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Earthquake Engineering and Engineering Vibration - The Fraser River delta in Greater Vancouver, Canada consists of deep soft deposits of silts and clays, and it is well known that the deep soil...  相似文献   

The evolution of the Ganges and Brahmaputra river delta during the Holocene period is discussed. Particular attention is given to the processes of delta formation, the dynamics of the delta hydrographic systems, the channel processes in river branches, as well as to the dynamics of the delta coastline and nearshore zone bed over the last 150–200 years. The calculation of sediment budget in the mouth area of these rivers is presented.  相似文献   

The geographic characteristics of the Nemunas (Neman) River basin is presented with due consideration for the hydrological regime of this river and the Curonian Lagoon (Marios). The following geographic and hydrographic features of the Nemunas mouth area are described in detail: the landscape and climatic conditions, delta water balance, water flow distribution among branches, flow-induced changes in water levels, specific features of ice regime in the delta, storm surges, and floods.  相似文献   

1996年 1 1月 9日长江口以东海域发生 MS6.1地震 ,震前巢湖地下水动态观测网中 3口深水井所记录到的水位经标准差、剩余值数据处理得到前兆异常。其异常时间以中短期为主 ,不同步。本文还对如何提高地震预报的准确性及降水对井水位的影响等问题进行了讨论。  相似文献   

The main features of hydrological processes taking place in the mouth area of the Hong Ha River in Vietnam are considered. The geographic and hydrological conditions in the Hong Ha River basin and in its receiving water body—the Gulf of Tonkin, South China Sea—are briefly characterized. The main features of the mouth area of the Hong Ha River as a specific geographic object are identified. The hydrological regime of the delta and the nearshore zone of the Hong Ha River are described in detail. Water balance of the delta, runoff water levels and delta inundation, water and sediment runoff distributions over delta branches, and the effect of tides, typhoons, and storm surges on delta regime are considered. Present-day problems of the use and protection of natural resources at the Hong Ha River mouth are briefly discussed.  相似文献   

Introduction As far as the frequency and magnitude are concerned, the earthquakes in the sea area to the east of Shanghai are far more strong than in land area with the largest one in the sea area near the Yangtze River mouth being MS=436, while in land, only MS=434 occurred on Sept. 1, 1624. As a moderately strong earthquake active area, the sea area near the Yangtze River mouth, may cause a potential risk to Shanghai. In 1971 and 1996, earthquakes with MS=5~6 occurred in this area. Geo…  相似文献   

Main features of sediment regime in the mouth area of the Hong Ha River (Red River), Vietnam, are discussed. As shown, the hydraulic engineering construction on the Da tributary resulted in a nearly two-fold decrease of river sediment yield. Sediment budget components at the river mouth were analyzed to establish that more than 90% of the sediment yield was detained in the delta branches and in the nearshore zone of the river mouth. Morphological processes in the Hong Ha River mouth area were characterized in detail including delta evolution during Holocene and the dynamics of its channel network, coastline, and mouth bars. Special attention was given to modern processes of delta progradation at the mouths of main branches and to wave erosion of other parts of the delta coastline. The causes for the intensification of this kind of erosion and change of the delta type in the late XX century are discussed.  相似文献   

General geographic features of the Thames River, its basin, and mouth area, consisting of the tidal mouth reach of the river, a large estuary, and an open nearshore zone of the river mouth (the North Sea coastal zone) are discussed. The peculiarities of river and sea hydrological factors responsible for the regime of the Thames River mouth area are described in detail. Characteristics of the river water runoff were specified and supplemented by the data on the river inundations in the area of London. Particular emphasis was placed on variations in the mean sea level in the area of the Thames River mouth as well as on specific features of tides and storm surges in the area of the sea inlet into the estuary. Main regularities in the estuary evolution during Holocene and present-day morphological processes in the Thames River mouth area were revealed.  相似文献   

The main features of the structure and water regime of the mouth area of the Senegal River and their changes caused by river regulation in its upper reaches and within its delta area are considered. Data on water and sediment runoff of the Senegal River and their variations along the river are specified. River runoff was found to dramatically decrease in recent decades because of a drought. Zoning of river mouth area was carried out, and morphological processes in its estuary, in particular, the formation of a new outlet of the river into the ocean with the formation of a lagoon, are described.  相似文献   

Tidal shear front off the Yellow River mouth has been observed and modeled in the previous studies. However, a detailed investigation of the front generation has not been conducted. The aim of this paper is to use a three-dimensional tidal model coupled to a sediment transport module to examine the front formation. The model predicted a tidal shear front that propagated offshore and lasted 1–2 h at both flood and ebb phase off the Yellow River mouth. The sensitivity numerical experiments showed that the topography with a strong slope off the Yellow River mouth was a determining factor for the front generation, and a parallel orientation between the major axes of ellipses and co-tidal lines of maximum tidal current was a necessary condition. While the bottom friction and the river runoff had no effect on the front location but affected the front intensity, the front generation was not sensitive to the coastline variation. The study concluded that the bottom slope off the river mouth induces a strong variation in the bottom stress in a cross-shore direction, which produces both maximum phase gradient and sediment concentration variability across the tidal shear front. With the extending Yellow River delta, the tidal shear front under the new bathymetry of year 2003 has been strengthened and pushed further offshore due to an increased bottom slope.  相似文献   

Surf Scoters and Greater Scaup and samples of species which comprise the major part of their diets, from Iona Island and Roberts Bank tidal flats, near Vancouver, British Columbia, were analysed for metal residues. Significantly higher silver, copper, lead and zinc levels were found in Greater Scaup than Surf Scoters. The latter species had higher mercury levels. Differences in residue levels between the species reflect interspecific variation in prey as well as feeding habitat. Significantly higher silver, mercury, lead and zinc in Surf Scoters and silver and lead in Greater Scaup observed at Iona Island than at Roberts Bank can be explained by higher levels of those metals occurring in a more metal-contaminated prey and sediment near the Iona Island sewer outfall. Ducks feeding on organisms in different intertidal zones show different accumulation of metal residues and constitute valuable indicators of pathways of toxic chemicals in specific estuarine regions.  相似文献   

The peculiarities of the hydrological regime of the Orinoco River and the coastal zone of the Atlantic Ocean that affect the hydrological-morphological processes in the mouth area of the Orinoco River are considered. The major features of the delta water regime, including its inundation, runoff distribution over the delta branches, water and sediment balance, and the processes of river and sea water mixing are described. Special attention is paid to the morphological processes at the Orinoco mouth (delta evolution and modern processes at its coastline).  相似文献   

The principal features of the hydrological regime of the Seine River mouth area are discussed. Attention is focused on studying the dynamics of water and sediments in the estuary of the Seine River and in its tidal mouth area under the combined effect of seasonal variations in river runoff and tides. The history of development and improvement of the estuary is described.  相似文献   

Hydrological and morphological processes in the Zhujiang River (Pearl River) mouth area of China are discussed. The hydrological regime of the Xijiang River, which is the largest river of South China and the main source of water inflow into the Zhujiang mouth area, is described. The basic features of the hydrological regime of the delta and the near-shore zone of the Zhujiang River mouth are characterized, much attention being given to the role of tides and mixing of river and sea water in the hydrological regime. Special emphasis is placed on morphodynamic processes at the mouth area and the history of the Zhujiang Delta evolution.  相似文献   

The geographical and hydrological features of the Mekong River basin and the nearshore zone of the South China Sea, which influence the hydrological regime of the Mekong River mouth, are discussed. Detailed characteristics are provided for the drainage system of the Mekong River mouth area, water flow distribution among the delta branches, processes of the delta submergence during floods, as well as propagation of tidal, surge-induced level fluctuations and seawater intrusion into the river. Regularities of the Holocene evolution of the Mekong River mouth area and recent processes of delta formation are also discussed.  相似文献   

The structure of hydrobiocenosis communities in Lena River mouth area is studied. The qualitative and quantitative development characteristics of bacterio-, phyto-, zooplankton, and zoobenthos communities of aquatic organisms in this part of the river are examined. The state and structure of hydrobiocenosis suggest that the mouth area of the river functions under moderate pollution of the aqueous medium.  相似文献   

An environmental survey on pesticide residues and polychlorobyphenyl compounds (PCBs), encompassing more than 70 polar and non-polar compounds quantifiable by the techniques used, was performed in the Mekong River delta based on analyses of water, sediment and bivalve mollusc samples. Few polar compounds, such as diazinon and fenotrothion, were detected in water but a high number of non-polar chlorinated compounds, such as DDT, HCH, endosulfan and PCBs, were detected in sediments and biota. The highest concentrations measured were of DDT with an average 6.3 ng g(-1) dry weight (range 0.32-67 ng g(-1)) in sediments and 38.6 ng g(-1) (range 5.5-123 ng g(-1)) in molluscs' soft tissues. Amongst chlorinated compounds, DDT concentrations were followed in decreasing order by those of PCB, endosulfan, hexachlorocyclohexane and chlordane. Residues of organochlorine compounds originate from local usage of agrochemicals although with a likely contribution also of atmospheric deposition of residues (not measured) originated elsewhere. Concentrations of PCB and pesticide residues in the aquatic environment of the Mekong River delta are lower than values reported for other regions of Vietnam and Asia. Nevertheless, current concerns about the effects of chlorinated compounds on public health advise improved control of chemical residue discharges in order to abate environmental contamination.  相似文献   

The main hydrological and morphological features of the Columbia River mouth area, including its tidal estuary, are discussed. Close attention is given to the characteristics of large-scale hydraulic projects in the river basin as well as to dredging and channel training operations in the river mouth area and to the assessment of the impact of these operations on hydrological and morphological processes. Variations in the regime of river flow after its regulation, processes of dynamic interaction and mixing of river and sea water in the estuary are characterized. Changes of the mouth bar and sea coasts near the Columbia River mouth as a result of construction of stream-training jetties are discussed.  相似文献   

This paper examines the morphological development of the Yangtze River mouth, which has been diverting southeasterly (dextrally), according to historical (150 years) chart‐based digital evolution model and on‐site measured tidal flow data. We reveal a significantly narrowing of the northern river mouth branch from formerly >30 km wide to presently 10 km wide due to rapid siltation. Net siltation there, however, decreases gradually, which largely contrasts with the fact that the siltation has shifted to the southern river mouth area, as shown by many newly‐emerged estuarine islands, sandy shoals and bifurcated branches. Our data have further demonstrated that the ebb flow that dominates in the study area changes its direction gradually from east to southeast from the inner to outer river mouth area, and its duration is much longer than the flood flow in the inner river mouth area, but nearly equal at the river mouth area. Accordingly, the sediment transport pathway has been diverted from east to southeast. We examine whether the Coriolis Force could explain the dextral diversion of the ebb flow and the altered morphodynamical processes. Although too weak to strengthen the tidal flows, the Coriolis Force can drag the ebb flow southeasterly, and so influence sediment transport paths at the estuarine scale. The Coriolis Force is limited in the inner river mouth, but substantial at and in the outer river mouth area when gradually free of estuarine topographic constraints. The Coriolis Force causes an offset in propagation of in‐out flow directions at the river mouth area to form a slack water setting prone to estuarine siltation. Using the present approach also enables explanation of the morphological development of the Holocene Yangtze delta‐coast that extends to the southeast. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

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