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青岛对丝藻属Antithamnion Nageli的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对丝藻属由Nageli,C.1847年建立,分布于地中海、大西洋和太平洋。已报道的约有45种。近年来Wollaston等根据藻体小枝及腺细胞等特征,将原属于对丝藻属的一些种类移至凝对丝藻属Antithamnionella中。  相似文献   

于1963年在内蒙古自治区包头市南,黄河堤坝北岸盐碱地积水洼中采得两号标本,经光镜观察表明,该新植物为鞘毛藻科一新属——辐枝藻属。辐枝藻为分枝丝状体,由匍匐部分和直立部分组成;匍匐枝彼此贴靠形成单层细胞厚的假薄壁组织;直立枝具粗壮的主轴和细的小枝;部分小枝末端细胞具一条长的鞘毛;每个细胞具一个周生、片状的色素体,蛋白核一至多个,具一个细胞核。该藻以动孢子营无性生殖,动孢子囊位于枝或小枝顶端。此新属仅一新种,为嗜盐辐枝藻。模式标本保存于中国科学院水生生物研究所。  相似文献   

郑怡  陈灼华 《海洋与湖沼》1992,23(1):95-100
于1983-1986年先后在福建沿岸采订爬管藻标本,进行分类研究。根据有限枝节片数目、囊果的着生位置以及围轴细胞数目等形态特征,发现其中两种标本与已知种的特征不同:一种是囊果位置不定,着生在有限枝基部第4(3)节片以上至顶端节片;另一种是有限枝节片数目较少,由5-12-(14)个节片组成囊果基生。故这为两个新种,即福建爬管8藻Herposiphonia fujianensis sp.nov和基生爬管藻H.basilaris sp.nov。模式标本保存于福建师范大学生物系植物标本室。  相似文献   

凹顶藻属(Laurencia)属于红藻门,真红藻纲,仙菜目,松节藻科,凹顶藻亚科。本属是松节藻科种类最多的少数几个属之一,目前世界上已知约85种左右,多生于热带、亚热带和温带海域。本属的种类变异很大,在分类上被认为是很困难的一个属。本文对我国西沙群岛产的凹顶藻属进行了分类研究,除因标本数量过少或因缺乏必要的生殖器官,有待将来调查采集补充标本后再行研究外,经鉴定共有下列11种,隶于两个亚属和6个组。  相似文献   

利用生物压片技术,通过形态学和解剖学方法,对采自我国沿岸海洋的仙菜科红藻(Ceramiaceae,Rhodophyta)进行了分类学研究,发现了我国仙菜科新记录属——盖氏藻属(新拟名)Gayliella T.O.Cho,L.McIvor et S.M.Boo。该属目前在我国共有5个种,即短毛盖氏藻(新拟名)Gayliella pmbriatum (Setchell et N. L. Gardner). T. O. Cho et S. M. Boo、优美盖氏藻(新拟名) Gayliella βaccidum (Kützing) T. O. Cho et L. McIvor、泰式盖氏藻(新拟名) Gayliella taylorii (E. Y. Dawson) T. O.Cho et S. M. Boo、马沙盖氏藻(新拟名) Gayliella mazoyerae T. O. Cho, Fredericq et Hommersand和横轴盖氏藻(新拟名) Gayliella transversalis (Collins et Hervey) T. O. Cho et Fredericq,...  相似文献   

沙菜属Hypnea海藻作为提取卡拉胶的原料之一, 具有重要的经济价值。但由于该属物种地理分布广泛, 表型可塑性强, 且缺乏详细的解剖学特征, 故有关其物种鉴定也就一直存在争议。本文利用冷冻切片技术, 通过形态学和解剖学方法, 对2013—2014年采自粤东汕头的沙菜属海藻进行了形态特征描述。经鉴定, 该地区沙菜属共有4种, 分别为密毛沙菜Hypnea boergesenii、裸干沙菜H. chordacea、长枝沙菜H. charoides和冻沙菜H. japonica。通过对这几种沙菜进行了较详细的内、外部结构特征分析, 给出了它们在国内外的地理分布及习性等信息, 并对沙菜属的科级分类系统(沙菜科Hypneaceae/赤叶藻科Cystocloniaceae)划分以及密毛沙菜是否为独立物种进行了讨论。  相似文献   

刘师成 《海洋学报》1994,16(2):95-100
本文用光镜(LM)、透射电镜(TEM)和扫描电镜(SEM)观察了在光镜下难以分辨的主要采自海南省西沙群岛的硅藻共6属13种,其中有4个新种,3个新记录种和1个新记录属(以*号为记),它们是:Synedracy clophoroides sp.nov.,* Cyclophera tenuis,Plagiogramma parva sp.nov.,Plagiogramma pandurata sp.nov.,P.atomus,P.reimeri,Opephora elliptica sp.nov.,O.martyi,O.olsenii,O. sp.*Fragilaria brevistriata var,elliptlca,*F.construens和Pseudostaurosira brevistriata.  相似文献   

我国南海诸岛的西沙群岛和中沙群岛,因受热带水影响,单细胞藻种类繁多,需要尽快地了解它们的分类与分布,掌握其区系特点,为保卫和建设西沙提供科学资料,为进一步开展大洋调查打好基础。我们在整理1974年5-6月和1975年3-4月,在西沙群岛和中沙群岛,以小型浮游生物网自水底至表面垂直拖网所得的标本中,发现条纹藻属的一个新种——南海条纹藻,并对其分类系统进行了初步探讨。  相似文献   

苏北大米草滩中牡蛎的滋生   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
陈宏友 《海洋科学》1991,15(5):68-69
Ⅰ. 牡蛎在苏北大米草滩中的分布 苏北是我国引种大米草最早的地区,现有草滩27万多亩(1亩=666.6m~2),草带断断续续在拿省946km的海岸线上分布长达377km~1(见图1)。  相似文献   

缢蛏属一新种   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
黄瑞  张云飞 《台湾海峡》2007,26(1):115-120
笔者对福建省闽江口、长乐市梅花镇海区滩涂的一种蛏进行研究,发现该种的壳长与壳高比、精子细胞形态、遗传基因(另做报道)等方面有别于缢蛏.新种的贝壳壳长与壳高比值较缢蛏大,生活水域的比重较缢蛏低.精子细胞核外缘呈瓣状,具8~9瓣,顶体长度约为缢蛏的1/3,为福建河口区缢蛏属一新种(软体动物门,双壳纲,灯塔蛤科),定名为近江蛏.  相似文献   

从藻类化石的垂直分布探讨杭州西湖的演变历程   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
于1994年春在杭州西湖东北面,西面及湖中心小瀛洲3个钻孔共取了70号岩芯样,经浮选,筛选,以显微镜检鉴定化石藻种,并分析其垂直分布,从而探讨西湖的形成历史,西湖自晚更新世以来的6个化石藻带由下而上依次为:轮藻带,微藻带,微红金颗藻-近缘针杆藻-条纹小环藻带,圆筛藻带,圆筛藻-近缘针杆藻-微红金颗藻桥穹藻-异极藻-短缝藻带和水花束丝藻带,从而反映了西湖的6个发育时期,淡水古湖沼期,淡咸水过渡期,海  相似文献   

This study showed that the combined effect of absorption of planktonic algae and water on water color shift can be simulated approximately by the exponential function: Log(E 100cm +E 100cm ch1 )=0.002λ−2.5 whereE 100 cm ,E 100cm chl are, respectively, extinction coefficients of seawater and chlorophyll—a (concentration is equal toX mg/m3), and λ (nm) is wavelength. This empirical regression equation is very useful for forecasting the relation between water color and biomass in water not affected by terrigenous material. The main factor affecting water color shift in the ocean should be the absorption of blue light by planktonic algae.  相似文献   

A preliminary optical classification of lakes in Estonia and south Finland which can also be used for small bays of the Baltic Sea is elaborated. The classification is based on the optical properties of water (diffuse attenuation coefficient, diffuse reflectance) and parameters that are routinely monitored in water bodies (Secchi depth, concentration of chlorophyll-a, total suspended matter and yellow substance). The data complex used for our classification covers different types of water ecosystems (ranging from oligotrophic to hypertrophic) and the variability of water constituent concentrations in the ice-free period in Estonia and south Finland. Using cluster analysis, we found 5 optical classes of waters: clear (C), moderate (M), turbid (T), very turbid (V) and brown (B). There is satisfactory correspondence between class of water, shape of diffuse attenuation coefficient and diffuse reflectance spectra and trophic state of the lakes.  相似文献   

This study describes the first year round observations of the outflow from Hudson Strait as obtained from a moored array deployed mid-strait from August 2004–2005, and from a high-resolution hydrographic section conducted in September 2005. The outflow has the structure of a buoyant boundary current spread across the sloping topography of its southern edge. The variability in the flow is dominated by the extreme semi-diurnal tides and by vigorous, mostly barotropic, fluctuations over several days. The fresh water export is seasonally concentrated between June and March with a peak in November–December, consistent with the seasonal riverine input and sea-ice melt. It is highly variable on weekly timescales because of synchronous salinity and velocity variations. The estimated volume and liquid fresh water transports during 2004–2005 are, respectively, of 1–1.2 Sv and 78–88 (28–29) mSv relative to a salinity of 34.8 (33). This implies that the Hudson Strait outflow accounts for approximately 15% of the volume and 50% of the fresh water transports of the Labrador Current. This larger than previously estimated contribution is partially due to the recycling, within the Hudson Bay System, of relatively fresh waters that flow into Hudson Strait, along its northern edge. It is speculated that the source of this inflow is the outflow from Davis Strait.  相似文献   

近江牡蛎铜锌超氧化物歧化酶的稳定性   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
在从近江牡蛎(Crassostrea rivularis)软体部分提纯得到纯度均一的铜锌超氧化物歧化酶(Cu,Zn-SOD)的基础上,对该酶的稳定性进行了研究,结果表明,该酶的水溶液在65℃时活力稳定,而该酶的干品在1℃/min程序升温时在58.4摄氏度有一尖锐的吸热峰,在pH为5.2-10.0的范围内该酶的活力不受影响。该酶对H2O2和KCN均敏感,且能耐受Tsuchihashi氏试剂的作用。一些氧化剂,还原剂,变性剂可改变酶的活力,差示扫描量热分析(Differential Scanning Calorimetry,DSC)发现,该酶在不同的升温速率下以及不同浓度的H2O2处理对酶的稳定性的影响与猪血,牛血SOD均有差异。  相似文献   

反渗透海水淡化水具有洁净、纯度高和供给稳定的特点,可缓解淡水资源匮乏的问题。文章介绍海湾国家、美国和中国反渗透海水淡化水市政应用现状以及一些典型案例,在此基础上,提出政策扶持和企业协调并重、推进装备核心部件和关键技术国产化以及建立健全相关标准和加强监管等建议,以期促进我国反渗透海水淡化水的大规模市政应用。  相似文献   

Sensitivity of a global ocean model to increased run-off from Greenland   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
We study the reaction of a global ocean–sea ice model to an increase of fresh water input into the northern North Atlantic under different surface boundary conditions, ranging from simple restoring of surface salinity to the use of an energy balance model (EBM) for the atmosphere. The anomalous fresh water flux is distributed around Greenland, reflecting increased melting of the Greenland ice sheet and increasing fresh water export from the Arctic Ocean. Depending on the type of surface boundary condition, the large circulation reacts with a slow-down of overturning and gyre circulations. Restoring of the total or mean surface salinity prevents a large scale redistribution of the salinity field that is apparent under mixed boundary conditions and with the EBM. The control run under mixed boundary conditions exhibits large and unrealistic oscillations of the meridional overturning. Although the reaction to the fresh water flux anomaly is similar to the response with the EBM, mixed boundary conditions must thus be considered unreliable. With the EBM, the waters in the deep western boundary current initially become saltier and a new fresh water mass forms in the north-eastern North Atlantic in response to the fresh water flux anomaly around Greenland. After an accumulation period of several decades duration, this new North East Atlantic Intermediate Water spreads towards the western boundary and opens a new southward pathway at intermediate depths along the western boundary for the fresh waters of high northern latitudes.  相似文献   

湛江港石门海区的近江牡蛎Crassostrea rivularis(Gould)养殖,出现苗种大批死亡、生产不稳定等现象。本文对该海区近江牡蛎的生活环境和个体生态进行了调查研究,并对它的采苗、养成、生物敌害的防除等问题作了初步探讨。  相似文献   

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