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A three-dimensional model for a tidal inlet-barrier island depositional system was constructed through examination of 37 vibracores and 10 auger drill holes on Capers and Dewees Islands, South Carolina. Two cycles of southerly inlet migration and subsequent abandonment resulted in beach ridge truncation on the northern ends of both barriers. Historical evidence indicates that these tidal inlets migrated 1.5 km to the south owing to a dominant north-south longshore transport direction. The hydraulic inefficiency of these over-extended inlet channels caused shorter, more northerly-oriented channels to breach through the ebbtidal deltas. After inlet reorientation, large wave-formed swash bars migrated landward closing former inlet channels. Weakened tidal currents through the abandoned channels permitted clay plugs to form thick impermeable seals over active channel-fill sand and shell. Price and Capers Inlets formed during the onset of the Holocene transgression following submergence of the ancestral Plio-Pleistocene Santee River drainage system. Coarse, poorly sorted inlet-deposited sand disconformably overlies Pleistocene estuarine clay and is capped by a dense clay plug. Shoreline reorientation and landward retreat of a primary barrier island chain occurred between the first and second cycles of inlet-channel migration and abandonment. Beach ridges prograded seaward over the first inlet sequence. A second cycle of inlet migration truncated the northernmost portion of these beach ridges and scoured into the clay plug of the earlier inlet deposit. Abandonment of this channel resulted in deposition of a second abandoned inlet-channel clay plug. Abandoned tidal inlet channels exhibit U-shaped strike and crescentic- to wedge-shaped dip geometries. Basal, poorly sorted inlet sands are sealed beneath impermeable, abandoned-channel silt and clay, washover deposits, and salt marsh. Multiple episodes of inlet migration and abandonment during a rising sea-level deposited stacked inlet-fill sequences within the barrier islands. The resultant stratigraphy consists of interlayered, fining-upward, active inlet-fill sand overlain by thicker abandoned inlet-fill clay plugs. These clay plugs form impermeable zones between adjacent barrier island sand bodies. Shoreline transgression would remove the uppermost barrier island deposits, sealing the inlet-fill sequences between Pleistocene estuarine clay and shoreface to shelf silt and clay.  相似文献   

Although sandy foreshore facies are generally characterized by parallel lamination, wavy lamination is predominant in the mixed sand and gravel foreshore facies of the Pleistocene Hosoya Sandstone, which crops out along the Pacific coast of the Atsumi Peninsula, Aichi, central Japan. The foreshore facies consists of three sedimentary subfacies; interbeds of gravel and parallel laminated sand of the lower foreshore facies, parallel laminated fine to medium sand beds containing scattered pebbles and cobbles of the middle foreshore facies, and wavy laminated fine to medium sand beds containing scattered pebbles and cobbles of the upper foreshore facies. A lack of erosional surfaces in the middle foreshore facies indicates the continuous accumulation of sand in flat beds under upper plane bed flow. The wavy laminated sands of the upper foreshore facies exhibit erosional surfaces indicative of repeated deposition and erosion. The erosional surfaces are undulatory, with depressions (10 cm wide and 3 cm deep) that contain scattered pebbles and cobbles. These depressions reflect backwash erosion of sand around and below the pebbles and cobbles. Sand draping over the undulating erosional surfaces forms the wavy lamination. The wavy laminated sand with scattered pebbles and cobbles is a key facies of an upper foreshore or swash zone, and is a good sea-level marker.  相似文献   

嫩江现代河流沉积体岩相及内部构形要素分析   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10       下载免费PDF全文
王俊玲  任纪舜 《地质科学》2001,36(4):385-394
嫩江是松辽盆地北部一条多河型河流。本文以黑龙江省富裕县塔哈乡大马岗嫩江现代河流沉积露头为例,运用Miall结构要素分析法对嫩江现代河流沉积体岩相类型、层次界面及内部构形要素进行了系统研究,表明大马岗沉积体主要由块状层理细砾相、大型及小型低角度槽状交错层理细砂相、同沉积变形层理细砂相、波状交错层理细砂相、薄层状粉砂质泥与细砂互层相、微波状层理粉砂相、块状层理泥质粉砂相、水平层理泥相、块状层理粉砂质泥相等16种岩相构成,不同岩相空间分布变化差异较大。在大马岗沉积体内部识别出1~5级层次界面,划分出具有成因意义的7种构形要素:河道、砾质坝、侧向加积沉积体、单一侧积砂层、纹层砂席、砂底形及越岸细粒沉积,这种构形要素的划分丰富了Miall的分类方案。  相似文献   

In Sicily, Messinian evaporitic sedimentary deposits are developed under a wide variety of hypersaline conditions and in environments ranging from continental margin (subaerial), to basin-margin supratidal, to intertidal, to subtidal and out into the hypersaline basin proper. The actual water depth at the time of deposition is indeterminate; however, relative terms such as ‘wave base’ and ‘photic zone’ are utilized. The inter-fingering relationships of specific evaporitic facies having clear and recognizable physical characteristics are presented. These include sub-aerial deposits of nodular calcium sulphate formed displacively within clastic sediments; gypsiferous rudites, arenites and arenitic marls, all of which are reworked sediments and are mixed in varying degrees with other clastic materials (subaerial, supratidal, and intertidal to deep basinal deposits). Laminated calcium sulphate alternating with very thin carbonate interlaminae and having two different aspects; one being even and continuous and the other of a wavy, irregular appearance (subtidal, intertidal, and supratidal deposits). Nodular calcium sulphate beds, usually associated with wavy, irregular laminated beds (supratidal, sabkha deposits); very coarsely crystalline gypsum beds (selenite), associated with more even, laminated beds (subaqueous, intertidal to subtidal deposits); wavy anastomozing gypsum beds, composed of very fine, often broken crystals (subaqueous, current-swept deposits); halite having hopper and chevron structures (supratidal to intertidal); and halite, potash salts, etc. having continuous laminated structure (subaqueous, possibly basinal). Evidence for diagenetic changes is observed in the calcium sulphate deposits which apparently formed by tectonic stress and also by migrating hypersaline waters. These observations suggest that the common, massive form of alabastrine gypsum (or anhydrite, in the subsurface) may not always be ascribed to original depositional features, to syndiagenesis or to early diagenesis but may be the result of late diagenesis.  相似文献   

Sediments in the Trentishoe Formation of the Middle Devonian Hangman Sandstone Group (North Devon, U.K.) provide the basis of a model for sandy ephemeral stream and clay playa deposition. Three types of sequence are found, representing proximal, medial and distal areas on an extensive alluvial plain. The Proximal sequence consists of cross-cutting channel-fill sandstones which represent the deposits of a network of low sinuosity sand bed streams. The Medial sequence comprises upwards coarsening cyclothems which start with relatively distal, thinly bedded sandstone and siltstone flood sheets cut by complexes of silt draped channel-fill sandstones and single channel fill sandstones. The flood sheets coarsen and thicken upwards to more proximal multistorey sheet sandstones. The Distal sequences consist of laminated mudstone and sandstone, cut by desiccation and water escape features, alternating with wave rippled sandstones, and represent playa lakes occasionally incised by high sinuosity channels with laterally accreting sandstones. The three sequence types represent the downslope progression from a low sinuosity channel network which passed into an ephemeral flood deposit complex which in turn drained into clay playas.  相似文献   

At Godøya near Ålesund sequences of unconsolidated fine sand and silt below two till beds are interpreted as remains of a sandur. Two facies sequences dominate: One comprises erosional scours followed by horizontally and current-ripple laminated fine sand, massive silt and erosional scours. The other sequence differs by planar wedge-shaped cross-beds replacing the horizontal lamination. The planar cross-beds are assumed to represent migrating linguoid or transverse bars, with an orientation partly at a high angle to current ripples in the same beds. The frequent silt beds are interpreted as a result of rapid vertical accretion due to isostatic subsidence during deposition. A Middle Weichselian age is assumed from thermoluminescence, radiocarbon and amino acid dates.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT The early Pleistocene Laguna and Turlock Lake Formations and China Hat and Arroyo Seco Gravels along the east side of the San Joaquin Valley, California, were deposited in alluvial fans and marginal lakes. Upward-coarsening sequences of silt-sand-gravel record westward progradation of glacial outwash fans from the Sierra Nevada into proglacial lakes in the San Joaquin Valley. Distinctive sedimentary features delineate lacustrine, prodelta, and delta-front facies within fan-margin deposits and lower, middle, and upper-fan facies within alluvial-fan deposits. The lacustrine facies consists of a few metres of thinly and evenly bedded, rhythmically laminated claystone and clayey siltstone in varved couplets. Draped lamination, sinusoidal lamination, and load and pillar structures occur in some beds. Siltstone and claystone grade upward to slightly thicker wavy beds of siltstone and very fine-grained unconsolidated sand deposited in a prodelta setting. Convolute laminae within deformed steeply dipping foreset beds suggest slumping on the prodelta slope. The prodelta facies grades up to the delta-front facies, which consists of burrowed and bioturbated cross-bedded fine sand. Deltaic deposits are 5–6 m thick. The lower-fan facies forms the base of the fan sequence and consists of several metres of irregularly bedded, laminated, oxidized siltstone and fine sand. The middle-fan facies consists of cross-bedded, medium-grained to gravelly sand-filled channels cut into the lower-fan facies. Interbedded lens-shaped siltstone beds 2 m thick and several metres across were deposited in abandoned channels. The upper-fan facies consists of moderately to strongly weathered clayey gravel and sand containing pebble imbrication and crude stratification. Argillization during post-depositional soil formation has blurred the distinction between mud-supported debris-flow deposits and clast-supported channel deposits, but both are present in this facies. The deposits described here demonstrate the need for additional fan models in order to incorporate the variety of deposits developed in alluvial fan sequences deposited in humid climates. In previous models based on arctic fans, debris flows, abandoned channels, or widespread siltstone beds are not present in fan sequences, nor are marginal lacustrine and deltaic deposits well represented.  相似文献   

The Barataria barrier coast formed between two major distributaries of the Mississippi River delta: the Plaquemines deltaic headland to the east and the Lafourche deltaic headland to the west. Rapid relative sea‐level rise (1·03 cm year?1) and other erosional processes within Barataria Bay have led to substantial increases in the area of open water (> 775 km2 since 1956) and the attendant bay tidal prism. Historically, the increase in tidal discharge at inlets has produced larger channel cross‐sections and prograding ebb‐tidal deltas. For example, the ebb delta at Barataria Pass has built seaward > 2·2 km since the 1880s. Shoreline erosion and an increasing bay tidal prism also facilitated the formation of new inlets. Four major lithofacies characterize the Barataria coast ebb‐tidal deltas and associated sedimentary environments. These include a proximal delta facies composed of massive to laminated, fine grey‐brown to pale yellow sand and a distal delta facies consisting of thinly laminated, grey to pale yellow sand and silty sand with mud layers. The higher energy proximal delta deposits contain a greater percentage of sand (75–100%) compared with the distal delta sediments (60–80%). Associated sedimentary units include a nearshore facies consisting of horizontally laminated, fine to very fine grey sand with mud layers and an offshore facies that is composed of grey to dark grey, laminated sandy silt to silty clay. All facies coarsen upwards except the offshore facies, which fines upwards. An evolutionary model is presented for the stratigraphic development of the ebb‐tidal deltas in a regime of increasing tidal energy resulting from coastal land loss and tidal prism growth. Ebb‐tidal delta facies prograde over nearshore sediments, which interfinger with offshore facies. The seaward decrease in tidal current velocity of the ebb discharge produces a gradational contact between proximal and distal tidal delta facies. As the tidal discharge increases and the inlet grows in dimensions, the proximal and distal tidal delta facies prograde seawards. Owing to the relatively low gradient of the inner continental shelf, the ebb‐tidal delta lithosome is presently no more than 5 m thick and is generally only 2–3 m in thickness. The ebb delta sediment is sourced from deepening of the inlet and the associated channels and from the longshore sediment transport system. The final stage in the model envisages erosion and segmentation of the barrier chain, leading to a decrease in tidal discharge through the former major inlets. This process ultimately results in fine‐grained sedimentation seaward of the inlets and the encasement of the ebb‐tidal delta lithosome in mud. The ebb‐tidal deltas along the Barataria coast are distinguished from most other ebb deltas along sand‐rich coasts by their muddy content and lack of large‐scale stratification produced by channel cut‐and‐fills and bar migration.  相似文献   

A pit located near Ballyhorsey, 28 km south of Dublin (eastern Ireland), displays subglacially deposited glaciofluvial sediments passing upwards into proglacial subaqueous ice‐contact fan deposits. The coexistence of these two different depositional environments at the same location will help with differentiation between two very similar and easily confused glacial lithofacies. The lowermost sediments show aggrading subglacial deposits indicating a constrained accommodation space, mainly controlled by the position of an overlying ice roof during ice‐bed decoupling. These sediments are characterized by vertically stacked tills with large lenses of tabular to channelized sorted sediments. The sorted sediments consist of fine‐grained laminated facies, cross‐laminated sand and channelized gravels, and are interpreted as subglaciofluvial sediments deposited within a subglacial de‐coupled space. The subglaciofluvial sequence is characterized by glaciotectonic deformation structures within discrete beds, triggered by fluid overpressure and shear stress during episodes of ice/bed recoupling (clastic dykes and folds). The upper deposits correspond to the deposition of successive hyperpycnal flows in a proximal proglacial lake, forming a thick sedimentary wedge erosively overlying the subglacial deposits. Gravel facies and large‐scale trough bedding sand are observed within this proximal wedge, while normally graded sand beds with developed bedforms are observed further downflow. The building of the prograding ice‐contact subaqueous fan implies an unrestricted accommodation space and is associated with deformation structures related to gravity destabilization during fan spreading (normal faults). This study facilitates the recognition of subglacial/submarginal depositional environments formed, in part, during localized ice/bed coupling episodes in the sedimentary record. The sedimentary sequence exposed in Ballyhorsey permits characterization of the temporal framework of meltwater production during deglaciation, the impact on the subglacial drainage system and the consequences on the Irish Sea Ice Stream flow mechanisms.  相似文献   

Abstract The Red River, Manitoba, is a mud‐dominated, meandering stream that occupies a shallow valley eroded into a clay plain. The valley‐bottom alluvium is the product of incision and lateral migration of river meanders. As revealed by a transect of five boreholes located across the floodplain at each of two successive river meanders, the alluvial deposits range from about 15 to 22 m thick and are composed primarily of silt. Sedimentary structures in the cores are weakly defined and consist mostly of beds of massive silt, thick (>0·4 m) massive silt and disturbed silt. Interlaminated sand and silt, and sand beds form relatively minor deposits, principally within the lower half of the alluvium, and thin beds of medium‐coarse sand and pea gravel can be present locally within the lower metre of the alluvium. The alluvium is interpreted to consist of overbank deposits from 0 to 2–3 m depth, oblique accretion deposits from 2–3 to 8–12 m depth and oblique accretion and/or channel deposits from 8–12 m to the base of the sequence. The massive bedding within the oblique accretion deposits is interpreted to represent the remnants of couplet deposits that were initially composed of interbedded, muddy silt and sand‐sized silt aggregates, as is consistent with the contemporary bank sedimentation. The post‐depositional disintegration and/or compaction of the aggregates has caused the loss of the sand‐sized texture. The disturbed silt beds are interpreted as slump structures caused by large‐scale rotational failures along the convex banks. Overall, the Red River represents a portion of a continuum of muddy, fine‐grained streams; where the alluvium lacks a distinct coarse unit, oblique accretion deposits form a majority of the floodplain, and large‐scale slump features are present.  相似文献   

Five coarsening upward shallow marine sandstone sequences (2–10 m thick), are described from the late Precambrian of North Norway, where they occur in a laterally continuous and tectonically undeformed outcrop. The sequences consist of five facies with distinct assemblages of sedimentary structures and palaeocurrent patterns. Each facies is the product of alternate phases of sedimentation during relatively high- and low-energy periods. Facies 1 to 4 are interpreted as representing prograding, subtidal sand bars. Sand bar progradation occurred during the highest energy periods when unidirectional currents flowed to the northwest, depositing trough cross-bedded sandstones (facies 3 and 4) on the bar crests and flanks, and sheet sandstone beds (facies 1 and 2) in the offshore environments. Weaker northwesterly flowing currents continued during moderate energy fair weather periods. Low energy fair weather periods were dominated by wave processes, which formed largescale, low-angle, westerly inclined surfaces on the bar flanks (facies 4) and wave rippled sandstone beds (facies 2) and flat laminated siltstone layers (facies 1) in the offshore environments. One sand bar was dissected by channels and infilled by tabular cross-bedded sandstones (facies 5). Bipolar palaeocurrent evidence, with two modes separated into two laterally equivalent channel systems, suggests deposition by tidal currents in mutually evasive ebb and flood channels. The inferred processes of these sand bars are compared with those associated with modern storm-generated and tidal current generated linear sand ridges. Both are influenced by the interaction of relatively low and high energy conditions. The presence of the tidal channel facies, however, combined with the inferred strong bottom current regime, is more analogous to a tidal current hydraulic regime.  相似文献   

The Ganga basin provides a present-day example of a peripheral foreland basin. The course of the river is controlled by Himalayan tectonics. Three main types of architectural elements, such as channels (CH), sandy bedforms (SB) and overbank fines (OF) have been developed in Ganga River sediments. The channels (CH) include gravelly (Gs) and sandy channel (Ss) lithofacies. The sandy bedforms (SB) include trough cross-stratified (St), planar cross-stratified (Sp), horizontal stratified (Sh), sandy massive (Sm) and climbing ripple cross-laminated (Sr) lithofacies, all of which are active channel deposits. The overbank fines (OF) include massive silt and clay (Fm), parallel laminated silt and clay (FI) and climbing ripple cross-laminated (Sr) lithofacies. Mega units have been developed in the lower part of the active channel deposits, while small units have been developed in the upper part of active channel deposits, in inactive channel deposits and overbank fines. This study illustrates the seasonal and tectonic control on sedimentation. Petrofacies studies of the sediments indicate a recycled orogen provenance. The sediments are derived from rapidly uplifted fault blocks comprising granite, gneiss and basic and ultrabasic rocks. Lack of textural and compositional maturity suggests a local source of derivation. The principal control on sand composition is source lithology. The hot and humid climate may slightly increase the content of quartz in sand derived from reworked foreland basin sediments. but the effect is neither sufficient to shift the sand compositions out of the recycled orogen field nor does it obscure composition mixing patterns.  相似文献   

本文论述了在世界范围内首次鉴别出的新的沉积类型--内潮汐沉积,发现于美国弗吉尼亚州芬卡苏地区奥陶纪深水海底水道充填沉积中。已识别出两种相:①双向交错纹理极细砂岩相,以发育分别向古水道上方和下方倾斜的双向交错纹理为特征,被归因于内潮汐作用沉积的产物。②单向交错层和交错纹理中至细砂岩相,发育向古水道上方倾斜的低角度板状交错层和交错纹理,被解释为叠加有内波的内潮汐沉积物。据沉积相层序分析,内潮汐沉积形成于海平面上升、粗屑重力流受到抑制的时期。  相似文献   

Douglas Creek terminal splay, sited on the western shoreline of Lake Eyre North, central Australia, covers a surface area of approximately 4 km2 with a down‐system length of 2·5 km from the distributary channels terminus to the splay fringe. Two distributary channels feed two sediment lobes which have amalgamated to form the terminal splay. Three primary facies associations have been identified sub‐dividing the creek terminus into distributary channel, proximal and distal splay sections. Proximal splay sediments are characterized by erosionally based, relatively thick (> 100 mm), stacked sheets of coarse to medium sand which commonly display trough and planar cross‐bedding, whereas the distal splay is characterized by thin (generally < 50 mm) massive beds of very fine sand, silt and clay. The change in splay sedimentology is interpreted as reflecting the transition from bedload‐dominated deposition to suspended load‐dominated deposition from decelerating sheetfloods as they spread out from the channel onto the dry lake bed. A proximal to distal splay transition zone is also noted where deposits of both facies associations interfinger laterally and vertically. In scale, geometry and facies associations, the Douglas Creek terminal splay is very different to the often cited Neales terminal splay complex located 70 km to the north. It is suggested that these architectural differences reflect variations in discharge volume, input sediment distribution and the degree of vegetation cover. Understanding the variation in terminal splay architecture has very significant implications for the modelling of analogous subsurface petroleum systems, which at present relies on few modern‐day analogues.  相似文献   

The Mackenzie Delta is a large fine‐grained delta deposited in a cold arctic setting. The delta has been constructed upon a flooding surface developed on a previous shelf‐phase delta. There are three principal depositional zones: the subaerial delta plain, the distributary channel mouth region and the subaqeous delta. The subaerial delta plain is characterized by an anastomosing system of high‐sinuosity channels and extensive thermokarst lake development. This region is greatly influenced by the annual cycle of seasonal processes including winter freezing of sediments and channels, ice‐jamming and flooding in the early spring and declining river stage during the summer and autumn. Deposition occurs on channel levees and in thermokarst lakes during flood events and is commonly rhythmic in nature with discrete annual beds being distinguishable. In the channel mouth environment, deposition is dominated by landward accretion and aggradation of mouth bars during river‐ and storm surge‐induced flood events. The subaqeous delta is characterized by a shallow water platform and a gentle offshore slope. Sediment bypassing of the shallow‐water platform is efficient as a result of the presence of incised submarine channels and the predominance of suspension transport of fine‐grained sediments. Facies of the shallow platform include silty sand with climbing ripple lamination. Offshore facies are dominated by seaward‐fining fine sand to silt tempestites. Sea‐ice scouring and sediment deformation are common beyond 10 m water depth where bioturbated muds are the predominant facies. The low angle profile of the shallow‐water platform is interpreted to be the combined response of a fine‐grained delta to (1) storm sediment dispersal; (2) autoretreat as a result of the increasing subaerial and subaqeous area of deposition as the delta progrades out of its glacial valley; (3) limited water depth above the underlying flooding surface; and (4) efficient nearshore bypassing of sediment through subice channels at the peak of spring discharge. Several indicators of the cold climate can be used as criteria for the interpretation of ancient successions, including thermokarst lake development, submarine channel scours, freeze–thaw deformation and ice‐scour deformation structures. Permafrost inhibits compaction subsidence and, together with the shallow‐water setting, also limits autocyclic lobe switching. The cold climate can thus influence stratal architecture by favouring the development of regional‐scale clinoform sets rather than multiple, smaller scale lobes separated by autocyclic flooding surfaces.  相似文献   

The Dupi Tila Formation is composed of yellow to light brown medium to very fine moderately hard to loose sandstone, siltstone, silty clay, mudstone and shale with some conglomerates with clasts of petrified wood. The lithofacies of matrix supported conglomerate, trough cross bedded conglomerate, massive sandstone, trough cross bedded sandstone, planar cross bedded sandstone, ripple cross laminated sandstone-siltstone, flaser laminated sandstone-shale, lenticular laminated sandstone-siltstone-shale, parallel laminated sandstone-siltstone, wavy laminated shale, parallel laminated blue shale, and mudstone are delineated within this formation. Based on the grain size, sedimentary structures, water depth and genesis of individual facies, facies are grouped into three types of facies associations like (i) coarse-grained conglomerate facies association in relation to tractive current deposits of alluvial fan set up at the base of litho-succession (FAC), (ii) medium to fine-grained sandstone-siltstone-mudstone facies association or facies association in relation to strong tide (FAT) characterizing the middle part of litho-succession, (iii) very fine-grained sandstone-siltstone-mudstone facies association in relation to less frequent weak tide or heterolithic facies association (FAHL) characterizing upper part of litho-succession and shallow marine facies association (FASM) composing the uppermost litho-succession. Presence of gluconite indicates that the depositional environment was shallow to deep marine. The dominant paleoflow direction during the deposition of Dupi Tila Formation was toward southeast to southwestern direction. The rivers were of braided type at the piedmont alluvial depositional set up at the lower part, which later changed to estuarine-tidal flat type environmental set up in the middle part to upper part and paleo-environment was shallow marine in the uppermost part.  相似文献   

本文在建立取芯井段岩-电转换关系及测井相-沉积相解释模型的基础上,对沙二段1—3砂组进行了详细的沉积相分析。确定其主要为辫状河三角洲沉积体系的水上平原沉积,次为三角洲前缘沉积;识别出三角洲平原、三角洲前缘和前三角洲3个亚相及分流河道河床、心滩、边滩等11个微相类型;并对各微相类型的沉积特征和剖面结构进行了讨论。  相似文献   

A 1600-m-thick succession of the Miocene Horse Camp Formation (Member 2) exposed in east-central Nevada records predominantly terrigenous clastic deposition in subaerial and subaqueous fan-delta environments and nearshore and offshore lacustrine environments. These four depositional environments are distinguished by particular associations of individual facies (14 defined facies). Subaerial and subaqueous fan-delta facies associations include: ungraded, matrix-and clast-supported conglomerate; normally graded, matrix- and clast-supported conglomerate; ungraded and normally graded sandstone; and massive to poorly laminated mudstone. Subaqueous fan-delta deposits typically have dewatering structures, distorted bedding and interbedded mudstone. The subaerial fan-delta environment was characterized by debris flows, hyperconcentrated flows and minor sheetfloods; the subaqueous fan-delta environment by debris flows, high- and low-density turbidity currents, and suspension fallout. The nearshore lacustrine facies association provides examples of deposits and processes rarely documented in lacustrine environments. High-energy oscillatory wave currents, probably related to a large fetch, reworked grains as large as 2 cm into horizontally stratified sand and gravel. Offshore-directed currents produced uncommonly large (typically 1–2 m thick) trough cross-stratified sandstone. In addition, stromatolitic carbonate interbedded with stratified coarse sandstone and conglomerate suggests a dynamic environment characterized by episodic terrigenous clastic deposition under high-energy conditions alternating with periods of carbonate precipitation under reduced energy conditions. Massive and normally graded sandstone and massive to poorly laminated mudstone characterize the offshore lacustrine facies association and record deposition by turbidity currents and suspension fallout. A depositional model constructed for the Horse Camp Formation (Member 2) precludes the existence of all four depositional environments at any particular time. Rather, phases characterized by deposition in subaerial fan, nearshore lacustrine and offshore lacustrine environments alternated with phases of subaerial fan-delta, subaqueous fan-delta and offshore lacustrine deposition. This model suggests that high-energy nearshore currents due to deep water along the lake margin reworked sediment of the fan edge, thus preventing development of a subaqueous fan-delta environment and promoting development of a well-defined nearshore lacustrine environment. Low-energy nearshore currents induced by shallow water along the  相似文献   

Quaternary sedimentary successions are described from the Linda Valley, a small valley in western Tasmania that was dammed by ice during Early and Middle Pleistocene glaciations. Mapping and logging of exposures suggest that an orderly sequence of deposits formed during ice incursion, occupation and withdrawal from tributary valleys. Four principal sediment assemblages record different stages of ice occupation in the valley. As the glacier advanced, a proglacial, lacustrine sediment assemblage dominated by laminated silts and muds deposited from suspension accumulated in front of the glacier. A subglacial sediment assemblage consisting of deformed lacustrine deposits and lodgement till records the overriding of lake-bottom sediments as the glacier advanced up the valley into the proglacial lake. As the glacier withdrew from the valley, a supraglacial sediment assemblage of diamict, gravel, sand and silt facies formed on melting ice in the upper part of the valley. A lacustrine regression in the supraglacial assemblage is inferred on the basis of a change from deposits mainly resulting from suspension in a subaqueous setting to relatively thin and laterally discontinuous laminated sediments, occurrence of clastic dykes, and increasing complexity of the geometry of deposits that indicate deposition in a subaerial setting. A deltaic sediment assemblage deposited during the final stage of ice withdrawal from the valley consists of steeply dipping diamict and normally graded gravel facies formed on delta foresets by subaqueous sediment gravity flows. The sediment source for the delta, which prograded toward the retreating ice margin, was the supraglacial sediment assemblage previously deposited in the upper part of the valley. A depositional model developed from the study of the Linda Valley may be applicable to other alpine glaciated areas where glaciers flowed through or terminated in medium- to high-relief topography.  相似文献   

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