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Areas of lunar surface magnetic field are observed to ‘mirror’ low energy electrons present in the normal lunar space environment. The ambient electrons provide, in effect, a probe along the ambient magnetic field lines down to the lunar surface for remote sensing of the presence of surface fields. This probe, unlike direct measurement by the magnetometer, does not require low altitude or a very stable (magnetotail) ambient field to provide a mapping of regions of occurrence of such fields. Use of the on-board vector magnetometer measurements of the ambient magnetic field orientation allows accurate projection of such mapping onto the lunar surface. Preliminary maps of the lunar surface magnetic areas underlying the orbit of the ‘Particles and Fields Satellite deployed from Apollo-16’ have been generated, obtaining 40% coverage from partial data to demonstrate feasibility of the technique. As well as providing independent verification of areas such as Van de Graaff already discovered in the magnetometer data, these maps reveal many previously unreported areas of surface magnetism. The method is sensitive to fields of less than 0.1γ at the surface. Application to the full body of available PFS-1 & 2 electron data is expected to provide complete mapping of the lunar surface for areas of magnetization up to latitudes of 35–40 deg. The surface field regions observed are generally due to sources smaller than 10–50 km in size, although many individual regions are often so close together as to give much larger regions of effectively continuous mirroring. Absence of consistent mirroring by any global field places an upper limit on the size of any net lunar dipole moment of less than 1010 γ km3. Much additional information regarding the magnetic regions can be obtained by correlated analysis of both the electron return and vector magnetometer measurements at orbital altitude, the two techniques providing each other with directly complimentary measurements at the satellite and along the ambient field lines to the surface.  相似文献   

A method of analysis is developed for combining the measurements of two surface magnetometers so as to deduce empirically the very low frequency electromagnetic transfer function of the Moon. The method is expected to be useful in determining the presence of a lunar metallic core by making usable for this purpose simultaneous magnetic field measurements by the Apollo 15 and 16 surface modules.  相似文献   

Lunar images acquired at non-zero phase angles show brightness variations caused by both albedo heterogeneities and local topographic slopes of the surface. To distinguish between these two factors, altimetry measurements or photoclinometry data can be used. The distinction is especially important for imagery of phase-function parameters of the Moon. The imagery is a new tool that can be used to study structural anomalies of the lunar surface. To illustrate the removal of the topographic effects from photometric images, we used Earth-based telescopic observations, altimetry measurements carried out with the Kaguya (JAXA) LALT instrument, and a new photoclinometry technique that includes analysis of several images of the same scenes acquired at different phase angles. Using this technique we have mapped the longitudinal component of lunar topography slopes (the component measured along the lines of constant latitude). We have found good correlations when comparing our map with the corresponding data from Kaguya altimetry. The removal of the topographic surface properties allows for the study of the phase-function parameters of the lunar surface, not only for flat mare regions, but for highlands as well.  相似文献   

A human return to the Moon will require that astronauts are well equipped with instrumentation to aid their investigations during geological field work. Two instruments are described in detail. The first is a portable X-ray Spectrometer, which can provide rapid geochemical analyses of rocks and soils, identify lunar resources and aid selection of samples for return to Earth. The second instrument is the Geological and Radiation environment package (GEORAD). This is an instrument package, mounted on a rover, to perform in-situ measurements on the lunar surface. It can be used for bulk geochemical measurements of rocks and soils (particularly identifying KREEP-enriched rocks), prospect for ice in shadowed areas of craters at the poles and characterise the lunar radiation environment.  相似文献   

Srinivas N. Mohan 《Icarus》1979,40(2):317-330
The global distribution of existing lunar topography suffers from a lack of measurements of far-side radii because of the sparsity of data types in the nonequatorial regions. This paper presents determinations of far-side lunar radii based on the reduction of photogrammetric measurements derived from selected Apollo 16 trans-Earth phase photographs. The regions covered in this analysis lie west of Mare Moscoviense between longitudes 90 and 130°E and latitudes 10 and 60°N. The determinations are made using control points appearing on both NASA topographic orthophoto maps and the Apollo 16 photographs. The estimated lunar radii are referred to these control points and determined with a relative accuracy of 500 m. The new lunar radii are used to generate a topographic map covering the area investigated. The map shows that, with the given spatial density of surface festures measured, basin-sized features can be resolved. In particular, the far-side craters Fabry, Riemann, and Szilard comprise a topographically depressed region about 500 km in diameter centered at 120°E and 38.5°N. The floor of this basin is 2.4 to 3.4 km below the reference sphere of 1738.0 km and 4.8 to 5.8 km below the northern rim of the basin. A comparison of the depth of the unfilled basin with the depths of maria-filled front-side basins leads to the conclusion that basalt fill of the near-side maria may be 2 km deep. The topographic map shows good correlation with geologic provinces of young plains and cratered terra in the far-side highland region investigated. Lack of correlation between sampled values of the state-of-the-art 16th-order and 16th-degree harmonic gravity field model and corresponding topographical values leads to the conclusion that the far-side region investigated is isostatically compensated.  相似文献   

In VLBI observations of Vstar, a subsatellite of the Japanese lunar mission SELENE, there were opportunities for lunar grazing occultation when Vstar was very close to the limb of the Moon. This kind of chance made it possible to probe the thin plasma layer above the Moon's surface as a meaningful by-product of VLBI,by using the radio occultation method with coherent radio waves from the S/X bands.The dual-frequency measurements were carried out at Earth-based VLBI stations. In the line-of-sight direction between the satellite and the ground-based tracking station where VLBI measurements were made, the effects of the terrestrial ionosphere, interplanetary plasma and the thin lunar ionosphere mixed together in the combined observables of dual-frequency Doppler shift and phase shift. To separate the variation of the ionospheric total electron content(TEC) near the surface of the Moon from the mixed signal, the influences of the terrestrial ionosphere and interplanetary plasma have been removed by using an extrapolation method based on a short-term trend. The lunar TEC is estimated from the dual-frequency observation for Vstar from UT 22:18to UT 22:20 on 2008 June 28 at several tracking stations. The TEC results obtained from VLBI sites are identical, however, they are not as remarkable as the result obtained at the Usuda deep space tracking station.  相似文献   

We present the first in situ measurements of the secondary electron emission efficiency of lunar regolith, utilizing Lunar Prospector measurements of secondary electrons emitted from the negatively charged night side and accelerated upward by surface electric fields. By comparing measurements of secondary currents emitted from the surface and incident primary electron currents, we find that the secondary yield of lunar regolith is a factor of ∼3 lower than that measured for samples in the laboratory. This lower yield significantly affects current balance at the lunar surface and the resulting equilibrium surface potentials. This information must be folded into models of the near-surface plasma sheath, in order to predict the effects on dust and other components of the lunar environment, and ultimately determine the importance for surface exploration and scientific investigations on the Moon.  相似文献   

Data from the Apollo 15, 16, and 17 laser altimeters has been used to study slopes, elevations and roughness in the identifiable regions on the Moon which sporadically produce plasma compressions and magnetic field enhancements in the solar wind/lunar void boundary, when those regions are at a flow limb. It is found that occurrence rates for such ‘limb compressions’ derived from Explorer 35 satellite measurements are significantly correlated with peak, average and rms slopes in the source regions, whereas rates derived from Apollo 15 and 16 subsatellite data are not correlated with topography. This suggests that two or more mechanisms operate in the source regions to produce limb compressions. Together with the known correlation between limb compressions and local surface remanent magnetic fields, the results indicate that lunar magnetization is not strongly related to surface features.  相似文献   

In this article, we discuss four fundamental scientific problems of lunar research: (1) lunar chronology, (2) the internal structure of the Moon, (3) the lunar polar regions, and (4) lunar volcanism. After formulating the scientific problems and their components, we proceed to outlining a list of technical solutions and priority lunar regions for research. Solving the listed problems requires investigations on the lunar surface using lunar rovers, which can deliver a set of analytical equipment to places where geological conditions are known from a detailed analysis of orbital information. The most critical research methods, which can answer some of the key questions, are analysis of local geological conditions from panoramic photographs, determination of the chemical, isotopic, and mineral composition of the soil, and deep seismic sounding. A preliminary list is given of lunar regions with high scientific priority.  相似文献   

Microrater frequencies caused by fast (? 3 km s?1) ejecta have been determined using secondary targets in impact experiments. A primary projectile (steel sphere, diam 1.58 mm, mass 1.64 × 10?2 g) was shot in Duran glass with a velocity of 4.1 km s?1 by means of a light gas gun. The angular distribution of the secondary crater number densities shows a primary maximum around 25°, and a secondary maximum at about 60° from the primary target surface. The fraction of mass ejected at velocities of ? 3 km s?1 is only a factor of 7.5 × 10?5 of the primary projectile mass. A conservative calculation shows that the contribution of secondary microcraters (caused by fast ejecta) to primary microcrater densities on lunar rock surfaces (caused by interplanetary particles) is on the statistical average below 1% for any lunar surface orientation. Calculation of the interplanetary dust flux enhancement caused by Moon ejecta turned out to be in good agreement with Lunar Explorer 35in situ measurements.  相似文献   

The residual dipole moment of the outer spherical shell of the Moon, magnetized in the field of an internal dipole is calculated for the case when the permeability of the shell differs from unity. It is shown that, using an average value of surface magnetization from returned lunar crystalline rock samples and a global figure for the lunar permeability of 1.012, that a residual moment of the order of 1015 to 1016 Am2 is expected. This value is some two or three orders of magnitude lower than the moment for a shell magnetized in an external uniform field and is of the same order as the upper limit of the residual moment detected by Russellet al. (1974). At present the magnetic data and the thermal state of the Moon are not known with sufficient accuracy to distinguish between a crust magnetized in an internal dipole field of constant polarity and a crust magnetized in the dipole field of a self-reversing core dynamo. Refined measurements of the relevant parameters together with the theory presented in this paper could enable these two possibilities to be distinguished.  相似文献   

The lunar atmosphere and magnetic field are very tenuous. The solar wind, therefore, interacts directly with the lunar surface material and the dominant nature of interaction is essentially complete absorption of solar-wind particles by the surface material resulting in no upstream bowshock, but a cavity downstream. The solar-wind nitrogen ion species induce and undergo a complex set of reactions with the elements of lunar material and the solar-wind-derived trapped elements. The nitrogen concentration indigeneous to the lunar surface material is practically nil. Therefore any nitrogen and nitrogen compounds found in the lunar surface material are due to the solar-wind implantation of nitrogen ions. The flux of the solar-wind nitrogen ion species is about 6×103 cm–2 s–1. Since there is no evidence for accumulation of nitrogen species in the lunar surface material, the outflux of nitrogen species from the lunar material to the atmosphere is the same as the solar-wind nitrogen ion flux. The species of the outflux are primarily NO and NH3, and their respective concentrations in the near surface lunar atmosphere are found by calculation to be 327 and 295 cm–3. The calculated concentration of NH3 seems to be consistent with the sunrise concentration results of the mass spectrometer implanted on the lunar surface. This is not the case for the concentration of NO. According to the presently calculated concentration value of NO, the mass spectrometer should have detected NO at sunrise, but no report was made for its detection. There is also discrepancy about the concentration of N2 which is explained in this paper. The concentrations of nitrogen species in the lunar material at the time of sample collection on the Moon remained about the same when the samples were analyzed on the Earth. However, no specific experiment was planned to detect the nitrogen species in the lunar material samples.  相似文献   

The spacecraft P1 of the new ARTEMIS (Acceleration, Reconnection, Turbulence, and Electrodynamics of the Moon's Interaction with the Sun) mission passed the lunar wake for the first time on February 13, 2010. We present magnetic field and plasma data of this event and results of 3D hybrid simulations. As the solar wind magnetic field was highly dynamic during the passage, a simulation with stationary solar wind input cannot distinguish whether distortions were caused by these solar wind variations or by the lunar wake; therefore, a dynamic real-time simulation of the flyby has been performed. The input values of this simulation are taken from NASA OMNI data and adapted to the P1 data, resulting in a good agreement between simulation and measurements. Combined with the stationary simulation showing non-transient lunar wake structures, a separation of solar wind and wake effects is achieved. An anisotropy in the magnitude of the plasma bulk flow velocity caused by a non-vanishing magnetic field component parallel to the solar wind flow and perturbations created by counterstreaming ions in the lunar wake are observed in data and simulations. The simulations help to interpret the data granting us the opportunity to examine the entire lunar plasma environment and, thus, extending the possibilities of measurements alone: A comparison of a simulation cross section to theoretical predictions of MHD wave propagation shows that all three basic MHD modes are present in the lunar wake and that their expansion governs the lunar wake refilling process.  相似文献   

Analysis of seismic signals from man-made impacts, moonquakes, and meteoroid impacts has established the presence of a lunar crust, approximately 60 km thick in the region of the Apollo seismic network; an underlying zone of nearly constant seismic velocity extending to a depth of about 1000 km, referred to as the mantle; and a lunar core, beginning at a depth of about 1000 km, in which shear waves are highly attenuated suggesting the presence of appreciable melting. Seismic velocitites in the crust reach 7 km s–1 beneath the lower-velocity surface zone. This velocity corresponds to that expected for the gabbroic anorthosites found to predominate in the highlands, suggesting that rock of this composition is the major constituent of the lunar crust. The upper mantle velocity of about 8 km s–1 for compressional waves corresponds to those of terrestrial olivines, pyroxenites and peridotites. The deep zone of melting may simply represent the depth at which solidus temperatures are exceeded in the lower mantle. If a silicate interior is assumed, as seems most plausible, minimum temperatures of between 1450°C and 1600°C at a depth of 1000 km are implied. The generation of deep moonquakes, which appear to be concentrated in a zone between 600 km and 1000 km deep, may now be explained as a consequence of the presence of fluids which facilitate dislocation. The preliminary estimate of meteoroid flux, based upon the statistics of seismic signals recorded from lunar impacts, is between one and three orders of magnitude lower than previous estimates from Earth-based measurements.Paper dedicated to Professor Harold C. Urey on the occasion of his 80th birthday on 29 April, 1973.  相似文献   

Observations of the distribution of linearly polarized lunar thermal emission were made at a wavelength of 3.1 mm with The University of Texas 4.88 m parabolic reflector (0.042° HPBW). A shadow corrected, rough surface, thermal emission model for a homogeneous Moon was leastsquares-fitted to the polarization data. Results indicate an effective lunar dielectric constant of 1.34 ±0.04 with surface roughness characterized by a standard deviation of 17° ± 5° for surface slopes with a normal probability density, independent of lunar phase. A comparison of these results with published values at other wavelengths suggests that the effective lunar dielectric constant, as obtained by lunar emission measurements, decreases with decreasing wavelength of observation. This wavelength dependence may be interpreted in terms of an inhomogeneous surface and/or a surface that possesses intermediate scale surface roughness.This work was supported in part by NASA Grant NGL 44-012-006.  相似文献   

Reliable measurements of the Moon's global heat flow would serve as an important diagnostic test for models of lunar thermal evolution and would also help to constrain the Moon's bulk abundance of radioactive elements and its differentiation history. The two existing measurements of lunar heat flow are unlikely to be representative of the global heat flow. For these reasons, obtaining additional heat flow measurements has been recognized as a high priority lunar science objective. In making such measurements, it is essential that the design and deployment of the heat flow probe and of the parent spacecraft do not inadvertently modify the near-surface thermal structure of the lunar regolith and thus perturb the measured heat flow. One type of spacecraft-related perturbation is the shadow cast by the spacecraft and by thermal blankets on some instruments. The thermal effects of these shadows propagate by conduction both downward and outward from the spacecraft into the lunar regolith. Shadows cast by the spacecraft superstructure move over the surface with time and only perturb the regolith temperature in the upper 0.8 m. Permanent shadows, such as from thermal blankets covering a seismometer or other instruments, can modify the temperature to greater depth. Finite element simulations using measured values of the thermal diffusivity of lunar regolith show that the limiting factor for temperature perturbations is the need to measure the annual thermal wave for 2 or more years to measure the thermal diffusivity. The error induced by permanent spacecraft thermal shadows can be kept below 8% of the annual wave amplitude at 1 m depth if the heat flow probe is deployed at least 2.5 m away from any permanent spacecraft shadow. Deploying the heat flow probe 2 m from permanent shadows permits measuring the annual thermal wave for only one year and should be considered the science floor for a heat flow experiment on the Moon. One way to meet this separation requirement would be to deploy the heat flow and seismology experiments on opposite sides of the spacecraft. This result should be incorporated in the design of future lunar geophysics spacecraft experiments. Differences in the thermal environments of the Moon and Mars result in less restrictive separation requirements for heat flow experiments on Mars.  相似文献   

This paper reviews the evidence for magnetization of the Moon found from discovery of remanence in lunar samples, direct measurements of fields on the surface of the Moon, and direct and indirect determination of fields from lunar orbit. It is shown that the evidence implies that the fields are not only local but that regional properties are found though there is still no direct evidence for a global dipole moment. Limits on the detectibility of a global dipole are given and it is shown that the strength of magnetization for reasonable thermal gradients places possible dipole moments just below the threshold of detectibility of current experiments. The hypothesis of plate magnetics is reviewed. Current ideas regarding the source of the background magnetic field presumed responsible for the magnetization are critically considered. These are the dynamo hypothesis and primordial magnetization. Consequences of both are discussed and finally the constraints placed upon the thermal evolution of the Moon are considered.Paper dedicated to Professor Harold C. Urey on the occasion of his 80th birthday on 29 April 1973.  相似文献   

Range measurements from the orbiting spacecraft to the lunar surface were made during the Apollo 15 mission using a laser altimeter. The measurements were made in a plane inclined at approximately 26° with respect to the lunar equator. Analysis of measurements made during one complete lunar revolution indicates that the figure of the Moon is very complex. The lunar far side appears to be considerably rougher than the near side in this plane. There appears to be a very large depression on the far side centered at approximately 180° longitude. The near-side maria are depressed with respect to surrounding terrae. These data provide some proof that there is a displacement between the center of figure and the center of mass of the Moon.  相似文献   

The precision of lunar gravity field estimation has improved by means of three to five orders of magnitude since the successful GRAIL lunar mission. There are still discrepancies however, in the low degree coefficients and long wavelength components of the solutions developed by two space research centers (JPL and GSFC). These discrepancies hint at the possibilities for improving the accuracy in the long wavelength part of the lunar gravity field. In the near future, China will launch the Chang’E-5 lunar mission. In this sample-return mission, there will be a chance to do KBRR measurements between an ascending module and an orbiting module. These two modules will fly around lunar at an inclination of ~49 degrees, with an orbital height of 100 km and an inter-satellite distance of 200 km. In our research, we simulated the contribution of the KBRR tracking mode for different GRAIL orbital geometries. This analysis indicated possible deficiencies in the low degree coefficient solutions for the polar satellite-to-satellite tracking mode at various orbital heights. We also investigated the potential contributions of the KBRR to the Chang’E-5 mission goal of lunar gravity field recovery, especially in the long wavelength component. Potential improvements were assessed using various power spectrums of the lunar gravity field models. In addition, we also investigated possible improvements in solving lunar tidal Love number K2. These results may assist the implementation of the Chang’E-5 mission.  相似文献   

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