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风力发电在提供清洁能源的同时亦带来了一定程度的水土流失和生态环境破坏。特别是山地风电场,由于其所在的山区土壤抗蚀性低,且植被破坏后恢复难度大,在开发过程中引起的水土流失问题尤为突出。回顾了山区风电场水土流失特点、影响风电场水土流失关键因子等方面的相关研究成果,并对其进行了总结。山区风电场水土流失具有地域不完整性及扰动多样性的特点,道路施工区、风电机组建设区是水土流失的重点区域;水土流失呈现时空分布不均性特点,水土流失时段主要集中在施工期,且流失剧烈阶段主要发生在每年的降雨集中期;降雨是影响风电场水土流失的关键因子,滑坡稳定性系数在降水期间急剧下降,降水入渗作用促进了边坡变形破坏向不利的一面发展,容易引起水土流失及边坡不稳;降雨侵蚀力指标与降雨量及雨强有关,按照获取气象资料的不同,目前主要采用月降雨量及日降雨量来分别估算降雨侵蚀力;在进行山区风电场水土流失强度预测时,将整个预测区域划分为4~6个单元,确定各预测单元工程扰动前、施工期、扰动后的土壤侵蚀模数,采用类比法结合数学模型法预测造成的水土流失量。  相似文献   

环境变化与尕海-则岔自然保护区维护   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
通过对尕海—则岔国家自然保护区的调查,分析了气象灾害、气候变暖和环境蠕变对保护区生态环境的影响,提出了相应的防护措施。分析表明,气象灾害可导致植被缺水或受机械损伤;当地气候呈现暖干化趋势,20世纪90年代与60~70年代相比,年平均气温升高了0.4℃,年平均降水量减少了87.5 mm,导致部分区域草地退化、鼠害猖獗、水资源减少、生物多样性遭到破坏;环境蠕变———以国道213线改建工程为例,对保护区生态环境有一定影响。  相似文献   

T213全球集合预报系统物理过程随机扰动方法研究   总被引:11,自引:4,他引:7  
任志杰  陈静  田华 《气象》2011,37(9):1049-1059
目前我国的T213全球集合预报系统采用BGM初值扰动方案,没有考虑模式扰动方法,在技术上滞后于国际先进数值中心的集合预报系统。本文参考ECMWF的模式扰动方法,设计了我国T213全球集合预报系统的物理过程随机扰动方法,并对2008年7月20—31日进行了集合预报批量试验。试验结果表明:T213全球中期数值预报模式对物理过程随机扰动很敏感,对物理过程扰动后,模式物理量的预报情况发生变化,且这种变化随着积分时间增长而迅速扩大。在水平方向上主要表现为南北半球中高纬度地区较赤道地区更敏感,在垂直方向上,表征大尺度运动特征的物理量(如位势高度、温度、风速等)在南北半球中高纬度地区的低层到高层都很敏感,尤以300 hPa最为明显,垂直速度、散度等物理量在赤道地区也非常敏感。多初值集合预报加入物理过程随机扰动后,集合平均均方根误差在积分后期略有改善,对降水预报水平也有较为明显的提高,这表明物理过程随机扰动方法具有较好的业务应用前景。  相似文献   

我国黄土高原地区处于由半湿润向半干旱、干旱气候过渡和农牧过渡地带.这里气候干旱少雨,降水分布不均,植被覆盖稀疏,水土流失严重,生态环境日趋恶化.因此,在这一地区种草养畜,实行草田轮作,农牧结合,是发展农业经济,改善生态环境的一项战略性措施.本文仅对干旱、半干旱地区种草养畜农牧结合的气象条件研究,作一综合介绍.  相似文献   

三江源地区高寒缺氧,气候条件恶劣,近几年出现气候干旱、冰川退缩、雪线上移、湖泊消失、湿地消减、植被退化、土地沙化、生物多样性减少。已对整个三江源地区的生态系统和经济发展构成严重威胁,本文从玉树州生态现状、存在问题着手,分析了不断恶化的现状和科学保护生态环境的必要性,减缓高原生态环境恶化,控制大面积草地退化、水土流失,为政府实施自然资源的可持续发展,实施退牧还草,保护三江源,建设三江源,合理开发使用自然资源,实现人与自然和谐统一。  相似文献   

岱海湿地生态环境变化的气候影响分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
文章针对岱海湖水恶化、湖盆萎缩,流域水土流失严重,湿地面积锐减、功能退化等生态环境问题,着重在气候条件方面对岱海湿地变化产生的一些可能影响作了详细分析与说明,并提出相应防治对策。  相似文献   

利用EOS/MODIS数据估算西藏藏北高原地表草地生物量   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
植被生物量作为一个重要的植被状态参数,其估算不仅对研究陆地生态系统植被生产量、碳循环、营养分配等方面具有重要意义,植被生物量的大小直接影响人类对地表植被的利用特点,而且影响其他的生物物理参量.各种不同空间分辨率、时间分辨率和波谱分辨率遥感数据的出现,使得实时监测大范围的植被生长成为可能.文中根据2004年8月至9月草地植被地面观测资料结合同期的EOS/MODIS卫星遥感数据建立了西藏藏北高原草地植被地上生物量、绿色干物质获得量与EOS/MODIS归一化植被指数(NDVI)、增强植被指数(EVI)之间的关系,并与影响草地植被空间分布的主要气候和高程要素之间的关系进行了分析.结果表明:在藏北高原NDVI较EVI能有效地估算草地地上生物量和绿色干物质获得量;藏北高原草地地上生物量与绿色干物质获得量的空间分布特征是从东南部到西北部逐渐减少,东南部部分地区每平方公顷的草地地上生物量在2000 kg以上,到西北部地区减少到200 kg以下.影响草地地上生物量空间分布的主要气候要素是降水,两者的相关系数为0.64,其次为温度,相关系数为0.44;草地植被地上生物量的空间分布与高程呈反比,即海拔越高的地段生物量越低.  相似文献   

植被覆盖对气候变化极其敏感,华北区地处我国半干旱—半湿润过渡地区,气象因子对该地区植被覆盖有重要的影响,但缺少有效的数理模型定量刻画气象要素对植被的影响。因此,本文基于华北区2000~2018年中分辨率成像光谱仪的植被覆盖数据和主要气象要素数据,开展了多气象要素影响植被覆盖度的研究,初步建立了华北夏季植被覆盖度与气象要素的关系。研究表明:(1)华北存在向暖干转变的趋势,且夏季植被覆盖度与降水、相对湿度呈正相关,与气温、日照时数和地温呈负相关。(2)影响华北地区植被覆盖度最重要的气象要素是相对湿度,体现了温度和降水的共同作用。(3)基于多元回归法和最小二乘法可以定量描述气象要素变化对植被覆盖度的可能影响。其中,五变量影响模型对植被覆盖度模拟的相关系数略偏高,因此,基于五变量气象要素可以更好的模拟植被覆盖度的变化。研究结果有利于了解气象要素如何影响植被生态系统,进而为国家生态文明建设提供理论参考依据。  相似文献   

2016年6月23日14:00—15:00时,江苏省盐城市阜宁县发生了EF-4级有记录以来的强龙卷风过程,造成了当地30 km长,1.7 km宽的严重气象灾害。受局地环境影响,邻近地区在近50年中发生了大于10人次死亡事件的龙卷风11次,其中6次发生于1979年以后。文章首先是:(1)把6次事件日的再分析变量场分解成瞬时气候和扰动两个部分,发现6次事件都与近地面层出现的负高度扰动轴线和扰动冷暖气团的对峙有关,龙卷发生在暖气团一侧;(2)用模式初始场分解的扰动变量和扰动物理量评估欧美模式对产生阜宁龙卷扰动系统的预报能力。后者的结果也发现,当日14时925 hPa高度扰动槽和850 hPa扰动风辐合线作为环境扰动系统,以及湿涡度扰动和湿散度扰动等环境扰动指标量能够突出地表达有利于龙卷风发生的环境条件。欧洲全球模式能够提前42 h稳定预报出后来扰动槽和环境扰动指标量的位置,美国全球模式也可以提前18 h预报出这样的扰动特征。这些扰动变量和扰动指标量能够快速地帮助预报员判断有可能发生强对流天气的大致时空区域和特征。  相似文献   

本文用总动能、总有效位能、扰动动能和扰动有效位能四个收支方程计算了1980年4-6月南海南部(0-15°N,100-120°E)夏季风建立前(4月1日-5月9日)和夏季风建立后(5月18日-6月25日)各时段的大气能量收支,并对其结果进行了分析讨论,发现:(1)总动能主要是在制造项G(K)(汇)与耗散项D(K)(源)间达到平衡,夏季风建立后源汇强度值都增大了40%左右。(2)非绝热加热所直接制造的有效位能并不重要,高层总有效位能的水平通量辐合、中低层与总动能间的转换和由于参考气压的变化而引起总有效位能的增减对于总有效位能的收支作用较大,其作用在夏季风建立前后也明显不同。(3)扰动动能同总动能一样主要在制造项G(K)(汇)与耗散项D(K)(源)间平衡。夏季风建立后源汇强度增强。(4)扰动有效位能主要由非绝热加热制造,夏季风建立后制造量增大了16倍多。夏季风建立前,扰动有效位能主要因参考气压的改变而减少;夏季风建立后,扰动有效位能主要被转换为扰动动能和平均有效位能。   相似文献   

A review of soil erosion research in the West African Sahel finds that there are insufficient data on which to base policy. This is largely because of the difficulties of measuring erosion and the other components of “soil life”, and because of the highly spatially and temporarily variable natural and social environment of the Sahel. However, a “local political ecology” of soil erosion and new methodologies offer some hope of overcoming these problems. Nonetheless, a major knowledge gap will remain, about how rates of erosion are accommodated and appraised within very variable social and economic conditions. An example from recent field work in Niger shows that erosion is correlated with factors such as male migration, suggesting, in this case, that households with access to non-farm income adopt a risk-avoidance strategy in which soil erosion is accelerated incidentally. It is concluded that there needs to be more research into the relations between erosion and socio-economic factors, and clearer thinking about the meaning of sustainability as it refers to soil erosion in the Sahel.  相似文献   

Under natural conditions, balanced ecological systems develop in which the soil is protected by a cover of different plants. When man modifies the environment, in his attempts to produce more food, fiber and fuel, the ecological system is changed.This often results in the soil being exposed to the processes of accelerated water erosion. In this way, millions of hectares of land, particularly in the semi arid areas are now eroding.This paper stresses that the most important principle in controlling water erosion is to develop a new balanced system which is not only productive but which is also stable.Water erosion control schemes should therefore be based on the selection and introduction of correct land use.Examples are given of the types of measures that may be needed for cultivated, grazing and forestry lands.In some cases, a change in land use may also have to be supported by the construction of physical conservation measures. Some common examples of such measures are briefly described.  相似文献   

风蚀起沙的影响因子及其变化特征   总被引:19,自引:4,他引:15  
以敦煌地区的戈壁和绿洲为例,对地表土壤风蚀起沙的临界摩擦速度及其变化特征和风蚀起沙过程中地表土壤的粒子尺度分布及其对垂直尘粒通量的影响进行了分析研究。结果表明,地表土壤风蚀起沙的临界摩擦速度随土壤水分含量和植被覆盖度的增大而增大,随粒子尺度的变化是先减小后增大,在中间某一尺度处有一最小值;土壤的人工利用和管理对临界摩擦速度也有着相当大的影响,风蚀起沙过程中,地表土壤的粒子尺度分布随时间发生变化,瞬时的粒子尺度分布不同于平均的粒子尺度分布,利用前者计算得到的垂直尘粒通量对摩擦速度的变化更敏感,利用后者计算得到的垂直尘粒通量偏大。  相似文献   

Soil erosion is one of the most serious land degradation problems all over the world,causing irreversible land quality reduction.In this paper,we modify the Revised Universal Soil Loss Equation(RUSLE) model by replacing the factors of slope length and gradient with Sediment Transport Index(STI).The Digital Elevation Model,terrain parameters,Normalized Difference Vegetation Index(NDVI),and rainfall data are used as inputs to the model.Along with the application of remote sensing techniques and ground survey measurements,erosion susceptibility maps are produced.The revised models are then used to obtain the optimal estimate of soil erosion susceptibility at Alianello of southern Italy,which is prone to soil erosion.The soil loss estimated from the modified RUSLE model shows a large spatial variance,ranging from 10 to as much as 7000 ton ha 1 yr 1.The high erosion susceptible area constitutes about 46.8% of the total erosion area,and when classified by land cover type,33% is "mixed bare with shrubs and grass",followed by 5.29% of "mixture of shrubs and trees",with "shrubs" having the lowest percentage of 0.06%.In terms of slope types,very steep slope accounts for a total of 40.90% and belongs to high susceptibility,whereas flat slope accounts for only 0.12%,indicating that flat topography has little effect on the erosion hazard.As far as the geomorphologic types are concerned,the type of "moderate steep-steep slopes with moderate to severe erosion" is most favorable to high soil erosion,which comprises about 9.34%.Finally,we validate the soil erosion map from the adapted RUSLE model against the visual interpretation map,and find a similarity degree of 71.9%,reflecting the efficiency of the adapted RUSLE model in mapping the soil erosion in this study area.  相似文献   

通过对高速公路施工过程中气象因子影响的分析,得到了不同施工阶段和不同材料铺设路面对气象要素的具体要求,以温度变化要求为主导因子,综合其他气象影响因子,研制了高速公路施工的气象指数。  相似文献   

黄河源区是三江源自然保护区的重要组成部分,在全球气候变暖和日趋频繁的人类活动的共同影响下,黄河源区的生态结构受到严重干扰。通过对黄河源区域生态与自然环境演变特征研究进展的概括总结,从生态系统和物理环境2个方面归纳了黄河源区主要的生态环境问题:(1)植被、冻土和湿地生态系统不断退化;(2)气候暖干化、径流变化、土壤侵蚀、土壤沙漠化、土壤碳流失、鼠害和人为影响加剧。根据面临的生态环境问题提出了区域生态与自然环境保护的相应对策和建议:形成完善的生态补偿机制;加强生态环境保护立法;建立统一的监督管理机构;建立有效的执法队伍;划分功能区;发展生态旅游;强化全社会的环保意识。  相似文献   

Desertification processes and impact in rainfed agricultural regions   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
About one third of the Earth's land surface lies in the arid and semi-arid regions. This area is important as in addition to supporting 600 million people, it produces much of the world's grain and a substantial amount of animal produce.However, much of this area is now either suffering, or is threatened by the processes of desertification.In this paper, seven different desertification processes—degradation of vegetative cover, wind erosion, water erosion, salinization, soil crusting and compaction, reduction in organic matter, and accumulation of toxic substances— are identified and their effects described.It is pointed out that these processes are usually closely interrelated, the occurrence of one frequently leading to the occurrence of one or more of the others. But whatever the process, the end result is the same—degraded land with a reduced productive capacity.The paper concludes by pointing out that desertification occurs due to man's influence on the environment and we must therefore look beyond the purely physical processes if we are to solve the problems of desertification.  相似文献   

Wind erosion is a serious problem in many parts of the world. It physically removes from the field the most fertile portion of the soil, pollutes the air, fills road ditches, reduces seedling survival and growth, lowers the marketability of many vegetable crops, and creates new desert landforms and landscapes. It is generally worse in arid and semi-arid than in subhumid climates.A wind erosion equation was developed as a result of many investigations on the factors influencing wind erosion. It is a useful guide to the principles of wind erosion control. The functional relationship is expressed as E = % MathType!MTEF!2!1!+-% feaafiart1ev1aaatCvAUfeBSjuyZL2yd9gzLbvyNv2CaerbuLwBLn% hiov2DGi1BTfMBaeXatLxBI9gBaerbd9wDYLwzYbItLDharqqtubsr% 4rNCHbGeaGqiVu0Je9sqqrpepC0xbbL8F4rqqrFfpeea0xe9Lq-Jc9% vqaqpepm0xbba9pwe9Q8fs0-yqaqpepae9pg0FirpepeKkFr0xfr-x% fr-xb9adbaqaaeGaciGaaiaabeqaamaabaabaaGcbaGaeyOKbykaaa!37B2!\[f\](I,K,C,L,V), where E is potential average annual soil loss per unit area, I is a soil erodibility index, K is a soil ridge roughness factor, C is a climatic factor, L is the unsheltered median travel distance of wind across a field, and V is an equivalent quantity of vegetative cover.Principles suggested by the wind erosion equation for controlling wind include: stabilizing erodible surface with various materials; producing a rough, cloddy surface; reducing field width or the distance wind travels in crossing an unprotected field with barriers and strip crops; and establishing and maintaining sufficient vegetative cover. This last item is sometimes referred to as the cardinal rule for controlling wind erosion.  相似文献   

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