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Under the combination effect of recommencement heating due to the spin-down of strange stars (SSs) and heat preservation due to the weak conduction heat of the crust, Cooper pair breaking and formation (PBF) in colour superconducting quark matter arises. We investigate the cooling of SSs with a crust in the colour superconductivity phase including both deconfinement heating (DH) and the PBF process. We find that DH can delay the thermal evolution of SSs and the PBF process suppresses the early temperature rise of the stars. The cooling SSs behave within the brightness constraint of young compact objects when the colour superconductivity gap is small enough.  相似文献   

We present results of a population synthesis study of radio-loud and radio-quiet γ-ray pulsars from the Galactic plane and the Gould Belt. The simulation includes the Parkes multibeam pulsar survey, realistic beam geometries for radio and γ-ray emission from neutron stars and the new electron density model of Cordes and Lazio. Normalizing to the number of radio pulsars observed by a set of nine radio surveys, the simulation suggests a neutron star birth rate of 1.4 neutron stars per century in the Galactic plane. In addition, the simulation predicts 19 radio-loud and 7 radio-quiet γ-ray pulsars from the plane that EGRET should have observed as point sources. Assuming that during the last 5 Myr the Gould Belt produced 100 neutron stars, only 10 of these would be observed as radio pulsars with three radio-loud and four radio-quiet γ-ray pulsars observed by EGRET. These results are in general agreement with the recent number of about 25 EGRET error boxes that contain Parkes radio pulsars. Since the Gould Belt pulsars are relatively close by, the selection of EGRET radio-quiet γ-ray pulsars strongly favors large impact angles, β, in the viewing geometry where the off-beam emission from curvature radiation provides the γ-ray flux. Therefore, the simulated EGRET radio-quiet γ-ray pulsars, being young and nearby, most closely reflect the current shape of the Gould Belt suggesting that such sources may significantly contribute to the EGRET unidentified γ-ray sources correlated with the Gould Belt.  相似文献   

In an attempt to model the accretion on to a neutron star in low-mass X-ray binaries, we present 2D hydrodynamical models of the gas flow in close vicinity of the stellar surface. First, we consider a gas pressure-dominated case, assuming that the star is non-rotating. For the stellar mass we take   M star= 1.4 × 10−2 M  and for the gas temperature   T = 5 × 106 K  . Our results are qualitatively different in the case of a realistic neutron star mass and a realistic gas temperature of T ≃ 108 K, when the radiation pressure dominates. We show that to get the stationary solution in a latter case, the star most probably has to rotate with the considerable velocity.  相似文献   

It is argued that the iron nucleosynthesis rate in the universe due to SNI outbursts is dependent on the mass function of star formation. Since the mass function depends on the chemical composition and since the masses of SNI precursors have upper limits, the iron nucleosynthesis rate was low at an earlier evolutionary epoch of the universe when mainly massive stars were formed. The iron nucleosynthesis rate should reach a maximum near z ∼ 0.5. At such or similar value of z the well-known ‘step’ in the cosmic γ-ray background spectrum may be explained by the presence of γ-gray quanta accompanying the radioactive56Co →56Fe decay. An argument is presented against the identification of the hidden mass of the universe with black-hole remnants of ‘type III’ stars.  相似文献   

We derive a formula for the nodal precession frequency and the Keplerian period of a particle at an arbitrary orbital inclination (with a minimum latitudinal angle reached at the orbit) in the post-Newtonian approximation in the external field of an oblate rotating neutron star (NS). We also derive formulas for the nodal precession and periastron rotation frequencies of slightly inclined low-eccentricity orbits in the field of a rapidly rotating NS in the form of asymptotic expansions whose first terms are given by the Okazaki-Kato formulas. The NS gravitational field is described by the exact solution of the Einstein equation that includes the NS quadrupole moment induced by rapid rotation. Convenient asymptotic formulas are given for the metric coefficients of the corresponding space-time in the form of Kerr metric perturbations in Boyer-Lindquist coordinates.  相似文献   

The overall dynamical evolution and radiation mechanism of γ-ray burst (GRB) jets are briefly introduced. Various interesting topics concerning beaming in GRBs are discussed, including jet structures, orphan afterglows and cylindrical jets. The possible connection between GRBs and neutron stars is also addressed.  相似文献   

It is shown that parameters of flashes, detected by multichannel image cameras of Cherenkov detectors with closed lids are close to those of Cherenkov flashes initiated by VHE gamma-quanta in the Earth atmosphere. Even after application of criteria for gamma-like events selection a considerable part of those flashes may be misclassified and accepted as gammas. Since the flashes of this kind are detected also during normal measurements with the opened lids of image cameras it just increases the background and, as a consequence, decreases the detector sensitivity even when one uses an anticoincidence scintillator shield around the camera (its efficiency is about 75 %). The use of detectors consisting of two (or more) sections no less than 20–30 m apart permits us to avoid the detection of both muon and local charged particles flashes in the course of observations.  相似文献   

The equation of state of neutron star matter is examined in terms of the relativistic mean-field theory, including a scalar-isovector δ-meson effective field. The constants of the theory are determined numerically so that the empirically known characteristics of symmetric nuclear matter are reproduced at the saturation density. The thermodynamic characteristics of both asymmetric nucleonic matter and β-equilibrium hadron-electron npe-plasmas are studied. Assuming that the transition to strange quark matter is an ordinary first-order phase transition described by Maxwell's rule, a detailed study is made of the variations in the parameters of the phase transition owing to the presence of a δ-meson field. The quark phase is described using an improved version of the bag model, in which interactions between quarks are accounted for in a one-gluon exchange approximation. The characteristics of the phase transition are determined for various values of the bag parameter within the range B ∈ [60,120]MeV/fm3 and it is shown that including a δ-meson field leads to a reduction in the phase transition pressure P 0 and in the concentrations n N and n Q at the phase transition point. Translated from Astrofizika, Vol. 52, No. 1, pp. 147–164 (February 2009).  相似文献   

We construct a model for the magnetic-field evolution of an isolated neutron star by assuming that its core is a type II superconductor and that the field penetrates the core in the form of magnetic lines (fluxoids). We consider the fluxoid expulsion from the core and the field dissipation in a conducting crust. The magnetic-field evolution is calculated self-consistently by taking into account the inverse effect of crustal magnetic line bending on the fluxoid velocity in the core. We consider the evolution of two magnetic configurations, in which the bulk of the magnetic flux passes through the neutron-star core and crust. The buoyancy of fluxoids and the force from the neutron vortexes are mainly responsible for their expulsion from the core in the former and latter cases, respectively.  相似文献   

The Ooty data on VHE (> 600 GeV) γ-rays from the Crab pulsar have been used to look at possible emission on three different timescales,viz. years, minutes and hours. When averaged over three years of observation, there is no significant time-averaged emission. But interesting aspects are revealed when the data are subdivided into miniruns of one-minute duration. Minutes with moderate γ-ray activity were isolated with a κ2 analysis. The summed phasogram of such minutes shows two strong peaks coinciding with the radio main pulse and the interpulse respectively. The probability that these are due to chance is small. The phasogram has a bimodal distribution which indicates some emission from the middle region between the two phases. In general, there is no significant emission on the timescale of a few hours. However, the main pulse, as well as the bimodal distribution, were seen also in the total data of two nights of simultaneous observation at two sites during 1984–1985.  相似文献   

We discuss the nature of the various modes of pulsation of superfluid neutron stars using comparatively simple Newtonian models and the Cowling approximation. The matter in these stars is described in terms of a two-fluid model, where one fluid is the neutron superfluid, which is believed to exist in the core and inner crust of mature neutron stars, and the other fluid represents a conglomerate of all other constituents (crust nuclei, protons, electrons, etc.). In our model, we incorporate the non-dissipative interaction known as the entrainment effect, whereby the momentum of one constituent (e.g. the neutrons) carries along part of the mass of the other constituent. We show that there is no independent set of pulsating g-modes in a non-rotating superfluid neutron star core, even though the linearized superfluid equations contain a well-defined (and real-valued) analogue to the so-called Brunt–Väisälä frequency. Instead, what we find are two sets of spheroidal perturbations whose nature is predominately acoustic. In addition, an analysis of the zero-frequency subspace (i.e. the space of time-independent perturbations) reveals two sets of degenerate spheroidal perturbations, which we interpret to be the missing g-modes, and two sets of toroidal perturbations. We anticipate that the degeneracy of all these zero-frequency modes will be broken by the Coriolis force in the case of rotating stars. To illustrate this we consider the toroidal pulsation modes of a slowly rotating superfluid star. This analysis shows that the superfluid equations support a new class of r-modes, in addition to those familiar from, for example, geophysical fluid dynamics. Finally, the role of the entrainment effect on the superfluid mode frequencies is shown explicitly via solutions to dispersion relations that follow from a 'local' analysis of the linearized superfluid equations.  相似文献   

When the upper part of a neutron star crystallizes to form the crust, the constituting ions are trapped in the lattice as a result of the low diffusion rates in the solid phase. As a consequence, the local composition of the crust corresponds to the equilibrium condition at the melting point and not at the present internal temperature. The inclusion of the small entropic contribution to the free energy does not lead to marked changes in our view of the microscopic structure of a neutron star crust, because the melting temperature is much smaller than the typical energies at play in the crystal cell. However, mixing between layers characterized by different nuclear species is found to be an important effect for the production of impurities. We show that one should expect an increase of the thermal diffusion time through the crust at small temperatures, because of the decrease of thermal conductivity in relatively thin impurity-rich layers acting as isolating shields.  相似文献   

The dominant emission from bare strange stars is thought to be electron–positron pairs, produced through spontaneous pair creation (SPC) in a surface layer of electrons tied to the star by a superstrong electric field. The positrons escape freely, but the electrons are directed towards the star and quickly fill all available states, such that their degeneracy suppresses further SPC. An electron must be reflected and gain energy in order to escape, along with the positron. Each escaping electron leaves a hole that is immediately filled by another electron through SPC. We discuss the collisional processes that produce escaping electrons. When the Landau quantization of the motion perpendicular to the magnetic field is taken into account, electron–electron collisions can lead to an escaping electron only through a multistage process involving higher Landau levels. Although the available estimates of the collision rate are deficient in several ways, it appears that the rate is too low for electron–electron collisions to be effective. A simple kinetic model for electron–quark collisions leads to an estimate of the rate of pair production that is analogous to thermionic emission, but the work function is poorly determined.  相似文献   

The gravitational radiation of a neutron star with a weakly coupled superfluid component is considered. It is assumed that regions can exist in the star's core which rotate at substantially higher angular velocities than the observed angular velocities of pulsars. A star of this sort has a quadrupole moment on the order of the maximum value for the neutron star configurations that have been discussed, so it could be a powerful source of gravitational radiation for the planned Advanced LIGO detector. Translated from Astrofizika, Vol. 51, No. 4, pp. 647–652 (November 2008).  相似文献   

We studied the evolution of isolated strange stars (SSs) synthetically, considering the influence of r -mode instability. Our results show that the cooling of SSs with non-ultrastrong magnetic fields is delayed by heating due to r -mode damping for millions of years, while the spin-down of the stars is dominated by gravitational radiation (GR). Especially for the SSs in a possible existing colour–flavour locked (CFL) phase, the effect of r -mode instability on the evolution of stars becomes extremely important because the viscosity, neutrino emissivity and specific heat involving pairing quarks are blocked. It leads to the cooling of these colour superconducting stars being very slow and the stars can remain at high temperature for millions of years, which differs completely from previous understanding. In this case, an SS in CFL phase can be located at the bottom of its r -mode instability window for a long time, but does not spin-down to a very low frequency for hours.  相似文献   

The field of Very High Energy (VHE) gamma ray astronomy using the Atmospheric Cerenkov Technique has entered an interesting phase with detection of various galactic and extragalactic sources. Among galactic sources, only the Crab nebula has been established as a standard candle. Most observations on pulsars are in agreement as to the necessity for the GeV spectra to steepen at < 200 GeV. While the Imaging method for increase of sensitivity has been successful with many results, an alternate technique —Wavefront Sampling Technique- is also being used by an increasing number of experiments. The recently commissioned experiment at Pachmarhi (PACT) in India is presented as an example of this technique. Preliminary results from this experiment show detection of VHE γ-ray emission from (a) the Crab nebula at a high significance and (b) Crab and Geminga pulsars at > 1.5 TeV which could be the second component of the Outer Gap pulsar models.  相似文献   

We develop a simple, time-dependent Comptonization model to probe the origins of spectral variability in accreting neutron star systems. In the model, soft 'seed photons' are injected into a corona of hot electrons, where they are Compton upscattered before escaping as hard X-rays. The model describes how the hard X-ray spectrum varies when the properties of either the soft photon source or the Comptonizing medium undergo small oscillations. Observations of the resulting spectral modulations can determine whether the variability is due to (i) oscillations in the injection of seed photons, (ii) oscillations in the coronal electron density, or (iii) oscillations in the coronal energy dissipation rate. Identifying the origin of spectral variability should help clarify how the corona operates and its relation to the accretion disc. It will also help in finding the mechanisms underlying the various quasi-periodic oscillations (QPOs) observed in the X-ray outputs of many accreting neutron star and black hole systems. As a sample application of our model, we analyse a kilohertz QPO observed in the atoll source 4U 1608–52. We find that the QPO is driven predominantly by an oscillation in the electron density of the Comptonizing gas.  相似文献   

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