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格网技术对GIS发展的影响   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
格网技术作为新一代的Web技术,必将深刻影响GIS的发展。格网计算为数据密集型空间分析提供了资源支持。数据格网为海量空间数据分布式存储、管理、传输、分析提供了一体化的解决方法。格网技术为VRGIS实时场景渲染和海量场景数据存储以及GIS互操作问题的解决提供了一种新思路。格网中的智能体组件动态组装应用软件将对GIS应用开发方式产生重大影响。通过建立空间信息格网可以实现中国GIS产业的跨越式发展。  相似文献   

论地理信息系统的应用与发展   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
论述了地理信息系统产生与发展,从分析系统的技术特点入手,揭示了其发展与应用的密切关系,进一步指出了地理信息系统的应用潜力与发展方向。  相似文献   

《The Journal of geography》2012,111(4-5):174-185

This article examines the results of an online national survey of K–12 educators who attended a series of GIS training workshops conducted by the authors between 1998 and 2004. Data from the self-report survey (N = 186) suggest new information about potential changes in instruction and assessment patterns following GIS training. The survey provides insight for those designing GIS-based professional development, while simultaneously describing relatively little change in instructional methodology. The survey confirms some classroom implementation constraints from an earlier national implementation survey, identifying a lack of time for teachers, variable skill levels among students, and software complexity.  相似文献   

面向对象整体GIS数据模型的设计与实现   总被引:18,自引:4,他引:18  
本文在前期GIS概念数据模型研究的基础上 ,提出了面向对象整体GIS数据模型 ,并针对整体GIS软件的实现在系统数据组织、存储结构与访问机制方面进行了较为深入的探讨 ,Deskpro最后简单介绍了基于整体GIS数据模型的商品化软件———SuperMapDeskpro的实现情况  相似文献   


GIS is a technology which is ideally suited to analysis of the market values of properties, since such values are based upon spatial comparisons as well as individual property attributes. Great Britain now has a new mechanism of local taxation, the council tax, which is based upon the capital values of properties. Central to the implementation of this tax has been the potentially controversial assignment of properties to valuation ‘bands’. This paper posits that a geographical model embedded within a GIS provides an alternative means of devising credible capital values, and anticipates some of the prospects for the use of GIS in local revenue-raising.  相似文献   

近年来,广西海草大面积衰减,为加强广西海草的保护与管理,设计研发了广西海草资源GIS信息管理平台来管理纷杂的海草相关数据,该系统提高了海草管理的科技水平与工作效率。该平台包含基础信息维护、数据编辑、空间分析、空间查询、数据输出、系统管理6个子系统,具有较好的集成性、实用性与应用前景。本文对系统的结构、功能、实现方法等进行了重点介绍。  相似文献   

关于发展中国城市群GIS的探讨   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
城群GIS是适应城市群区域管治的需要,透过跨政府部门、跨行政区域的政府、企业、学术团体和公众之间的协作,共建和共享地理、人口、经济、资源等空间信息基础设施,发展多种多样的地理信息应用系统,服务于城市区域规划、环境保护、资源利用、大型基础设施建设、灾害防护方面的决策与行动。该文提出了城市群GIS概念,并探讨其功能和架构、关键技术、项目组织、系统实施问题,以期推动学术界对于跨组织、协作型城市群GIS的研究。  相似文献   

《The Journal of geography》2012,111(4):148-157

Geographical information systems (GIS) were phased into the geography curriculum of South African schools from 2006–2008 as part of the National Curriculum Statement (NCS) for grades 10–12. Since its introduction, GIS education in schools across the country has been met with a number of challenges including the cost of purchasing the hardware and software required to elucidate the basic concepts of GIS to learners. This article examines the introduction of GIS education in schools in South Africa. The development and distribution of a paper-based GIS educational package for resource-poor schools in the country is also highlighted. Preliminary educator and learner evaluations of the paper-based GIS package are discussed and the broader learning opportunities and benefits associated with flexible teaching mechanisms are examined.  相似文献   

GIS技术支持下的洪水模型建模   总被引:11,自引:4,他引:11  
在复杂区域建立洪水模型时,计算网格的手工生成方法容易出错甚至不可行,自动生成算法则可大大节省计算网格生成的工作量。洪水模型中的计算网格与GIS栅格数据及不规则三角网空间数据结构非常相似,因此,GIS中成熟的网格自动生成算法可用于生成洪水模型计算网格。文章详细讨论了GIS支持下的洪水模型自动建立步骤,并以黄河下游花园口~夹河滩河段为例,利用地形图、土地利用图、水利工程设施分布、水文站点图等资料,通过自动生成网格及其空间拓扑关系,建立了洪水过程数值模拟模型,并详细解释了计算网格数据格式。  相似文献   

组件地理信息系统不依赖于某一种开发语言,一般利用地理信息控件实现地理信息功能,专业应用功能则直接在通用平台上开发或是插入其它的专业模型分析控件来实现。目前,组件地理信息系统开发模式已成为地理信息系统二次开发的主要模式,该文阐述了组件地理信息系统的基本概念和技术基础,详细介绍了ESRI公司推出的MapObjects控件,结合实例论述了基于组件技术的地下水资源空间分析系统的设计开发过程。  相似文献   

In this paper we explore the development and assimilation of a high resolution topographic surface with a one-dimensional hydraulic model for investigation of avulsion hazard potential on a gravel-bed river. A detailed channel and floodplain digital terrain model (DTM) is created to define the geometry parameter required by the 1D hydraulic model HEC-RAS. The ability to extract dense and optimally located cross-sections is presented as a means to optimize HEC-RAS performance. A number of flood scenarios are then run in HEC-RAS to determine the inundation potential of modeled events, the post-processed output of which facilitates calculation of spatially explicit shear stress (τ) and level of geomorphic work (specific stream power per unit bed area, ω) for each of these. Further enhancing this scenario-based approach, the DTM is modified to simulate a large woody debris (LWD) jam and active-channel sediment aggradation to assess impact on innundation, τ, and ω, under previously modeled flow conditions. The high resolution DTM facilitates overlay and evaluation of modeled scenario results in a spatially explicit context containing considerable detail of hydrogeomorphic and other features influencing hydraulics (bars, secondary and scour channels, levees). This offers advantages for: (i) assessing the avulsion hazard potential and spatial distribution of other hydrologic and fluvial geomorphic processes; and (ii) exploration of the potential impacts of specific management strategies on the channel, including river restoration activities.  相似文献   

A Pedagogic Framework to Link GIS to the Intellectual Core of Geography   总被引:1,自引:3,他引:1  
《The Journal of geography》2012,111(6):578-591

This paper aims to develop a new pedagogic framework for teaching GIS at the college and university level using Berry's geographic matrix. By synthesizing different schools of thought, this paper argues that GIS education essentially involves two aspects—how to teach about GIS and how to teach with GIS. Berry's geographic matrix can be used to tie these dual aspects of GIS education together neatly. As an abstract representation of geographical phenomena, the geographic matrix embeds all three entities of GIS—location, attribute, time—and thus can help GIS instructors teach about GIS. As a synthesis of geographical approaches, the geographic matrix can assist GIS instructors teach with GIS. This paper demonstrates that GIS is actually an implementation of Berry's geographic matrix. Furthermore, the 10 approaches to geographical analysis, originally proposed by Berry for the geographic matrix, can be executed routinely in a GIS environment. By incorporating Berry's geographic matrix into GIS education, teachers can enable students to surpass technical issues and to appreciate the conceptual and functional linkages between GIS and geography's intellectual core.  相似文献   

GIS在河流洪泛区灾害监测中应用研究   总被引:6,自引:3,他引:6  
刘权 《地理科学》2002,22(6):712-716
以灾前、灾中、灾后为三条主线,应用“3S”技术、卫星通信技术及防洪决策支持系统等多种高新技术建立的一个复杂和难度大的业务运行系统,及时、准确地监测和评估辽河下游地区洪灾及其损失,为决策部门提供现势、客观数据与决策辅助方案。  相似文献   

基于GIS和RS的喀斯特流域SCS产流模型应用   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:5  
参数λ是SCS产流模型的一个重要参数,模型研究者将标准值λ=0.2作为模型的参数值。但模型参数没有考虑地貌类型对产流的影响,喀斯特地区不同地貌类型下地表坡度、土层厚度、地层岩性、基岩裂隙的发育程度等方面均存在很大差别,而这些因素都直接影响着流域的产流机制。在考虑地貌类型对喀斯特流域产流影响的基础上,通过率定不同地貌类型下的λ值对SCS模型进行改进。以GIS和RS技术作为获取流域地貌类型、土壤类型和土地利用方式等空间信息的主要手段,运用实测降雨径流资料对参数λ进行率定。由于喀斯特地区很少存在具有单一地貌的流域,仅靠实测数据很难确定各地貌类型的λ值,本文尝试通过对地貌结构与λ值关系的分析确定适合喀斯特流域的参数λ,从而建立起喀斯特流域SCS产流模型。模型在贵州平湖流域的应用结果表明,建立的喀斯特流域SCS产流模型的模拟精度较SCS产流模型有了很大提高,说明建立的喀斯特流域SCS产流模型比较合理,可以应用于喀斯特典型流域。  相似文献   

整合GIS的生态环境建模与EDSS研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
围绕生态环境的空间问题建模及模型集成机制,综合评述了环境建模及其应用软件的研究现状和发展趋势,对比分析了生态环境模型与GIS集成的多种方式,重点讨论了当前环境决策支持系统的开发策略和研究热点,并结合本体技术和语义网服务展望了未来环境决策支持系统解决方案的特征。  相似文献   

提出了一种基于GIS的地理元胞自动机模型框架:SimUrban,用于城市发展和演化的模拟与预测。该框架基于面向对象技术,在GIS环境下利用VS.NET开发而成,可以集成遥感和GIS数据以及新的转换规则和地理CA模型,从而模拟城市演化并进行精度评定。以上海市嘉定区为例,在SimUrban环境下利用基于主成分分析(PCA)的地理CA模型模拟了该区域1989-2006年城市发展和演化过程。  相似文献   

以石羊河流域为研究区,参考国内外有关可持续发展的评估研究,提出干旱内陆地区可持续发展评估指标体系。在GIS技术的支持下,对评价体系中各指标进行100 m×100 m尺度下的网格化表达,运用基于栅格数据的空间分析、层次分析和组合赋权法实现对研究区可持续发展能力的空间表达。以凉州区和金川区为中心的地区目前处于可持续发展水平;以永昌县、民勤绿洲和天祝县北部为中心的区域处于较可持续发展及以下水平;古浪县、天祝东部、民勤北部荒漠区和肃南大部分地区属于不可持续发展和严重不可持续发展水平。石羊河流域可持续发展状态尚处在威胁可持续发展和不可持续发展区间,流域经济社会发展仍以资源环境破坏为代价,属粗放式发展。  相似文献   

The space use of two coral‐feeding Red Sea butterflyfish species (Chaetodon austriacus and C. trifascialis) was studied at three sites in the Gulf of Aqaba to determine the extent of intraspecific territoriality. Individuals or pairs were observed in shallow water (<5 m). Their locations were recorded on maps of each study reef. The Animal Movement Analysis Extension (AMAE) in ArcView was used to plot territory borders and compute territory size for each species. Chaetodon austriacus, a generalist corallivore that exploited evenly distributed food resources, maintained small exclusive pair territories with clearly defined territory boundaries. In contrast, C. trifascialis, a specialist corallivore that exploited patchily distributed food resources, demonstrated considerable variation in territorial behaviour that ranged from the defence of small exclusive solitary territories to the shared use of a large home range. Comparisons of territory area estimates showed that 95% kernel probability density function territory boundaries matched intuitive territory boundaries and, unlike the minimum convex polygon area, did not contain obvious areas that were not used by individuals or pairs. We show that comparing different territory size measures can be very useful in describing subtle differences in territorial behaviour between species and studies. For this purpose, GIS is an ideal technology with which to carry out such analyses quickly and easily.  相似文献   

Using the UNFCCC as a basis, and the objectives of estimating soil organic carbon (SOC) changes during the period 1900–2100, a spatially explicit database of climate, land cover and soil texture was compiled for a 262,000 km2 region in semi-arid Sudan. The area is characterized by low input cultivation of millet, sorghum and sesamé combined with livestock grazing. By integrating the database with the CENTURY ecosystem model, we were able to estimate historical, current and future pools of SOC as a function of land management and climate.The SOC (upper 20 cm) decrease from 1900 to 2000 was estimated to be 6·8 Mt and the maximum potential carbon sink (SOC increase) for the period 2000 to 2100 was estimated to be 17 Mt. Cropland and grassland lost 293 and 152 t SOC km−2 respectively whereas the savannahs gained 76 t SOC km−2 from 1900 to 2000. The SOC sequestration scenario simulated during 2000–2100 recovered 94, 84 and 75 t km−2 for cropland, grassland and savannah respectively.In addition to climate and soils, cropping intensity, fallow periods, fire frequency and grazing intensity also influence cropland SOC variation. Grassland and savannah SOC variations depend on grazing intensity and fire return interval. Land management may affect future amounts of SOC in semi-arid areas thereby turning them from sources into sinks of carbon. SOC estimates were reasonably consistent with measurements (r2=0·70, n=13).  相似文献   

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