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The study of “productive” intervals of the Gremyachinsk potash deposit showed that the precipitation of potassic and potassic–magnesium salts was accompanied by large-scale desalting of sodium chloride owing to the interaction of concentrated solutions from the given part of the saliferous basin with diluted solutions. The constant influx of diluted brine was characterized by the high content of sodium chloride, which led to the large-scale precipitation of halite as lenses, crusts, and accumulations of random morphology. Based on the ultramicrochemical analysis of the composition of brine inclusions in halites of different stages of densification, it is suggested that this process was accompanied by the growth of K ion concentrations in the brine and the subsequent desalting of potassium chloride in the carnallite stage brine with the formation of rocks of the carnallite–sylvinite paragenesis.  相似文献   

The results of integrating geological well data and geophysical information from the subsurface of northern Egypt are presented in terms of basin dynamics. Recent biostratigraphic data from wells and scarce outcrops are shown to be critical to an understanding of syndepositional tectonics. Six tectonostratigraphic phases of basin evolution are recognized to span the Phanerozoic. These phases initially record the development of intracratonic subsidence, controlled by deep crustal strike-slip tectonics, as Nubian continental and Tethyan marine influences competed across the northern margin of Gondwanaland. Evidence is also presented for the formation of the present day continental margin to northern Egypt. After a phase of crustal stretching, oceanic rifting focused on the western margin of the Arabian Platform, propagating progressively westwards during the Early-Mid-Jurassic. Thereafter, the effects of passive subsidence on the continental margin were disturbed by discrete phases of intracratonic strike-slip, associated Syrian Arc folding, and the formation of deep basins in the opening Red Sea and Gulf of Suez. Three structural fabrics persisted throughout Phanerozoic basin evolution, the result of repeated extensional reactivation and inheritance from Pan-African basement.  相似文献   

位于我国东部的许多新生代盆地,在地质历史时期发育了巨厚的岩盐沉积。尽管这些盆地的成盐模式研究已经历了40多年,但由于缺乏“深水成盐”的现代沉积模式,到底是“深盆-深水”还是“深盆-浅水”成盐,一直难以定论。为了理解“深水成盐”的控制因素,很多现代盐湖开展了水文学和水化学调查,然而这些湖盆的矿物组合各不相同,“深水成盐”的形成条件和控制因素尚不清楚。本文对死海、佛瑞湖等“深水成盐”的现代盐湖以及我国东濮凹陷沙三段的成盐特征进行了解剖,从盐度、水深、湖平面波动以及卤水分层等角度探讨了“深水成盐”的形成条件,对比分析了“深水成盐”的相对位置以及沉积物特征,总结了“深水成盐”的识别标志。研究表明,盐岩层系在岩心和测井资料上显示出多尺度的旋回性。“深水成盐”为水深较大的洼陷中心成盐,与盆缘的“浅水成盐”同盆共存。沉积相对岩盐层系的结构和组成有明显的控制作用,其中洼陷带的“深水成盐”,主要在洼陷带的卤水-湖底沉积物界面附近,析出和增生粗晶的盐类矿物,常与富含有机质和黄铁矿的暗色泥岩共存;而湖滨附近的“浅水成盐”,单层厚度薄,结晶粒度细小,通常含有较多的陆源碎屑。死海为代表的现代盐湖以及东濮凹陷等古代成盐盆地的沉积特征表明,“深水成盐”发生于湖平面的下降期,而且卤水剖面的厚度对蒸发岩的形成分布有明显的控制作用,同时具有“深水”和“深盆”特征的内陆盐湖更容易形成单层厚度大、横向稳定的岩盐沉积。本研究有助于改变人们以往对内陆湖盆成盐机理的认知,尤其是现代盐湖的卤水分层析盐特征,对解读地质历史中的其他成盐事件具有重要启示。基于现代沉积实例的“深水成盐”识别标志,可以为古代岩盐沉积模式的建立提供限定条件。  相似文献   

刚果(布)西南部布谷马西地区属于热带雨林气候,拥有非洲大陆西部边缘重要的白垩纪钾盐矿床,属于典型的裂谷成钾盆地。经矿物学研究表明,主要的蒸发岩矿物类型为石盐、光卤石、钾石盐、水氯镁石、溢晶石、石膏、硬石膏等。蒸发岩矿物沉积序列为石膏、硬石膏(多数旋回缺失)→石盐→光卤石→钾石盐(次生)→溢晶石或水氯镁石。通过蒸发岩矿物沉积特征和微量元素的分析认为,在白垩纪时期布谷马西地区处于长期的高温干旱环境,有利于卤水蒸发、浓缩而形成盐类矿物沉积。  相似文献   

The mode of alternation of halopelite, rock salt, and sylvinite beds in the Solikamsk deposit may be expressed in terms of Markov chains where each state is the lithologic composition of the bed. Both 2 and likelihood tests confirm the similarity of the Markov model with the actual geologic sections and suggest that evaporite sedimentation can be modeled by a renewal process.  相似文献   

The intra- and epicontinental basins in north-east Africa (Egypt, Sudan) bear ample evidence of weathering processes repeatedly having contributed to the formation of mineral deposits throughout the Phanerozoic.The relict primary weathering mantle of Pan-African basement rocks consists of kaolinitic saprolite, laterite (in places bauxitic) and iron oxide crust. On the continent, the reaccumulation of eroded weathering-derived clay minerals (mainly kaolinite) occurred predominantly in fluvio-lacustrine environments, and floodplain and coastal plain deposits. Iron oxides, delivered from ferricretes, accumulated as oolitic ironstones in continental and marine sediments. Elements leached from weathering profiles accumulated in continental basins forming silcrete and alunite or in the marine environment contributing to the formation of attapulgite/saprolite and phosphorites.The Early Paleozoic Tawiga bauxitic laterite of northern Sudan gives a unique testimony of high latitude lateritic weathering under global greenhouse conditions. It formed in close spatial and temporal vicinity to the Late Ordovician glaciation in north Africa. The record of weathering products is essentially complete for the Late Cretaceous/Early Tertiary. From the continental sources in the south to the marine sinks in the north, an almost complete line of lateritic and laterite-derived deposits of bauxitic kaolin, kaolin, iron oxides and phosphates is well documented.  相似文献   

沈立建  刘成林 《岩石学报》2018,34(6):1819-1834
通过搜集显生宙以来不同地质时期内海相碳酸盐岩鲕粒及胶结物矿物成分、钾盐矿床矿物种类及组合特征、蒸发岩盆地中石盐流体包裹体成分,并利用这些资料与人工海水模拟实验得到的石盐中Br分配特征的对比,得出海水成分在5.5亿年以来的显生宙期间,经历了五个阶段:其中晚元古代至寒武纪早期、二叠纪早期至中生代早期、新生代早期至现今,这些时期的原始海水组成特征系数m(SO_4~(2-))+m(HCO_3~-)/2m(Ca~(2+)),为Na-Mg-K-SO_4-Cl型海水,此期间沉积的钾盐矿床的钾镁盐矿物主要为钾盐镁矾、无水钾镁矾、杂卤石、硫酸镁石等含MgSO_4矿物,海相鲕粒和碳酸盐胶结物矿物成分为文石;而寒武纪早期至石炭纪、中生代早期至新生代早期,原始海水组成特征系数m(Ca~(2+))m(SO_4~(2-))+m(HCO_3~-)/2,为Na-Mg-KCa-Cl型海水,此期间沉积的钾镁盐矿物主要为光卤石和钾石盐,甚至含有溢晶石,海相鲕粒和碳酸盐胶结物矿物成分为方解石。根据石盐流体包裹体成分计算得出:显生宙期间,海水K+含量大部分时间变化幅度较小,为9.3~11.5mmol/kg H_2O(除了石炭纪和晚元古代),平均为10.55mmol/kg H_2O。Mg~(2+)含量在早寒武世≥67mmol/kg H_2O、晚志留世至中泥盆世31~41mmol/kg H_2O、晚古生代≥48mmol/kg H22O、晚白垩世34mmol/kg H_2O和现代55.1mmol/kg H_2O。Ca~+含量在晚元古代至古生代早期≤11mmol/kg H_2O、古生代早期至石炭纪22~35mmol/kg H_2O、石炭纪至中生代早期≤17mmol/kg H_2O、中生代早期至新生代早期19~39mmol/kg H_2O及新生代早期至今7~21mmol/kg H_2O。SO_4~(2-)含量在晚元古代至古生代早期≥23mmol/kg H_2O、古生代早期至石炭纪5~17mmol/kg H_2O、石炭纪至中生代早期13~22mmol/kg H_2O、中生代早期至新生代早期5~19mmol/kg H_2O及新生代早期至今12~29.2mmol/kg H_2O。海水Ca~(2+)与SO_4~(2-)含量的相对变化是控制海相钾盐矿床钾镁盐矿物类型的基本因素。同时,利用以上数据计算得到的显生宙各时期海水[m(Mg~(2+))+m(SO_4~(2-))]/[m(K~+)+m(Ca~(2+))]的变化与各时期海相蒸发岩系石盐层底部的Br含量变化具有同步性,进一步验证了显生宙期间海水成分是不断变化的,是约束海相蒸发岩钾盐矿物类型的主要因素。海水成分变化的控制因素为洋中脊热液和陆地水,其中洋中脊热液起主要作用,而控制这些因素变化的根本原因为板块构造运动。  相似文献   

中国的盐湖钾盐资源短缺,导致钾盐消费的对外依存度达50%以上,严重制约农业发展,威胁粮食生产安全。而正长岩型钾资源丰富,K2O品位达8.5%~15.4%,预测资源潜力(K2O)达盐湖钾盐储量的20倍以上。此类矿石钾资源的主要富钾矿物为微斜长石、霞石和白云母,地理上主要分布于中国东部的“秦岭大别正长岩带”和“燕辽阴山正长岩带”。采用电解质溶液热力学软件OLI Analyzer 9.2,对KAlSi3O8-NaOH/KOH/Ca(OH)2-H2O体系相平衡进行模拟,继而对代表性富钾正长岩进行水热碱法分解反应实验,证实K2O溶出率高达85.6%以上。所得硅酸钠钾碱液适于加工多种钾盐或生态型钾肥产品,硅铝组分同时转化为沉淀硅酸钙、钠型/钾型沸石、硅灰石、高岭土等多种工业产品。水热碱法技术的加工过程清洁高效,资源利用率高,环境相容性良好,可为发展绿色可持续的中国钾盐工业新体系提供良好的技术基础。  相似文献   

The halite-bearing Barbastro Formation crops out in the core of the Barbastro Anticline (Ebro Tertiary Basin). This anticline is traversed perpendicularly by some of the most important Pyrenean drainages such as the Cinca and Noguera-Ribagorzana Rivers. The terrace sequences of these fluvial systems have been used as markers to identify and assess dissolution-induced subsidence and salt tectonics. In the limbs of the anticline, terrace deposits underlain by detrital bedrock do not show any evidence of deformation and have a consistent thickness of less than 10 m. The deposits of certain terrace levels of the Noguera-Ribagorzana River and its tributary, the Lo Reguer Creek, are locally thickened filling basins generated by dissolution-induced synsedimentary subsidence up to several kilometers long and more than 100 m deep. Conversely, terraces of the Cinca River do not show anomalously high thicknesses, but local uplifts related to differential upward flow of the halite-bearing bedrock. Locally, a minimum uplift rate of 0.3 mm/year has been estimated from a 64-ka terrace tilted away from the valley. The subsidence hazards occur chiefly in areas where the ground receives artificial water recharge. Serviceability of some canals has been notoriously affected by evaporite karstification. The problem has been mitigated to acceptable levels by grouting. Numerous buildings of Ivars de Noguera are severely damaged by dissolution subsidence, and possibly, by hydrocompaction of gypsiferous silts. The pipe network has been replaced to ameliorate the subsidence risk. In the Cinca River valley, cavities with a total volume of about 180,500 m3 have been created by solution mining at depths greater than 500 m. No investigation methods are applied in the brine field to monitor the distribution and evolution of artificial voids. Substantial increase in salinity of the Cinca River is another evidence of subjacent evaporite dissolution.  相似文献   

青藏高原三叠纪沉积盆地与古生物特征   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
青藏高原三叠纪沉积盆地形成演化可划分为早印支期和晚印支期两个阶段。按沉积盆地演化及古生物特征可划分为西藏型、巴颜喀拉型和西秦岭型3个组成部分;生物古地理区划相应归属于华夏特提斯区南方省西藏-滇西生态区、巴颜喀拉生态区和西秦岭生态区。  相似文献   

Marine‐connected basins with evaporites occur beneath most extensional continental margins that originated at low‐latitudes and often are of major economic significance. Cyclicity in the evaporite lithofacies reflects the degree of restriction of the basin, overprinted by sea‐level changes, and caused by structural movements in the barrier region, whether by fault‐block rotation, footwall uplift or hanging wall subsidence, in both extensional and compressional basins. The Upper Triassic evaporites of the Ramon section in southern Israel model cyclic sedimentation in such environments. The Mohilla Formation is a carbonate–evaporate–siliciclastic succession of Carnian age that fills a chain of basins extending along the Levant margin from southern Israel to Jordan and Syria. The basins developed in half‐grabens adjacent to normal faults that formed during a period of regional extension. Evaporites of this formation are well‐exposed in outcrops at Makhtesh Ramon, the southernmost of these basins. The M2 Member of the Mohilla Formation is composed of 42 sub‐metre cycles of alternating dolostone, gypsum and calcareous shales. Field and microfacies analysis showed these cycles to conform mostly to restricted shallow and marginal marine environments, spatially limited by the uplifted shoulders of the half‐graben systems. A total of 10 facies types belonging to six depositional environments have been identified. From stacking patterns and analysis of bed to bed change, cycles can be categorized into three groupings: (i) low frequency exposure to exposure cycles that developed under eustatic or climate control; (ii) high frequency deepening/shallowing‐upward cycles, characterized by gradual transitions due to short‐term sea‐level or runoff‐event oscillations possibly referable to orbital forcing; and (iii) high frequency shallowing‐upward cycles, characterized by abrupt transitions, attributable to sporadic tectonic events affecting accommodation space or barrier effectiveness. The way facies and cycling of the sedimentary environments was deciphered in the Mohilla evaporite basin can be used to unravel the genesis of many other evaporite basins with barriers of tectonic origin.  相似文献   

Oceanological (seismic sounding and deep-sea drilling) research in recent years has revealed the presence of salt-containing bodies and salt-dome structures beneath the floors of deep-water marine basins (such as the Gulf of Mexico, the Bay of Biscay and the Mediterranean Sea). Using comparative data on old and more recent basins of salt-deposition, along with calculations of the water-salts balance in such basins, it is concluded that these salt-bearing bodies can be accumulated in deep-sea basins with a primary oceanic crust. The probable mechanism of the accumulation of salts in deep trenches and basins is considered. — Authors  相似文献   

中国东南部中、新生代盆地特征与构造演化   总被引:36,自引:0,他引:36  
中国东南部中、新生代盆地与花岗岩构成了复杂的盆岭镶嵌体系--华南盆岭构造.根据盆地的几何学、运动学、动力学与构造演化特征,将研究区中、新生代盆地划分为类前陆盆地、裂谷盆地和断陷盆地三大类型.对晚三叠世以来各个时代盆地的规模、产状、边界、岩石组合、指相矿物、沉积构造进行了分析.不同时代盆地的特征和重点区段盆区岩层的节理测量-统计结果表明,晚三叠世以来研究区的盆-岭格局至少经历过4期地球动力学演化.该盆-岭体系具有密切的时空和成因联系,二者时间相近,空间相伴,成因相关.研究表明,永定-龙南-始兴是一个中侏罗世陆内裂谷带,武夷山是晚中生代的古地理与气候分隔带,赣江带是晚中生代的火山岩界线.  相似文献   

Petrographic examination of the dolomitized Main Limestone Series cropping out in the south, east and northeast corners of the South Wales Coalfield Basin shows evidence of the earlier presence of evaporite minerals. However, it is believed that lack of extensive evaporite deposits in these rocks may be due to the active diagenetic dissolution and oncoming humid coal conditions of post Main Limestone time.The evaporite minerals in the Main Limestone rocks seem to be overwhelmingly early diagenetic in origin in the light of the following observations: (1) calcite or dolomite pseudomorphs after gypsum crystals associated with a fine pelmicrite matrix; (2) association of such pseudomorphs with oolitic pelsparite; and (3) evaporite solution breccia texture.  相似文献   

中国西北部发育有塔里木、准噶尔、柴达木、吐哈等四大含油气沉积盆地和众多的中小型含油气沉积盆地。现今盆地均是周缘造山带隆升后形成的地理型盆地,盆地基底均老于周缘造山带隆升时期,沉积盆地均具有造山型盆地性质。前人的研究表明周缘造山带的造山运动不仅给盆地提供了丰富的沉积物,同时控制了形成、改造和调整盆地的构造。笔者以相邻造山带构造演化对沉积盆地沉积、沉降、构造活动和热活动等特征的影响,特别是盆地边缘的影响研究为基础,在造山型盆地概念的基础上,系统讨论了造山带构造演化对含油气盆地油气生、储、盖、圈闭、运移和保存等方面的影响。  相似文献   

中国中西部前陆盆地的地质特征及油气聚集   总被引:35,自引:2,他引:35  
中国中西部前陆盆地具有十分丰富的油气资源,近年来油气勘探也取得了很大的成果,但总体上来说其地质情况复杂、研究程度较低。世界上典型的前陆盆地一般位于造山带和稳定的克拉通之间的狭长槽地,而在中国中西部则主要为与古特提斯造山带在新特提斯阶段再活动有关的陆内会聚形成的“再生”前陆盆地,因此与世界典型前陆盆地相比中国中西部前陆盆地具有一定的“特殊性”。根据两期前陆的叠合程度差异造成的盆地几何形态、挠曲沉降、地层层序、沉积充填、构造变形特征的特点,将中国中西部前陆盆地归纳为改造型、新生型、叠加型和早衰型四种组合类型的前陆盆地。中西部不同组合类型前陆盆地具有不同的结构特征,决定了不同组合类型前陆盆地成藏特征和油气勘探潜力上的差异。  相似文献   

根据烃源岩演化过程中残留生烃母质变化原理,建立了TOC恢复的数学地质模型,提出了TOC演化与各种主控因素之间的定量关系模式,通过对模式中各主控因素在自然条件下变化的特征取值,计算得到了TOC恢复系数,做出了泥质岩烃源岩和碳酸盐岩烃源岩在含不同类型干酪根情况下的TOC演化图版。这一方法的最大特色是避免了人为主观因素和高温压物理模拟实验条件可能带来的结果偏差。研究表明:随着热演化程度的增加,烃源岩内残留的TOC含量逐渐减少,在大量生排烃阶段(RO=0.5%~2.0%)变化幅度最大;处于高过成熟阶段(RO>1.2%)的烃源岩,其原始TOC恢复系数随RO增大而逐渐增加,含Ⅰ型、Ⅱ型、Ⅲ型母质的泥质岩烃源岩TOC恢复系数分别可达3.0、2.0、1.4;含Ⅰ型、Ⅱ型、Ⅲ型母质的碳酸盐岩烃源岩TOC恢复系数分别可达3.2、2.2、1.5。论文例举了源岩TOC恢复在实际工程中的应用。  相似文献   

陆相残余盆地的主要类型、特点及研究方法   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
根据我国中生代陆相盆地演化特征,认为陆相盆地不存在原始沉积盆地。陆相残余盆地的基本特征,具有空间上盆地面积大为缩小,地层遭受明显剥蚀,受后期改造而成。提出了两种基本类型和它们的沉积特点以及追踪物质来源、去改造层是恢复残余盆地的基本方法,并以古鄱阳湖中生代盆地为例。  相似文献   

闽西-赣南早-中侏罗世盆地及其火成岩特征   总被引:22,自引:3,他引:22  
闽西-赣南地区早、中侏罗世陆相盆地带东起福建永定,经江西寻乌到龙南,断续延伸约250km,宽60~80km.受后期构造破坏和花岗岩浆侵入影响,现呈肢解散碎的残留盆地面貌.盆地边界特征和盆区岩层节理测量统计结果反映该区自晚三叠世以来,先后经历了近S-N向水平挤压(T3-J1E),S-N向垂向挤压、近E-W向水平伸展(J1L-J2),SE-NW向挤压(K1)和近E-W向挤压、S-N向伸展(K2)等复杂的演化过程.早-中侏罗世强烈的拉张-断陷作用导致盆区大量双峰式火山岩的喷发,其基性端员玄武岩的颗粒锆石U-Pb年龄值为170±1Ma,酸性端员流纹岩Rb-Sr等时线年龄为179Ma~165±2Ma.流纹岩具有高的SiO2、Al2O3、K2O含量,ANKC值>1.1;轻稀土富集、稀土总量高,铕亏损,具明显Eu负异常;富集Rb、Th,贫化Ba、Ti、P、Nb、Zr等特点,属富钾过铝火山岩类.与之共生的玄武岩则以富硅贫碱为特征,轻稀土轻度富集,铕异常不明显;弱富集Rb、Ba、Th、Ce,贫Nb、Zr、Y,配分样式呈上凸型,属拉斑系列玄武岩类,反映一种后造山的陆内裂谷环境.闽西-赣南地区盆山格局的形成经历过多期地球动力学演化前中生代近E-W向古亚洲构造域的基底阶段,晚三叠世-早侏罗世早期挤压造山阶段,早侏罗世晚期-中侏罗世裂谷盆地阶段,早白垩世太平洋构造域对本区的置换和改造阶段,包括早期的火山-岩浆活动和晚期的伸展断陷盆地作用.  相似文献   

羌塘盆地是一个资源丰富的含蒸发岩盆地。为进一步探讨盆地内蒸发岩原始物源、沉积环境以及钾盐资源的成矿潜力,文章分析了北羌塘坳陷QY-1井37件中侏罗统夏里组硬石膏岩样品的硫同位素特征。结果表明:(1) QY-1井硬石膏岩的硫同位素值介于11.76‰~15.96‰,主峰值区间为15.0‰~16.0‰,平均值为15.16‰,与中侏罗世海水相比偏小,相对较低的硫同位素值指示存在陆源淡水补给蒸发盆地;(2)硫同位素值分布范围非常集中,98%的样品硫同位素值介于14.0‰~16.0‰。稳定的硫同位素值指示硬石膏沉积期及成岩后未遭受微生物的改造,沉积和成岩环境的氧化还原电位较高;(3)北羌塘坳陷地表盐泉水具有与夏里组硬石膏岩相一致的硫同位素特征,这表明盐泉水在地下运移时可能溶解了地层中的石膏沉积。再结合沉积学、矿物学、古地磁学等研究成果,笔者综合判断北羌塘坳陷具有良好的钾盐成矿条件和远景。  相似文献   

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