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The ionization of hydrogen atoms that penetrate into the heliosphere from the interstellar medium gives rise to a peculiar population of energetic protons (interstellar pickup protons) in the solar wind. The short-wavelength Alfvènic turbulence in the outer heliosphere is entirely attributable to the source associated with the instability of the initial anisotropic pickup proton velocity distribution. The bulk of the generated turbulent energy is subsequently absorbed by the pickup protons themselves through the cyclotron-resonance particle-wave interaction, and only an insignificant fraction of this energy can be transferred to the solar wind protons and heat them up.  相似文献   

It follows from numerous measurements of the differential fluxes of energetic charged particles in corotating interaction regions between solar wind streams with different speeds that the spectra of particles accelerated by reverse shocks are harder than those of particles accelerated by forward shocks. The measurements cannot be explained in terms of the theory of diffusive acceleration (first-order Fermi acceleration). We show that the measurements can be easily explained in terms of the theory of drift acceleration of charged particles by shock waves with allowance made for their multiple scattering from the front.  相似文献   

The temporal histories of three intense and impulsive gamma-ray flares, for which also white-light emission had been observed, are analyzed in order to test the role of high-energy particles- electrons and protons - in powering the optical continuum. By comparing the light curves at optical wavelengths and at X-ray and gamma-ray energies, we find a good correlation of the main peaks of emission, which confirms previous findings that the continuum emission is most likely associated with the energy loss of energetic particles. The power carried by the greater-than-50 keV nonthermal electrons may be sufficient to balance the optical emission. The power residing in protons or ions with energies greater than 1 MeV depends largely on the spectral shape of the particle distribution. Only if this is similar to a power law, may the energy carried by these high-energy particles be sufficient to balance the white-light flare emission.Operated by the Association of Universities for Research in Astronomy, Inc., under cooperative agreement with the National Science Foundation. Partial support for the National Solar Observatory is provided by the USAF under a Memorandum of Understanding with the NSF.  相似文献   

G. M. Simnett 《Solar physics》1986,106(1):165-183
The energetics of the onset of the impulsive phase of solar flares are examined on the premise that a single acceleration mechanism is operating in the corona. From considerations of recent observations of plasma turbulence and upflows, and nuclear gamma-rays it is concluded that a model where the bulk of the energy resides in a non-thermal electron beam with a low energy cut-off at 20–25 keV is incompatible with many of the observations. Conversely, a model where the bulk of the energy resides in non-thermal protons is consistent with the majority, if not all, of the observations. It is suggested that the bulk of the energy in the impulsive phase is initially transferred to 102–103 keV protons. Acceleration by a series of small shocks is an energy transfer mechanism which gives particles increments in velocity rather than energy and would naturally favour protons over electrons. An important consequence of this result is that the hard X-ray burst must be thermal. At this time the precise mechanism for thermal X-ray production is unclear; however recent theoretical plasma physics results have indicated promising avenues of research in this context.  相似文献   

The spectra of energetic protons measured on the Voyager-1 and Voyager-2 spacecraft in the inner heliospheric shock layer can be explained in terms of the classical theory of the shock drift acceleration of interstellar pickup protons with allowancemade for theirmultiple reflection from the front. The spacecraft entered this region after the heliospheric termination shock crossing in 2004 and 2007, respectively. The large-scale variations of the magnetic field direction near the shock front associated with the passage of sector structures through it are the decisive factor in explaining the measurements.  相似文献   

A new theory of the Alfvén wave generation in inhomogeneous finite β two component plasma is developed (β = 8πρβ02, ρ and B0 are plasma pressure and unperturbed magnetic field, respectively). The analysis was carried out for these waves both for long wave approximation i ? 1 as well as for i ? 1 (k and ρi are wave vector and larmor radius of protons). The influence of the loss-cone on the development of the instability is considered. The theory is applied to explain the generation mechanism of Pc 3–5.  相似文献   

The critical velocity triggering anomalous ionization of the neutral gas by plasma flow is calculated for the model based on the lower hybride instability. It depends strongly on the plasma and gas parameters, denning the instability development of the ionized atoms beam in the counter-streaming plasma.In particular, the possible role of the critical ionization mechanism for Halley's comet is examined. The fulfilment of both Townsend's condition for the selfustained beam plasma discharge and Alfven's condition for the critical velocity mechanism indicates that this mechanism may operate only within 104 km from the cometary nucleus and give an ion production rate close to that observed for Kohoutek's comet.  相似文献   

A simple theoretical expression for the mean kinetic temperature of the protons in a steady state as a function of heliocentric distance is derived. The basic assumption is that the temperature anisotropy of the protons is invariant in space where binary encounters are rare. For an assumed base temperature of 5 × 105K at a distance of 0.05 AU, the calculated temperature at a distance of 1 AU is in the range (2–4) × 104K for an average anisotropy factor of 3: this range of temperatures is close to the observed average value under so-called ‘quiet’ conditions. Measurement of the anisotropy factor at different heliocentric distances is required to test the basis of the model.  相似文献   

Observations of solar protons at energies from 1 MeV to 360 MeV are examined in relation to the information that these particles give about the magnetosphere, magnetotail and magnetopause. Trajectory integrations in a realistic model of the geomagnetic field out to 25RE and a tail field model fitted to observations from 15RE to 80RE are used to obtain a better understanding of the particle motion. The mean free path of protons in the tail is found to be 700RE and 200RE for 100 MeV and 1 MeV protons respectively, which indicates that trajectory calculations in a static field model are valid.  相似文献   

We consider a stationary model of the propagation of galactic cosmic rays (GCR) in the heliosphere and adjacent interstellar space. The heliosphere is assumed to be a two-layer medium consisting of two adjacent regions that are spherically symmetric relative to the sun. The solar wind velocity is supersonic in the inner heliosphere bounded by the standing termination shock, and this velocity is subsonic in the outer heliosphere bounded by the heliosheath. The GCR scattering in these regions is due to different factors characterized by relevant diffusion coefficients. The solar wind velocity is assumed to be zero in the interstellar medium, where the scattering becomes weaker. No particle sources are presumed to exist at the boundaries between the layers. An exact analytical solution of the corresponding mathematical problem can be obtained without essential difficulties, although it is extremely cumbersome. Analytical expressions for the GCR spectra of particles with very high energies (>2500 MeV) and very low energies (<1400 MeV) are obtained for each region of particle propagation. The low-energy particle distribution corresponds to the data obtained by the Voyager spacecraft. It is shown that the low-energy particle density continuously increases from the sun toward the heliospheric boundary, regardless of the scattering mode in the inner and outer parts of the heliosphere.  相似文献   

We have re-examined and extended the measurements of the primary cosmic ray proton and helium nuclei intensities in the range from a few MeV nuc–1 to 100 GeV nuc–1 using a considerable body of recently published data. The differential spectra obtained from this data are determined as a function of both energy and rigidity. The exponents of the energy spectra of both protons and helium nuclei are found to be different at the same energy/nucleon and to increase with increasing energy between 1 and 100 GeV nuc–1 reaching a value=–2.70 at higher energies and in addition, theP/He ratio changes from a value 5 at 1 GeV nuc–1 and below to a value 30 at 100 GeV nuc–1. On a rigidity representation the spectral exponent for each species is nearly identical and remains virtually constant above several GV at a value of –2.70, and in addition, theP/He ratio is also a constant 7 above 3 GeV. The changingP/He ratio and spectral exponent on an energy representation occur at energies well above those at which interplanetary modulation effects or interstellar ionization energy loss effects can significantly affect the spectra. In effect by comparing energy spectra and rigidity spectra in the intermediate energy range above the point where solar modulation effects and interstellar energy loss effects are important, but in the range where there are significant differences between energy and rigidity spectra, we deduce that the cosmic ray source spectra are effectively rigidity spectra. This fact has important implications regarding the mechanism of acceleration of this radiation and also with regard to the form of the assumed galactic spectrum at low energies. The relationship between the proton and helium spectra derived here and the heavier nuclei spectral differences recently reported in the literature is also examined.If rigidity spectra are adopted for protons and helium nuclei, then the source abundance ratio of these two components is determined to be 7:1. Some cosmological implications of this ratio are discussed.  相似文献   

Observations made by HEOS-2 of low energy electrons and protons in the high latitude magnetosphere are presented. Plasma in the magnetosphere is observed in the cusp (which extend down to low altitudes) and over large areas adjacent to the high latitude magnetopause both on the dayside and on the nightside (the entry layer and the plasma mantle respectively).A comparative study of the plasma properties in the various parts of the magnetosphere is performed. An ion bulk motion directed tailward along the geomagnetic field lines is observed both in the entry layer and in the plasma mantle; in the cusp, on the contrary, the bulk motion is practically absent. Moreover the electron thermal anisotropy is parallel to the magnetic field in the magnetosheath, and perpendicular to it in the plasma mantle. One possible explanation (suggested by Rosenbauer et al., 1975) of the origin of these populations is that plasma, penetrated from the magnetosheath in the entry layer, flows tailward along the field lines, is then reflected in the cusp region and convected in the plasma mantle.  相似文献   

The spiral structure of the inner parts of the Galaxy is studied using 21 cm line data and stellar data. To study the neutral hydrogen distribution in the galactic layer a parameter =(dV/dr) proportional to the mean densities is calculated using a first approximation for the velocity gradients due to differential rotation.The obtained distribution (R, Z) shows spiral features completely consistent with the early star distribution and with the Hii regions. The corrugation effect of the galactic layer is observed in all the studied zones in neutral hydrogen and in the distribution of the OB stars in the Carina zone.The pattern obtained indicates four spiral arms for the inner parts of the Galaxy, three of which are identified also in the stellar data (arms -I, -II, and -III) and the more distant -IV in Hii regions.The local arm according to the stellar data of Kilkennyet al. forms a feature completely similar to the arms -I and -II and there are no indications that this arm is a special material branch between two main spiral arms as has been supposed in order to conciliate the neutral hydrogen pattern with the stellar distribution.The pitch angles for the spiral arms are approximately 13°–17°.The observed wave form distribution of the hydrogen cloud layer is completely consistent with the theoretical predictions of Nelson (1976) but there are no indications of such an effect in the intercloud hydrogen. The corrugated cloud layer has a width of 100 pc, a wave amplitude of 70 pc, and a wavelength which grows with the galactic center distance (approx. 2 kpc in the zones next to the galactic nucleus and 2.6–3.0 kpc in the zones next to the Sun). To each wavelength correspond two spiral arms. The spiral features in our Galaxy show characteristics quite similar to the features in the Andromeda nebula, not only in the component materials (neutral hydrogen, Hii regions and possibly also dust and stars) but also in their kinematics.  相似文献   

We consider the problem of long-time storage of high-energy protons, accelerated in the process of a flare, in coronal magnetic traps. From the viewpoint of the storage, one of the most important plasma instabilities is the kinetic cyclotron instability of the Alfvén waves. We carry out a detailed theoretical analysis of the instability for typical conditions of the solar corona. It is the refraction of the Alfvén waves in combination with a drastic decrease of the instability growth rate with an increase of the angle between the directions of the wave vector and the stationary magnetic field that leads to the possibility of the long-term storage of the flare protons. Sufficient conditions of the storage are determined.  相似文献   

Propagation of flare protons in the solar atmosphere   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The velocity dispersion for a large number of solar proton events is analyzed in the energy regime of 10–60 MeV. It is found for all events that the time from the flare to particle maximum t m is well represented by a sum of two components. The first component which is energy independent describes the propagation in the solar atmosphere, the second component describes the propagation in the interplanetary medium giving a velocity dispersion v × t m = const. The additional study of time intensity profiles, onset times, and multispaceprobe observations reveals that the propagation in the solar atmosphere consists of three processes: (1) A rapid transport process in the initial ( 1 h) phase after the event fills up a fast propagation region (FPR), which may extend up to 60° from the flare site and which is tentatively identified with a large unipolar magnetic cell as seen on H synoptic charts, (2) a large-scale drift process which is energy independent with drift velocities v D in the range 1° v D 4°h-1, and simultaneously (3) a diffusion process which yields the general broadening of the intensity time profiles for eastern hemisphere events, which is, however, of less importance than previously assumed.  相似文献   

A theoretical study of the proton loss function in the molecular oxygen based on the most appropriate elastic and inelastic cross-sections is made. The earlier results of the loss function are modified for ionization, charge exchange and elastic scattering. The present results are in good agreement with experiment.  相似文献   

The annual average values of the solar wind velocity over the period 1962–1972 were investigated on the basis of data obtained from different space probes. The comparison of the pattern of the annual average solar wind velocities observed by the Vela and Pioneer 6 satellites indicates that the pattern presented by Gosling et al. (1971) is realistic. The long-range trend in the solar wind velocity during the 11-year cycle is governed by the number and intensity of irregularities occurring in the corona. These irregularities may represent motions of mass or some types of MHD shock waves and they are responsible for the increased heating of the corona which then in turn causes an increase in the values of the solar radar cross-section and of the solar wind velocity. A close relation is demonstrated between the monthly and annual average values of the solar wind velocity and of the cross-section.  相似文献   

The cross-section for dissociative photoionization of hydrogen by 584 Å radiation has been measured, yielding a value of 5 × 10?20 cm2. The process can be explained as a transition from the X1 Σg+ ground state to a continuum level of the X2 Σg+ ionized state of H2 The branching ratio for proton (H+) vs molecular ion (H2+) production at this energy is 8 × 10?3. This process is quite likely an important source of protons in the Jovian ionosphere near altitudes where peak ionization rates are found.  相似文献   

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