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Yair  Achituv 《Marine Ecology》1981,2(3):241-244
Abstract. Direct evidence for interspecific competition between Tetrachthamalus oblitteratus and Tetraclita squamosa is provided. Tetrachthamalus oblitteratus is smothered and eliminated from the main midlittoral zone by encrusting Tetraclita. The disjunct distribution of Tetrachthamalus can be explained by elimination through competitive exclusion.  相似文献   

The Structure of Coral Communities at Hurghada in the Northern Red Sea   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Abstract. The community structure of hard and soft corals, with an emphasis on hard corals, was determined by means of line-transects on 9 on-and off-shore reefs of different type and different wave exposure in the Northern Red Sea near Hurghada in Egypt. Coral communities were found to differentiate along a horizontal wind- and wave-exposure gradient. Exposed communities were dominated by Acropora species, sheltered communities by Porites species, and semi-exposed communities by Millepora species. Also, vertical within-reef zonations following a depth gradient were observed; these were unique for each exposure-determined community type. Average transect diversity was highest on semi-exposed reefs, lowest on sheltered reefs. Reef slopes were more diverse than other reef zones. The observed community structure was compared with data from the literature, and widely distributed, roughly comparable hard and soft coral communities were identified.  相似文献   

Abstract. Recruitment of demosponges (Porifera, Demospongiae) was monitored bimonthly for one year (March 1987 – March 1988) on acrylic plates, and compared to cover of adults, in six rocky and coral reef habitats at Santa Marta, Colombian Caribbean, an area subjected to seasonal, upwelling-outwelling regimes. According to suggestive but not significant trends, recruitment rates are more positively influenced by the total sponge cover near groups of plates than by cover at a larger (habitat) scale; recruit mortality is lower where recruitment is higher. These findings are in agreement with a model of higher settlement (probably due to short-distance dispersal) and lower postsettlement mortality within a few meters of adult sponges. Recruitment varied seasonally, being relatively high from May to November-December during the rainy, outwelling season, when seawater temperature was warmer, water turbidity higher, and benthic algal density lower; it was very low from January to April during the dry, upwelling season.  相似文献   

Abstract. Rhynchozoon larreyi (A udouin , 1826) is a successful competitor for space in sessile reef communities at Port Sudan and Eilat (Red Sea). At these localities it has always been found in association with Zanclea sp. The relationship between the two species is regarded as mutualistic. The hydroid benefits through association with a successful spatial competitor; the bryozoan gains advantage through protection of its surface from predation and fouling. Morphological modification of the bryozoan colony in response to this association leads to a highly organized reticulate surface pattern, which provides both symbionts with access to feeding currents.  相似文献   

P. Fong  D. Lirman 《Marine Ecology》1995,16(4):317-335
Abstract. Three mechanisms aiding recovery and expansion of a population of Acropora palmata on a patch reef that was directly in the path of Hurricane Andrew were documented: rapid wound healing, high rates of asexual recruitment, and rapid growth rate of the new recruits. In addition, the growth pattern of new recruits was assessed in order to quantify the initial sequence of Structural changes during the transition from recruit to adult morphology. Wound healing was initially rapid (1.59 cm of linear growth per month). but slowed with time. Nine months after the storm, 72% of 218 hurricane-generated fragments of A. palmata had cemented to the bottom, becoming new asexual recruits. Within 18 months of the storm, the number of fragments in the same area had increased to 271, average fragment size was larger, and 94% had become recruits. Recruits showed complex patterns of branch formation, including rapid growth of solitary proto-branches, differential growth of proto-branches dependent on recruit orientation, and dominance within aggregates of proto-branches. We present a conceptual model that suggests A. palmata is adapted to disturbances of both low intensity and high frequency (conditions typical of reef flat zones) and episodic high intensity and low frequency events (hurricanes and tropical storms).  相似文献   

由于珊瑚礁属于生物矿物,其组成成分并不固定,因此珊瑚礁成分变化往往对当地生态和矿产有一定的指示作用,其元素分析对于珊瑚礁生态修复和海底探矿等具有重要作用。文中样品采自中国南海珊瑚岛礁,采用能量色散X射线荧光光谱分析了南海海域的珊瑚礁样品,确定其无机成分除Ca外也包括Al,Fe,Sr等元素,其钙质含量占绝大多数,为97%左右,其次Sr的含量占2.25%~2.75%左右,S占比0.31%~0.40%,Al占比0.04%~0.13%,Fe占比0.08%~0.23%,剩余为其他元素。同时,分析了不同区域所取样品的元素组成,发现其中一处所取样品存在Co元素。本次实验对于全面认识南海地区珊瑚礁的组成与南海海底矿藏指示具有实际意义。  相似文献   

Abstract. Using an in situ observational approach, the food preferences among hard corals were examined for the two obligate coral‐feeding butterflyfishes Chaetodon austriacus and C. trifascialis in the Northern Red Sea, Gulf of Aqaba, Egypt. Chaetodon austriacus is a generalist coral feeder that feeds mainly on three genera of abundant hard corals (Acropora, Porites and Pocillopora). In contrast, C. trifascialis is a specialist coral feeder on Acropora spp. and Pocillopora verrucosa. In general, C. austriacus had a lower feeding rate than C. trifascialis (both species in the Northern Red Sea reefs had high feeding rates compared with other reefs). Ivlev's electivity index was calculated for the two species. This index shows that C. austriacus prefers Montipora and Pocillopora, and avoids Lobophyllia and Favites. On the other hand, C. trifascialis prefers Acropora valida and avoids Porites solida. Thus, the feeding preference and avoidance of these chaetodontids depend on both biting rate and food availability in the environment rather than on biting rate alone.  相似文献   

Abstract. The serpulid polychaete Ficopomatus enigmaticus (F auvel , 1923) builds huge aggregates in the "Sacca del Canarin", a brackish inlet of the Po River Delta (Italy). Distribution, structure and development of these 'reefs'. together with their associated biota, were studied by field observations and settlement panels from 1977 to 1979. Some aspects of the serpulid biology (settlement periods, tube growth, life strategy) were also taken into account. Ficopomatus reefs influence in many ways the brackish-water ecosystem: they form the main hard substrate; are major sediment source; help in regulating the trophic status of the lagoon; and act as refuge for many invertebrate species.  相似文献   

The present investigation focuses on population genetic structure analysis of the endangered giant clam species Tridacna maxima across part of the Red Sea,with the main aim of assessing the influence of postulated potential barriers to gene flow(i.e.,particular oceanographic features and marked environmental heterogeneity)on genetic connectivity among populations of this poorly dispersive bivalve species.For this purpose,a total of 44 specimens of T.maxima were collected from five sampling locations along the Saudi Arabian coast and examined for genetic variability at the considerably variable mitochondrial gene cytochrome c oxidase I(COI).Our results revealed lack of population subdivision and phylogeographic structure across the surveyed geographic spectrum,suggesting that neither the short pelagic larval dispersal nor the various postulated barriers to gene flow in the Red Sea can trigger the onset of marked genetic differentiation in T.maxima.Furthermore,the discerned shallow COI haplotype genealogy(exhibiting high haplotype diversity and low nucleotide diversity),associated with recent demographic and spatial expansion events,can be considered as residual effect of a recent evolutionary history of the species in the Red Sea.  相似文献   

广西涠洲岛珊瑚礁海域水质环境变化研究与评价   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
文章根据2013—2016年广西涠洲岛珊瑚礁海域水质实际调查情况,应用单因子污染指数评价法、富营养化指数法和有机污染指数法,对近年来涠洲岛珊瑚礁海域水质环境变化进行综合分析和评价。2013—2016年,广西涠洲岛珊瑚礁海域水质大部分符合国家第一类海水水质标准,满足珊瑚礁的正常生长要求,但悬浮物含量持续偏高,对珊瑚礁造成一定影响。涠洲岛海域水体虽未出现显著的污染,根据历史数据分析,人为排污已在一定程度上影响珊瑚礁的生长,持续的监测有助于及时发现水质环境质量的变化。  相似文献   

南海珊瑚礁周围过渡性水域主要鱼类食性与食物的关系   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
对路氏双髻鲨Sphyrna lewini、侧条真鲨Carcharhinus limbatus、大眼六鳃鲨Hexanchus vituius、灰六鳃鲨Hex-anchus griseus、及达尖犁头Rhynchobatus djiddensis、灰三齿鲨Triaenodon obesus、裸狐鲣Gymnosarda unicolor、扁舵鲣Auxis thazard、黄斑胡椒鲷Plectorhynchus flavomaculatus、密点胡椒鲷Plectorhynchus gaterinus、尖嘴Dasyatis zugei、星点Caranx stellatus、黑Caranx lugubrisr等13种南海主要珊瑚礁周围过渡性水域鱼类进行食性分析,根据其胃含物中饵料生物的重量组成和出现频率,分为4种食性类型。同时还分析了13种鱼的食物关系和营养级,为该海域渔场生态系食物网的研究提供基础资料。  相似文献   

Coastal defence structures constitute the most extensive hard substrates of the Northwestern Adriatic Sea and are known to sustain rich benthic and nektonic communities. To appreciate the pattern of colonization, we studied the fish assemblage of a recently deployed breakwater. We compared observations from two years, the different sides (landward and seaward) of the barrier, and the two fringes, characterized by timing of work completion. The results indicate that colonization, still in process, follows different patterns among species. Benthic and necto-benthic species presented a striking increase in abundance and richness in the second year of colonization, while more mobile species did not evince any variation between years. Differences in mobility among species suggest that the latter group may have reached the breakwater from nearby artificial substrates, whereas the former colonized the new structure as recruits. In addition, fish assemblages differed between the two sides, likely due to variation in the environmental characteristics, and according to depth, reflecting species preferences.  相似文献   

Abstract. The body organization and some biological data of Epimenia arabica , a new species of Sotenogastres of the order Cavibelonia , are presented. The species is described based on four large-sized specimens (13–21 cm × 0.7-1 cm) from three different localities off the coast of the Sinai Peninsula (Red Sea). It feeds on Scleronephthya corymbosa V erseveldt & C ohen ( Octocorallia: Alcyonacea ), generally at depths of 2–5 meters.  相似文献   

This study investigated differences in Symbiodinium diversity in the scleractinian coral species Agaricia lamarcki between shallow (20–25 m) and mesophotic (50–70 m) depths in the Northern Caribbean. Corals were sampled in each of four shallow sites (20–25 m; n = 18) and three mesophotic sites (50–70 m; n = 18) from Mona Island (Puerto Rico) and the US Virgin Islands during a mesophotic exploratory cruise and from the La Parguera shelf edge, off Southwestern Puerto Rico. Symbiodinium diversity was assessed using internal transcribed spacer 2 sequences clustered into operational taxonomic units (OTUs). Clustering resulted in eight clade C OTUs and one clade D OTU. Of these, there were three common Symbiodinium OTUs consisting of C3 and D1a.N14 in shallow reefs and C11.N4 in mesophotic reefs. Statistical tests (permutational multivariate analysis of variance and analysis of similarity) showed significant differences between clade C Symbiodinium OTUs in A. lamarcki colonies located at shallow and mesophotic depths, indicating symbiont zonation. Symbiodinium diversity in A. lamarcki from the Northern Caribbean is comparable to previous reports in the Southern Caribbean for this species. This is the first report of the thermal tolerant species Symbiodinium trenchii (D1a) in A. lamarcki.  相似文献   

Abstract. The reef‐dwelling oyster Dendrostrea frons occupied only a small proportion of space in coral reefs of the Quirimba Archipelago, Mozambique, but supported a disproportionately high variety of taxa. Assemblages on primary (substratum), secondary (dead coral heads) and ephemeral secondary space (D. frons shells) of similar area were compared across 5 depths (5, 10, 15, 20 and 25 m) and at four taxonomic levels (species, genus, class and phylum). Differences between the taxonomic richness of each type of space differed with both taxonomic level considered and depth. Of the three categories of space considered, ephemeral secondary space had the most taxa at all levels with the maximum at 10 – 15 m. Despite being small in space and time, animal externa, such as shells of D. frons, may provide important niches for particular organisms at many taxonomic levels.  相似文献   

The endangered fan shell Pinna nobilis is a large bivalve mollusc (<120 cm shell length) endemic to the Mediterranean that lives one-third buried in soft substrata, generally in shallow coastal waters. We hypothesised that P. nobilis of different sizes would ingest different food sources, because small fan shells will inhale material from closer to the substratum than do large fan shells. We studied stomach contents and faeces of 18 fan shells, 6 small (mean 23.0 cm length), 6 medium-sized (mean 41.5 cm length) and 6 large (mean 62.7 cm length) living in a small area of a low-energy coastal detritic bottom characterised by mud, sand and macroalgae at Mali Ston Bay, Croatia. We found that all P. nobilis ingested copious quantities of undetermined detritus (probably at least 95% of ingested material), phytoplankton, micro and mesozooplankton and pollen grains. Large P. nobilis stomach contents showed a preponderance of water column calanoid copepods, while small fan shells had higher numbers of bivalve larvae. All fan shells took in high numbers of harpacticoid copepods that are benthonic, feeding on microbial communities of detritus and benthic vegetation. There was also a significant selection of phytoplankton species, some apparently occurring between inhalation and ingestion. The stomach contents of small P. nobilis had a higher organic matter content than either medium-sized or large fan shells; this indicated that small fan shells ingested detritus of higher organic content than did larger P. nobilis. As the faeces of all P. nobilis had similar organic matter content, this also indicates higher assimilation efficiencies in small fan shells. The demonstration of differential dietary selectivity by different sized animals has implications for future trophic studies of this endangered species. This study also provides the first demonstration of predation on zooplankton by P. nobilis.  相似文献   

Abstract. An analysis was made of polychaete prey in the guts of 5 species of goatfishes ( Mullidiw): Upeneus usymmetricus , a Lessepsian migrant goatfish collected from both Mediterranean and Elat (Red Sea) locations; Mullus sunnuletus, ill. burbcuus , and U. moluccensis , a Lessepsian migrant taken only in the eastern Mediterranean; and Mulloides flavolineatus , collected in the Gulf of Elat. Mullus barbutus accounts for nine new polychaete records for the Mediterranean coast of Israel. Mulloides flavolineatus fed on two species which arc new records for the Gulf of Elat; one, Lumbrineris meteorunu , is a new record for the Red Sea. The polychaete prey provides some information on the ecology of the fishes: There appears to be little overlap regarding polychaete prey among the different goatfish species in the Mediterranean.  相似文献   

Skeletal linear extension rates of a foliaceous, IndoPacific, skiophilous, heterotrophic, scleractinian Merulina ampliata (Ellis & Solander 1786) were obtained along a sediment/nutrient load gradient at the southern islands of Singapore. Measurements were made during November 1999– November 2000 using the alizarin red‐S staining technique. Suspended particulate matter concentration (r2adj = 0.76), turbidity (r2adj = 0.59), the organic content of suspended sediments (r2 = 0.50), and nitrite‐nitrate concentration (r2adj = 0.50) were significant predictors of the skeletal linear extension rate of M. ampliata. Maximum linear extension growth rates of M. ampliata (mean ± SD: 1.43 ± 0.67–3.26 ± 0.59 cm·year?1) were comparable to 15‐year‐old accounts at the same research sites, indicating adaptation to low‐light, high‐sediment waters.  相似文献   

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