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The “17th Iberian Symposium of Marine Biology Studies” took place in San Sebastian (Spain), in September 2012. This contribution is an introduction to a special issue collating the most challenging papers submitted by Portuguese and Spanish scientists to the symposium. The text was structured as a novel, with the three main parts of a novel: (i) Setup: a historical context, from old times to the 1970's. This part presents the main Iberian scientific contribution to marine science, since the 15th Century, as a precedent to modern scientific research; (ii) Conflict: from the 1970's to the economic crisis. This part presents the evolution of Iberian research production, based upon a bibliometric study, from 1974 to 2012; and (iii) Resolution: what for the future?, which shows the main challenges, proposed by the authors, to the European research initiative ‘Horizon 2020’, including aspects such as the need of knowledge-base for marine management, the marine research as a potential source of jobs, the ecosystem-based approach, human activities and Marine Spatial Planning, moving from fisheries to aquaculture, or global change issues, among others.  相似文献   

海洋生物技术是规模化生产和利用海洋生物资源获取海洋生物产品和服务的系统工程技术。自1989年日本东京第一届国际海洋生物技术会议以来,国际海洋生物技术在促进海水养殖业健康可持续发展、开发海洋生物制品、保护海洋环境、保护海洋生物多样性以及建设"和谐海洋"等领域得到迅猛发展,不仅促进了传统海洋生物产业的转型升级,还催生了包括海洋天然药物、海洋生物材料等许多新的产业生长点。第十二届国际海洋生物技术会议于2019年9月9-13日在日本静冈召开,会议以"下一代的海洋生物技术"为主题,旨在全球范围内交流海洋生物技术研究和开发的最新进展,强化一个国际层面的"政府-学术-产业"之间的交流与合作平台。这次会议最大的特点是把青年科学家、企业家和政策制定者推向了大会交流的一线。本文针对本次会议反映的新进展,提出我国未来5~10年特别值得关注的重点方向,建议把青年人才特别是学术、工程和产业融合型人才的培养放到最重要的位置,及时布局下一代海洋生物技术的原始创新和新兴产业孵化的战略制高点。  相似文献   

United Kingdom (UK) and European Union policy is rapidly developing to meet international targets for the sustainable use and protection of the marine environment. To inform this process, research needs to keep pace with these changes and research questions must be focused on providing robust scientific evidence. Thirty four priority research questions within six broad themes were identified by delegates who attended the 1st marine and coastal policy Forum, hosted by the Centre for Marine and Coastal Policy Research at Plymouth University in June 2011. The priority questions formed through this research are timely and reflect the pace and change of marine policy in the UK in response to international, European and national policy drivers. Within the data theme, the majority of questions seek to find improved procedures to manage and use data effectively. Questions related to governance focus on how existing policies should be implemented. The marine conservation questions focus entirely upon implementation and monitoring of existing policy. Questions related to ecosystem services focus on research to support the conceptual links between ecosystem services, ecosystem function, and marine management. Questions relating to marine citizenship are fundamental questions about the nature of societal engagement with the sea. Finally, the marine planning questions focus upon understanding the general approaches to be taken to marine planning rather than its detailed implementation. The questions that have emerged from this process vary in scale, approach and focus. They identify the interdisciplinary science that is currently needed to enable the UK to work towards delivering its European and international commitments to achieve the sustainable use and protection of the marine environment.  相似文献   

管松  于莹  乔方利 《海洋学报》2021,43(1):155-164
为了找到逆转海洋健康状况衰退的有效途径,联合国决定自2021年启动“联合国海洋科学促进可持续发展十年”(以下简称“海洋十年”)计划。2020年12月31日获得联合国大会审议通过的《“海洋十年”实施计划》以“构建我们所需要的科学、打造我们所希望的海洋”为愿景,描绘了“海洋十年”的预期成果、挑战与目标,以及实施、治理、协调、筹资、监督与审查等机制。“海洋十年”被联合国喻为“一生一次”的计划,是联合国发起的海洋大科学综合性顶层计划,它将通过激发和推动海洋科学领域的变革,在全球和国家层面构建更加强大的基于科技创新的治理体系来实现海洋的可持续发展。这将深刻改变人类对海洋的认知与行为模式,深刻影响乃至引导海洋秩序的演化过程,也会对海洋区域合作整体布局产生较大影响。建议我国以“海洋命运共同体”理念为指导,积极参与“海洋十年”,作为深度参与全球海洋治理的核心抓手,尽快组建“海洋十年”国家委员会,制定中国行动方案,与国际社会一道推进海洋的可持续发展。  相似文献   

为科学合理评价区域海洋科技发展水平,进一步促进区域海洋经济增长,文章以东部海洋经济圈为例,采用主成分分析方法构建海洋科技发展水平综合指标,采用多元线性回归模型分析海洋科技发展等因素与海洋经济增长之间的关系,并提出建议。研究结果表明:海洋科技发展水平综合指标包括海洋科技支撑、海洋科技成果转化和海洋科技投入3个主要素及其11个指标,2006—2015年东部海洋经济圈各地海洋科技发展水平整体处于上升趋势,且差距较小;除政府支持力度外,海洋科技发展水平、海洋第三产业发展水平和工业污染程度等变量均与海洋生产总值存在显著相关关系,其中海洋科技发展水平为正相关;未来应促进海洋科技成果转化、减少区域壁垒制约以及加强海洋生态环境保护和治理。  相似文献   

随着各类探测设备及计算模拟的发展,科学研究进入第四范式"数据密集型发现",海洋领域亦已进入大数据时代,各类海洋大数据应用技术也成为海洋科学研究的关注焦点。本文从海洋大数据的产生到海洋大数据应用整个链条进行探讨。首先对海洋大数据的定义及特征进行了讨论;其次从技术方面,从多源感知与探测、存储与管理、分析挖掘、可视化角度对海洋大数据应用技术研究的基础和研究现状进行分析,最后从实践方面,对相关技术研究的应用现状及应用前景进行了说明,为海洋科学及技术研究发展提供重要参考依据。  相似文献   

Integrated Coastal Zone Management (ICZM) development is described here in the broader context of European coastal management initiatives. The European approach to coastal governance revolves around the principles of ICZM, as enshrined in EC Recommendation 2002/413/EC. This study investigates the extent to which the FP6 funded project SPICOSA (Science Policy Integration for Coastal Systems Assessment) was able to implement these principles. The SPICOSA project aimed to test whether it was possible to develop and implement a systems approach framework via delivery of a structured engagement process between scientists and policymakers. A survey of representatives from 14 European study sites involved in the project revealed that the approach had been effective at implementing some ICZM principles, particularly the “holistic approach”. However, not all principles were fully implemented at all sites and the most challenging to implement was that of “a long term approach”. The paper concludes with a critical consideration of the role of a systems approach framework in progressing the current state of intellectual assent towards practical implementation of ICZM principles. The findings provide evidence of contributions and limitations of systems approaches to sustainability science and good governance.  相似文献   

Some scholars have thought the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea would transform marine politics and policy by incorporating social values of equity and justice via the Common Heritage of Mankind and authentic conservation of an essential part of the biosphere, displacing the dominant commodification of the ocean. Likewise, the United Nations Food and Agricultural Organization has claimed that the “productivity paradigm” of growth in fishery catch has been replaced by balanced norms of sustainability. This article tests these claims by asking “What is the ‘generative grammar’, or value-based blueprints, of governance for the World Ocean?” using a quantitative content analysis of all extant State of the World Fisheries and Aquaculture (SOFIA) reports (1995–2016). Not only does the analysis disprove the FAO’s assertions, this research reveals an otherwise invisible, non-codified economistic regime governing the World Ocean that is guided by the norms of sheer volume production, named here simply the “World Ocean Regime.” This partially explains why the marine world is experiencing structural ecological changes, including massive biodiversity loss partly driven by overfishing. The analysis finds that overfishing, ecological life support, moral aesthetic values, social equity, and science are very minor concerns for the World Ocean Regime. Governance is the second-most important set of discourses, but this governance is clearly driven by economic values and norms. The World Ocean Regime has critical implications not only for the sustainability of the World Ocean, but the planetary system that depends on the World Ocean.  相似文献   

The aim of the SEAS-ERA initiative (2010–2014), developed within the European Union Framework Programme (EU FPVII) (contract 249552), was to coordinate the structure of national and regional marine and maritime research programs to empower and strengthen marine research all across Europe. A major goal was the development and implementation of common research strategies and programs related to European seas basins. To achieve this goal, SEAS-ERA was applied at two different levels, regional and pan European, to identify common priorities and needs in five areas, namely strategic planning (marine research agendas), joint research activities (common programs and joint calls), marine research infrastructures and human capacity building to reduce imbalances among regions. SEAS-ERA was also strongly committed to enhancing public awareness of marine and maritime scientific and policy issues in Europe.  相似文献   

近年来, 随着海砂资源需求激增和勘查开发快速发展, 解决海砂调查研究领域中海砂命名混乱的问题迫在眉睫。本文在总结多年海砂调查经验和前人研究成果的基础上, 分析对比已有粒级划分标准和沉积物命名方法的特点, 提出一套适用于海砂的粒级划分标准和命名方法。基于伍登-温特沃斯(Udden-Wentworth)等比制φ值粒级标准, 提出将海砂沉积物粒级划分为砾(>2mm)、砂(2~0.063mm)和泥(<0.063mm)3大类, 二级细分为9小类; 基于优势粒级法思想, 将砾、砂和泥作为三个分类端元, 提出“砾-砂-泥三角图解+砂、砾质沉积物细分命名”的海砂沉积物分类方案, 体现了“对砂、砾质沉积物细化其名, 对泥质沉积物简化其名”的思想。该命名方法直观地反映了海砂的粒级组成和含量, 同时较好地兼顾了海砂命名的沉积学涵义和实际应用需求。  相似文献   

《Ocean & Coastal Management》2000,43(10-11):963-972
On July 1st 1999, the Institute of Marine Sciences (IMS), University of Dar Es Salaam celebrated its 20th anniversary. IMS was established as a lead institute for conducting advanced marine research and training in Tanzania. Its 20th anniversary accords us an opportunity to reflect on the advances of marine science in Tanzania. Being a coastal nation and by recognizing the importance and potentials of the ocean and coastal area, Tanzania, since its independence has been doing efforts to set-up sound marine policies and institutional framework and build the nation's capability, including human, in marine affairs. A careful study of Tanzania's marine science policies, institutional framework, and human capability indicates that the situation has improved satisfactorily, especially in human capacity. However, the country's capability in conducting basic and advanced marine science research remains poor due to the lack of a research vessel. The major problem has been the high construction and running costs of a research vessel. I am proposing two approaches from other countries, i.e., Japan, Germany, USA, and UK that can be adopted in Tanzania. Firstly, the research vessel can be acquired as a national resource, i.e., bought and owned by the government. Secondly, relevant and capable beneficiaries, departments, and organizations e.g., the navy, can buy the vessel and make it available to the marine science community. Acquiring a multipurpose marine research vessel is an important next step that Tanzania needs to make in marine science. I am also proposing formulation of a national policy to guide marine science research and development, and the establishment/selection of a lead agency with full authority to manage and supervise all marine and coastal area development/economic activities.  相似文献   

大气沉降是陆源物质向海洋输入营养盐的重要方式,沙尘、野火和火山喷发均能够产生气溶胶,这些典型的自然源气溶胶在风场的作用下,能够进行远距离的输运,期间由于沉降作用进入海洋,为上层海洋提供限制性营养盐促进海洋浮游植物生长,提升海洋的初级生产力,促进碳循环过程。以海表叶绿素浓度作为海洋初级生产力的重要指标,通过海表叶绿素浓度的响应,探究沙尘、野火和火山这三种典型自然源气溶胶的传输路径及其沉降对海洋初级生产的影响。结果显示,海洋初级生产对气溶胶沉降的响应不仅与气溶胶排放类型有关,也与温度、动力过程、光合有效辐射等海域初级生产影响因素有关,体现了海洋初级生产对自然源气溶胶的敏感性,自然源气溶胶沉降所驱动的海洋初级生产在全球碳循环中具有重要的潜在影响。  相似文献   

In different areas of the Western Desert of Egypt, the Abu Roash “G” Member exhibits either a reservoir or source affinity. Thus, thirteen cutting samples covering the Abu Roash “G” Member were selected from the Nest-1A well at Matruh Basin to investigate its hydrocarbon source potential. Palynological age dating of the section that is calibrated with foraminifera and ostracodes enabled a proper identification of the “G” Member. Detailed analysis of the vertical distribution of particulate organic matter of this member shows two palynofacies types. PF-1 reflects an outer middle shelf depositional environment of prevailed reducing (suboxic-anoxic) conditions for the organic-rich shales of the lower “G” Member (samples 1–8). While, PF-2 reflects a minor regression that resulted in deposition of another organic-rich shales of the upper “G” Member (samples 9–13) in an inner middle shelf setting under the same prevailing reducing (suboxic-anoxic) conditions.Organic geochemical analysis reveals good to very good potential of the “G” Member as a hydrocarbon source rock (1.8–2.41, avg. 2.15 total organic content wt %). It also shows good to very good petroleum potential (PP: 4.8–11 , avg. 8 mg HC/g rock). Pyrolsis and palynofacies analyses show kerogen type II for the lower “G” Member (samples 1–8), which is characterized by high Hydrogen index (HI: 396 and 329 mg HC/g TOC at depths 1500 and 1560 m) and very high dominance of oil-prone material (amorphous organic matter “AOM”, marine palynomorphs, and sporomorphs) and very rare occurrence of gas-prone material (brown phytoclasts). The upper “G” Member (samples 9–13) shows kerogen type II-III, which is characterized by a lower HI value of 213 mg HC/g TOC at depth 1340 m and it contains fewer amounts of gas-prone material and relatively lower AOM and marine palynomorphs in comparison to the upper “G” Member. Maturation parameters Tmax (430–433 °C), production index (PI: 0.1 mg HC/g rock), and thermal alteration index (TAI: 2+) indicate the lower “G” Member has already entered the early oil-window kitchen, and it is expected to produce oil. The upper “G” Member is expected to produce only oil with no gas shows, because it is marginally mature (Tmax 426 °C, PI 0.2, TAI 2). The source potential index (SPI: 5.3 t HC/m2) of the “G” Member shows it as currently generating moderate quantities of oil in the area of Nest-1A well.Consequently, the organic-rich shales of the “G” Member are suggested here as a promising, active oil source rock in that extreme northwestern part of the Western Desert of Egypt. However, for commercial oil recovery from the Abu Roash “G” Member, it is highly recommended to explore the depocentre of Matruh Basin at about 150 km east the Nest-1A well.  相似文献   

国际海洋科技领域研究热点及未来布局   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
近年来,全球海洋研究呈现出若干新的特点.本文基于对近年来全球重要海洋研究进展信息,分析了全球环境变化背景下几个重要研究热点方向的最新进展,包括全球海洋物理环境变化研究、海洋塑料污染研究、海洋酸化研究、南北极和印度洋研究以及海洋技术开发等.基于对美国、英国、日本和俄罗斯等重要海洋国家最新发布的海洋科技创新政策和计划,分析...  相似文献   

This paper provides an opportunity to examine the involvement of English Heritage in the development of policy and practice with particular regard to how archaeology and features of historic interest are addressed under national legislation, international conventions and EU law. In this paper we provide an explanation of action taken to support conservation, understanding and enjoyment of the historic environment, such as those sites that are legally protected as historic shipwreck sites, and other features that comprise the historic environment, but which are recognised and protected through other legal mechanisms e.g., military vessels and aeroplanes. It is apparent to us that when considering the management agenda for the marine environment attention is also given to archaeological material that predates tidal inundation, as well as the subsequent legacy of maritime activities. To support this approach we examine how the historic environment is defined and included in objectives, policy and law, such as the Marine and Coastal Access Act 2009, as well as other European or international programmes to promote marine policy and spatial planning. In the years since the National Heritage Act 2002, and the empowerment of English Heritage to support marine projects, we assess the production of explanatory statements and guidance to inform protection in recognition of how change may affect historic environment features. In addition, it is apparent that extensive development is now taking place further offshore (e.g., renewable power projects) and we direct attention at how English Heritage's role is affected by legally defined maritime territorial limits that dictate interpretation of what the marine environment comprises and how such limits influence regulatory controls placed on the management of cultural heritage.  相似文献   

With one of Europe׳s largest exclusive economic zones, Portugal has a paramount role in the implementation of EU maritime policies. In the Portuguese context, ocean planning and management are presently undergoing major advances. This paper analyzes and discusses the present state of affairs regarding the Portuguese marine spatial planning (MSP) process, comprising: (1) an update on the status of MSP in Portugal; (2) an analysis on how sustainability concepts are to be implemented in the Portuguese MSP process and (3) a discussion on major challenges to Portuguese MSP long-term sustainability. The Portuguese MSP process can be divided in two phases: development of the “Plano de Ordenamento do Espaço Marítimo” (POEM) – initially intended to be the first Portuguese “marine spatial plan” but then published as a “study”; and development of the Law Proposal 133/XII on marine planning and management – soon to be approved. A key question for the long-term adequacy of Portuguese MSP is how is it addressing environmental sustainability: is it relying on soft or hard sustainability concepts? Is it prioritizing the achievement of good environmental status (GES) or blue growth? In both cases (POEM and Law Proposal), soft sustainability seems to be the underlying principle, because although the ecosystem approach is recognized as fundamental, environmental quality seems to come second when set against economic goals.  相似文献   

The ocean regulates the global climate, provides humans with natural resources such as food, materials, important substances, and energy, and is essential for international trade and recreational and cultural activities. Together with human development and economic growth, free access to, and availability of, ocean resources and services have exerted strong pressure on marine systems, ranging from overfishing, increasing resource extraction, and alteration of coastal zones to various types of thoughtless pollution. Both economic theory and many case studies suggest that there is no “tragedy of the commons” but a “tragedy of open access”. With high likeliness, structures of open access are non-sustainable. International cooperation and effective governance are required to protect the marine environment and promote the sustainable use of marine resources in such a way that due account can be taken of the environmental values of current generations and the needs of future generations. For this purpose, developing and agreeing on one Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) specifically for the Ocean and Coasts could prove to be an essential element. The new SDGs will build upon the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) and replace them by 2015. Ensuring environmental sustainability in a general sense is one of the eight MDGs but the ocean is not explicitly addressed. Furthermore, the creation of a comprehensive underlying set of ocean sustainability targets and effective indicators developed within a global Future Ocean Spatial Planning (FOSP) process would help in assessing the current status of marine systems, diagnosing ongoing trends, and providing information for inclusive, forward-looking, and sustainable ocean governance.  相似文献   

Marine scientists broadly agree on which major processes influence the sustainability of marine environments worldwide. Recent studies argue that such shared perceptions crucially shape scientific agendas and are subject to a confirmation bias. Based on these findings a more explicit engagement with scientists’ (shared) perceptions of global change in marine environments is called for. This paper takes stock of the shared understanding in marine science of the most pertinent, worldwide threats and impacts that currently affect marine environments. Using results from an email survey among leading academics in marine science this article explores if a shared research agenda in relation to global change in marine environments exists. The analysis demonstrates that marine scientists across disciplines are largely in agreement on some common features of global marine change. Nevertheless, the analysis also highlights where natural and social scientists diverge in their assessment. The article ends discussing what these findings imply for further improvement of interdisciplinary marine science.  相似文献   

European Marine Sites (EMS), designated under either the Habitats or Birds Directives, protect the biodiversity of the European Union (EU) and contribute to the implementation of the 1992 UN Convention on Biological Diversity [1]. The introduction of this form of marine protected area (MPA), as a consequence of EU conservation directives, introduced new legal obligations in waters long exploited by inshore fishing communities. Although the Habitats and Birds Directive have been in place since 1992 and 1979 respectively (the 1979 Directive updated in 2009), it has not been until more recently (2014) that ongoing inshore fisheries activities in England, which predate designation of sites, have been systematically assessed and managed, for their impact in protected sites. In practice it was assumed by many MPA practitioners that at the time of designation of EMS, ongoing activities would be compatible with the conservation objectives of these sites. This paper illustrates the introduction of a general and systematic “revised approach” to managing fisheries in all English EMSs, and how this represented a change in government policy which can be traced directly to a legal campaign between 2008 and 2012 by two UK environmental Non-Governmental Organisations (eNGOs). The paper elucidates this iterative marine policy process analysing the dialogue between government bodies and eNGOs and show how the resulting interpretation of conservation law, has sought to resolve the tensions between the precautionary approach as emphasised by the eNGOs and the Government's desire for proportionality of response.  相似文献   

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