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自1855 年黄河改道北行至今,山东省的渤海湾海岸线向海方面推移了19km ,黄河泥沙的造陆面积达2827km2 ,而在江苏省北部从双洋口至小丁港150km 的海岸线上共失去土地1320km2 以上。作者认为,可以疏通明清黄河故道作为引黄工程,利用黄河携带的大量泥沙淤积于黄海沿岸,以减缓黄海岸线的侵蚀,还可抑制黄河泥沙沉积而造成的渤海的淤积。  相似文献   

黄河三角洲:共和国最年轻的国土 黄河三角洲位于渤海湾和莱州湾沿岸,是黄河以巨量泥沙堆积在人海口附近而形成的扇面状陆地,在自然地理上,它是古代、近代和现代三角洲叠加形成的复合体。古代三角洲以蒲城为顶点,西起套尔河口,南达小清河口,陆上面积约7200平方公里。1855年黄河从铜瓦厢(今兰考县东坝头)决口,经大清河故道于利津县东北老爷庙牡蛎嘴入渤海,建造了以宁海为顶点、西起套尔河口、南抵支脉沟口附近的近代三角洲,陆上面积约5400平方公里。  相似文献   

特殊的地理位置使济南市跨越黄河向北发展提到了议事日程,城市建设与黄河防洪的关系将更加密切。济南河段历来是黄河防洪的重点,目前该段黄河堤防正在进行标准化建设,防御标准相当于30到近千年一遇,可以满足城市防洪的要求。济南市跨河发展,黄河将成为城中河,城市建设与防洪建设将互相促进。由于黄河问题的复杂性,泥沙淤积和地上悬河将长期存在,建议城市规划要考虑给黄河未来的防洪留出足够空间,对跨河交通等过河建筑物应统一进行规划,城市建设要充分利用黄河泥沙资源,同时搞好沿黄生态和风景线建设,以实现人与自然和谐共处。  相似文献   

特殊的地理位置使济南市跨越黄河向北发展提到了议事日程,城市建设与黄河防洪的关系将更加密切。济南河段历来是黄河防洪的重点,目前该段黄河堤防正在进行标准化建设。防御标准相当于30到近千年一遇,可以满足城市防洪的要求。济南市跨河发展,黄河将成为城中河,城市建设与防洪建设将互相促进。由于黄河问题的复杂性,泥沙淤积和地上悬河将长期存在,建议城市规划要考虑给黄河未来的防洪留出足够空间,对跨河交通等过河建筑物应统一进行规划,城市建设要充分利用黄河泥沙资源,同时搞好沿黄生态和风景线建设,以实现人与自然和谐共处。  相似文献   

特殊的地理位置使济南市跨越黄河向北发展提到了议事日程,城市建设与黄河防洪的关系将更加密切.济南河段历来是黄河防洪的重点,目前该段黄河堤防正在进行标准化建设,防御标准相当于30到近千年一遇,可以满足城市防洪的要求.济南市跨河发展,黄河将成为城中河,城市建设与防洪建设将互相促进.由于黄河问题的复杂性,泥沙淤积和地上悬河将长期存在,建议城市规划要考虑给黄河未来的防洪留出足够空间,对跨河交通等过河建筑物应统一进行规划,城市建设要充分利用黄河泥沙资源,同时搞好沿黄生态和风景线建设,以实现人与自然和谐共处.  相似文献   

黄河泥沙资源丰富。如何处理黄河泥沙,历来是黄河治理开发的大事。该文结合黄河下游山东、河南两省的实际情况,在论证综合开发利用黄河泥沙的可能性、技术支撑、市场需求、法制环境等基础上,提出了淤改涝洼地、制造墙体材料、复垦采煤塌陷区等综合利用黄河泥沙的建议。  相似文献   

1基本情况 1.1泥沙现状分析 黄河多年平均输沙量为14.7亿t,其中下游河道多年平均淤积量3.87亿t(高村-利津段1.84亿t),下游段沿黄引水带去的泥沙量平均每年近亿吨,其余9亿多吨送入大海。泥沙的沉积和输送去向,是直接导致下游河床逐年抬高,河槽萎缩,河势游荡的主要因素,特别是花园口-东平湖段二级悬河的形势尤为严峻,从而加大了黄河防汛和沿黄两岸引水的成本。  相似文献   

黄河水利委员会提出了“维持黄河健康生命”的治河新理念,把维持黄河健康生命作为黄河开发与管理的终极目标。“堤防不决口,河道不断流,污染不超标,河床不抬高”是实现其终极目标的4个主要标志。河床不抬高就要通过综合措施解决泥沙问题,包括上中游拦减人黄泥沙,中下游采取人工调控水沙“关系”,在黄河下游挖河疏浚。在黄河下游窄河道特别是在河口地区挖河疏浚,减少其对下游河道的反馈影响,是维持黄河健康生命的重要措施之  相似文献   

利用黄河泥沙资源治理煤田采空沉陷区,可以清除黄河泥沙,降低黄河河底高度,达到除害兴利的目的。该文讨论了巨野煤田开发存在的沉陷问题,以及因此造成的危害和影响,研究利用黄河泥沙资源恢复煤田沉陷区的途径和方法,对于类似沉陷区治理有重要的借鉴意义。  相似文献   

正潮汐去又还,问谁所节度?潮汐是水世界的时间,它应自己的安排,为陆地带来无限活力。随潮汐涨落而被淹没和露出的向海缓斜的宽广潮间滩地,就是生命的脚印。簌簌泥与沙——泥滩非荒滩潮滩是滨海湿地生态系统的孕育地。潮汐与河流带来的泥沙和动植物碎屑往往在此沉积,历经漫长的岁月形成平坦、开阔的泥质滩涂,并孕育出世界上生物资源极为丰富的盐沼和红树林生态系统。  相似文献   

Diversion of the Yellow River is a unique geological event in offshore China, causing changes of the sedimentary environment in eastern China Seas. The last diversion took place in AD 1855, with the estuary diverted from the Yellow Sea into the Bohai Sea. The identification of the river diversion events in the shelf sediments would not only provide the definite ages for the sediments, but also give a clue for better understanding of the sedimentation in that area. In this study, 210 Pb, grain size, geochemical element, and foraminiferal data in core H205 from the north Yellow Sea were systematically investigated. A high-resolution sedimentary record was established, which was coupled with the Yellow River diversion and runoff changes. The results show that the foraminiferal composition and foraminiferal abundance of the sediments from the north Yellow Sea had good response to the Yellow River diversion in 1855. Before the change, shallow water assemblages dominated the foraminifera, and the abundance of each foraminiferal species was very low. After the diversion event, the abundance of most foraminifera increased sharply, with a maximum increase of 16 times, and the assemblage was still dominated by shallow water species. Furthermore, the changes in foraminiferal abundance in the core sediments corresponded well with the discharge fluctuation of the Yellow River since 1855. When the Yellow River began entering the Bohai Sea, the Yellow River water, which is rich in nutrients, along with the coastal currents affected the north Yellow Sea, increased the primary productivity in the north Yellow Sea, which is the main reason for the abrupt increase and fluctuation of foraminiferal abundance in this area. At the meantime, the East Asian winter monsoon could also promote the development of nearshore foraminiferal species by enhancing the coastal currents.  相似文献   

黄河三角洲具有极高的生态价值,研究其景观格局及生态风险对促进黄河三角洲高质量发展具有重要意义。本文以黄河三角洲1980年、2000年和2020年土地利用数据为基础,分析土地转移及景观格局特征,同时构建生态风险评价模型揭示生态风险时空演变及空间相关性。结果表明:(1)耕地是黄河三角洲最主要的地类,占比在60%以上,1980—2020年土地转移主要发生在耕地、建设用地、水域和未利用地之间。(2)1980—2020年黄河三角洲景观斑块数、景观斑块密度、景观最大斑块指数、景观形状指数和香农多样性指数均呈下降趋势,区域整体趋向简单化和聚集化。(3)黄河三角洲高风险区和较高风险区主要环渤海分布,1980—2020年各级风险区转出最大面积均为更低级风险区,生态风险有所降低。  相似文献   

山东半岛海域成矿区带划分以往研究程度较低。该文利用海域重磁资料,在研究区梳理了渤海和黄海的重磁异常特征,渤海和北黄海呈负布格重力异常,南黄海北部与之相反;渤海为正磁异常,黄海与之相反。以重磁异常为基础,基于陆域构造单元划分,对海域构造单元划分至Ⅲ级10个构造单元,海域构造单元多为陆域向海域的延伸,仅渤中坳陷和北黄海盆地为独立的海域构造单元。参照陆域成矿区带划分,以构造单元边界为界线,海域成矿区带划分至Ⅳ级6个成矿区,各成矿区特征不同,坳陷构造单元内成矿区富集油气矿产,隆起构造单元内成矿区表现为埕宁隆起富集煤矿,胶北隆起富集金、菱镁矿、煤、灰岩矿,千里隆起富集岩金、蛇纹岩、石棉、花岗石矿。  相似文献   

Fenneropenaeus chinensis distributed in the Yellow Sea and Bohai Sea of China and the west coast of the Korean Peninsula. Different geographical populations represent potentially different genetic resources. To learn further the characteristics of different geographical population, crosses among two wild and three farmed populations were produced. The two wild populations were from the Yellow Sea and Bohai Sea (WYP), and the west coast of the Korean Peninsula and coast (WKN). The three farmed populations included the offspring of first generation of wild shrimp from coast in Korea (FKN), the Huang Hai (the Yellow Sea in Chinese) No. 1 (HH 1), and JK98. The phenotypes growth and survival rates of these populations were compared to confirm the feasibility for crossbreeding. The body length (BL), carapace length (CL), carapace width (CW), height of the second and third abdominal segment (HST), width of the second and third abdominal segment (WST), length of the first abdominal segment (LF), length of the last abdominal segment (LL), live body weight (BW), and survival rate were measured. Different combinations were statistically performed with ANOVA and Duncan's Multiple significant difference (P<0.05) in BL, CL, HST, LL, and BW; and insignificant difference (P0.05) in other growth traits and survival rate. The results of Duncan's Multiple Range Test are that BL and CL of was the best combination in all growth traits. Therefore, hybridization can introduce the variation to base populations. The systematic selection program based on additive genetic performance may be more effective than crossbreeding.  相似文献   

This study investigates the migration and distribution of the warm-temperate fish Nibea albiflora. Their spawning migration and wintering migratory routes within in the Yellow Sea are described in detail. Considering the main physical features and environment of the Yellow Sea, it appears to be have one wintering ground and three migratory routes from the wintering ground to the spawning grounds. The fish begin to migrate from the wintering ground to the spawning grounds in the northwest region of the Yellow Sea in late March. The Yellow Sea has three spawning grounds. The first is located near the Yalu River on the Liaodong Peninsula and the second one is located in Rushan Bay of Shandong Peninsula. The third spawning ground is located in Haizhou Bay in the southern region of the Yellow Sea. This study found that the temperature of the Yellow Sea influences the migration of N. albiflora, and that the migratory routes coincide with the thermal fronts in the sea. Nutrients for juvenile fish are taken from the coastal upwelling area. Chlorophyll is a good environmental indicator of phytoplankton biomass and thereby provides the status of biological resources. Different types of sediment in near-shore zones are also of practical significance for the growth of fish. The study of the effects of marine environments on the migration of various fishes is not only significant to the fishing industry, but can also provide a scientific basis for the understanding of the ecological implications of the relevant physical processes.  相似文献   

Relocation of the Yellow River estuary has significant impacts on not only terrestrial environment and human activities, but also sedimentary and ecological environments in coastal seas. The responses of regional geochemical characteristics to the relocation event, however, have not been well studied. In the present study, we performed detailed geochemical elemental analyses of a sediment core from the northern Yellow Sea and studied their geochemical responses to the 1855 AD relocation of the Yellow River estuary. The results show that TOC/TN, Co/Al2O3, Cr/Al2O3, Ni/Al2O3 and Se/Al2O3 ratios all decreased abruptly after 1855 AD, and similar decreases are observed in the sediments of the mud area southwest off the Cheju Island. These abrupt changes are very likely caused by the changes in source materials due to the relocation of the Yellow River estuary from the southern Yellow Sea to the Bohai Sea, which the corresponding decreasing trends caused by the changes in main source materials from those transported by the Liaohe River, the Haihe River and the Luanhe River to those by the Yellow River. Because the events have precise ages recorded in historical archives, these obvious changes in elemental geochemistry of sediments can be used to calibrate age models of related coastal sea sediments.  相似文献   

This study investigates the migration and distribution of the warm-temperate fish Nibea albiflora. Their spawning migration and wintering migratory routes within in the Yellow Sea are described in detail. Considering the main physical features and environment of the Yellow Sea, it appears to be have one wintering ground and three migratory routes from the wintering ground to the spawning grounds. The fish begin to migrate from the wintering ground to the spawning grounds in the northwest region of the Yellow Sea in late March. The Yellow Sea has three spawning grounds. The first is located near the Yalu River on the Liaodong Peninsula and the second one is located in Rushan Bay of Shandong Peninsula. The third spawning ground is located in Haizhou Bay in the southern region of the Yellow Sea. This study found that the temperature of the Yellow Sea influences the migration of N. albiflora, and that the migratory routes coincide with the thermal fronts in the sea. Nutrients for juvenile fish are taken from the coastal upwelling area. Chlorophyll is a good environmental indicator of phytoplankton biomass and thereby provides the status of biological resources. Different types of sediment in near-shore zones are also of practical significance for the growth of fish. The study of the effects of marine environments on the migration of various fishes is not only significant to the fishing industry, but can also provide a scientific basis for the understanding of the ecological implications of the relevant physical processes.  相似文献   

The chlorophyll a(Chl a) is an important indicator of marine ecosystems. The spatiotemporal variation of the Chl a greatly aff ects the mariculture and marine ranching in coastal waters of the Shandong Peninsula. In the current study, the climatology and seasonal variability of surface Chl-a concentration around the Shandong Peninsula are investigated based on 16 years(December 2002–November 2018) of satellite observations. The results indicate that the annual mean Chl-a concentration is greater in the Bohai Sea than in the Yellow Sea and decreases from coastal waters to off shore waters. The highest Chl-a concentrations are found in Laizhou Bay(4.2–8.0 mg/m 3), Haizhou Bay(4.2–5.9 mg/m 3) and the northeast coast of the Shandong Peninsula(4.4–5.0 mg/m 3), resulting from the combined eff ects of the intense riverine input and long residence time caused by the concave shape of the coastline. The seasonal Chl-a concentration shows a signifi cant spatial variation. The Chl-a concentrations in these three subregions generally exhibit an annual maximum in August/September, due to the combined eff ects of sea surface temperature, river discharge and sea surface wind. In the southeast coast region, however, the Chl-a concentration is lowest throughout the year and reaches a maximum in February with a minimum in July, forced by the seasonal evolution of the Yellow Sea Cold Water and monsoon winds. The interannual Chl-a concentration trends vary among regions and seasons. There are signifi cant increasing trends over a large area around Haizhou Bay from winter to summer, which are mainly caused by the rising sea surface temperature and eutrophication. In other coastal areas, the Chl-a concentration shows decreasing trends, which are clearest in summer and induced by the weakening land rainfall. This study highlights the diff erences in the Chl-a dynamics among regions around the Shandong Peninsula and is helpful for further studies of coupled physical-ecological-human interactions at multiple scales.  相似文献   

Partial drainage often occurs during piezocone penetration testing on Yellow River Delta silt because of its intermediate physical and mechanical properties between those of sand and clay.Yet,there is no accurate understanding for the range of penetra-tion rates to trigger the partial drainage of silt soils.In order to fully investigate cone penetration rate effects under partial drainage condi-tions,indoor 1 g penetration model tests and numerical simulations of cavity expansion at variable penetration rates were carried out on the Yellow River Delta silt.The boundary effect of the model tests and the variation of key parameters at the different cavity ex-pansion rates were analyzed.The 1 g penetration model test results and numerical simulations results consistently indicated that the penetration rate to trigger the partially drainage of typical silt varied at least three orders of magnitude.The numerical simulations also provide the reference values for the penetration resistance corresponding to zero dilation and zero viscosity at any given normalized penetration rate for silt in Yellow River Delta.These geotechnical properties can be used for the design of offshore platforms in Yel-low River Delta,and the understanding of cone penetration rate effects under the partially drained conditions would provide some technical support for geohazard evaluation of offshore platforms.  相似文献   

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