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Larval specimens ofHalicampus punctatus were collected off Ulsan and Uljin in December 2002 (three specimens) and off Ulsan in December 2003 (one specimen). These specimens are characterized by the following morphological characteristics: rings, 14 + 35 = 49; subdorsal rings, 1 + 3 = 4; dorsal fin rays, 19 – 20; pectoral fin rays, 14 – 15; anal fin rays, 9; head length (HL), 5.8 – 6.7 in the standard length; snout length, 1.9 in HL; snout depth, 3.7 – 5.2 in snout length. The number of caudal fin rays 9 is less than those of the other species in the same genus 10. Wide stripe bands composed of small pigments are shown in the trunk and the tail. Melanophores are not found in the dorsal fin, the pectoral fin, and the anal fin except the caudal fin. The supraoccipital crest is on the head. The frontal ridge is on the dorsal side of front trunk. The blanched ridges on the opercular are fused with a main ridge like a tree branch. A few branched ridges that are small and narrow on the trunk and the tail are fused with the main ridges. We report these specimens as the first record in Korea and name them ‘Byeol-silgo-ki’ in Korean.  相似文献   

A specimen ofAetobatus flagellum was collected at Uljin in June 2005 for the first time in Korea. This specimen is characterized by the cephalic fin, the long snout, the dorsal fin between pelvic fins, spiracles on the dorsal side of the disc, the deeply notched nasal curtain and the one row of the teeth in the lower and the upper jaws. And unlikeAetobatus narinari, it does not have any spots on the its dorsal side of the disc. We report this specimen as the first record from Korea and name it ‘Bak-jui-ga-o-ri’ in Korean.  相似文献   

Abstract   Oncaea venusta Philippi, 1843 has been known as having some different size groups, but recent genetic study for cyt b and ITS 1 (Elverset al. 2006) suggests that these size groups can be considered as different species. Of these size groups, the largestO. venusta Philippi and the smallestO. venella Farran, 1929 were first described in Korean waters. The latter is easily distinguishable from the former in the following characteristics in addition to its small size: (1) length to width ratio of genital double somite of two genders smaller, and (2) female second pediger bearing inconspicuous dorso-posterior swelling.Oncaea venusta andO. venella co-occur in Korean waters during spring to fall, but their occurrence patterns seasonally differ: the former shows higher density in fall while the latter does in summer.  相似文献   

Three specimens of the serranid fish(Serranidae), Plectranthias kamii Randall, 1980 were collected from fish market, Bitung, North Sulawesi on May and June 2010. Some morphological characters P. kamii is closely related to P. sheni, P. megalophthalmus, P. retrofasciatus, P. rubrifasciatus, P. knappi, P. helenae, P. pelicieri, P. jothyi, P.retrofasciatus and P. randalli in sharing of body width, upper jaw length, pelvic spine length and orbit diameter.Meristic count characters of P. kamii differ from P. sheni, P. pilicieri, P. megalophthalmus, P. retrofasciatus and P.rubrifasciatus in having more numerous dorsal spine(18 vs. 15–17) and below lateral line(33–34 vs. 29–33) and differ from P. megalophthalmus and P. rubrifasciatus in having more numerous pored scales in lateral line(13 vs.14–15) and shorter of anal spine. The present anthiine fish collected from Bitung, Indonesia was described as new record and bringing the total number of species of this genus known in Indonesia to seven.  相似文献   

瓷海星科是一类深海底栖海星,广泛分布于全球大洋深海中。其模式种蓝泥瓷海星(Porcellanaster ceruleus Wyville Thomson 1878)具有全球分布性与多态性。本文报道了该物种在中国海的首次记录。2015年6月6日,在向阳红10号执行的南海底栖生物调查航次中,于C19站位(10.15°N,110.03°E;水深1400m)由三角形拖网采集到海星一只,经鉴定为蓝泥瓷海星。本文提供了该样品的形态描述与细节照片,讨论了其与该种模式样品的共同形态特征及个体差异,并总结了蓝泥瓷海星的全球分布记录。该种在中国海的首次发现,进一步拓展了其地理分布范围。  相似文献   

本研究记述了采集自海南陵水海域的梭螺科(Ovulidae)一新记录属:舟梭螺属(Naviculavolva)及一新记录种:折唇舟梭螺(N.deflexa),对标本进行了形态描述并附标本照,且通过比对样品的COⅠ基因序列证实了形态鉴定的准确性。本研究为梭螺科分类与研究提供参考资料,丰富了我国海域梭螺科物种的多样性,并使得折唇舟梭螺的分布范围延伸至海南省海域。  相似文献   

Three species,Bathynomus decemspinosus,B.doederleini and B.kensleyi (Crustacea,Isopoda,Cirolanidae),are reported for the first time from the Parangipettai coastal waters,Southeast coast of India.Several Trilasmis (Temnaspis) tridens (Cirripedia Thoracica,Lepadomorpha) were attached to the pleopods of some individuals.So,five bathynomid species are currently reported from India.  相似文献   

在我国南海海域大型底栖生物进行分类和多样性研究中,发现我国长眼寄居蟹属2个新记录种,紫斑长眼寄居蟹(Paguristes gonagrus)和条纹长眼寄居蟹(Paguristes runyanae),并对其进行描述。紫斑长眼寄居蟹采集自海南岛,主要特征为:螯足和步足密布刚毛,第一触角柄未达到角膜基部,螯足腕节、掌节背面刺和突起密集而发达,螯足和第二、三步足长节末端有紫色色斑;条纹长眼寄居蟹采集于西沙群岛,主要特征为:右螯足略大于左螯足,第一触角柄短,长度仅为眼柄长度的1/2,螯足和第二、三步足背腹面均有黄色条纹。  相似文献   

2022年9月作者在浙江宁波象山港海域采集到短小拟五角蟹(Paranursia abbreviata),由此短小拟五角蟹的地理分布记录从中国的海南岛、广东、香港和福建扩展到东海北部,即浙江北部的象山港。本文对其形态特征进行了详细的描述,并讨论了其与历史记载的外形差异。由于象山港冬季水温较低,推测短小拟五角蟹在象山港的出现可能是台湾暖流携带幼体定居导致的偶然现象。  相似文献   

本文基于南海采集的浮游动物标本,详细描述了腹突平头水蚤Candacia varicans Giesbrecht,1892的雌雄个体形态分类特征。本文报道腹突平头水蚤雄性个体是中国海的首次记录。腹突平头水蚤雄性在形态上与武平头水蚤和短平头雄性个体相似,但腹突平头水蚤可以通过以下几个特征与上述两个物种区分:1)头胸部:末胸节后侧角尖锐,左右对称;2)生殖节:右侧下缘具一个指向后方的小突起;3)第五胸足:右足第3节近末端背面具1片状突起。  相似文献   

The littoral paranthurid isopod crustacean Paranthura nigropunctata (Lucas, 1846) is recorded for the first time from the littoral of El Jadida located on the Atlantic northwest coast of Morocco. Specimens were obtained from the invasive brown seaweed Sargassum muticum and the natives Bifurcaria bifurcata and Cystoseira tamariscifolia in January 2015. This new record further confirms a significant southward distribution of P. nigropunctata and contributes to the knowledge of the biogeography of this isopod. Heretofore, the species was only known from the western and eastern Mediterranean and some Atlantic coasts. The present finding is the first of the species from Moroccan Atlantic shores, and suggests that the species may also be present in other coastal localities from Morocco and Africa. Some data on morphology, ecology and spatial distribution of the species are provided.  相似文献   

2015年5月,我们从天津近海分离出一株黄绿色具鞭毛的单细胞藻。这珠藻细胞形态不规则,从圆形到细长型都有出现。绝大多数细胞具有很强的运动能力,一些细胞也可以形成静止的群体。结合形态学、超显微结构观察以及分子生物学分析,我们将这株藻鉴定为定鞭藻门,巴夫藻纲的膨胀巴夫藻。在此之前,中国近海只有绿色巴夫藻的记录,绿色巴夫藻对于水产养殖起到了很重要的作用。巴夫藻纲的其他物种尚无中国海记录。这是膨胀巴夫藻在中国海的首次记录。  相似文献   

Ophioleila elegans是一种非常少见的蛇尾。2014年大洋35航次中利用“蛟龙”号载人潜器在西北太平洋麦哲伦海山链的采薇平定海山水深1660m处采集到2株该种标本。该种首次发现于夏威夷海山相似的生境当中,本次采集到的样品是继首次发现之后的再次公开报道。本文中对该种的形态学特征,如腕部骨骼等,进行了更加详细的研究,同时基于COI序列进行系统发育分析。形态和系统发育分析的结果都表明,Ophioleila属与辐蛇尾科更加接近。  相似文献   

作者在整理中国科学院海洋生物标本馆馆藏蜑螺科Neritidae标本时,鉴定出产自海南三亚的一新记录属饰纹蜑螺属Vittina Baker,1924和一新记录种:裂蜑螺Vittina pennata(von Born,1778)。文中详细描述了本种的贝壳形态特征,查明了其生活习性和地理分布特点,并与相似种进行了比较和总结。  相似文献   

基于中国科学院海洋生物标本馆历年收藏的标本对明管虫属开展了分类学研究,共发现两种明管虫:Hyalinoecia tubicola (Müller,1776)(明管虫)和H.papillata Imajima,1999(乳突明管虫)。二者均采集于南海北部海域沙质基底,Hyalinoecia tubicola广泛分布于广东省沿岸海域向南至西沙群岛,H.papillata则首次报道于中国南海,其区别于H.tubicola在于第一疣足具伸长舌状、两侧边缘具有乳突的前刚叶( vs.耳状前刚叶、边缘光滑)。本文详细提供了二者的形态学描述和绘图。  相似文献   

庞金秀  董焕嫦  李扬 《海洋学报》2018,40(12):120-128
拟菱形藻属(Pseudo-nitzschia)物种是一类备受关注的海洋有毒有害硅藻,我国相关研究仍然不足,已报道的物种多样性偏低,产毒物种也较少。为了解我国海域拟菱形藻属的物种多样性,阐述产毒物种信息,在我国东南海域建立了8个拟菱形藻单克隆培养株系,结合形态学和分子系统学数据,鉴定到2个物种:环孔拟菱形藻(Ps.circumpora C.H.Lim,C.P.Leaw&P.T.Lim)和多列拟菱形藻[Ps.multiseries(Hasle) Hasle],其中环孔拟菱形藻是我国的新记录种。利用高效液相色谱-质谱联用法检测了藻株的多莫酸(domoic acid,DA)特征,在5个多列拟菱形藻株系中检测到DA,单细胞产毒水平为1.01~96.11 fg。此外,利用卤虫(Artemia salina L.)和强额拟哲水蚤(Paracalanus crassirostris Dahl)对多列拟菱形藻的产毒株系(MC4177)进行诱导,发现能够提高其单细胞产毒水平,提高幅度在26~55倍。  相似文献   

Codium, one of the largest marine green algal genera, is difficult to delimit species boundary accurately based on morphological identification only. DNA barcoding is a powerful tool for discriminating species of seaweeds. The plastid elongation factor TU(tuf A) is considered as maker to perform DNA barcoding of green algal species than rbc L gene due to universality and rapid evolution rate. We conducted DNA barcoding application to Codium specimens from the Jeju Island, Korea to overcome the limit of morphological identification and to confirm the species diversity. As a result of applying tuf A marker, we newly generated fifty-five tuf A barcodes to resolve eight species. Tuf A marker exhibited 6.1%–21.8% interspecific divergences, wider than the gap of rbc L exon 1,3.5%–11.5%. Molecular analysis of rbc L exon 1 sequences of Codium revealed eight distinct species like tuf A analysis separated in five phylogenetic groups. DNA barcoding of the genus Codium using tuf A marker is more helpful to overcome the limit of morphological identification, and this is more potential to reveal cryptic species and to resolve the relationships among subspecies than rbc L analysis alone. The complement of tuf A barcoding and rbc L analyses including morphology for the genus Codium in the northwestern Pacific will give much more reliable achievement for discovering species diversity and resolving the phylogenetic relationships.  相似文献   

本文描述了中国福建省红树林湿地中自由生活海洋线虫的2个新种。Sabatieria conicoseta sp.nov.的主要特征是:具有短的锥形体刚毛、12-15个管状的肛前附器以及长度为12-15 μm的直的引带突起。Dorylaimopsis papilla sp.nov.的主要特征是:交接器中部具有角质化带状隔膜,近端头状具一小钩,其长度为肛门所在位置体直径的1.5–1.8倍,具有长度为37-40μm的背尾指向的引带突起。泄殖孔前具16-18个微型乳突状的肛前附器。  相似文献   

通过气泡柱光反应器评价了两株硅藻筒柱藻(Cylindrotheca fusiformis)和纤细角毛藻(Chaetoceros gracilis)的生物量、油脂及甘油三脂的积累.结果发现,其生物量与油脂产率相当,脂肪酸组成方面,也均以C16:0和C16:1为主,但是筒柱藻的油脂组成以甘油三酯为主,纤细角毛藻的油脂以单酰甘油酯、磷脂和糖脂为主.通过培养条件的优化,发现相比于降低初始氮元素与硅元素,降低培养液盐度,能够获得更高的生物量、油脂以及甘油三脂产率.通过筒柱藻批次培养最高获得了0.36 g/(L·d)的甘油三脂产率,且甘三酯占收获干物质的50%以上,具有相当好的应用潜力.  相似文献   

孙静  黄勇 《海洋科学》2021,45(1):14-21
在对东海的自由生活海洋线虫进行分类和多样性研究中,发现2个我国新纪录种并进行了描述.深海螺旋球咽线虫Spirobolbolaimus bathyalis Soetaert&Vincx,1988的主要鉴别特征为:体表具显著的环纹,头感觉器呈乳突状,化感器螺旋形,口腔中部具有一个背齿以及一对亚腹齿,咽前后各有一个咽球;具有...  相似文献   

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