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A chemometric approach coupled with capillary electrophoresis based on the hierarchical cluster analysis and principal component analysis has been applied for the investigation of the water quality in the Golcuk-Isparta region (Lake District of Turkey). In the research area, Egirdir Lake, Golcuk Lake and surrounding ground and domestic waters have been utilized as drinking water resources. Golcuk Lake is distinctive in terms of high fluoride content (3.50 ± 0.21 mg/mL) which is endemic in volcanic areas where the water flow through volcanic rocks and sediments. Based on the analysis of major anions chloride, sulfate, nitrate and fluoride with capillary electrophoresis, twenty-four drinking water sampling sites in the research area were classified into four classes using the hierarchical cluster and principal component analysis. Combining the research area investigation results of hierarchical cluster and principal component analysis, it was found that fluoride concentration is the major diagnostic variable to determine the quality of drinking waters, and all the other anions are the important classification factors to predict the resources of the drinking water samples, individually. To sum up, this study reveals the potential of the use of capillary electrophoresis in combination with chemometric techniques for the determination of the quality and origin of drinking waters.  相似文献   

This study investigates the suitability of statistical techniques for evaluating the fluoride content and the groundwater quality from Robles Department (RD) and Banda Department (BD) in Santiago del Estero (Argentina). For the original statistical study, evaluation of nine parameters (fluoride, pH, conductivity, atmospheric and water temperature, total dissolved solids, chloride, hardness, and alkalinity) of 110 collected underground water samples from 23 dispersed rural areas was proposed. Groundwater samples were obtained by sampling taken from wells at different depths. Fluoride levels were determined by a standard colorimetric method in two seasonal periods, the dry (from April to September) and rainy (from October to March) period. The analytical results obtained for physicochemical parameters such as pH, total dissolved solids (TDS), and temperature does not reveal any notable difference between the rainy and dry seasons studied. In both seasons, the atmospheric temperature average was 22 ​°C. With respect to fluoride content, approximately 50% of the analysed groundwater samples exceeded the limit established by current legislation (1.0 ​mg/L), obtaining concentration levels in the range of 0.01–2.80 ​mg/L. This study demonstrates the usefulness of the univariate statistical method (quartiles calculation, interquartile range IQR), multivariate principal component analysis (PCA), and cluster analysis to establish a better understanding of the state of the contamination of the waters in the region studied.  相似文献   

Fluoride (F?) is essential for normal bone growth, but higher concentration in the drinking water causes health problems which are reported in many states of India. Andhra Pradesh is one of the states which suffer from excess fluoride in groundwater particularly in the hard rock terrain. In this context, a study was conducted in Andhra Pradesh based on chemical analysis of water samples from hydrograph net work stations (dug wells) and exploratory bore wells. The concentration of fluoride in groundwaters ranges from traces to 9.75 mg/l. The occurrence of fluoride is mostly sporadic, uneven and varies with depth. The highly affected districts include Nalgonda and Warangal in Telangana region, Prakasam in coastal region, Anantapur and Kurnool in Rayalaseema region. In certain areas of Nalgonda district, 85% of wells have fluoride more than permissible limit (> 1.5 mg/l) for drinking water. High F? is present in all the geological formations, predominantly in granitic aquifers, compared to the other formations. The average value of fluoride is high in the deeper zone (1.10 mg/L), compared to the shallow zone (0.69 mg/L). The fluoride-rich minerals present are the main sources for fluoride concentrations in groundwater. Residence time, evapotranspiration and weathering processes are some of the other supplementary factors for high fluoride concentrations in groundwater. Long-term data of hydrograph net work stations (dug wells) reveal that fluoride concentrations do not show any marked change of trend with respect to time. The concentration of fluoride is found to increase with increase of Na+and HCO 3 ? , and decrease with increase of Ca2+. Sodium bicarbonate waters are more effective in releasing fluoride from minerals into groundwater. High fluoride waters are of Na+ type. The paper presents a brief account of the study and its results.  相似文献   

The aim of this study is to understand the effects of pollution of anthropogenic origin on water quality in Yalvac Basin, part of the Egirdir Lake catchment. Surface discharge from the basin to the lake is 63 m3/year and underground discharge is 114 m3/year. Possible water pollution is categorized into domestic, industrial and agricultural origin. Domestic and industrial wastewaters, including effluents from leather tanneries are discharged, without being purified, into Yalvac Stream, which flows into Egirdir Lake directly or via the drainage canal. Surface waters flowing into the lake are used in winter for irrigation of agricultural areas. In agricultural areas natural and synthetic fertilizers and pesticides are used extensively. Lake Egirdir is used as a source of drinking water. Sampling sites were established for surface and underground waters, taking into account the known point sources of pollution. These sites were sampled in May and October of 2002, and analysed chemically. Cr3+ and Pb2+ concentrations exceed standard limits, meaning that pollution caused by effluent from the tanneries is adversely affecting the water quality in the lake.  相似文献   

Water resources are scarce in arid or semiarid areas,which not only limits economic development,but also threatens the survival of mankind.The local communities around the Hangjinqi gasfield depend on groundwater sources for water supply.A clear understanding of the groundwater hydrogeochemical characteristics and the groundwater quality and its seasonal cycle is invaluable and indispensable for groundwater protection and management.In this study,self-organizing maps were used in combination with the quantization and topographic errors and K-means clustering method to investigate groundwater chemistry datasets.The Piper and Gibbs diagrams and saturation index were systematically applied to investigate the hydrogeochemical characteristics of groundwater from both rainy and dry seasons.Further,the entropy-weighted theory was used to characterize groundwater quality and assess its seasonal variability and suitability for drinking purposes.Our hydrochemical groundwater dataset,consisting of 10 parameters measured during both dry and rainy seasons,was classified into 6 clusters,and the Piper diagram revealed three hydrochemical facies:Cl-Na type(clusters 1,2 and 3),mixed type(clusters 4 and 5),and HCO3-Ca type(cluster 6).The Gibbs diagram and saturation index suggested thatweathering of rock-forming mineralswere the primary process controlling groundwater chemical composition and validated the credibility and practicality of the clustering results.Two-thirds of 45 groundwater samples were categorized as excellent-or good-quality and were suitable as drinking water.Cluster changes within the same and different clusters from the dry season to the rainy season were detected in approximately 78%of the collected samples.The main factors affecting the groundwater quality were hydrogeochemical characteristics,and dry season groundwater quality was better than rainy season groundwater quality.Based on this work,such results can be used to investigate the seasonal variation of hydrogeochemical characteristics and assess water quality accurately in the others similar area.  相似文献   

Fluoride (F) contamination study had been carried out to see its allocation in Kurmapalli watershed, Nalgonda district, Andhra Pradesh, India. The study area is located about 60 km SE of Hyderabad city. The groundwater is the main source of water for their living. The groundwater in villages and its surrounding are affected by fluoride contamination and consequently the majority of the people living in these villages has health hazards and is facing fluorosis. The purpose of this study is to identify the wells with high F, raise awareness in people, study the water chemistry, and also find out the source of F in groundwater. A total of 32 groundwater samples were collected from different wells in both shallow aquifers and deeper fractures zones during October 2004. The chemical analysis of groundwater has been done. Fluoride values vary from 0.7 to 19.0 mg/l. It is noted that the maximum value (19.0 mg/l) is one of the highest values found in groundwater in India and 78% of the total samples show F concentrations that exceeds the permissible limit value (1.5 mg/l). The highest value of F is found at Madanapur bore well which is located at central part of the watershed. The F value of this bore well was monitored from October 2004 to October 2006. During this period the F concentration varies from 17.8 to 21.0 mg/l with mean 19.3 mg/l. There is no correlation of F with chemical parameters except calcium. The Ca has shown inverse proportional with F. Water–rock interaction studies were also carried out to understand the behavior of F in groundwater at prominent F affected areas. Rock samples were collected and analyzed, and found their enrichment of F. The anthropogenic possibility of F is almost negligible. The rocks of this area are enriched in F from 460 to 1,706 mg/kg. It is indicated that the rock–water interaction is the main source of F in groundwater. The highest values of F are found in middle part of the region and are related to the occurrence of fluoride rich rocks and their chemical kinetic behavior with groundwater.  相似文献   

The occurrence of fluoride in ground water is the focus of the public and has attracted the attention of many scientists all over the world due to its importance in public health. Deficiency or increase of fluoride uptake is considered a public health problem due to the narrow permissible limit which should not exceed 1.5 mg/l according to the World Health Organization (WHO). The range of fluoride tolerance and toxicity is narrow. Deviation from the optimal levels therefore results in dental health effects such as caries and fluorosis. Many studies have found fluorosis to be invariably associated with high concentrations of fluoride in drinking water. Fluorosis is a considerable health problem in many areas of the world including Brazil, China, East Africa, Ghana, India, Kenya, Korea, Malawi, Mexico, Pakistan, South Africa, southeastern Korea, Spain, Sri Lanka, Sudan, Taiwan, Tanzania, and Turkey. Fluoride in groundwater of Quaternary aquifer of the Nile Valley, Egypt, does not gain the attention of the authors in the Nile Valley which makes the public health status of fluoride is not certain. The present work aims at investigating the fluoride concentration of Quaternary groundwater aquifer at Luxor as a representative area of the Nile Valley to be a base line for subsequent studies and criteria for public health. Ground water samples were collected from Quaternary groundwater aquifer at Luxor area, Egypt and analyzed for the purpose of investigating fluoride content. The results showed that fluoride concentration in the study area ranges between 0.113 and 0.452 with an average of 0.242 mg/l. Sources of fluoride in the study area can result from the natural dissolution from fluoride-rich minerals, fertilizers and from groundwater recharge. It is worth mentioning that low fluoride content in the study area is considered a public health threat specially limited growth, fertility, and dental caries. Corrective measures should be taken to avoid the public health impacts of fluoride deficiency at Luxor area as well as similar areas in the Nile Valley. A public health program should be initiated to account for the deficiency of fluoride in groundwater and deal with the other supplementary fluoride sources in food or fluoridation of drinking water supplies.  相似文献   

More and more data indicated that high- or low-fluoride-bearing drinking water led to endemic diseases in which fluoride poisoning was caused by high levels of fluoride (fluoride ion content >1.0 mg/I) in drinking water. Fluoride poisoning in North China is characterized by pathological changes of bones and teeth. Much attention has been devoted to the study of fluoride-bearing groundwater in North China because regionally groundwater has been the main source of water supply, and fluoride poisoning has developed to the extent that it affects human health seriously. Results from the studies in North China summarized in this article indicate that regional high-fluoride-bearing groundwater has a regular distribution corresponding with the development of endemic fluoride poisoning and has something to do with paleogeographic and paleoclimatic conditions, geology, and hydrogeology, especially with types of hydrogeochemistry, pH value of groundwater, degree of mineralization, and so forth. High-fluoride-bearing groundwater in relation to fluorosis occurs mainly in North China, and many effective measures have been taken to reduce the fluoride content in drinking water and to cure the disease after analyzing the distribution and environmental characteristics of high-fluoride-bearing groundwater.  相似文献   

A study was undertaken to examine the content and spatial distribution of fluoride in drinking water. Water samples (735) from public water systems covering all Estonian territory were analysed using SPADNS method. In order to specify the natural source of fluoride, the chemistry data from five aquifer systems utilised for water supply were included into the study. Fluoride concentrations in tap water, to a great extent, ranged from 0.01 to 6.95 mg/l. Drinking water in southern Estonia, where terrigenous Middle-Devonian aquifer system is exploited, has a fluoride concentration lower than recommended level (0.5 mg/l), thus promoting susceptibility to dental caries. The western part of the country is supplied by water with excess fluoride content (1.5–6.9 mg/l). Groundwater abstracted for drinking purposes originates from Ordovician and Silurian carbonate rocks. The content of fluoride in Silurian–Ordovician aquifer system is associated with the groundwater abstraction depth and the main controlling factors of dissolved fluoride are the pH value and the chemical type of water.  相似文献   

The stable isotopes of oxygen and hydrogen were used to determine the seasonal contributions of precipitation to groundwater recharge at a forested catchment area in the upper North Han River basin, Korea. A comparison of the stable isotopic signatures of groundwater and precipitation indicates that the precipitations which occurred during both the dry and rainy seasons are the important source of groundwater recharge in this region. A stable isotopic signature shown in the stream waters at the upstream reaches is similar to that of groundwaters, indicating that stream waters are mostly fed by groundwater discharge. Reservoir waters in the downstream flood control dams have lower deuterium excess values or d-values compared with those of the upstream waters, indicating a secondary evaporative enrichment. These results can provide a basis for the effective management of groundwater and stream water resources in the North Han River basin.  相似文献   

Twenty-two bottled mineral and spring waters from Norway, Sweden, Finland and Iceland have been analysed for 71 inorganic chemical parameters with low detection limits as a subset of a large European survey of bottled groundwater chemistry (N = 884). The Nordic bottled groundwaters comprise mainly Ca–Na–HCO3–Cl water types, but more distinct Ca–HCO3, Na HCO3 and Na–Cl water types are also offered. The distributions for most elements fall between groundwater from Fennoscandian Quaternary unconsolidated aquifers and groundwater from Norwegian crystalline bedrock boreholes. Treated tap waters have slightly lower median values for many parameters, but elements associated with plumbing have significantly higher concentrations in tap waters than in bottled waters. The small dataset is able to show that excessive fluoride and uranium contents are potential drinking water problems in Fennoscandia. Nitrate and arsenic displayed low to moderate concentrations, but the number of samples from Finland and Northern Sweden was too low to detect that elevated concentrations of arsenic occur in bedrock boreholes in some regions. The data shows clearly that water sold in plastic bottles is contaminated with antimony. Antimony is toxic and suspected to be carcinogenic, but the levels are well below the EU drinking water limit. The study does not provide any health-based arguments for buying bottled mineral and spring waters for those who are served with drinking water from public waterworks. Drinking water from crystalline bedrock aquifers should be analysed. In case of elevated concentrations of fluoride, uranium or arsenic, most bottled waters, but not all, will be better alternatives when treatment of the well water is not practicable.  相似文献   

The impact of past mining activities on the quality of groundwater and surface water has been investigated in the mining district of La Carolina (southern Spain, province of Jaén), a region characterised by the presence of mineralisations of Pb–Ag, Cu and Fe sulphides and Ba sulphates. The chemistry of waters from flooded galleries, shafts and drainage adits has been compared with that of surface waters in the same area. Generally, waters present neutral pH, since carbonates neutralise the acidity produced by the oxidation of Fe-bearing sulphide minerals in the mine impacted water. Despite of this natural attenuation process, in most of the cases, the mine groundwater is of low quality and shows high dissolved SO4 (up to 3.7 g/l), Fe and Mn contents (tens to hundreds mg/l), exceeding the limit established by the guidelines of the World Health Organization for drinking water. Generally, the surface waters are of the sulphate calcium–magnesium to magnesium types, with moderate mineralisation. Post-rebound mine waters caused degradation of receiving watercourses in which the Fe contents are usually high, with values close to 3 g/l, and the mineralisation is greater as the channels run down in the mining zone. During dry seasons a considerable increase of salts and metals dissolved in stream waters was found, due to the decreasing contributions by run-off in this semiarid region, whereas the abandoned mine discharges remained practically constant.  相似文献   

北京大兴区第四系高氟地下水分布规律研究   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
北京市大兴区供水以地下水为主,研究该区高氟地下水的分布规律及其成因,对指导区域地下水的开发利用和保障居民饮水安全是必要的。在野外调查和以往研究成果的基础上,测试了北京大兴区地下水氟离子浓度。结果表明,高氟水分布区地层岩性以粘性土为主;浅层高氟水主要分布在大兴区的南部及东南部,超标区面积为258.57 km2;深层高氟水主要分布在中部,超标区面积为20.91 km2。建议对浅层高氟地下水加大止水深度,统一并严格设计饮用水井结构;对深层氟超标水,避免饮用或采取降氟措施后再饮用。  相似文献   

The major part of groundwater in India is found in granitic aquifers. Fluoride in groundwater from a crystalline aquifer in a semi-arid region of granitic rocks in India, known as Maheshwaram watershed, was analyzed for spatial and temporal variability during 1999–2002 to assess the effect of hydrogeological factors on fluoride concentration. Samples were collected from 32 representative wells in the area for the pre- and post-monsoon seasons and analyzed for F content. The CHESS computer program was used to calculate ionic activities of aqueous species and the mineral saturation index (SI) for calcite and fluorite. The GARDENIA computer program was used to calculate the recharge values in the study area. The influences of dissolution kinetics of fluoride minerals and recharge from rainfall on fluoride concentration were of interest and results clearly indicate that fluoride content in groundwater depends on the interaction period of groundwater with host rock. Results could also be utilized for designing remedial measures particularly with dilution method in an optimal way.  相似文献   

Presence of fluoride in groundwater is a public health problem in the so-called endemic fluorosis belt of the central Iran, where the groundwater is the major source of drinking water in most urban and rural areas. Therefore, an attempt has been made to determine the hydrogeochemical factors controlling fluoride enrichment in the groundwater resources at this belt. Fluoride concentrations ranged from 0.20 to 1.99 mg/L (1.02 ± 0.47) in groundwater samples. The presence of different F-bearing minerals and also clay minerals in the soils and aquifer materials was confirmed using XRD analysis. To identify probable sources of dissolved F? and investigate groundwater quality, multivariate statistical analyses were carried out. Geochemical modeling indicated that all samples were undersaturated with respect to fluorite, halite, gypsum and anhydrite and mostly oversaturated with respect to calcite and dolomite. Contrary to most high-fluoride regions in the World, the high F? content was dominated by Na–Cl- and Ca–SO4-type groundwater in the study area. Besides, fluoride showed negative relationship with pH and HCO3 ? in groundwater. In order to assess the bioavailability of fluoride in soils, a two-step chemical fractionation method was applied. The results showed that fluoride in soils mostly accompanied with the residual and water-soluble fractions and was poorly associated with soil’s bonding sites. Calculated aqueous migration coefficient demonstrated that fluoride in the studied soils was mobile to easily leachable to the groundwater. Finally, the results demonstrated that combination of water–rock interaction and influence of clay minerals is geochemical mechanism responsible for controlling fluoride enrichment in groundwater.  相似文献   

The source of fluoride toxicity in Muteh area,Isfahan, Iran   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Endemic dental fluorosis has been observed in most inhabitants of three villages of Muteh area, located in northwest of Isfahan province, with mottled enamel related to high levels of fluoride in drinking water (1.8–2.2 ppm). Forty-seven groundwater samples from six villages were collected and fluoride concentrations along with physico-chemical parameters were analyzed. Fluoride concentration in this area varies from 0.2 to 9.2 mg/l with highest fluoride level at Muteh gold mine (Chahkhatun mine). Fluoride concentration positively correlates with pH and HCO3 indicating that alkaline pH provides a suitable condition for leaching of fluoride from surrounding rocks. The district is mainly covered by three lithological units, namely, metamorphic and granite rocks, alluvial sediments, and carbonate rocks. Factor analysis shows that parameters can be classified into four components: electrical conductivity (EC), total dissolved solids (TDS), Cl, Na+ and K+, pH and F, SO4 2−and Mg2+, HCO3 and Ca2 +. The groundwaters from the three geological units were compared using Mann–Whitney U test. The order of median fluoride concentration is: metamorphic and granite rocks > alluvial sediments > carbonate rocks. Hence, the fluoride content is most probably related to fluoride-bearing minerals such as amphibole and mica group minerals in metamorphic and granitic rocks. The concentration of fluoride in drinking water wells located near the metamorphic complex in Muteh area is above 2 ppm.  相似文献   

《China Geology》2021,4(3):487-497
This study aims to investigate the mechanisms and health risks of fluoride enrichment in groundwater in the Loess Plateau, China. By taking Dali County, Shaanxi Province, China as an example, this study obtains the following results through field investigation and the analyses of water, soil, and crop samples. (1) The groundwater can be divided into two major types, namely the Quaternary pore-fissure water and Karst water. The Karst area and sandy area have high-quality groundwater and serve as the target areas for optional water supply. The groundwater in the study area is slightly alkaline and highly saline. Meanwhile, high-fluoride groundwater is mainly distributed in the loess and river alluvial plains in the depression area of the Guanzhong Basin and the discharge areas of the groundwater, with the highest fluoride concentration exceeding seven times the national standard. (2) Fluoride in groundwater mainly originates from a natural source and human activities. The natural source refers to the fluoride-bearing minerals in rocks and soil, and the fluoride from this source is mainly controlled by natural factors such as climate, geologic setting, pH, specific hydrochemical environment, ion exchange, and mineral saturation. Human activities in modern life can be further divided into industrial and agricultural sources primarily. (3) The health risks of fluoride contamination are very high in the Loess Plateau, especially for children compared to adults. Meanwhile, the risks of fluoride exposure through food intake are higher than those through drinking water intake. The authors suggest selecting target areas to improve water supply and ensure the safety of drinking water in the study area. Besides, it is necessary to plant crops with low fluoride content or cash crops and to conduct groundwater treatment to reduce the fluoride concentration in drinking water. These results will provide a theoretical basis for safe water supply in the faulted basin areas in the Loess Plateau.© 2021 China Geology Editorial Office.  相似文献   

Groundwater is the major source of freshwater in region devoid of surface water resources. Once such region is the Morappur area, Dharmapuri district of Tamilnadu, wherein groundwater is major source of water for all purposes. The area is reported to be severely affected by fluorosis due to excessive Fluoride in groundwater. The area comprises of rocks of Archaean age, namely Charnockite, Epidote Hornblende Gneiss and ultramafic rocks. The area has experienced numerous tectonic disturbances in which numbers of vertical joints have developed and are filled with quartz/feldspathic veins, and highly mineralised. Two aquifer systems have been identified in the area, namely the weathered aquifer and fractured aquifer. In order to understand the factors controlling high Fluoride concentration in groundwater, 149 groundwater samples were collected during pre and post-monsoon period. Analytical results indicate that 35% groundwater samples show Fluoride concentration more than 1.5 ppm (permissible limit). Results indicate that both the aquifer units are affected by high Fluoride and deeper aquifers are more affected. Biotite and Hornblende minerals present in the area and interact with groundwater to release Calcium, Magnesium along with Fluoride. Further chloro-alkaline indices indicate that calcium ions are replaced by sodium due to reverse ion exchange, leading to high concentration of Fluoride along with high concentration of Sodium. Government has taken measures to provide Fluoride-free drinking water from distant surface water sources. However, it is important to follow certain water management methods to improve the groundwater quality.  相似文献   

The assessment of the suitability of groundwater for drinking and irrigation uses was carried out in the alluvial plain of Low-Isser in the north of Algeria. The plain covers an area of 533 km2 and lies in a Mediterranean sub-humid climate. Groundwater is the main source for domestic uses and agricultural activities in this area. Groundwater samples were collected from 15 wells during dry and wet seasons in 2015, and they were analyzed for major cations and anions and compared with drinking and irrigation specification standards. The comparison of chemical concentration with WHO drinking water standards of 2006 shows that more than 30% of groundwater samples are unsuitable for drinking, and the majority of groundwater samples fell on the hard and very hard categories. Suitability of groundwater for drinking was also evaluated based on the water quality index (WQI). It shows more than 80% of samples have good or permissible water quality for dry and wet seasons. In terms of the irrigation usage, generally, groundwater in the study area is suitable for different uses in both seasons according to SAR, %Na, RSBC, and PI. However, water rock exchange processes and groundwater flow have been responsible for the dominated water type Ca–Mg–Cl.  相似文献   

Anomalous high fluoride concentration up to 7.59 mg/dm3 is found in groundwater from “La Victoria” area. This water is used to supply drinking water to Hermosillo City, Sonora. Geochemistry of groundwater, relationship between physicochemical parameters, hydrogeology and geologic setting were correlated to define the origin and the geochemical mechanisms of groundwater fluorine enrichment. High fluoride concentration is associated with high bicarbonates, pH and temperature, and it decreases toward the west and south of the area. Fluoride is in negative correlation to calcium concentration. Sodium sulphate facies of regional deep water flow are related to high fluoride concentration. High electric resistivity rocks associated with granites from the Sierra Bachoco basement might be the deep source of fluoride. Outcropping of Sierra Bachoco in the west causes upward regional flow. Groundwater of longer residence time can be pumped there. The anomalous area is restricted to “La Victoria” because calcareous paleozoic rocks outcrop to the south.  相似文献   

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