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Statistical learning theory is for small-sample statistics. And support vector machine is a new machine learning method based on the statistical learning theory. The support vector machine not only has solved certain problems in many learning methods, such as small sample, over fitting, high dimension and local minimum, but also has a higher generalization (forecasting) ability than that of artificial neural networks. The strong earthquakes in Chinese mainland are related to a certain extent to the intensive seismicity along the main plate boundaries in the world, however, the relation is nonlinear. In the paper, we have studied this unclear relation by the support vector machine method for the purpose of forecasting strong earthquakes in Chinese mainland.  相似文献   

Introduction Through studying ″foreshock″ and sequence features of strong earthquakes with focal mechanism of strike-slip or thrust occurred in the shallow subduction zone or in the continental thrust belt respectively, Reasenberg (1999) suggested that precursory representation and the se- quence features are related tightly to the rupture mechanism of the mainshock. This implies that the rupture pattern of the mainshock is probably one of the important factors affecting the features of afte…  相似文献   

Based on data of earthquake sequences with MS≥5.0 in Chinese mainland from 1970 to 2004,for different se-quence types and different rupture modes of the main shock,the relationship between aftershock distribution size Rand the magnitude of the main shock M0 has been studied statistically.Considering the rupture mode of the mainshock,we give the quantitative statistical relationships between R and M0 under 95%confidence level for differentsequence types.Qualitatively,lgR,the logarithm of the aftershock distribution size,is positively correlative to theM0,but the data distribution is dispersed.Viewing from different sequence types,the correlation between R and M0is very weak for isolated earthquake type(IET)sequence,R distributes in the range from 5 to 60 km;For main-shock-aftershock type(MAT),lgR is positively correlative to M0;For multiple main shock type(MMT),the core-lation between lgR and M0 is not very obvious when M0≤6.2 and R distributes in the range from 5 to 70 km,whileit shows a linear correlation when M0≥6.3.The statistical results also show that the occupational ratios of differentsequence types for strike-slip and oblique slip are almost the same.But for dip-slip(mostly are thrust mechanisms),the ratio of MAT is higher than that of IET and MMT.Comparing with previous results,it indicates that,when M0is large enough,R is mainly determined by M0 and there is almost no relationship with the rupture mode of themain shock.  相似文献   

1 Introduction of GPS observation dataThe Crustal Movement Observation Network of China (CMONOC) is a major scientific project in China organized by China Seismological Bureau and paticipated by the Bureau of Surveying and Mapping of the General Staff, the Chinese Academy of Sciences and the National Bureau of Surveying and Mapping. Based on the observation data of 25 fiducial stations and 56 basic stations in CMONOC (Figure 1 and Table 1), collected from August 26 to September…  相似文献   

An example of earthquake nucleation of the strong continental earthquakes   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
IntroductionThe study on earthquake nucleation is widely concerned by seismologists in the world. The experimental and theoretical studies indicate that earthquakes should be preceded by quasi-static slip within a nucleation zone (Ohnaka, 1992; Dodge, Beroza, 1995; Dodge, et al, 1996; Ohnaka, Kuwahara, 1990; Yamashita, Ohnaka, 1991). The earthquake nucleation process means a transition from quasi-static to quasi-dynamic rupture process, and it itself is a short-term precursor. Immediate fo…  相似文献   

Anisotropy of the upper mantle in Chinese mainland and its vicinity   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
IntroductionAnisotropy is a universal phenomenon in the upper mantle. The mechanisms, which cause elastic anisotropy of in-situ rocks, include lattice preferred orientation of the minerals composing the rocks and preferred orientation of magma chambers. Lattice preferred orientation (LPO) of olivine is widely believed to be the dominant cause of the upper mantle anisotropy. The observational results of the upper mantle anisotropy can be explained by tectonic process relating to plate motion.…  相似文献   

IdentifyingtheactiveandinactiveperiodofearthquakesinChinesemainlandisofgreatimportanceforguid-ingmid-shortterm,especiallyshortterm,earthquakeforecast.Thisisanindispensablestepforstudyingearth-quakepredictioninourcountry.Nowanintegratedsetofconceptsandmethodsforgeneraltrendpredictionofearthquakeactivityhasbeendeveloped.BasedontheChineseearthquakedatasincethebeginningofthe20thcentury,somestatisticalmethodshavebeendevelopedtoanalyzeoccurrencefrequencyandenergyreleaseofearthquakes,distinguishacti…  相似文献   

EarthquakemigrationinEastAsiamainland(Ⅰ)──ThemigrationofhugeearthquakesandvolcanicactivityfromWestPacificTrenchtotheChinese m...  相似文献   

StudyoftheanomalyofseismicfractalspectrumbeforestrongearthquakesLINGRENZHU1)(朱令人)SHIYONGZHOU1)(周仕勇)MALINGYANG1)(杨马陵)HAIT...  相似文献   

Introduction In the last 20 years, with observation technique development in space monitoring to Earth, a large progress has been made in monitoring crustal movement. This makes it possible for us to study crustal movement and the present geodynamic. Continuous GPS observation conducted in Chinese mainland and its neighboring region provides us for studying the present strain field of crustal micro-behavior tectonic. Crustal micro-behavior tectonic means that we can study the dif-ference bet…  相似文献   

IntroductionStrongorlargeearthquakesoccurredalongaspecificsegmentofanactivefaultarecalledsegment-rupturingearthquakes.Suchearthquakesoccurrepeatedlyatpreviouslocations.Thecurrentrecurrencemodelsforearthquakesrepeatedatpreviouslocationswereproposedonlimiteddatafromcharacteristicearthquakesonplateboundaries,mainlyincludingthetime-predictableandslippredictablemodels(Shimazaki,Nakata,1980),thequasi-periodicmodel(Bakun,McEvilly,1984;Savage,Cockerham,1986),andthetime-andmagnitude-predictablemodel…  相似文献   

通过对1950年以来中国大陆5级以上原地(区)连发地震组的空间特征研究,发现各个时期的原地(区)连发地震组具有填充的特征,各个时期都存在主体活动区域,并且与7级地震活动关系密切。依据以上特征,可对今后中国大陆发生7级以上地震和5级以上原地(区)连发地震组的发震区域提供判定参考,在地震活动性分析上也是一种新的尝试,有待于时间的检验。  相似文献   

The long-term earthquake prediction from 2021 to 2030 is carried out by researching the active tectonic block boundary zones in the Chinese mainland. Based on the strong earthquake recurrence model, the cumulative probability of each target fault in the next 10 years is given by the recurrence period and elapsed time of each fault, which are adopted from relevant studies such as seismological geology, geodesy, and historical earthquake records. Based on the long-term predictions of large earthquakes throughout the world, this paper proposes a comprehensive judgment scheme based on the fault segments with the seismic gap, motion strongly locked, sparse small-moderate earthquakes, and apparent Coulomb stress increase. This paper presents a comprehensive analysis of the relative risk for strong earthquakes that may occur in the coming 10 years on the major faults in the active tectonic block boundary zones in the Chinese mainland. The present loading rate of each fault is first constrained by geodetic observations; the cumulative displacement of each fault is then estimated by the elapsed time since the most recent strong earthquake.  相似文献   

IntroductionInassessingtheprobabilitiesoftime-dependentandlong-termseismichazardsforsegmentsofactivefaults,itisnecessarytohavetheprobabilitydensity,f(O,fordescribingtherecurrenceintervaldistributionforsegment-rupturingearthquakes.Fromf(nandthefollowingequation,theconditionalprobability,pc,whichincreaseswiththetime,Te,elapsedsincethelatestearthquake,isabletobecalculated(Nishenko,Buland,1987,WorkingGrouponCaliforniaEarthquakeProbabilities,1995;Wen,1995,1998)fwhereATisthetimeintervalforthefor…  相似文献   

地震预测面临着地球内部的"不可入性"和大地震"非频发性"的问题,是极具挑战性且尚待解决的世界性科学难题之一(陈运泰,2009) .地震活动是断裂活动的直接体现,精定位的震源深度客观反映了断裂深部发生地震滑动变形的起始位置.断裂深部发生的慢滑动和重复地震等对揭示断裂深部行为具有重要的指示意义(Harris,2017).在...  相似文献   

中国大陆强震时空关联特征及应用   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
陈化然  刘文兵 《地震》2002,22(1):25-31
根据我国大陆强震成组活动的特征,以强震诱发和成组孕育理论为基础,对我国近30年以来的强震进行At值扫描,并对其作出了系统分析和R值评分,据此对我国地震大形势进行了一定程度的预测。  相似文献   

基于小波变换和支持向量机的中国大陆强震预测   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
将小波变换和支持向量机用于中国大陆年度最大地震震级预测。 先用小波变换把中国大陆年度最大地震序列分解成几个不同尺度水平(频率)的子序列, 然后使用支持向量机对分解后的子序列分别进行预测, 最后通过重构几个子序列的支持向量机预测结果得到最终预测结果, 预测次年中国大陆最大地震震级。 与支持向量机和神经网络方法对比, 结果表明小波变换和支持向量机相结合方法具有更高的预测精度, 预测效果很好, 说明此方法可用于地震时间序列预测。  相似文献   

Introduction It is well known that China locates in the southeastern part of Eurasian Plate, which subjects to the action of westward subducting of Pacific Plate and Philippine Sea Plate, and northward col- lision of Indian Plate. So China is a country with strong seismicity. There are two kinds of earth-quake activities in China. In the Chinese mainland most of the earthquakes belong to the intraplate ones, and in Taiwan of China belong to interplate ones. According to the statistics 9…  相似文献   

朝鲜史料记载的中国地震   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
整理和讨论了朝鲜王朝时期(1392 ~1910年)主要历史文献《朝鲜王朝实录》、《承政院日记》和《日省录》中有关中国地震的史料.新增1483年12月30日(明成化十九年十二月初一)北京地震和1810年黑龙江省宁古塔(宁安)地震.提出清康熙二十四年乙丑春(1685年)北京顺义地震的佐证.  相似文献   




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