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新疆稀缺的森林资源承担着重要的生态服务功能, 林火作为森林生态系统中重要的干扰因子, 与当前全球变暖关系密切, 明确全球变暖对新疆森林火灾的影响及二者关系对于保护新疆森林资源及生态具有重要意义。本研究选取新疆维吾尔自治区1988~2020年森林火灾数据及气候数据, 对二者采用M-K检验、距平分析法、异常度分析法和相关性分析后发现, 1988~2020年期间新疆森林覆盖区域气候显著变暖, 生长季及夏季气温影响当年森林火灾, 而4月降水与6月气温变化对第二年火灾产生重要影响, 气候变化改变燃料湿度、堆积量等燃料条件可能为导致这一现象发生的主要原因。这一研究为全球变暖下新疆林火预警提供重要参考。


全球变暖与太阳活动   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
郭广猛 《地学前缘》2005,12(3):112-112
目前人们普遍认为全球气候变暖与人类大量排放温室气体导致的温室效应有关.近日日本横滨国立大学环境信息研究院的伊藤公纪教授研究了200 a来地球平均气温和太阳磁场强度的关系,发现两条曲线基本吻合(2005).伊藤公纪由此推断太阳活动对气候变暖也有影响,仅用温室气体增加解释气候变暖可能不够全面.  相似文献   

山东省气候变暖与旱涝变化   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  

物候对全球变暖响应的研究综述   总被引:73,自引:4,他引:73  
近100年来,尤其是在最近20多年,全球平均表面温度出现了显著上升,全球变暖已成为全球关注的重要问题。物候现象与气候等环境因素息息相关,物候对全球变暖的响应研究正在成为物候研究的一个新的热点领域,NDVI正日益成为植被对气候响应研究的重要手段。概述了当前物候对全球变暖响应研究的主要进展。基于实地动植物等物候观测和遥感监测的大量研究表明,近期动植物等物候正发生着显著变化:北半球中高纬度地区植被生长季延长、植物提早开花、昆虫提早出现、鸟类提早产蛋以及冰川退缩、永冻土带融化、江河湖泊结冰推迟而融化提早等,与气候变暖有密切关系,是对全球变暖的明显响应。目前国内的许多研究者在物候对气候变暖响应方面做了一些工作,但与国际研究进展相比,还有许多研究工作有待于进一步开展。  相似文献   

冷圈对全球变暖的响应与海面上升   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
李培基 《冰川冻土》1994,16(3):274-282
Oerlemans等(1992)用能量平衡模式所做的全球冰川和小冰帽物质平衡的敏感性试验表明。未来全球1K增温引起的山地冰川和小冰帽的加速消融将使海面上升0.58mm/a。比Meier早些时候的估计值小了1倍以上。近来有关大陆冰盖雪积累率随气温升高而增加的报道引起了广泛的注意。1975-1985年比1930-1985年平均增加了~20%,这意味着导致海面下降0.1-1.2mm/a。可能人类面临海面  相似文献   

天然气水合物分解与全球变暖   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
天然气水合物是白色似冰状晶体物质 ,由水分子构成晶体格架将气体 (通常为甲烷-CH4 )分子捕获其中的笼型化合物。其形成需要特定的低温、高压条件和充足的CH4 (天然气 )供给。地球上满足以上条件的地区有永久冻土带和水深大于 3 0 0~ 5 0 0m的水体 (包括海洋和深湖 ).  相似文献   

全球温度变化影响着区域降水模式,科学和历史资料表明,在全球变暖时间范围内,象中国这样的低纬度内陆,是比较湿润的,而象欧洲高纬度的一些国家则比较干燥,两种环境都有利于农业经济。在全球变冷的时候,低纬度的内陆比较干燥,而高纬度的一些国家较湿润,这两种环境对农业经济是有害的。  相似文献   

全球气候变暖与未来发展趋势   总被引:25,自引:0,他引:25       下载免费PDF全文
王绍武 《第四纪研究》1991,11(3):269-276
根据全球及中国气温观测资料分析了近百年全球变暖问题,指出总的变暖趋势对认为温室效应的加剧是气候变暖的原因的意见有利。但温度变化的时空分布则与温室效应的理论结果有不少不一致之处,如变暖的突变性,50年代到70年代的变冷、80年代大洋北部的变冷及中国南部的变冷等。根据代用资料建立的数百年气温序列表明,19世纪是小冰期中的一个冷期。因此,如果从这时开始计算变暖幅度,则可能过高估计了温室效应。  相似文献   

全球气候变暖争议中的核心问题   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
综合分析了全球气候变暖争议中的3个核心问题:①全球变暖停滞了吗?回答是不一定。虽然根据HadCRUT3序列显示1999—2008年温度增量很小,但是这10年仍是过去30年中最暖的10年。而根据NASA GISS序列,则同期温度增量仍达到0.19℃/10a。目前全球地表气温在一个较暖平台上振荡,不能忽视自然气候变率。②气候变暖完全是由人类活动造成的吗?回答是否定的。虽然温室效应加剧可能是全球变暖的主要原因。但是,ENSO、太阳活动、火山活动、热盐环流等对全球变暖也有影响,在年代际及年际尺度上其影响甚至有时可能超过人类活动的作用。其中,太阳活动对气候变化的影响是需要重点考虑的因素。③气候变暖的影响有十分明显的迹象吗?回答是肯定的。近几年冰雪圈融化的速率及海平面上升的速率均超过了2007年IPCC第四次评估报告的估计,因此对未来SL上升的预估值也增加了。  相似文献   

空气湿度是重要的气象要素,与气温和降水密切相关,其长期变化特征是气候系统变化的重要表征。2003年前后全国自动站与人工站的更替使得相对湿度资料存在不能满足均一性的要求,亟需加强空气湿度变化特征方面研究。利用1961—2010年中国824个气象站订正后均一性较好的逐日气温、降水量和相对湿度数据,剔除缺测多的站点,采用线性回归分析、Mann-Kendall趋势检验和偏相关分析方法,综合分析中国水汽压和相对湿度的长期变化特征及其与气温和降水量的相关特征。结果表明:(1)全国各地年均水汽压呈增大趋势的站点占全部站点的90.3%;除春夏两季的黄土高原至云贵高原一带和长江下游地区、秋季的华南地区有所减小外,各季节全国水汽压普遍呈增大趋势。(2)全国年均相对湿度呈减小趋势的站点占64.1%;除河北北部至辽宁北部、陕西南部至黄淮地区、江南北部、青藏高原和四川西部地区以及西北大部呈增大趋势外,其余地区普遍减小;季节差异明显,春、夏和秋季,中东部大部分地区相对湿度以减小趋势为主;冬季除东北地区和云南减小外,其余大部分地区相对湿度增大。(3)全国各地水汽压与气温、降水量普遍以正相关为主,与气温的相关性强于与...  相似文献   

Indian Monsoon Variability in a Global Warming Scenario   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) constituted by the World Meteorological Organisation provides expert guidance regarding scientific and technical aspects of the climate problem. Since 1990 IPCC has, at five-yearlyintervals, assessedand reported on the current state of knowledge and understanding of the climate issue. These reports have projected the behaviour of the Asian monsoon in the warming world. While the IPCC Second Assessment Report (IPCC, 1996) on climate model projections of Asian/Indian monsoon stated ``Most climate models produce more rainfall over South Asia in a warmer climate with increasing CO2', the recent IPCC (2001) Third Assessment Report states ``It is likely that the warming associated with increasing greenhouse gas concentrations will cause an increase in Asian summer monsoon variability and changes in monsoon strength.'Climate model projections(IPCC, 2001) also suggest more El Niño – like events in the tropical Pacific, increase in surface temperatures and decrease in the northern hemisphere snow cover. The Indian Monsoon is an important component of the Asian monsoon and its links with the El Niño Southern Oscillation (ENSO) phenomenon, northern hemisphere surface temperature and Eurasian snow are well documented.In the light of the IPCC globalwarming projections on the Asian monsoon, the interannual and decadal variability in summer monsoon rainfall over India and its teleconnections have been examined by using observed data for the 131-year (1871–2001) period. While the interannual variations showyear-to-year random fluctuations, thedecadal variations reveal distinct alternate epochs of above and below normal rainfall. The epochs tend to last for about three decades. There is no clear evidence to suggest that the strength and variability of the Indian Monsoon Rainfall (IMR) nor the epochal changes are affected by the global warming. Though the 1990s have been the warmest decade of the millennium(IPCC, 2001), the IMR variability has decreased drastically.Connections between the ENSO phenomenon, Northern Hemisphere surface temperature and the Eurasian snow with IMR reveal that the correlations are not only weak but have changed signs in the early 1990s suggesting that the IMR has delinked not only with the Pacific but with the Northern Hemisphere/Eurasian continent also. The fact that temperature/snow relationships with IMR are weak further suggests that global warming need not be a cause for the recent ENSO-Monsoon weakening.Observed snow depth over theEurasian continent has been increasing, which could be a result of enhanced precipitation due to the global warming.  相似文献   

Fauchereau  N.  Trzaska  S.  Rouault  M.  Richard  Y. 《Natural Hazards》2003,29(2):139-154
Rainfall variability and changes in Southern Africa over the 20th century areexamined and their potential links to the global warming discussed. After a shortreview of the main conclusions of various experiments with Global AtmosphericModels (GCM) forced by increased concentrations of greenhouse gases for SouthernAfrica, a study of various datasets documents the observed changes in rainfall featuresat both daily and seasonal time steps through the last century. Investigations of dailyrainfall parameters are so far limited to South Africa. They show that some regionshave experienced a shift toward more extreme rainfall events in recent decades.Investigations of cumulative rainfall anomalies over the summer season do notshow any trend to drier or moister conditions during the century. However, closeexamination reveals that rainfall variability in Southern Africa has experiencedsignificant modifications, especially in the recent decades. Interannual variabilityhas increased since the late 1960s. In particular, droughts became more intense andwidespread. More significantly, teleconnection patterns associated with SouthernAfrican rainfall variability changed from regional before the 70s to near global after,and an increased statistical association to the El Niño – Southern Oscillation (ENSO) phenomenon is observed. Numerical experiments with a French GCM indicate that these changes in teleconnections could be related to long-term variations in the Sea-Surface-Temperature background, which are part of the observed global warming signal.  相似文献   

The production efficiency of shale gas is affected by the interaction between hydraulic and natural fractures. This study presents a simulation of natural fractures in shale reservoirs, based on a discrete fracture network (DFN) method for hydraulic fracturing engineering. Fracture properties of the model are calculated from core fracture data, according to statistical mathematical analysis. The calculation results make full use of the quantitative information of core fracture orientation, density, opening and length, which constitute the direct and extensive data of mining engineering. The reliability and applicability of the model are analyzed with regard to model size and density, a calculation method for dominant size and density being proposed. Then, finite element analysis is applied to a hydraulic fracturing numerical simulation of a shale fractured reservoir in southeastern Chongqing. The hydraulic pressure distribution, fracture propagation, acoustic emission information and in situ stress changes during fracturing are analyzed. The results show the application of fracture statistics in fracture modeling and the influence of fracture distribution on hydraulic fracturing engineering. The present analysis may provide a reference for shale gas exploitation.  相似文献   

Research on the Global Warming Hiatus   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A global warming “hiatus” has been observed since the beginning of the 21st century despite the increase in heat-trapping greenhouse gases, challenging the current global warming studies. Focusing on the phenomena and mechanisms of the global warming “hiatus”, the National Key Research Program of China launched a project in July, 2016. The main research themes of this project cover: ①Revealing the spatial and temporal variability of the global warming hiatus, and quantifying the contributions of external forcing and internal (natural) variability, respectively; ②Revealing the role of the atmosphere in the global heat and energy redistribution under global warming hiatus; ③Revealing the role of the ocean in the global heat and energy redistribution under global warming hiatus; ④Investigating the predictability of the global warming hiatus. The key scientific issues to be resolved include: ①Identifying characteristics of the global warming hiatus and discerning the roles of decadal, multi-decadal oscillations; ②Revealing the role of ocean-atmosphere dynamical processes in the global redistribution of heat and energy; ③Understanding the predictability of the global warming hiatus. The research aims to predict the future development of the global warming hiatus, and to point out the possible impacts on China and other important areas, including “The Belt and Road” core area and the Polar Regions.  相似文献   

柳浩  刘江平 《地球科学》2014,39(12):1783-1792
为了解决长时间正演模拟的不稳定性问题, 实现天然地震波场长时间数值模拟.在高阶有限差分数值模拟的基础上, 给出了多轴向完全匹配吸收边界(M-PML)二维划分方式, 讨论了M-PML吸收边界转换系数P的取值对其吸收能力与截断误差对数值模拟有效信号的影响.实现了二维弹性波高阶有限差分的长时间数值模拟.采用2013年12月16日湖北省巴东县地震及余震信息, 对该地震数据进行了数值模拟, 并与武汉、秭归两台站数据进行了分析和讨论, 验证该正演模拟方法的正确性和有效性.为天然地震波场传播规律、成像和震相识别及震源定位等研究提供了基础.   相似文献   


This paper reports that in the period of global warming continuing over 150 years, there are the glaciers growing in size.


1998—2012年,全球平均地面增温速率较之前明显趋缓,出现全球变暖停滞现象,该现象的成因与机制是当前气候变化研究的一个热点领域。主要从外部强迫和内部变率2个角度回顾全球变暖停滞产生机制的研究进展。从气候系统外部强迫影响来说,全球变暖停滞主要受到太阳活动、火山爆发、气溶胶以及平流层水汽等的影响。从气候系统内部调控作用来看,全球增温速率减缓主要受到太平洋、大西洋、印度洋和南大洋自然变率以及相应的热量再分配过程的影响。全球变暖停滞期间气候系统内部能量并没有减少,其中一部分能量被转移并储存在了海洋中深层,从而对全球增温减缓产生影响。同时,重点回顾了针对部分耦合强迫作用的"起搏器"试验,该类试验是研究全球变暖停滞的特征、成因及机制的有力手段。此外,也总结了全球变暖停滞现象对气候系统能量收支平衡、资料、模拟以及相关政策制定等方面带来的挑战,展望了未来的研究重点。  相似文献   

From 1998 to 2012, the warming rate of global mean surface air temperature showed significantly slower than before, which is referred to as the global warming hiatus. The causes and underlying mechanisms of this phenomenon are currently a hot topic of climatic change research. The research significance of global warming hiatus was discussed and relevant research progress was reviewed from two perspectives of external forcings and internal variabilities. In term of external forcings, global warming hiatus is mainly affected by solar activities, volcanic eruptions, aerosols and stratospheric water vapor. With respect to internal variabilities, the warming rate of global mean surface air temperature slowdown is mainly related to the natural variabilities of the Pacific Ocean, the Atlantic Ocean, the Indian Ocean and the Southern Ocean and influenced by the related heat redistribution processes. During the global warming hiatus period, some energy is transferred and restored in the deep ocean so as to modulate the global warming rate, rather than there is a reduction of global total energy in the climate system. In addition, the partially coupled forcing pacemaker model experiment was also reviewed. The pacemaker experiment is a powerful tool for studying the characteristics, causes and underlying mechanisms of the global warming hiatus. Besides, some challenges resulted from the global warming hiatus, including the global energy imbalance, data, simulation and related policy-making were summarized, and future research directions were also discussed.  相似文献   

We provide an introduction and a foreword to the Special Issue “Phytoplankton Time Series in Estuaries and Coastal Ecosystems”. This issue includes long-term investigations (10–40 years) of 22 coastal ecosystems and a comparative analysis of chlorophyll a from 84 time series. The results and conclusions provided by these studies help to illuminate the disparities and similarities in long-term phytoplankton dynamics among a wide range of coastal systems and provide insight into the major driving factors responsible for short- and long-term trends in phytoplankton communities.  相似文献   

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