN, allows one to investigate the influence of the interplanetary environment on the Martian magnetosphere and atmospheric losses, induced by the solar wind, for the first time, with a sufficient degree of confidence. In this paper, the data from measurements on the Mars Express satellite (MEX) of heavy ion losses are analyzed in comparison with the solar wind and magnetic field measurements on the MAVEN satellite. The main issue is the spatial structure of the escaping ion flux and the influence of the nonstationarity of the solar wind flux on the escape rate.  相似文献   

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