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Wu  Di  Liu  Hanlong  Kong  Gangqinag  Li  Chao 《Acta Geotechnica》2019,14(5):1495-1508
Acta Geotechnica - The thermal–mechanical behavior of the energy pile under three kinds of climatic conditions was investigated in this study. A small-scale floating energy pile and a...  相似文献   

黑河流域节水生态农业与流域水资源集成管理研究领域   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:4  
概述了中国内陆河流域面临的水问题和日益激化的用水矛盾,强调了内陆河地区支柱产业--绿洲农业应该坚持节水和生态的方向,流域集成管理是持续农业的基础.长期从事该方面研究的黑河流域是个较好借鉴,同时也提供了深入开展相关研究的基础,为此提出了以黑河流域为背景的四大研究流域:水文、生物、经济系统水循环与水资源形成演变,节水农业的生物学研究与抗旱品种繁育,农业节水新材料研发与工程节水技术集成,水资源合理配置与流域集成管理;并简述了各领域的主要方向.  相似文献   

流域科学与水资源管理   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
流域是水资源管理的基本单位。基于水资源文献的综合分析,讨论了自20世纪以来水资源管理概念、目标及途径的变迁,提出建立流域科学,以流域为研究对象,以揭示流域生态水文过程的客观规律为前提,采用现代管理科学理论和方法,应用先进工程技术手段优化配置水资源,满足人类活动及生态系统的多种需求,促进社会、经济及环境的可持续发展。并且指出流域科学的内涵应包括:①水资源的调查、监测和模拟;②水资源利用多目标设定;③水资源分配机制;④水资源管理指标的确定与评价;⑤水资源管理决策机构;⑥水资源管理反馈分析与人类活动调控。  相似文献   

高雅玉  张新民  谭龙 《水文》2014,34(5):61-66
根据马莲河流域水资源总量极端贫乏、年际年内分配不均、常规水资源量低、水污染问题较严重等特点,利用系统分析理论和优化技术建立了流域的大系统、多目标水资源优化配置模型,并利用优化的NSGA-Ⅱ方法进行求解,得到流域2020年期望水资源配置下的最佳分配方案为:流域总供水量57 086×104m3,工业供水量21 690×104m3(总产值约为144.6亿元),能源基地供水量4 329×104m3(总产值约为346.32万元),农业供水量20 840×104m3,生活供水量9 452×104m3,生态供水量811×104m3。对比期望方案供水量增加了6 710×104m3,综合缺水率减少了11.41%。并根据预测的流域的分配方案和预测的流域需水量,进行了流域的水资源平衡分析,通过平衡分析的结果进行流域的综合管理研究。2020年在最优水资源分配方案下,工业缺水率3.21%、减少了4.51%;能源基地缺水率0.00%;农业缺水率4.64%、缺水率增加26.17%;生活缺水率0.00%;生态缺水率1.00%、缺水率增加了1.00%。配置方案实现了流域内水资源的最佳分配,使宝贵、有限的水资源产生最大的社会、经济及环境效益,为流域经济、能源产业的快速发展提供水资源保障。  相似文献   

干旱区流域水资源集成管理的基础理论与创新思路   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
水资源被公认是21世纪最稀缺的资源,也是制约一个国家或地区环境与经济社会可持续发展的重要战略性资源.我国当前面临的严重水环境污染、水资源短缺和用水效率低下的问题,很大程度上归咎于缺乏一种能有效促进水资源高效配置和合理利用的水管理制度、机制与水文化体系.因此,上述水问题的解决在很大程度上依赖于能否构建一种符合中国国情、并能反映先进生态水文化及促进水资源高效和安全利用的水管理制度和模式.国内外水资源管理制度改革的经验表明,促进传统的以行政区域为单元、以政府为主导的水资源管理模式向以流域为单元、以市场为主导的现代水资源管理模式的转变,是实现我国流域生态环境和经济社会协调与可持续发展的重要途径.本文重点探讨了内陆干旱区流域水资源集成管理的基础理论及其创新发展的方向和基本思路,旨在为促进我国全面实施流域水资源综合集成管理的战略提供理论依据.  相似文献   

Zang  Wenbin  Liu  Shu  Huang  Shifeng  Li  Jiren  Fu  Yicheng  Sun  Yayong  Zheng  Jingwei 《Natural Hazards》2019,99(3):1233-1257
Natural Hazards - According to analysing the trends of land use changes in the upper reaches of Minjiang River in the past 30 years and precipitation in the last 50 years, nine...  相似文献   

In order to better understand the relative importance of hydrologic variation and anthropogenic disturbance and their complex interactions within the trace elemental geochemical cycle, water samples were collected monthly over 1 year in the Min River, eastern Tibetan Plateau, and analyzed for trace element composition. The dissolved trace elements exhibited different relationships with increasing discharge compared with major elements. The elements analyzed can be divided into three groups according to their behavior in response to changing discharge: (1) elements that showed weak positive correlation with discharge, e.g. Cu, V, and Ba; (2) elements that exhibited weak negative correlation with discharge, including Rb, Sr, Pb, Sb, Zn, Cr, Cd, and U; and (3) elements that displayed no significant correlation with variation in discharge, e.g. Ti, Fe, Co, Ni, and As. Cu was strongly affected by anthropogenic activities and flushed into the river with increasing discharge. Ba has a strong solubility in the terrestrial environment, dissolved quickly, and was released into the river. The positive relationship between V concentration and discharge may be attributed to secondary reactions, such as precipitation and adsorption on oxides and aluminosilicate clays. Conservative behavior had an impact on the geochemical behavior of Sr and Rb across hydrologic variation. Pb, Zn, Sb, Cd, and Cr underwent a mild dilution effect connected with anthropogenic activities. The chemostatic behavior of U was regulated by carbonate dissolution and biological uptake. In addition, higher temperatures enhanced biotic activities, affecting the concentrations of Fe and Ni. The relationship between power law slopes and coefficient of variation for discharge and solute concentration suggests that concentrations of trace elements vary significantly with increasing discharge compared with major elements. Silicate mineral weathering had less effect on the fluvial solutes with increasing discharge. Mining activity may exert an additional control on concentration–discharge dynamics of anthropogenic trace elements.  相似文献   

Amino acids, amino sugars and ammonia were determined in 6N HCl hydrolyzates of soils formed under arctic, cool temperate, subtropical and tropical climates. Soils from warmer climates yielded relatively more amino acids and amino sugars but less NH3 than did those from colder regions. The amino acid composition of all soils, however, was remarkably similar, resembled that of lake sediments and was somewhat similar to that of bacteria, suggesting the importance of microorganisms in their formation. Climate appears to have little effect on the amino acid composition of soils.  相似文献   

纵观南非、埃及的水资源管理   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
林兴潮 《地下水》2007,29(6):1-6
南非地处南半球,是非洲大陆最大的国家,地处非洲大陆南端.埃及跨亚、非两洲,大部分位于非洲东北部.两国都属资源性缺水国家,两国从各自的国情出发,实行着切合实际的、严格的水资源管理政策.我国和南非、埃及有着人口多、耕地资源少、水资源紧张等相同特点,两国在水资源管理、保护和节约等方面的诸多成功经验和做法值得我国学习和借鉴.  相似文献   

中国水资源管理问题分析与集成化水管理模式的推行   总被引:19,自引:0,他引:19       下载免费PDF全文
在简单解释集成化水管理模式的内涵的基础上,针对我国目前水管理当中存在的问题进行了分析,得出了应当在我国推行集成化水管理模式的结论,简要分析了如何进行集成化水管理模式运行研究.  相似文献   

张玲 《中国煤田地质》2005,17(Z1):146-148
简述了市场经济条件下加强人力资源开发管理的必要性和重要性,并提出建议及对策.认为煤田地勘单位必须加大工作力度,加强人力资源开发管理,为推动煤田地质勘探事业的持续发展提供人才保证.  相似文献   

地理信息系统在水文学和水资源管理中的应用   总被引:36,自引:4,他引:36       下载免费PDF全文
介绍了地理信息系统的概念及近年来在水文学及水资源管理领域中的应用研究动态。将地理信息系统技术在这一领域的应用概括为数据信息的管理与分析、水文模拟、水资源与环境管理以及与高新技术及理论的结合运用四个方面。结合实例闸述了地理信息系统在上述四个方面的应用情况。针对应用中存在的问题以及计算机技术和信息技术的发展前景提出了今后水文学及水资源管理领域地理信息系统技术应用发展的建议。  相似文献   

表层岩溶泉的水资源管理与开发工程设计   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
郭芳 《水文》2008,28(4)
表层岩溶泉的水资源通常在时间分配上很不均匀,利用水窖可以将雨季剩余的水资源储存下来供枯季利用。水窖的容积、泉能够提供的最大日用水定额以及某个时段的水资源最大利用量三者是相互联系的变量,如何确定他们是一个水资源优化管理问题.利用专门为之设计的遗传算法可以对这个问题求解。以广西马山县古零镇弄拉表层岩溶泉为例,利用遗传算法对水资源进行优化管理,设计出满足水资源利用量最大化的最佳水窖容积和最大日用水定额。计算结果还表明水窖的初始存水量和用来优化计算的泉流量序列对优化的结果有很大的影响。以此建议在雨季修建水窖.并且水窖利用之前应该预先存入尽量多的水。此外还提供了水窖容积和日最大用水定额之间的定量关系,作为工程设计的参考。  相似文献   

Faisal Elias 《GeoJournal》2017,82(6):1165-1177
South Africa’s National Water Act and National Water Resource Strategy set out an ambitious societal vision with a strong focus on the redistribution of water resources towards the marginalised and on empowering historically disadvantaged communities including women. This vision is reflected in the framework for Integrated Water Resources Management (IWRM) that acknowledges women as pivotal in water management practices. Based on this premise, this paper examines the challenges women face in performing their roles in IWRM in rural South Africa. It draws on a study of a water user association that operates in the Limpopo Province of South Africa. The design of the study was qualitative in nature with a semi-structured interview as the main data collection tool. The interview involved 14 respondents from Limpopo. The results showed marked gender difference in terms of roles performed. Based on the study, three kinds of roles were revealed: domestic, productive and decision-making roles. Men were significantly involved in productive roles, giving low priority to domestic roles. The key factors found to affect the role of women in decision-making in IWRM were cultural practices, low self-confidence, low levels of capacity, and high workloads. These factors were identified as key institutional inherent within the specific society. As such, these findings have significant implications for the efforts aimed at promoting gender equality. Particularly, the impact of culture on women in water management raises concerns regarding gender issues in rural and remote areas where people are poorer and more culturally conservative.  相似文献   

陈岚  詹全忠 《水文》2011,31(6):67-69,85
随着水利信息化的迅速发展,做好网络与信息安全成为发展中面临的一个主要问题。通过分析水利信息安全需求,提出了一个水利信息安全管理解决方案,阐述了水利信息安全管理平台的基本功能及特点。对在水利信息网上建立行业信息安全沟通渠道,协调安全事件处理的流程和方法进行了研究。  相似文献   

水资源管理决策支持系统研究进展与展望   总被引:4,自引:4,他引:0  
盖迎春  李新 《冰川冻土》2012,34(5):1248-1256
从框架、 技术等方面介绍了水资源管理决策支持系统发展状态, 总结了水资源管理决策支持系统的3个发展阶段: 模型模拟阶段、 模型模拟+DSS(DSS: Decision Support System)阶段、 情景分析+集成建模环境+DSS工具阶段, 阐述了这3个发展阶段各自的特点, 剖析了制约水资源管理决策支持系统的发展因素, 讨论了建立一个成功的水资源管理决策支持系统应具备的条件和采用的方式. 最后, 提出了集成综合观测系统、 集成建模环境和联机协商环境的水资源管理决策支持系统框架.  相似文献   

刘阳生 《水文》2006,26(1):89-91
水资源是基础性资源,没有水资源可持续利用,经济和社会就不可能持续发展。海南省水资源总量虽丰富,但由于时空分布不均,部分地区已属轻度缺水,局部地区甚至属于中度缺水。因此,为满足经济社会发展需要,提高水资源利用率,控制污染源,避免水质性缺水,从经济、社会、资源和环境相协调发展的高度,提出水资源可持续利用的对策,为海南经济和社会持续、快速和健康发展提供水资源保障。  相似文献   

多主体建模作为研究"人类与自然耦合系统"等复杂适应性系统的重要工具,已经被广泛地应用于水资源管理领域.在调研国内外重要研究的基础上,回顾了多主体建模的基础理论、建模工具和框架,并对多主体建模在城市水资源管理、农业水资源管理和流域水资源综合管理3个方面的研究和应用进行了阶段性总结.针对当前研究的不足和难点,结合我国水资源管理的研究现状,提出以下4个研究重点:①加强主体行为决策规则刻画;②加强模型验证和评估研究;③开展代表性流域多主体建模研究;④推动学科交叉和综合集成研究.多主体建模能够揭示人类活动—水文循环的互馈机制,为水资源及水环境的可持续利用和管理提供政策建议,加强多主体建模在水资源管理领域的研究可为水资源管理提供新的思路,推动我国水资源的可持续发展.  相似文献   

Manso  João  Marcelino  João  Caldeira  Laura 《Acta Geotechnica》2021,16(3):749-761

This paper presents a fundamental study on the effect of the relative humidity on the rockfill crushing strength. This aspect plays an important role in the mechanical behaviour of rockfill, and it is known that certain characteristics of the granular materials, such as compressibility and shear strength, depend on the confining stress, which is a function of the particles crushing. An increased interest has been observed regarding the effect of the relative humidity in the mechanical behaviour of rockfill. Unfortunately, limited research has been conducted until now regarding the study of individual particle crushing. Therefore, this paper thoroughly investigated particle crushing, by performing single-particle crushing tests on rockfill particles divided into four size ranges, under different relative humidity conditions. The experimental results reveal a considerable influence of the relative humidity in the studied rockfill particles, whose strength of the particles with the greatest dimensions in saturated conditions was reduced by half. Consistent macro-mechanical evidence demonstrates that particle’s size and relative humidity conditions depict the most important factors that influence particle crushing strength.


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