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废轮胎颗粒与黄土混合物压实性能研究   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
李朝晖  张虎元 《岩土力学》2010,31(12):3715-3720
选择废轮胎颗粒以0~50%的掺量与黄土混合,研究了混合土的压实特性,并采用专门设计的环刀击实设备,对环刀击实和标准击实进行了对比分析。试验结果表明,掺量小于20%时混合土的压实特性类似黄土,掺量大于40%时的压实特性类似无黏性土;不同掺量的混合土最大干密度与最优含水率存在幂函数关系,击实能对10%~30%掺量的混合物有效最大干密度影响较小;不同击实能下掺量与最优含水率存在函数关系;混合土存在最佳压实掺量,轻、重型击实能下分别为30%和40%左右。根据室内试验结果,给出了不同掺量混合土击实指标建议值供设计参考。  相似文献   

Shear strength characteristics of sand-mixed with granular rubber   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Waste materials such as waste tires, rubbers, and plastic materials are normally produced in every society, entering the environment and causing serious problems. These problems may be somehow reduced by finding applications for them in engineering, for example, as lightweight materials for backfill in geotechnical projects. To this aim, this paper demonstrates how shear strength characteristics of sand mixed with various percentages of waste garden hose grains are altered. A relatively, uniform sand has been mixed with waste hose grains in loose and slightly compacted states. Waste hose grains were prepared with special popular machinery in a local area. Various sand-rubber mixtures having 0%, 10%, 15%, 20%, 50%, 70%, and 100% waste hose particles by weight were chosen. The rubber grains were distributed in the sand such that uniform mixtures are obtained. In order to compare the shear strength of different sand-rubber samples, two compaction states were considered. The results show that the influencing parameters on shear strength characteristics of sand-rubber mixtures are normal stress, mixture unit weight, and rubber content. With the selected waste hose particles, compaction states, and rubber contents, the initial friction angle φ1 does not change significantly. However, an apparent cohesion appears in the mixtures. From environmental point of view and due to lightweight material for the sand-waste hose particles, it may be useful to use such materials in corresponding geotechnical projects. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

刘方成  吴孟桃  杨峻 《岩土力学》2019,40(2):580-591
橡胶砂作为轻质、耗能填料在土木工程中有广泛的应用前景,但其强度往往会随橡胶含量的增大而降低。土工格栅常用于对散体材料的加筋补强,研究土工格栅对橡胶砂强度特性的加筋效应具有重要意义。基于三轴压缩试验,对3种不同格栅布置方式(1、2、3层)下的干燥橡胶砂强度特性展开研究,重点考察加筋层数对不同围压(50、100、200 kPa)下、不同配比(0%、10%、20%、30%、40%)橡胶砂的强度参数,如峰值强度、似黏聚力、内摩擦角的影响规律。结果表明:土工格栅加筋橡胶砂的强度参数,包括峰值强度、似黏聚力、内摩擦角,相对于未加筋橡胶砂均有明显提高,提高幅度随土工格栅加筋层数的增加而增大,随着围压的降低而增大;土工格栅对配比为20%橡胶砂的强度加筋效应最为明显;土工格栅加筋橡胶砂的强度参数恢复系数与加筋密度之间呈良好的线性关系;土工格栅加筋橡胶砂的强度特性可由试验所得的经验恢复函数较好地估计。  相似文献   

通过室内大型直剪试验和基于PFC2D的颗粒离散元数值模型,探讨考虑块石破碎的土石混合料的剪切特性及块石破碎特征。以土石混合料室内大型直剪试验和筛分试验为基础,提出了一种能真实描述块石形态特征并准确反映块石破碎效应的土石混合料颗粒离散元数值建模方法,模拟并分析了6种含石量土石混合料在4种不同法向应力作用下的剪切特性及块石破碎特征。结果表明:土石混合料抗剪强度随含石量的增大而增大,且基本符合摩尔-库仑(M-C)强度准则,随着含石量增大,内摩擦角呈现“慢-快-慢”增长趋势,黏聚力则呈现先增后减再增大的变化趋势。剪切后土石混合料块石破碎形式可归纳为表面研磨、局部破碎、完全破裂、完全破碎4种方式。提出了一种新的颗粒破碎指标,该指标能够准确描述粒径大于5 mm的块石的破碎程度,其随含石量和法向应力的增大而增大。通过对土石混合料颗粒离散元数值模型剪切面的分析发现,剪切面出现“剪斜”现象,其起伏程度随含石量增大愈加明显,且随着含石量增大剪切面附近剪裂隙数量增多,土石混合料在剪切过程中的破坏为拉-剪混合破坏。  相似文献   

轮胎颗粒混合土动力特性参数影响规律试验研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
李丽华  肖衡林  唐辉明 《岩土力学》2014,299(2):359-364
废旧轮胎碎片颗粒与砂土混合用作路基或挡墙填料、建筑物基础隔震体系等具有质轻、土压力小、减震隔振效果好、耐久性优良、费用低廉的特点。通过室内数字化动三轴试验,重点对比研究了废旧轮胎颗粒含量及围压对混合土及纯砂土动强度、动弹性模量和等效阻尼比等主要动力特性参数的影响规律。结果表明,在相同围压和动剪应力比条件下,混合土动强度相对纯砂土略有降低(最大降低量约20 kPa,即约8%);所有配比混合土动弹性模量均小于纯砂,且减小效果显著,最大减小量约22 MPa(即约60%);混合土等效阻尼比先随轮胎颗粒含量的增大而增加,之后又随之减小,临界含量值介于30%40%之间,混合土等效阻尼比相对纯砂土最大增加量约91%。结果证实,混合土剪切刚度有效降低,可以发挥减震隔振的优势。  相似文献   

A series of laboratory experiments and numerical simulations are conducted to explore the characteristics of mixtures composed of sand and rubber particles of the same median diameter. The mixtures are prepared with different volumetric sand fractions (sf = Vsand/Vtotal). The experiment focuses on assessing the strain level on the characteristics of the mixture with the volume fraction of each component. Numerical simulations using the discrete element method are performed to obtain insight into the microscale behavior and internal mechanism of the mixtures. The experimental results show that the behavior of the mixtures is dependent on the relative sand and rubber particles composition with variation in the strain levels. The numerical simulation reveals the effect of the soft rubber particle inclusion in the mixture on the micromechanical parameters. In low sand fraction mixtures, a high shear stress along the contact is mobilized, and the stress state is driven to a more anisotropic condition because of the relatively high particle friction angle of the rubber. The rubber particles play different roles with the strain level in the mixture, including increasing the coordination number and controlling plasticity of the mixture in a small strain, preventing buckling of the force chain in an intermediate strain, and leading to contractive behavior in a large strain. Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

废旧轮胎的治理是一个世界性的难题,而将废旧轮胎应用于岩土工程加固中则为其污染治理提供了一个行之有效的手段。为了进一步研究废旧轮胎对土体的加固机制并应用到实际工程中,主要选取了全风化花岗岩砂颗粒和加工后的废旧轮胎(包括颗粒型和长条型)的混合体作为研究对象,通过一系列不同竖向压力下的一维压缩试验,详细研究不同橡胶含量配比、不同形态下的橡胶-砂混合体的受压力学特性,并创新性地探讨了橡胶颗粒对砂颗粒在压缩过程中破碎行为的影响。试验结果表明,所有橡胶-砂混合体在较高压力作用下都能收敛到一条直线,即存在唯一的标准压缩线;随着橡胶含量增加到大于20%,混合物的压缩和卸载回弹量均明显增加,而这种特性不受轮胎颗粒形态的影响。此外,轮胎橡胶含量配比越高,砂颗粒的破碎程度越小,同时,当其中砂颗粒尺寸越小时,整体破碎越少。  相似文献   

张虎元  贾灵艳  周浪 《岩土力学》2013,34(6):1546-1552
高放废物处置库中缓冲回填材料需要预先压缩到一定密实度,其压缩特性对处置库的安全设计、施工及运营有重要影响。目前,国内初步考虑将膨润土-砂混合物作为缓冲回填材料的首选。采用WG型单杠杆固结仪,对不同干密度、掺砂率的膨润土-砂混合物进行侧限压缩试验研究。试验结果表明:随着干密度的增大,压缩系数呈二次曲线减小;随着掺砂率的增大,压缩系数呈非线性增大。通过引入有效黏土密度和有效含水率的概念,对不同干密度、掺砂率的膨润土-砂混合物的压缩系数进行解释,并根据试验数据得到了回归的数学模型,试图为缓冲回填材料的配比优化研究提供相关依据。  相似文献   

This report presents a numerical investigation of the shear behavior of binary mixtures via a two-dimensional discrete element method. The effect of the coarse particle content on the peak shear strength of mixtures is investigated for different contact-type friction coefficients. A detailed analysis on the anisotropies enables us to understand the microscopic mechanisms that result in the dependency of the peak shear strengths on the coarse particle content. The contributions of different contact types to the peak shear strength are quantified. Lastly, the inter-particles structures are examined when the binary mixtures become coarse-particle-supported structures.  相似文献   

为了研究干湿、冻融和干湿-冻融循环作用对延吉膨胀岩的应力-应变关系、体变特性、抗剪强度的影响,开展了一系列的固结排水剪切试验。结果表明:未循环试样的应力-应变关系曲线表现为稳定型或弱应变软化型,3种环境作用后试样应力-应变关系曲线呈现出一定的应变软化特性,剪胀明显,而且围压越小、循环次数越高的试样软化和剪胀的程度越高;随着循环次数的增加,3种环境作用下试样的黏聚力急剧减小,而内摩擦角略有增加;干湿-冻融循环作用下试样的应力-应变关系软化程度最高,剪胀最显著,试样的黏聚力降低的幅度最大。基于Konder双曲线模型,对循环处理前后试样的应力-应变特性进行归一化分析,建立了考虑干湿-冻融循环次数和围压影响,能同时描述应变软化型和硬化型的应力-应变关系式,并对不同干湿-冻融循环次数试样的应力-应变曲线进行预测,预测值与实测值较为接近,预测效果较好。  相似文献   

针对以往液压卡盘的胶筒在设计中用经验方法确定的安全系数难于保证胶筒结构的可靠性问题,通过有限元分析方法,对胶筒式液压卡盘的胶筒进行了应力分析,确定了对胶筒应力、应变有较大影响的因素。结果表明,在保证足够夹紧力的前提下,减小胶筒外直径,胶筒长度相应增加,并适当增加胶筒肩部倒角,可以有效改善胶筒的受力条件,提高胶筒使用的可靠性,从而可简化卡盘的结构,提高卡盘的可靠性。  相似文献   

饱和膨润土及其与砂混合物的压缩变形特性   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
孙文静  孙德安  孟德林 《岩土力学》2009,30(11):3249-3255
对用不同制样方法得到的饱和膨润土及其与砂混合物进行了压缩试验。试验结果表明,饱和膨润土的压缩曲线呈双线性,不同于普通黏土的压缩曲线。压缩试验中量测了侧向应力,由此得到的饱和膨润土的静止侧向压力系数值较一般黏土的数值要大。对膨润土与砂混合物的击实样进行了由非饱和到饱和状态的浸水试验,并得出试验过程中侧向应力的变化规律。由于浸水饱和的试样和抽真空饱和的试样在较高压力时压缩曲线趋于一致,可采用快速抽真空饱和的方法进行试验研究,以缩短非饱和混合物击实样浸水饱和所需时间。引入骨架孔隙比的概念,用来判断膨润土与砂混合物中砂骨架是否形成,得出影响混合物压缩特性的决定因素。  相似文献   

We investigate the stress–strain behaviour and failure of a cohesive granular material both by experiments and numerical simulations. The material is an assembly of aluminium rods glued together by means of an epoxy resin. The behaviour of cohesive bonds (force–displacement relationship, failure conditions) is characterized by performing simple loading tests (tension/compression, shear…) on a couple of rods. Then, this local behaviour is introduced in a numerical code based on a discrete element method in order to perform numerical compression tests on large samples. The validation of this approach was the main goal of the present investigation that is essentially achieved by a direct comparison between the numerical results and similar experimental tests. As a basic application, we derive the macroscopic cohesion and friction characteristics of random cohesive materials by systematic numerical simulations in a biaxial geometry. Copyright © 2004 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

In this paper, the compression behavior of sand-marine clay mixtures was investigated, both experimentally and theoretically. The test data reveal that the Normal Compression Line of a sand-clay mixture depends on both the sand fraction and the initial water content of the clay matrix. The local stress in the clay matrix σc is approximately close to the overall stress of the sand-clay mixture σ′ for a sand mass fraction of 20%. The stress ratio, σ′c/σ′, falls significantly with increasing overall stress for a sand fraction of 60%, which may be attributed to the formation of clay bridges between adjacent sand particles. A compression model was formulated within the homogenization framework. First, a homogenization equation was proposed, which gives a relationship between the overall stiffness E and that of the clay matrix Ec. Then, a model parameter ξ was incorporated considering the sensitivity of the structure parameter on the volume fraction of the clay matrix. Finally, a simple compression model with three model parameters was formulated using the tangent stiffness. Comparisons between the experimental data and simulations reveal that the proposed model can well represent the compression curves of the sand-marine clay mixtures observed in the laboratory.  相似文献   

A theoretical and experimental study of the unconfined penetration test (UP) method was conducted to determine the tensile strength of contaminated and compacted sand-bentonite mixtures, which are used widely in the landfill construction sites as a clay liner. To do this, the original UP device and experimental procedure were modified to reduce the measurement errors and named as the improved unconfined penetration (IUP) test. Experiments were carried out to examine the variation in tensile strength as a function of disk diameter, loading rate and pH level. The results of the experiments provided the following important findings. The tensile strength increases with an increase in the disk diameter. The tensile strength is not sensitive to the loading rate in the range of 0.1%/min–1.0%/min. A specimen compacted with a low pH value of water shows a high tensile strength, because a lower pH solution increases soil particle bonding stresses.  相似文献   

杜俊 《地质与勘探》2023,59(2):377-386
露天矿山剥离堆积的土石混合体颗粒尺度不一,且力学性质异常复杂。以西藏甲玛铜矿南坑排土场为研究对象,采用现场勘测的方法测定堆积体的粒度组成及其分布特征,开展室内重塑土样的固结排水三轴压缩试验,以分析土体屈服强度特性与剪胀性,以及抗剪强度参数的取值。研究结果表明,自排土台阶坡顶至坡底,土石混合体的土粒减少且块石增多,颗粒的平均粒径呈指数关系增大;土体的粒度分布具有显著的分形结构特征,随块石含量的增大,其粒度分形维数减小。块石含量不同的土样在偏差应力作用下均表征出压密、屈服、塑性流动破坏的剪切特性,且围压条件与块石含量是影响土体剪切变形的两个关键因素,低围压时增加块石含量,土体更易产生剪胀。摩尔库伦强度准则能客观反映土体屈服的现象及过程,随块石含量的增加,土体的黏聚力呈线性减小且内摩擦角呈指数增大。  相似文献   

针对吹填淤泥的超软土工程性质,提出了ASE桩的概念,即沉管投入复合材料再原位扩径搅拌的施工技术。以固化细料+骨架粗料为超软土提供基本强度及骨架支撑的原理,参考搅拌桩与CFG桩的施工工艺,制作专用双塔型施工设备,尝试形成一种新的施工工艺。进行了现场初步试验,固化细料与骨架粗料的配合比较理想时,可形成较为理想的桩体。成桩质量主要受固化细料影响,骨架粗料的效果发挥需要依赖一定配合比基础的固化细料。先沉管投料再扩径搅拌的工艺是可行的,环刀型叶片能够实现扩径的效果,且双向扩径搅拌的效果要好于单向扩径搅拌的效果。ASE桩的设计计算方法及理论还需做进一步研究,可参考CFG桩与搅拌桩的相关理论开展工作,为地基处理技术的发展提供了新的思路。  相似文献   

张小燕  张益  张晋勋  魏凯园  王宁 《岩土力学》2022,43(8):2115-2122
珊瑚岛礁常年处于复杂的海洋动力环境中,岛上堤坝围堰、基坑等构筑物的地基渗透变形甚至破坏会导致地基承载力失效的可能性变高。为探究橡胶纤维固化钙质砂的渗透特性和固结特性,采用常水头渗透试验和固结试验研究不同纤维含量下钙质砂的渗透规律和固结变形规律,并设置含纤维玻璃珠对照组。钙质砂具有颗粒形状极不规则、多棱角、内孔隙多等特点,为进一步研究颗粒形状的影响,采用高速动态图像粒度分析仪对钙质砂和玻璃珠的颗粒形状和粒径进行分析。试验结果表明,纤维含量对钙质砂试样渗透特性几乎无影响,但是含纤维玻璃珠试样中,随着纤维含量的增加,渗透系数先增加后减小。由于形状不规则橡胶纤维的加入,一定程度上填补了钙质砂之间的孔隙;钙质砂试样存在 800 kPa 的压力阈值,当压力超过800 kPa后,其压缩模量增幅变缓;不同纤维含量试样的e-lg p曲线可以用Harris模型表示,钙质砂组的材料系数 C= 5,玻璃珠组材料系数C= 3,此外,材料参数ab与纤维含量有较好的线性关系。提出了合理的预测模型指导地基加固,具有十分重要的理论价值与工程实际意义。  相似文献   

最优含水率下红层泥岩作为高速铁路路基填料的适用性已经在西南地区得到了初步验证,但饱和状态下红层泥岩填料的累积变形特性仍不明确。为此,开展了不同围压及动应力下饱和红层泥岩填料的动三轴试验,讨论了围压和动应力对填料累积变形特性的影响。结果表明:不同动应力幅值下,饱和红层泥岩填料的等效模量随振次增加,先迅速减小后趋于稳定。稳定后填料的等效模量具有应力水平相关性,随围压增大而增大,随动应力比增大而呈指数减小。不同动应力幅值下,填料变形可分为塑性稳定型、塑性蠕变型和增量破坏型3种类型。填料应变随振次增加而不再处于稳定阶段的应力状态定为塑性稳定界限应力状态。动应力进一步增加后,填料应变速率发生突增,对应的应力状态为塑性蠕变界限应力状态;塑性稳定与塑性蠕变界限应力状态对应的动应力比均低于静强度,且随围压增加呈指数衰减的规律。基床表层如用红层泥岩作填料,应考虑降雨的影响,并采取排水和改良措施以提高路基稳定性。  相似文献   

李晶  缪林昌  钟建驰  冯兆祥 《岩土力学》2010,31(6):1769-1775
通过反复荷载三轴剪切试验研究了EPS颗粒混合轻质土在反复荷载下的变形和阻尼特性,分析了不同围压、不同水泥掺入比及不同土质条件下轴向累积应变、回弹模量及阻尼比随轴向总应变的变化规律。结果表明:轴向累积应变与轴向总应变呈线性关系,与轴向总应变的比值较大,且在不同条件下基本不变;回弹模量随围压和水泥掺入比的增大而增大。在一定的围压和水泥掺入比下,当应变小于8%时,砂土EPS颗粒混合轻质土的回弹模量大于淤泥质土EPS颗粒混合轻质土的回弹模量;当应变大于8%时,情况相反。回弹模量与轴向总应变的关系曲线可用递减的幂函数来拟合;EPS颗粒混合轻质土的阻尼比随轴向总应变的增大而增大,随围压和水泥掺入比的增大而减小,砂土EPS颗粒混合轻质土的阻尼比小于淤泥质土EPS颗粒混合轻质土的阻尼比,但以上变化和差别都非常小,阻尼比基本保持为一常数。  相似文献   

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