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REE abundances for a suite of Rabaul caldera lavas ranging from basalt to dacite are reported. Three of the lavas contain negative Ce anomalies. These ‘anomalous’ lavas are older and have a geochemistry different from the younger lavas which form the main Rabaul caldera. The consistent geochemical differences between the two groups of lavas suggest that the Ce anomaly is inherited from the source material from which the magmas were derived and is not due to differences in crystallization or fractionation paths. Ocean floor lavas containing zeolite assemblages have been shown to possess a Ce anomaly and it is concluded that those lavas having a Ce anomaly were derived from lithosphere which had been depleted in Ce during weathering and hydrothermal processes.  相似文献   

The major element chemistry of SiO2-undersaturated arc lavas from Lihir Island, Papua New Guinea, and 1 atmosphere experiments on an alkali basalt from this island show complex polybaric fractionation affected this suite of lavas. Low Ni and MgO are typical of these arc lavas and result from olivine fractionation, probably at high pressure. Fractionation at low pressure (<5 kb) produces two evolutionary trends. Separation of clinopyroxene, plagioclase and minor olivine from the primitive lavas results in increasing normative nepheline contents and major element trends similar to those of the experiments. In contrast, addition of magnetite and amphibole to the fractionating assemblage in the evolved lavas results in decreasing normative nepheline and major element trends which are markedly different from those of the experiments. The composition of experimental glasses and 1 atmosphere liquid lines of descent, derived from anhydrous melting experiments run at the fayalite-magnetite-quartz (FMQ) buffer and at higher oxygen fugacities, are displaced from the lavas on oxide-oxide plots. HighfO2 produces high Fe3+/Fe2+ and the early crystallization of abundant magnetite, and high H2O contents are responsible for crystallization of amphibole. Crystal fractionation of these phases and the high Fe3+/Fe2+ are responsible for the displacement of the lavas and experimental glasses in mineral projection schemes from the 1 atmosphere olivine-clinopyroxene-plagioclase saturation boundary of Sack et al. (1987).  相似文献   

Pleistocene to Recent stratovolcanoes in the Highlands of Papua New Guinea are made up of calc-alkaline to shoshonitic lava, tuff, agglomerate, ash, and lahar deposits. The volcanic rocks are characterized by high and variable Al, high K and total alkalis, and low Fe, Mg, and Ca. There is a continuous variation between high-K calc-alkaline, low-Si high-K calc-alkaline, and shoshonitic rocks. The elements V, Rb, Sr, Zn, Nb, and Ba are high relative to general andesitic abundances, particularly in the shoshonites. The Highlands volcanic rocks originated either in the base of thick sialic crust which is undergoing stabilization after major orogeny and uplift, or more probably, in eclogite sinking through the underlying mantle. Variation in content of K and other incompatible elements was either inherited from the source rocks in the base of the crust, or was produced by zone refining in a thick upper mantle zone containing interstitial fluid rich in these elements. Further variation, mainly in Fe/Mg, Si, and total alkalis, was caused by minor low-pressure crystal fractionation involving olivine, clinopyroxene, and, to a lesser extent, calcic plagioclase.  相似文献   

Rabaul caldera is a large volcanic depression at the north-east tip of New Britain, Papua New Guinea. The lavas range in composition from basalt to rhyolite and have a calc-alkalic affinity but also display features typical of tholeiites, including moderate absolute iron enrichment in flows cropping out around the caldera. The basalts contain phenocrysts of plagioclase and clinopyroxene with less abundant olivine and titanomagnetite. In the basaltic andesites olivine is rare, while orthopyroxene and titanomagnetite are common along with plagioclase and clinopyroxene. Orthopyroxene is also found mantling olivine in some of the basalts while in both rock types pigeonitic augite is a fairly common constituent of the groundmass. Plagioclase in both basalt and basaltic andesite often exhibits sieve texture and analysis of the glass blebs show them to be of similar composition to the bulk rock. Phenocrystic clinopyroxene is a diopsidic augite in both basalt and basaltic andesite. Al2O3 content of the clinopyroxene is moderately high (4%) and often shows considerable variation in any one grain. Calculations show that the microphenocrysts probably crystallised near the surface, while phenocrysts crystallised at around 7 kb (21 km). Neither the basalts nor the basaltic andesites would have been in equilibrium at any geologically reasonable P and T with quartz eclogite. Equilibration between mantle peridotite and a. typical Rabaul basaltic liquid could have occurred around 35 kb and 1270 °C. A basaltic andesite liquid yields a temperature of 1263 °C and a pressure of 28 kb for equilibration with mantle peridotite.Partial melting of sufficient volumes of mantle peridotite at these P's and T's requires about 15% H2O, but there is no evidence that these magmas ever contained large amounts of water. It is proposed that the Rabaul magmas were initially generated by partial melting of subducted lithosphere and subsequently modified by minor partial melting as they passed through the overlying mantle peridotite.  相似文献   

Ambitle Volcano (new name) is the most recently active of four eruptive centres that make up the mainly Pliocene–Pleistocene Tabar–Lihir–Tanga–Feni (TLTF) alkalic volcanic province, located in the New Ireland Basin, Papua New Guinea. Ambitle Volcano is a submarine and subaerial stratovolcano occupying all of Ambitle Island. The volcano rises 2500 m above the surrounding sea floor to sea level and, with a maximum elevation of 479 m above sea level, indicates a structure nearly 3000 m high. Volcanic deposits rest unconformably on Oligocene basement rocks of the New Ireland Basin. The cone of Ambitle Volcano is constructed mainly of lavas and pyroclastic and epiclastic rocks; lavas are commonly vesiculated. These lavas are strongly undersaturated and intermediate in composition (phonolitic tephrite and tephritic phonolite) with alkali basalt, tephrite and basanite and trachybasalt and trachyandesite also present. Syenite porphyry and monzonite stocks intrude the cone-forming mafic–intermediate sequence at Kabang–Matangkaka and in the upper Nanum River. The central part of the Ambitle Volcano is now modified as a prominent semi-circular topographic rim around the Nanum Valley. The Nanum Valley Crater (new name) is the product of large-scale summit failure of the SW flanks of the summit of the Ambitle Volcano. This event is dated no younger than 0.68–0.49 Ma. The Ambitle Crater (new name), the product of Late Quaternary resurgence of volcanism following sector collapse of Ambitle Volcano, is located in the NE portion of the Nanum Valley Crater. The crater is elongated NNE and measures 900 m × 550 m at its widest development. The strong NNE–SSW linearity of the western rim of Ambitle Crater is structurally controlled by the Kabang Fault. Tephra was erupted from the Ambitle Crater at 2300 ± 100 a and is widely dispersed throughout the Nanum Valley Crater and beyond. This is the youngest volcanic event in the TLTF volcanic province. The Niffin graben is a major NW–SE-trending structural corridor that transects Ambitle Island. The structural corridor is parallel to the NW–SE strike of the TLTF volcanic province suggesting it has been an important control on magmatism and volcanism. Presently active geothermal systems are located along Niffin graben structures in the western valleys of the island and in the Nanum Valley Crater. The volcanic rocks of Ambitle Volcano host porphyry Cu–Au style mineralisation and epithermal Ladolam-type Au mineralisation. Extensive exploration including surface sampling and subsurface drilling completed since 1983 on many prospects has not defined an economic resource.  相似文献   

The Rabaul caldera is at the northeastern tip of the island of New Britain, Papua New Guinea. Unwelded pumice flows and air fall pumice of andesite, dacite and rhyolite drape the caldera. They contain sparse phenocrysts of plagioclase, pyroxene and rarely amphibole, together with microphenocrysts of titanomagnetite and ilmenite; apatite and pyrrhotite are also present. The equilibration temperature of the iron-titanium oxides range from 1035° to 835° C. Estimates of sulphur fugacity are obtained from the composition of the pyrrhotites which contain about 1% Cu and 0.3% Mn. Calculations show that the fugacity of SO2 may be several tens of bars at 1000° C. An estimate of the activity coefficient of Fe3O4 in titanomagnetite was obtained, and within the limits of error, can be taken as unity in the temperature range 835–1035° C and the composition range 22. 6–42.5% ulvospinel. Calculations suggest that the phenocrysts of orthopyroxene and titanomagnetite in the rhyolitic pumice equilibrated at pressures (P total) of between 2.2 and 2.6 kilobars. Estimates of pH2o are unreliable because of the presumed later hydration of the pumice.  相似文献   

The exceptionally large gold resource at Ladolam (>1,300 metric tons of gold), Lihir Island, resulted from the transition of an early-stage, low-grade porphyry gold system to a low-sulfidation epithermal gold event. This transition was probably triggered by rapid decompression during the partial slope failure of Luise stratovolcano and accompanied by the ingress of seawater. The original porphyry stage is indicated by remnant hydrothermal breccia clasts of strongly biotite-magnetite altered monzodiorite with disseminated pyrite - chalcopyrite and poorly developed pyrite - quartz stockwork veins. The breccias are overprinted by biotite-magnetite alteration and their matrix is strongly mineralized with disseminated auriferous pyrite. The breccias are cut by late-stage epithermal quartz-chalcedony-illite-adularia-pyrite veins and associated illite-adularia alteration that locally contain bonanza gold grades of up to 120 g/t. Isotope data suggest a magmatic source of sulfur in the gold-bearing fluids at Ladolam. Electronic supplementary material to this paper can be obtained by using the Springer LINK server located at http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s00126-001-0230-y  相似文献   

Papua New Guinea’s petroleum sector has substantially grown in the last 2 years. There is an increase in exploration expenditure, which also sees a corresponding increase in the number of exploration licences. Two new petroleum projects have been commissioned and these have added to production of the existing projects. The oilfields are small by world standards. The sector is the second major contributor to the export income and taxation revenue of the country, after minerals.  相似文献   

Summary Grab samples from the submarine Conical Seamount, located about 10km south of the giant Ladolam gold deposit, Lihir Island, reveal the highest gold concentrations yet reported from the modern seafloor. Lavas from Conical Seamount are characterized by high K2O contents, high K2O/Na2O ratios, and high Ce/Yb ratios, which are typical of high-K igneous rocks from oceanic (island) arc-settings. The primitive character of the rocks from Conical Seamount implies a magmatic evolution related to a single eruptive phase, which contrasts with the more evolved rocks forming Lihir Island. Geochemical as well as mineral chemical data suggest that the melts from both Conical Seamount and Lihir Island originate from the same magma source. In common with the samples from Lihir Island, elevated oxygen fugacities of 0.7–2.5log units above the FMQ buffer are recorded from the Conical Seamount lavas.There are distinct differences between the mineralization styles at Conical Seamount and at the Ladolam gold deposit, Lihir Island. While early-stage pyritic stockwork mineralization at Conical Seamount is hosted by clay-silica altered basaltic rocks with local alunite±kaolinite alteration, main-stage Au-mineralization occurs in sericite-alkali feldspar altered polymetallic sulfide-bearing siliceous veins. By contrast, early-stage pyritic stockwork mineralization at Ladolam is restricted to biotite–magnetite ± silica-altered monzodiorite, while the main-stage bulk-tonnage mineralization occurs as auriferous pyrite-bearing hydrothermal breccias which, in places, are cut by quartz–chalcedony–illite–adularia–pyrite±marcasite veins containing isolated bonanza gold grades.  相似文献   

Manam volcano consists of relatively mafic and compositionallysimilar tholeiitic basalts and low-SiO2 andesites that are characterizedby notably low (mainly 0?3–0?35 weight per cent) TiO2contents. These rocks provide an ideal opportunity to investigateboth the extent of depletion in their peridotite magma-sourceregions (which are evidently similar in many respects to thehighly depleted sources of boninitic magmas), and the interplayof the high-level processes of magma mixing, crystal fractionation,and upper crustal contamination, in an island-are volcano. Manamrocks have pronounced enrichments in Rb, Ba, K, and Sr relativeto the light rare-earth elements and, especially, to the high-field-strengthelements (Sr/Ti values are exceptionally high). However, thereis no compelling evidence that these enrichments were causedby addition of a hydrous, slab-derived component to the peridotitesource region. Nd and Sr-isotope ratios plot within the oceanicmantle array; 207Pb/204Pb values are only slightly higher thanthose for oceanic rocks; and the absence of hydrous minerals,the early crystallization and modal preponderance of plagioclaseover pyroxene, high estimated quenching temperatures, and lowwater contents in the Manam rocks, are all evidence that themagmas crystallized under markedly water-undersaturated conditions.Unusually anorthite-rich plagioclase phenoerysts in the morediffrentiated rocks may correspond to crystallization underhigher water-vapour pressures, possibly caused by influxes ofgroundwater, or they may be accidental xenocrysts. Fractionationof olivine, clinopyroxene, and spinel (early chromite followedby magnetite) has dominated the evolution of the magma series.However, clear correlations between incompatible trace-elementratios, 87Sr/86Sr, and 100 Mg/(Mg ? Fe2?) values are convincingevidence for an accompanying mixing process—either of(1) two basaltic magma types (one more fractionated and lowerin 87Sr/86Sr than the other), or (2) pristine magmas and contaminantfrom basaltic conduit and reservoir wall rocks. Wall-rock contaminationis the less likely process, and is the more difficult one toidentify, particularly if it accompanied magma mixing.  相似文献   

The Doriri Creek (DC) Ni–Pd–Pt prospect was discovered in 1966 in the Papuan Ultramafic Belt (PUB) in PNG. The DC was interpreted as a hydrothermal Ni accumulation. The DC is located in the southern proximity of Mt Suckling (~ 180 km SE of Port Moresby), where local intrusive rocks are intermediate to acid dykes and small stocks, within the tec tonized contact zone of the Australian and Woodlark Plates. The active volcanoes of Mount Victory and Waiowa indicate recent thermal activity in the area.The Doriri Creek prospect is the result of episodic hydrothermal fluid flow running through the Doriri prospect, that resulted in Ni concentration of up to 1.55 wt.%, formed by alteration of an ultramafic unit of peridotites/pyroxenites within a Mg-rich gabbronorite envelope. Ni was concentrated in chlorite and serpentine group minerals in addition to Fe oxides, with a minor amount in pentlandite in locally sulfidic samples. Ore mineralogy is also associated with a high phosphorous content as apatite, that concentrates LREE (light rare earth elements). Palladium concentrations are up to 0.37 ppm. Platinum is present in concentrations up to 0.06 ppm within the ore.The alteration halo associated with Doriri Creek mineralization is ~ 100 m in width. Primary mineralogy comprises pyroxene, olivine and plagioclase, which have been altered extensively to amphibole and chlorite–serpentine group minerals. This halo is characterized by enrichments of U, K and W over background values.Local magnetite concentration is up to ~ 35% of whole rock, which is very pronounced in the sulfide rich area of the system. The top part of the DC system is overprinted by tropical weathering at metric scale, which displays LREE enrichment and positive Ce anomalies.The Papuan Ultramafic Belt is described as a highly prospective ground for hydrothermal Ni systems based on its availability of Ni, active thermal flow engines, and the geologic regional context dominated by mafic rock suites and the presence of carbonate/siliciclastic units.  相似文献   

陈丹丹 《地质与勘探》2017,53(1):187-197
巴布亚新几内亚利希尔岛拉多拉姆金矿处于太平洋板块与印澳板块的板块边界部位,为西南太平洋地区最大的碱性侵入岩有关的低硫型浅成低温热液型金矿。矿床赋存在Luise火山内,成矿与更新世碱性二长闪长岩侵入体有关,该岩体形成于俯冲带环境下被流体交代的上地幔的部分熔融。矿床的矿化可分为三个阶段,在岩体侵入后形成斑岩铜矿化,并在之后逐渐过渡为浅成低温热液型金矿化。该类矿床在成矿过程和矿体的分布明显受到区域性构造、蚀变带和成矿有关角砾岩等成矿结构面的控制,在找矿标志上具有特定的物化探和地质特征,具有较好的找矿远景。  相似文献   

In 1989 open-cut gold mining commenced on Misima Island in Papua New Guinea (PNG). Open-cut mining by its nature causes a significant increase in sedimentation via the exposure of soils to the erosive forces of rain and runoff. This increased sedimentation affected the nearby fringing coral reef to varying degrees, ranging from coral mortality (smothering) to relatively minor short-term impacts. The sediment associated with the mining operation consists of weathered quartz feldspar, greenstone, and schist. These rocks have distinct chemical characteristics (rare earth element patterns and high abundances of manganese, zinc, and lead) and are entering the near-shore environment in considerably higher than normal concentrations. Using laser ablation inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (LA-ICP-MS), we analyzed eight colonies (two from high sedimentation, two transitional, two minor, and two unaffected control sites) for Y, La, Ce, Mn, Zn, and Pb. All sites show low steady background levels prior to the commencement of mining in 1988. Subsequently, all sites apart from the control show dramatic increases of Y, La, and Ce associated with the increased sedimentation as well as rapid decreases following the cessation of mining. The elements Zn and Pb exhibit a different behavior, increasing in concentration after 1989 when ore processing began and one year after initial mining operations. Elevated levels of Zn and Pb in corals has continued well after the cessation of mining, indicating ongoing transport into the reef of these metals via sulfate-rich waters. Rare earth element (REE) abundance patterns measured in two corals show significant differences compared to Coral Sea seawater. The corals display enrichments in the light and middle REEs while the heavy REEs are depleted relative to the seawater pattern. This suggests that the nearshore seawater REE pattern is dominated by island sedimentation. Trace element abundances of Misima Island corals clearly record the dramatic changes in the environmental conditions at this site and provide a basis for identifying anthropogenic influences on corals reefs.  相似文献   

Abstract. Papua New Guinea is geologically highly prospective for minerals. There are three world class, open pit mines located at Ok Tedi, Porgera and Lihir, and two medium-scale underground operations at Tolukuma and Kainantu. Two other mining projects - Ramu and Simberi are fully licensed and will be mined in the next 6–12 months. The mining sector is the major contributor to the export income and taxation revenue of the country.  相似文献   

Phase and group velocity dispersions of fundamental mode Rayleigh waves for the path Port Moresby-Rabaul have been computed. The structural interpretation of dispersion curves for the Solomon Sea reveals the channel shear velocity as about 4.35 km/s and the channel starts around 95 km below the earth's surface. In other words, the elastic velocities-depth structure beneath the Solomon Sea is very similar to that beneath the northern part of the Western Mediterranean Basin. Further, group velocity dispersion of fundamental mode Rayleigh waves at the PMG and the RAB seismic stations have been computed. The structural interpretation of a dispersion curve for the orogenic belt of Papua New Guinea reveals a crust of about 62.5 km thick and uppermost mantle shear velocity of about 4.3 km/s.  相似文献   

R.W Page  R.W Johnson 《Lithos》1974,7(2):91-100
Strontium isotope data for Quaternary volcanic rocks from six separate areas in Papua New Guinea suggest a subdivision into two broad groups. One group consists of island volcanoes that have lower Sr37/Sr38 ratios (0.7034–0.7043) and show isotopic homogeneity within each area sampled. Except for the St. Andrew Strait samples, it is considered that these rocks were produced from relatively homogeneous source regions in the upper mantle. Volcanoes of the second group (on the Papua New Guinea mainland) have generally a higher and wider range of Sr37/Sr36 ratios, compared to those of the first group. It is thought that the magmas of these mainland volcanoes were affected by different degrees of sialic crustal contamination, or were derived from heterogeneous sources in the upper mantle.  相似文献   

I.E.M. Smith  W. Compston 《Lithos》1982,15(3):199-206
Strontium isotope data are presented from 28 rock samples representing four distinct episodes of late Cenozoic volcanism in southeastern Papua. Eocene tholeiitic basalts have initial 87Sr/86Sr ratios (0.7037) which are higher than those in chemically comparable basalts and are thought to have been enhanced by rock-sea water interaction. Late Cenozoic are trench type volcanoes in the Papuan islands have initial 87Sr/86Sr ratios which show little variation (0.7041±2) in contrast to those from the contiguous Papua New Guinea mainland (0.7036-0.7054). This isotopic discontinuity does not appear to be due to contamination by immediately underlying sialic metamorphics. High-K trachytes in the Lusancay Islands north of the late Cenozoic are have comparable initial 87Sr/86Sr ratios. Wide variation (0.703-0.710) in the initial ratios measured in a group of apparently closely related rocks ranging in composition from transitional basalt to peralkaline rhyolite cannot be explained by differences in age or by late magmatic fractionation and continue to pose an enigma.  相似文献   

A case history is presented describing geochemical exploration of the porphyry Cu-Mo system at Yandera in the Bismark Ranges of Papua New Guinea. Three phases of geochemistry are discussed: (1) stream sediment, (2) ridge and spur, and (3) detailed rock and soil from contour trails. Results of each phase are presented and their relationship to drill-indicated mineralisation discussed. The effectiveness of the three techniques and various elements as geochemical guides to primary mineralisation is compared.Copper in stream sediment samples at a density of one sample per 1–2 km2 effectively delineated the porphyry Cu system. The extent of ridge and spur sampling was limited, therefore its effectiveness is uncertain. Detailed sampling along contour trails indicated that Au and Mo are the most effective geochemical tools. Copper geochemistry is of limited use as its distribution is largely a function of recent processes and dispersion from supergene mineralisation. No clear relationship exists between Ag geochemistry and mineralisation. Lead and Zn are distributed peripheral to the porphyry Cu system.The effectiveness of Au and, to a lesser extent, Mo as geochemical guides to ore in the steep mountainous terrain of the prospect area where high rainfall, deep weathering and rapid erosion prevail is due to the relatively high stability of these metals in the soils and the oxide zone.  相似文献   

When Tuluman volcano, in St Andrew Strait, northern Bismarck Sea, erupted between 1953 and 1957, it produced acid rocks similar in major element chemistry to those of three other islands in the Strait — Lou, Pam Lin, and Pam Mandian. These acid rocks — termed the TLP’ series — are thought to represent magmas, or to be derivatives of a parental magma, produced by melting of crust (about 25 km thick beneath St Andrew Strait). TLP rocks have agpaitic indices ranging between 0.86 and 0.96. Acid lava also makes up 3 of the 4 Fedarb Islands at the northern end of St Andrew Strait, but its composition appears to be unrelated to that of the TLP series, and its origin is uncertain.

Q‐normative basalts (quartz tholeiites) make up the fourth island of the Fedarb group, and ol‐ and hy‐normative basalts crop out on Baluan Island at the southern end of the Strait. These basalt types do not appear to be directly related to one another, although both may have been derived from parents that originated in the upper mantle. Andesitic rocks have not been found on any of the islands in St Andrew Strait.

Tuluman and the volcanoes of Lou Island form an arc which may be part of a developing (or completed) ring fracture whose centre coincides with the line between Baluan Island, the Pam Islands, and the Fedarb Islands. The ring fracture may be the result of sagging of crust above a zone of crustal melting that produced the TLP magmas. It is possible that collapse could take place along this ring fracture, producing a caldera.  相似文献   

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