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The ultraslow-spreading Southwest Indian Ridge(SWIR) to the east of the Melville fracture zone is characterized by very low melt supply and intensive tectonic activity. Due to its weak thermal budget and extremely slow spreading rate, the easternmost SWIR was considered to be devoid of hydrothermal activity until the discovery of the inactive Mt. Jourdanne hydrothermal field(27°51′S, 63°56′E) in 1998. During the COMRA DY115-20 cruise in2009, two additional hydrothermal fields(i.e., the Tiancheng(27°51′S, 63°55′E) and Tianzuo(27°57′S, 63°32′E)fields) were discovered. Further detailed investigations of these two hydrothermal sites were conducted by Chinese manned submersible Jiaolong in 2014–2015. The Tiancheng filed can be characterized as a lowtemperature(up to 13.2°C) diffuse flow hydrothermal field, and is hosted by fractured basalts with hydrothermal fauna widespread on the seafloor. The Tianzuo hydrothermal field is an inactive sulfide field, which is hosted by ultramafic rocks and controlled by detachment fault. The discovery of the three hydrothermal fields around Segment #11 which receives more melt than the regional average, provided evidence for local enhanced magmatism providing heat source to drive hydrothermal circulation. We further imply that hydrothermal activity and sulfide deposits may be rather promising along the easternmost SWIR.  相似文献   

南大西洋中脊26°S热液区玄武岩中斜长石的成分和结构特征为研究岩浆演化特征提供了重要依据。在对玄武岩岩相学观察、斜长石成分分析的基础上,对不同阶段斜长石的结构及成分进行对比,探讨岩浆演化的过程。结果表明:研究区以斑状玄武岩为主,斜长石斑晶常见连晶结构、韵律环带、溶解与再吸收、生长结构,基质中的斜长石主要呈针状和燕尾状;南大西洋中脊26°S(SMAR-26°S)热液区玄武岩主要为钠质拉斑玄武岩,岩浆演化早期以形成培长石为主,晚期以形成拉长石为主,整个演化过程中CaO和Al2O3含量下降,而SiO2、Na2O、FeOT和MgO含量上升;从斜长石斑晶的核部→边部→基质中的斜长石微晶,An值整体下降,斜长石斑晶边部的An值与基质中斜长石微晶An值部分重合,形成温度总体有逐渐下降趋势。由此反映出地幔岩浆形成后在上涌过程中可能经历了减压挥发分逸出、晶体在深部的熔蚀、熔体过饱和结晶、低Si同源岩浆的混合、同喷发脱气岩浆迅速减压的过程。  相似文献   

Active hydrothermal chimneys, as the product of submarine hydrothermal activity, can be used to determine the fluid evolution and formation process of potential volcanic-hosted massive sulfide deposits. A hard-won specimen from an active hydrothermal chimney was collected in the 49.6°E ultraslow-spreading Southwest Indian Ridge (SWIR) field through a television-guided grab. A geochemical study of prominent sulfide (e.g., pyrite and chalcopyrite) included in this sample was performed using laser ablation inductively coupled plasma mass spectroscopy. The early sulfides produced at low temperature are of disseminated fine-grained anhedral morphology, whereas the late ones with massive, coarse euhedral features precipitated in a high-temperature setting. The systematic variations in the contents of minor and trace elements are apparently related to the crystallization sequence, as well as to texture. Micro-disseminated anhedral sulfides rich in Pb, As, Ni, Ba, Mn, Mo, U, and V were formed during the initial chimney wall growth, whereas those rich in Sn, Se, and Co with massive, coarse euhedral morphology were formed within the late metallogenic stage. The hydrothermal fluid composition has experienced a great change during the chimney growth. Such a conclusion is consistent with that indicated by using principal component analysis, which is a powerful statistical analysis method widely used to project multidimensional datasets (e.g., element contents in different mineral phases) into a few directions. This distribution pattern points to crystallographic controls on minor and trace element uptake during chimney growth, occurring with concomitant variations in the fluid composition evolutionary history. In this pyrite-chalcopyrite-bearing active hydrothermal chimney at the SWIR, the metal concentration and precipitation of sulfides largely occurred at the seafloor as a result of mixing between the upwelling hot hydrothermal fluid and cold seawater. Over the course of mixing, significant variations in metal solubility were caused by changes in temperature, pH, and redox conditions in the parental fluid phase.  相似文献   

The orthogonal supersegment of the ultraslow-spreading Southwest Indian Ridge at 16°–25°E is characterized by significant along-axis variations of mantle potential temperature. A detailed analysis of multibeam bathymetry,gravity, and magnetic data were performed to investigate its variations in magma supply and crustal accretion process. The results revealed distinct across-axis variations of magma supply. Specifically, the regionally averaged crustal thickness reduced systematically from around 7 Ma to the present, indicating a regionally decreasing magma supply. The crustal structure is asymmetric in regional scale between the conjugate ridge flanks, with the faster-spreading southern flank showing thinner crust and greater degree of tectonic extension. Geodynamic models of mantle melting suggested that the observed variations in axial crustal thickness and major element geochemistry can be adequately explained by an eastward decrease in mantle potential temperature of about40°C beneath the ridge axis. In this work, a synthesized model was proposed to explain the axial variations of magma supply and ridge segmentation stabilities. The existence of large ridge-axis offsets may play important roles in controlling melt supply. Several large ridge-axis offsets in the eastern section(21°–25°E) caused sustained along-axis focusing of magma supply at the centers of eastern ridge segments, enabling quasi-stable segmentation. In contrast, the western section(16°–21°E), which lacks large ridge-axis offsets, is associated with unstable segmentation patterns.  相似文献   

Massive sulfide precipitates found in the Southwest Indian Ridge(SWIR) 49.6°E hydrothermal field are enriched in gold.Here,the mineralogy and mineral chemistry of these massive sulfides to constrain the process of gold precipitation were studied.Sulfide samples in this field include lowertemperature Zn-rich sulfides and relative higher-temperature Fe-rich sulfides.Zn-rich sulfides are dominated by sphalerite-pyrite-chalcopyrite assemblages,with concentrations of gold ranging from 9.08 to 17.0 μg/g.Fe-rich sulfides consist mainly of pyrite-marcasite-isocubanite assemblages,with gold concentrations from 2.17 to 3.79 μg/g.The significant enrichment in gold within the lowertemperature Zn-rich sulfides and the effective separation of Zn and Fe in hydrothermal precipitates at the surface of this field are here interpreted to reflect the strong temperature dependence of gold transportation and deposition within the sulfides.In Zn-rich samples,large amounts of isolated native gold grains were identified.They were found mainly as inclusions up to 8 μm in diameter,occupying porous cavities in sphalerite or in the elevated iron content rim of sphalerite.The fineness of the gold ranged from 810 to 830.Unlike previously published results on other hydrothermal fields,these data show a low gold fineness values in SWIR 49.6°E.The FeS content of sphalerite associated with gold grains ranged from 3.2 mole % to 18.9 mole %.This was higher than in other fields,indicating that the sulfur activity is relatively low during the gold precipitation process and that sulfur activity may be one of the main factors affecting gold fineness in the SWIR 49.6°E hydrothermal field.Evidence regarding gold fineness and sulfur activity suggests that gold was quite likely transported as AuHS0 rather than as a Au(HS)-2 complex.  相似文献   

Hydrothermal vent incidence was once thought to be proportional to the spreading rate of the mid-ocean ridges (MORs). However, more and more studies have shown that the ultraslow-spreading ridges (e.g., Southwest Indian Ridge (SWIR)) have a relatively higher incidence of hydrothermal venting fields. The Qiaoyue Seamount (52.1°E) is located at the southern side of segment #25 of the SWIR, to the west of the Gallieni transform fault. The Chinese Dayang cruises conducted eight preliminary deep-towed surveys of hydrothermal activity in the area during 2009 and 2018. Here, through comprehensive analyses of the video and photos obtained by the deep-towed platforms, rock samples, and water column turbidity anomalies, a high-temperature, ultramafic-hosted hydrothermal system is predicted on the northern flank of the Qiaoyue Seamount. We propose that this hydrothermal system is most likely to be driven by gabboric intrusions. Efficient hydrothermal circulation channels appear against a backdrop of high rock permeability related to the detachment fault.  相似文献   

该岩样系太平洋东北部胡安·德·富卡洋中脊上底拖所取得的岩石样品,其表面具有黑色玻璃质,由表面向下逐渐过渡为晶质。 对该岩样的化学成分做了较全面的(化学、X光、红外光谱、电镜等)分析。其化学成分虽与大洋拉斑玄武岩的平均值相近似,但Ca、Mg略高于大洋拉斑玄武岩的平均值;而Si,K含量又稍低于大洋拉斑玄武岩。表明该岩石系地幔岩浆分异早期溢出而成的。其主要矿物成分是拉长石和普通辉石,其中拉长石占斑晶的70—80%左右。 镜下研究表明该岩石从顶面到底部可被划分成若干层次,并具有气孔的存在,表明该岩石系水下溢出而生成的。 电子探针分析发现Cu、Co、Ni三元素在冷却玻璃质部份的含量较结晶主体部份的含量为高,而Rb、Sr、Cs三元素在岩石冷却边部份与结晶主体中的含量上没有什么显著的差别。 根据扫描电镜和电子探针的微区元素分析研究,结晶表明铁镁硅酸盐先结晶,随后结晶的为基性斜长石。  相似文献   

The morphological characteristics of the segmentation of the Central Indian Ridge (CIR) from the Indian Ocean Triple Junction (25°30S) to the Egeria Transform Fault system (20°30S) are analyzed. The compilation of Sea Beam data from R/VSonne cruises SO43 and SO52, and R/VCharcot cruises Rodriguez 1 and 2 provides an almost continuous bathymetric coverage of a 450-km-long section of the ridge axis. The bathymetric data are combined with a GLORIA side-scan sonar swath to visualize the fabric of the ridge and complement the coverage in some areas. This section of the CIR has a full spreading rate of about 50 mm yr–1, increasing slightly from north to south. The morphology of the CIR is generally similar to that of a slow-spreading center, despite an intermediate spreading rate at these latitudes. The axis is marked by an axial valley 5–35 km wide and 500–1800 m deep, sometimes exhibiting a 100–600 m-high neovolcanic ridge. It is offset by only one 40km offset transform fault (at 22°40S), and by nine second-order discontinuities, with offsets varying from 4 to 21 km, separating segments 28 to 85 km long. The bathymetry analysis and an empirical orthogonal function analysis performed on across-axis profiles reveal morphologic variations in the axis and the second-order discontinuities. The ridge axis deepens and the relief across the axial valley increases from north to south. The discontinuities observed south of 22°S all have morphologies similar to those of the slow-spreading Mid-Atlantic Ridge. North of 22°S, two discontinuities have map geometries that have not been observed previously on slow-spreading ridges. The axial valleys overlap, and their tips curve toward the adjacent segment. The overlap distance is 2 to 4 times greater than the offset. Based on these characteristics, these discontinuities resemble overlapping spreading centers (OSCs) described on the fast-spreading EPR. The evolution of one such discontinuity appears to decapitate a nearby segment, as observed for the evolution of some OSCs on the EPR. These morphological variations of the CIR axis may be explained by an increase in the crustal thickness in the north of the study area relative to the Triple Junction area. Variations in crustal thickness could be related to a broad bathymetric anomaly centered at 19°S, 65°E, which probably reflects the effect of the nearby Réunion hotspot, or an anomaly in the composition of the mantle beneath the ridge near 19°S. Other explanations for the morphological variations include the termination of the CIR at the Rodriguez Triple Junction or the kinematic evolution of the triple junction and its resultant lengthening of the CIR. These latter effects are more likely to account for the axial morphology near the Triple Junction than for the long-wavelength morphological variation.  相似文献   


In this paper, we describe the results of a first pilot experiment of passive seismic monitoring near the active Longqi hydrothermal vent at the Southwest Indian Ridge during Chinese cruise DY115-30. During 102-day experiment, we recorded over 2,000 seismic events on a single ocean bottom seismometer with hydrophone close to the hydrothermal field. We classified these events into the following three classes based on their time–frequency characteristics: (1) volcano tectonic microearthquakes (VTMs); (2) regional earthquakes; (3) short-duration events (SDEs). We preliminarily located the 1,277 VTMs using a single-station location method. Our results revealed hypocenters primarily beneath the axial valley ridge which is about 10?km away from hydrothermal vent and extending to the upper mantle at a depth of 15?km. Two discrete swarms of VTMs occurred during our survey period. The SDEs show a complex frequency characteristics ascribed to clusters of monochromatic waves around different frequencies. This suggests that SDEs result from combination of harmonic waves resonating in fluid-filled pipes and cracks.  相似文献   

Seafloor acoustic and photographic imagery combined with high- resolution bathymetry are used to investigate the geologic and tectonic relations between active and relict zones of hydrothermal venting in the TAG (Trans-Atlantic Geotraverse) hydrothermal field at 26°08N on the Mid-Atlantic Ridge (MAR). The TAG field consists of a large, currently active, high-temperature mound, two relict zones (the Alvin and Mir zones), and an active low-temperature zone. The active mound and the Alvin relict zone lie along a series of closely-spaced, axis-parallel (NNE-trending) faults in an area of active extension east of the neovolcanic zone. The Alvin zone extends for 2.5 km along these faults from the valley floor onto the eastern wall, and consists of at least five mounds identified using DSL-120 sidescan sonar and bathymetric data. The existence of sulfide structures on most of these mounds is verified with near-bottom electronic still camera (ESC) images from the Argo-II deep-towed vehicle, and is confirmed in at least one case with collected samples. Two of these mounds were previously unidentified. The existence of these mounds extends the length of the Alvin zone by ~0.5 km to the south. Much of the Alvin relict zone appears to be buried by debris from a large mass wasting event on the eastern wall of the median valley. The Mir zone, located on normal fault blocks of the eastern valley wall, cannot be clearly identified in the sidescan data and no structural connections from it to the active mound or Alvin zone can be discerned. The active mound is located at the intersection of an older oblique fault set with the younger axis- parallel faults which extend into the Alvin relict zone, and no fresh volcanics are observed in the vicinity of the mound. The fact that both the active mound and the Alvin relict zone lie along the same set of active, axis-parallel faults suggests that the faults may be a major control on the location of hydrothermal activity by providing pathways for fluid flow from a heat source at the ridge axis.  相似文献   

The morphotectonic features and their evolution of the central Southwest Indian Ridge (SWIR) are dis- cussed on the base of the high-resolution flfll-coverage bathyraetric data on the ridge between 49°-51°E. A comparative analysis of the topographic features of the axial and flank area indicates that the axial topogra- phy is alternated by the ridge and trough with en echelon pattern and evolved under a spatial-temporal mi- gration especially in 49°-50.17°E. It is probably due to the undulation at the top of the mantle asthenosphere, which is propagating with the mantle flow. From 50.17° to 50.7°E, is a topographical high terrain with a crust much thicker than the global average of the oceanic crust thickness. Its origin should be independent of the spreading mechanism of ultra-slow spreading ridges. The large numbers of volcanoes in this area indicate robust magmatic activity and may be related to the Crozet hot spot according to RMBA (residual mantle Bouguer anomaly). The different geomorphological feature between the north and south flanks of the ridge indicates an asymmetric spreading, and leading to the development of the OCC (oceanic core complex). The tectonic activity of the south frank is stronger than the north and is favorable to develop the OCC. The first found active hydrothermal vent in the SWIR at 37°47'S, 49°39'E is thought to be associated with the detach- ment fault related to the OCC.  相似文献   

综合大洋钻探计划(IODP) 334和344航次在U1381站位处的两个钻孔(A孔和C孔)获得了中美洲西海岸外科科斯脊基底拉斑玄武岩,对其岩浆过程开展研究可为理解其岩石成因提供重要依据。本文对科科斯脊玄武岩中斜长石斑晶和微晶进行了详细的原位主微量元素分析,结果表明,斜长石种属为培长石、拉长石及少量中长石。部分斜长石斑晶具有正环带结构;但多数斜长石斑晶不具有明显环带,仅从核部到边部存在微弱的成分变化。斜长石斑晶与微晶的微量元素差别较大:斜长石斑晶富集轻稀土和大离子亲石元素、亏损高场强元素,且具有明显的Eu正异常;斜长石微晶不相容元素含量通常高于斜长石斑晶。根据斜长石温度计计算获得斜长石斑晶结晶温度为1 050~1 253℃,斜长石微晶结晶温度为866~1 033℃。基于以上特征,推测斜长石斑晶核部是相对原始岩浆的产物,而斑晶边部以及微晶是演化岩浆的结晶产物。斜长石斑晶的成分变化及熔蚀麻点结构是由于岩浆补给及岩浆减压上升造成的。最后,本研究推测科科斯脊基底玄武岩来自于开放的岩浆房,且岩浆房内可能存在原始岩浆的不断注入及岩浆对流。  相似文献   

海水中的氦同位素能对海底热液活动进行有效示踪。本文对在西南印度洋49°~56°E洋脊段采集的5条CTD拖曳剖面共14件深水样品进行了氦氖同位素分析。通过分析水体中存在的氦同位素异常,探讨调查区热液异常的特征和热液羽状流的分布。分析表明,5条CTD剖面均存在δ3He异常,其中CTD7-2(位置:37.927°S、49.412°E,水深2 140m,离底高度100m)的δ3He值最大,达到49.2%。根据δ3He分布特征,认为调查区内存在至少6处热液羽状流,其中37.927°S、49.412°E以西数千米范围内可能存在海底热液喷口。  相似文献   

在对CA海山玄武岩CAD21样品岩相学研究基础上,运用电子探针和X-荧光光谱法(XRF)对中太平洋CA海山斜长石斑晶中的环带、斜长石微晶和玄武岩中的硅酸盐进行了化学成分研究。CA海山玄武岩为地幔柱成因的板内玄武岩;斜长石斑晶具有环带结构,环带核部与边部为不连续消光,是不连续环带;环带核部为培长石,边部为拉长石,是岩浆演化过程中形成的正环带,其成因受岩浆演化过程中熔体组分及温、压条件的共同制约。斜长石斑晶核部、边部及斜长石微晶估算温度平均值分别为1 281,1 198和1 071 ℃,分别代表了岩浆源区、岩浆房及岩浆喷发温度,三者温度差值较小,这和洋岛玄武质岩浆的形成及喷发特点相吻合。  相似文献   

The mineral chemistry and texture of clinopyroxenes in peridotite from the Kingkong tectonic zone of the Southwest Indian Ridge segment in an effort to constrain mantle melting beneath this slow-spreading ridge are reported. There are three types of clinopyroxenes in the abyssal peridotites: coarse-grained, intergranu- lar and exsolved. The compositional variations among these three types suggest that the coarse-grained clinopyroxene is a mantle-derived source. The A1, Na and Ti contents and the Na/Ti ratio of the coarse- grained clinopyroxene may be used to monitor the degree of partial melting, combined with the contradis- tinction with Spinel Cr#, which is calculated to be between 7.9% and 14.9%, and may represent low degrees of melting in the global ocean ridge system. The along-axis compositional variations in the coarse-grained clinopyroxene suggest that the degree of partial melting is primarily controlled by the transform faults on both sides of the ridge. Nonetheless, the northwestern side of the ridge may be affected by a hypothesised detachment fault as documented by the calculated P-T conditions. Simultaneously high Na and low Ti con- tents in the coarse-grained clinoovroxene points to mantle heterogeneities along the ridge axis.  相似文献   

西北印度洋中脊玄武岩源区地幔特征   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用全球岩石地球化学数据库(Pet DB)中有关卡尔斯伯格洋脊(CR)、北中印度洋脊(NCIR)及南中印度洋脊(SCIR)玄武岩的微量元素及同位素组成数据,分析了玄武岩的元素地球化学特征及其沿脊轴的变化,旨在探讨玄武岩源区地幔的(不)均一性及岩浆作用过程的差异。初步研究结果表明:CR、NCIR及SCIR玄武岩组成相近,仅在个别脊段表现有微量稀土元素和同位素组成上的差异,玄武岩整体与N-MORB组成特征相近,与先前通常认为的典型印度洋中脊玄武岩不同。玄武质岩浆主要源自尖晶石二辉橄榄岩地幔的熔融,岩浆源区主要由两个地幔端元构成,即以亏损型地幔(DMM)为主(69%),其次为富集型地幔(EMⅡ,27%)。富集组分可能源自古老陆壳物质的混染。自CR经NCIR到SCIR整个印度洋中脊西北分支玄武岩的Sr、Nd及Pb同位素组成表现出均一性,表明岩浆源区地幔组成相近。在SCIR 19°S附近脊段岩浆源区地幔存在有不均一性,有EMⅡ型地幔端元混入的迹象。在CR 3.5°N附近脊段,玄武岩明显富集K、Ba、La及U等微量元素,但由于缺少同位素数据,源区地幔特征有待进一步研究。在上述研究成果的基础上,提出了该区大比例尺的调查填图及密集采样和精细室内分析是CR深入研究的基础,同时加强Sr、Nd、Pb及Re、Os、Be等同位素分析测试,可提供揭示CR地幔不均一性的可靠依据,而厘清印度洋型地幔对CR的影响程度则有助于深入认识地幔不均一性的成因及地幔动力学过程。  相似文献   

印度洋Carlsberg洋脊玄武岩岩石地球化学特征及其地质意义   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文对采自印度洋Carlsberg脊14个站位的新鲜玄武岩样品进行了常量和微量元素组成分析,旨在研究岩浆源区地幔的性质以及岩浆作用过程。研究结果表明:该区玄武岩为典型的源于亏损型地幔的大洋中脊玄武岩,不同样品经历了不同程度的结晶分异作用,演化过程主要受控于橄榄石的结晶分异作用,部分样品中有单斜辉石结晶分异作用的影响,斜长石的结晶分异作用不显著;玄武岩岩浆来源于亏损型尖晶石二辉橄榄岩地幔的熔融,主微量元素组成中尚未见到富集型组分混入的证据;源区地幔不同比例的熔融作用及其后岩浆演化过程的差异是造成不同样品间地球化学性质差异的主要原因,彼此独立的局部岩浆作用过程是岩浆作用差异的主控制因素。Carlsberg脊玄武岩整体与全球标准大洋中脊玄武岩(N-MORB)平均组分相近,不同脊段间岩浆源区地幔的组成、熔融程度(比例)和熔融深度等无明显差异,这种特征向南直到CIR的北段。  相似文献   

The compositional variability of ocean island basalts (OIBs) is thought to reflect partial melting of a lithologically-heterogeneous mantle source dominated by ...  相似文献   

In this study, 13 groups of silicon and oxygen isotopes and major elements of the basalts near the East Pacific Rise 13°N are used to study the fractionation of silicon and oxygen isotopes. Among these data, δ30Si values of basalts vary from -0.4%o to 0.2%o with a mean value of δ30Si of (-0.18±0.22)%o. The δ180 values range from 4.1%o to 6.4%o with a mean δ180 value of (+5.35±0.73) %0. Since the δ30Si values increase in the series of basalt-basaltic andesite- andesite, and δ180 values display a positive correlation with the SiO2 content, we propose that the fractionation of silicon and oxygen isotopes is influenced by the SiO2 content in igneous rocks. Compared with the igneous rocks from Manus Basin with clinopyroxene as their dominant mineral phase, MORBs in this study containing olivine and plagioclase as primary minerals have lower δ180 and δ30Si values, indicating that the fractionation of silicon and oxygen isotopes is also affected by different Si-O bridges in silicate minerals. Furthermore, our samples from the EPR are defined as E-MORB based on K/Ti ratios. Probably, the difference in δ30Si and δ30O between our samples and a normal MORB are cause by the enriched components in E-MORBs.  相似文献   

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