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Addressing social and economic considerations is crucial to the success of Marine Protected Area (MPA) planning and management. Ineffective social assessment can alienate local communities and undermine the success of existing and future MPAs. It is rare to critique the success of methods used currently to incorporate social and economic considerations into MPA planning. Three Australian MPA planning processes covering three states and incorporating federal and state jurisdictions are reviewed in order to determine how potential social impacts were assessed and considered. These case studies indicate that Social Impact Assessment (SIA) is under-developed in Australian MPA planning. Assessments rely heavily on public participation and economic modelling as surrogates for dedicated SIA and are followed commonly by attitudinal surveys to gauge public opinion on the MPA after its establishment. The emergence of issues around public perception of the value of MPAs indicates the failure of some of these proposals to adequately consider social factors in planning and management. This perception may have potential implications for the long term success of individual MPAs. It may also compromise Australia's ability to meet international commitments for MPA targets to gazette at least 10% of all its marine habitats as MPAs. Indeed, this is demonstrated in two of the three case studies where social and economic arguments against MPAs have been used to delay or block the future expansion of the MPA network.  相似文献   

A review of indicators for an ecosystem approach to fisheries management is presented, focusing on multispecies fisheries and limited resources for assessments and implementation, as often is the case in developing countries. Emphasizing the need to link indicators to management objectives, indicators from the literature are grouped into four categories, relating to the immediate fisheries resource base (single-species and multispecies indicators) and the wider ecosystem (habitat structure and ecosystem functioning). The usefulness of these indicators is assessed along three dimensions of acceptability among stakeholders, observability, and relation to fisheries management using a traffic light approach. The top ranking indicators are highlighted as a generally good start for any particular fishery management case. It is, however, argued that, even with similar management objectives, indicators need to be specific to both ecosystems and the institutional set-up if they are to be effective for management, and that indicators may consequently differ considerably between individual management applications.  相似文献   

A large number of the marine protected areas (MPAs) designated in Spain have been proposed by public authorities or conservation NGOs in conjunction with their own administrations and other social and economic stakeholders. The only examples to date of MPAs proposed by fishing interests – the fishermen and their organizations – are located at Cedeira and Lira, two small communities in North West Spain. These fishing interests have been involved in these two proposals from the start, including design and development, as well as internal awareness-raising. However, 5 years from the outset, both marine reserves have failed to meet the conditions and essential requirements of a successful fisheries management system. This paper evaluates how the artisanal fishing sector has been identified with the idea of sustainability; and how the role and power relations of the Galician regional administration acquired both the key institutions of co-management and their associated functions which have conditioned the consolidation process of these marine reserves.  相似文献   

This paper is a survey of the state-of-the-art knowledge in structural redundancy measure andits application.The existing deterministic and probabilistic measures of structural redundancy are summa-rized.Emphasis is given to the discussion of their advantages and limitations.The application of damagetolerance concept in the design and maintenance of marine structures is also reviewed.Some most criticalproblems in structural redundancy are proposed for future research.  相似文献   

Ghost crab (Ocypode species) burrow densities have previously been used as an indicator of anthropogenic impact. This study aimed to assess the burrow density of Ocypode species (O. ryderi and O. cordimanus) at four sites across Watamu Marine National Park, Kenya. Two sites were in front of hotel complexes (denoting a high degree of urbanisation), and two were in front of residential housing among coastal scrub (denoting a low degree of urbanisation). The findings reveal significantly higher burrow densities at sites in front of residential housing, which was the less developed area. This provides further evidence that Ocypode burrow densities can be used, where other methods would be impractical, to estimate the impact of some human activities along beach fronts, such as at Watamu Marine National Park.  相似文献   

In response to the shortcomings of the EU's Common Fisheries Policy, the European Commission has suggested regionalising fisheries management. Examples already exist of the more decentralised management of certain fisheries. Since 2007, the Commission has requested national eel management plans (EMPs) from all EU eel-fishing nations, giving national management bodies considerable freedom to develop their own EMPs. To examine the prerequisites for decentralisation, the Swedish EMP was chosen as a case. The European eel is critically endangered due to overfishing and environmental degradation. Analysis of the Swedish EMP reveals serious flaws: the conflict between the objectives of species and fishery preservation has not been clarified nor is the prioritisation clear. The plan has not been critically reviewed and alternative options are not considered. Though the basic data are uncertain, this uncertainty is viewed as support for not adopting any safety margin. Management is therefore directed towards mitigating the negative effects of fishing and other human activities rather than realising the conservation objective. The efficiency of the various protection measures is also disputable; for example, translocation is problematic, as translocated (i.e., stocked) eels display impaired navigational abilities. Another problematic aspect of this conservation strategy is the slow implementation of the EMP. In conclusion, this study emphasises the necessity of legal and social science as well as natural science research to evaluate the efficiency and implementation of fishery management.  相似文献   

Effective species management requires good knowledge on vessel dynamics, either at a stock basis or through the establishment of multiannual management plans as advisable under the new European Common Fisheries Policy (CFP). Achieving such knowledge on Portuguese multi-gear fisheries is challenging given the large number of species caught and the different management measures applied to potential target species. The latter ranges from no input or output controls to output controls based on individual vessel quotas (IVQ). To provide accurate regional knowledge to the CFP, the dynamics of vessels involved in the trammel net fishery targeting anglerfish (Lophius spp.) was characterised based on onboard sampling data and logbook reports. The selected vessels were very dynamic, and were found to target other species such as hake (Merluccius merluccius), John Dory (Zeus faber) and octopus (Octopus vulgaris). Anglerfish landing trends can be explained by changes in abundance, quota availability and shifts/changes in fishing effort. Overall, the dynamics of these vessels varied with area of exploitation, IVQ value and anglerfish total allowable catch (TAC). These results show the influence of different management systems in the dynamics of vessels and the advantage of an IVQ management system, where fishers can spatially and temporally allocate effort. Results also highlight a fishing effort shift towards unregulated species in face of IVQ or TAC restrictions.  相似文献   

A brief summary of past marine mineral exploration strategies is given and compared to present strategies. Focus is presently on exploration efforts in the Exclusive Economic Zones (EEZs), particularly in the coastal and near‐coastal realms, although ferromanganese nodules and massive sulfides at mid‐ocean ridges are still of significant interest. A relatively new radiometric mineral exploration tool, assaying the ocean floor through continuous measurement by gamma‐ray spectrometry, is described. Preliminary data gathered with a prototype sonde in Danish waters are presented.  相似文献   

《Ocean & Coastal Management》1999,42(2-4):143-154
Chile has a very diverse and variable coastal zone, with a series of phenomena that occur unexpectedly and which demand great flexibility from the management models that are implemented. The oceanographic characteristics have provided Chile’s coastal zone with important pelagic fisheries in the country’s north and center and benthonic fisheries in the south. They have also led to the explosive growth of aquaculture in the last ten years, mostly in the canals zone. In the northern and central regions, megaprojects have dominated coastal zone investments and are about to go into the far north. Also a sustained popùlation increase in central and southern coastal areas is expected as a consequence of the saturation of big cities and development in road, transport and communications.The incorporation of Chile into trade blocks such as APEC, NAFTA, and MERCOSUR together with some recently signed bilateral trade treaties will undoubtedly give a push to the port activity. The construction of different corridors throughout the country that will provide access to the Pacific for some regions in Brazil, Paraguay, Bolivia and Argentina will have a similar effect.Alterations in the quality of the environment (Pollution), threats to the coastal zone’s diversity (exhausted resources) and conflicts among users are mentioned among the principal problems affecting coastal zone urging for an integrated management approach for this critical and sensitive area.A coastal zone management plan for Chile, more than creating new regulations, many of which already exist, should be able to set up effective mechanisms among the different sectors involved in the use of the coastal zone, generate mechanisms to resolve differences, provide adequate scientific and technical information for decision making and establish simple and realistic mechanisms for education and citizen participation. The National Management Plan should be essentially FOCUSED, REGIONALIZED, INTEGRATED AND INFORMED. In fact, the basic idea promoted by Fundación Chile and the Navy’s Maritime Territory National Board would be to generate a system supported by one or two central coordinating institutions articulated with regional institutions, which would carry out the above-mentioned objectives. The greatest benefit of a Plan like this one is that Chile’s coastal zone and its resources can be used sustainably with the appropriate mechanisms, but in an informed and integrated way and respect regional and local peculiarities. Some of the major features of this approach are presented and discussed here.  相似文献   

In the Baltic Sea, the Gulf of Bothnia is the only sub-basin with only minor effects of eutrophication mainly due to physical factors. Most evaluations of the state of the Gulf of Bothnia are based on offshore investigations. In the present study the coastal zone of the eastern Gulf of Bothnia is analysed. Long-term data (1980–2007) of total nitrogen and phosphorus, turbidity and oxygen are analysed using principal component analysis (PCA) for spatial and temporal patterns in the trophic situation. The coastal zone is divided into six regions: inner and outer areas of the Bothnian Sea and the Quark, and the outer areas of the southern and northern Bothnian Bay. The results show a degradation of water quality from north to south, and from outer to inner coastal areas. Eutrophication changes from an almost non-existing problem in the Bothnian Bay in the north to clear signs of nutrient over-enrichment in the Bothnian Sea. This shows that even if eutrophication in the Gulf of Bothnia is not serious, the increasing trends in nutrient levels should be seen as warning signals for the future, and remedies to combat eutrophication should be taken rapidly.  相似文献   

This paper investigates the phenomena of wave refraction and diffraction in the slowly varying topography, as well as the current deflection due to wave actions. A numerical model is developed based on depth integrated mean continuity equation and momentum equations, and a 3rd-order wave equation which governs the wave diffraction, refraction and interaction with current. Examples to examine the above model are given comparing with the laboratory data or the numerical results of other researchers. An example simulating the inlet area shows the interesting velocity field which may be used as a pioneer to further study on the nearshore hydrodynamics and sedimentation.  相似文献   

In Florida, United States, the Caribbean spiny lobster, Panulirus argus, supports an important commercial fishery and also perhaps the most intensive recreational fishery of any lobster species, with sales of recreational lobster fishing permits exceeding 100 000 annually. For the past decade, we have used mail surveys of recreational lobster license holders to estimate spatially explicit landings and fishing effort when recreational fishers are most active—during the state's “Special Two‐Day Sport Season”, which takes place just before the opening of the commercial season, and during the first month of the regular recreational season, which coincides with the commercial season. From 1993 through 2002, fishing effort during the Special Two‐Day Sport Season has ranged from 60 000 to 112 000 person‐days, and landings have ranged from c. 112 to 255t. Both fishing effort and landings have varied without trend. Fishing effort during the regular season over the same period has ranged from 261 000 to 514 000 person‐days, and landings have ranged from 434 to 825 t. Fishing effort has shown a marginally statistically significant decreasing trend, the result of a progressive decrease in effort since 1999. The largest proportion of both fishing effort and landings was concentrated along the south‐east coast. Despite the recent decrease in landings, the proportion of total landings made by the recreational fishery has increased. From 1993 through 1998, the fishery was responsible for c. 30% of commercial landings; by 2001, that percentage increased to nearly 40%. Such a shift in landings away from the commercial trap fishery toward the recreational fishery was recognised as a potential but unintended effect of the ongoing management plan of restricting effort in the commercial trap fishery. Our 2001 surveys revealed that recreational lobster fishers spent more on a person‐day basis than the general visitor to the Florida Keys did, but less than those visitors using the region's coral reefs. Consequently, managers must establish management strategies that allow the coexistence of this resource's user groups and also incorporate the social and environmental concerns of nonuser groups.  相似文献   

On the basis of the temperature and salinity survey data of July, 1975 and the historical da-ta of relevant hydrological and meteorological stations, this paper discusses the change patternand cause of the upwelling and its relation to the fisheries in the Southern Fujian-Taiwan ShoalFishing Ground. Being important for the benefit of fisheries, the above points have received  相似文献   

Some unusual features have been analysed in this paper on the sea conditions ofnorthwestern East China Sea and the fisheries of Mackerel, Round Scad, Sardines off Zhejiangin the autumn of 1983, based on the data of the past years. The findings are as follows: 1. The low-salinity water area formed by the Changjiang River runoff emptying intothe sea expanded by three times as campared with that of 1978 (a poor runoff year). The  相似文献   

The present paper presents the practical implementation of the Ecosystem Approach to Fisheries Management (EAFM) in Norway. This involves defining management objectives and developing simple and efficient tools to achieve an overview of management needs and prioritise among these, while integrating broader conservation issues and ensuring stakeholder involvement. A new Marine Resources Act entered into force in Norway in 2009. By integrating conservation and sustainable use as basic principles, the law represents a paradigm shift in the management of Norwegian fisheries. The law indicates which concerns should be addressed, but neither how nor how often evaluations should take place. That is for management to decide. A management principle in the Marine Resources Act confers on the Ministry an obligation to evaluate whether continued fishing at the present scale is justifiable, or whether improved management is required to ensure sustainability. A Stock table, and a table of "Catches of data-poor species" constitute a comprehensive system for monitoring the management principle. Along with a Fisheries table, these tables establish a framework for developing an ecosystem-based fisheries management by providing a basis and tools for prioritising the needs of new and/or revised management measures.  相似文献   

Terrestrial crops for biofuel may make a negligible contribution to net greenhouse gas emissions [1], [2] and may cause other environmental impacts such as reducing freshwater resources and food security [3]. In light of these facts there is increasing interest in the production of marine biofuels [4], [5], and so the recent paper in Marine Policy by Roberts and Upham [6] reviewing the cultivation and harvest of UK and Irish seaweeds for biofuels is very pertinent and timely. However it contains a number of factual errors that need correcting and raises several issues, which need fuller clarification. These issues centre around three main themes: (1) a confusion between the occurrence and harvest of intertidal and subtidal species, (2) the relative suitability of seaweeds, and their source (wild harvest versus culture) as feedstock for biofuel generation and (3) an appreciation of the scale at which macroalgae would have to be produced to make any impact on biofuel targets.  相似文献   

This study examined the feasibility of gear substitution as a means to reduce bycatch and habitat impacts of fisheries, using a social–ecological systems approach. The U.S. west coast sablefish fishery is an excellent subject for this study, because it permits three different gear types and has a problem with bycatch of overfished species. Bycatch rates were highest in trawls and lowest in pots. Combining interview data with findings from a previous study, affirmed that habitat impacts were highest with trawls and lowest with longlines. Interviews with 44 individuals analyzed using grounded theory yielded several common themes in the opinions of gear substitution. Positive opinion themes included that it would allow better management of the fish populations by reducing bycatch and would allow more business options, flexibility, and increased profit for some trawlers. The main negative opinion theme was that gear substitution could decrease landings needed to support shoreside infrastructure. Most stakeholder groups saw some benefit in gear substitution. Notably, the trawlers voiced a unanimous preference for converting to pots rather than longlines. A scenario analysis revealed that the preferable management option would be long-term gear conversion, but incentives are likely to be an important means of encouraging gear conversion. This ecological impacts rapid assessment provided a regional evaluation of bycatch and habitat impacts that had never been conducted before for these gear types. It also provided scientific support for a regulatory change that legally allows trawlers to practice gear substitution.  相似文献   

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