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新疆独山子泥火山喷发特征的研究   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
李锰  王道 《内陆地震》1996,10(4):359-362
新疆独山子泥火山喷发特征的研究李锰,王道,李茂伟,戴晓敏(新疆维吾尔自治区地震局.乌鲁木齐,830011)1995年8月3日,伊犁哈萨克自治州地震办公室李凡德报告,独山子泥火山近期喷发,达尔庙29号井水位出现异常。为此新疆维吾尔自治区地震局派出工作组...  相似文献   

新疆独山子泥火山喷发的初步研究   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6       下载免费PDF全文
王道  李茂玮 《地震地质》1997,19(1):15-16
1995年7月新疆独山子泥火山突然喷发。对该泥火山活动的特征做了详细研究,分析了泥火山重新活动的地质构造条件和流体动力地质作用,认为泥火山活动造成较严重的自然灾害可能性不大,与地震活动之间有一定成因方面的关系  相似文献   

新疆北天山地区泥火山与地震   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
王道 《内陆地震》2000,14(4):350-353
泥火山是特定地质构造-水文地质环境下的一种构造流体地质现象,在世界上的分布较熔岩火山少。泥火山的出现通常与生油气带有关。据报道,在阿塞拜疆共和国、格鲁吉亚共和国、土库曼斯坦共和国及俄罗斯的塔曼半岛和肯切半岛等地都有泥火山广泛分布[1]。1948年10月5日土库曼斯坦共和国首都阿什哈巴德市发生7.3级地震时,在极震区引起泥火山重新活动;1959年12月17日巴库泥火山突然喷发时,又有有感地震伴随发生[1],可见,泥火山活动与地震活动有一定的成因联系。本文将对新疆北天山地区泥火山的动态及其与地震活动的关系作一分析。1 北天山地区泥…  相似文献   

梁卉  高小其  向阳  朱成英 《中国地震》2018,34(3):534-544
泥火山形成于特定的水文地质及构造环境,其喷发活动是内部大量气体聚集引起异常高压的一种释放,可以将大量地下信息携带到地表,被称为"天赐钻井"。新疆乌苏艾其沟泥火山实时观测始于2011年8月,自观测以来,在其周围200m范围内,共发生了4次6级以上地震,分别是2011年11月1日新疆尼勒克M_S6.0、2012年6月30日新疆新源M_S6.6、2016年12月8日新疆呼图壁县M_S6.2及2017年8月9日精河M_S6.6地震。在4次地震前后,艾其沟泥火山喷发活动均出现了"背景值—上升—转折—下降—背景值"的宏观异常变化现象,地震则发生在泥火山喷发活动由强到弱的过程中,尤其是在2017年精河M_S6.6地震时,乌苏艾其沟泥火山的喷发活动异常变化现象为新疆地震局做出震情形势判定提供了一部分依据,具有一定的减灾实效。  相似文献   

新疆北天山泥火山固体喷出物特征及成因机制初探   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
北天山泥火山位于新疆天山北麓山前拗陷带内,均处在背斜褶皱的轴部。在了解泥火山的地质背景、活动现状的基础上,对该区泥火山进行了详细的野外考察,对所采样品进行粒度、显微形貌及成分分析。研究发现:该区域的泥火山样品粒径主要集中在0.3~100μm,平均值相近,分选较差,分布对称性呈极正偏。矿物颗粒以石英、长石为主,基质为黏土矿物,白杨沟和艾其沟样品中均含有铁矿物质。根据上述分析结果对北天山泥火山成因机制进行了初步探讨,认为该区域的泥火山物源相同,泥浆最深来源于下中侏罗统,地层压力以构造活动为主。目前泥火山处于弱活动期,短期内造成较大灾害的可能性很小。  相似文献   

自2011年8月对新疆乌苏艾其沟泥火山实施24小时连续观测以来,在距泥火山200km范围内,相继发生了MS5.0、MS6.0和MS6.6地震.其中,在MS6.0和MS6.6地震前,艾其沟泥火山液面均出现了"背景值—上升—转折—下降—背景值"的异常变化现象,而地震都发生在泥火山液面下降的过程中.这一现象与已知的霍尔果斯泥火山震例异常有所不同,显示了泥火山的震兆异常特征可能与其构造条件密切相关.  相似文献   

粒度组分是影响黄土震陷的重要因素之一.通过采集新疆艾其沟泥火山泥质碎屑喷出样品和泥火山发育区域出露的沉积剖面泥质碎屑样品,利用激光粒度分析测试的实验方法对样品进行粒度测试,分别对样品中值(Md)、均值(Mz)、标准偏差(σφ)、偏度(SK1)、峰度(KG)等粒度参数进行分析.研究结果显示:艾其沟泥火山泥质沉积物粒度组分...  相似文献   

前言人们总以为地震是地球内部岩石急剧运动产生弹性波的物理现象,而常常不把它当作化学现象来研究。但是,传播地震波的地球介质不是均匀的弹性体,而是有空隙的岩石。如果认为地震发生全过程中,充填空隙的液体和气体(总称地下流体)一般会出现流动和变化的话,那么地...  相似文献   

蒋雨函  高小其  王阳洋  张磊 《地震》2020,40(3):65-82
在系统介绍中国新疆北天山地区和台湾南部地区泥火山研究进展的基础上,对其地质特征进行了对比分析。结果显示,北天山和台湾南部地区的泥火山均沿着断裂带分布,主要位于背斜轴部,泥火山分布区地层多出露为含泥岩层。对两个地区泥火山喷出物物理特征进行了对比分析,固体喷发物的矿物成分相似,如石英、蒙脱石等;液体喷出物的泥浆温度与冒泡频率相近,但最大气泡直径与气体流量有很大差别。又分别对两地区液体、气体喷出物的化学特征进行了对比分析,液体喷出物均盐度高;甲烷是大多数泥火山喷发气体的主要成分,一些泥火山喷发的气体主要是二氧化碳。区域构造地质和气候条件不同,导致两地泥火山喷出物存在差异。从现有研究来看,两地泥火山的喷发都是岩层的孔隙压力增大造成的。两个地区泥火山与当地地震活动之间表现出良好的对应关系。泥火山的地球化学参数可能是地震活动的潜在指标。  相似文献   

2012年6月30日新源-和静MS6.6地震前后, 北天山泥火山出现了喷溢和地球化学异常变化. 该地震前、 后4天内两次观测了北天山泥火山, 采集了两批温泉和泥火山气体样品, 测定了样品的气体组分和He、 Ne同位素及CH4、 CO2的碳同位素组成. 结果表明, 泥火山发生了同震喷发, 气体排放量增加, 温泉和泥火山气体出现了不同程度的微量气体浓度异常, 独山子泥火山震前出现了3He/4He高值异常. 研究结果有利于确定利用泥火山和温泉监测地震活动的方法和指标.   相似文献   

Ground penetrating radar (GPR) survey was conducted in the Wushanting mud volcano field (Yanchao, Kaohsiung) using a 500 MHz antennae, which allowed high-resolution imaging of subsurface structures. Seven GPR reflection characteristics are recognized. Sigmoid GPR reflection patterns resulted from a recent mud lobe deposited above an underlying older mud lobe front. Contorted GPR facies resulted from recent mud flow which encountered obstacles. Subparallel reflections resulted from mud volcano deposits of limited flowability, low velocity and gentle gradient. Hummocky reflection patterns are formed by interfingering of recent mud lobes building onto low land. Disrupted GPR facies were due to lateral breaks of continuity from mud cracks, which, according to field observation, can provide channels for erosion and form deeper erosion gullies. GPR time slices of different depths are rendered as a three-dimensional model. Approximately orbicular GPR reflection characteristics can indicate arcuate stacked mud lobe fronts of different periods. Some depositional models to explain GPR reflection characteristics can be founded upon observations of recent sedimentary phenomena. The models of this study may be applied to paleoenvironments and the depositional evolution of mud volcanoes in similar geological settings.  相似文献   

The Meseta and Fuego volcanoes closely overlap and collectively are known as the Fuego Volcanic Complex. Historic activity occurs exclusively at Fuego, the southern center, and consists of high-Al basalts. Meseta, the inactive northern center, is predominantly composed of basaltic andesites with minor basalt and andesite. A thick sequence of lava flows and dikes is exposed by a steep collapse escarpment on the east flank of Meseta. The upper 75% of the sequence was sampled from three interfingering stratigraphic sections consisting of 27, 10 and 4 lavas, respectively. Temporal geochemical trends of each section indicates a complex evolutionary history. A major trend toward more evolved compositions upward in the section is consistent with crystal fractionation. This trend is sharply interrupted by the youngest lavas which become distinctly more mafic in composition. Magma mixing is apparently the dominant magmatic evolution process that generated these lavas. The two trends have distinct Sr signatures that suggest a change in parental magma compositions. This abrupt change in composition is interpreted to signal high input rates of mafic magma into the subvolcanic magma chamber. These changes eventually led to sector collapse of Meseta volcano and deposition of the Escuintla debris avalanche. Eruptive activity then migrated to the Fuego volcano where historic activity is similar to that of Meseta immediately prior to its collapse.  相似文献   

许璐  张智慧  邢喜民 《中国地震》2017,33(4):741-748
2017年8月9日新疆精河发生6.6级地震,本文以温泉台水平摆观测数据为研究对象,首先研究温度、水位对其影响,结果表明,水平摆NS向倾斜量滞后气温约114天,它们之间的相关系数为-0.620195;EW向倾斜量滞后气温44天,相关系数为0.8449978;NS向倾斜量滞后水位约17天,相关系数为-0.6886279。然后,利用回归分析,选取适当的回归模型剔除温度、水位对温泉台水平摆观测数据的影响。最后,对回归残差序列进行分析。研究认为,精河6.6级地震前温泉台水平摆倾斜量的异常特征为:(1)NS分量自2015年10月29日之后的年变畸变,精河地震发生后,于2017年8月11日转向N倾,异常结束;(2)EW向倾斜量自2016年5月13日起出现持续E倾变化,截至地震发生时E倾幅度达0.88″。  相似文献   

As the wall rock of the Aketas gold deposit,the Aketas granite is about 45 km away from Fuyun County, Xinjiang Province. The zircon weighted mean U–Pb age of the Aketas granite is 309.0 ± 4.7 Ma, indicating that the Aketas granite was emplaced during the late Carboniferous. The Aketas granite belongs to the High-K calcalkaline series, with Si O2 content from 63.00 to 68.20 %,K2 O content from 3.06 to 4.49 % and Na2 O content from4.14 to 6.02 %. The Alkaline Ratio(AR) of the Aketas granite is high, from 1.89 to 3.47, and is 2.95 on average.The Aketas granite has lowPREE(92.42–122.73 ppm)and highPLREE/PHREE ratios(6.54–11.88). For the trace elements, the Aketas granite is enriched in LILE(Rb,U, Th, K) and incompatible elements, and marked depleted in HFSE(Nb, Ta, P, Ti). The geochemical characteristics of the Aketas granite suggest that it is a typical I-type and volcanic arc granite, and that the crystallization of clinopyroxene and hornblende is notable during the magmatic evolution. In combination with the regional tectonic studies, we propose that the emplacement of the Aketas granite implies the Altai and East Junggar area was still dominated by a subduction system at *309 Ma.  相似文献   

This paper considers the theoretical and experimental principles of a monitoring system for mud volcanoes using powerful vibroseismic sources. A mathematical method has been developed to simulate magma chambers of arbitrary geometry with allowance for deep-seated faults near the volcano, overlapping layers, etc. Results are reported from calculations of the seismic field for the source zone of the Shugo mud volcano. Mathematical modeling served as a basis to develop a technique of vibroseismic sounding using powerful controlled sources yielding a force of 40–100 tons on the ground. For the first time in the history of observations on mud volcanoes, two mud volcanoes on land have been subjected to active vibroseismic sounding. These are the Akhtanizovskii and Shugo volcanoes in the Taman’ mud-volcanic province. The results of experimental investigations are reported. Numerical simulation has helped refine the earth model in the Shugo area, which was previously derived from vibroseismic sounding data.  相似文献   

Mud volcano is a kind of structural geological phenomena under certain hydrogeological environment and can bring plenty of valuable information to the ground when it erupts, therefore, many researchers call it as "Heaven granted well" whose depth can be up to 12km. Mud volcanoes in Xinjiang are distributed in the central-west region of North Tianshan, and five of them are representative, namely, Horgus, Dushanzi, Wenquan, Poplar valley, and Sailetike. We tested the gas, fluid and solid components of these mud volcanoes through investigations and studies of topography and geomorphology, geological and hydrogeological conditions, and mud debris characteristics, and preliminary obtained the origin of these mud volcanoes based on geochemical features. Finally, the paper describes briefly that the continuous enchancement of regional crustal tectonic stress can not only give rise to the seismogenesis and earthquake occurrence, but also break the original cycle of mud volcano to bring about significant activity, therefore, the two have a certain homology relationship.  相似文献   

青藏高原羌塘东部治多县左支——失多莫卜辉长岩带形成于晚二叠世,由单一辉长岩组成。岩石富碱,Na2O〉K2O为钙碱性系列。微量元素特征表现为大离子亲石元素(LILE)富集,高场强元素分异,显示板内玄武岩特征。轻稀土元素高度富集,δEu不显亏损,为弱负异常到正异常。(87Sr/85Sr)i较低,变化于0.70419~0.70471之间,εNd(t)值较高,变化于4.3~4.9之间,显示了略亏损的地幔源区特征。该辉长岩带应形成于板内伸展扩张构造环境。  相似文献   

Santanghu area in northeastern Xinjiang region of Northwest China is an important component of the Central Asian Orogenic Belt(CAOB), in which the dynamic mechanism of Permian magmatism is controversial. In Santanghu area is exposed a thick succession of the Middle Permian basalts, including a small amount of picritic basalts and andesites, known as the Tiaohu Formation. The picritic basalts contain cumulate olivine, and have whole-rock Mg# up to 0.68–0.77; the basalts exhibit porphyritic or doleritic textures, and have relatively low Mg# of 0.41–0.54, typical of evolved magmas. The mafic-ultramafic rocks of the Tiaohu Formation are slightly enriched in Light Rare Earth Elements(LREEs), and exhibit negative Nb and Ti anomalies. They also have high Ti O2 content, and Nb/Y and Zr/Yb ratios greater than those of island arc volcanic rocks. Relatively low initial Sr isotopic ratios and high positive εNd(t) and εHf(t) values argue against contamination by ancient continental crust, and suggest formation of the Tiaohu Formation by partial melting of relatively refractory depleted lithospheric mantle that underwent metasomatism and extraction by fluid from the subducted slab. In addition, up to 38% olivine in picritic basalts indicates high-degree partial melting of lithospheric mantle, and the underlying Lucaogou Formation contains fragments of ultra-alkaline magmatic rocks that originated in the deep mantle. These observations imply wide-spread underplating in Santanghu area, which may have been associated with a mantle plume.  相似文献   

Susumu  Kato  Amane  Waseda  Hideki  Nishita 《Island Arc》2006,15(3):304-312
Abstract   Six oil samples collected from the Sagara oil field, Shizuoka Prefecture, were geochemically analyzed. Unlike the Niigata oils, the Sagara oils: (i) are low-sulphur light oils dominated by gasoline and kerosene fractions; (ii) have low values of environment index in light hydrocarbon compositions; (iii) have high Pr/ n -C17 and low Ph/ n -C18 ratios and high oleanane/hopane ratios; (iv) have high relative abundance of C29 and low relative abundance of C28 regular steranes; and (v) have 'light' stable carbon isotope compositions. These characteristics show that the source rocks of the Sagara oils contain mainly marine organic matter, but with more input of terrigenous organic matter deposited under more oxic conditions compared to those of the Niigata oils. The light carbon isotope compositions and the low relative abundance of C28 regular steranes of the Sagara oils suggest that their source rock is not Miocene, but probably Paleogene in age. The Sagara oils probably migrated along faults from deeper parts of the basin.  相似文献   

Leaching of freshly erupted air-fall ash, unaffected by rain, from the May 18, 1980, eruption of Mount St. Helens volcano, Washington, shows that Ca2+, Na+, Mg2+, SO 4 2? , and Cl? are the predominant chemical species released on first exposure of the ash to water. Extremely high correlation of Ca with SO4 and Na with Cl in water leachates suggests the presence of CaSO4 and NaCl salts on the ash. The amount of water soluble material on ash increases with distance from source and with the weight fraction of small (less than 63 micrometers) ash particles of high-surface area. This suggests that surface reactions such as adsorption are responsible for concentrating the soluble material. CaSO4, NaCl, and other salts are probably formed as microscopic crystals in the high-temperature core of the eruption column and are then adsorbed by silicate ash particles. The environmentally important elements Zn, Cu, Cd, F. Pb, and Ba are released by a water leach in concentrations which could pose short-term hazards to some forms of aquatic life. However, calculated concentrations are based on a water-to-ash ratio of 4:1 or less, which is probably an underestimation of the regionally operative ratio. A subsequent leach of ash by warm alkaline solution shows dramatic increases, in the amount of dissolved SiO2, U, and V, which are probably caused by increased dissolution of the glassy component of ash. Glass dissolution by alkaline ground water is a mechanism for providing these three elements to sedimentary traps where they may coaccumulate as uraniferous silica or U-V minerals. Leaching characteristics of ash from Mount St. Helens are comparable to characteristics of ash of similar composition from volcanoes in Guatemala. Ashes from each locality show similar ions predominating for a given leachate and similar fractions of a particular element in the ash removed on contact with the leach solution.  相似文献   

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