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Estimation of rock physicomechanical properties using hardness methods   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The purpose of this study is to investigate the statistical relationship between hardness value and physicomechanical properties of constructional and cover rocks. The definition, measurement of hardness and classification of the rocks used are very important in construction sector. From this point of view, rock hardness is one of the most important parameters for the determination of rock properties. In this study, the determination of hardness and the physicomechanical properties of constructional and cover rocks in Çukurova region was accomplished using various methods in the laboratory. Statistical relations between physicomechanical properties and hardness of rocks were also determined. High correlations were found between the hardness methods (Shore Scleroscope, Schmidt hammer hardness), which are cheap and easy to use, and other physical and mechanical properties. It was found that physicomechanical properties can be estimated using hardness methods and compared with the calculated value from different empirical equations.  相似文献   

探讨了岩石硬度与测井参数间的关系,利用测井资料结合数学处理方法进行了岩石硬度预测方法研究。结果表明,岩石硬度与声波测井有很好的相关性,而与自然伽马测井无必然联系。在此基础上,利用声波测井资料建立了岩石硬度预测模型,并对预测模型进行了检验和修正,使预测精度达到90%以上。同时,该方法可以克服室内微钻头实验法中,由于岩心数量有限且实验用岩心为完整岩块,不能代表整个岩体性质的缺陷,实现了地层岩石硬度的快速实时预测,为钻头设计、选型、钻井工程设计提供了基础参数。  相似文献   

This study aims to express the relationships between Schmidt rebound number (N) with unconfined compressive strength (UCS) and Young's modulus (Et) of the gypsum by empirical equations. As known, the Schmidt hammer has been used worldwide as an index test for a quick rock strength and deformability characterisation due to its rapidity and easiness in execution, simplicity, portability, low cost and nondestructiveness. In this study, gypsum samples have been collected from various locations in the Miocene-aged gypsum of Sivas Basin and tested. The tests include the determination of Schmidt hammer rebound number (N), tangent Young's modulus (Et) and unconfined compressive strength. Finally, obtained parameters were correlated and regression equations were established among Schmidt hammer rebound hardness, tangent Young's modulus and unconfined compressive strength, presenting high coefficients of correlation. It appears that there is a possibility of estimating unconfined compressive strength and Young's modulus of gypsum, from their Schmidt hammer rebound number by using the proposed empirical relationships of UCS=exp(0.818+0.059N) and Et=exp(1.146+0.054N). However, the equations must be used only for the gypsum with an acceptable accuracy, especially at the preliminary stage of designing a structure. Finally, by using the obtained Schmidt hammer rebound number from this study, unconfined compressive strength was calculated and compared with the calculated value from different empirical equations proposed by different authors. It can be said that it is impossible to obtain only one relation for all types of the rocks.  相似文献   

Summary Shore hardness has been used to estimate some mechanical and physical properties of rocks for many years. This study differs from previous studies in a way that it is directly oriented to rock cuttability. Two Shore hardness values (SH 1 andSH 2) and a coefficient of deformation value (K) have been measured for 30 different rock samples. In the first stage of the study, optimum specific energy values for 16 different rock samples obtained from full-scale cutting tests were correlated with the Shore hardness values of the same rock samples changingSH 1 values from 9 to 66 andSH 2 values from 25 to 83, with deformation coefficient values changing from 26 to 195. In the second stage, the performance of a roadheader used in the Kü?üksu (Istanbul) tunnel was recorded in detail and the instantaneous cutting rate of the machine was determined. Then, the relationship between Shore hardness values, deformation coefficient and the instantaneous cutting rate of the machine was determined for different formations encountered. It is concluded that there is a relationship between Shore hardness values, optimum specific energy and compressive strength, which may be used to estimate the rock cuttability and the instantaneous cutting rates of roadheaders within certain limits of reliability.  相似文献   

Modeling of receiver functions computed using data from the IRIS broadband station PALK in Sri Lanka reveals a simple crust with a thickness of 34 km. The crust appears to be more felsic with dominance of quartzite, as evidenced by a low Poisson's ratio of 0.25 compared to the global average for Precambrian shields. An overview of crustal composition of the high-grade terrains of Gondwana land reveals that Poisson's ratios mostly lie in the range of 0.24–0.26. These lower than global average values from both Archean and Proterozoic shields, including the metamorphic regions appear to be characteristic of Precambrian shields consistent with the average continental crust composition estimates showing 59% silica content. The two principal mantle discontinuities beneath PALK are found at 418 and 678 km, respectively, which are both deeper than the global averages, suggesting a hotter upper mantle.  相似文献   

考虑核电厂地基-基础的动力相互作用,应用显式动力有限差分法分析了地震作用下极软岩、较软岩、坚硬岩上核电厂建筑结构基础的地震响应特征,比较了岩石坚硬程度对基础加速度反应谱的影响。研究表明:随着岩石坚硬程度的提高,核电厂建筑物结构基础的地震响应有增加的趋势;在周期轴上,基础处的加速度反应谱曲线会随着岩石坚硬程度的提高逐渐向短周期(高频段)方向移动。在高频段,建造于较坚硬岩石上基础结构的加速度反应谱值偏大;在中等频段,建造于较软岩石上基础结构的加速度反应谱值偏大;在低频段,岩石坚硬程度对加速度反应谱的影响不显著。  相似文献   

It is often difficult to directly obtain specific design parameters of interest. In these situations, estimation based on empirical correlations is an alternative. The deformation modulus of a rock mass, which is important to know for engineering projects, is measured by in situ tests, such as plate bearing, flat jack, pressure chamber, borehole jacking and dilatometer tests. Nevertheless, these in situ tests are expensive, time consuming and sometimes even impossible. Many attempts have been made to estimate the E modulus using easy-to-obtain parameters of a rock mass. This paper reviews previous studies and the equations that have been developed. In addition, this study presents a new relation developed using a database of 82 dilatometer test results gathered from two dam sites and a tunnel site. Statistical analyses were performed to correlate accessible rock parameters with measured E modulus values from in situ tests. Knowing that discontinuity characteristics and the strength of rock materials are the most important contributors to rock deformability, the focus was on identifying parameters that are affected by the mentioned properties. Among the tested parameters, RMR (Rock Mass Rating) showed the best correlation with the E modulus. Statistical analyses resulted in a new empirical equation that has an acceptable estimation ability.  相似文献   

利用"岩体裂隙率"评价工程岩体的质量   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文提出用建立在岩体结构面网络三维模拟基础上的“岩体裂隙率”来表征岩体的质量。它可以用来衡量结构面的发育程度及岩体的完整性,评价岩体质量,用于工程岩体分类。  相似文献   

含交叉裂隙岩体相似材料试件力学性能单轴压缩试验   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
以相似材料制作含交叉裂隙岩体试件,考虑主裂隙与加载方向之间角度变化及主、次裂隙之间角度变化制作20组试件,对试件进行单轴压缩试验,研究交叉裂隙对岩体破坏模式及力学特性的影响。研究表明,主裂隙与加载方向呈0°及90°时,试件破坏主要为沿次裂隙扩展的剪切型破坏;当主裂隙与加载方向呈30°及45°时,试件破坏主要是沿主裂隙扩展所致的剪切型破坏;主裂隙角度一致情况下,大部分含交叉裂隙岩体破坏强度高于含单向裂隙岩体,含交叉裂隙岩体试件应力-应变曲线峰后下降斜率比含单向裂隙岩体大;主裂隙角度一致情况下,当次裂隙与主裂隙呈45°夹角左右时,岩体试件强度较低,当次裂隙与主裂隙呈30°及90°夹角左右时,岩体试件强度较高。  相似文献   

干密度对粗粒料的强度特性有重要影响,特别是三维应力状态下影响更为显著。通过不同密度粗粒料大型真三轴等小主应力等中主应力系数(b=0.25)加载试验和大三轴试验研究了干密度对粗粒料强度特性的影响。结果表明,大型真三轴试验的应力曲线基本呈爬升型,高于和陡于大三轴应力曲线,表现出较强的硬化性;粗粒料强度基本随初始干密度的增大或小主应力的增大呈线性增大;大型真三轴试验强度比大三轴试验强度增大20%~97%,且小主应力越小,强度增大幅度越大;令粗粒料黏聚力为0,则内摩擦角随初始干密度的增大基本呈线性增大,随小主应力的增大而减小;破坏应力比随初始干密度的增大呈线性增大,随小主应力的增大而呈线性减小,大型真三轴试验的破坏应力比小于大三轴试验的破坏应力比。  相似文献   

岩体中存在的结构面对岩体的力学特性有很大的影响,研究岩体的强度参数,必须弄清结构面在岩体中的分布情况,了解结构面对岩体强度的影响程度。岩体结构面的研究起初是靠人工进行现场测量,不仅耗费人力物力,而且获取的数据代表性不强,还略显粗糙。在计算机应用飞速发展的背景下,利用计算机进行结构面网络模拟的方法浮出水面,并成为现在国内外研究结构面的主要方法之一。此方法在众多的科学研究以及工程建筑领域得到了应用,并在应用之中得到了不断的完善和发展,取得了一定的成果。文章在对计算机结构面网络模拟原理分析的基础上,主要讨论了利用结构面网络模拟计算岩体连通率和岩体强度的方法,其中着重研究了带宽投影法的原理及带宽连通率的计算过程,介绍了利用带宽连通率计算岩体强度参数的方法。利用西北某水电站实际研究中应用此方法的工程实例对成果做了评价,成果与实际情况大体相符。对结构面网络模拟方法做了综合评价:简单易行,省时省力,效果良好。  相似文献   

龙门山断裂带深部构造和物性分布的分段特征   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8       下载免费PDF全文
根据龙门山断裂带周边的固定数字地震台网和流动地震观测获得的宽频带地震记录,用多种地震学方法研究该地区的地壳上地幔结构。深部结构研究表明,龙门山断裂带物性分布具有显著的分段特征。用远震接收函数H-k叠加方法计算了各个台站的地壳厚度和波速比。地壳厚度总体变化是,地壳从东向西增厚,最小厚度为37.8 km,最大厚度是68.1 km。从东南向西北横跨龙门山断裂带的地壳急剧增厚,从41.5 km增厚至52.5 km。但是,龙门山断裂带两侧地壳厚度的差异在断裂带的南段和北段是不同的。在南段,地壳厚度急剧变化的分界线在中央断裂附近;在中段,分界线在后山断裂附近;在北段,则断裂带两侧地壳厚度差异很小。泊松比的空间分布是,松潘—甘孜地体北部和西秦岭造山带具有低泊松比(ν<0.26),扬子地台具有低—中泊松比(ν<0.27),松潘—甘孜地体南部、三江褶皱带和四川盆地具有中—高泊松比(0.26<ν<0.29)。除龙门山断裂带南段及其附近,大部分地区均不具有超高的泊松比(ν>0.30)。龙门山断裂带南段地壳具有高泊松比(ν>0.30),而北段地壳则为中—低泊松比。高泊松比可以看成是铁镁质组分增加和/或部分熔融的证据,表明那里的下地壳部分熔融是可能的。松潘—甘孜地体东南部地区的下地壳处于富含流体或温度较高的部分熔融状态,它有助于青藏高原的下地壳物质向东运动。青藏高原东部中、上地壳向东运动受刚性强度较大的扬子地台的阻挡,沿龙门山断裂带产生应变能积累。当应变达到临界值,发生急剧的摩擦滑动,释放积累的应变能,产生汶川Ms8.0地震。汶川地震在龙门山断裂带不同地段,表现出不同的破裂特征和余震分布,可能与断层带的分段深部构造差异有关。  相似文献   

 Hydrogeologic studies are commonly data-intense. In particular, estimations of hydraulic properties of hard rock often require large amounts of data. In many countries, large quantities of hydrogeologic data have been collected and archived over the years. Therefore, the use of existing data may provide a cost-efficient alternative to collecting new data in early stages of hydrogeologic studies, although the available data may be considered imprecise. Initially, however, the potential usefulness, i.e., the expected accuracy, of the available data in each specific case must be carefully examined. This study investigates the possibilities of obtaining estimates of transmissivity from hard-rock air-lift data in Sweden within an order of magnitude of results obtained from high-quality injection-test data. The expected accuracy of the results was examined analytically and by means of statistical methods. The results were also evaluated by comparison with injection-test data. The results indicate that air-lift data produce estimates of transmissivity within an order of magnitude compared to injection-test data in the studied examples. The study also shows that partial penetration and hydrofracturing may only affect the estimations approximately half an order of magnitude. Thus, existing data may provide a cost-efficient alternative to collection of new data in early stages of hydrogeologic studies. Received, January 1998 Revised, November 1998, December 1998 Accepted, December 1998  相似文献   

尹小涛  郑亚娜  马双科 《岩土力学》2011,32(4):1211-1215
内尺度比是材料的最小结构和材料尺寸的比。在细观条件下,岩土材料可以看成是由不同尺度矿物颗粒组成的颗粒集聚体,含有不同尺度的天然缺陷。这些带有尺度特点的材料结构、构造特征无疑会影响岩土材料性质测试的结果和准确性,即岩土材料具有和金属材料一样的内尺度比。利用颗粒流软件fish语言编写程序虚拟实现了岩土材料单轴压缩试验,设计了0.05、0.10、0.20、0.40、0.60、0.80、1.00、1.20、1.40、1.60、1.80、2.00 mm等12种粒径数值试件,分别进行了单轴压缩试验。根据试件的破坏形态、应力-应变曲线,分析了内尺度比对测试结果的影响,发现:粒径小于0.40 mm之后,计算时间急剧增加,计算效率急剧减小;内尺度比小于0.01之后,材料的数值试验结果趋于稳定。这说明岩土材料也存在内尺度比,岩土体的物理力学参数的尺寸效应问题就是材料内尺度问题的一种表现形式。  相似文献   

为了研究岩石在加载-卸载过程中的应力-应变关系,以砂岩为例,对其进行常规三轴加卸载试验。分析了峰后卸载阶段岩石的非线性特性,对岩石的损伤变量进行定义,给出了峰后卸载过程中用于描述应力-应变关系的弹性模量模型。通过分析加载-卸载过程中的轴向应变与径向应变的关系,得到了卸载过程中泊松比模型。引入D-P塑性模型,针对砂岩的塑性硬化特性,对硬化函数进行修正,建立了与等效塑性应变相关联的损伤模型。将计算模型矩阵化后进行数值计算。在此过程中得到如下结论:多孔隙岩石在加载过程中表现出明显的非线性特征,随着体应力的增大,岩石的弹性模量逐渐增大。岩石峰后卸载过程中,当轴向应力大于围压时,应力-应变可以利用峰前弹性阶段的弹性模量模型乘以连续性因子进行描述。随着等效塑性应变的增大,泊松比先增大后减小,最终趋于稳定。峰后卸载过程中,等效塑性应变不发生变化,此时泊松比保持不变。利用提出的本构模型进行了数值计算,数值计算结果与试验结果进行对比,结果表明,提出的模型能够反映出岩石在峰后卸载过程中的应力-应变规律。  相似文献   

方焘  刘新荣  黄明 《岩土力学》2012,33(7):2000-2006
将外界因素对岩石变形的影响考虑为瞬间弹性损伤和长期蠕变损伤,并根据加载瞬间弹性模量及蠕变模量的劣化分别对瞬间弹性损伤变量和蠕变损伤变量进行定义,由此建立了考虑损伤的kBurgers模型。在此基础上,通过假定泊松比和体积模量为常量分别得到了对应的模型三维表达式,并得到了不同建模思路下模型参数间的换算关系。最后结合实际算例,对常体积模量假定下模型参数随含水率变化的损伤演化规律进行了分析,获得了常体积模量假定下模型的瞬间弹性损伤和长期蠕变损伤演化方程,检验了模型参数换算关系的有效性。  相似文献   

选取怒江段、高黎贡山隧道和潞西—平达段的灰岩、砂岩、花岗岩、玄武岩4种岩性,分别进行了岩石抗压强度、抗剪强度、抗拉强度、弹性模量、泊松比等力学性能参数的实验室和室外现场测定。结果表明,岩石力学参数的定量测试与野外岩组的定性划分、理论依据能很好地吻合。通过野外实地观察,结合岩石样品力学性质参数的室内测试和室外现场测定,对大理—瑞丽铁路沿线的工程地质岩组进行了划分,共划分出22个工程地质岩组。在全线工程地质岩组中,坚硬岩组占16.23%,坚硬—较坚硬岩组占31.67%,较坚硬岩组占26%,较坚硬—较软弱岩组占14.17%,软弱岩组占11.93%。全线以坚硬和较坚硬岩组为主体。  相似文献   

选取怒江段、高黎贡山隧道和潞西—平达段的灰岩、砂岩、花岗岩、玄武岩4种岩性,分别进行了岩石抗压强度、抗剪强度、抗拉强度、弹性模量、泊松比等力学性能参数的实验室和室外现场测定。结果表明,岩石力学参数的定量测试与野外岩组的定性划分、理论依据能很好地吻合。通过野外实地观察,结合岩石样品力学性质参数的室内测试和室外现场测定,对大理—瑞丽铁路沿线的工程地质岩组进行了划分,共划分出22个工程地质岩组。在全线工程地质岩组中,坚硬岩组占16.23%,坚硬—较坚硬岩组占31.67%,较坚硬岩组占26%,较坚硬—较软弱岩组占14.17%,软弱岩组占11.93%。全线以坚硬和较坚硬岩组为主体。  相似文献   

Realistic texture‐based modelling methods, that is microstructural modelling and micromechanical modelling, are developed to simulate the rock aggregate breakage properties on the basis of the rock actual microstructure obtained using microscopic observations and image analysis. The breakage properties of three types of rocks, that is Avja, LEP and Vandle taken from three quarries in Sweden, in single aggregate breakage tests and in inter‐aggregate breakage tests are then modelled using the proposed methods. The microstructural modelling directly integrates the microscopic observation, image analysis and numerical simulation together and provides a valuable tool to investigate the mechanical properties of rock aggregates on the basis of their microstructure properties. The micromechanical modelling takes the most important microstructure properties of rock aggregates into consideration and can model the major mechanical properties. Throughout this study, it is concluded that in general, the microstructure properties of rock aggregate work together to affect their mechanical properties, and it is difficult to correlate a single microstructure property with the mechanical properties of rock aggregates. In particular, for the three types of rock Avja, LEP and Vandle in this study, crack size distribution, grain size and grain perimeter (i.e. grain shape and spatial arrangement) show good correlations with the mechanical properties. The crack length and the grain size negatively affect the mechanical properties of Avja, LEP and Vandle, but the perimeter positively influences the mechanical properties. Besides, the modelled rock aggregate breakage properties in both single aggregate and inter‐aggregate tests reveal that the aggregate microstructure, aggregate shape and loading conditions influence the breakage process of rock aggregate in service. For the rock aggregate with the same microstructure, the quadratic shape and good packing dramatically improve its mechanical properties. During services, the aggregate is easiest to be fragmented under point‐to‐point loading condition, and then in the sequence of multiple‐point, point‐to‐plane and plane‐to‐plane loading conditions. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

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