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Sediment transport and trapping in the Hudson River estuary   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
The Hudson River estuary has a pronounced turbidity maximum zone, in which rapid, short-term deposition of sediment occurs during and following the spring freshet. Water-column measurements of currents and suspended sediment were performed during the spring of 1999 to determine the rate and mechanisms of sediment transport and trapping in the estuary. The net convergence of sediment in the lower estuary was approximately 300,000 tons, consistent with an estimate based on sediment cores. The major input of sediment from the watershed occurred during the spring freshet, as expected. Unexpected, however, was that an even larger quantity of sediment was transported landward into the estuary during the 3-mo observation period. The landward movement was largely accomplished by tidal pumping (i.e., the correlation between concentration and velocity at tidal frequencies) during spring tides, when the concentrations were 5 to 10 times higher than during neap tides. The landward flux is not consistent with the long-term sediment budget, which requires a seaward flux at the mouth to account for the excess input from the watershed relative to net accumulation. The anomalous, landward transport in 1999 occurred in part because the freshet was relatively weak, and the freshet occurred during neapetides when sediment resuspension was minimal. An extreme freshet occurred during 1998, which may have provided a repository of sediment just seaward of the mouth that re-entered the estuary in 1999. The amplitude of the spring freshet and its timing with respect to the spring-neap cycle cause large interannual variations in estuarine sediment flux. These variations can result in the remobilization of previously deposited sediment, the mass of which may exceed the annual inputs from the watershed.  相似文献   

The lower Neuse River Estuary is a temperate mesohaline system which forms the major southern tributary of Pamlico Sound, North Carolina. The crustacean zooplankton of this well-mixed system were sampled for a 20-month period from May 1988 through December 1989. A submersible pump was used to sample both the entire water column and the sediment surface. Seasonal dominants included the calanoid copepodsAcartia tonsa andParacalanus crassirostris in summer, the cyclopoid copepodOithona colcarva in fall, the cladoceranPodon polyphemoides in winter, and harpacticoid copepods in spring. Non-naupliar biomass over the study period consisted of 38.8%A. tonsa, 7.7%P. crassirostris, 21.2%O. colcarva 23.6% harpacticoid copepods, and 6.0% cladocerans. The remainder of the biomass consisted ofPseudodiaptomus coronatus and barnacle nauplii. Mean total copepod densities ranged from 600 m?3 in May 1988 to 180,000 m?3 in August 1988. Mean copepod densities for 1989 were 25,000 m?3. Maximum densities during both years occurred during summer, with subsequent descreases throughtout the year until early spring. Abundances of total copepods, and ofAcartia tonsa in particular, were significantly correlated with water temperature, but with neither chlorophylla, phytoplankton productivity, nor any of an array of other physical or chemical variables. Regression analyses using data from this investigation, and supported by results from other regional studies, indicate that water temperature is likely the single most important variable predicting zooplankton temporal abundance in North Carolina estuaries.  相似文献   

Isotopes of plutonium (Pu), cesium (Cs), and cobalt (Co) introduced into the Hudson River Estuary from fallout deposition, the erosion of fallout-contaminated surface soils, and nuclear reactor effluent (isotopes of Cs and Co only) have been measured in water column samples collected from 1975 to 1980 Isotopic measurements conducted independently by two research groups utilizing different sampling and analytical techniques have been summarized. The major conclusions drawn from the work are that for water samples collected by the two laboratories over similar time periods, the mean concentrations of nonfilterable239,240Pu (<0.45 μm) were identical at 0.13 fCi/l, mean concentrations of both137Cs and239,240Pu in suspended particulates were more divergent at 2,270±920 pCi/kg (±1 SD) and 1,430±430 pCi/kg for137Cs, and 19±8 pCi/kg and 12±4 pCi/kg for239,240Pu The behavior of239,240Pu and137Cs within the water column is shown to diverge within brackish waters Specifically, the magnitude of the137Cs distribution coefficient (K d ) can be expressed as an inverse power function of the chloride ion concentrations for chlorinities between 0.1 and 4 g Cl/l No difference in the239,240PuK d has been observed between fresh and brackish waters Based on the expected inventories of239,240Pu and137Cs within watershed soils, the current downstream transport of these radionuclides represents fractional mobilization rates on the order of 1–4 (×10−4) per year  相似文献   

 In the Hudson River estuary, fine mud and toxic metals are enriched in the upstream turbidity maximum. The mechanisms causing the enrichment were assessed through the analysis of suspended-sediment concentration (SSC) (bottom and surface), particle size, and trace metal distributions. Bottom SSCs varied across the study area by a factor of ten, and the turbidity maximum activity was observed in between kilometers 45 and 80. The particle-size analysis defined two accumulation modes: <4.65 and >22.1 μm. The ratio of the fine-to-coarse mode increased from 1.75 to 2.75 in the turbidity maximum. The fine mud concentration (55–60%) in the turbidity maximum was found to have a high correlation (r=0.98;p<0.005) with the concentration of <2-μm particles. A conceptual model was derived in order to understand the possible mechanisms by which fine mud (and specifically <2-μm particles) is concentrated. The two dominant size modes were analyzed for toxic metals. The upstream tributaries are major sources of metals compared to point sources at downstream locations. In the turbidity maximum, Cd, Cu, Zn, and Pb are significantly enriched compared to average shale metal values and ERM toxicity guidelines by 580, 42, 10, 16 and 12, 7, 2.4, 1.4 times, respectively. Decreasing metal concentrations downstream of the turbidity maximum imply that Haverstraw Bay acts as temporary storage for fine particles and enriched metals. It is demonstrated in this study that toxic metals are enriched in Haverstraw Bay due to the mud accumulation. The high levels of toxic metals in the sediments of the Hudson River estuary are a major concern because human activities (dredging and river traffic) cause resuspension of sediments and can change the mobility patterns of bioavailable contaminants. Received: 4 June 1997 · Accepted: 9 September 1997  相似文献   

We sampled epiphytic and benthic macriinvertebrates in 20 beds of submersed vegetation throughout the Hudson River estuary to assess the importance of plant beds in providing habitat for macroinvertebrates and to determine which characteristics of plant beds affected the density and composition of macroinvertebrates. Macroinvertebrate densities in plant beds were 4–5 times higher, on average, than densities in unvegetated sediments in the Hudson. The macroinvertebrate community in plant beds was dominated by chironomid midges, oligochaete worms, hydroids, gastropods, and amphipods. Many species of macroinvertebrates were found chiefly on submersed plants, showing that plant beds are important in supporting biodiversity in the Hudson. Macroinvertebrates were most numerous in beds with high plant biomass and in the interiors of beds, whereas neither bed size nor position along the length of the estuary affected macroinvertebrate density. Community composition varied strongly with position along the river (freshwater versus brackish), habitat (epiphytic versus benthic), and position within the bed (edge versus interior). Plant biomass also influenced macroinvertebrate community composition, but bed area had relatively little influence.  相似文献   

Sediment-bound polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) measured at several sites in the lower Hudson River Estuary are above equilibrium with the overlying water, providing a thermodynamic driving force for exchange from sediment to water. The fluxes of PCB congeners are estimated for a number potential processes: diffusive release of dissolved and colloidal PCBs from the bed, resuspension and subsequent desorption from resuspended particles, and sediment accumulation and burial. All processes are potentially significant, at least for some congeners. The sediment exchange fluxes of PCB solutes for five sites between Governors Island and Haverstraw Bay are estimated to be 20–860 μm m?2 d?1, which is between 2 and 100 times more than the flux of dissolved PCBs coming down the river at Haverstraw Bay. Much of the exchange from sediment to water may be balanced by burial of sorbed PCBs by sediment accumulation. Advection down the river and sediment exchange dominate other potential sources of PCBs to the lower estuary under current loading conditions. The magnitude of the calculated fluxes is consistent with the nonconservative behavior of PCBs in the same region but is higher than earlier modeling estimates that employed different assumptions.  相似文献   

Estuaries are critical habitats for larvae and juveniles of many marine fishes, possibly because they promote high growth rates and survival rates. We investigated spatial and temporal changes in growth rate of larval bay anchovy (Anchoa mitchilli), in the middle Hudson River estuary where abundance of larvae is high. In two consecutive summer seasons, we sampled larvae at 4 sites evenly spaced over 45 km, at weekly intervals for up to a month. We examined otoliths to determine age in days and then used age-length regressions to estimate growth rate. In 1995, larval anchovy growth rates varied from 0.39 to 0.88 mm d−1 (median=0.48 mm d−1). In 1996, growth rates varied from 0.41 to 0.77 mm d−1 (median=0.55 mm d−1). In both years, we found significant spatial and temporal variation in growth rate. Larvae collected in the upper portion of Haverstraw Bay tended to grow more slowly than larvae collected in other sites. The dates on which the most rapidly growing larvae were collected varied from site to site. Neither temperature nor salinity variations explained growth rate differences. Growth rate variation, probably governed by patches of zooplankton, occurred on temporal scales of a week and spatial scales of 15 km.  相似文献   

The impact of mesozooplankton (>210 μm, mostly adult copepods and late-stage copepodites) and micrometazoa (64–210 μm, mostly copepod nauplii) on phytoplankton size structure and biomass in the lower Hudson River estuary was investigated using various14C-labeled algal species as tracers of grazing on natural phytoplankton. During spring and summer, zooplankton grazing pressure, defined as %=mg C ingested m?2 h?1/mg C produced m?2 h?1 (depth-integrated rates)×100, on total phytoplankton ranged between 0.04% and 1.9% for mesozooplankton and 0.1% and 6.6% for micrometazoa. The greatest grazing impact was measured in fall when 20.2% and 44.6%, respectively, of the total depth-integrated primary production from surface water phytoplankton was grazed. Mesozooplankton exhibited some size-selective grazing on phytoplankton, preferentially grazing the diatomThalassiosira pseudonana over the larger diatomDitylum brightwelli, but this was not found for micrometazoa. Neither zooplankton group grazed on the dinoflagellateAmphidinium sp. We conclude that metazoan zooplankton have a minimal role in controlling total phytoplankton biomass in the lower Hudson River estuary. Differences in the growth coefficients of various phytoplankton size-fractions—not grazing selectivity—may be the predominant factor explaining community size-structure.  相似文献   

Transition and heavy metals within the calcified otoliths of estuarine fishes may represent valuable tracers of environmental exposures, allowing inferences on natality, habitat use, and exposure to pollution. Accurate measurement of very low concentrations of these metals in otoliths by inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (ICP-MS) is often precluded by the interferences of predominant calcium matrix. We coupled a solid phase extraction procedure to an ICP-MS instrument to overcome the matrix problems and improve the limits of detection. To test this novel application and the utility of otolith transition and heavy metals as tracers of habitat use, otoliths of American eel (Anguilla rostrata) captured from 6 locations (George Washington Bridge, Haverstraw, Newburgh, Kingston, Athens, and Albany) throughout the Hudson River estuary were analyzed for site specific differences expected due to varying environmental exposure. Several trace elements, including Al, Bi, Cd, Co, Cu, Ga, Mn, Ni, Pb, V, and Zn, were selectively extracted from otolith solutions and preconcentrated on a microcolumn of chelating resin. The concentrations of all elements inA. rostrata otoliths were above the limits of detection that ranged from 0.2 ng g?1 for Co to 7 ng g?1 for Zn. Differences in the elemental composition of the otoliths among the groups were significant indicating different levels of exposure to environmental conditions. Discriminant analysis yielded an overall location classification rate of 78%. Al, Bi, Cd, Mn, Ni, and V contributed most to the discriminant function. Samples collected at George Washington Bridge showed 100% discrimination from other locations, and higher levels of many transition and heavy metals, consistent with higher exposure to these metals in the most polluted region of the Hudson River estuary.  相似文献   

Large, recreationally or commercially important populations of Atlantic sturgeon (Acipenser oxyrinchus), American shad (Alosa sapidissima), and striped bass (Morone saxatilis) occur in the Hudson River. Members of the Hudson River populations of these fishes also occur over a broad range along the Atlantic coast where they mix with conspecifics from other anadromous populations. For management purposes, it is imperative to be able to discriminate among individual stocks so that weak stocks may be protected and harvest may be allocated equitably. Because of their sensitivity and resistance to environmentally-induced temporal variation, molecular approaches have been increasingly employed in stock identification studies. However, post-Pleistocene recolonization of the Hudson River must have occurred less than 10,000 years ago—a relatively brief period for genetic divergence among populations. We tested whether various measures of DNA variation between Hudson River populations and adjacent populations of Atlantic sturgeon, American shad, and striped bass were sufficient to discriminate among their conspecific populations. American shad populations surveyed for mtDNA variation were highly diverse genotypically, but genotypic frequencies among the populations of the Connecticut, Hudson, and Delaware rivers were statistically homogenous (p>0.05). In contrast, Atlantic sturgeon (surveyed for mtDNA variation) and striped bass (surveyed for mtDNA and nuclear DNA variation) populations of the Hudson River were not genotypically diverse, but they were differentiated from northern and southern populations. Our results suggest higher gene flow (and lesser homing fidelity) among American shad populations in comparison with the two other species.  相似文献   

Multiple sediment cores were collected in June 1994 in the turbidity maximum zone of the Hudson River estuary off Manhattan, New York. Results from X-radiography of the sediments and measurements of natural radionuclides (234Th,7Be, and210Pb) and trace metals (Ag, Cd, Cu, Pb, and Zn) show significant spatial variability of sediment composition and structure and patchy distributions of radionuclides activities and trace metal concentrations in this small area (0.6 km × 0.5 km). Radionuclide and trace metal analyses confirm prior work (Olsen et al. 1978; Olsen et al. 1981; Hirschberg et al. 1996) that show the western margin area of the river acts as a repository of these chemical constituents at least for the short-term period (0.5–1 yr), and the mid-channel area is not a depositional area for sediments and associated chemical constituents.7Be profiles reveal short-term sediment deposition rates ranging from 6 cm yr?1 to 26 cm yr?1 in the western margin area. Significant spatial variations in excess234Th and7Be inventories (up to a factor of 10 and 5 for234Th and7Be, respectively) are found in the western margin depositional area, although the inventories are balanced, on average, with in situ production in water column and atmospheric supply. The spatial variation of surficial excess210Pb and trace metal concentrations in depositional areas of the western margin are ≤10% for Ag, Cu, Pb, and Zn and 29% for Cd. However, the variations in the transition zone range from 28% to 93%. This variability is likely related to variations in tidal current velocity, bottom shear stress, and river channel morphology.  相似文献   

Six species of marine fishes, the Atlantic cutlassfish Trichiurus lepturus; planehead filefish, Monacanthus hispidus; guaguanche, Sphyraena guachancho; pigfish, Orthopristic chrysoptera; freckled blenny, Hypsoblenius ionthas; and short bigeye, Pristigenys alta, were observed for the first time in the Hudson River estuary in 1985. Their occurrence was associated with low freshwater runoff and the resulting upstream penetration of the salt front to historic levels. These conditions may have facilitated the dispersal of marine fishes from coastal areas into the lower Hudson River estuary.  相似文献   

Phytoplankton patchiness, as expressed by community composition and size distribution, during the rainy season in the Langat River estuary (Malaysia) is described. Four sites in the estuary were sampled on two different occasions. The sampling area covered a stretch of the river from upstream to downstream of aquaculture activities (shrimp farms). Water samples from a shrimp farm outlet were also analyzed for nutrient and phytoplankton content. Differences in community structure between stations were found by means of multivariate procedures. Genera composition and total biomass were related to environmental factors, revealing salinity, light, and nutrients as important explaining factors. Elevated phytoplankton biomass and total phosphorus concentration, as well as lower inorganic nitrogen: phosphorus ratios, were found downstream of the shrimp farming activities. The size distribution spectrum of the phytoplankton population downstream of the shrimp farms was significantly different from that at the other stations but not different than that found in the sampled effluent from the shrimp farms, where phytoplankton biomass was also high. Twenty-two of the 24 recorded genera from the shrimp farm outlet were also found downstream of the farming activities. A number of different environmental factors potentially alter conditions for phytoplankton in the lower reaches of the estuary as compared to the upper regions. A cause and effect relationship explaining the differences noted between the upper and lower reaches of the estuary cannot be established. This study suggests that nutrient enrichment from the shrimp farming activities is of a magnitude that may contribute to the phytoplankton community changes observed in the lower reaches of the estuary.  相似文献   

Near surface (<10 cm) sediment distributions of234Th sampled multiple times at five locations along the axis of the Hudson Estuary from the Upper Bay of New York to Haverstraw Bay are compared with210Pb data from longer cores at the same locations. The comparison indicates that while there is little net sediment accumulation anywhere except at one location in the Upper Bay, near surface sediment in this reach of the estuary is mobile on short (months) time scales. The sediment appears to be physically mixed rather than bioturbated. Comparison of the sediment inventories of234Th with calculated water column production indicates short time scale (months) variability in234Th deposition. Some parts of the bottom have234Th inventories in excess of local production but these appear to be balanced by234Th deficient areas, resulting in a general equilibrium. Sediment inventories of Pb, Cu, and Zn normalized to210Pb show no evidence of a uniquely urban source of these metals to the lower estuary. Silver distributions in sediment indicate a possible source of silver from New York City, probably related to sewage inputs.  相似文献   

Juvenile fishes often face conditions that force them to experience fitness trade-offs (e.g., foregoing a rich food patch because of high risk of predation). In this study, three aspects of the environment of juvenile American shad: food availability, predation risk, and “thermal risk” (defined here as the probability of the onset of adverse temperatures; ≤9°C, the temperature at which feeding ceases), are evaluated empirically with data from the Hudson River estuary in New York State. The evaluations are then used in dynamic programming models to determine when juvenile American shad should switch habitat (upper versus middle versus lower estuary), and, in combination with a simple bioenergetic model, to determine growth trajectories for fish spawned at different times in the spawning season. Comparisons of simulations with real data suggest that scenarios in which predation risk is highest in the lower river produce the most realistic patterns of habitat use. High upriver food availability in June promotes use of the upriver habitat; however, by September most size classes of fish utilize the middle estuary, and by late October, fish move to the lower estuary (even in the face of higher predation risk), due to a combination of lower food resources and thermal risks in the upper and middle estuary.  相似文献   

Macrobenthic species abundances and physical/chemical factors known of affect them were measured in a mesohaline region of the Chesapeake Bay from 1971 to 1982. Variation in species abundance due to station differences, seasonal patterns and year-to-year fluctuations in physical/chemical factors were quantified. The major source of variation in abundance of most species was that associated with seasonal recruitment cycles. Spatial variation in abundances of dominant species was small within habitats defined by sediment characteristics. However, abundance variation among sediment types was relatively large. All species showed significant year-to-year fluctuation in abundance, but no species had systematic long-term increases or decreases in abundance during the study period. Macrobenthos populations were persistent over the 11 years within abundance boundaries defined chiefly by fluctuations in salinity and dissolved oxygen concentration. Most species responded to salinity changes, especially those of an extreme nature, with predictable increases or decreases in abundance. Abundances of all species declined rapidly under conditions of low dissolved oxygen concentration (<2 ppm). Macrobenthos with planktonic developmental stages rapidly repopulated the region following periods of population decline. Repopulation by brooding species was slower.  相似文献   

Structural and functional characteristics of the Swartvlei estuary fish community are described. The detritivore group of fishes comprised 49% of the total catch biomass, zoobenthivores 25%, herbivores 18%, piscivores 6%, and epifauna/zooplanktivores 2%. The diets of 18 fish species, based on the analysis of 1,648 stomach contents, are presented. Selection by Swartvlei estuary fishes for zoobenthic invertebrates and aquatic macrophytes in different habitats was calculated using the linear index of selection. Results indicated a strong positive selection for epifaunal invertebrates and poor utilization of infauna and plants. Plant consumption by herbivorous fishes in the estuary centered around filamentous algae and diatoms growing onZostera capensis, rather than seagrass leaf material. The detrital base for both eelgrass- and sand-dominated areas in the Swartvlei estuary is emphasized, and most of the fish biomass was supported directly or indirectly by detritus. Large catches (mass per unit effort) in the macrophyte-free upper reaches site were attributed to the tidal input ofZostera leaves and associated algae to the area and its subsequent utilization by fishes through the detrital food chain.  相似文献   

Macrobenthos, sediments, and environmental conditions were sampled in the mesohaline region of western Chesapeake Bay (1971–1984) and the Potomac River (1980–1984). The survey data were used to quantify variation in macrobenthos and the physicochemical environment due to seasonal dynamics, spatial pattern (regional and local), and annual as well as long-term trends. Field experiments were conducted to test hypotheses suggested by the analysis of the survey data. Long-term and regional changes in the physiochemical environment, particularly salinity and dissolved oxygen concentration, had major influences on regional and long-term abundance patterns of macrobenthos. Two major species groups were identified along the mesohaline salinity gradient: those characteristic of high and low mesohaline salinities. Salinity increased and dissolved oxygen concentration below the pycnocline declined over the 14 yr. Estuarine endemic and euryhaline marine species concomitantly decreased in abundance. Opportunist species responded to increasing salinity and declining oxygen levels with increases in abundance. Predation on macrobenthos by fish and crabs affected the amplitude of annual recruitment pulses. Food availability apparently determined the magnitude of summer macrobenthic mortality. Spring was a critical period for the establishment of distributional patterns. The macrobenthos of the upper Chesapeake Bay was relatively stable over the study period mainly due to the stability and predictability of physicochemical processes controlling recruitment patterns.  相似文献   

The loss of submerged aquatic vegetation (SAV) from the Patuxent estuary during the latter part of the 20th century was explored using diverse data sets that included historic SAV coverage and distribution data, SAV ground truth observations, water clarity and nutrient loading data, and epiphyte light attenuation measurements. Analysis of aerial photography from 1952 showed that SAV was abundant and widely distributed along the entire mesohaline region of the estuary; by the late 1960s rapid declines in SAV took place following large increases in nutrient loading to the estuary. An examination of water clarity and epiphyte data suggest that the processes that led to the loss of SAV varied in strength along the axis of the estuary. In the upper mesohaline region, Secchi depths were consistently less than established mesohaline SAV habitat requirements at 1-m water depth, suggesting that water clarity was responsible for SAV decline. In the lower mesohaline region, where water clarity was consistently above SAV requirements, high epiphyte fouling rates significantly reduced light available to SAV. Experimental results show that epiphyte fouling had the capacity to reduce available light to SAV blades from 30% to 7% of surface light within a week, and likely contributed to the local decline and near total loss of SAV during the late 1960s and early 1970s. The prognosis for near-term SAV recovery within the mesohaline portion of the estuary seems unlikely given existing water quality conditions.  相似文献   

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