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Summary A programme of residual shear strength testing has been undertaken on a number of Hellenic soil types: Marls, Clays and Flysch. The residual strength was determined using the Bromhead ring shear aparatus. For the applied normal stress range the residual strength envelope was straight and the resultant residual friction angle values are correlated with the index properties, such as Atterberg limits and grain-size distribution. The influence of mineralogy on the residual friction angle is also considered.  相似文献   

Two mathematical models were selected for describing soil collapsibility. The elastic behavior of quasi-uniform materials was utilized for modeling one-dimensional compression of ‘dry’ soil specimens. Water-saturated soil specimens were modeled as elastic materials where deformation properties ‘improve’ during stress increase. Two simple formulas are offered for the interpretation of the double oedometer tests. The validity of these formulas derived within the common stress domain was demonstrated. The analytical expressions derived from the double oedometer tests may be utilized in the interpretation of the single oedometer tests. The effectiveness of the suggested method in the interpretation of single oedometer test was illustrated using the test results published in the literature.  相似文献   

城市土质地基越来越多,但对土质地基承载力的正确认识还不够,合理地利用土质地基既安全又经济。通过几个建筑工程设计变更实例,强调了原位承载力试验的必要性,论述了土质地基承载力特征值取值合理性问题,分析了目前在对土质地基勘察设计中存在的问题。  相似文献   

Recent mapping has provided a close look at detail relationships contrasting a major infrastructural zone with an adjacent suprastructural area in the southern U.S. Piedmont. The Inner Piedmont belt infrastructural flow folds terminate against a northeast trending polydeformational cataclastic zone as one traverses toward the southeast along the South Carolina — Georgia border. The broad axial part of the infrastructural Inner Piedmont is represented by a complex of sillimanite-bearing mica gneiss and schist. Interlayered amphibolite permits recognition of major nappe-like antiforms and synforms. The southeastern edge of the Inner Piedmont is devided from the axial core by a tectonic slide, and is a separate and distinct nappe. Granitoid gneiss and amphibolite dominate in it.Suprastructural rock terrane lies southeast of the cataclastic Lowndesville (Kings Mountain) belt, which is considered to have behaved as a detachment zone between the plastic infrastructure in the northwest and the stiffer suprastructure in the south-east. Mafic metamorphosed rocks dominate the lower stratigraphic section in the suprastructural area. These Charlotte belt rocks are overlain by low grade metavolcanic rocks of the Carolina Slate belt. Tight upright folds characterize the suprastructure.Granitoid bodies of large to small size intrude the Piedmont of this area. Extensive migmatite is associated with this granitoid material in the infrastructural Inner Piedmont belt. Much of the granitoid material formed during the stockwork tectonic phase in an early Paleozoic orogenesis.
Zusammenfassung Neue geologische Kartierungen im südlichen Appalachen-Vorgebirge ergaben einen engen Zusammenhang zwischen Oberbau und Unterbau. In der inneren Piedmont-Zone endet der Fließfaltenbau gegen eine mehrfach deformierte, kataklastische Zone, die sich nach SE entlang der South Carolina/Georgia-Grenze erstreckt. Die breite Achsialzone des Unterbaues im Bereich des inneren Piedmont wird aus Sillimanitführenden Glimmer-Gneisen und Schiefern aufgebaut. Zwischengelagerte Amphibolite erlauben in Synklinen und Antiklinen größere deckenartige Strukturen zu erkennen. Der SE-Teil des inneren Piedmont ist vom achsialen Kern durch eine tektonische Bewegungsfläche getrennt und stellt eine eigene Decke dar. Hier dominieren Granit-Gneise und Amphibolite.Der Oberbau folgt SE der kataklastischen Lowndesville (Kings Mountain) Zone als vom plastischeren Unterbau abgescherter starrer Komplex. Mafische Metamorphite bilden den stratigraphisch liegenden Teil des Oberbaues. Diese Charlotte Belt-Gesteine werden von niedrig metamorphen metavulkanischen Gesteinen des Carolina Slate Belt überlagert. Aufrechte Falten charakterisieren den Oberbau.Granitkörper von verschiedenen Dimensionen intrudieren in das Piedmont. Migmatisierung ist vor allem im inneren Piedmont zu beobachten. Das granitische Material wurde während der Ausbildung der Stockwerkstektonik in einer frühpaläozoischen Gebirgsbildung geformt.

Résumé Une étude géologique récente fournit une première connaissance des contrastes qui existent entre une zone majeure infrastructurale dans le Piedmont des Appalaches du Sud et une région adjacente, superstructurale. Des plis infrastructuraux d'écoulement se terminent contre une zone cataclastique qui s'étend vers le sud-est le long de la frontière entre la Géorgie et la Caroline du Sud. Cette zone, comme toutes les zones, court vers le nord-est. La large zone axiale de l'infrastructure, est représentée par uncomplexe de gneiss et de schistes à mica et à sillimanite. Des intercalations d'amphibolite permettent de reconnaître dans les antiformes et synformes de grandes structures en nappes. Le bord sud-est de l'Inner Piedmont, qui est une nappe distincte, est séparé de la partie centrale par une faille. Le gneiss granitique et l'amphibolite y prédominent.Le domaine superstructural se trouve au sud-est de la zone cataclastique du Lowndesville (Kings Mountain), qui est considérée comme la zone de détachement entre l'infrastructure plastique du nord-ouest et la superstructure plus rigide du sud-est. Des roches métamorphiques et basiques prédominent dans les couches stratigraphiques inférieurs dans la partie rigide. Ces roches de la bande Charlotte sont recouvertes par les roches volcaniques, moins métamorphiques, de la zone Caroline du Slate. Des plissements serrés et verticaux caractérisent la zone megastructurales.Des plutons granitiques de dimensions variées pénètrent le Piedmont, avec migmatitisation surtout dans la zone d'infrastructure. Le materiau granitique s'est formé, au cours de la formation d'une tectonique en Stockwerk lors d'une orogénie dans le Paleozoique ancien.

. Piedmont , SE : /. Piedmont , . . SE Piedmont . - . Lowndesville SE — King Mountain — . . Charlotte Carolina Slate, . . Piedmont . Piedmont . .

筋土界面参数测试方法合理选择研究   总被引:5,自引:3,他引:2  
徐林荣 《岩土力学》2003,24(3):458-462
筋土界面相互作用机理和方式随加筋土结构不同以及同一加筋土结构的位置不同而有所区别,相应参数的测试方法也应不同。根据国内外筋土界面参数测试方法的最新研究成果,结合工程实践发展需要和筋土界面相互作用关系特点,建立了筋土界面参数测试方法选择原则,为工程设计和研究工作中合理选择界面参数测试方法提供了科学的参考依据。  相似文献   

The northeast trending belts in the crystalline Appalachian Piedmont of South Carolina are discussed and related to a detailed study in northwestern South Carolina and to a reconnaissance study of the Piedmont along the South Carolina - Georgia border.A regional tectonic stockwork model based on these studies is proposed for the Appalachian Piedmont. The inner portion of the Piedmont, characterized by recumbent isoclinal folds and nappes, containing migmatitic sillimanite mica schist and gneiss, amphibolite and granite gneiss comprises the infrastructure. Lower grade, tightly folded, non-migmatitic and partially cataclastized zones flanking both sides of this innermost Piedmont belt are considered the detachment zone. The suprastructure is believed to be preserved within the Piedmont near the Atlantic Coastal Plain offlap as two belts. One consists of a moderately deformed, low grade metamorphosed slaty assemblage of volcanics and elastics; the other belt is similar, but extensively intruded by plutons and consequently raised in metamorphic grade.
Zusammenfassung Diese Studie diskutiert die nordöstlich verlaufenden Faltengürtel der kristallinen appalachischen Vorgebirge Südkarolinas und bezieht sich auf eine detaillierte Studie Nordwest-Südkarolinas sowie auf eine Untersuchungsstudie der Vorgebirge entlang der Grenze Südkarolinas und Georgias.Aufgrund dieser Studien ist ein regionales tektonisches Stockwerkmodell für die appalachischen Vorgebirge vorgeschlagen worden. Der Kern des Vorgebirges stellt den Unterbau dar und ist durch liegende isokline Falten und Decken gekennzeichnet, die migmatischen Sillimanit-Glimmerschiefer und Gneise sowie Amphibolit und Granitgneis enthalten. Kleingefaltete, unmigmatische und teilweise kataklastische Zonen von niedriger Temperatur begrenzen beide Seiten dieser Kernzone und werden für Abscherungszonen gehalten. Es wird angenommen, da\ der Oberbau innerhalb der Vorgebirge in der NÄhe der atlantischen Küstenauflage als zwei Faltengürtel erhalten ist. Der eine besteht aus einer mÄ\ig durchbewegten, niedrig metamorphisierten Schieferansammlung von Vulkaniten und detritischen Ablagerungen; der andere Gürtel hat eine Ähnliche Zusammensetzung, besitzt aber ausgedehnte Plutone und folglich eine intensivere Metamorphose.

Résumé Les zones de plissement courant vers le nord-est qui se trouvent dans le Piedmont cristallin des Appalaches de la Caroline du Sud sont le sujet d'une discussion que l'on rapproche d'une étude détaillée de la région nord-ouest de la Caroline du Sud et d'une étude de reconnaissance du Piedmont le long de la frontière entre la Géorgie et la Caroline du Sud.Un modèle tectonique des strates de la région, basé sur ces études, est proposé pour le Piedmont appalachien. La partie intérieure du Piedmont (l'infrastructure) se caractérise par des plis couchés isoclinaux et par des nappes, et elle contient du schiste, du gneiss de sillimanite migmatitiques, et du gneiss amphibolitique et granitique. Certaines zones non-migmatitiques, partiellement cataclastiques, étroitement pliées et d'un degré inférieur se trouvant de chaque cÔté de cette région centrale du Piedmont sont considérées comme la zone de détachement. Dans le Piedmont près de la plaine sédimentaire littorale de l'Atlantique d'origine marine, la superstructure, semble-t-il, reste intacte, formant deux bandes: l'une comprenant un mélange un peu déformé de matière volcanique et clastique, métamorphosé, d'apparence ardoiseuse, et de qualité inférieure; l'autre semblable, mais contenant de grandes quantités de matière plutonique d'injection ayant élevé sa qualité métamorphique.

, - — . . — — , , - , , -. , , . , . . , , .

Summary Residual soils are known to be bonded. The mechanical behaviour of undisturbed residual soils depends, therefore, not just on initial porosity and stress history but mainly on these bonds. This paper compares the stress-strain behaviour obtained from sets of drained triaxial compression tests and direct shear tests, both from undisturbed samples of residual soil. It shows how the same undisturbed bonded structure behaves differently when tested using the two different procedures.  相似文献   

Field penetration tests and shear wave velocity measurements are both established and accepted methods for evaluating liquefaction potential in soils. The results produced by the two methods are generally well correlated. However, recent studies have shown that when investigating tropical lagoonal deposits, the same accepted methods for evaluating liquefaction potential often produce significant discrepancies in results. This discrepancy is most apparent in saturated lagoonal deposits of calcareous gravelly sand (or sandy gravel), which tend to exhibit low penetration resistance values but relatively high shear wave velocities. These disparate test results can suggest different soil classifications under current building codes. Ambiguity in the code may allow for a potentially unconservative classification, which may in turn allow for the use and construction of less costly, lighter weight foundation systems than warranted. Equally as important, the potential for unconservative design as related to liquefaction appears to be high when shear wave velocity measurements are used as a basis for evaluation in these types of lagoonal deposits. Because of this, it is strongly recommended that caution should be excercised when determining seismic design parameters in these types of geologic environments. A hypothesis to explain the discrepancies in the results of evaluation methods and a suggested design protocol is proposed.  相似文献   

On the meaning of the transmissivity values obtained from recovery tests   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Recovery tests are based on estimating transmissivity, T, from the heads that rebound after pumping has stopped. Recovery tests can be performed in wells where conventional constant-rate pumping tests would not be possible. Test interpretation is based on the simple Theis recovery method, related to late time drawdown in an infinite homogeneous aquifer. Yet, field data often cannot be explained by the homogeneous theory. Because T is heterogeneous over an evolving range of scales, it is important to evaluate the support scale of hydraulic tests. Numerical simulations are performed to show that heterogeneity in T can explain these field observations. It is also shown that the local T value around the well can be inferred from early time-recovery data, assuming ideal conditions, whereas late time data yield a large-scale (regional) representative value. Even when recovery is observed for a short time, indirect information about the regional value can also be obtained. A method for the interpretation of recovery tests is proposed based on the Theis recovery method that takes into account the heterogeneity of aquifers. Finally, some guidelines are provided for best test performance depending on the scale of the problem.
Resumen Las pruebas de recuperación se basan en estimar la transmisividad, T, a partir de las cabezas que se recuperan después que el bombeo se ha detenido. Las pruebas de recuperación pueden realizarse en pozos dónde las pruebas de bombeo convencionales, a caudal constante, no son posibles. La interpretación de la prueba se basa en el método simple de recuperación de Theis, relacionado a los últimos valores del abatimiento, en un acuífero homogéneo infinito. No obstante, los datos del campo no pueden ser explicados a menudo por la teoría homogénea. Debido a que T es heterogéneo, por encima de un rango creciente de escalas, es importante evaluar la escala de apoyo de las pruebas hidráulicas. Se realizan las simulaciones numéricas, para mostrar que esa heterogeneidad en T puede explicar las observaciones de campo. También se muestra que los valores de T locales, alrededor del pozo, pueden inferirse a partir de los datos de recuperación iniciales, asumiendo condiciones ideales, mientras que los datos finales entregan un valor representativo de escala grande (regional). Aún cuando la recuperación se observe durante un tiempo corto, también puede obtenerse una información indirecta sobre el valor regional. Se propone un método, que tiene en cuenta la heterogeneidad de los acuíferos, para la interpretación de pruebas de la recuperación, con base en el método de recuperación de Theis. Finalmente, se dan algunas pautas, para la mejor ejecución de la prueba, que dependen de la escala del problema.

Résumé Les tests de remontée sont basés sur l’estimation de la transmissivité, T, d’après les niveaux piézométriques qui se redressent suite à l’arrêt du pompage. Les tests de remontée peuvent être réalisés dans des puits où les tests conventionnels à pompage constant ne pourraient pas être possible. L’interprétation du test est basé sur la simple méthode de Theis à la remontée, relative aux dernières données de rabattement dans un aquifère infini homogène. Cependant, les données de terrain ne peuvent pas souvent être expliquées par la théorie homogène. Parce que T est hétérogène sur une échelle évolutive d’échelles, il est important d’évaluer l’échelle qui s’accommode aux tests hydrauliques. Des simulations numériques sont réalisées pour montrer que l’hétérogénéité de T peut expliquer ces observations de terrain. Il est également montré que la valeur de T autour du puits peut être interprétée grace aux premières données du tests en supposant les conditions idéales à cette interprétation, tandis que les derniers rabattement représentent une valeur de T à une échelle plus large (régional). Même lorsque la remontée est observée sur une courte durée, une information indirecte sur la valeur régionale peut également être obtenue. Une méthode pour l’interprétation des tests de remontée est proposée basée sur la méthode de la remontée de Theis qui prend en compte l’hétérogénéité des aquifères. Finalement, des règles générales sont apportées pour améliorer la performance du test en fonction de l’échelle du problème.

残积土抗剪强度的环剪试验研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
吴迪  简文彬  徐超 《岩土力学》2011,32(7):2045-2050
残积土风化剧烈,研究其大变形下的工程特性很有必要。利用环剪仪的试验特点,可以研究土体在较大剪切位移下抗剪强度的变化规律。通过对残积土残余和峰值强度的环剪试验测定和对试验数据的整理与对比分析,得到了含水率与残余强度指标之间的关系,证明大变形下残积土具有浸水软化的特性;从应变阈值角度分析了残积土应变软化的性质,不同剪切位移下的残积土具有不同的抗剪强度,所研究的残积土达到峰值强度对应的应变介于0.02~0.06之间,而到达基本稳定的残余强度所需要的应变介于0.06~0.20区域内。研究还发现,矿物成分不同直接影响到残积土的残余强度,是残积土不均匀性的内部因素  相似文献   

This study presents the results of Cone Penetration Tests (CPT) and estimated correlations with the results of other in-situ tests (standard penetration test, cross-hole, seismocone) and laboratory tests (classification and undrained shear strength tests). These tests cover nearly all types of penetrable soils in Greece and, together with the formulation of empirical correlations, complement and improve on previous studies due to the significant number of CPT measurements.  相似文献   

This paper summarizes the results of an experimental site investigation and characterization survey, on a residual (saprolitic) soil from granite, in the framework of a research project led by the Faculty of Engineering of the University of Porto (FEUP). This project aims at characterizing these unusual soils in the context of the development of an International Prediction Event (Class A) on the behaviour of different types of piles. A very extensive site characterization campaign, including a large variety of in-situ tests and field methods, has been held. These investigations comprised the application of several geophysical borehole and surface methods, namely P- and S-wave seismic refraction, reflection, cross-hole (CH), down-hole (DH), electrical resistivity imaging and ground probing radar (GPR), as well as mechanical tests, namely SPT, CPT and DMT, among others. The site is geologically formed by an upper layer of heterogeneous residual granitic soil, overlaying rather weathered granite contacting a gneissic migmatite. Direct and indirect results from some of the referred surveys were compared between them and with some of the available geological and geotechnical information, namely those obtained from seismic, electrical and GPR profiles, conducted adjacent to three boreholes in which undisturbed soil samples were collected previously to geophysical data acquisition. In addition, a comprehensive laboratory testing program was carried out using the collected undisturbed samples. A discussion of the obtained results is hereby presented, giving emphasis to the correlations encountered between the different tests, specific of saprolitic soils with weak relic structures.  相似文献   

Microstructural deformation mechanisms of unsaturated granular soils   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A discrete model for unsaturated granular soils has been developed. Three discrete entities have been defined: particles, water menisci and pores. Local interaction forces and water transfer mechanisms have been integrated into a model through the appropriate equilibrium and balance equations. The results of several numerical tests using this model have been described and discussed. Simulations include wetting and drying under load tests, the application of suction cycles and the effect of a deviatoric stress ratio on wetting‐induced collapse. The model reacts just as true granular soil samples behave in laboratory tests. The model provides a new insight into the internal mechanisms leading to large‐scale features of behaviour such as wetting‐induced collapse or the increase in soil strength provided by suction. The paper also stresses that matric suction changes acting on a granular structure are capable of explaining most of the macroscopic features of stress–strain behaviour. Copyright © 2002 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Behavior of unsaturated soils is influenced by many factors, and the influences of these factors are usually coupled together. Suction‐controlled triaxial (SCTX) tests are considered to allow researchers to investigate influences of individual variables on unsaturated soils under specified stress path with controls of stresses, pore water, and air pressures. In the past 50 years, SCTX testing method has been established as a standard approach to characterize constitutive behavior of unsaturated soils. Most important concepts for modern unsaturated soil mechanics were developed upon results from the SCTX tests. Among these, one of the most important contributions in the constitutive modeling of elasto‐plastic behavior for unsaturated soils is the Barcelona basic model (BBM) proposed by Alonso et al. in 1990. The BBM successfully explained many features of unsaturated soils and received extensive acceptance. However, the SCTX tests are designed based upon the divide‐and‐conquer approach in which an implicit assumption is used: soil behavior is stress‐path independent. However, it is well‐established that unsaturated soil behavior is elasto‐plastic and stress‐path dependent. It is found that the SCTX tests in fact cannot control the stress path of an unsaturated soil during loading. This incapability, in combination with complicated loading/collapse behavior of unsaturated soils, makes the SCTX tests for characterizing unsaturated soil questionable. This paper discusses the limitations of the SCTX tests in the characterization of unsaturated soils. A possible solution to the problem was proposed based on a newly developed modified state surface approach. The discussions are limited for isotropic conditions. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

邹维列  王钊  杨志强 《岩土力学》2004,25(11):1775-1778
尽管击实试验是目前最流行的室内土体压实试验方法,但实际上与现场任何一种压实方法都无相似之处,且不适用于无粘性土(粒状土)的压实试验。无粘性土的振动击实试验方法也存在很多问题。现代重型压实设备的使用,路基粒状填土的压实密度达到了目前室内规范试验方法不可能达到的水平。介绍了美国采用供高性能沥青路面混合料设计与质量控制之用的旋转压实机对粒状土进行的压实试验。其结果表明,旋转压实试验能有效模拟路基粒状填土的现场压实特征;可采用压实压力200 kPa、旋转角为1.25°、旋转次数为90、旋转速度为20 rpm的试验结果来控制粒状填土路基的现场压实质量。  相似文献   

三峡泄滩滑坡体滑动带土的蠕变试验研究   总被引:10,自引:4,他引:10  
王琛  胡德金  刘浩吾  许强  黄润秋 《岩土力学》2003,24(6):1007-1010
三峡古滑坡的变形和长期稳定的控制性因素,在于滑动带土力学特性的强度损伤积累和时间效应。为了滑坡建模和稳定数值分析的需要,进行了泄滩滑坡体滑动带土的三轴排水蠕变试验研究。并在此基础上,给出了排水条件下粘性土的Mesri蠕变模型,即剪应力-应变关系采用双曲线模型,应变-时间关系采用幂函数来描述土体的弹粘塑性。  相似文献   

Discrete element modelling of deep penetration in granular soils   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This paper presents a numerical study on deep penetration mechanisms in granular materials with the focus on the effect of soil–penetrometer interface friction. A two‐dimensional discrete element method has been used to carry out simulation of deep penetration tests on a granular ground that is under an amplified gravity with a K0 lateral stress boundary. The numerical results show that the deep penetration makes the soil near the penetrometer move in a complex displacement path, undergo an evident loading and unloading process, and a rotation of principal stresses as large as 180°. In addition, the penetration leads to significant changes in displacement and velocity fields as well as the magnitude and direction of stresses. In general, during the whole penetration process, the granular ground undergoes several kinds of failure mechanisms in sequence, and the soil of large deformation may reach a stress state slightly over the strength envelope obtained from conventional compression tests. Soil–penetrometer interface friction has clear effects on the actual penetration mechanisms. Copyright © 2005 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Summary The presence of mica in pavements can be detrimental due to the effects of high compressibility and low compacted density it imparts to the soils. Three residual micaceous compressible soils derived from granite, granitic gneiss and phyllite can neither be used as base nor sub-base course in their untreated form. In this study, these soils have been treated with a range of lime and sand contents to determine their effects on consistency, compactability, bearing and compressive strengths and volume stability against swell. With 6–8% lime, soils derived over phyllite and granitic gneiss were rendered suitable for use as sub-base course as their plasticity index, 96 hour soaked CBR values and unconfined compressive strengths (UCS) were improved to satisfy existing local criteria. Similarly, with 30% sand both soils became suitable for sub-base course construction. The use of both additives markedly improved the volume stability of all the soils against swell.  相似文献   

This paper presents a re-appreciation of the ground characterisation and the criteria to select the most representative geomechanical parameters to consider in a numerical model to predict the behaviour of a retaining wall of a deep excavation in highly weathered granite rock masses and residual soils. This study was focused in the construction of a deep station of Metro do Porto, which involved a cut and cover solution, with unusual proportions (in plant and in depth), built in the typical Oporto's granite weathered profiles, being the excavation conducted with retaining walls consisting of multi-anchored concrete piles. Specific sections were carefully instrumented, due to the presence of historic buildings in the vicinity. The definition of representative model parameters was based on precise laboratory tests over high quality soil samples, including oedometer and high-precision triaxial tests. Geotechnical and geological characterisation of all the area for the original design, was initially based on in situ tests, such as SPT and rock masses classification, and on the local experience on this type of ground. After this construction, the assumptions of parameterisation, using a constitutive modelling based on new laboratory tests over high quality block samples, allowed a reanalysis of the assumptions on the design phase. A back-analysis of monitored displacements and forces during the construction was made, assuming the designed structural solutions, which were in fact implemented in construction, but considering the new approaches on the definition of the geomechanical parameters for the prevailing weathered rock masses, necessary for the numerical simulation based on the commercial software Plaxis®, using the Mohr-Coulomb and “Hardening-Soil” models. Some specific changes of the constructive sequence during the excavation and activation of supporting system were attained, by looking at the information found during the construction. The results of this parametrical re-approach and analysis of the singularities of highly weathered granite and corresponding residual soils masses for modelling of retaining walls of large excavations are discussed.  相似文献   

The southern coastal plain of Iran at the Persian Gulf encounters oil pollution due to the historical oil exploitation, related tanker navigations and accidents, and petrochemical industrial expansions in the recent years. Therefore, it is important to investigate the geochemical properties of oil-contaminated coastal soils and sediments for engineering and environmental purposes. Here, an extensive laboratory testing program was carried out to determine the effects of crude oil contamination on some of the geotechnical properties of clayey and sandy soils such as CL, SM and SP sampled from the coastal soils from this area. The testing included basic properties, Atterberg limits, compaction, direct shear, uniaxial compression and permeability tests on clean and contaminated soil samples at the same densities. The contaminated samples were prepared by mixing the soils with crude oil in the amount of 2%, 4%, 8%, 12%, and 16% by dry weight. The results indicated a decrease in strength, permeability, maximum dry density, optimum water content and Atterberg limits. Knowledge of these effects of oil contamination is important in coastal engineering and environmental remediation activities of the studied coastal plain.  相似文献   

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