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Integrated hydrogeochemical and geophysical methods were used to study the salinity of groundwater aquifers along the coastal area of north Kelantan. For the hydrogeochemical investigation, analysis of major ion contents of the groundwater was conducted, and other chemical parameters such as pH and total dissolved solids were also determined. For the geophysical study, both geoelectrical resistivity soundings and reflection seismic surveys were conducted to determine the characteristics of the subsurface and groundwater contained within the aquifers. The pH values range from 6.2 to 6.8, indicating that the groundwater in the study area is slightly acidic. Low content of chloride suggests that the groundwater in the first aquifer is fresh, with an average concentration of about 15.8 mg/l and high geoelectrical resistivity (>45 ohm m). On the other hand, the groundwater in the second aquifer is brackish, with chloride concentration ranging from 500 mg/l to 3,600 mg/l and very low geoelectrical resistivity (<45 ohm m) as well as high concentration of total dissolved solids (>1,000 mg/l). The groundwater in the third aquifer is fresh, with chloride concentrations generally ranging from 2 mg/l to 210 mg/l and geoelectrical resistivity of greater than 45 ohm m. Fresh and saltwater interface in the first aquifer is generally located directly in the area of the coast, but, for the second aquifer, both hydrogeochemical and geoelectrical resistivity results indicate that the fresh water and saltwater interface is located as far as 6 km from the beach. The considerable chloride ion content initially suggests that the salinity of the groundwater in the second aquifer is probably caused by the intrusion of seawater. However, continuous monitoring of the chloride content of the second aquifer indicated no significant changes with time, from which it can be inferred that the salinity of the groundwater is not affected by seasonal seawater intrusion. Schoeller diagrams illustrate that sulphate concentrations of the groundwater of the second aquifer are relatively low compared to those of the recent seawater. Therefore, this result suggests that the brackish water in the second aquifer is probably from ancient seawater that was trapped within the sediments for a long period of time, rather than due to direct seawater intrusion.  相似文献   

A geoelectrical resistivity survey using vertical electrical sounding (VES) was conducted at Chaj Doab (land between rivers Jhelum and Chenab, Pakistan) and Rachna Doab (land between rivers Chenab and Ravi, Pakistan), with the objective of investigating groundwater conditions. A total of 90 sites were selected with 43 sites in Chaj and 47 sites in Rachna Doabs. The resistivity meter (ABEM Terrameter SAS 4000, Sweden) was used to collect the VES data by employing a Schlumberger electrode configuration, with half current electrode spacings (AB/2) ranging from 2 to 180 m and the potential electrode (MN) from 1 to 40 m. The field data were interpreted using the Interpex IX1D computer software and the resistivity versus depth models for each location was estimated. The outputs of subsurface layers with resistivities and thickness presented in contour maps and 3-D views by using SURFER software were created. A total of 102 groundwater samples from nearby hydrowells at different depths were collected to develop a correlation between the aquifer resistivity of VES and the electrical conductivity (EC) of the groundwater and to confirm the resulted geophysical resistivity models. From the correlation developed, it was observed that the groundwater salinity in the aquifer may be considered low and so safe for irrigation if resistivity >45 Ω m, and marginally fit for irrigation having resistivity between 25 and 45 Ω m. The study area has resistivities from 3.9 to 2,222 Ω m at the top of the unsaturated layer, between 1.21 and 171 Ω m, in the shallow aquifers, and 0.14–152 Ω m in the deep aquifers of the study area. The results indicate that the quality of groundwater is better near the rivers and in the shallow layers compared to the deep layers.  相似文献   

Electrical imaging of the groundwater aquifer at Banting,Selangor, Malaysia   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A geophysical study was carried out in the Banting area of Malaysia to delineate groundwater aquifer and marine clay layer of the alluvial Quaternary deposits of Beruas and Gula Formations. The Beruas Formation is formed by peat and clayey materials as well as silt and sands, whereas the Gula Formation consists of clay, silt, sand and gravels. Both Formations were deposited on top of the Carboniferous shale of the Kenny Hill Formation. A 2-D geoelectrical resistivity technique was used. Resistivity measurement was carried out using an ABEM SAS 4000 Terrameter. The 2-D resistivity data of subsurface material for each survey line was calculated through inverse modelling and then compared with borehole data. The resistivity images of all the subsurface material below the survey lines show similar pattern of continuous structure of layering or layers with some lenses with resistivity ranging from 0.1 to 50 Ωm. The upper layer shows resistivity values ranging from 0.1 to 10 Ωm, representing a clay horizon with a thickness up to 45 m. The second layer with depth varies from 45 to 70 m below surface and has resistivity values ranging from 10 to 30 Ωm. Borehole data indicate coarse sand with some gravels for this layer, which is also the groundwater aquifer in the study area. The lowermost layer at a depth of 70 m below ground level shows resistivity values ranging from 30–50 Ωm and can be correlated with metasedimentary rocks consisting of shale and metaquartzite.  相似文献   

A novel study on using geoelectrical resistivity, soil property, and hydrogeochemical analysis methods for delineating and mapping of heavy metal in aquifer system is presented in this paper. A total of 47 surveys of geoelectrical resistivity with Wenner configuration were conducted to determine the subsurface and the groundwater characteristics. The groundwater sample from 53 existing wells and 2 new wells has been analyzed to derive their water chemical content. The chemical analysis was done on the soil sample obtained from new two wells and from selected locations. The water and soil chemical analysis results from the new two wells were used as calibration in resistivity interpretation. The occurrence of heavy metal in aquifer system was expected to detect using the geoelectrical resistivity survey for the whole study area. The result of groundwater analysis shows that the groundwater sample contains a relatively low concentration of Fe (<?0.3 mg/L) elongating from the south up to the middle region. While in the middle and the northwestern, Fe concentration is relatively high (around 12 mg/L). Chemical analysis of soil sample shows that in the lower resistivity zone (<?18 Ωm), Al and Fe concentrations are comparatively high with an average of 68,000 and 40,000 mg/kg, respectively. Starting from the middle to the northwestern zone, the resistivity value appears to be low. It is definitely caused by higher Al and Fe concentration within the soil, and it is supported also by lower total anion content in the groundwater. While the resistivity value of more than 40 Ωm in aquifers is obtained in the zone which Fe concentration is relatively lower in the soil but not present in the groundwater. Correlation Fe concentration in the soil and Fe concentration in the groundwater sample shows the trend of positively linear; however, the Al concentration in soil has no correlation with Al content in groundwater. Finally, the probability of high heavy metal zone in the aquifer system is easily delineated by the distribution of geoelectrical resistivity presented in depth slice shapes which extend from the Boundary Range Composite Batholith in the north to the northwest.  相似文献   

Recently, the deterioration of water quality in the coastal zones of Lekki Peninsula area of Lagos due to saltwater infiltration into the freshwater aquifer has become a major concern. With the aim of providing valuable information on the hydrogeologic system of the aquifers, the subsurface lithology and delineating the groundwater salinity, vertical electrical resistivity (VES) sounding survey was carried out utilizing surface Schlumberger electrode arrays, and electrode spacing varying between 1 and 150 m. The DC resistivity surveys revealed significant variations in subsurface resistivity. Also, the VES resistivity curves showed a dominant trend of decreasing resistivity with depth (thus increasing salinity). In general, the presence of four distinct resistivity zones were delineated viz.: the unconsolidated dry sand (A) having resistivity values ranging between 125 and 1,028 Ωm represent the first layer; the fresh water-saturated soil (zone B) having resistivity values which correspond to 32–256 Ωm is the second layer; the third layer (zone C) is interpreted as the mixing (transition) zone of fresh with brackish groundwater. The resistivity of this layer ranges from 4 to 32 Ωm; while layer four (zone D) is characterized with resistivities values generally below 4 Ωm reflecting an aquifer possibly containing brine. The rock matrix, salinity and water saturation are the major factors controlling the resistivity of the formation. Moreover, this investigation shows that saline water intrusion into the aquifers can be accurately mapped using surface DC resistivity method.  相似文献   

The future development of agriculture, industry, and civil activity planned to be in the Western Desert. This strategy need to the groundwater resource. Vertical electrical soundings (VES) and electromagnetic (TEM) measurements conducted in the El Bawiti, northern Bahariya Oasis. The measurements give detailed information about the geometry of the different hydrogeological layers in the aquifer system and depth to them. A total of 22 VES and TEM were carried out within El Bawiti area. Thirty-one sub soil samples were collected from eight sites to determine the chemical characteristics and address the effects of lithogenic source and anthropogenic activity on them. The geoelectrical measurements and borehole information indicate the presence of five geoelectrical units, from top to base; the surface cover, sand and shale, upper aquifer (Nubian sandstone), sand and shale, and lower aquifer (Nubian sandstone). Surface cover was equally distributed in thickness and composed of dry sand, gravel, and clay deposits. The regional resistivity of the upper aquifer increased in the southwestern part and decline in the northern, eastern, southern, and western parts. The decline in the resistivity reflects the high water yields and potentiality, as well as low salinity. The resistivity of the lower aquifer increased due the northwestern part and the southwestern part. The information collected during this research provides valuable data for estimating the fresh- to brackish-water resources and for development of a groundwater management plan. The integrated analyses carried out represent a significant and cost-effective method for delineating the main aquifer in this area. In turn, future well locations can be placed with more confidence than before, in accordance with the evaluation of the potentiality of the groundwater aquifers in the area. The electrical conductivity of the soil ranges from 302 to 8,490 μS/cm, increases in the western and central-northern parts. It is attributed to the location from the salt-affected soils (playa), the relatively lower elevation units (depressions) and the position in landscape in the Oasis. Sodium adsorption ratio ranges from 0.44 to 11 and the exchangeable sodium ratio ranges from 0.11 to 5. The estimated magnesium hazard fluctuated below 50%. The statistical analyses were accomplished in soil chemistry and discussed.  相似文献   

The effect of the Ruseifa municipal landfill on the shallow groundwater aquifers in the area was investigated in two separate sites. The first one was not used since 1994, whereas the other is still being used for dumping. Fourteen electrical resistivity soundings were performed to detect the leachate and its effect on the quality of the groundwater. Results indicated that the solid waste thickness of the landfill was ranged from 3 to 20 m with resistivity value less than 10 Ω m. Based on the resistivity decreases of values less than 5 Ω m, the leachate was detected in the landfill sites at depths ranged from 10 to 50 m. However, the flow direction of the leachate at depth ranging 10–20 m in the terminated site was toward north, whereas the flow direction of the leachate in the site still used for dumping was toward east–northeast which causes the major source of groundwater pollution.  相似文献   

Groundwater is a treasured earth’s resource and plays an important role in addressing water and environmental sustainability. However, its overexploitation and wide spatial variability within a basin and/or across regions are posing a serious challenge for groundwater sustainability. Some parts of southern West Bengal of India are problematic for groundwater occurrence despite of high rainfall in this region. Characterization of an aquifer in this area is very important for sustainable development of water supply and artificial recharge. Electrical resistivity surveys using 1-D and 2-D arrays were performed at a regular interval from Subarnarekha River at Bhasraghat (south) to Kharagpur (north) to map the lithological variations in this area. Resistivity sounding surveys were carried out at an interval of 2–3 km. Subsurface resistivity variation has been interpreted using very fast simulated annealing (VFSA) global optimization technique. The analysis of the field data indicated that the resistivity variation with depth is suitable in the southern part of the area and corresponds to clayey sand. Interpreted resistivity in the northern part of the area is relatively high and reveals impervious laterite layer. In the southern part of the area resistivity varies between 15 and 40 Ωm at a depth below 30 m. A 2-D resistivity imaging conducted at the most important location in the area is correlated well with the 1-D results. Based on the interpreted resistivity variation with depth at different locations different types of geologic units (laterite, clay, sand, etc.) are classified, and the zone of interests for aquifer has been demarcated. Study reveals that southern part of the area is better for artificial recharge than the northern part. The presence of laterite cover in the northern part of the area restricts the percolation of rainwater to recharge the aquifer at depth. To recharge the aquifer at depth in the northern part of the area, rainwater must be sent artificially at depth by puncturing laterite layers on the top. Such studies in challenging areas will help in understanding the problems and finding its solution.  相似文献   

Hydrochemical data are presented for groundwater samples, collected from fractured aquifers in parts of northern Ghana. The data was collected to assess the groundwater suitability for domestic and agricultural use. Results of the study reveal that the pH of the groundwater in the area is slightly acidic to slightly alkaline. The electrical conductivity values, total dissolved solids (TDS) values and calcium, magnesium and sodium concentrations in the groundwater are generally below the limit set by the WHO for potable water supply. On the basis of activity diagrams, groundwater from the fractured aquifers appears to be stable within the montmorillonite field, suggesting weathering of silicate minerals. An inverse distance weighting interpolator with a power of 2 was applied to the data points to produce prediction maps for nitrate and fluoride. The distribution maps show the presence of high nitrate concentrations (50–194 mg/l) in some of the boreholes in the western part of the study area indicating anthropogenic impact on the groundwater. Elevated fluoride level (1.5–4 mg/l), higher than the WHO allowable fluoride concentration of 1.5, is recorded in the groundwater underlying the northeastern part of the study area, more specifically Bongo and its surrounding communities of the Upper East region. Results of this study suggest that groundwater from the fractured aquifers in the area exhibit low sodicity–low salinity (S1–C1), low sodicity–medium salinity (S1–C2) characteristics [United States Salinity Laboratory (USSL) classification scheme]. All data points from this study plot within the ‘Excellent to good’ category on a Wilcox diagram. Groundwater in this area thus appears to provide irrigation water of excellent quality. The hydrochemical results indicate that, although nitrate and fluoride concentrations in some boreholes are high, the groundwater in the study area, based on the parameters analyzed, is chemically potable and suitable for domestic and agricultural purposes.  相似文献   

Magnetotelluric investigations have been carried out in the Garhwal Himalayan corridor to delineate the electrical structure of the crust along a profile extending from Indo-Gangetic Plain to Higher Himalayan region in Uttarakhand, India. The profile passing through major Himalayan thrusts: Himalayan Frontal Thrust (HFF), Main Boundary Thrust (MBT) and Main Central Thrust (MCT), is nearly perpendicular to the regional geological strike. Data processing and impedance analysis indicate that out of 44 stations MT data recorded, only 27 stations data show in general, the validity of 2D assumption. The average geoelectric strike, N70°W, was estimated for the profile using tensor decomposition. 2D smooth geoelectrical model has been presented, which provides the electrical image of the shallow and deeper crustal structure. The major features of the model are (i) a low resistivity (<50Ωm), shallow feature interpreted as sediments of Siwalik and Indo-Gangetic Plain, (ii) highly resistive (> 1000Ωm) zone below the sediments at a depth of 6 km, interpreted as the top surface of the Indian plate, (iii) a low resistivity (< 10Ωm) below the depth of 6 km near MCT zone coincides with the intense micro-seismic activity in the region. The zone is interpreted as the partial melting or fluid phase at mid crustal depth. Sensitivity test indicates that the major features of the geoelectrical model are relevant and desired by the MT data.  相似文献   

The lower Varuna River basin in Varanasi district situated in the central Ganga plain is a highly productive agricultural area, and is also one of the fast growing urban areas in India. The agricultural and urbanization activities have a lot of impact on the groundwater quality of the study area. The river basin is underlain by Quaternary alluvial sediments consisting of clay, silt, sand and gravel of various grades. The hydrogeochemical study was undertaken by randomly collecting 75 groundwater samples from dug wells and hand pumps covering the entire basin in order to understand the sources of dissolved ions, and to assess the chemical quality of the groundwater through analysis of major ions. Based on the total dissolved solids, two groundwater samples are considered unsuitable for drinking purpose, but all samples are useful for irrigation. Graphical treatment of major ion chemistry by Piper diagram helps in identifying hydro-geochemical facies of groundwaters and the dominant hydrochemical facies is Ca-Mg-HCO3 with appreciable percentage of the water having mixed facies. As per Wilcox’s diagram and US Salinity laboratory classification, most of the groundwater samples are suitable for irrigation except two samples (No’s 30 and 68) which are unsuitable due to the presence of high salinity and medium sodium hazard. Irrigation waters classified based on residual sodium carbonate, have revealed that all groundwaters are in general safe for irrigation except one sample (No. 27), which needs treatment before use. Permeability index indicates that the groundwater samples are suitable for irrigation purpose. Although the general quality of groundwater of the lower Varuna River basin is suitable for irrigation purpose, fifty seven percent of the samples are found having nitrate content more than permissible limit (>45 mg/l) which is not good for human consumption. Application of N-Fertilizers on agricultural land as crop nutrients along the Varuna River course may be responsible for nitrate pollution in the groundwater due to leaching by applied irrigation water. The other potential sources of high nitrate concentration in extreme northern, southern and southwestern parts of study area are poor sewerage and drainage facilities, leakage of human excreta from very old septic tanks, and sanitary landfills. The high fluoride contamination (>1.5 mg/l) in some of the samples may be due to the dissolution of micaceous content in the alluvium. Nitrate and fluoride contamination of groundwater is a serious problem for its domestic use. Hence an immediate protective measure must be put into action in the study area.  相似文献   

A regional-scale groundwater study was conducted over a 2-year period to assess the extent of nitrate contamination and source identification for southern Baldwin County, AL. Groundwater wells were sampled and analyzed for nitrate and a host of other geochemical parameters which revealed that extensive areas within aquifer zone A2 exhibited nitrate concentrations exceeding regulatory limits. Spatial iso-concentration maps of nitrate were constructed using ArcGIS software to determine the extent and severity of contamination for the aquifers underlying southern Baldwin County with the primary interest focused on the heavily utilized aquifer zone A2. Nitrate levels in the central and northeastern portion of the study area were most extensive with maximum concentrations of 63 mg/L likely resulting from agricultural inputs. Several other small regions throughout the study area exhibited elevated levels of nitrate and chloride as high as 112 and 51.1 mg/L, respectively, and sources likely vary (i.e., residential septic systems, animal waste to agriculture). With the exception of a few groundwater samples, there was no obvious correlative relationship between chloride and nitrate concentration for data collected during the 2-year period. Collectively, a general inverse relationship between nitrate concentrations and well depth was observed for the aquifer system under investigation. The study provides an initial current data set of areas impacted or most vulnerable to nitrate contamination and initial assessment of likely sources of nitrate in the region.  相似文献   

The city of Burdur, which is built on an alluvium aquifer, is located in one of the most seismically active zones in southwestern Turkey. The soil properties in the study site are characterized by unconsolidated and water-saturated sediments including silty, clayey and sandy units, and shallow groundwater level is the other characteristic of the site. Thus, the city is under soil liquefaction risk during a large earthquake. A resistivity survey including 189 vertical electrical sounding (VES) measurements was carried out in 2000 as part of a multi-disciplinary project aiming to investigate settlement properties in Burdur city and its vicinity. In the present study, the VES data acquired by using a Schlumberger array were re-processed with 1D and 2D inversion techniques to determine liquefaction potential in the study site. The results of some 1D interpretations were compared to the data from several wells drilled during the project. Also, the groundwater level map that was previously obtained by hydrological studies was extended toward north by using the resistivity data. 2D least-squares inversions were performed along nine VES profiles. This provided very useful information on vertical and horizontal extends of geologic units and water content in the subsurface. The study area is characterized by low resistivity distribution (<150 Ωm) originating from high fluid content in the subsurface. Lower resistivity (3–30 Ωm) is associated with the Quaternary and the Tertiary lacustrine sediments while relatively high resistivity (40–150 Ωm) is related to the Quaternary alluvial cone deposits. This study has also shown that the resistivity measurements are useful in the estimation of liquefaction risk in a site by providing information on the groundwater level and the fluid content in the subsurface. Based on this, we obtained a liquefaction hazard map for the study area. The liquefaction potential was classified by considering the resistivity distributions from 2D inversion of the VES profiles, the types of the sediments and the extended groundwater level map. According to this map, the study area was characterized by high liquefaction hazard risk.  相似文献   

The use of resistivity sounding and two-dimensional (2-D) resistivity imaging was investigated with the aim of delineating and estimating the groundwater potential in Keffi area. Rock types identified are mainly gneisses and granites. Twenty-five resistivity soundings employing the Schlumberger electrode array were conducted across the area. Resistivity sounding data obtained were interpreted using partial curve matching approach and 1-D inversion algorithm, RESIST version 1.0. The 2-D resistivity imaging was also carried out along two traverses using dipole–dipole array, and the data obtained were subjected to finite element method modeling using DIPRO inversion algorithm to produce a two-dimensional subsurface geological model. Interpretation of results showed three to four geoelectrical layers. Layer thickness values were generally less than 2 m for collapsed zone, and ranged from 5 to 30 m for weathered bedrock (saprolite). Two major aquifer units, namely weathered bedrock (saprolite) aquifer and fractured bedrock (saprock) aquifer, have been delineated with the latter usually occurring beneath the former in most areas. Aquifer potentials in the area were estimated using simple schemes that involved the use of three geoelectrical parameters, namely: depth to fresh bedrock, weathered bedrock (saprolite) resistivity and fractured bedrock (saprock) resistivity. The assessment delineated the area into prospective high, medium and low groundwater potential zones.  相似文献   

The nitrate of groundwater in the Gimpo agricultural area, South Korea, was characterized by means of nitrate concentration, nitrogen-isotope analysis, and the risk assessment of nitrogen. The groundwaters belonging to Ca–(Cl + NO3) and Na–(Cl + NO3) types displayed a higher average NO3 concentration (79.4 mg/L), exceeding the Korean drinking water standard (<44.3 mg/L NO3 ). The relationship between δ18O–NO3 values and δ15N–NO3 values revealed that nearly all groundwater samples with δ15N–NO3 of +7.57 to +13.5‰ were affected by nitrate from manure/sewage as well as microbial nitrification and negligible denitrification. The risk assessment of nitrate for groundwater in the study area was carried out using the risk-based corrective action model since it was recognized that there is a necessity of a quantitative assessment of health hazard, as well as a simple estimation of nitrate concentration. All the groundwaters of higher nitrate concentration than the Korean drinking water standard (<44.3 mg/L NO3 ) belonged to the domain of the hazard index <1, indicating no health hazard by nitrate in groundwater in the study area. Further, the human exposure to the nitrate-contaminated soil was below the critical limit of non-carcinogenic risk.  相似文献   

A contaminated site from a downstream municipal solid waste disposal site in Brazil was investigated by using a 3D resistivity and induced polarization (IP) imaging technique. This investigation purpose was to detect and delineate contamination plume produced by wastes. The area was selected based on previous geophysical investigations, and chemical analyses carried out in the site, indicating the presence of a contamination plume in the area. Resistivity model has successfully imaged waste presence (ρ < 20 Ωm), water table depth, and groundwater flow direction. A conductive anomaly (ρ < 20 Ωm) outside wastes placement was interpreted as a contamination plume. Chargeability model was also able to imaging waste presence (m > 31 mV/V), water table depth, and groundwater flow direction. A higher chargeability zone (m > 31 mV/V) outside wastes placement and following conductive anomaly was interpreted as a contamination plume. Normalized chargeability (MN = m/ρ) confirmed polarizable zone, which could be an effect of a salinity increase (contamination plume), and the clay presence in the environment.  相似文献   

This paper aims at determining of inorganic leachate contamination for a capped unsanitary landfill in the absence of hydrogeological data. The 2D geoelectrical resistivity imaging, soil physicochemical characterization, and surface water analysis were used to determine contamination load and extent of selective heavy metal contamination underneath the landfill. The positions of the contaminated subsoil and groundwater were successfully delineated in terms of low resistivity leachate plumes of <10 Ωm. Leachate migration towards the reach of Kelang River could be clearly identified from the resistivity results and elevated concentrations of Fe in the river downslope toe of the site. Concentration of Fe, Mn, Ca, Na, K, Mg, Cu, Cr, Co, Ni, Zn, and Pb was measured for the subsoil samples collected at the downslope (BKD), upslope (BKU), and the soil-waste interface (BKI), of the landfill. The concentration levels obtained for most of the analyzed heavy metals significantly exceed the normal range in typical municipal solid waste landfill sites. The measured heavy metal contamination load in the subsoil is in the following order Fe ? Mn > Zn > Pb > Cr > Cu. Taking into consideration poor physical and chemical characteristics of the local soil, these metals first seem to be attenuated naturally at near surface then remobilize unavoidably due to the soil acidic environment (pH 4.2-6.18) which in turn, may allow an easy washing of these metals in contact with the shallow groundwater table during the periodic fluctuation of the Kelang River. These heavy metals are believed to have originated from hazardous industrial waste that might have been illegally dumped at the site.  相似文献   

El Alamein-El-Dabaa area lies in the western Mediterranean coastal zone of Egypt with about 50 km long. The aims of the present study are the shallow groundwater aquifer determination and calculate the electric parameters of the overburden to achieve the easiest way for detecting groundwater contamination and considered it during the planning of new development project(s). To attain this target, 44 vertical resistivity soundings using Schlumberger array of the maximum AB/2?=?1000 m in the form of four profiles were carried out. From the interpretation results, six geoelectrical layers have been established in the area, and iso-resistivity, depth to water, and isopach contour maps are presented. Four geoelectrical cross-sections (two geoelectrical cross-sections are parallel to the Mediterranean shoreline and the other two are normal to the Mediterranean shoreline) have been constructed. According to this work, the upper part of the Oolitic Limestone represents the shallow groundwater aquifer in this area and can be distinguished into two zones. The upper zone is brackish, whereas the lower one is saline. The geoelectrical succession reveals that the aquifer is free type. The depth to water ranges between 20 and 63 m; therefore, it is the choice as the best sites for groundwater exploitation. In the area under study, the depth to water and the thickness of the brackish increase towards the south side as well as the depth to the brackish water. The Dar-Zarrouk parameters clarified that there are some parts that may contaminate pathways and other parts are not.  相似文献   

The Dhanbad district in Jharkhand faces acute water scarcity and is chronically drought-prone. The groundwater resources in the area have not been fully exploited. The present study was undertaken to evaluate the groundwater prospective zones. Landsat-5 Multi Spectral Scanner (MSS) data of band 2 and band 4 and false colour composite (FCC) of band 2, 3, 4 were interpreted visually to differentiate different hydromorphogeological units and to delineate the major trends of lineaments. The different geomorphic features identified are linear ridges, residual hills, and pediplain, buried pediment and dissected pediplain, besides lineaments. The study shows that the pediplain and buried pediments are promising zones for groundwater prospecting. The occurrence and movement of groundwater is restricted to the unconsolidated material, weathered and fractured rocks. For the selection of tube well sites, geoelectrical resistivity investigations have been carried out at the sites, which were found suitable based on hydrogeomorphological and hydrogeological studies. Twenty-six Vertical Electrical Soundings (VES) have been carried out by using Schlumberger electrode configuration, which have brought out 3 to 7 layered sub-surface layers. The resistivity of water-bearing weathered/fractured rocks varies from 120–150 ohm m. The integrated studies have revealed that the blue colour zones are most promising for groundwater exploration and dug wells may be dug up to depths of 30±5m.  相似文献   

An attempt has been made in this research work to evaluate the concentration of nitrate in groundwater and its management in Apple town and its environs. Groundwater pollution has been reported in many aquifers because of high concentration of nitrate in ground water, which is the result of excessive use of fertilizers to cropland. Systematic sampling was done, with a view to understand the source of nitrate concentration in the study area. Fifteen sample sites were selected and the samples were taken for a baseline study to understand the geochemistry of the study area and to assess its physicochemical characteristics. The water quality parameters were investigated for summer (May, 2007) and winter (December, 2007) seasons and were compared with the standard values given by ICMR / WHO. The hydrochemical data of 15 samples indicates that the concentration of almost all parameters fall within the permissible limits except nitrate. Linear Trend Analysis on seasonal and annual basis clearly depicted that nitrate pollution in the study area is increasing significantly. About 85% of samples during summer season and 67% of the samples during winter season were showing a high concentration of nitrate, exceeding permissible limit of WHO (50 mg/l), which is due to the use of nitrogenous fertilizers in the study area. Appropriate methods for improving the water quality and its management in the affected areas have been suggested.  相似文献   

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