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A shore-normal array of seven, bi-directional electromagnetic flowmeters and nine surface piercing, continuous resistance wave staffs were deployed across a multiple barred nearshore at Wendake Beach, Georgian Bay, Canada, and monitored for a complete storm cycle. Time-integrated estimates of total (ITVF) and net (INVF) sediment volume flux together with bed elevation changes were determined using depth-of-activity rods.

The three bars, ranging in height from 0.10 to 0.40 m accreted during the storm (0.03 m), and the troughs were scoured (0.05 m). Sediment reactivation depths reached 0.14 m and 12% of the nearshore control volume was mobilized. However, the INVF value for the storm was less than 1% of the control volume revealing a near balance in sediment volume in the bar system. Landward migration of the inner, crescentic and second, sinuous bars occurred in association with an alongshore migration of the bar form itself; the outermost, straight, shore-parallel bar remained fixed in location.

The surf zone was highly dissipative throughout the storm (ε = 3.8 × 102–192 × 102) and the wave spectrum was dominated by energy at the incident frequency. Spectral peaks at frequencies of the first harmonic and at one quarter that of the incident wave were associated with secondary wave generation just prior to breaking and a standing edge wave, respectively. The former spectral peak was within the 95% confidence band for the spectrum while the latter contributed not more than 10% to the total energy in the surface elevation spectrum even near the shoreline.

During the storm wave height exceeded 2 m (Hs) and periods reached 5 s (Tp k): orbital velocities exceeded 0.5 m s−1 (urm s) and were above the threshold of motion for the medium-to-fine sands throughout the storm. Shore-parallel flows in excess of 0.4 m s−1 were recorded with maxima in the troughs and minima just landward of the bar crest.

The rate and direction of sediment flux is best explained by the interaction of antecedent bed slopes with spatial gradients in the mean and asymmetry of the shore-normal velocity field. These hydrodynamic parameters represent “steady” flows superimposed on the dominantly oscillatory motion and assumed a characteristic spatial pattern from the storm peak through the decay period. Increases spatially in the magnitudes of both the mean flows and flow asymmetries cause an increasing net transport potential (erosion); decreases in these values spatially cause a decreasing net transport potential and thus deposition. These transport potentials are increased or decreased through the gravity potential induced by the local bed slope. Shore-parallel flow was important in explaining sediment flux and morphological change where orbital velocities, mean flows and flow asymmetries were at a minimum.  相似文献   

近岸海域水沙界面通量与水流挟沙力研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
郑俊  李瑞杰  于永海 《海洋学报》2014,36(5):136-141
近岸海域的波浪、潮流及海流等动力因素具有周期性和时间、空间尺度差异大的特点,在综合考虑各动力因子的联合作用时具有较大的难度。本文根据平动动能叠加原理给出了一种近岸动力因子的表达形式,并提出了海洋波动有效速度的概念,结合水沙界面处泥沙通量的切应力与挟沙力关系,得到了水流挟沙力的新的计算公式。指出了水流挟沙力与水流临界速度有关,并且该水流临界速度随水深的增大及相对糙率的减小而增大。采用近岸实测数据和模拟结果,对本文的近岸水流挟沙力公式进行了验证,结果表明该公式的计算值与实测值吻合较好,可以适用于近岸海域。  相似文献   

Wave staffs and electromagnetic current meters were deployed on a profile across a two-bar system at Wendake Beach, southern Georgian Bay. This paper examines spatial and temporal changes in the characteristics of wave form, and the spectra of surface elevation and on-offshore current motion, during one storm. Non-linear effects of wave shoaling and breaking across the bars result in the appearance of secondary waves and both the wave and on-offshore current spectra have significant harmonic peaks during most of the storm. Significant low-frequency energy occurs only during the peak of the storm. While the peak frequency remains constant across the bar system, the proportion of energy in the primary peak is greatest in the troughs and lowest over the bar crests and there are similar changes in the proportion of energy in the first harmonic. However, in both surface elevation spectra and on-offshore current spectra, the greatest proportion of energy is found in frequencies related to the incident wind waves.  相似文献   

Environment predictions for locations for which bathymetric data is missing, poor or outdated requires the use of some sort of representative bathymetric form, usually one that is concave up but monotonic. We propose and test a parametric form that superimposes realistic sand bars (Ruessink et al., 2003b) on a background profile that mixes a concave up nearshore with a planar far field behavior. Implementation at any new site involves estimation of five parameters, three that can be found from approximate information from climatology or old offshore charts, one that can be estimated by almost any remote sensing modality and one, hsea that is less well understood but mostly affects deeper bathymetry that has little impact on the resulting surf zone hydrodynamics. Tests against several hundred surveys at three diverse locations show that bathymetry is better estimated by the new barred form than with a previous monotonic profiles in about 80% of cases. The remaining cases are usually associated with the parametric prediction of bars that look realistic but are out of phase. The presence of parametric bars has an even greater impact on predicted hydrodynamics since wave breaking is concentrated at sand bar locations. Modeled cross-shore transects of alongshore current and wave height over the measured survey profile are well represented by modeled transects over the barred parametric form but not for results over a Dean profile. The peak alongshore current strength and location are particularly sensitive to the presence of a sand bar.  相似文献   

R.Craig Shipp   《Marine Geology》1984,60(1-4):235-259
The depositional sedimentary structures and textures of a single-barred nearshore system on the Atlantic coast of eastern Long Island, New York, were studied along seven shore-normal transects. Data along these transects consisted of textural analysis of 160 sediment samples, temporal bedform observations, and 42 can cores for the analysis of sedimentary structures.

Six sedimentary subenvironments were observed, based on distinct combinations of sediment color and texture, bedforms, physical, and biogenic sedimentary structures, and benthic infaunal communities. The shoreface environment is divided into the upper shoreface, the longshore trough, and the longshore bar. The divisions of the inner shelf environment are the shoreface-inner shelf transition, the offshore, and the coarse-grained deposit. The first five subenvironments are arranged in bands parallel to the shoreline, whereas the coarse-grained deposit occurs in patches across the inner shelf.

The location of fair-weather wave base, coinciding with a reduction in slope (3.0–0.3°) from the shoreface to the inner shelf, is characterized by the cessation of debris surge in the troughs of ripples, the formation of a “rust layer” of microorganisms over the bedform surface, and a sediment color change caused by an increase in organic detritus. The sequence of bedforms and physical sedimentary structures observed in this system fits well with existing wave-generated (oscillatory) flow regime models. These models explain the observed sequences as a response to the degree of asymmetric flow created by shoaling waves. Distribution of biogenic structures and assemblages of infaunal organisms is influenced by the distance landward or seaward of fair-weather wave base.

The overall relationships of this nearshore system can then be summarized as a hypothetical prograding stratigraphic sequence. The entire sequence is underlain by organic-rich, bioturbated, offshore deposits. Overlying the offshore is the planar-laminated sediments of the transition. Grading upward from the transition are the cleaner, planar-laminated, seaward slope deposits of the longshore bar. Above this, is a distinct erosional surface indicating the base of the massive to cross-laminated coarse sediments of the longshore trough. Capping the sequence are the cross- to planar-laminated, clean sands of the upper shoreface and foreshore.  相似文献   

A high-resolution acoustic survey over a fjord side fan delta revealed distinctive bottom features resulting from slope instability processes. Delta-front chutes occurring on slopes of l3° are partially filled with radiating splays of coarse-grained sediment, apparently transported downslope by coarse-grained debris flows that originated on the subaerial slopes above the fan. Arcuate scarp patterns represent shallow successive, rotational slides, with numcrous small displacements of individual blocks and slabs of sediment. Blocky, ridged depositional areas occur at the base of the fan delta, but there is no evidence of long-distance mass movement farther downfjord.  相似文献   

A high-resolution acoustic survey over a fjord side fan delta revealed distinctive bottom features resulting from slope instability processes. Delta-front chutes occurring on slopes of l3° are partially filled with radiating splays of coarse-grained sediment, apparently transported downslope by coarse-grained debris flows that originated on the subaerial slopes above the fan. Arcuate scarp patterns represent shallow successive, rotational slides, with numcrous small displacements of individual blocks and slabs of sediment. Blocky, ridged depositional areas occur at the base of the fan delta, but there is no evidence of long-distance mass movement farther downfjord.  相似文献   

T.D. Price  B.G. Ruessink   《Marine Geology》2008,251(1-2):98-109
This paper builds on the work of Masselink [Masselink, G., 1993. Simulating the effects of tides on beach morphodynamics. J. Coast. Res. SI 15, 180–197.] on the use of the residence times of shoaling waves, breaking waves and swash/backwash motions across a cross-shore profile to qualitatively understand temporal beach behaviour. We use a data set of in-situ measurements of wave parameters (height and period) and water depth, and time-exposure video images overlooking our single-barred intertidal measurement array at Egmond aan Zee (Netherlands) to derive boundaries between the shoaling zone, the surf zone and the swash zone. We find that the boundaries are functional dependencies of the local relative wave height on the local wave steepness. This contrasts with the use of constant relative wave heights or water levels in earlier work. We use the obtained boundaries and a standard cross-shore wave transformation model coupled to an inner surf zone bore model to show that large (> 5) relative tide ranges (RTR, defined as the ratio tide range–wave height) indicate shoaling wave processes across almost the entire intertidal profile, with surf processes dominating on the beach face. When the RTR is between 2 and 5, surf processes dominate over the intertidal bar and the lower part of the beach face, while swash has the largest residence times on the upper beach face. Such conditions, associated with surf zone bores propagating across the bar around low tide, were observed to cause the intertidal bar to migrate onshore slowly and the upper beach face to steepen. For RTR values less than about 2, surf zone processes dominate across the intertidal bar, while the dominance of swash processes now extends across most of the beach face. The surf zone processes were now observed to lead to offshore bar migration, while the swash eroded the upper beach face.  相似文献   

《Coastal Engineering》2005,52(1):79-91
Long-term variations of shoreline positions along the southern Baltic coast were investigated using multichannel singular spectrum analysis (MSSA) to determine the most dominant long-term response patterns. The investigated beach is located at Lubiatowo on the Polish Coast and is mildly sloping with multiple bars. Data on coastal morphology have been collected at Lubiatowo including (1) bathymetric surveys since 1987 twice a year, and (2) beach topography surveys since 1983 every 4 weeks on the average, extending from the shoreline to the dune foot. Furthermore, several dedicated field campaigns have been carried out at Lubiatowo, as well as measurements of deep-water wave properties since 1998. MSSA was employed to the whole data set of shoreline position from all survey lines. In summary, three patterns emerged reproducing alongshore standing waves with different periods 7 to 8, 20+ and several decades. They represent long-term shoreline response, such that at some locations the longest wave is most predominant, at other locations the medium cycle predominates, whereas the shortest is the most prominent at yet other locations. However, all three can be detected at every location monitored, eliminating the confusion resulting from ordinary singular spectrum analysis (SSA) analysis, done previously for the same data set.  相似文献   

This work aims to demonstrate an advancement towards the integrated modelling of surf zone hydrodynamics by means of a VOF-type numerical model (COBRAS-UC) based on the Reynolds-Averaged Navier–Stokes equations. In this paper, the numerical model is adapted and validated for the study of nearshore processes on a mildly-sloping beach. The model prediction of wave energy transformation and higher order statistics (skewness and asymmetry) are in good agreement with detailed laboratory observations from a barred beach [Boers, M. (1996). “Simulation of a surf zone with a barred beach; Report 1: Wave heights and wave breaking”. Tech. Rep.96-5, Comm. on Hydrol. and Geol. Eng., Dept. of Civil Engineering, Delft University of Technology]. Moreover, the numerical model allows us to study the low-frequency motions inside the surf zone. It is found that in order to achieve a satisfactory simulation of both short- and long-wave transformation, the numerical model must achieve: (i) the simultaneous second-order wave generation and absorption, (ii) the energy transfer between triad of components, (iii) the short- and long-wave energy dissipation inside the surf zone, and (iv) the wave reflection at the shoreline. Comparisons between numerical and experimental results demonstrate the model capability to satisfactorily simulate all the aforementioned processes.  相似文献   

《Coastal Engineering》1999,36(3):171-195
A morphological stability analysis is carried out for a long straight coast with a longshore bar. The situation with oblique wave incidence and a wave-driven longshore current is considered. The flow and sediment transport are described by a numerical modelling system. The models comprise: (i) a wave model with depth refraction, shoaling and wave breaking, (ii) a depth integrated model for wave driven currents and (iii) a sediment transport model for the bed load transport and the suspended load transport in combined waves and current. The direction of the sediment transport is taken to be parallel to the depth integrated mean current velocity, neglecting the effects of a bed slope and secondary currents. An instability is found to develop around the bar crest. The instability is periodic in the alongshore direction, and tends to form rip channels and to steepen the offshore face of the bar between the rip channels. The alongshore wave length of the most unstable perturbation is determined for different combinations of the wave conditions and the geometry of the profile.  相似文献   

粤东后江湾近岸带风-浪-流联合作用下的泥沙输运   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
在现场观测资料分析基础上,应用波-流联合输沙模型,对粤东后江岬间海湾近岸带净环流、泥沙输运作用加以模拟分析,结果表明,东北东向风是形成近岸西南向净环流的主要驱动力,波浪控制了海底泥沙再悬浮和底质推移输运的过程,从而形成海湾海底地形以东北部侵蚀为主、西南部以淤积为主的发展趋势.  相似文献   

Different environmental conditions in various nearshore waters dynamically determine the speciation of iron, its solubility, removal and hence bioavailability to phytoplankton. The iron speciation, the impact of phytoplankton blooms and the effects of organic matter on iron speciation and transformation were studied in four different coastal systems: the Trondheim Fjord, Norway, which is a coastal system that is open to a vast riverine impact; Hopevågen, Norway, a pristine coastal basin, which has negligible river and anthropogenic impact; zmir Bay, Turkey, a Mediterranean embayment with heavily polluted eutrophic inner–middle section, and the oligotrophic outer section. In this paper, we compare iron speciation in these different coastal systems. While colloidal iron (ColFe) was the predominant species especially in the Trondheim Fjord and to some degree also in Hopavågen, Chelex labile iron (ClxLFe) and hydrophobic organic-iron complex (HpOFe) were predominate species in both the inner–middle and the outer section of zmir Bay. The impact of phytoplankton blooms on the ClxLFe was significant especially in the Trondheim Fjord, in the inner–middle section of zmir Bay and in Hopevågen.  相似文献   

This paper proposes a new definition of the groupiness factor, GF, based on the envelope of the incident-wave time series. It is shown that an envelope-based GF has several important advantages over the SIWEH-based groupiness factor, including objective criteria for determining the accuracy of the envelope function and well-defined numerical limits.Using this new GF, the variability of incident wave groupiness in the field is examined both temporally, in unbroken waves at a fixed location, and spatially, in a cross-shore array through the surf zone. Contrary to previous studies using the SIWEH-based GF, results suggest that incident wave groupiness may not be an independent parameter in unbroken waves; through a wide range of spectral shapes, from swell to storm waves, the groupiness did not vary significantly. As expected, the groupiness decreases rapidly as waves break through the surf zone, although significant wave height variability persists even through a saturated surf zone. The source of this inner surf zone groupiness is not identified; however, this observation implies that models of long wave generation must account for nonsteady radiation stress gradients landward of some narrow zone near the mean breakpoint.  相似文献   

《Coastal Engineering》2005,52(2):119-137
The autonomous nearshore bar behaviour along the barrier island of Terschelling, The Netherlands, is characterised by the presence of net seaward cyclic migrating sand bars generated near the shoreline. In 1993, a perturbation of the cyclic bar system was introduced by the implementation of a 2 Mm3 shoreface nourishment supplied to the nearshore bar zone, filling up the trough between the middle and outer bar. The morphodynamic response of the nearshore bars to the nourishment perturbation is investigated using a bathymetric data set with an alongshore extent of 12 km and sampled for 10 years. Bar behaviour is quantified in terms of bar crest position in relation to morphometric parameters such as bar depth, height, width and volume. Along with a pronounced development of a three-dimensional bar system unseen in the autonomous behaviour, the nearshore bars exhibited a 6–7 year arrest in their migrational behaviour during which bar morphology remained stable at immediate pre-nourishment morphometric values. At the subsequent onset of bar movement, bars resumed their migration at a rate predicted by autonomous behaviour in parallel development with morphometric parameters along their predicted trends. It is shown that the observed onshore transport of nourished sediment in the 6–7 year arrest results from a gradual deepening of troughs. Cross-shore sediment transport modelling is used to assess the effect of the nourishment on yearly averaged onshore (short-wave nonlinearity) and offshore (undertow) sediment transport rates. The gradual reappearance of the pre-nourishment bar-trough morphology is shown to engender a normalisation in the cross-shore distribution of sediment transport rates to pre-nourishment rates.  相似文献   

Runoff from abundant rainfall on the watersheds along the east coast of Nicaragua results in a well-defined nearshore current, extending 20–40 km out from the coast. Important terms in the controlling dynamical balance are the Coriolis forces, and eddy frictional forces. Calculations of the diabathic surface slope 0(10?5) show a smooth setup of 4–5 cm from the outer edge of the current to the shoreline. A longshore surface slope of 0(10?8) appears to be set up by the longshore wind stress, and further computations allow an estimate of ~ 6 gr cm?1 s?1 for the dynamic eddy viscosity. An analytical expression including diabathic surface slope and density gradient, parabathic surface slope, wind stress, and quadratic bottom friction reproduces the salient observed features of the nearshore current. These include the pronounced maximum in the parabathic (along-shelf) current about 10 km off the coast, a complex diabathic velocity structure, and a shelf countercurrent just seaward of the outer edge. Further calculations suggest that the dominant driving arises from the freshwater-induced density gradients, accounting for upward of 80% of the flow velocity. As suggested by Royer (1982), the prevailing trade wind exerts an onshore wind stress that serves the important role of maintaining the integrity of the density gradients via the convergence of a surface Ekman layer toward the coast.  相似文献   

The Dobson wave refraction programme, modified to incorporate bottom frictional attenuation, is being tested for its universal applicability for prediction of nearshore wave heights. An investigation has been undertaken to test the applicability of this programme for the prediction of wave heights over a gently sloping, wide continental shelf. The study has been carried out in the shelf waters off Alleppey, situated along the southwest coast of India. The measured wave height at a nearshore point and the computed wave height at the same point are compared. The application of Spearman's rank correlation and Wilcoxon's matched-pairs signed-ranks test has indicated that there is a high degree of correlation between the measured and predicted heights. Since similar results have been obtained by Bryant (1979) for steep shelf waters of Australia, it may be concluded that the programme can be used in different coastal waters irrespective of the nature of the shelf gradient, but subject to other limitations of the programme.  相似文献   

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