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Three major volcanic rock sequences in the P2β formation(Emeishan basalts)were sampled dur-ing a comprehensive study of the Late Permian volcanics associated with the Panxi paleorift in southwestern China .Two of the three sections-Emei and Tangfang are composed of continental flood basalts(CFB) while the third-Ertan is an alkalic center.Multi-element chemical analyses indi-cate a predominance of low MgO transitional quartz tholeiites at Emei and Tangfang,whereas the Ertan suite ranges from high-MgO alkaline olivine basalts to rhombic porphyry trachytes and quartz-bearing aegerine-augite syenites.Consanguineity of the rocks from the three sections is sug-gested by consistently high TiO2 ,K2O,incompatible trace elements and uniformly fractionated REE patterns typical of alkalic compositions,but antypical of CFB.Sr isotope data for ten Emei basalt samples(^87Sr/^86Sr=0.7066-0.7082)which show no correla-tion with Rb/Sr ratios (0.02-0.12) and Nd isotopes for two of the samples(^143Nd/^144Nd=0.51171-0.51174)are interpreted as being related to the mantle evolution.The primary magmas re-sponsible for all the three sequences have been modeled in terms of a uniformly metasomatized man-tle source.Trace element models support the derivation of the Emei and Tangfang primary magmas from 10-15 percent partial melting of spinel lherzolite,followed by fractional crystallization of olivive and clinopyroxene.The primary alkaline olivine basalts at Ertan are generated by 7-10 percent par-tial melting of a chemically equivalent source in the garnet-peridodite stability region.The assumed mantle composition is characterixzed by Rb=3.8-5.5 ppm,Sr=62-83ppm,Ba=45-64 ppm,La=3.8-5.6ppm,and Yb=0.46-0.57ppm.The proposed mechanism of regional mantle enrichment requires metasomatic stabilization of phlogopite which becomes depleted later during par-tial melting.Such enrichment is consistent with the models proposed for alkalic systems in which a large mantle diaper acts as the agent for upward enrichment as well as uplift and extension of the crust.  相似文献   

Geochemical and isotopic data from Mesozoic lavas from the Jianguo, Niutoushan, Wulahada, and Guancaishan volcanic fields on the northern margin of the North China Craton provide evidence for secular lithospheric evolution of the region. Jianguo lavas are alkaline basalts with LILE- and LREE-enrichment ((La/Yb)N=12.2-13.2) and MORB-like Sr-Nd-Pb isotopic ratios ((87Sr/86Sr)i<0.704; εNd=3.9-4.8; (206Pb/204Pb)i≈18). Niutoushan basalts are similar but show evidence of olivine fractionation. Wulahada lavas are high-Mg andesites (Mg#∼67) with EM1 Sr-Nd-Pb isotopic signatures. Geochemical data suggest that the basalts originated from MORB-type asthenosphere whereas the high-Mg andesites were derived an EM1 mantle source, i.e., a refractory lithospheric mantle modified by a previously subducted slab. The result, combined with the available data of the Mesozoic basalts from the southern portion of the NCC (Zhang et al., 2002), manifests a vast secular evolution of the lithospheric mantle beneath the eastern NCC from the Paleozoic refractory continental lithosphere to this Mesozoic modified lithosphere. Compared with the cratonic margin, the lithospheric mantle beneath the center of the craton was less extensively modified, implying the secular evolution was related to the subduction processes surrounding the NCC. Therefore, we suggest that the interaction of the slab-derived silicic melt with the old refractory lithospheric mantle converted the Paleozoic cratonic lithospheric mantle into the late Mesozoic fertile mantle, which was also different from the Cenozoic counterpart. A geodynamic model is proposed to illustrate such a secular lithosphere evolution.  相似文献   

The thermal structure of Archean and Proterozoic lithospheric terranes in southern Africa during the Mesozoic was evaluated by thermobarometry of mantle peridotite xenoliths erupted in alkaline magmas between 180 and 60 Ma. For cratonic xenoliths, the presence of a 150–200 °C isobaric temperature range at 5–6 GPa confirms original interpretations of a conductive geotherm, which is perturbed at depth, and therefore does not record steady state lithospheric mantle structure.

Xenoliths from both Archean and Proterozoic terranes record conductive limb temperatures characteristic of a “cratonic” geotherm (40 mW m−2), indicating cooling of Proterozoic mantle following the last major tectonothermal event in the region at 1 Ga and the probability of thick off-craton lithosphere capable of hosting diamond. This inference is supported by U–Pb thermochronology of lower crustal xenoliths [Schmitz and Bowring, 2003. Contrib. Mineral. Petrol. 144, 592–618].

The entire region then suffered a protracted regional heating event in the Mesozoic, affecting both mantle and lower crust. In the mantle, the event is recorded at 150 Ma to the southeast of the craton, propagating to the west by 108–74 Ma, the craton interior by 85–90 Ma and the far southwest and northwest by 65–70 Ma. The heating penetrated to shallower levels in the off-craton areas than on the craton, and is more apparent on the southern margin of the craton than in its western interior. The focus and spatial progression mimic inferred patterns of plume activity and supercontinent breakup 30–100 Ma earlier and are probably connected.

Contrasting thermal profiles from Archean and Proterozoic mantle result from penetration to shallower levels of the Proterozoic lithosphere by heat transporting magmas. Extent of penetration is related not to original lithospheric thickness, but to its more fertile character and the presence of structurally weak zones of old tectonism. The present day distribution of surface heat flow in southern Africa is related to this dynamic event and is not a direct reflection of the pre-existing lithospheric architecture.  相似文献   

Tertiary-Recent Tasmanian and Newer (Victoria/South Australia) basalts range from quartz tholeiite to olivine melilitite and show systematic increases in their incompatible element abundances with increasing degree of silica undersaturation. These two basalt provinces show similar relative abundances of rare earth elements (REE), differences in the relative concentrations of Rb, Ba, Th, K and Nb, and distinct, restricted isotopic compositions. The Tasmanian basalts have 87Sr86Sr from 0.7026 to 0.7034, and ?Nd from + 7.5 to + 5.8; the Newer basalts have higher 87Sr86Sr from 0.7038 to 0.7045, and lower ?Nd from +4.2 to + 1.7. The range in Sr and Nd isotope compositions can be denned by primary magma compositions for both provinces, using Mg-values, Ni content and the presence of spinel lherzolite nodules. Major and trace element and Sr, Nd and Pb isotope compositions are uniform on a scale of up to 50 km for four separate Newer basanite centers. The chemical and isotopic data are consistent with a model whereby tholeiitic basalts are derived by large degrees of partial melting from a chemically uniform but isotopically variable source, and generation of undersaturated, alkaline basalts by smaller degrees of partial melting of the same source. No isotopic or geochemical evidence was found which would suggest that the more evolved basalts have been contaminated by continental crust.In contrast to tholeiitic and alkalic basalts from Hawaii, there is a continuous spectrum of isotope compositions for the Newer tholeiitic to alkalic basalts. A model is proposed for the generation of these basalts involving mixtures of hotspot mantle plume-derived melt and lithospheric mantle-derived melt, where observed differences between ocean island and continental alkaline basalts are attributed to differences between the sub-oceanic and sub-continental lithospheric mantles. Isotopic differences between tholeiitic and alkalic basalts are interpreted to be due to varying degrees of exchange and mixing between the hotspot plume and lithospheric mantle melt components. The model is consistent with the generation of these basalts from a source which has been recently enriched in the LREE.  相似文献   

Major and trace elements analysis has been carried out on the Late Ladinian Tabai basalts from Yunnan Province with the aim of studying their petrogenesis. Their SiO2 contents range from 43.63 wt.% to 48.23 wt.%. The basalts belong to the weakly alkaline(average total alkalis Na2 O+K2O=3.59 wt.%), high-Ti(3.21 wt.% to 4.32 wt.%) magma series. The basalts are characterized by OIB-like trace elements patterns, which are enriched in large ion lithosphile elements(LILE) including Rb and Ba, and display negative K, Zr and Hf anomalies as shown on the spider diagrams. The Tabai basalts display light rare-earth elements(LREE) enrichment and are depleted in heavy rare-earth elements(HREE) on the REE pattern. Those dates indicate that the parental magma of the Tabai basalts was derived from low-degree(1%–5%) partial melting of garnet peridotite. The magma underwent olivine fractional crystallization and minor crustal contamination during their ascent. The Tabai basalts were related to a relaxation event which had triggered the Emeishan fossil plume head re-melting in the Middle Triassic.  相似文献   

地震资料解释和野外地质调查,在塔里木盆地南部发现中生代碰撞相关构造。同碰撞构造发育于西昆仑山前、阿尔金山前和麦盖提斜坡,为晚三叠世冲断构造。既有晚三叠世新形成的冲断构造,也有先存构造的复活(如车尔臣断裂)。碰撞后构造见于西昆仑和阿尔金山前,是一些规模不大的侏罗纪-白垩纪正断层及其控制下形成堑-垒构造。晚三叠世构造应力场的最大主压应力方向,在西昆仑山前和麦盖提斜坡均为NNE-SSW;冲断方向是由造山带向塔里木盆地,在麦盖提斜坡有反冲。它们是塔里木板块南缘一次碰撞造山的同碰撞构造。这是北羌塘-塔里木碰撞,是古特提斯洋复杂的闭合过程中的一次重要的构造事件。塔里木南部的侏罗纪-白垩纪伸展构造是其碰撞后构造。  相似文献   

New measurements of Os, He, Sr and Nd isotopes, along with major and trace elements, are presented for basalts from the three volcanic flank zones in Iceland and from Jan Mayen Island. The 187Os/188Os ratios in lavas with <30 ppt Os (n = 4) are elevated compared to ratios in coexisting olivine and appear to be contaminated at a shallow level. The 187Os/188Os ratios in the remaining lavas with >30 ppt Os (n = 17) range between 0.12117 and 0.13324. These values are surprisingly low for oceanic island basalts and include some samples that are less than putative present-day primitive upper mantle (PUM with 187Os/188Os of 0.1296). These low 187Os/188Os preclude significant shallow-level contamination from oceanic crust. The 187Os/188Os ratios for Jan Mayen lavas are less than PUM, severely limiting the presence of any continental crust in their mantle source. A positive correlation between 143Nd/144Nd and 187Os/188Os ratios in Iceland and Jan Mayen lavas likely reflects the presence in their source of ancient subcontinental lithosphere that has undergone incompatible trace element enrichment that did not affect the Re-Os system. In addition, the Jan Mayen lava isotopic signature cannot be explained solely by the presence of subcontinental lithospheric mantle, and the influence of another geochemical component, such as a mantle plume appears required. Combined 87Sr/86Sr, 143Nd/144Nd, 3He/4He and 187Os/188Os data indicate a genetic relationship between Jan Mayen Island and the Iceland mantle plume. Material from the Iceland mantle plume likely migrates at depth until it reaches the tensional setting of the Jan Mayen Fracture Zone, where it undergoes low-degree partial melting. At a first-order, isotopic co-variations can be interpreted as broadly binary mixing curves between two primary end-members. One end-member, characterized in particular by its unradiogenic 187Os/188Os and 143Nd/144Nd, low 3He/4He and high 87Sr/86Sr, is represented by subcontinental lithospheric mantle stranded and disseminated in the upper mantle during the opening of the Atlantic Ocean. The second end-member corresponds to a hybrid mixture between the depleted-MORB mantle and the enriched Iceland mantle plume, itself resulting from mixing between recycled oceanic crust and depleted lower mantle. This hybrid accounts for the high 3He/4He (∼28 Ra), high 143Nd/144Nd (∼0.5132), high 187Os/188Os (∼0.14) and low 87Sr/86Sr (∼0.7026) composition observed in Iceland. Two different models may account for these observed mixing relationships between the end-members. In this first model, the Iceland mantle entrains pristine depleted material when rising in the upper mantle and allows refractory sub-lithospheric fragments to melt because of excess heat derived from the deep plume material. A second model that may better account for the Pb isotopic variations observed, uses the same components but where the depleted-MORB mantle is already polluted by subcontinental lithospheric mantle material before mixing with the Iceland mantle plume. Both cases likely occur. Though only three principal components are required to explain the isotopic variations of the Iceland-Jan Mayen system, the different possible mixing relationships may be accounted for by potentially a greater number of end-members.  相似文献   

A suite of spinel peridotite xenoliths from the Shavaryn-Tsaram volcano, Tariat Depression (central Mongolia) represents (for major elements) fertile to moderately depleted subcontinental lithosphere. Part of the variation of moderately incompatible trace elements is ascribed to small-scale mineralogical heterogeneities caused by processes like metamorphic differentiation accompanying partial melting or by mechanical segregation. Several bulk lherzolites show a high relative enrichment of the LREE over HREE which can be traced to a grain boundary phase genetically linked to, but not directly representing, the host basanitoid. In Nd and Sr isotopic composition the anhydrous peridotites cover the field of oceanic basalts (143Nd/144Nd = 0.5128-0.5133, 87Sr/86Sr = 0.7020-0.7039). In contrast, a phlogopite peridotite has a high 87Sr/86Sr and also a less radiogenic 143Nd/144Nd. The majority of “dry” lherzolites have Nd and Sr “bulk earth” model ages around 2 Ga. They may be interpreted as dating a small-degree (< ˜5%) melting event which would not have severely affected the major element chemistry of the xenoliths. The ˜2 Ga model ages may indicate a genetic relation between the lithospheric mantle and the stabilization of the continental crust in Mongolia at that time. Alternatively, if the peridotites are unrelated to the overlying crust, they may be pieces of a young asthenospheric diapir. Coexisting ortho-and clinopyroxenes are in Nd isotopic equilibrium for Iherzolites having equilibrated at temperatures around 950°C at mantle pressures. Disequilibrium melting models of mantle rocks are not supported by our data because for medium to coarse-grained mantle spinel peridotite the Rb-Sr and Sm-Nd isotopic systems close with respect to diffusional exchange at temperatures around 900°C, as indicated by recently published diffusion experiment results and supported by our data.  相似文献   

The Qinling Orogenic belt has been well documented that it was formed by multiple steps of convergence and subsequent collision between the North China and South China Blocks during Paleozoic and Late Triassic times. Following the collision in Late Triassic times, the whole range evolved into an intracontinental tectonic process. The geological, geophysical and geochronological data suggest that the intracontinental tectonic evolutionary history of the Qinling Orogenic Belt allow deduce three stages including strike-slip faulting during Early Jurrassic, N-S compressional deformation during Late Jurassic to Early Cretaceous and orogenic collapse during Late Cretaceous to Paleogene. The strike-slip faulting and the infills in Early Jurassic along some major boundary faults show flower structures and pull-apart basins, related to the continued compression after Late Triassic collision between the South Qinling Belt and the South China Block along the Mianlue suture. Late Jurassic to Early Cretaceous large scale of N-S compression and overthrusting progressed outwards from inner of Qinling Orogen to the North China Block and South China Block, due to the renewed southward intracontinental subduction of the North China Block beneath the Qinling Orogenic Belt and continuously northward subduction of the South China Block, respectively. After the Late Jurassic-Early Cretaceous compression and denudation, the Qinling Orogenic Belt evolved into Late Cretaceous to Paleogene orogen collapse and depression, and formed many large fault basins along the major faults.  相似文献   

秦岭造山带印支期造山作用控制着济源盆地的形成与演化,对盆地中沉积物物源进行研究,有利于恢复造山带造山-隆升的细节.通过对济源盆地中生代泥岩地球化学的系统分析,发现样品的CIA(化学风化指数)校正值在早-中三叠世、晚三叠世、早-中侏罗世和中侏罗世后期的平均值分别为68.5、76.4、86.0和73.7,这一演化特征可能反映其经历了古气候控制的化学风化过程.但是三叠纪样品CIA值明显过低,可能与源区活动的构造背景相关;ICV(成分变异指数)值显示沉积物具有初次沉积的特征,反映了源区早期发生过弧-陆碰撞或具备陆缘弧特征的克拉通基底隆升.而早-中侏罗世样品表现为高的CIA值,ICV值显示沉积物具有再循环特征,其初次沉积可能发生在弧后盆地中,后随造山带的隆升,被剥露再搬运而沉积下来.泥岩物源区构造环境判别结果显示,沉积物主要来自活动大陆边缘和被动大陆边缘,且含有较多大陆岛弧(陆缘弧)的信息.由此说明,中生代济源盆地盆缘构造活动经历了由克拉通基底隆升到造山带剥露的过程,这一过程与秦岭造山带印支期的造山作用密切相关.   相似文献   

The Emeishan continental flood basalt (ECFB) sequence in Dongchuan, SW China comprises a basal tephrite unit overlain by an upper tholeiitic basalt unit. The upper basalts have high TiO2 contents (3.2–5.2 wt.%), relatively high rare-earth element (REE) concentrations (40 to 60 ppm La, 12.5 to 16.5 ppm Sm, and 3 to 4 ppm Yb), moderate Zr/Nb and Nb/La ratios (9.3–10.2 and 0.6–0.9, respectively) and relatively high Nd (t) values, ranging from − 0.94 to 2.3, and are comparable to the high-Ti ECFB elsewhere. The tephrites have relatively high P2O5 (1.3–2.0 wt.%), low REE concentrations (e.g., 17 to 23 ppm La, 4 to 5.3 ppm Sm, and 2 to 3 ppm Yb), high Nb/La (2.0–3.9) ratios, low Zr/Nb ratios (2.3–4.2), and extremely low Nd (t) values (mostly ranging from − 10.6 to − 11.1). The distinct compositional differences between the tephrites and the overlying tholeiitic basalts cannot be explained by either fractional crystallization or crustal contamination of a common parental magma. The tholeiitic basalts formed by partial melting of the Emeishan plume head at a depth where garnet was stable, perhaps > 80 km. We propose that the tephrites were derived from magmas formed when the base of the previously metasomatized, volatile-mineral bearing subcontinental lithospheric mantle was heated by the upwelling mantle plume.  相似文献   

Analyses of Lower Permian or older basalts and associated dykes of the Juchatengo sequence indicate that they are rift tholeiites that formed in a continental rift or back-arc tectonic setting. Age constraints include a Middle Permian fossil recovered from the tectonically overlying sediments and a cross-cutting, post-tectonic pluton dated by K/Ar on hornblende at 282±6 Ma. A location adjacent to the Oaxacan Complex or other old continental crust is suggested by (1) an Ndi isotopic value of −8.95 and a TDM age of 1487 Ma in the overlying sediments, which are similar to the Oaxacan Complex; (2) enrichment of incompatible elements in the lavas, suggesting old crustal contamination; and (3) the presence of Permian–Triassic calc-alkaline plutons that stitch the Juchatengo–Oaxaca boundary. The possible tectonic models depend on the age of the Juchatengo basalts, which requires future geochronological work. If the Juchatengo basalts are Permo-Carboniferous, they could have formed near the eastern edge of a back-arc basin: the contemporaneous arc would have rifted away to the west. Eastward migration of the arc magmatism indicated by the Permian–Triassic calc-alkaline plutonism may reflect shallowing of the dip of the subduction zone, which probably also produced the deformation of the Juchatengo sequence.  相似文献   

利用大型通用有限元分析软件ANSYS简单模拟辽西地区中生代末期岩石圈动力学演化过程。为了与现今实际地质观测一致,我们分两步模拟了辽西中生代岩石圈的动力学演化。第一阶段,中国东部显著的地幔上升热柱导致本研究区壳-幔边界上升,岩石圈减薄,同时伴有少量断层发育;第二阶段,地幔热柱上涌活动逐渐减弱,地表产生沉降。这一地质模型可重塑与现代观测一致的裂谷沉降、裂谷侧翼地形、壳-幔边界隆升。研究结果表明:ANSYS软件及有限元方法在岩石圈动力学数值模拟领域是一个非常有效的分析工具,具有非常广阔的应用前景。今后将建立与实际情况更吻合的岩石圈结构模型,真正动态地实现辽西中生代盆地区岩石圈结构的演化过程模拟。  相似文献   

The Longbohe Cu deposit, which is located in the southern part of the Honghe ore-forming zone, Yunnan Province, China, belongs to a typical ore field where volcanic rocks are of wide distribution and are associated with Cu mineralization in time and space. The volcanic rocks in the ore field, which have experienced varying degree of alteration or regional metamorphism, can be divided into three types, i.e., meta-andesite, meta-subvolcanic rock and meta-basic volcanic rock in accordance with their mineral assemblages. These three types of volcanic rocks in the ore field are relatively rich in Na and the main samples plot in the area of alkali basalts in the geochemical classification diagram. With the exception of very few elements, these three types of volcanic rocks are similar in the content of trace elements. In comparison to the basalts of different tectonic settings, the meta-volcanic rocks in the ore field are rich in high field strength elements (HFSE) such as Th, Nb, etc. and depleted in large ion lithophile elements (LILE) such as Sr, Ba, etc. and their primary mantle-normalized trace element patterns show remarkable negative Th and Nb anomalies and negative Sr and Ba anomalies. These three types of volcanic rocks are similar in REE content range and chondrite-normalized REE patterns with the exception of Eu anomaly. Various lines of evidence show that these three types of volcanic rocks in the ore field have the same source but are the products of different stages of magmatic evolution, their original magma is a product of partial melting of the metasomatically enriched mantle in the tensional tectonic setting within the continent plate, and the crystallization differentiation plays an important role in the process of magmatic evolution.  相似文献   

 This paper uses the geochemistry of primitive mafic lavas from the Rungwe volcanic province (southwestern Tanzania) to infer the source mineralogy and melting history. Post-Miocene mafic lavas from Rungwe include alkali basalts, basanites, nephelinites and picrites with up to 18.9 wt% MgO; nephelinites (>13.5% normative nepheline) are restricted to Kiejo volcano in the southern portion of the province. Rungwe lavas differ from most Western Rift volcanics in that they are not unusually potassic (K2O/Na2O ca. 0.40). Sparsely phyric mafic lavas contain phenocrysts and xenocrysts of plagioclase (An82–90), clinopyroxene (4.5–9.5 wt% Al2O3), and olivine (Fo79–88); one basanite contains a 1 mm xenocryst of apatite included in magnesian clinopyroxene. All samples have high abundances of incompatible elements (e.g., 0.7–2.2 wt% P2O5) and are enriched in REE relative to HFSE (Hf, Zr, Ti, Y), Cs, Ba, and K. Some incompatible element ratios are constant throughout the Rungwe suite (e.g., Zr/Nb, Sr/Ce, K/Rb), but other ratios are extremely variable and exceed the range measured in global Ocean Island Basalts (OIB) (e.g., Ba/Nb, Sm/Zr, La/Nb, Pb/Ce, Nb/U). The range in degree of silica saturation, and its excellent correlation with P2O5/Al2O3, indicate that the Rungwe suite records variable degrees of melting. Variations of individual incompatible trace element abundances in nephelinite and basanite samples suggest that the source contains metasomatic amphibole, ilmenite, apatite, and zircon. The Rungwe suite is interpreted as a series of low-percentage melts of CO2-rich peridotite at pressures that span the garnet-spinel transition. A geochemical comparison of Rungwe samples to lavas from other Western Rift volcanic centers requires that the source mineralogy varies along the rift axis, although each province is underlain by metasomatized peridotite. The incompatible trace element signatures of Western Rift lavas indicate that the source area is typically homogeneous on the scale of individual volcanoes, although lavas from each volcano reflect a range in degree of melting. Significantly, volcanoes with distinct geochemistry are always separated by major rift faults, suggesting that volcanic and tectonic surface features may correspond to metasomatic provinces within the subcontinental lithospheric mantle. Received: 30 May 1994 / Accepted: 5 April 1995  相似文献   

裴福萍  许文良  杨德彬  于洋  孟恩 《岩石学报》2009,25(8):1962-1974
本文报导了吉林南部果松组和三棵榆树组火山岩的全岩K-Ar和角闪石40Ar/39Ar定年结果和岩石地球化学资料,并讨论了吉林南部早白垩世火山岩岩浆源区性质以及空间变异.定年结果显示,果松组和三棵榆树组火山岩的形成时代分别为130.2±0.3Ma和118.3±1.9Ma.果松组火山岩主要由玄武岩-玄武质粗面安山岩-粗面安山岩-英安岩组成;它们的SiO2含量介于46%~64%,Mg#介于31~50之间,Al2O3含量介于14.9%~18.9%之间,全碱含量(Na2O+K2O)介于4.61%~9.23%之间,属于亚碱性系列,具钙碱性演化趋势;并以富集大离子亲石元素(LILEs)和轻稀土元素(LREEs),亏损重稀土元素(HREEs)和Nb、Ta、Ti等高场强元素(HFSEs)为特征;(87Sr/88Sr)i值和εNd(t)值分别介于0.7065~0.7077和-2.67~-19.71之间.果松组火山岩的成分具有较好的空间变异趋势,由东向西,火山岩的基性程度增高,东部果松组火山岩具有较高的(87Sr/86Sr)i值,而西部具有较低的εNd(t)值.三棵榆树组火山岩由粗面安山岩和粗面英安岩组成;三棵榆树组火山岩的SiO2含量介于55.5%~65.8%之间,Mg#介于42~50,Al2O3含量介于15.0%~15.7%,全碱含量偏高(Na2O+K2O=6.93%~9.24%),主体属于亚碱性系列,具钙碱性系列的演化趋势;并以较高的Th/U(5.36~5.82)、Ba/Nb(50.2~120.0)、(La/Yb)N(32.9~47.9)和Sr/Y(50.0~72.4)比值为特征;它们的(87Sr/86Sr)i值和εnd(t)值分别变化于0.7056~0.7057和-8.99~-19.71之间.上述特征揭示,果松组火山岩(130Ma)的形成主要与古太平洋板块的俯冲作用有关,岩浆来源于受流体/熔体交代的地幔楔,东西部受到不同程度陆壳物质的混染.与果松组火山岩相比,三棵榆树组火山岩(118Ma)形成于俯冲背景下的相对引张环境,岩浆来源于受交代的岩石圈地幔,但受到深部陆壳物质的混染.  相似文献   

韩江伟  熊小林  朱照宇 《岩石学报》2009,25(12):3208-3220
对雷琼地区21个晚新生代玄武岩样品的主量、微量元素和Sr、Nd、Pb同位素分别用湿化学法、ICP-MS和MC-ICPMS进行了测定.这些玄武岩主要为石英拉斑玄武岩,其次为橄榄拉斑玄武岩和碱性玄武岩.大多数样品的微量元素和同位素成分与洋岛玄武岩(OIBs)相似,而且随着SiO_2不饱和度增加,不相容元素含量也增加.除R4-1可能受到地壳混染外,其他样品相对均一的Nd同位素(ε_(Nd)=2.5-6.0)以及变化明显但范围有限的Sr同位素(0.703106~0.704481),可能继承了地幔源区的特征.~(87)Sr/~(86)Sr与~(206)Pb/~(204)Pb的正相关和~(143)Nd/~(144)Nd与~(206)Pb/~(204)Pb的负相关特征暗示DM(软流圈地幔)与EM2(岩石圈地幔)的混合.地幔捕虏体的同位素特征暗示EM2成分不可能存在于尖晶石橄榄岩地幔,而La/Yb和Sm/Yb系统表明岩浆由石榴石橄榄岩部分熔融产生,这意味着EM2成分可能存在于石榴石橄榄岩地幔.雷琼地区玄武岩的地球化学变化可以用软流圈地幔为主的熔体加入不同比例石榴石橄榄岩地幔不同程度熔融产生的熔体来解释:碱性玄武岩和橄榄拉斑玄武岩是软流圈熔体与石榴石橄榄岩地幔较低程度(7%~9%)熔融体混合,而石英拉斑玄武岩是软流圈熔体与石榴石橄榄岩地幔较高程度(10%~20%)熔融体的混合.  相似文献   

闫峻  陈江峰  谢智  杨刚  喻钢  钱卉 《地球化学》2005,34(5):455-469
长江中下游地区繁昌火山盆地蝌蚪山晚白垩世玄武岩为硅饱和岩石, SiO2含量在 47.63%~ 50.02%之间,在 TAS图上位于碱性和亚碱性的分界线上,多数属于玄武岩,少数为粗面玄武岩. MgO含量较低( 3.72%~ 5.58%),但 Mg#值较高( 61~ 71).岩石富集大离子亲石元素 Ba、 Th、 U、 LREE和 Pb,亏损高场强元素 Nb、 Zr和 Ti,具富集的 Sr、 Nd和 Pb同位素组成.初始 87Sr/86Sr(t)比值介于 0.706 5~ 0.706 6之间,ε Nd(t)值介于-5.5~-7.3之间.在 87Sr/86Sr(t)-ε Nd(t)相关图上投在富集的第Ⅳ象限,并趋向于 EMⅡ地幔端员. 206Pb/204Pb(t)、 207Pb/204Pb(t)和 208Pb/204Pb(t)比值分别为 17.928~ 18.311、 15.426~ 15.621和 37.785~ 38.525,在 Pb同位素相关图上处在 DMM和 EMⅡ地幔端员之间.蝌蚪山玄武岩的地球化学特征表明其原始岩浆来源于岩石圈地幔,底侵到壳幔边界后曾有一段时间的滞留,并经历了一定程度的以橄榄石和斜方辉石为主的结晶分异,随后在上升过程中没有受到明显的地壳物质的混染.本地区晚中生代时期陆下岩石圈地幔具有同位素富集的性质,曾受到过古老俯冲事件中析出流体 /熔体的交代.与本地区新生代玄武岩地球化学性质的对比表明,从晚中生代至新生代,由于岩石圈拉张和软流圈的上涌,长江中下游地区发生了岩石圈的减薄,其过程和华北地块东部的岩石圈减薄事件基本一致.造成华北地块东部和华南地块东部的岩石圈减薄具有一致的动力学机制和背景,很可能是晚中生代时期古太平洋板块向亚洲大陆之下俯冲造成的弧后盆地的拉张减薄.  相似文献   

The 40Ar–39Ar dating reveals three episodes of basaltic volcanism in eastern Guangdong of SE China since the late Eocene (i.e., 35.5, ~20 and 6.6 Ma). The Miocene alkali olivine basalts (~20 and 6.6 Ma) have OIB-like trace element characteristics, which is coupled with low (87Sr/86Sr)i, high εNd(t), and high εHf(t). In contrast, the late Eocene basalts (35.5 Ma) have overall characteristics of “Island Arc” basalts with strong negative Ta–Nb–Ti anomalies in the primitive mantle-normalized multi-element diagram with high (87Sr/86Sr)i, negative εNd(t), and relatively low εHf(t). All basalts have unexpectedly high 207Pb/204Pb and 208Pb/204Pb, delineating a DUPAL signature in the sources. The late Eocene Arc-like basalts may reflect contributions of relict ancient metasomatized mantle lithosphere that melted as the result of extension-induced asthenospheric upwelling and heating, whereas the Miocene OIB-like basalts may represent partial melting of the asthenospheric mantle beneath the thickened lithosphere. We propose that the Cenozoic basaltic volcanism in eastern Guangdong records an overall lithospheric thickening process beneath SE China, that is, a continental rift system from its maximum extension in the late Eocene to its waning in the Miocene. This interpretation is consistent with the evolution of the South China Sea, whose origin is most consistent with the development of a passive continental margin. The seafloor spreading of the South China Sea during ~ 32–16 Ma may not result from the effect of the “Hainan” mantle plume, but rather played a positive role in allowing the mantle plume to express on the surface.  相似文献   

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