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Data from a reversed seismic crustal profile crossing the Caledonides of southern Norway suggest a continuously increasing P-wave velocity followed by a low-velocity zone extending from a depth of about 14 km downwards. Interpretation of observed travel time and amplitude characteristics leads to a thickness of 4 km and velocity of 6.0 km/s for this layer, the velocity above and below it being about 6.6 km/s. The role of such a velocity inversion is discussed in the tectonic framework of the Caledonian orogeny and other relevant geophysical information, and it is suggested that the low-velocity zone materializes deep-seated sediments under Precambrian crystalline rocks. The structure of the lower crust is more tentatively established, but still in reasonable agreement with other seismic investigations in the general profiling area.  相似文献   

Glacifluvial deposits along an ice-marginal zone in Småland, southern Sweden, have been dated using post-IR blue OSL. To test for incomplete bleaching, we adopted two strategies: analysis of modern analogues and small-aliquot dose distributions. Samples of modern fluvial sediments show no significant incomplete bleaching; they yield equivalent doses of only 0.5–2 Gy (0.25–4% of our glacifluvial sediment doses). Small-aliquot dose distributions do not provide any evidence for incomplete bleaching.

The sediments are believed to have been deposited during deglaciation and appear to fall into two age groups: 19–25 ka (mainly sandur sediments) and 33–73 ka (mainly deltaic sediments). Compared to the expected ages (13–15 ka), even the younger glacifluvial OSL ages appear up to 10 000 years (25 Gy) too old. The ages are nevertheless stratigraphically consistent and correspond between sites; we deduce that the 19–25 ka ages are true deposition ages. For glacifluvial sedimentation to take place on the South Swedish Upland at this time either a very early deglaciation is required, or alternatively ice-free conditions just prior to the LGM. The deltaic sediments (33–73 ka) were most likely not significantly bleached during deposition and thus they date events prior to the latest ice advance.  相似文献   

The234U/238U activity ratio was measured in dated strata of the Dye-3 Greenland ice-sheet. Values were generally less than unity indicating a source in weathered crustal rock debris. Three levels showed elevated ratios which are attributed to entry of debris from the aborted Russian satellite Cosmos 954 following residence in the stratosphere.  相似文献   

Polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) can be used as tracers of long-term integrated flow of comtaminants in the sea. They have been used to map the distribution of effluents from sewage outfalls on the southern Greek coast.  相似文献   

To examine nitrate persistence, detailed geochemical profiling, using core-squeezed water and piezometer samples, was carried out at five sites in southern Ontario where groundwater is moving downward in silt-rich aquitard sediments at rates of 16 to more than 20 cm year−1. Elevated levels of NO3-N (5–50 mg 1−1) that occur in the shallow groundwater as a result of agricultural activity, were found to be consistently attenuated, generally to very low levels (< 0.05 mg 1−1-N), at the ‘redoxcline’, the horizon marking the boundary between the surficial weathered (brown) sediments and the underlying unweathered (grey) sediments. Tritium dating suggests that groundwater at the redoxcline depths (3–5 m) was recharged between 1970 and 1980, thus the N03 depletion appears to result from biodegradation reactions since no major landuse changes have occurred during this period. The close association of the nitrate depletion zones with the redoxcline, where, in particular, sediment sulphur contents increase abruptly, and where also porewater SO42− levels increase, suggests that the dominant attenuation reaction is autotrophic denitrification using reduced sulphur compounds present in the unweathered sediment as the electron donor. Mass balance calculations suggest that the increase in the downward rate of migration of the redoxcline, owing to added sulphur consumption from NO3 contamination, is only about 1 mm year−1 at these sites. Review of the literature indicates that most silt- and clay-rich sediments have S contents in the same range, or higher, than those investigated here, thus, in most cases where aquifers are overlain by several metres or more of unweathered confining sediments, it is likely that a high degree of protection is afforded from surficial NO3 contamination.  相似文献   

Simulations of LGM climate of East Asia by regional climate model   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
ClimateconditionsintheLastGlacialMaximum(LGM)wereremarkablydifferentfromthepresentones.LGMglobalmeantemperaturewas5℃-10℃dropbutprecipitationdecreasescommonly.LGMhasbecomethekeyphasetoreconstructtheearthenvironmentalfield,retrieveextremecoldclimatecondit…  相似文献   

Whole rock abundances of Sc, Co and total Fe are presented for the Fen carbonatite complex. Average Sc and Co abundances are as follows: urtites (Sc = 1.8 ppm; Co. 5.5 ppm), ijolites (6.6; 25), silicocarbonatites (3.2; 12.2), søvites (3.5, 8.6), damtjernites (24; 57), vipetoites (5.2, 36), rauhaugites (15, 26), rødberg (61, 28). With in the ijolite-søvite series Sc decreases with degree of differentiation due to removal of pyroxene and garnet. In the damtjernite-rødberg series Sc increases with differentiation due to concentration by volatiles involved in the metasomatic conversion of damtjernite to rødberg. Data for the ijolite-søvite series is opposite to trends for this series found in the Oka carbonatite complex.  相似文献   

A substantial proportion of the glacial sediments of East Anglia, England, are chaotic and highly deformed. This has been attributed to (a) direct glaciotectonic deformation or (b) slumping of glaciomarine sediments. We show that interpretation (a) leads to a classification of subglacial glaciotectonic deposits into sites of ‘constructional deformation’, where little or no erosion of the preglacial deposits has occurred and styles of deformation are preserved moving up in the sequence, and ‘excavational deformation’, where substantial erosion of preglacial sediments has occurred and deformational styles are superimposed on each other. By using glaciological and geotechnical theory, we show that the expression of these deformational styles in East Anglia is a natural response to the stress fields imposed by the ice-sheet, and that in consequence their spatial relationships are explicable. The depth of deformation is related to the geotechnical properties of till and substrate, the stress and effective stress fields, and found to be consistent with observations.  相似文献   

Nordåsvatnet is a land-locked anoxic fjord along the west coast of Norway which is used as a natural recipient of untreated domestic sewage. The study of four core sediments collected from the heavily polluted basin of the fjord reflects the enrichment of surface sediments by Fe, Mn, Cu, Zn and organic matter. This surface enrichment is entirely attributed to the anthropogenic input.  相似文献   

亚洲大陆边缘海和陆表海在区域的物质和能量交换以及区域气候与环境演化过程中扮演了关键角色.磁性地层学和环境磁学方法是建立年代框架和环境演变序列的有效手段,但是,由于该地区边缘海和陆表海沉积物中磁性矿物来源十分复杂,磁性地层学和环境磁学研究的重要基础是要精细地解译沉积物的岩石磁学性质.为此,本文利用渤海南部莱州湾Lz908孔与钻孔附近的现代沉积物样品进行了详细的岩石磁学对比研究.结果显示,渤海南部沉积物中的磁性矿物主要是较粗颗粒(较大的准单畴至多畴)磁铁矿,还有少量磁赤铁矿,部分沉积物还含有赤铁矿和针铁矿,其中磁铁矿是特征剩磁的主要载体;莱州湾现代河流-海洋沉积物和钻孔样品之间的磁性特征无显著差异,说明莱州湾沉积物堆积之后尚未经历明显的沉积后期改造.  相似文献   

In the heavily industrialized Masan Bay of southern coast, Korea, the potential harmful effects of heavy metals (Cd, Co, Cu, Ni, Pb, Sn, Zn, and Hg) were evaluated in terms of the pollution load index (PLI) and ecological risk assessment index (ERI) methods, and the results obtained were considered alongside the health of the macrobenthic fauna communities. The results revealed that the bay sediments, especially in the inner bay and the outfall area of a sewage treatment plant, are exposed to moderate to serious levels of metal pollution. Hg and Cd contributed the most to the potential toxicity response indices in sediments recently deposited in the bay. The potential ecological risk assessment of heavy metals in the bay was highlighted by the use of the benthic biological pollution index (BPI), suggesting that the ERI is a useful toxicity response index, which can quantify the overall ecological risk level to a target environment.  相似文献   

Nine new intermediate water ages estimated with coupled uranium-series and radiocarbon measurements on deep-sea corals from the northeastern Atlantic are presented. Together with six intermediate and deep-water ages from the western North Atlantic [Adkins et al., Science 280 (1998) 725-728] and one from the equatorial Atlantic [Mangini et al., Nature 392 (1998) 347-348] they span the time period from 15?400 to 560 yr ago and show abrupt variations of intermediate and deep-water ages from 270 up to 2320 yr. Both major pulses of meltwater discharge MWP 1A, following Heinrich Event 1 and MWP 1B after the Younger Dryas cold event are followed by enhanced supply of southern source water at intermediate depths in the North Atlantic, together with reduced formation of well-ventilated glacial North Atlantic intermediate water (1000-2000 m). This result gives strong support to numerical models, predicting fast and sharp increase of bottom water age in the Atlantic triggered by pulses of freshwater discharge into the North Atlantic [Rahmstorf, Nature 372 (1994) 82-85; Stocker and Wright, Radiocarbon 40 (1998) 359-366].  相似文献   

Diatom assemblages preserved in continental sedimentary successions of the southern Pampas (Argentina) can provide useful indicators of past environmental changes. Ecological data, however, are scarce. In order to provide modern data for diatom-based paleoenvironmental reconstructions, sediments from shallow lakes and streams of the region were analyzed. A total of 131 diatom species were identified. Canonical correspondence analysis was used to identify the physical and chemical environmental parameters that best explained the distribution of taxa. Cocconeis placentula, Hippodonta hungarica, Navicula veneta, Cyclotella meneghiniana and Nitzschia amphibia were the most widely extended species. The highest percentage variance in diatom data was explained by conductivity and nutrient concentrations. Diatom assemblage composition was more variable in shallow lakes than in streams, which is in agreement with the different hydrological and geomorphological characteristics of these environments. The results obtained in the present work provide useful analogues for paleoenvironmental reconstructions of water bodies in southern Pampas.  相似文献   

The Caledonian Jotun nappe in the Tyin area of southern Norway has been investigated using U-Pb analysis of zircon and sphene and Rb-Sr measurements of minerals and whole rocks, with special reference to the reaction of the isotope systems to various kinds of metamorphic event. The nappe consists of Precambrian basement rocks and their cover, inversely thrust over the Baltic shield and its parautochthonous, presumably lower Paleozoic sediments during the Caledonian orogeny. While the nappe basement retained its pre-Caledonian structures, the nappe cover was penetratively deformed and metamorphosed to lower greenschist facies conditions.U-Pb analyses of zircon and sphene ofnappe basement rocks point to the crystallization of a syenitic to monzonitic magma at 1694± 20m.y., the intrusion of gabbros into the syenites and monzonites at 1252?25+28 m.y., and the metamorphism (upper greenschist-lower amphibolite facies) and deformation (gneissification and mylonitization) of the whole complex at 909± 16m.y. Although this latest event caused strong lead loss in all zircon populations, it had no influence on the Rb-Sr system on a whole rock scale. The Caledonian movements did not disturb the U-Pb system of zircon and sphene but strongly influenced the Rb-Sr system in certain minerals and zircon and/or its inclusions (K-feldspar and brown biotite partially, green biotite completely reset).In contrast to the nappe basement, zircons from thecover rocks show pronounced lead loss during the Caledonian metamorphism/deformation — U-Pb analysis give discordia lower intercept ages of 415± 21 m.y. and 395± 6m.y. Again, however, the Rb-Sr whole-rock system has not been reset in Caledonian time. Minerals from the same rocks which provided the zircons give Rb-Sr isochron ages of 390± 11m.y. and 386 ± 20 m.y.Comparison of U-Pb and Rb-Sr results from the nappe basement demonstrates that only the analysis of U-Pb systematics in zircon and especially sphene resolved the 900-m.y. event. Rb-Sr mineral data alone yield ambiguous results.The results from the nappe cover confirm that U-Pb analyses from penetratively deformed sediments are very useful in dating a metamorphic/tectonic event in lower greenschist facies conditions.From the measured cell dimensions of the zircon populations it is concluded that lead can be completely retained in zircon during recrystallization.  相似文献   

The release of tributyltin (TBT) from maritime traffic represents one of the main problems of direct, diffuse, and continued contamination of the marine environment. In the present survey, the concentrations of TBT and dibultytin (DBT) in brackish waters, sediments, and the gastropods Nassarius nitidus were evaluated in order to estimate the contamination of the southern part of the Venice lagoon. TBT and DBT were determined by GC-MS/MS. Recent contamination of TBT was found in brackish waters near marinas, whereas the highest concentrations of TBT and DBT were observed in surface sediments at dockyards and harbours. High content of organotin in the gastropods sampled near the dockyards, harbours, and marinas showed a mobilisation from the sediments through the food web. The present study allowed assessment of whether, despite the ban on the use of TBT paints, waters, sediments, and biota were still being contaminated by organotin compounds in the southern Venice lagoon.  相似文献   

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