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To stabilize the atmospheric concentration of greenhouse gases (GHG), a huge reduction of carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions is required. Although some people believe that this necessitates a considerable reduction in the use of fossil fuels or fuel switching, other options are available that allow the use of fossil fuels and reduce atmospheric emissions of CO2. Sequestration of CO2 from fossil fuel combustion in the subsurface could prevent the CO2 from reaching the surface for millions of years. Geological sequestration of CO2 in deep aquifers or in depleted oil and gas reservoirs is a mature technology. Despite the huge quantities of CO2 that can be sequestered in this way, this approach does not provide any economic benefit. This paper discusses a third option, which consists of injecting CO2 in deep coal seams to sequester the carbon and enhance the recovery of coalbed methane (CBM). Waste CO2 from CBM-fueled power plants could be injected into CBM reservoirs to produce more methane (CH4) for the power plant. The 2:1 coal-sorption selectivity for CO2 over CH4 supports the feasibility of operating fossil-fueled power plants without atmospheric CO2 emissions. Other CO2 sequestration technologies, such as ocean disposal and biofixation, are briefly discussed and the suitability of these approaches is evaluated for use in Alberta, Canada.  相似文献   

A new site-specific (Tier 3) method has been developed to determine greenhouse gas emissions from open coal mining. The Tier 3 method presented here is based on extensive measurement of gas emissions from open-cut coal mines and the physics of gas desorption from coal. It was adopted by Australian National Greenhouse and Energy Reporting in 2009 and since 2012 formed the scientific basis for the Australian Government guidelines on calculating greenhouse gas emissions from open cut mines. The main strength of this method is its site-specific nature and accuracy, as well as its ability to be integrated with routine coal exploration programs. New concepts were produced for the model: a coal mine is regarded as a ‘gas reservoir,’ with coal seam gas being emitted from a ‘gas release zone’ that consists of sedimentary geological units (emission layers) above and below the base of the mine. The primary data required for the method are the in situ gas content and gas composition of the coal and carbonaceous rocks contained within the gas-release zone. These data are obtained through direct measurement of gas desorption from bore cores. To reduce gas drilling, a mine lease is compartmentalised into ‘gas zones’ of similar gas content and reservoir properties. The outputs of the method are emission density (the potential volume of gas emitted from mining site per unit area of the ground surface) and emission factor (the gas volume emitted per tonne of raw coal extracted). Owing to spatial variability and errors of measurement, the estimate of emissions is associated with uncertainty. A simple method of calculating uncertainty of emissions is presented in this work.  相似文献   

A large collection of well-characterized coals, documented in the Center for Applied Energy Research's (CAER) database, was used to estimate the CO2 content of maceral concentrates from Kentucky and Illinois high volatile bituminous coals. The data showed no correlation between CO2 versus coal ranks and between CO2 versus maceral content. Subsequently, eight sets of low-ash density-gradient centrifugation (DGC) maceral concentrates from five coal beds were examined, spanning in the high volatile rank range. Heating value was not determined on the concentrates, but instead was calculated using the Mott–Spooner formula. There was a good correlation between predicted CO2 and maceral content for the individual iso-rank (based on vitrinite reflectance, analyzed on whole (parent) coal) sets. In general, the predicted CO2 increases from liptinite-rich through vitrinite-rich to inertinite-rich concentrates (note: no “concentrates” are absolutely monomaceral).  相似文献   

A variety of structural and stratigraphic factors control geological heterogeneity, inferred to influence both sequestration capacity and effectiveness, as well as seal capacity. Structural heterogeneity factors include faults, folds, and fracture intensity. Stratigraphic heterogeneity is primarily controlled by the geometry of depositional facies and sandbody continuity, which controls permeability structure. The permeability structure, in turn, has implications for CO2 injectivity and near-term migration pathways, whereas the long-term sequestration capacity can be inferred from the production history. Examples of Gulf Coast oil and gas reservoirs with differing styles of stratigraphic heterogeneity demonstrate the impact of facies variability on fluid flow and CO2 sequestration potential. Beach and barrier-island deposits in West Ranch field in southeast Texas are homogeneous and continuous. In contrast, Seeligson and Stratton fields in south Texas, examples of major heterogeneity in fluvial systems, are composed of discontinuous, channel-fill sandstones confined to narrow, sinuous belts. These heterogeneous deposits contain limited compartments for potential CO2 storage, although CO2 sequestration effectiveness may be enhanced by the high number of intraformational shale beds. These field examples demonstrate that areas for CO2 storage can be optimized by assessing sites for enhanced oil and gas recovery in mature hydrocarbon provinces.  相似文献   

Geological sequestration of CO2 is an option for significantly reducing emissions into the atmosphere. Various hydrocarbon companies in western Canada are currently injecting acid-gas (CO2 and H2S) into deep subsurface formations. At West Stoddart, in northeast British Columbia, acid-gas has been injected since 1998 at 1600 m depth into sandstones of the Triassic Halfway Formation, which forms a regional aquifer. A comprehensive subsurface characterization was conducted of the regional and local-scale geology, reservoir characteristics, mineralogy, in situ fluid properties, and hydrogeology. Preliminary results from geochemical and numerical multi-phase flow modelling suggest that the majority of the injected acid-gas will dissolve in the formation water and remain within a radius of a few kilometres of the injection well. The experience with the acid-gas injection at West Stoddart and other operations in the Alberta Basin has shown that the process of large-scale CO2-injection into deep aquifers is technically feasible.  相似文献   

Geologic storage of CO2 is expected to produce plumes of large areal extent, and some leakage may occur along fractures, fault zones, or improperly plugged pre-existing wellbores. A review of physical and chemical processes accompanying leakage suggests a potential for self-enhancement. The numerical simulations presented here confirm this expectation, but reveal self-limiting features as well. It seems unlikely that CO2 leakage could trigger a high-energy run-away discharge, a so-called “pneumatic eruption,” but present understanding is insufficient to rule out this possibility. The most promising avenue for increasing understanding of CO2 leakage behavior is the study of natural analogues.  相似文献   

Numerical modelling of the processes of CO2 storage in coal and enhanced coalbed methane (ECBM) production requires information on the kinetics of adsorption and desorption processes. In order to address this issue, the sorption kinetics of CO2 and CH4 were studied on a high volatile bituminous Pennsylvanian (Upper Carboniferous) coal (VRr=0.68%) from the Upper Silesian Basin of Poland in the dry and moisture-equilibrated states. The experiments were conducted on six different grain size fractions, ranging from <0.063 to 3 mm at temperatures of 45 and 32 °C, using a volumetric experimental setup. CO2 sorption was consistently faster than CH4 sorption under all experimental conditions. For moist coals, sorption rates of both gases were reduced by a factor of more than 2 with respect to dry coals and the sorption rate was found to be positively correlated with temperature. Generally, adsorption rates decreased with increasing grain size for all experimental conditions.Based on the experimental results, simple bidisperse modelling approaches are proposed for the sorption kinetics of CO2 and CH4 that may be readily implemented into reservoir simulators. These approaches consider the combination of two first-order reactions and provide, in contrast to the unipore model, a perfect fit of the experimental pressure decay curves. The results of this modeling approach show that the experimental data can be interpreted in terms of a fast and a slow sorption process. Half-life sorption times as well as the percentage of sorption capacity attributed to each of the two individual steps have been calculated.Further, it was shown that an upscaling of the experimental and modelling results for CO2 and CH4 can be achieved by performing experiments on different grain size fractions under the same experimental conditions.In addition to the sorption kinetics, sorption isotherms of the samples with different grain size fractions have been related to the variations in ash and maceral composition of the different grain size fractions.  相似文献   

Four lithotypes (vitrain, bright clarain, clarain, and fusain) of a high volatile bituminous Springfield Coal from the Illinois Basin were characterized using advanced solid-state 13C nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy. The NMR techniques included quantitative direct polarization/magic angle spinning (DP/MAS), cross polarization/total sideband suppression (CP/TOSS), dipolar dephasing, CHn selection, and recoupled C-H long-range dipolar dephasing techniques. The lithotypes that experienced high-pressure CO2 adsorption isotherm analysis were also analyzed to determine possible changes in coal structure as a result of CO2 saturation at high pressure and subsequent evacuation. The main carbon functionalities present in original vitrain, bright clarain, clarain and fusain were aromatic carbons (65.9%-86.1%), nonpolar alkyl groups (9.0%-28.9%), and aromatic C-O carbons (4.1%-9.5%). Among these lithotypes, aromaticity increased in the order of clarain, bright clarain, vitrain, and fusain, whereas the fraction of alkyl carbons decreased in the same order. Fusain was distinct from other three lithotypes in respect to its highest aromatic composition (86.1%) and remarkably small fraction of alkyl carbons (11.0%). The aromatic cluster size in fusain was larger than that in bright clarain. The lithotypes studied responded differently to high pressure CO2 saturation. After exposure to high pressure CO2, vitrain and fusain showed a decrease in aromaticity but an increase in the fraction of alkyl carbons, whereas bright clarain and clarain displayed an increase in aromaticity but a decrease in the fraction of alkyl carbons. Aromatic fused-rings were larger for bright clarain but smaller for fusain in the post-CO2 adsorption samples compared to the original lithotypes. These observations suggested chemical CO2-coal interactions at high pressure and the selectivity of lithotypes in response to CO2 adsorption.  相似文献   

A detailed geochemical study on river waters of the Australian Victorian Alps was carried out to determine: (i) the relative significance of silicate, carbonate, evaporite and sulfide weathering in controlling the major ion composition and; (ii) the factors regulating seasonal and spatial variations of CO2 consumption via silicate weathering in the catchments. Major ion chemistry implies that solutes are largely derived from evaporation of precipitation and chemical weathering of carbonate and silicate lithologies. The input of solutes from rock weathering was determined by calculating the contribution of halite dissolution and atmospheric inputs using local rain and snow samples. Despite the lack of carbonate outcrops in the study area and waters being undersaturated with respect to calcite, the dissolution of vein calcite accounts for up to 67% of the total dissolved cations, generating up to 90% of dissolved Ca and 97% of Mg. Dissolved sulfate has δ34S values of 16 to 20‰CDT, indicating that it is derived predominantly from atmospheric deposition and minor gypsum weathering and not from bacterial reduction of FeS2. This militates against sulphuric acid weathering in Victorian rivers. Ratios of Si vs. the atmospheric corrected Na and K concentrations range from ~ 1.1 to ~ 4.3, suggesting incongruent weathering from plagioclase to smectite, kaolinite and gibbsite.Estimated long-term average CO2 fluxes from silicate weathering range from ~ 0.012 × 106 to 0.039 × 106 mol/km2/yr with the highest values in rivers draining the basement outcrops rather than sedimentary rocks. This is about one order of magnitude below the global average which is due to low relief, and the arid climate in that region. Time series measurements show that exposure to lithology, high physical erosion and long water–rock contact times dominate CO2 consumption fluxes via silicate weathering, while variations in water temperature are not overriding parameters controlling chemical weathering. Because the atmospheric corrected concentrations of Na, K and Mg act non-conservative in Victorian rivers the parameterizations of weathering processes, and net CO2 consumption rates in particular, based on major ion abundances, should be treated with skepticism.  相似文献   

Presently many research projects focus on the reduction of anthropogenic CO2 emissions. It is intended to apply underground storage techniques such as flue gas injection in unminable coal seams. In this context, an experimental study has been performed on the adsorption of pure CO2 and preferential sorption behavior of flue gas. A coal sample from the Silesian Basin in Poland (0.68% V Rr), measured in the dry and wet state at 353 K has been chosen for this approach. The flue gas used was a custom class industrial flue gas with 10.9% of CO2, 0.01% of CO, 9% of H2, 3.01% of CH4, 3.0% of O2, 0.106% of SO2 and nitrogen as balance.Adsorption isotherms of CO2 and flue gas were measured upto a maximum of 11 MPa using a volumetric method. Total excess sorption capacities for CO2 on dry and wet Silesia coal ranged between 1.9 and 1.3 mmol/g, respectively. Flue gas sorption capacities on dry and wet Silesia coal were much lower and ranged between 0.45 and 0.2 mmol/g, respectively, at pressures of 8 MPa. The low sorption capacity of wet coal has resulted from water occupying some of the more active adsorption sites and hence reducing the heterogeneity of adsorption sites relative to that of dry coal. Desorption tests with flue gas were conducted to study the degree of preferential sorption of the individual components. These experiments indicate that CO2 is by far the prefered sorbing component under both wet and dry conditions. This is followed by CH4. N2 adsorbs very little on the coal in the presence of CO2 and CH4. It is also observed that the adsorption of CO2 onto coal is not significantly hindered by the addition of other gases, other than dilution effect of the pressure.In addition to the sorption experiments, the density of the flue gas mixture has been determined up to 18 MPa at 318 K. A very good precision of these measurements were documented by volumetric methods.  相似文献   

松辽盆地是中国主要的能源基地,随着中国振兴东北老工业基地政策的实施,如何应对工业和经济发展带来的CO_2排放量的增加,将成为亟需解决的问题。在盆地内进行CO_2地质储存将成为盆地内解决该问题的主要技术选择之一。以松辽盆地为研究对象,在深入分析松辽盆地CO_2地质储存条件的基础上,从储存规模、储存安全性和社会环境风险及经济适宜性4个方面综合考虑,构建了由16个指标组成的松辽盆地CO_2地质储存适宜性评价指标体系,利用灰色关联分析法对松辽盆地33个二级构造单元进行了盆地级适宜性评价工作,评价结果为进一步场地级目标靶区的筛选提供了科技支撑。  相似文献   

结合CO_2地质利用与封存技术机理,在国际权威潜力评估公式的基础上,系统地提出了适合中国地质背景的次盆地尺度CO_2封存潜力评估方法及关键参数取值。同时,以四川盆地为例,依次开展了枯竭油田地质封存与CO_2强化石油开采、枯竭气田与CO_2强化采气、不可采煤层地质封存与CO_2驱替煤层气,以及咸水层地质封存技术的CO_2地质封存潜力。结果表明,四川盆地利用深部咸水层与枯竭天然气田CO_2地质封存潜力最大,期望值分别达154.20×10~8t和53.73×10~8t。其中,枯竭天然气田因成藏条件好、勘探程度高、基础建设完善,为四川盆地及其周边利用枯竭气田CO_2地质封存技术实现低碳减排提供了早期示范机会。CO_2地质利用与封存潜力评估方法,对进一步开展全国次盆地尺度理论封存潜力评估与工程规划具有重要意义。  相似文献   

This work was motivated by considerations of potential leakage pathways for CO2 injected into deep geological formations for the purpose of carbon sequestration. Because existing wells represent a potentially important leakage pathway, a spatial analysis of wells that penetrate a deep aquifer in the Alberta Basin was performed and various statistical measures to quantify the spatial distribution of these wells were presented. The data indicate spatial clustering of wells, due to oil and gas production activities. The data also indicate that the number of wells that could be impacted by CO2 injection, as defined by the spread of an injected CO2 plume, varies from several hundred in high well-density areas to about 20 in low-density areas. These results may be applied to other mature continental sedimentary basins in North America and elsewhere, where detailed information on well location and status may not be available.  相似文献   

Seismic surveys successfully imaged a small scale CO2 injection (1,600 ton) conducted in a brine aquifer of the Frio Formation near Houston, Texas. These time-lapse borehole seismic surveys, crosswell and vertical seismic profile (VSP), were acquired to monitor the CO2 distribution using two boreholes (the new injection well and a pre-existing well used for monitoring) which are 30 m apart at a depth of 1,500 m. The crosswell survey provided a high-resolution image of the CO2 distribution between the wells via tomographic imaging of the P-wave velocity decrease (up to 500 m/s). The simultaneously acquired S-wave tomography showed little change in S-wave velocity, as expected for fluid substitution. A rock physics model was used to estimate CO2 saturations of 10–20% from the P-wave velocity change. The VSP survey resolved a large (∼70%) change in reflection amplitude for the Frio horizon. This CO2 induced reflection amplitude change allowed estimation of the CO2 extent beyond the monitor well and on three azimuths. The VSP result is compared with numerical modeling of CO2 saturations and is seismically modeled using the velocity change estimated in the crosswell survey.  相似文献   

Geological sequestration of CO2 is one of the options studied to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. Although the feasibility of this concept is proven, apart from literature data on modelling still little is known about the CO2–water–rock interactions induced by CO2-injection.To evaluate the effect of CO2–water–rock interactions on three sandstone aquifers in NE-Belgium an experimental setup was built. Eighteen experiments were performed in which sandstones were exposed to supercritical CO2. CO2–water–rock interactions were deduced from the evolution of aqueous concentrations of 25 species and a thorough characterisation of the sandstones before and after treatment. The results show that dissolution of ankerite/dolomite and Al-silicates could enhance porosity/permeability. The observed precipitation of end-member carbonates could increase storage capacity if it exceeds carbonate dissolution. Precipitation of the latter and of K-rich clays as observed, however, can hamper the injection.  相似文献   

Modelling is an indispensable tool in geochemical engineering in predicting the outcome of our intended interferences in geochemical systems. Because such systems are highly complex, investigation by means of designed experiment can only apply to subsystems and processes. Models too can only capture a partial, simplified image of the true system. Conceptual models play a vital role. Advantages of the use of models are, a.o., better testing of our understanding of geochemical processes, better formulation of this understanding, and better prediction of the outcome of our conjectures. Examples from hydrogeochemistry are discussed to demonstrate this.  相似文献   


Throughout SE France, 13C-values of CO2releases suggest that a variable part of the C02 emission derives from mantle and/or lower crust. Carbon dioxide emission takes place in various geological settings. Geodynamical analyses lead to the identification of five provinces: the Sub-Alpine Ranges, the French Massif Central, the Mediterranean part of the Languedoc, the western Pyrénées and the Alps at the West of the Penninic front. Possible correlations are suggested between CO2 flux and tectonic history of the structural provinces.

Possible processes by which CO2 is extracted from the mantle, stored and transferred to the surface are investigated for each of these provinces. Major crustal scale gas movements may have taken place during the Carboniferous (Variscan and Late Variscan tectogenesis), the Lias and Dogger (rifting), the Upper Cretaceous and the Cenozoic (Alpine tectogenesis), A model of successive circulations of fluids on the scale of the whole Southeastern France CO2-belt is proposed. This integrated isotopic and geodynamic approach contributes to a better understanding of the regional CO2flux.  相似文献   

Two springs (Cuihua Spring, Shuiqiuchi Spring) in Cuihua Mountain of the Qinling Mountains were observed and sampled monthly during 2004 and 2005 to trace their physical properties and chemical compositions with seasons. Although both pH values and cation (Ca2+, Mg2+, K+, and Na+) contents of Cuihua Spring are higher than those of Shuiqiuchi Spring, seasonal variations in both springs are obvious. The pH values of both spring waters are between 5.69 and 6.98, lower than that of rainwater during summer and autumn. From January to November, the pH values of both springs similarly vary from high to low and then to high again. Variations in electric conductivities of two spring waters are contrary, although their electric conductivities are positively correlative with the cation content respectively. This can be attributed to different water sources of the two springs or different acidic rocks they passed. The contents of HCO3 , Ca2+, Mg2+, K+, and Na+ are low, indicating a low silicate weathering that the strata in this district are mainly composed of granite and schist of quartz and mica. Differing from change in spring water in karst regions of South China where abundant precipitation and dilution of rainwater cause low pH and electric conductivity in summer and autumn, the seasonal variations in the pH values and the electric conductivities of two springs in Qinling Mountains are attributed to seasonal changes in CO2 produced by microorganisms’ activity in soil within respective year, rather than rainfall. The microorganisms’ activity in soil produces more CO2 during summer and autumn. Therefore, the water nature of springs in silicate regions chiefly reflects the seasonal changes of CO2 produced by the microorganisms in soil.  相似文献   

This paper reports a preliminary investigation of CO2 sequestration and seal integrity at Teapot Dome oil field, Wyoming, USA, with the objective of predicting the potential risk of CO2 leakage along reservoir-bounding faults. CO2 injection into reservoirs creates anomalously high pore pressure at the top of the reservoir that could potentially hydraulically fracture the caprock or trigger slip on reservoir-bounding faults. The Tensleep Formation, a Pennsylvanian age eolian sandstone is evaluated as the target horizon for a pilot CO2 EOR-carbon storage experiment, in a three-way closure trap against a bounding fault, termed the S1 fault. A preliminary geomechanical model of the Tensleep Formation has been developed to evaluate the potential for CO2 injection inducing slip on the S1 fault and thus threatening seal integrity. Uncertainties in the stress tensor and fault geometry have been incorporated into the analysis using Monte Carlo simulation. The authors find that even the most pessimistic risk scenario would require ∼10 MPa of excess pressure to cause the S1 fault to reactivate and provide a potential leakage pathway. This would correspond to a CO2 column height of ∼1,500 m, whereas the structural closure of the Tensleep Formation in the pilot injection area does not exceed 100 m. It is therefore apparent that CO2 injection is not likely to compromise the S1 fault stability. Better constraint of the least principal stress is needed to establish a more reliable estimate of the maximum reservoir pressure required to hydrofracture the caprock.  相似文献   

《International Geology Review》2012,54(14):1792-1812
Abundant crude oil and CO2 gas coexist in the fourth member of the Upper Cretaceous Quantou reservoir in the Huazijing Step of the southern Songliao Basin, China. Here, we present results of a petrographic characterization of this reservoir based on polarizing microscope, X-ray diffraction, fluid inclusion, and carbon–oxygen isotopic data. These data were used to identify whether CO2 might be trapped in minerals after the termination of a CO2-enhanced oil recovery (EOR) project, and to determine what effects might the presence of CO2 have on the properties of crude oil in the reservoir. The crude oil reservoir in the study area, which coexists with mantle-derived CO2, is hosted by dawsonite-bearing lithic arkoses and feldspathic litharenites. These sediments are characterized by a paragenetic sequence of clay, quartz overgrowth, first-generation calcite, dawsonite, second-generation calcite, and ankerite. The dawsonite analysed during this study exhibits δ13 C (Peedee Belemnite, PDB) values of ?4.97‰ to 0.67‰, which is indicative for the formation of magmatic–mantle CO2. The paragenesis and compositions of fluid inclusions in the dawsonite-bearing sandstones record a sequence of two separate filling events, the first involving crude oil and the second involving magmatic–mantle CO2. The presence of prolate primary hydrocarbon inclusions within the dawsonite indicates that these minerals precipitated from oil-bearing pore fluids at temperatures of 94–97°C, in turn suggesting that CO2 could be stored as carbonate minerals after the termination of a CO2-EOR project. In addition, the crude oil in the basin would become less dense after deposition of bitumen by deasphalting the injection of CO2 gas into the oil pool.  相似文献   

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