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Regional climate models have become the powerful tools for simulating regional climate and its change process and have been widely used in China. Using regional climate models, some research results have been obtained on the following aspects: 1) the numerical simulation of East Asian monsoon climate, including exceptional monsoon precipitation, summer precipitation distribution, East Asian circulation, multi-year climate average condition, summer rain belt and so on; 2) the simulation of arid climate of the western China, including thermal effect of the Qinghal-Tibet Plateau, the plateau precipitation in the Qilian Mountains; and the impacts of greenhouse effects (CO2 doubling) upon climate in the western China; and 3) the simulation of the climate effect of underlying surface changes, including the effect of soil on climate formation, the influence of terrain on precipitation, the effect of regional soil degradation on regional climate, the effect of various underlying surfaces on regional climate, the effect of land-sea contrast on the climate formulation, the influence of snow cover over the plateau regions on the regional climate, the effect of vegetation changes on the regional climate, etc. In the process of application of regional climate models, the preferences of the models are improved so that better simulation results are gotten. At last, some suggestions are made about the application of regional climate models in regional climate research in the future.  相似文献   

Tan  Hongjian  Cai  Rongshuo  Huo  Yunlong  Guo  Haixia 《中国海洋湖沼学报》2020,38(6):1676-1691
Journal of Oceanology and Limnology - The increases of atmospheric carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases have caused fundamental changes to the physical and biogeochemical properties of the...  相似文献   

区域气候模式RegCM3对中国夏季降水的模拟   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
利用意大利国际理论物理中心(ICTP)最新发布的区域气候模式RegCM3检验我国包括青藏高原地区夏季降水的模拟能力。初始值及边界值取自美国国家环境预测中心(NCEP)和国家大气中心(NCAR)的全球再分析资料。模式积分时间为2005年5月1日到2005年8月31日,考虑到模式的“spin-up”时间,只对6月1日-8月31日的模式结果进行分析。模式水平分辨率取为60km,范围包括整个青藏高原在内的我国及周边地区(14°-55°N,70°-140°E)。结果表明:RegCM3具有模拟我国夏季降水主要分布特征的能力,尤其在观测站点稀少的青藏高原地区可提供局地降水分布的较可靠信息。模式较好地模拟了包括整个青藏高原在内的我国区域降水的月际尺度变化和空间分布等基本特征,但对我国东南地区的夏季降水模拟能力有待进一步提高。  相似文献   

Time-series of chlorophyll-a(CHL),a proxy for phytoplankton biomass,and various satellite-derived climate indicators are compared in a region of the Subantarctic Southern Ocean(40°-60°S,110°-140°E)for years 2012-2014.CHL reached a minimum in winter(June)and a maximum in late summer(early February).Zonal mean CHL decreased towards the south.Mean sea surface temperature(SST)ranged between 8℃and 15℃and peaked in late February.CHL and SST were positively correlated from March to June,negatively correlated from July to September.CHL and wind speed(WIND)were negatively correlated with peak WIND occurred in winter.Wind direction(WIRD)was mostly in the southwest to westerly direction.The Antarctic Oscillation index(AAO)and CHL were negatively correlated(R=−0.58),indicating that as synoptic wind systems move southwards,CHL increases,and conversely when wind systems move northwards,CHL decreases.A genetic algorithm is used to calibrate the biogeochemical DMS model’s key parameters.Under 4×CO2(after year 2100)Regional mean SST increases 12%-17%,WIND increases 1.2ms−1,Cloud Cover increases 4.8%and mixed layer depth(MLD)decreases 48m.The annual CHL increases 6.3%.The annual mean DMS flux increase 25.2%,increases 37%from day 1 to day 280 and decrease 3%from day 288 to day 360.The general increase of DMS flux under 4×CO2 conditions indicates the Subantarctic regional climate would be affected by changes in the DMS flux,with the potential for a cooling effect in the austral summer and autumn.  相似文献   

There are a number of ionospheric models available for research and application, such as the polynomial model, generalized trigonometric series function model, low degree spherical harmonic function model, adjusted spherical harmonic function model, and spherical cap harmonic function analysis. Using observations from more than 40 continuously operating stations across Antarctica in 2010, ifve models are compared with regard to their precision and applicability to polar regions. The results show that all the models perform well in Antarctica with 0.1 TECU of residual mean value and 2 TECU of root mean square error.  相似文献   

Thestudyonland--useandland--coverchangesbecomesmoreandmoreimPOrtantinglobalenvironmentchangeresearch.AglobalresearchplannamedLUCCwasfoundedbyIGHPandHIJPin1995andonecoreprojectplanandprojectocr-nmittee(CPPCmePELUCC)wasalsofounded.Aninternationalconferenceonland--useandland--coverchangeswasheldintheNetherlands.Inthisconference,fiveframequestions(IGBP,1996)andthreeresearchfocuses(IGBP,1996)havebeenproPOsed.Studyonland--useandland-coverchangesPOssessesanimPOrtantPOsitioninthefield…  相似文献   

论21世纪教育技术在教育中的作用   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
对教育、信息技术本质及相互之间关系的认识,有利于加深们们对21世纪教育的理解,随着教育技术的日趋完善和成熟,教育技术将在21世纪的教育中广泛使用,并将对21世纪的教育产生巨大的影响,使其在目的、内容、形式、手段方法等方面发生根本性的改变,真正实现“平等教育”和“个性化教育”等教育思想。  相似文献   

The wind system over the seas southeast of Asia (SSEA) plays an important role in China's climate variation. In this paper, ERS scatterometer winds covering the period from January 2000 to December 2000 and the area of 2-41 °N, 105- 130°E were analyzed with a distance-weighting interpolation method and the monthly mean distribution of the sea surface wind speed were given. The seasonal characteristics of winds in the SSEA were analyzed. Based on WAVEWATCH Ⅲ model, distribution of significant wave height was calculated.  相似文献   

It is critical to study how different forest management practices affect forest carbon sequestration under global climate change regime. Previous researches focused on the stand-level forest carbon sequestration with rare investigation of forest carbon stocks influ- enced by forest management practices and climate change at regional scale. In this study, a general integrative approach was used to simulate spatial and temporal variations of woody biomass and harvested biomass of forest in China during the 21st century under dif- ferent scenarios of climate and CO2 concentration changes and management tasks by coupling Integrated Terrestrial Ecosystem Carbon budget (InTEC) model with Global Forest Model (G4M). The results showed that forest management practices have more predominant effects on forest stem stocking biomass than climate and CO2 concentration change. Meanwhile, the concurrent future changes in cli- mate and CO2 concentration will enhance the amounts of stem stocking biomass in forests of China by 12%-23% during 2001-2100 relative to that with climate change only. The task for maximizing stem stocking biomass will dramatically enhance the stem stocking biomass from 2001~100, while the task for maximum average increment will result in an increment of stem stocking biomass before 2050 then decline. The difference of woody biomass responding to forest management tasks was owing to the current age structure of forests in China. Meanwhile, the sensitivity of long-term woody biomass to management practices for different forest types (coniferous forest, mixed forest and deciduous forest) under changing climate and CO2 concentration was also analyzed. In addition, longer rotation length under future climate change and rising CO2 concentration scenario will dramatically increase the woody biomass of China during 2001~100. Therefore, our estimation indicated that taking the role of forest management in the carbon cycle into the consideration at regional or national level is very important to project the forest carbon sequestration under future climate change and rising atmospheric CO2 concentration.  相似文献   

The upmost segment(Holocene series)of the Milanggouwan stratigraphic section(MGS1)in the Salawusu River valley shows 11 sedimentary cycles of dune sands and fluvio-lacustrine facies,or dune sands and paleosols.The analysis of the magnetic susceptibility of this segment suggests that there are 11 magnetic susceptibility cycles with the value alternating from low to high,in which the layers of the dune sands correspond to the lower value of the magnetic susceptibility and the layers of fluvio-lacustrine facies and paleosols correspond to the higher peaks.The study reveals that the low and high magnetic susceptibility values indicate the climate dominated by cold-arid winter monsoon and warm-humid summer monsoon of East Asia,respectively,and the study area has experienced at least 22 times of mil-lennial-centennial scales climate alternation from the cold-arid to the warm-humid during the Holocene.In terms of the time and the climate nature,the variations basically correspond to those of the North Atlantic and some records of cold-warm changes in China as well.They might be caused by the alternation of winter and summer monsoons in the Mu Us Desert induced by global climate fluctuations in the Holocene.  相似文献   

Evaluation on a regional climate model was made with five-month atmospheric simulations over the Arctic river basins. The simulations were performed with a modified mesoscale model, Polar MM5 coupled to the NCAR Land Surface Model (LSM) to illustrate the skill of the coupled model (Polar MM5+LSM) in simulating atmospheric circulation over the Arctic river basins. Near-surface and upper-air observations were used to verify the simulations. Sensitivity studies between the Polar MM5 and Polar MM5+LSM simulations revealed that the coupled model could improve the forecast skill for surface variables at some sites. In addition, the extended evaluations of the coupled model simulations on the North American Arctic domain during December 15, 2002 to May 15, 2003 were carried out. The time series plots and statistics of the observations and Polar MM5+LSM simulations at six stations for near-surface and vertical profiles at 850 hPa and 500 hPa were analyzed. The model was found capable of reproducing the observed atmospheric behavior in both magnitude and variability, especially for temperature and near-surface wind direction.  相似文献   

Climate change affected the agricultural expansion and the formation of farming-grazing transitional patterns during historical periods. This study analyzed the possible range of the boundary shift of the potential suitable agriculture area in the farming-grazing transitional zone in the northeastern China during the 20th century. Based on modem weather data, 1 km-resolution land cover data, historical climatic time series, and estimation by using similar historical climatic scenes, the following was concluded: 1) The climate conditions of suitable agriculture areas in the farming-grazing transitional zone in the northeastern China between 1971 and 2000 required an average annual temperature above 1℃ or ≥ 0℃ accumulated temperature above 2500℃-2700℃, and annual precipitation above 350 mm. 2) The northern boundary of the potential suitable agriculture area during the relatively warmer period of 1890-1910 was approximately located at the position of the 1961-2000 area. The northern boundary shifted back to the south by 75 km on average during the colder period of the earlier 20th century, whereas during the modem warm period of the 1990s, the area shifted north by 100 km on average. 3) The western and eastern boundaries of the suitable agricul~re area during the heaviest drought periods between 1920s and 1930s had shifted northeast by 250 km and 125 km, respectively, contrasting to the boundaries of 1951-2008. For the wettest period, that is, the 1890s to the 1910s, the shift of western and eastern boundaries was to the southwest by 125 km and 200 km, respectively, compared with that in the 1951-2008 period. This study serves as a reference for identifying a climatically sensitive area and planning future land use and agricultural production in the study area.  相似文献   

This paper attempts to summarize the disparities of lnternet development in China spatially-temporally. The major objective is to measure the differences between Eastern, Central and Western China. Methods of map presentation, correlation, Lorenz curve, Gini Coefficient and location quotient analysis are conductcd in this study.For convenience, the indicator of regional lnternet development is simplified as the number of domain names registered under .CN in each province. The data used are collected from the semi-annual surveys of the Statistical surrey Report on the Internet Development in China since 1999. There are several findings: 1)The number of domain names in each province (city) declines gradually from the east to the west. 2) The gap between the highest growth provinces (cities) and the lowest ones is rather large. 3) Although the absolute differences between the eastern, ccntral and western China have been enlarged, the relative diffcrences in each province (city) have remained constant.4) Provinces (cities) are classified into three types according to location quotient changes, namely, rising type,changeless type and declining type. Compared with industrial and economic growth, lnternet sector in the eastern and western China is relatively ascending, while that in the central China is descending. 5) The number of domain names at provincial level is not statistically consistent with GDP.  相似文献   

The study on relationship between eco-geographic environment (EGE) and regional development (RD) is of theoretical and practical significance to promote the comprehensive study on nature and human factors and regional coordination development. Based on the evaluation index system and models of EGE and RD, Quadrant Analysis Method (QAM) and the Coordination Degree and Coordinated Development Degree Model (CDCDDM) were applied to studying the relationship between EGE and RD in Xinjiang in this paper. The results show that Xinjiang can be divided into four type regions according to the relationship between EGE and RD, namely high coordination region (HCR), overloading development region (ODR), low coordination region (LCR) and potential development region (PDR). Most areas of Xinjiang belong to LCR which can not bear a larger population and support large-scale economic development. HCR, ODR and PDR, which are mainly distributed in piedmont oases and take basin as unit, should be focused on in the development of Xinjiang. The EGE has great influence on RD, and there is serious contradiction between them. Relevant suggestions on development strategies were put forward according to the character of different type regions, and the key regions of macro-layout of RD in Xinjiang were pointed out.  相似文献   

This paper firstly investigated the land-use and land-cover change (LUCC) in the Hun-Taizi River watershed, Northeast China from 1988 to 2004 based on remotely sensed images and geographic information systems (GIS) technology. Then, using the famous land-use change model of Conversion of Land Use and its Effects at Small regional extent (CLUE-S), this paper simulated the land use changes under historical trend (HT), urban planning (UP) and ecological protection (EP) scenarios considering urban planning and ...  相似文献   

Qinghai Province is an important component of the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau in China. Scientific evaluation of the suitability of Qinghai’s climate for tourism can contribute to overcoming obstacles posed by climate on sustainable tourism development in Qinghai Province, including disparities between the low and high seasons, high altitude health concerns, and weather events. A tourism climate suitability evaluation model of the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau is constructed (Tourism Climate Suitability Index, or TCSI), and tourism climate suitability is comprehensively evaluated for Qinghai Province from climate data from 1960 to 2009. Results show that: (I) There is clear distributional characteristics of spatial-temporal variability of TCSI values in Qinghai Province. (II) Tourism climate suitability in Qinghai Province has significant seasonal and regional differences. The year is divided into a very suitable period (July and August), suitable tourism periods (from April and October), less suitable periods (From Nov to Mar). June to August is the most suitable tourism period in Qinghai. Qinghai Province is divided into five levels of tourism climate suitability: most suitable regions, very suitable regions, suitable regions, less suitable regions, and unsuitable region. (III) The key factor which influences regional differences in tourism climatic suitability is atmospheric oxygen. And the key factors which chiefly influence seasonal differences of tourism climate suitability are temperature and humidity, the wind chill factor, and barrier weather.  相似文献   

Constructing an industrial system for a large-scale,non-grid-connected wind power industry is a key step towards the diverse utilization of wind power.However,wind power exploitation is not only a technical challenge but an industrial problem as well.The objective of this study is to introduce a concept of large-scale,non-grid-connected wind power(LSNGCWP) industrial zones and establish an evaluation model to assess their industrial arrangement.The data of wind energy,industry,nature resources and socio-economy were collected in this study.Using spatial overlay analysis of geographic information system,this study proposes a spatial arrangement of the LSNGCWP indus-trial zones in the coastal areas of China,which could be summarized as the ’one line and three circles’ structure,which will contribute to the optimization of the industrial structure,advance the wind power technology,coordinate the multi-industrial cooperation,and upgrade the industrial transformation of China’s coastal areas.  相似文献   

Human-induced land use/cover change (LUCC) forms an important component of global environmental change. Therefore, it is important to study land use/cover and its change at local, regional and global scales. In this paper we conducted the study of land use change in Northeast China, one of the most important agricultural zones of the nation. From 1986 to 2000, according to the study results obtained from Landsat images, widespread changes in land use/cover took place in the study area. Grassland, marsh, water body and woodland decreased by 9864, 3973, 1367 and 10,052km2, respectively. By comparison, paddy field, dry farmland, and built-up land expanded by 7339, 17193 and 700km2, respectively. Those changes bore an interactive relationship with the environment, especially climate change. On the one hand, climate warming created a potential environment for grassland and marsh to be changed to farmland as more crops could thrive in the warmer climate, and for dry farmland to paddy field. On the other hand, the changed surface cover modified the local climate. Those changes, in turn, have adversely influenced the local environment by accelerating land degradation. In terms of socio-economic driving forces, population augment, regional economic development, and national and provincial policies were confirmed as main driving factors for land use change. Foundation item: Under the auspices of the Knowledge Innovation Programs of Chinese Academy of Sciences (No. KZCX2-YW-341), National Natural Science Foundation of China (No. 40871187, 40801208)  相似文献   

Zhaotong Prefecture has the area of 22,434km2, where there are more than 330 debris flow ravines, with the average spatial density of 14.7 spots per 1,000km2. According to the method of evaluation on the regional risk of debris flow, this study has come to the following conclusions: Qiaojia County-risk grade V; Yongshan, Yanjin, Ludian, Daguan, Weixin and Zhenxiong counties-risk grade III; Yiliang, Suijiang-Shuifu and Zhaotong City-risk grade II. Compared with the field investigation, the result is satisfied.  相似文献   

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