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A fine structure consisting of three almost equidistant frequency bands was observed in the high frequency part of a solar burst on 1998 April 15 by the spectrometer of Beijing Astronomical Observatory in the range 2.6-3.8GHz. A model for this event based on beam-anisotropic instability in the solar corona is presented. Longitudinal plasma waves are excited at cyclotron resonance and then transformed into radio emission at their second harmonic.The model is in accordance with the observations if we suppose a magnetic field strength in the region of emission generation of about 200G.  相似文献   

王霖  谢瑞祥  汪敏  许春  刘玉英 《天文学报》2004,45(4):389-401
利用太阳射电宽带频谱仪(0.7-7.6GHz)于2001年10月19日观测到的复杂太阳射电大爆发,呈现出许多有趣的特征,结合NoRH(Nobeyama Radio Heliograph)的高空间分辨率射电成像观测及TRACE(Transition Region and Coronal Explorer)在远紫外(EUV)波段的高空间分辨率成像观测资料,分析了该爆发的射电频谱特征和微波射电源的演化以及它们与复杂的EUV日冕环系统的关系,该爆发是一个双带大耀斑的射电表征.前一部分以宽带(从厘米到米波)爆发为主,机制是回旋同步辐射,所对应的是环足源的辐射;后一部分以窄带(分米到米波)分米波爆发为主,机制是等离子体辐射和回旋共振辐射的联合,对应的是环顶源的辐射。  相似文献   

回顾了日冕磁的研究历史,介绍了我们首镒提出的日冕磁场的微波诊断方法及其应用的带来的启迪,提出进一步开展日冕磁场及其相关研究的建议。  相似文献   

利用国家天文台微波(1.0-2.0 GHz和2.6-3.8GHz)射电频谱仪于1998年9月23日观测到了一个稀少事件,它是一个伴生多重周期脉动、Ⅲ型爆发和类I型噪暴的复杂射电Ⅳ型爆发,着重介绍该爆发所具有的多重长周期(约7.3、4.9、3.7、1.2和0.4分钟)脉动成分。这个长周期脉动可能是归因于在封闭环中的驻波模式,由于光球层速度场驱动的MHD的Alfven驻波横穿磁场,导致了对射电辐射的调制。此外,由于这些脉动存在向下的运动,也不排除在一个封闭环或开放场结构中传播的扰动引起振荡的可能性。因为Alfven波的共振与光球层5分钟振荡模式相联系,所以甚长周期的脉动可能来自光球层驱动源的假设,可以说明日冕磁环和光球层之间存在一个互相耦合的可能性。  相似文献   

利用北京天文台1998.09.23日1-2GHz和2.6-3.8GHz频谱仪观测到的一个Ⅲ-Ⅳ型复杂大爆发,结合俄罗斯SSRT和德国分米-米波动态频谱仪的观测资料,进行了初步的比对分析,拓展了关于日冕电子加速和日冕磁结构方面的一些研究内容,简单地注释了一些可研究的现象和运动Ⅳ型爆发及多重脉动的辐射机制。  相似文献   

The temporal and spatial distribution of the magnetic field and density of non-thermal electrons in the source of solar microwave bursts are studied by the gyrosynchrotron model, using the observations of the high-resolution spectrometer at the Owens Valley solar interferometer. The general results are consistent with the previous knowledge about these parameters. For example, the magnetic field decreases with increasing radio flux, and the distribution gradually flattens, so that the non-uniformity of the magnetic field decreases gradually, meanwhile the density increases, and the nonthermal electrons propagate from lower to higher levels. It is interesting that the oscillation of the density is detected at lower frequencies, and there is a correlation between the density and the energy index. The main purpose of this paper is to develop a diagnostic method for the basic plasma parameters in solar flares.  相似文献   

太阳射电爆发(Solar Radio Burst, SRB)是太阳高能电子与背景等离子体相互作用产生的感应辐射现象,其多样的动力学谱类型及其复杂的精细结构反映了辐射源区磁等离子体结构状态丰富的物理信息,而相关辐射机制则是解读相关物理信息的关键工具.长期以来,在SRB辐射机制的研究中一直存在着争议不决的两种主要机制,即等离子体辐射机制和电子回旋脉泽(Electron Cyclotron Maser, ECM)辐射机制.近年来,针对传统的ECM辐射机制应用到SRB现象时遇到的一些主要困难,发展了由幂律谱电子低能截止驱动和包含快电子束自生阿尔文波效应的新型ECM驱动模型,并成功应用于解释各类不同SRB动力学谱的形成机制.基于这些新型的ECM辐射模型,系统地总结了ECM辐射机制在各种不同类型SRB现象中的应用,并对它们不同动力学谱结构的形成给出了一致统一的物理解释.  相似文献   

We present a, large complex radio burst and its associated fast tune structures observed on 2001 April 10 in the frequency range of 0.65-7.6 GHz. The NoRH radio image observation shows very complex radio source structures which include preexisting, newly emerging, submerging/cancelling polarities and a bipolar, a tripolar (a 'bipolar + remote unipolar'), and a quadrupolar structure. This suggests that the radio burst is generated from a very complicated loop structure. According to the spectral and image observations, we assume that the beginning of this flare was caused by a single bipolar loop configuration with a 'Y-type' re-connection structure. A composite of radio continuum and fast time structures is contained in this flare. The various fast radio emission phenomena include normal and reverse drifting type III bursts, and slowly drifting and no-drift structures. The tripolar configurations may form a double-loop with a 'three-legged' structure, which is an important source of the various types of fast time structures. The two-loop reconnection model can lead simultaneously to electron acceleration and corona heating. We have also analyzed the behaviors of coronal magnetic polarities and the emission processes of different types radio emission qualitatively. Interactions of a bipolar or multi-polar loop are consistent with our observational results. Our observations favor the magnetic reconnection configurations of the 'inverted Y-type' (bipolar) and the 'three-legged' structures (tripolar or quadrupolar).  相似文献   

Radio observation is one of important methods in solar physics and space science. Sometimes, it is almost the sole approach to observe the physical processes such as the acceleration, emission, and propagation of non-thermal energetic particles, etc. So far, more than 100 solar radio telescopes have been built in the world, including solar radiometers, dynamic spectrometers, and radioheliographs. Some of them have been closed after the fulfillment of their primary scientific objectives, or for their malfunctions, and thus replaced by other advanced instruments. At the same time, based on some new technologies and scientific ideas, various kinds of new and much more complicated solar radio telescopes are being constructed by solar radio astronomers and space scientists, such as the American E-OVSA and the solar radio observing system under the framework of Chinese Meridian Project II, etc. When we plan to develop a new solar radio telescope, it is crucial to design the most suitable technical parameters, e.g., the observing frequency range and bandwidth, temporal resolution, frequency resolution, spatial resolution, polarization degree, and dynamic range. Then, how do we select a rational set of these parameters? The long-term observation and study revealed that a large strong solar radio burst is frequently composed of a series of small bursts with different time scales. Among them, the radio spike burst is the smallest one with the shortest lifetime, the narrowest bandwidth, and the smallest source region. Solar radio spikes are considered to be related to a single magnetic energy release process, and can be regarded as an elementary burst in solar flares. It is a basic requirement for the new solar radio telescope to observe and discriminate these solar radio spike bursts, even though the temporal and spatial scales of radio spike bursts actually vary with the observing frequency. This paper presents the scaling laws of the lifetime and bandwidth of solar radio spike bursts with respect to the observing frequency, which provide some constraints for the new solar radio telescopes, and help us to select the rational telescope parameters. Besides, we propose a spectrum-image combination mode as the best observation mode for the next-generation solar radio telescopes with high temporal, spectral, and spatial resolutions, which may have an important significance for revealing the physical essence of the various non-thermal processes in violent solar eruptions.  相似文献   

本文简要介绍了云南天文台新建立的21cm波段快速(不中断采样)记录系统,及使用该系统观测到的快速尖峰事件。系统得到的太阳分米波段爆发中不同时间尺度的精细结构与Stu-rroch等提出的太阳耀斑中能量释放的模式相一致。  相似文献   

Using Nancay Radioheliograph (NRH) imaging observations, combined with SOHO/Michelson Doppler Imager (MDI) magnetogram observations and coronal magnetic field extrapolation, we studied the magnetic nature of metric noise storms that are associated with coronal mass ejections (CMEs). Four events are selected: the events of 2000 July 14, 2001 April 26, 2002 August 16 and 2001 March 28. The identified noise storm sources cover or partially cover the active regions (ARs), but the centers of storm sources are offset from the ARs. Using extrapolated magnetic field lines, we find that the noise storm sources trace the boundary between the open and closed field lines. We demonstrate that the disappearance of noise storm source is followed by the appearance of the burst source. The burst sources spread on the solar disk and their distributions correspond to the extent of the CME in LASCO C2 field of view. All the SOHO/Extreme Ultraviolet Imaging Telescope (EIT) dimmings associ- ated with noise storm sources are located at the periphery of noise storms where the magnetic lines of force were previously closed and low-lying. When the closed field becomes partially or fully open, the basic configurations of noise storm sources are changed, then the noise storm sources are no longer observed. These observations provide the information that the variations of noise storms manifest the restructuring or reconfiguring of the coronal magnetic field.  相似文献   

Properties, including the time duration, polarization, quasi-periodical oscillations and so on, of the microwave spike emissions observed at 2.5 GHz and 2.6 GHz during the solar flare of 1991 May 16 are analyzed statistically. The left-handed and right-handed circular polarizations of the spike emissions at 2.5, 2.6 and 3.1 GHz are reported in detail. At these 3 frequencies, most of the spikes are superposed on both the rising (and maximum) and the descending phase of the burst. It is noteworthy that spikes also appeared superposed on the small bursts that appeared after the main burst. The spike emission lasted 17 minutes. Polarization reversals on different timescales appearing in the spike emissions at 2.5 and 2.6 GHZ are described. Our statistical analysis indicates that the polarization reversals at 2.5 and 2.6 GHz differ in characters on average, the polarization reversal at 2.5 GHz is earlier than that of 2.6 GHz by about 1.5 minutes, and polarization reversal of the spike emission is more frequent at 2.5 GHZ.  相似文献   

We present new results of heliographic observations of quiet‐Sun radio emission fulfilled by the UTR‐2 radio telescope. The solar corona investigations have been made close to the last solar minimum (Cycle 23) in the late August and early September of 2010 by means of the two‐dimensional heliograph within 16.5–33 MHz. Moreover, the UTR‐2 radio telescope was used also as an 1‐D heliograph for one‐dimensional scanning of the Sun at the beginning of September 2010 as well as in short‐time observational campaigns in April and August of 2012. The average values of integral flux density of the undisturbed Sun continuum emission at different frequencies have been found. Using the data, we have determined the spectral index of quiet‐Sun radio emission in the range 16.5–200 MHz. It is equal to –2.1±0.1. The brightness distribution maps of outer solar corona at frequencies 20.0 MHz and 26.0 MHz have been obtained. The angular sizes of radio Sun were estimated. It is found that the solar corona at these frequencies is stretched‐out along equatorial direction. The coefficient of corona ellipticity varies slightly during above period. Its mean magnitudes are equal to ≈ 0.75 and ≈ 0.73 at 20.0 MHz and 26.0 MHz, respectively. The presented results for continuum emission of solar corona conform with being ones at higher frequencies. (© 2013 WILEY‐VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim)  相似文献   

Effects of the energy spectral index δ, low energy cutoff E0 and number density N of energetic electrons on gyrosynchrotron spectrum are investigated for a model source with a nonuniform magnetic field. It is found that the flux density Sv of the x-mode and o-mode systematically increase with increasing E0, N and with decreasing δ. The peak frequency of the spectrum, vp, also systematically increases as increasing E0 and N, but it may not depend on δ. The gyrosynchrotron radiation in the nonuniform case is polarized predominately in the x-mode at v ≥ 3 GHz. A sense reversal of circular polarization also occurs but at much lower frequencies (v ≤ 3 GHz). The reversal frequency also increases with increasing E0 and N, but it perhaps is independent of δ.  相似文献   

A new instrument of broadband solar radio spectrometer working at waveband 4.5-7.5GHz was developed at Purple Mountain Observatory for Solar Maximum 23. Some new results of spectral observation have been obtained since August 1999.Two typical type Ⅲμbursts with rich fine structures are presented and some interesting features discussed.  相似文献   

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