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对观测资料的分析表明,甘肃地区和海南岛的地闪特征具有很大差异。海南岛负地闪(P型)首次回击前的电场变化波形与国外的报道类似,而甘肃地区仅有30%左右的负地闪属P型,约70%的负地闪首次回击前的电场变化波形具有明显的云闪特征(C型负地闪)。海南岛没有发现正地闪,甘肃地区有正地闪。该两地区存在两类电结构不同的雷暴,两类雷暴中地闪放电过程及特征的很大差异,说明我国的防雷规范及措施很可能需要考虑雷暴的地区差异性。  相似文献   

上行地闪是一种始发于超高建筑物(高度至少在100m以上)顶端的大气放电现象,目前对其的认知主要通过地面观测,而相应的理论模式研究较为缺乏.本文在已有的双向先导随机模型的基础上,创建上行地闪随机放电参数化方案,并耦合到雷暴云起、放电模式中,进行了二维高分辨率上行地闪放电的模拟实验,得到的上行闪电与观测结果具有较好的一致性.通过分析雷暴云电荷结构给出了常规地闪起始的有利云内环境特征,并分析了正、负上行地闪一些特征的异同,结果表明:模拟得到的上行正地闪多为诱导触发的上行地闪,通常是三极电荷结构下次正电荷区与地面之间的一种放电现象,前次云闪过程对空间环境电场的影响为其起始提供了有利条件,整个放电过程延伸范围有限、分叉少、放电不充分;上行负地闪多为偶极电荷结构中主负电荷区与地面之间的放电过程,温度层结的高度低以及降水粒子的下沉使电荷区高度降低是其起始的根本原因,上行负地闪发展旺盛,分支较多;诱导触发的上行地闪主要发生于雷暴成熟期,而自行触发的上行地闪则更容易在雷暴消散期起始.  相似文献   

2016年夏季在青海大通地区获得一次局地雷暴云内的电场探空资料,结合雷达、地闪定位资料,详细分析了该雷暴的地闪活动特征及云内的电荷结构.结果显示,该雷暴过程的负地闪在时间上呈间歇性发生,在空间分布上表现为不连续,且所有的正地闪都发生于雷暴的成熟阶段.在雷暴成熟阶段与消散阶段过渡期获得云内的垂直电场廓线表明,雷暴内的电荷结构在探空阶段呈四极性,最下部为处于暖云区内负电荷区,往上依次改变极性.最上部的正电荷区由于数据丢失无法判断其上边界外,其余3个电荷区的海拔高度分别为:5.5~5.7km(3.4~2.3℃)、5.7~6.2km(2.3~-0.4℃)和6.2~6.6km(-0.9~-1.7℃),对应的电荷密度为-1.81nC·m-3、2.47nC·m-3和-1.76nC·m-3.其中,下部正电荷区的强度最大,其次为上部的负电荷区.通过分析电荷区分布与正地闪活动的关系,认为暖云区内负电荷区的形成有利于诱发下部正电荷区的对地放电.  相似文献   

雷暴云底部正电荷区对闪电类型影响的数值模拟   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
在经典的雷暴云三极电荷结构的假定下结合已有的随机放电参数化方案,进行了二维高分辨率闪电放电的模拟实验,定量的探讨了雷暴云底部正电荷对闪电类型的影响.结果表明:(1)雷暴云底部正电荷对负地闪和反极性云闪的产生起了关键作用,随着底部正电荷区的电荷密度大小或分布范围的增大,闪电类型依次从正极性云闪向负地闪再向反极性云闪变化;(2)相对于电荷区分布范围而言,底部正电荷区的电荷密度大小对闪电类型的影响起主导作用.只有当雷暴云底部正电荷区的最大电荷密度取值在一定范围内时,才会出现负地闪,并且负地闪的发生概率相对固定;(3)在该范围内,负地闪的发生由底部正电荷区的电荷密度大小以及分布范围共同决定,且其与云闪触发条件之间存在一个线性边界;(4)底部正电荷区的电荷密度大小以及分布范围的共同效果是改变底部正位势阱的分布,当闪电启动参考电位接近0MV时生成反极性云闪,而当其远小于0MV时则更容易形成负地闪.  相似文献   

为了进一步认识强雷暴中正地闪偏多的原因,本文利用三维雷暴云动力-电耦合数值模式,通过模拟一次强雷暴过程,讨论了正地闪频发需要的条件.结果表明,云闪的发生需要较强的上升气流,而正地闪的发生不仅需要更强的上升气流,还需要云低层存在强的下沉气流,即正地闪发生在强雷暴云成熟阶段后期,对应固态降水强度最大时段.此时,云内主上升气流区内的各电荷区被强上升气流抬升,短暂地呈现反三极性结构,非感应起电机制作用使大量的霰粒子带正电荷,形成了中部电荷密度较大、范围较深厚的正电荷区.而下沉气流区比上升气流区电荷结构更复杂,呈正、负交替的多层结构.由于雷暴云上部负电荷区中部分带负电荷的霰和雹粒子被下沉气流输送到低层,及低层区域感应起电机制的共同作用,使上升气流区外围的对流降水区中的霰和雹粒带上负电荷,在近地面形成一个较强的、范围较大的负电荷区.强雷暴云中下部存在的这个偶极性电荷结构为正地闪的发生提供了有利条件.正地闪发生阶段对应着上升气流、雹粒子体积和总闪的快速增强阶段.因此,强雷暴中正地闪的发生可作为雷暴强度及冰雹形成的一个指示因子.  相似文献   

随机性与电环境特征对地闪击地点影响的数值模拟   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7       下载免费PDF全文
本文利用已有的随机放电参数化方案,结合四次探空资料,进行了12.5 m的高分辨率二维雷暴云数值模拟实验,得到了各种雷暴云电荷结构下的地闪个例,并就地闪击地点与空间电荷、电位分布之间的相互关系进行了分析.结果表明:(1)由空间电荷唯一确定的电位分布决定了先导的传播最大趋势,而闪电传播的随机性所带来的地闪击地点的不确定范围被限制在3 km之内,利用动态聚类法迭代得出的三个击地点位置之间的差为1 km左右.(2)负地闪的初始点与击地点的位置差主要分布在0~6 km范围内,且93%的负地闪分布在0~4 km范围内,正地闪的分布相对较广,0~3 km范围内占48%,3~6 km范围内占34%,6~10 km范围内占18%.(3)正、负地闪主要产生于离地面最近的一对电荷堆之间,其起始高度越高,初始点与击地点位置差分布越广;另外,产生于三级性雷暴云电荷结构下的正地闪,其起始于上部的主正电荷堆与中部主负电荷堆之间,由于下行正先导会绕过底部的次正电荷堆,因此其击地点与初始点的距离基本在6 km以上.  相似文献   

系统介绍了自行研制的基于GPS同步和时差法定位技术的闪电VHF辐射源三维定位系统以及山东北部地区闪电过程同步观测分析,成功获得了雷暴中闪电通道辐射源三维时空发展物理图像.并结合地面的快电场变化资料,对典型负地闪、正地闪和云闪放电通道的三维时空演变过程进行了分析,结果表明,正、负地闪激发传输过程不同,典型负地闪的预击穿过程发展速度约为5.2×104m/s,被初始负击穿引发的向下梯级先导传输过程发展速度约为1.3×105m/s;正地闪初始阶段也是激发负流光传输,以优势水平方向在正电荷区内传输,并为始发点积累正电荷,从而触发向下正流光传输.重点分析了一次由双极性窄脉冲事件(NBP)引发的云内闪电三维放电过程,该脉冲发生在约10.5km的高度上即上部正电荷区域内,同时引发云内放电通道水平向周围扩展,产生大量击穿辐射源,双极性窄脉冲辐射峰值强度值高达16.7kW,而普通闪电辐射源功率一般在100mW~500W范围内.与经典云闪完全不同,此类新型云闪及其三维传输过程在国内第一次被发现.文章还讨论了其可能的触发机制.  相似文献   

气溶胶对雷暴云电过程影响的数值模拟研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
本文在已有的三维雷暴云起、放电模式中加入了一种经典的气溶胶活化参数化方案,结合一次长春雷暴个例,进行了雷暴云起放电数值模拟试验.研究显示气溶胶浓度改变对雷暴云微物理、起电及放电过程都有重要影响.结果表明:(1)污染型雷暴云中气溶胶浓度增加时,云滴数目增多,上升风速加强;云中冰晶与霰粒子数浓度增加但尺度减小;(2)相对于清洁型雷暴云,污染型雷暴云非感应起电过程弱,感应起电过程强,起电持续时间长;(3)污染型雷暴云中首次放电时间延迟,闪电持续发生的时间长,总闪电频次增加,正地闪频次增加明显.  相似文献   

正地闪发展的时空结构特征与闪电双向先导   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用闪电VHF辐射源定位系统的观测资料, 对正地闪三维时空发展特征进行了分析, 结果表明正地闪过程大致可分为三个阶段, 在回击之前有较长的云内发展过程, 平均持续时间为370 ms, 传输速度为105 m/s量级, 辐射强度与负地闪梯级先导辐射强度相当, 这一期间闪电是以负极性击穿过程在云中正电荷区发展, 通道沿水平方向延伸, 较少分叉;回击之后闪电在云内快速传输, 比回击前的发展速度快约2倍, 辐射点较少且比较弥散, 但辐射强度增强, 对应于连续电流过程, 并包含有多个正极性快脉冲;在闪电的最后阶段, 传输速度与回击前的传输速度相当, 辐射点主要集中在闪电通道的顶端. 与负地闪的时空发展特征存在明显的差异. 正地闪的辐射点均发生在云内正电荷区, 没有探测到回击之前的正先导过程所产生的辐射. 正地闪持续时间平均为730 ms, 持续时间在500~600 ms的闪电占总数的43%. 90%正地闪只有一次回击, 最多有4次回击, 回击电流峰值最大为70 kA, 最小为11.5 kA, 平均为36.5 kA, 大于40 kA的约有40%.  相似文献   

沿海地区一次多单体雷暴电荷结构时空演变   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
利用闪电放电辐射源三维时空分布测量,分析了山东低海拔地区一次多单体雷暴过程的电荷结构演变以及与回波强度的关系.结果表明对流云区电荷结构是典型的上正下负电偶极结构,且随着雷暴发展正负电荷层强度增大,高度抬升.负电荷区处在40 dBz以上的强回波区域中,正电荷层处在约40 dBz区域中.层状云区也有类似结构,只是强度弱,高度低.观测到的四层电荷结构是出现在对流区消散阶段,此时,由于云体不同部位的不同消散程度,电荷结构发生断裂,云体前部正负电荷区下沉,云体中部正负电荷区高度变化不大,但负电荷区域变薄,呈现出四层电荷结构.从本例结果说明,雷暴优势起电机制通常能形成电偶极或三极性结构,多极结构可能不是起电形成.本文还分析了一次负地闪传输过程,和宏观电荷结构很好吻合,说明利用三维定位系统观测,可以较好地描述雷暴宏观电荷结构.  相似文献   

The comprehensive observations on lightning discharges were conducted in Naqu area of Qinghai-Tibet Plateau in summer of 2002. The electric structures of thunderstorms and the characteristics of lightning discharges at initial stage were analyzed by using the observation data. The results show that most of intracloud (IC) lightning flashes were polarities inverted in thunderstorms with tripole electric charge structure and occurred between negative charge region located in the middle of the thunderstorm and positive charge region located at the bottom of the thunderstorm. The radiation characteristics of discharge processes in cloud with longer lasting time involved in Cloud-to-Ground (CG) lightning flashes were similar to that of IC discharges.A lot of radiation pulses were produced in these discharge processes. Because the IC discharges took place at the bottom of thundercloud and were near the ground, they may produce more serious damage to equipment on the ground therefore should not be neglected in lightning protection.  相似文献   

The comprehensive observations on lightning discharges were conducted in Naqu area of Qinghai-Tibet Plateau in summer of 2002. The electric structures of thunderstorms and the characteristics of lightning discharges at initial stage were analyzed by using the observation data. The results show that most of intracloud (IC) lightning flashes were polarities inverted in thunderstorms with tripole electric charge structure and occurred between negative charge region located in the middle of the thunderstorm and positive charge region located at the bottom of the thunderstorm. The radiation characteristics of discharge processes in cloud with longer lasting time involved in Cloud-to-Ground (CG) lightning flashes were similar to that of IC discharges. A lot of radiation pulses were produced in these discharge processes. Because the IC discharges took place at the bottom of thundercloud and were near the ground, they may produce more serious damage to equipment on the ground therefore should not be neglected in lightning protection.  相似文献   

The negative CG lightning discharges neutralizing negative charges in cloud usually dominate for most of thunderstorms. However, a lot of positive CG light-ning discharges often occur in the disappearing stage of thunderstorms, in the stratiform region of mesoscale convective systems and some supercells producing hail and tornado. Because the positive CG lightning discharges produce larger current of the return stroke and neutralize more charges due to the continuing currents with longer las…  相似文献   

空中人工引发雷电先导过程的特征分析   总被引:7,自引:3,他引:7       下载免费PDF全文
利用闪电电场变化仪对空中人工引发雷电引起的电场变化进行了两站同步观测,并结合高时间分辨率的光学观测资料的分析研究,揭示了一次空中引发雷电先导物理过程的特征. 当携带金属导线的火箭上升到几百米高度时,在金属导线的上端和下端激发产生了一个双向传输的先导,当向下的负先导接近地面时,一个向上的正连接先导由地面激发,正负先导的平均传播速度为0.86×105m/s,随着向下负先导的接地,将产生一个小回击过程,而由金属导线上端激发的向上正先导的传播速度为1.1×105m/s.  相似文献   

Since the summer of 1996, scientists from China and Japan have conducted a joint observation of natural cloud-to-ground lightning discharges in the Zhongchuan area that is located close to Qinghai-Xizang (Tibet) Plateau, China. It has been found that the long-duration of intracloud discharge processes, just before the first return stroke, lasted more than 120 ms for 85% of cloud-to-ground flashes in this area, with a mean duration of 189.7 ms and a maximum of 300 ms. We present the results of charge sources neutralized by four ground flashes and two intracloud discharge processes, just before the first return stroke, by using the data from a 5-site slow antenna network synchronized by GPS with 1 s time resolution. The result shows that the altitudes of the neutralized negative charge for three negative ground flashes were between 2.7 to 5.4 km above the ground, while that of neutralized positive charges for one positive ground flash and one continuing current process were at about 2.0 km above the ground. The comparison with radar echo showed that the negative discharges initiated in the region greater than 20 dBZ or near the edge of the region with intense echoes greater than 40 dBZ, while positive discharge initiated in the weak echo region.  相似文献   

青藏高原一次地闪放电过程的分析   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
利用成像率为1000 幅/s的高速摄像系统和快、慢电场变化仪以及宽带干涉仪系统等探测仪器在青藏高原那曲地区所观测的地闪资料,对一次地闪回击及其之前的持续时间较长的云内放电过程进行了分析.结果表明:地闪先导前的云内放电过程发生于雷暴云下部正电荷区和中部负电荷区之间;云中部负电荷区距离地面的高度为28~45 km;闪电的起始放电发生区域距离地面的高度为10~17 km;初始流光在云外发展时具有很大的水平分量和较多的分支;梯级先导的速度为1×105 m/s,在向地面发展时出现较大的弯曲;首次回击放电过程与低海拔地区没有差异,通道中的峰值电流有241 kA;继后回击相对较弱.  相似文献   

Radio frequency observations of cloud-to-ground lightning (CG) were made in 1999 in Guangdong Province with the broadband lightning interferometer. In this paper, radiation source locations and electric field waveforms are analyzed for different types of breakdown events, including the preliminary breakdown of in-cloud activities, the stepped leaders of initial strokes to ground and activities during and following return strokes. It is shown that the structure and development of lightning discharges and associated breakdown processes can be reconstructed by using this new type of lightning radiation source location system. The detectable radiation of lightning was primarily produced by the negative breakdown process. The channel was concentrated with few branches during the preliminary breakdown stage of CG lightning flashes. The radiation sources appeared generally at the tip of the channel. During the late period of the stepped leader, the radiation sources were dispersed with branches extended away from the main channel. The radiation sources were in a certain length segment of the channel and the altitude of the segment descended along with the propagation of the leader to the ground. During the preliminary breakdown and the stepped leader of initial strokes to the ground, a sequence of fast negative streamers were observed to start continually from or farther away the lightning-initiated region and propagate along the developed leader channel, which may supply negative charge that assisted the leader’s development. The progression speed of fast negative streamers was about ten times faster than the average speed of lightning channel.  相似文献   

Lightning discharges monitored by the SAFIR network system in Poland have been additionally identified over the 100×100 km area near Warsaw by single-point independent recordings of electric field and Maxwell current rapid changes. The data collected in summer thunderstorm days of 2002 showed some untypical properties of the lightning discharges which are rarely observed. Especially remarkable was a number of ground multi-stroke flashes with the return strokes (RS) which transported to the earth charges of opposite signs. Bipolar flashes (BF) of this kind were mostly involved in the events in which the nearby intracloud (ic) and cloud-to-ground (c-g) discharges were very closely associated in time. Events of such a close collocation of two different types of lightning discharges, previously called the complex lightning discharge events (CLDE), were quite often observed during summer thunderstorms in Poland. The events of this kind, i.e. 8 flashes, identified by the SAFIR detection system as BF’s present the multiple stroke flashes of the mean horizontal separation distance between striking points of particular RS equal to (2.8 ± 2.1) km and of the mean time interval between strokes of (46.8 ± 74.4) ms. The time separation between the observed BF and the adjacent ic flashes was from 0.1 to 335 ms, and horizontal separation distance between them ranged from 1.8 to 14.5 km. The multiplicity of the recorded BF’s ranged from 2 to 4 strokes. Four of these BF’s followed the ic discharge, but the other three preceded the ic and one was alone with no close ic.  相似文献   

基于小波的地闪首次回击辐射场的多重分形分析   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5       下载免费PDF全文
利用2002年夏季青海野外观测慢天线电场变化仪资料,应用小波变换模极大方法对地闪首次回击辐射场的检测及多重分形谱特征进行了分析.发现小波分解在小尺度上的时间变异系数在回击主脉冲峰处(回击点)呈现明显的尖峰,据此可对回击点进行快速可靠的检测;地闪回击辐射场多重分形谱可用推广的多重分形二项倍增串级公式比较精确地拟合,最小标度指数及谱宽度平均分别为-011和15,是重要的回击特征参数,而小波及多重分形应是闪电信号处理的重要工具.  相似文献   

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