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气溶胶光学厚度的时空变化   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
在大气中气溶胶微粒是一种重要的大气微量成分。气溶胶光学厚度也是大气校正所需的重要大气参数,同时也是海洋水色卫星主要的数据产品。由于气溶胶光学厚度的时空变化较大,所以如何准确获取大气校正和卫星数据产品真实性检验所需的气溶胶光学厚度则是至关重要的。在简述气溶胶光学性质的基础上,并结合2002年6月HY—1南海实验数据来阐述现场气溶胶光学厚度的准确获取。  相似文献   

Izvestiya, Atmospheric and Oceanic Physics - Mathematical models are developed and simulations are performed of the transport of short optical impulses through the cloud layer into space. The...  相似文献   

风是一种重要的海洋环境动力学要素,海洋风场信息可以从X波段雷达海杂波图像中提取。本文从高阶次波的频散关系、贝叶斯方法和求解光流方程的全局平滑约束技术等方面对现有的X波段雷达反演风场的光流方法进行了改进,并利用实测数据对反演结果进行了验证。结果表明,改进方法反演的风向和风速较之原方法的反演结果都有了显著改善,与实测结果符合更好。此外,改进方法的反演结果能够很好地反映近岸风向和风速的整体变化趋势。  相似文献   

结合PixelGrid软件应用,分析了异轨立体卫星影像区域网平差原理。在稀少控制点情况下,针对大范围高分辨率立体卫星遥感影像的区域网平差处理,提出了5种解决方案,并进行了实验分析,得出明确的结论。  相似文献   

This paper addresses the detection of underwater mines echoes with application to synthetic aperture sonar (SAS) imaging. A detection method based on local first- and second-order statistical properties of the sonar images is proposed. It consists of mapping the data onto the mean-standard deviation plane highlighting these properties. With this representation, an adaptive thresholding of the data enables the separation of the echoes from the reverberation background. The procedure is automated using an entropy criterion (setting of a threshold). Applied on various SAS data sets containing both proud and buried mines, the proposed method positively compares to the conventional amplitude threshold detection method. The performances are evaluated by means of receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curves.  相似文献   

文章采用国产GF-1卫星遥感影像,通过对港口内部空间格局以及各组成单元特征进行分析,建立了面向对象的港口空间格局遥感监测方法与步骤,探索构建了码头岸线指数、码头岸线利用指数、码头指数、堆场指数和港池指数等港口空间格局集约利用评估指标,并以营口鲅鱼圈港区为例进行实证研究。结果显示:营口鲅鱼圈港区的码头岸线指数为0.51,码头岸线利用指数为1 498.16万t/km,码头指数为12.23hm~2/km,港池指数为242.76hm~2/km,堆场指数为108.46hm~2/km。码头岸线与码头面积、堆场面积、港池面积的基本比例为1.00∶12.00∶108.00∶250.00。营口鲅鱼圈港区仍有8 821.17万t/a的吞吐量提升空间。  相似文献   

Dissolved organic matter (DOM) is a major carbon reservoir for the global carbon cycle, and its molecules play a key role in the biogeochemistry of the ocean. Colloidal DOM macromolecules assemble to form polymer hydrogels known as marine microgels. Marine microgels represent one of the most dynamic pools of organic carbon in the ocean. However, their optical characteristics and their contribution to ocean optical properties are largely unknown. In this work, we explore the optical and proteomic properties of spontaneously assembled DOM polymer microgels. Microgels from cultures and from Puget Sound seawater were sorted and counted using a dual-laser (365 nm/365 nm) high-speed cell sorter. This sorter has been adapted to interface with a scanning monochromator to measure the fluorescence emission spectrum of the microgels over the range from 300 to 850 nm. Surprisingly, the microgels show a broad fluorescence emission from 420 to 520 nm when excited with UV light. The microgels were classified according to their blue autofluorescence, and by three criteria that are used to define microgels: 1) staining with chlortetracycline 2) the ability to undergo phase transitions at low pH, and 3) dispersion following calcium chelation by EDTA.  相似文献   

This article follows the transformation process in the fishing industry with specific reference to the emergence of a limited commercial sector. In the policy domain, this sector was accommodated through a “one size fits all approach” to access rights, requiring it to compete with the large-scale commercial sector for the same resources. The strategies and actions of successful and unsuccessful applicants in four fishing communities in South Africa are examined. The paper identifies the key challenges facing the limited commercial sector as being the lack of skills to complete the application process, start up capital or credit, organisation and financial and business acumen. It highlights the disjuncture between the Marine Living Resources Act's stated aims of sustainability, equity and stability and the realities of implementation at a grassroots level.  相似文献   

Measurements of underwater irradiance, transparency and Secchi disc depth were carried out in Liverpool Bay during 1974. The depth of the photic zone measured in the green portion of the spectrum ranged from 5 m to 50 m, depending on location and season. Inshore values of photic depth were smaller than those encountered offshore. By mid-summer the depth of the photic zone had reached or exceeded the depth of the sea bed over the whole study area.Consideration was given to the error terms associated with the optical measurements and to the problems of using standard optical relationships in coastal waters. The relationship between Secchi disc depth and the depth of the photic zone could not be taken as constant but was a function of the absorption and scattering properties of the water mass.  相似文献   

The current notions of the solar-terrestrial relations responsible for the transport of solar disturbances and for the generation of magnetic storms on the Earth are briefly reviewed. The probability of generating magnetic storms by different solar and interplanetary phenomena is quantitatively estimated. The efficiencies of generating magnetic storms by different types of solar wind streams are compared.  相似文献   

文章提出一种基于发展多期影像和归一化水体指数(NDWI)的砂质岸线自动提取方法,以山东半岛海阳沙滩为实验区,应用2005年多个月份的7景Landsat 5TM遥感影像为数据源,提取实验区砂质岸线。利用908专项修测岸线对提取的海岸线进行精度检验。结果表明,岸线偏差距离为20.9m、均方根误差(RMSE)为33.6m。该方法可为砂质岸线的提取与变迁分析研究提供参考依据。  相似文献   

Izvestiya, Atmospheric and Oceanic Physics - In this work, the possibility of retrieving the profile of absolute humidity of the atmosphere by means of an artificial neural network is investigated...  相似文献   

文章针对国内已有研究测度旅游消费增长较少,以及未考虑空间效应等不足,系统构建了基于旅游消费水平、旅游消费结构、旅游消费质量与旅游消费环境的旅游消费增长综合评价体系,测算2007—2018年沿海11个省(自治区、直辖市)旅游消费增长综合指数,并进一步运用空间杜宾面板计量经济模型,分析沿海地区的旅游消费行为、影响因素及空间效应。研究发现:近年来沿海地区旅游消费增长明显并存在显著的空间溢出,与旅游产业建设资金显著负相关,与旅游从业劳动力、技术创新及交通条件显著正相关。未来建议进一步加强沿海地区旅游消费增长的区域协同,推进旅游产业供给侧改革,优化提高旅游产业要素配置效率与发展质量,充分发挥旅游消费增长的空间溢出。  相似文献   

A series of experiments are designed to propose a new method to study the characteristics of convex mode-2internal solitary waves(ISWs) in optical remote sensing images using a laboratory-based optical remote sensing simulation platform. The corresponding wave parameters of large-amplitude convex mode-2 ISWs under smooth surfaces are investigated along with the optical remote sensing characteristic parameters. The mode-2 ISWs in the experimentally obtained optical remote sensing image are produc...  相似文献   

黄色物质是水色遥感三要素之一,其生化保守性可很好地反映污染物的输运过程,近海二类水体黄色物质固有光学特性一直是国内外研究热点。湛江港湾是天然的深水港口,受港口运输业、近海钢铁、石化工业、城市生活及污水排放的影响,近年富营养化严重,港湾水质常呈四类甚至劣四类,研究该海域水体黄色物质光学特性对于研究二类水体固有光学特性及遥感探测均有重要意义。2017年5月开展了湛江湾海域黄色物质等要素调查研究,结果表明春季湛江港湾内a_g(355)在0.69~2.3 m~(-1)内,呈现由北向南、由西向东递减的趋势,光谱斜率S_(275~295)分布在16.15×10~(-3_~20.16×10~(-3)nm~(-1)范围,水平空间上大致呈现斑点状的分布,且表现为典型的陆源输入为主的来源特征。基于landsat-8 OLI波段,利用波段比值法构建了湛江港湾黄色物质反演模型,其相关系数可达到0.84,表明基于Landsat-8 OLI等卫星开展近海港湾黄色物质的遥感探测具有较高可行性。  相似文献   

Remote sensing reflectance [R rs(λ)] and absorption coefficients of red tides were measured in Isahaya Bay, southwestern Japan, to investigate differences in the optical properties of red tide and non-red tide waters. We defined colored areas of the sea surface, visualized from shipboard, as “red tides”. Peaks of the R rs(λ) spectra of non-red tide waters were at 565 nm, while those of red tides shifted to longer wavelengths (589 nm). The spectral shape of R rs(λ) was close to that of the reciprocal of the total absorption coefficient [1/a(λ)], implying that the R rs(λ) peak is determined by absorption. Absorption coefficients of phytoplankton [a ph(λ)], non-pigment particles and colored dissolved organic matter increased with increasing chlorophyll a concentration (Chl a), and those coefficients were correlated with Chl a for both red tide and non-red tide waters. Using these relationships between absorption coefficients and Chl a, variation in the spectrum of 1/a(λ) as a function of Chl a was calculated. The peak of 1/a(λ) shifted to longer wavelengths with increasing Chl a. Furthermore, the relative contribution of a ph(λ) to the total absorption in red tide water was significantly higher than in non-red tide water in the wavelength range 550–600 nm, including the peak. Our results show that the variation of a ph(λ) with Chl a dominates the behavior of the R rs(λ) peak, and utilization of R rs(λ) peaks at 589 and 565 nm may be useful to discriminate between red tide and non-red tide waters by remote sensing.  相似文献   

The variability and origin of the Coloured Dissolved Organic Matter (CDOM) were studied in the Belgian coastal and adjacent areas including offshore waters and the Scheldt estuary, through the parameters: absorption at 375 nm, aCDOM(375), and the slope of the absorption curve, S. aCDOM(375) varied between 0.20 and 1.31 m−1 and between 0.97 and 4.30 m−1 in the marine area and Scheldt estuary, respectively. S fluctuated between 0.0101 and 0.0203 nm−1 in the marine area and between 0.0167 and 0.0191 nm−1 in the Scheldt estuary. The comparative analysis of aCDOM(375) and S variations evidenced different origins of CDOM in the BCZ. The Scheldt estuarine waters showed decreasing aCDOM(375) values with increasing salinity but constant S value of ∼0.018 nm−1 suggesting a dominant terrestrial origin of CDOM. On the contrary, samples collected in the marine domain showed a narrow range of aCDOM(375) but highly variable S suggesting the additional presence of autochthonous sources of CDOM. This source was evidenced based on the sorting of the marine offshore data according to the stage of the phytoplankton bloom when they were collected. A clear distinction was made between CDOM released during the growth stage characterized by high S (∼0.017 nm−1) and low aCDOM(375) and the decay phase characterized by low S (∼0.013 nm−1) and high aCDOM(375). This observation was supported by CDOM measurements performed on pure phytoplankton cultures which showed increased CDOM release along the wax and wane of the bloom but decreasing S. We concluded that the high variability of the CDOM signature in offshore waters is explained by the local biological production and processing of CDOM.  相似文献   

Different oil spill pollution types could be produced in oil transport and weathering processes. Investigation of these pollution types is beneficial for oil spill recovery and processing. Optical remote sensing techniques play an important role in marine oil spill monitoring and have the ability to identify different oil spill pollution types. Recently, research on oil spill optical remote sensing has made much progress in detecting targets, identifying spectral response characteristics, and formulating theories. Floating black oil, oil slicks, and oil-water mixture in marine oil spill accidents are the main targets to be investigated by optical remote sensors. The visible spectral response differences of these targets are the base of oil spill optical remote sensing research. Bi-directional reflectance distribution function, light interference, absorption, and scattering of targets produce different spectra. Therefore, oil spill optical remote sensing could be used to identify the main oil spill pollution types and estimate oil spill volume.  相似文献   

文章针对中低分辨率遥感影像难以提取海岸线中小尺度变化的实际问题,以渤海湾为例,利用2010—2020年SPOT5、GF-1/6、ZY-3等高分辨率遥感影像,采用数字海岸线分析和分形维数方法获取渤海湾海岸线位置变迁速率和复杂度变化过程;针对目前渤海湾海岸线变迁分析研究多基于中低分辨率遥感影像的问题,结合同时期的Landsat影像,分析遥感影像空间分辨率对渤海湾海岸线变迁速率和分形维数的影响。研究结果表明,遥感影像空间分辨率差异对分形维数的影响较小,但对不同类型的岸线变迁速率影响显著;渤海湾海岸线在2010—2020年的变化呈现出由剧烈过渡至相对稳定的状态,伴随着海岸线位置的变化,岸线的分形维数呈现出先上升再至平稳的趋势。相关研究成果能够为渤海湾地区海洋资源利用优化、海岸线及滩涂湿地等自然资源保护提供数据支持。  相似文献   

2003-2008年全球海平面变化评估   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
导致全球海平面短时间尺度变化主要有海水密度和海水质量这两方面的变化因素。通过重力校正和气候试验(GRACE)对地球重力场进行观测,并联合卫星测高SA、ARGO系统的观测结果可推知:自2003年以来,海平面的上升主要是因为海水质量的增加。  相似文献   

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