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利用IKONOS卫星图像阴影提取城市建筑物高度信息   总被引:18,自引:3,他引:18  
在分析IKONOS卫星图像上建筑物阴影与实际高度关系的基础上,阐述了估算城市建筑物高度的原理和方法,并在以北京市中关村、天坛公园和北海公园为例的试验中,较为准确地得到了建筑物高度信息,从而显示出卫星遥感在城市园林规划与环境数值模拟等方面应用的巨大潜力。  相似文献   

喻国荣 《四川测绘》1995,18(3):117-119
本文讨论了在局部GPS网中通过少量重合点,考虑区域的垂线偏差,求定其它点的正常高。  相似文献   


The graphical methods developed at the War Officeof mapping from strips of vertical photographs are generally widely known. It may be fairly said that they frequently present a reasonably economical method of mapping the planimetry of a country on medium topographical scales when there is a normal third-ordertrigonometrical control, but that so far it has not been possible to provide economically for the accurate depiction of the ground relief. The reason, for this failure is due to the fact that the control required fot contouring is about one fixed height per square inch of map, and the cost of providing this control will normally be of the same order as the cost of mapping by ground methods.  相似文献   


Mr. A. J. Morley has contributed a series of articles in the Review (E.S.R., iv, 23, 16; iv, 25, 136 and vi, 40, 76) on the adjustment of trigonometrical levels and the evaluation of the coefficient of terrestrial refraction with a view to ascertaining how other Colonies and Dominions deal with these problems. This object is very commendable as several problems concerning both the observational and theoretical sides arise in height determinations, regarding which there is not much guidance in the usual treatises on the subject.  相似文献   

在分析遥感影像建筑物阴影与实际高度关系的基础上,阐述了依据影像阴影估算城市建筑物高度的原理和方法,设计了一种基于影像建筑物阴影特征快速提取高程信息的技术方法。在使用北京一号影像数据的试验中,70%的有阴影楼房测量误差在4米以内。  相似文献   

杨利 《四川测绘》2001,24(3):125-128
本文郑重从图集制印工艺的生产流程、生产的组织与管理模式、图形与符号设计、色彩设计四个方面阐述其工艺的创新设计。这四个方面形成了有机的不可分割的整体,贯穿于制印工艺的整个过程。  相似文献   

This study is devoted to testing the general applicability of radar imagery in vegetation analysis, and, in particular, to determining the potential of radar images obtained for different seasons. In plains areas intermediate-scale radar images are used to discriminate forests differing in age and stand productivity and to identify sectors where the tree stand has been partially destroyed. They also can be used as supplementary material in studying forest resources and in geological research in forested plains areas. Translated by Edward Torrey, Alexandria, VA 22308 from: Geografiya i prirodnyye resursy, 1989, No. 3, pp. 130–134.  相似文献   


The Tanganyika Department of Lands and Surveys is to be congratulated on the successful Kilimanjaro Heighting Expedition recorded in the January 1954 issue of this Review (xii, 91, 194–210). In particular, K. T. Pugh is to be commended for his tenacity in makjng the summit observations under trying conditions.  相似文献   

一种符合视觉规律的,基于地图数据的虚拟地景仿真   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:5  
陈刚 《测绘学报》1997,26(3):241-246
本文分析和解决了两个关键性问题,使计算机所生成的虚拟地景符合人的“越近看得越清”视觉规律,并通过实例对该方法的实现过程给予了详细的描述。  相似文献   


Of all methods of surveying, the provision of heights by means of aneroid barometers probably arouses the greatest variety of emotions in the practical surveyor. Some pack a single aneroid rather shamefacedly, look at it only when in difficulties and are thankful if its reading is within 200 feet of what they expect; others with as little care, expect readings correct to the smallest division of the scale; whilst at the other end of the scale are the devotees of the aneroid who will attempt-and often succeed-in raying out gravity pipe lines in flattish country with no other instruments.  相似文献   

为了对航海雷达图像进行海杂波数据的精确校正,结合实测海浪数据,提出了一种海杂波数据校正方法.首先,针对雷达成像过程中的几何畸变,结合数据采集系统的实际工作参数,通过方位向和距离向数据的快速分离进行几何校正;然后,针对海杂波数据沿扫描线方向存在的辐射量畸变,根据实际海浪分析的信号要求,利用沿扫描线上的非线性原理进行相对辐射校正.结果表明,无论是数据处理速度还是校正后的影像质量,均达到了海浪分析工程的实用要求.  相似文献   

孙育秋 《四川测绘》2003,26(2):85-88
长江经济带可持续发展地图集是一部观念新颖,紧扣国家经济建设需要的新型地图集。文章着重论述了图集的内容层面和主题表达,并就设计中的若干问题作了分析。  相似文献   


In the past there has been considerable discussion on the above subject in this Review. There is a bibliography at the end of this article in which the full titles of previous articles are given. For brevity, reference to them in the following text is made by number only. Recently, Gulatee summarized present knowledge and asked how other Survey Departments dealt with this matter. Consequently, it was considered that it would be helpful to set out in detail the procedure adopted by the Directorate of Colonial Surveys for obtaining trigonometric heights, with particular reference to primary and seoondary chains and nets.  相似文献   


Most text-books on surveying limit their discussion of the correction of vertical angles for curvature of the earth and atmospheric refraction to the correction of angles taken with a theodolite during triangulation and omit any reference to those taken with a clinometer. This is rather illogical, as in well-observed triangulation, with all vertical angles measured in both directions, no correction for these effects is necessary, whilst in plane-tabling on small scales where sketching at considerable distances is frequently employed the application of corrections for these effects is essential.  相似文献   

新疆拜城地区煤田煤层自燃的陆地卫星遥感探测方法研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
霍彦光  张志 《国土资源遥感》2004,15(1):36-39,82
利用TM图像,结合区域实测、地质和区域能源分布资料,分析了煤田煤层自燃的光谱特征,对煤田地火燃烧区进行定位;在此基础上对新疆拜城地区TM图像进行线性变换、边界增强、波段运算、多波段假彩色合成等增强处理,识别并提取影像中煤田煤层自燃引起的地表热信息、地表植被异常和岩石烧变信息等,通过分析达到探测煤田火区的目的。  相似文献   

The authors describe how remote sensing imagery can be employed in the identification of different types of chernozem soils in a predominantly agricultural zone (forest steppe), where natural vegetation (normally one of the best vegetation indicators) has been largely displaced by farm fields. A multi-stage methodology is outlined whereby small-scale imagery is used to delineate large regions of similar bioclimatic-geologic characteristics, from which areas of similar soil formation conditions are distinguished. Multispectral and multitemporal space imagery then is employed to detect less salient ecological-soil differences that can affect phototone and image texture. Translated by Edward Torrey, Alexandria, VA 22308 from: G. V. Dobrovol'skiy and V. L. Andronikov, eds., Aerokosmicheskiye metody v pochvovedenii i ikh ispol'zovaniye v sel'skom khozyaystve: sbornik nauchnykh trudov [Remote Sensing Methods in Soil Science and Their Utilization in Agriculture: A Collection of Scientific Works]. Moscow: Nauka, 1990, pp 103–109.  相似文献   

Some methods of adjusting the vertical height errors produced in a strip of aerial triangulation are discussed and a semi-graphic method of adjustment suggested.  相似文献   


The Mythical Spheroid.—The preceding article dealt with the fact that the spheroid of reference is a myth and that, even if it were not, we could not get hold of it at any given place. In order to apply corrections to observed quantities or, more generally, to operate upon them mathematically, we must make some assumption such as that of the spheroidal level surface. Probably a lot of harm has been done by attaching the notion of too concrete a thing to the spheroid. Disputes and misconceptions have arisen. People talk of“putting the spheroid down at a point” and imagine that the obedient thing is still at their feet when they get to another point, perhaps distant, in their system of triangulation or what not. Actually the spheroid may be disobedient not only as regards the direction of the vertical but also because it is above their heads or below their feet. What happens is that at each point afresh the computer treats the observations as if they were made there on the surface of a spheroid. In the same way, but travelling still farther along the road of hypothesis, he may treat observations for astronomical positions as if the compensation for visible elevations were uniformly distributed as a deficiency of density down to a depth of 122·2 kilometres. That was the depth which happened to give the smallest sum of squares of residuals in a certain restricted area, but nobody imagines that it corresponds with a physical reality, especially the ·2! It was a convenient mathematical instrument which, once the theory was to be given a trial, had to be fashioned out of some assumption or another. All this has little to do with geodetic levelling but is meant to try to banish the spheroid out of the reader's mind or at least to the back of his mind. In what follows we shall be compelled to make a certain amount of use of the family of spheroids but always with the above strictures in view.  相似文献   


Preliminary Note.—The substance of this article was written in 1921 at the request of Lieut-Col. Wolff, who was then in charge of the Levelling Division of the Ordnance Survey and with whom the author collaborated in writing “The Second Geodetic Levelling of England and Wales, 1912–21” under the direction of Sir Charles Close. It was not intended for publication and was not again considered until 1928, when a discussion by correspondence was started by the Surveyor-General of Ceylon on the subject of hill circuits in levelling. In this discussion the survey authorities in Great Britain, Canada, India, and South Africa took part, but the main theme was the accumulation of error due to the large number of sightings necessary in hilly country and the question whether a common formula for such country and for flat country was justifiable. In his contribution Dr. van der Sterr made a brief allusion to the subject of the present paper and Dr. de Graaff Hunter went into details. His contribution and the following remarks therefore have some arguments in common.  相似文献   

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