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7月5日.国家煤矿安全监察局传出消息.上半年中国煤炭产量达到9.4亿吨,同比增产8292万吨.增长9.7%。  相似文献   

Microsatellite markers have become one kind of the most important molecular tools used in various researches. A large number of microsatellite markers are required for the whole genome survey in the fields of molecular ecology, quantitative genetics and genomics. Therefore, it is extremely necessary to select several versatile, low-cost, efficient and time- and labor-saving methods to develop a large panel of microsatellite markers. In this study, we used Zhikong scallop (Chlamys farreri) as the target species to compare the efficiency of the five methods derived from three strategies for microsatellite marker development. The results showed that the strategy of constructing small insert genomic DNA library resulted in poor efficiency, while the microsatellite-enriched strategy highly improved the isolation efficiency. Although the mining public database strategy is time- and cost-saving, it is difficult to obtain a large number of microsatellite markers, mainly due to the limited sequence data of non-model species deposited in public databases. Based on the results in this study, we recommend two methods, microsatellite-enriched library construction method and FIASCO-colony hybridization method, for large-scale microsatellite marker development. Both methods were derived from the mi-crosatellite-enriched strategy. The experimental results obtained from Zhikong scallop also provide the reference for microsatellite marker development in other species with large genomes.  相似文献   

国家统计局目前公布的数据显示,一季度,全国原煤产量为6亿吨,同比增长6.3%;原油和发电量分别为0.5亿吨和7797亿千瓦时,同比分别下降1.6%和2.0%。  相似文献   

运用AMMI模型对1996年全国灿型杂交稻区域试验中稻两系组资料进行分析,结果表明,组合稳定性评价很重要,基因型与环境的互作达极显著水平,互作效应(平方和)几乎为基因型效应(平方和)的2倍,AMMI模型的前三个主成分共解释了80.41%的交互作用信息,为线性回归模型的3.1倍。安湘S/8713、两优T63表现出较高产且稳产,培矮64S/山青11、培矮64S/2410、培矮63S/R318表现较稳产而不高产,两优79、培矮64S/JR1068既不高产也不稳产。  相似文献   

今年上半年,我国煤炭供应一路吃紧,煤炭价格一路飙升,煤炭工业迎来了建国以来最好的发展时期。  相似文献   

研究了3种无机盐对隐甲藻(Crypthecodinium cohnii ATCC30556)生长及DHA产量的影响。结果表明:隐甲藻可在NaCl为唯一无机盐的培养基中生长;培养基中NaCl质量浓度为6g/L,Mg^2+浓度为13.23mmol/L,PO4^3-浓度为7.19mmol/L可满足藻细胞生长和DHA积累的需求,此时隐甲藻有着最大的生物量和DHA产量,分别为3.31g/L和499.93mg/L。  相似文献   

The contents of nearly forty-elements in surface sediments in Jiaozhou Bay were determined using a Neutron Activation Analysis Technique(Grancini,et al.,1976;Li Peiquan et al.,1985,1986;Li Xiuxia etal.,1986).This paper's detailed discussion on only nine elements(Fe,Mn,Co,Cr,Sc,As,Sb,Zn andV)includes their distributions,concentrations,correlationships,material sources,background,etc.Based on Zavaristski's classification method,Fe,Mn,Co Cr and V belong to the second group;As and Sb to theeighth groups:Sc and Zn to the third and sixth groups.It was found that their notably good correla-tionship is mainly due to the similarity of their ionic structures and that their variation is controlled by theFe content(except Mn).The source of sediments is mainly terristrial material,and the composition ofsediment is similar to that of shale and shale+clay.The contents for a large number of ele-ments are within the scope of the background level,but there still is pollution of Zn and Cr,at least in a few stations.  相似文献   

目前内蒙古已查明煤炭资源储量达到7016亿吨继续居全国第一位。2008年内蒙古煤炭产量已达到4.57亿吨,同比增长30%,全年增量占全国总增量的55%以上。根据新出台的规划,内蒙古要求煤炭行业根据2009年的市场供求形势,适度控制原煤产量。  相似文献   

据全国矿产储量数据库统计,截止2000年底,我国金矿保有储量3992.63吨,其中岩金占金矿保有储量的60.05%,砂金占11.283%,伴生金占28.12%。 岩金已利用矿区680处,保有储量2007.37吨,占岩金保有储量2397.22吨的83.7%,利用率较高。岩金已利用储量主要集中在山东(496.15吨)、河南(146.47吨)、陕西(164.92吨)、湖北(107.77吨),这些省份已利用矿区保有储量占全国已利用储量的45.6%。 砂金已利用矿区207处,保有储量289.25吨,占砂金保有储量472.52吨的61.2%。砂金已利用储量主要集中在黑龙江(75.18吨)、四川(44.83吨)、内蒙古(27.11吨)、陕西(25…  相似文献   

正韦寿增同志是国土资源部和广西壮族自治区党委共同树立的重大典型,他生前"为民、务实、清廉"的高贵品质,是全系统干部职工的精神示范和行为标杆。为深入推进韦寿增先进事迹学习宣传活动,根据国土资源部党组将韦寿增同志作为重大典型进行宣扬的有关精神,配合中央及部领导关于进一步深入宣传韦寿增先进事迹的指示,中国国土资源报社和中国国土资源作家协会组织作家创作团队,由中国国土资源报社社长、中国国土资源作家协会主席陈国栋带队,创作  相似文献   

通过对雷州半岛蔗区甘蔗营养状况的普查,利用数理统计方法,分析了养分间、养分与经济性状间的相关关系。结果表明:增N、提高土壤pH值可显著提高茎长,茎长的提高可促进单茎重、工业蔗产量、含糖量极显著提高。增K、Mg可显著提高有效茎,有效茎的提高可促进工业蔗产量显著提高,却导致锤度显著下降。偏施Mg会导致锤度极显著下降。因而采取的措施为增N、K,合理配施镁含量低的石灰和P肥,以促进茎长、单茎重、有效茎的提高,从而提高产量;控施Mg肥,达到提高糖分含量的目的。  相似文献   

通过对雷州半岛蔗区甘蔗营养状况的普查 ,利用数理统计方法 ,分析了养分间、养分与经济性状间的相关关系。结果表明 :增N、提高土壤pH值可显著提高茎长 ,茎长的提高可促进单茎重、工业蔗产量、含糖量极显著提高。增K、Mg可显著提高有效茎 ,有效茎的提高可促进工业蔗产量显著提高 ,却导致锤度显著下降。偏施Mg会导致锤度极显著下降。因而采取的措施为增N、K ,合理配施镁含量低的石灰和P肥 ,以促进茎长、单茎重、有效茎的提高 ,从而提高产量 ;控施Mg肥 ,达到提高糖分含量的目的  相似文献   

陕西夏玉米产量与气象条件的关系   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
采用相关分析、正交多项式及积分回归等方法,对陕西1971~2003年夏玉米的单产与气象因子的关系进行了分析.得出:陕西夏玉米的气象波动指数为0.1672,占夏玉米产量波动的73.1%;气象产量存在着约5年的周期性波动;6月中、下旬降水量、7月下旬气温、8月中旬降水量和9月日照时数是影响陕西夏玉米产量的关键气象因子.  相似文献   

Crustacean zooplankton form the keystone link between primary producers and fish stocks in marine and estuary ecosys-tems. We have established a multi-generation cultivation system for zooplankton with which future experiments on the biological effects of pollutants in marine and estuary environments can be better performed. A population of calanoid copepod, Schmakeria poplesia, was collected in December 2003 and maintained in a static system through all stages (eggs to adults). The population ex-hibited an average developmental time of 13.6d in conditions corresponding to the natural enwronment (water temperature 20℃ salinity 15). A series of experiments were performed to examine copepod egg production and hatching success as functions of food type and feeding concentration. Results in our study showed that Isochrysis galbana was more favored for the reproduction of cope-pods than Phaeodactylum tricornutum, and 10×104cellsmL-1 was the most practical algae concentration. We have demonstrated that the Schmakeria poplesia population can be maintained in the laboratory through multiple generations. In addition, methods to control egg production through changes in food concentration have been established, making it feasible to control the start date of exposure experiments or the timing of the collection of offspring to initiate a new generation.  相似文献   

Crustacean zooplankton form the keystone link between primary producers and fish stocks in marine and estuary, ecosystems. We have established a multi-generation cultivation system for zooplankton ruth which future experiments on the biological effects of pollutants in marine and estuary environments can be better performed. A population of calanoid copepod, Sehmakeria poplesia, was collected in December 2003 and maintained in a static system through all stages (eggs to adults). The population ex- hinted an average developmental time of 13.6 d in conditions corresponding to the natural environment (water temperature 20~C salinity 15). A series of experiments were performed to examine copepod egg production and hatching success as functions of food type and feeding concentration. Results in our study showed that Isoehrysis galbana was more favored for the reproduction of cope- pods than Phaeodactylum tricornutum, and 10xl0%ellsmL-1 was the most practical algae concentration. We have demonstrated that the Schmakeria poplesia population can be maintained in the laboratory through multiple generations. In addition, methods to control egg production through changes in food concentration have been established, making it feasible to control the start date of exposure experiments or the timing of the collection of oftspring to initiate a new generation.  相似文献   

转基因水稻恢复系产量构成性状的杂种优势分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为探明转抗真菌蛋白基因水稻的杂种优势利用价值,选用6个转基因的水稻恢复系与多个不育系杂交,计算转基因水稻恢复系杂种一代的超父优势、超原种优势和单株产量竞争优势,并对其产量构成性状进行相关与通径分析。结果表明:不同品种或同一品种的不同转基因株系间的超父优势表现不同,整体上优势较明显的性状是有效穗数和单株产量;七丝软占转化后代的杂种F1普遍存在显著正向超原种优势,而E32转化后代所配杂种的超原种优势则较多表现为负值;产量竞争优势分析结果则表明转基因水稻选配优良组合几率并不比常规育种方法低,其中E10、EF38的杂种F1存在较强的产量竞争优势;对转化后代杂种F1的单株产量贡献最大的性状依次为有效穗、穗实粒数和千粒重。  相似文献   

为探明转抗真菌蛋白基因水稻的杂种优势利用价值,选用6个转基因的水稻恢复系与多个不育系杂交,计算转基因水稻恢复系杂种一代的超父优势、超原种优势和单株产量竞争优势,并对其产量构成性状进行相关与通径分析。结果表明:不同品种或同一品种的不同转基因株系间的超父优势表现不同,整体上优势较明显的性状是有效穗数和单株产量;七丝软占转化后代的杂种F1普遍存在显著正向超原种优势,而E32转化后代所配杂种的超原种优势则较多表现为负值;产量竞争优势分析结果则表明转基因水稻选配优良组合几率并不比常规育种方法低,其中E10、EF38的杂种F1存在较强的产量竞争优势;对转化后代杂种F1的单株产量贡献最大的性状依次为有效穗、穗实粒数和千粒重。  相似文献   

2004年,拥有百年历史的陕西延长油矿原油产量突破700万吨大关。  相似文献   

对汕优2号四年的植株氮素营养与产量进行通径分析,结果表明:用分蘖始期,分蘖盛期,分化一期,分化三期,孕穗期和齐穗期等6个生育期植株氮的线性回归方程来估测产量,其可靠程度达99.77%,齐穗期的植株氮素营养是影响产量的最重要因子;若植株氮素含量在分蘖盛期和分化三期较低,而其它各生育期均较高,则产量也高。根据研究结果,建议采用“前促,中控,后补”的施肥原则。  相似文献   

高产水稻理想株型的灰色关联度分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
应用灰色关联分析方法,分析了6个水稻品种21个株型柱状对单株产量的影响。结果表明:单株产量与21个株型性状的关联序依次为:剑叶厚>倒二叶厚>剑叶宽>倒二叶宽>倒二叶鞘长>剑叶鞘长>倒二叶统长>倒三叶宽>倒三叶厚。倒三叶鞘长>剑叶长>倒二叶长>倒三叶长>剑叶弦长>倒三叶弦长>倒三叶基夹角>倒三叶叶开角>剑叶叶开角>剑叶基夹角>倒二叶基夹角>倒二叶叶开角。  相似文献   

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