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为提高森林沼泽景观浅覆盖区地质剖面测量的精度和效率,本文以黑龙江省呼玛县早侏罗世正长花岗岩剖面测量为例,探讨利用GPS测量技术进行地质剖面测量的方法和流程。结果表明,利用GPS工具,通过室内数据准备-野外GPS数据采集-室内数据处理-剖面图的生成等流程,并结合SECTION软件及EXCEL软件,可以避免视野通透性差、测量路线障碍物多、地形复杂等许多不利因素,以较小的误差较快的速度实现地质剖面测量。  相似文献   

红格铁矿三维反演与地质建模   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
何敬梓 《地质与勘探》2015,51(6):1049-1058
四川红格钒钛磁铁矿是我国重要的岩浆岩型铁矿石产出基地。在过去几十年中,对红格地区进行了不同程度的勘探,积累了大量地质、物化探资料。但是,这些工作比较分散,不同单位不同时期用多种方法开展了多种比例尺的地质、物化探工作,资料零散的分布于不同单位,没有进行过系统的梳理及研究。本文对红格矿区进行有地质约束的三维磁异常反演,建立了三维地质模型,并实现了三维可视化。分析所建三维地质模型,从宏观上推测了红格铁矿的成矿控矿规律及岩浆运移通道,微观上预测了红格矿区矿体空间位置、形态及控矿、容矿、含矿地质体的分布规律。另外,结合地质模型还进行了找矿潜力评价,分析了矿区外围和深部的找矿前景。  相似文献   

王银秀  李业伟 《江苏地质》2014,38(3):445-450
介绍了Surpac软件在数字矿山地质建模上的应用.以某矿山为例,根据矿区的原始资料,利用Surpac软件,建立了矿区数据库、实体模型、块体模型,清晰直观地反映了矿体的空间分布特征.研究涵盖了特异(高)值的分析与处理,块体属性的建立及其大小参数等的确定,矿体模型、岩性模型等在指导矿山工程布置上的运用等方面.最后,着重比较了Surpac与传统方法的储量计算结果,数据表明Surpac模型可靠,计算正确,可用于资源评估、资源动态管理、采矿设计及计划编制等工作.  相似文献   

河流古流量的估算可以定量化研究流域的水文、气候变化特征。根据收集的多个地质钻孔资料恢复出长江南京段3个古河槽横断面,对古深槽沉积物样品进行14C与ESR年代测定以及沉积相的分析,判定-50~-90m的古深槽形成于末次冰期最盛期。根据古河床沉积物粒度,利用泥沙起动公式计算古河槽不同深处的垂线平均流速,然后利用垂线平均流速和垂线间的过水面积计算单宽流量,最后累加恢复末次冰期最盛期的平滩流量。其计算结果为10000~12000m3/s,与现在1月份多年平均流量相当。该时期的纵坡降为4×10-4~5×10-4,与现在长江上游屏山—宜宾段相当。  相似文献   

The southeast area of the Argentine Pampas is characterized by the presence of an unconfined aquifer in a wide plain. A methodology is proposed that deals with the aquifer vulnerability where the homogeneity of the hydrogeological variables used by traditional methods (in this case, DRASTIC-P) causes vulnerability maps to show more than 80% of the territory under the same class. This absence of discrimination renders vulnerability maps of little use to decision-makers. In addition, the proposed methodology avoids the traditional vague classification (high, low, and moderate vulnerability) which is highly dependent on subjectivity in its association of each class with hydrogeological considerations. That traditional vulnerability assessment methodology was adapted using a geographic information system to reclassify classes, based on the Natural Breaks (Jenks) method. The pixel-to-pixel comparison between the result obtained by the DRASTIC-P and the reclassified classes generates the so-called operational vulnerability index (OVI), which shows four classes, associating each with different hydrogeological requirements to make decisions.  相似文献   

Seafloor elastic parameters are important for seafloor engineering and geophysical detection beneath the seafloor. We have proposed to use AVO (amplitude variation with offset) theory to estimate seafloor elastic parameters. However, the previous inversion methods are time-consuming. To improve the computing efficiency, we try to solve the inverse problem as an unconstrained optimization problem in this paper. Three kinds of classical unconstrained optimization methods are applied to seafloor AVO inversion, including the steepest descent method, the Newton’s method, and the conjugate gradient method. Then, we design different initial models to test the convergence behaviors of the three methods. Numerical tests show that the perturbation level of the initial models and the noise level of the observed data have a significant effect on the convergence performances of the three methods. Even for the same perturbation and noise levels, the convergence performances differ with different combinations of the perturbed initial elastic parameters. All three methods have higher computing efficiency than the previous methods. This research also offers a strategy to choose a proper optimization method for a specific case in real seafloor AVO inversion.  相似文献   

地质图切剖面计算机辅助编绘系统设计与实现   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
借助于GIS技术研究开发了一套地质图切剖面计算机辅助编绘系统。该系统能较好地解决褶皱构造岩性花纹及常规花纹的填充问题,同时采用数据挖掘技术,大大提高了系统自动化程度。以北京周口店地质图的图切剖面编绘为例,证明该系统效率高,质量好,基本可以满足现有各种比例尺的地质图切剖面的制作要求。  相似文献   

李青元  马梓翔  崔扬  等 《江苏地质》2015,39(3):358-366
由中国地质调查局组织研制的《三维地质模型数据交换格式》已制定完毕,并进行了一定范围的试用,即将发布实施,这是中国区域地质调查、矿产资源勘探以及数字矿山界的一件大事,它将促进三维地质建模技术在我国的广泛应用。通过研究与试用,阐述了对该标准的理解;给出其在三维地质建模中的应用实例,包括三维地质填图试点项目、矿产资源勘探项目;讨论了该标准的数据与数字矿山常用的DXF转换的必要性与具体实现方法。将该标准与国际地球科学联合会(IUGS)及开放地理信息联盟(OGC)制定的GeoSciML进行比较,指出Geo3DML是面向三维地质模型的表达,而GeoSciML以前的版本则侧重于互联网环境下传统的二维地质图件的地图服务与要素服务。最后对该标准的应用实施提出了8点建议:给Geo3DML以应用机会,将Geo3DML升级为国家标准,对Geo3DML补充一些细节,向相关行业宣传Geo3DML,在地质调查与矿山资源勘探项目中积极使用Geo3DML,将Geo3DML作为地质报告评审中三维地质模型的数据格式,三维地质建模软件厂商积极支持Geo3DML,数字矿山软件与Geo3DML接轨。  相似文献   

The modeling of fracture networks is useful for fluid flow and rock mechanics studies. About 6600 fracture traces were recorded on drifts of a uranium mine in a granite massif. The traces have an extension of 0.20–20 m. The network was studied by fractal and by geostatistical methods but can be considered neither as a fractal with a constant dimension nor a set of purely randomly located fractures. Two kinds of generalization of conventional models can still provide more flexibility for the characterization of the network: (a) a nonscaling fractal model with variable similarity dimension (for a 2-D network of traces, the dimension varying from 2 for the 10-m scale to 1 for the centimeter scale, (b) a parent-daughter model with a regionalized density; the geostatistical study allows a 3-D model to be established where: fractures are assumed to be discs; fractures are grouped in clusters or swarms; and fracturation density is regionalized (with two ranges at about 30 and 300 m). The fractal model is easy to fit and to simulate along a line, but 2-D and 3-D simulations are more difficult. The geostatistical model is more complex, but easy to simulate, even in 3-D.This paper was presented at Emerging Concepts, MGUS-87 Conference, Redwood City, California, 13–15 April 1987.  相似文献   

郎嘉彬  王成源 《世界地质》2007,26(2):137-145
报道了在辽宁本溪牛毛岭的本溪组命名剖面的本溪组上部牙形刺化石研究的新进展。在该组上部灰岩层中发现Idiognathodus delicatus—I.podolskensis组合为代表的牙形刺动物群。该动物群中Idiognathodus podolskensis,I.delicatus,Neognathodus inaequalis,N.roundyi等晚石炭世莫斯科期标准化石的发现表明,本溪组上部可大体与莫斯科阶的中上部相对比。本溪组下部的时代可能为早石炭世晚期。  相似文献   

基于GIS的地质图图切剖面计算机辅助编绘   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9       下载免费PDF全文
图切剖面是区域地质图的重要组成部分,用于反映地下的地层和构造特征。传统的图切剖面是靠手工制作的,不但效率低下,而且不易保存和更新,作者研究开发了一种基于GIS的地质图图切剖面计算机辅助编绘系统。其编绘过程主要包括以下几个步骤:(1)矢量化地质图的准备;(2)图切剖面的自动绘制;(3)人机交互修编与输出,本文以武汉市喻家山地质图的图切剖面编绘为例,证明该系统具有高效率,高质量的特征,可以满足现有各种比例尺的地质图图切剖面的制作要求。  相似文献   

陈志军  陈建国 《江苏地质》2012,36(3):256-264
地质剖面图可以清晰反映图区内地层、岩体、构造的空间分布特征,对于认识各种地质体和矿床赋存的地质条件和时空分布规律具有重要的意义.在GIS环境下对数字地质图开展图切剖面软件的研究和开发是一项基础且重要的工作,图切地质剖面图不仅可为地质工作者认识地质特征提供基础图件,还可成为三维地质填图基础数据来源.介绍了基于MapGIS的地质图切剖面软件的系统设计方案,深入探讨了图切地质剖面软件研发中的面向对象设计方案,成功实现了面向对象的图切剖面的自动生成及交互修编功能.所研发的制图技术高效实用,能够满足各种比例尺的MapGIS地质图图切剖面的编制要求.  相似文献   

This paper investigates the performance of normalized response function obtained by normalizing the Cagniard impedance function by a suitable factor and then rotating the phase by 45‡ to make it purely real for homogeneous half-space and equal to the square root of the half-space resistivity. Two apparent resistivity functions based on respectively the real and imaginary parts of this response function are proposed. The apparent resistivity function using the real part contains almost the same information as that yielded by the Cagniard expression while the one using the imaginary part qualitatively works as an indicator of the number of interfaces in the earth model. The linear straightforward inversion scheme (SIS), developed by the authors employing the concept of equal penetration layers, has been used to validate the proposed apparent resistivity functions. For this purpose, several synthetic and field models have been examined. Five synthetic models are studied to establish the veracity of the new functions and two well-studied published field data sets are inverted through SIS for comparison. We noticed that the new function and SIS compliment each other and lead to better understanding of the data information and model resolution.  相似文献   

A reflection/refraction seismic experiment performed in 1991 in the western Po plain gave basic data to constrain the interpretation of the crustal structures across the Alps/Apennines junction zones. Two different seismic domains, north and south of the western supposed prosecution of the Villalvernia-Varzi line, are evidenced from the interpretation of the data. The boundary between the two domains is characterized by strong lateral variations from southern high to northern low velocity layers. The northward abrupt deepening of the refractor/reflector basement is followed at depth by a similar deepening of the crust/mantle boundary. The geological interpretation evidences domains with coherent and independent evolution at surface level juxtaposed along oblique discontinuities cutting across the crust. A peculiar feature is the presence of both crust and mantle north-verging wedges into the crustal structure and the overthrust at depth of the 'alpine' metamorphic crust onto the 'apenninic' nappes (Monferrato region).  相似文献   

林剑  敬荣中 《矿产与地质》2007,21(6):668-672
当电性与速度界面不一致进行联合反演时,存在参与联合反演的数据不同源的问题,如果做界面一致的假设,会降低反演的可靠性,建立电性与速度统一的反演模型是解决问题的关键.文章分析了地球物理勘探各类目标之间的相互关系,建立以地质模型作为速度和电性联合反演的统一模型,根据地质模型与物性模型、以及地球物理场分布特征的关系,模拟实际地质、地球物理状况,采用基于模式识别的联合反演算法,以直流电测深与地震数据为例进行了模拟实验,实验结果表明:以地质模型作为速度与电性不一致的联合反演统一模型是可行的.  相似文献   

The Wenchuan earthquake, also known as 2008 Sichuan Earthquake, occurred along the Longmenshan fault zone on 12 May 2008 at 14:28:01.42 CST (06:28:01.42 UTC). It caused serious damage to structures in the region. Beichuan is a town which is within these severely damaged areas. According to the earthquake intensity distribution map of 2008 Wenchuan earthquake officially released by the China Earthquake Administration, the earthquake intensity in Beichuan was XI on the China seismic intensity scale. As the earthquake occurred in a mountainous area, there were thousands of landslides, rockfalls, debris flows, and surface ruptures triggered by the earthquake over a broad area. These secondary geological hazards substantially increased the human, social and economic impact of the earthquake. This paper presents a post-earthquake analysis on the secondary geological hazards in Beichuan. The risk analyses associated with construction of the National Earthquake Memorial Museum in Beichuan are assessed and recommendations on risk mitigations for the mass reconstruction over the ruins are also provided based on this field study.  相似文献   

The observation on the outcrop in the field is one of the most direct and efficient methods to obtain the underground formation information, which provides the most direct first-hand geological data for geological science research. However, the traditional outcrop investigation, especially for the outcrop with a large slope and unreachable area, mainly relies on the inspection, measurement of the slope bottom, and photos to record outcrop information, making it difficult to accurately characterize the whole geological body. Consumer unmanned aerial vehicle (UAVs) with the advantages of good mobility, strong adaptability and low cost, can obtain outcrop images from a short distance, multiple perspectives and varying heights. In this paper, the image acquisition method and model construction accuracy without control points available for the geological outcrop with a large slope are discussed. Consumer UAVs is used to capture images through vertical route and then the geological model is set up. The results show that oblique photogrammetry technology combined with consumer UAVs can effectively build a large slope geological outcrop model with millimeter resolution. The model has the characteristics of high resolution, uniform resolution and high measurement accuracy up to millimeter, which can effectively reduce the difficulty of field investigation and the personnel safety risk, thus it accurately reproduces the outcrop situation with large slope in the field, providing a real and reliable data basis for the section interpretation, analysis and measurement of large slope outcrop.  相似文献   

Measurements of the dissolution rate of diopside (r) were carried out as a function of the Gibbs free energy of the dissolution reaction (ΔGr) in a continuously stirred flow-through reactor at 90 °C and pH90 °C = 5.05. The overall relation between r and ΔGr was determined over a free energy range of −130.9 < ΔGr < −47.0 kJ mo1−1. The data define a highly non-linear, sigmoidal relation between r and ΔGr. At far-from-equilibrium conditions (ΔGr ? −76.2 kJ mo1−1), a rate plateau is observed. In this free energy range, the rates of dissolution are constant, independent of [Ca], [Mg] and [Si] concentrations, and independent of ΔGr. A sharp decrease of the dissolution rate (∼1 order of magnitude) occurs in the transition ΔGr region defined by −76.2 < ΔGr ? −61.5 kJ mo1−1. Dissolution closer to equilibrium (ΔGr > −61.5 kJ mo1−1) is characterised by a much weaker inverse dependence of the rates on ΔGr. Modeling the experimental rGr data with a simple classical transition state theory (TST) law as implemented in most available geochemical codes is found inappropriate. An evaluation of the consequences of the use of geochemical codes where the rGr relation is based on basic TST was carried out and applied to carbonation reactions of diopside, which, among other reactions with Ca- and Mg-bearing minerals, are considered as a promising process for the solid state sequestration of CO2 over long time spans. In order to take into account the actual experimental rGr relation in the geochemical code that we used, a new module has been developed. It reveals a dramatic overestimation of the carbonation rate when using a TST-based geochemical code. This points out that simulations of water-rock-CO2 interactions performed with classical geochemical codes should be evaluated with great caution.  相似文献   

Transient Electromagnetic (TEM), known also as Time Domain Electromagnetic (TDEM) and Magnetic Resonance Sounding (MRS) methods were applied jointly to investigate variations in lithology and groundwater salinity in the Nahal Hever South area (Dead Sea coast of Israel). The subsurface in this area is highly heterogeneous and composed of intercalated sand and clay layers over a salt formation, which is partly karstified. Groundwater is very saline, with a chloride concentration of 100–225 g/l. TEM is known as an efficient tool for investigating electrically conductive targets like saline water, but it is sensitive to both the salinity of groundwater and the porosity of rocks. MRS, however, is sensitive primarily to groundwater volume, but it also allows delineating of lithological variations in water-saturated formations. MRS is much less sensitive to variations in groundwater salinity in comparison with TEM. We show that MRS enables us to resolve the fundamental uncertainty in TEM interpretation caused by the equivalence between groundwater resistivity and lithology. Combining TEM and MRS, we found that the sandy Dead Sea aquifer filled with Dead Sea brine is characterized by a bulk resistivity of ρx > 0.4 Ωm, whereas zones with silt and clay in the subsurface are characterized by a bulk resistivity of ρx < 0.4 Ωm. These observations are confirmed by calibration of the TEM method performed near 18 boreholes.  相似文献   

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