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全吉地区新元古代滨岸冰川沉积特征及地质意义   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
柴达木盆地北缘全吉地区枯柏木组发现新元古代冰海沉积物,该地层保留了冰筏卸载及滨岸波浪共同作用的痕迹。通过对全吉山、欧龙布鲁克山及大煤沟三个剖面冰海相冰成岩沉积特征的系统描述与分析,建立了滨岸冰川沉积模式。冰成岩顶部发现铁质砂岩层,证实本区新元古代发生过铁质富集事件。结合前人年代学证据及冰成岩与BIF铁矿的伴生关系判断该冰成岩为第一期全球性冰川事件——Sturtian冰期的产物,首次确定该区存在前震旦纪冰川事件。通过冰川事件的对比认为该区麻黄沟组及枯柏木组应划归为青白口系,确定该区存在青白口纪稳定沉积层。  相似文献   

A detailed ore microscopic study strengthened by fire assay data of Al Wajh stream sediments (Wadi Al Miyah, Wadi Haramil and Wadi Thalbah) in northwestern Saudi Arabia shows economic concentrations of gold in the silt fraction (40–63 μm). However, particles of extremely fine “dusty” gold (≤40 μm in size) were also identified in most stations as independent grains. The maximum gold content in the samples of Wadi Al Miyah is 13.61 wt%, which is reported for the heavy fraction (<40 μm). Maximum gold content in the heavy fractions of Wadi Haramil stream sediments amounts 6.90 g/t Au in a relatively coarse fraction (63–125 μm). It appears that the most fertile heavy fraction in gold among the analysed samples are those from Wadi Thalbah that have the highest index figure, which makes the placer gold in them more profitable from the economic point of view. The gold content in the heavy fractions of samples from Wadi Thalbah is economically high lying in the range 6.27–28.83 g/t Au, except for a sample collected at the upstream with 0.77 g/t Au. Al Wajh stream sediments (including the beach light and black sands) are also rich in Fe–Ti oxides, rutile and zircon, whereas monazite and thorite are much lesser. Mineral chemistry of magnetite indicates a distinct titanomagnetite variety (with 3.85 wt% TiO2) which is consistent with the ore microscopic investigation. The titanomagnetite is V- and Cr-free, which indicates derivation from a more felsic source than a mafic one. No traces of U were found in zircon that sometimes bears up to 2.74 wt% Hf2O3. Chemical analyses of monazite show typical common contents of rare earth elements such as La, Ce, Nd and Sm. Thorite is either U-free or uranothorite varieties where the latter contains up to 31.79 wt% UO2. One of the U-free thorite grains is Y-bearing and contains 7.13 wt% Y2O3.
كيميائية المعادن من التحليل التقديري الناري لرسوبيات الوديان في منطقة الوجه- شمال غرب المملكة العربية السعودية
توضح الدراسة المجهرية للخامات المعدنية والتي تعضدها بيانات التحليل التقديري الناري لرسوبيات الوديان بمنطقة الوجه (وادي المياه، وادي حرامل، وادي ثلبة) في شمال المملكة العربية السعودية، أن هناك تركيزات اقتصادية للذهب في كسرة الغرين التي يتراوح حجمها من 40 إلى 63 ميكرومتر. في معظم الحالات المدروسة تم رصد حبيبات من الذهب الطليق متناهية الصغر (أقل أو تساوي 40 ميكروميتر). كما اتضح أيضا أن أعلى محتوى لفلز الذهب وجد في القطفات المعدنية الثقيلة دقيقة الحجم المأخوذة من وادي المياه والتي تقدر 13.61 جرام/الطن. أما المحتوى الأعلى في القطفات المعدنية الثقيلة الأكبر نسبيا في الحجم (تتراوح من 63 إلى 125 ميكروميتر) المأخوذة من الرواسب الوديانية بوادي حرامل يصل إلى 6.90 جرام/طن. ويبدو أن القطفات الثقيلة لرسوبيات وادي ثلبة الوديانية هي الأخصب من حيث محتوى الذهب وتلك العينات لها شكل مميز مما يجعل ذهب المراقد بذلك الوادي ذو ربحية مشجعة وذلك من الناحية الاقتصادية. وتتراوح التركيزات الاقتصادية للذهب في عينات وادي ثلبة بين 6.27 - 28.83 جرام/طن باستثناء عينة وحيدة تم تسجيل كمية ذهب بها لا تتعدى 0.77 جرام/طن. عينات الرواسب الوديانية بمنطقة الوجه (بما في ذلك الرمال الشاطئية السوداء والفاتحة اللون) غنية بمعادن خامات أكاسيد الحديد والتيتانيوم والروتيل والزيركون، بالإضافة إلى كميات أقل بكثير من معدني المونازيت والثوريت. وتوضح كيمياء المعادن أن معدن الماجنيتيت غني بالتيتانوماجنيتيت (ماجنيتيت تيتاني به 3.85% من ثاني أوكسيد التيتانيوم) وهو ما أثبتته أيضا الدراسة المجهرية. وهذا الماجنيتيت التيتاني لا يحتوي على عنصري الكروم والفاتيديوم مما يعطي دلالة على أن هذه الصخور فلسية أكثر منها مافية، وأن الزيركون الموجود لا يحتوي على عنصر اليورانيوم بينما يحتوي على أكسيد هافتيوم حتى 2.74%. أما التحاليل الكيميائية للمونازيت فإنها تظهر وجود كميات من العناصر الأرضية النادرة مثل اللانثاتوم والسيريوم والنيوديوم والسماريوم. أما معدن الثوريت فقد تم تسجيل نوعان منه أحدهما لا يحتوي على اليورانيوم أما الآخر فيحتوي على 31.79% من ثاني أوكسيد اليورانيوم. ولقد اكتشف في إحدى حبيبات الثوريت أنها لا تحتوي على اليورانيوم ولكنها تحتوي على عنصر أكسيد الأيتريوم تصل نسبته إلى 7.13%.

Equations are developed for calculating the density of aluminosilicate liquids as a function of composition and temperature. The mean molar volume at reference temperature Tr, is given by Vr = ∑XiV?oi + XAV?oA, where the summation is taken over all oxide components except A12O3, X stands for mole fraction, V?oi terms are constants derived independently from an analysis of volume-composition relations in alumina-free silicate liquids, and V?oA is the composition-dependent apparent partial molar volume of Al2O3. The thermal expansion coefficient of aluminosilicate liquids is given by α = ∑Xi\?gaio + XA\?gaAo, where \?gaio terms are constants independent of temperature and composition, and \?gaoA is a composition-dependent term representing the effect of Al2O3 on the thermal expansion. Parameters necessary to calculate the volume of silicate liquids at any temperature T according to V(T) = Vrexp[α(T-Tr)], where Tr = 1400°C have been evaluated by least-square analysis of selected density measurements in aluminosilicate melts. Mean molar volumes of aluminosilicate liquids calculated according to the model equation conform to experimentally measured volumes with a root mean square difference of 0.28 ccmole and an average absolute difference of 0.90% for 248 experimental observations. The compositional dependence of V?oA is discussed in terms of several possible interpretations of the structural role of Al3+ in aluminosilicate melts.  相似文献   

Natural malachite is a well defined solid demonstrating reproducible solubility behavior over a wide range of pH. The following equilibrium constants associated with the malachite dissolution equilibrium at 25°C, 1 atm were determined:
Ksp = a2cu2+aCO32?K2wa2H+ = 3.5 ± 0.6 × 10?34
(infinite dilution)
K1sp = [Cu2+]2[CO2?3]K2wa2H+ = 10. ± 0.2 × 10?32
(0.72 ionic strength)
K′sp = m2Cu2+mCOsu2?3K2wa2H+ = 1.3 ± 0.1 × 10?28
(36.9‰ salinity seawater). The temperature dependence of a “mixed” equilibrium constant, Ksp+, of the form:
K2sp = [Cu2+]2mCO2?3K2wa2H+
has been measured at I = 0.72, yielding the relationship:
log K2sp = (? 9.8 ± 0.03) × 104(1T°K) + (1.52 ± 0.09)
within a 5–25°C temperature range. The effect of pressure on the solubility of malachite in water and seawater was estimated from partial molar volume and compressibility data. For 25 °C at infinite dilution K'sp (1000 bar)K'sp(0) = 240 and in seawater K′sp(1000)K'sp(0) = 44.Comparison of stoichiometric and apparent malachite equilibrium constants has been used to estimate the extent of copper(II) ion interaction at the ionic strength of seawater. In dilute carbonate medium (total alkalinity, TA = 2.4 meq/kg H2O, pH 8.3), 2.9% of total dissolved copper exists as the free copper(II) ion and in seawater (S = 36.9%., TA = 2.3 meq/kg H2O, pH = 8.1), [Cu2+]T(Cu) is 3.1%.Total dissolved copper levels of approximately 450–750 nMol/Kg are necessary to attain malachite saturation conditions in the open ocean. Observations of malachite particles suspended in seawater must be explained by precipitation or solid phase substitution reactions from localized environments rather than by direct precipitation from bulk seawater.  相似文献   

The thermo-elastic behavior of a natural epidote [Ca1.925 Fe0.745Al2.265Ti0.004Si3.037O12(OH)] has been investigated up to 1,200 K (at 0.0001 GPa) and 10 GPa (at 298 K) by means of in situ synchrotron powder diffraction. No phase transition has been observed within the temperature and pressure range investigated. PV data fitted with a third-order Birch–Murnaghan equation of state (BM-EoS) give V 0 = 458.8(1)Å3, K T0 = 111(3) GPa, and K′ = 7.6(7). The confidence ellipse from the variance–covariance matrix of K T0 and K′ from the least-square procedure is strongly elongated with negative slope. The evolution of the “Eulerian finite strain” vs “normalized stress” yields Fe(0) = 114(1) GPa as intercept values, and the slope of the regression line gives K′ = 7.0(4). The evolution of the lattice parameters with pressure is slightly anisotropic. The elastic parameters calculated with a linearized BM-EoS are: a 0 = 8.8877(7) Å, K T0(a) = 117(2) GPa, and K′(a) = 3.7(4) for the a-axis; b 0 = 5.6271(7) Å, K T0(b) = 126(3) GPa, and K′(b) = 12(1) for the b-axis; and c 0 = 10.1527(7) Å, K T0(c) = 90(1) GPa, and K’(c) = 8.1(4) for the c-axis [K T0(a):K T0(b):K T0(c) = 1.30:1.40:1]. The β angle decreases with pressure, βP(°) = βP0 −0.0286(9)P +0.00134(9)P 2 (P in GPa). The evolution of axial and volume thermal expansion coefficient, α, with T was described by the polynomial function: α(T) = α0 + α1 T −1/2. The refined parameters for epidote are: α0 = 5.1(2) × 10−5 K−1 and α1 = −5.1(6) × 10−4 K1/2 for the unit-cell volume, α0(a) = 1.21(7) × 10−5 K−1 and α1(a) = −1.2(2) × 10−4 K1/2 for the a-axis, α0(b) = 1.88(7) × 10−5 K−1 and α1(b) = −1.7(2) × 10−4 K1/2 for the b-axis, and α0(c) = 2.14(9) × 10−5 K−1 and α1(c) = −2.0(2) × 10−4 K1/2 for the c-axis. The thermo-elastic anisotropy can be described, at a first approximation, by α0(a): α0(b): α0(c) = 1 : 1.55 : 1.77. The β angle increases continuously with T, with βT(°) = βT0 + 2.5(1) × 10−4 T + 1.3(7) × 10−8 T 2. A comparison between the thermo-elastic parameters of epidote and clinozoisite is carried out.  相似文献   

The Sarcheshmeh copper mine smelter plant is one of the biggest copper producers in Iran. Long-time operation of about 25 years of the smelter plant causes release of potentially toxic heavy metals into the environment. In this paper, geochemical distribution of toxic heavy metals in 28 soil samples was evaluated around the Sarcheshmeh smelter plant. Soils developed over the nonmineralized and uncontaminated areas have an average background concentration of 41.25 mg kg−1 Cu, 26.6 mg kg−1 As, 12.7 mg kg−1 Pb, 0.9 mg kg−1 Sb, 1.9 mg kg−1 Mo, 1.7 mg kg−1 Sn, 0.2 mg kg−1 Cd, 0.15 mg kg−1 Bi, 235 mg kg−1 S and 73.4 mg kg−1 Zn, respectively. As a result of smelting process, the upper soil layers (0–5 cm) were polluted by Cu (>1,397 mg kg−1), Cd (>3.42 mg kg−1), S (>821 mg kg−1), Mo (>10.3 mg kg−1), Sb (>11.7 mg kg−1), As (>120.6 mg kg−1), Pb (>83.8 mg kg−1), Zn (>214.9 mg kg−1), and Sn (>3.7 mg kg−1), respectively. These values are much higher than the normal concentration of the elements in the uncontaminated soil layers. The elemental values decrease with distance travelled away of the smelter plant, especially at minimum wind direction. Furthermore, high contaminated values of Cu (8,430 mg kg−1), As (500 mg kg−1), Pb (331 mg kg−1), Mo (61 mg kg−1), Sb (56.2 mg kg−1), Zn (664 mg kg−1), Cd (17.2 mg kg−1), Bi (13.4 mg kg−1), and S (3,780 mg kg−1) were observed in the upper soil layers close to the smelting waste dumps. Sequential extraction analysis shows that about 270 mg kg−1 Cu, 28 mg kg−1 Pb, 50.33 mg kg−1 Zn, and 47.84 mg kg−1 As were adsorbed by Fe and Mn oxides. The carbonate phases include 151 mg kg−1 Cu, 28 mg kg−1 Pb, 25 mg kg−1 Zn, and 32.99 mg kg−1 As. Organic matter adsorbed 314.6 mg kg−1 Cu and 29.18 mg kg−1 Zn.  相似文献   

This paper interprets the mass spectrometric, i.r. absorption and NMR data for 22 compounds obtained from a polar fraction of Green River shale. The major constituents analyzed are believed to be of the following compositional types: CnH2nO (cyclohexanols and chain isoprenoid ketones), CnH2n?10O (tetralones and indanones), CnH2n?7N (tetrahydroquinolines), CnH2n?11N (quinolines), CnH2n?1NO (alkoxypyrrolines), CnH2n?5NO2 (maleimides), CnH2n?8 (tetralins), CnH2n?12 (naphthalenes) and CnH2n?14 (benzylbenzenes). This work expands the present information about nitrogen, oxygen and aromatic constituents indigenous to Green River shale.  相似文献   

The coprecipitation of Na and K was experimentally investigated in aragonite. The distribution functions were determined at pH 6.8 and 8.8 over aqueous Na and K concentrations of between 5 × 10?4and 2.0 M and temperatures of between 25 and 75°C.The mole fractions of Na and K in aragonite are related to the aqueous ratios of Na and Ca by a function of the form
log XNa2CO3,K2CO3 = C0 + C1loga2Na ? ,K?aCa2+
where C0 and C1 are constants at a given temperature. This equation was derived by a statistical model assuming a heterogeneous energy distribution for the sites of incorporation. The independence of the coprecipitation process from aqueous anion activities suggests that carbonate is the only anionic species in the solid solution.  相似文献   

K and Rb distributions between aqueous alkali chloride vapour phase (0.7 molar) and coexisting phlogopites and sanidines have been investigated in the range 500 to 800°C at 2000 kg/cm2 total pressure.Complete solid solution of RbMg3AlSi3O10(OH)2 in KMg3AlSi3O10(OH)2 exists at and above 700°C. At 500°C a possible miscibility gap between approximately 0.2 and 0.6 mole fraction of the Rb end-member is indicated.Only limited solid solution of Rb AlSi3O8 in KAlSi3O8 has been found at all temperatures investigated.Distribution coefficients, expressed as Kd = (Rb/K) in solid/(Rb/K) in vapour, are appreciably temperature-dependent but at each temperature are independent of composition for low Rb end-member mole fractions in the solids. The determined KD values and their approximate Rb end-member mole fraction (XRM) ranges of constancy are summarized as follows: (°C)TKDPhlog/Vap.XRMKDSandi/Vap.Xrm

Pb isotope ratios have been measured in 12 volcanic rocks from the South Sandwich Islands. The ranges are 206Pb204Pb = 18.51–18.66; 207Pb204Pb = 15.55–15.64; 208Pb204Pb = 38.42–38.64. In 207Pb204Pb-206Pb204Pb and 208Pb204Pb-206Pb204Pb correlation diagrams, the South Sandwich data plot distinctly above the fields for ocean ridge basalts, and yield trends showing apparent mixing with a sedimentary end member similar to South Atlantic pelagic sediments as reported by Chow and Patterson (1962) and this study. Armstrong and Cooper (1971) have likewise shown that volcanics from the Lesser Antilles show mixing trends with North Atlantic sediments in Pb isotope correlation diagrams. The North Atlantic sediments have distinctly higher 206Pb204Pb and 208Pb204Pb ratios compared to the South Atlantic sediments. The parallel relationships between sediments and volcanic island arc rocks of the North and South Atlantic provide strong evidence for a component of Pb from subducted sediments in the lavas of the west Atlantic basin. In contrast to these data, lavas from the Mariana Arc in the western Pacific show little or no component of Pb from pelagic sediments. The reason for the different behaviors in the two settings is speculative.  相似文献   

The carbonato and hydrogencarbonato complexes of Mg2+ were investigated at 25 and 50° in solutions of the constant ClO4? molality (3 M) consisting preponderantly of NaClO4. The experimental data could be explained assuming the following equilibria: Mg2+ + CO2B + H2O ag MgHCO+3 + H+, log 1β1 = ?7.644 ± 0.017 (25°), ?7.462 ± 0.01 1 (50°), Mg2+ + 2 CO2g + 2 H2Oag Mg(HCO3)02 ± 2 H+, log 1β2 = ?15.00 ± 0.14 (25°), ?15.37 ± 0.39 (50°), Mg2+ + CO2g + H2Oag MgCO03 + 2 H+, log 1k1 = ?15.64 ± 0.06 (25°),?15.23 ± 0.02 (50°), with the assumption γMgCO30 = γMg(HCO3)02, ΔG0(I = 0) for the reaction MgCO03 + CO2g + H2O = Mg(HCO3)02 was estimated to be ?3.91 ± 0.86 and 0.6 ± 2.4 kJ/mol at 25 and 50°C, respectively. The abundance of carbonate linked Mg(II) species in fresh water systems is discussed.  相似文献   

The 176Lu-176Hf isotope method and its applications in earth sciences are discussed. Greater fractionation of Lu/Hf than Sm/Nd in planetary magmatic processes makes 176Hf177Hf a powerful geochemical tracer. In general, proportional variations of 176Hf177Hf exceed those of 143Ndl44Nd by factors of 1.5–3 in terrestrial and lunar materials. Lu-Hf studies therefore have a major contribution to make in understanding of terrestrial and other planetary evolution through time, and this is the principal importance of Lu-Hf. New data on basalts from oceanic islands show unequivocally that whereas considerable divergences occur in 176Hf177Hf-87Sr86Sr and 143Ndl44Nd-87Sr86Sr diagrams, 176Hf177Hf and 143Nd144Nd display a single, linear isotopic variation in the suboceanic mantle. These discordant 87Sr86Sr relationships may allow, with the acquisition of further Hf-Nd-Sr isotopic data, a distinction between processes such as mantle metasomatism, influence of seawater-altered material in the magma source, or recycling of sediments into the mantle. In order to evaluate the Hf-Nd isotopic correlation in terms of mantle fractionation history, there is a need for measurements of Hf distribution coefficients between silicate minerals and liquids, and specifically for a knowledge of Hf behavior in relation to rareearth elements. For studying ancient terrestrial Hf isotopic variations, the best quality Hf isotope data are obtained from granitoid rocks or zircons. New data show that very U-Pb discordant zircons may have upwardly-biased 176Hf177Hf, but that at least concordant to slightly discordant zircons appear to be reliable carriers of initial 176Hf177Hf. Until the controls on addition of radiogenic Hf to zircon are understood, combined zircon-whole rock studies are recommended. Lu-Hf has been demonstrated as a viable tool for dating of ancient terrestrial and extraterrestrial samples, but because it offers little advantage over existing methods, is unlikely to find wide application in pure chronological studies.  相似文献   

The following equation has been previously developed for the drag coefficient of a sphere.
CD = C0 [1 + (σ0/Re12)]2
In this work the authors propose a power series expansion for C0 in terms of the Reynolds number:
C0 = 0 284153 Σα=0n BαReα
A fifth-order polynomial permits obtaining the drag coefficient and the settling velocity of a sphere, up to a Reynolds number of 3 × 105, with an average relative error of about 2%.  相似文献   

The 13C12C fractionation factors (CO2CH4) for the reduction of CO2 to CH4 by pure cultures of methane-producing bacteria are, for Methanosarcina barkeri at 40°C, 1.045 ± 0.002; for Methanobacterium strain M.o.H. at 40°C, 1.061 ± 0.002; and, for Methanobacterium thermoautotrophicum at 65°C, 1.025 ± 0.002. These observations suggest that the acetic acid used by acetate dissimilating bacteria, if they play an important role in natural methane production, must have an intramolecular isotopic fractionation (CO2HCH3) approximating the observed CO2CH4 fractionation.  相似文献   

Respiration and calcification rates of the Pacific oyster Crassostrea gigas were measured in a laboratory experiment in the air and underwater, accounting for seasonal variations and individual size, to estimate the effects of this exotic species on annual carbon budgets in the Bay of Brest, France. Respiration and calcification rates changed significantly with season and size. Mean underwater respiration rates, deducted from changes in dissolved inorganic carbon (DIC), were 11.4 μmol DIC g−1 ash-free dry weight (AFDW) h−1 (standard deviation (SD), 4.6) and 32.3 μmol DIC g−1 AFDW h−1 (SD 4.1) for adults (80–110 mm shell length) and juveniles (30–60 mm), respectively. The mean daily contribution of C. gigas underwater respiration (with 14 h per day of immersion on average) to DIC averaged over the Bay of Brest population was 7.0 mmol DIC m−2 day−1 (SD 8.1). Mean aerial CO2 respiration rate, estimated using an infrared gas analyzer, was 0.7 μmol CO2 g−1 AFDW h−1 (SD 0.1) for adults and 1.1 μmol CO2 g−1 AFDW h−1 (SD 0.2) for juveniles, corresponding to a mean daily contribution of 0.4 mmol CO2 m−2 day−1 (SD 0.50) averaged over the Bay of Brest population (with 10 h per day of emersion on average). Mean CaCO3 uptake rates for adults and juveniles were 4.5 μmol CaCO3 g−1 AFDW h−1 (SD 1.7) and 46.9 μmol CaCO3 g−1 AFDW h−1 (SD 29.2), respectively. The mean daily contribution of net calcification in the Bay of Brest C. gigas population to CO2 fluxes during immersion was estimated to be 2.5 mmol CO2 m−2 day−1 (SD 2.9). Total carbon release by this C. gigas population was 39 g C m−2 year−1 and reached 334 g C m−2 year−1 for densely colonized areas with relative contributions by underwater respiration, net calcification, and aerial respiration of 71%, 25%, and 4%, respectively. These observations emphasize the substantial influence of this invasive species on the carbon cycle, including biogenic carbonate production, in coastal ecosystems.  相似文献   

The distribution coefficients of Eu and Sr for plagioclase-liquid and clinopyroxene-liquid pairs as a function of temperature and oxygen fugacity were experimentally investigated using an oceanic ridge basalt enriched with Eu and Sr as the starting material. Experiments were conducted between 1190° and 1140°C over a range of oxygen fugacities between 10?8 and 10?14 atm.The molar distribution coefficients are given by the equations: log KEuPL = 3320/T?0.15 log?o2?4.22log KCPXEu = 6580/T + 0.04 log?o2?4.37logPLSr = 7320/T ? 4.62logKCPXSr = 18020/T ? 13.10. Similarly, the weight fraction distribution coefficients are given by the equations: log DPLEu =2460/T ? 0.15 log?o2 ? 3.87log DCPXEu = 6350/T + 0.04 log?o2 ? 4.49logDPLSr = 6570/T ? 4.30logDCPXSr = 18434/T ? 13.62.Although the mole fraction distribution coefficients have a smaller dependence on bulk composition than do the weight fraction distribution coefficients, they are not independent of bulk composition, thereby restricting the application of these experimental results to rocks similar to oceanic ridge basalts in bulk composition.Because the Sr distribution coefficients are independent of oxygen fugacity, they may be used as geothermometers. If the temperature can be determined independently — for example, with the Sr distribution coefficients, the Eu distribution coefficients may be used as oxygen geobarometers. Throughout the range of oxygen fugacities ascribed to terrestrial and lunar basalts, plagioclase concentrates Eu but clinopyroxene rejects Eu.  相似文献   

The 3He4He ratios measured in 27 Southern Africa diamond stones, four from Premier Mine and the rest of unidentified origin, range from 4.2 × 10?8 to 3.2 × 10?4, with three stones above 1 × 10?4. We conclude that the initial helium isotopic ratio (3He4He)0 in the earth was significantly higher than that of the planetary helium-A (3He4He = 1.42 × 10?4), but close to the solar helium (3He4He ? 4 × 10?4).The apparent K-Ar ages for the twelve diamonds of unidentified origin show enormously old age, indicating excess argon-40. 3He4He evolution in diamonds suggests that the diamonds with the high 3He4He ratio (>2 × 10?4) may be as old as the earth.Noble gas elemental abundance in the diamonds relative to the air noble gas abundance shows monotonie decrease with a decreasing mass number.This paper discusses the implications of these observations on the early solar system and the origin of diamonds.  相似文献   

5000.64 ± 0.110–0.20.17 ± 0.040–0.07
7001.11 ± 0.110–0.20.33 ± 0.040–0.1
8001.28 ± 0.030–0.20.45 ± 0.060–0.1
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