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Deglaciation chronologies for some sectors of former ice sheets are relatively poorly constrained because of the paucity of features or materials traditionally used to constrain the timing of deglaciation. In areas without good deglaciation varve chronologies and/or without widespread occurrence of material that indicates the start of earliest organic radiocarbon accumulations suitable for radiocarbon dating, typically only general patterns and chronologies of deglaciation have been deduced. However, mid-latitude ice sheets that had warm-based conditions close to their margins often produced distinctive deglaciation landform assemblages, including eskers, deltas, meltwater channels and aligned lineation systems. Because these features were formed or significantly altered during the last glaciation, boulder or bedrock samples from them have the potential to yield reliable deglaciation ages using terrestrial cosmogenic nuclides (TCN) for exposure age dating. Here we present the results of a methodological study designed to examine the consistency of TCN-based deglaciation ages from a range of deglaciation landforms at a site in northern Norway. The strong coherence between exposure ages across several landforms indicates great potential for using TCN techniques on features such as eskers, deltas and meltwater channels to enhance the temporal resolution of ice-sheet deglaciation chronologies over a range of spatial scales.  相似文献   

Responses of autotrophic and heterotrophic processes to nutrients and trace elements were examined in a series of experimental estuarine food webs of increasing trophic complexity using twenty 1-m3 mesocosms. Nutrients (nitrogen and phosphorus) and trace elements (a mix of arsenic, copper, cadmium) were added alone and in combination during four experimental runs spanning from spring 1997 to spring 1998. Diel changes in dissolved oxygen were used to examine whole system gross primary production (WS-GPP), respiration (WS-RESP), and net ecosystem metabolism (NEM). Nutrient and trace element additions had the greatest effect on WS-GPP, WS-RESP, and NEM; trophic complexity did not significantly affect any of these parameters (p>0.3). Effects of trophic complexity were detected in nutrient tanks where bivalves significantly (p=0.03) reduced WS-GPP. Nutrient additions significantly enhanced WS-GPP and to a lesser extent WS-RESP during most mesocosm runs. The system shifted from net heterotrophy (−17.2±1.8 mmol C m−3 d−1) in the controls to net autotrophy (29.1±7.6 mmol C m−3 d−1) in the nutrient tanks. The addition of trace elements alone did not affect WS-GPP and WS-RESP to the same extent as nutrients, and their effects were more variable. Additions of trace elements alone consistently made the system more net heterotrophic (−24.9±1.4 mmol C m−3 d−1) than the controls. When trace elements were added in combination with nutrients, the nutrient-enriched system became less autotrophic (1.6±3.1 mmol C m−3 d−1). The effects of trace elements on NEM occurred primarily through reductions in WS-GPP rather than increases in WS-RESP. Our results suggest that autotrophic and heterotrophic processes respond differently to these stressors.  相似文献   

This study used a combination of the wavelet cross-correlation technique and numerical analysis of vegetative feedback to study the role of climate–vegetation feedback from 1981 to 2009 in the northern Tianshan Mountains, Xinjiang Province, China. The study area included the Irtysh River, the Bortala and Ili River valleys, the northern slopes of the Tianshan Mountains, and the western Junggar Basin. The feedback effects of changes in vegetation on precipitation appeared to vary in these five regions when different time scales are used to examine them. The most useful time scale was generally found to be 4–6 months. Time lag was another characteristic of this process, and the optimal time lag was 3–4 months. Nevertheless, optimal time scale and time lag did not differ significantly in these five regions. In this way, the correct time scale of the effects of variations in vegetation on precipitation in this cold, arid area was found. This time scale and time lag can be assessed through wavelet cross-correlation analysis. Then numerical analysis can be used to improve the accuracy of the analysis.  相似文献   

Acidification of Earth: An assessment across mechanisms and scales   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In this review article, anthropogenic activities that cause acidification of Earth’s air, waters, and soils are examined. Although there are many mechanisms of acidification, the focus is on the major ones, including emissions from combustion of fossil fuels and smelting of ores, mining of coal and metal ores, and application of nitrogen fertilizer to soils, by elucidating the underlying biogeochemical reactions as well as assessing the magnitude of the effects. These widespread activities have resulted in (1) increased CO2 concentration in the atmosphere that acidifies the oceans; (2) acidic atmospheric deposition that acidifies soils and bodies of freshwater; (3) acid mine drainage that acidifies bodies of freshwater and groundwaters; and (4) nitrification that acidifies soils. Although natural geochemical reactions of mineral weathering and ion exchange work to buffer acidification, the slow reaction rates or the limited abundance of reactant phases are overwhelmed by the onslaught of anthropogenic acid loading. Relatively recent modifications of resource extraction and usage in some regions of the world have begun to ameliorate local acidification, but expanding use of resources in other regions is causing environmental acidification in previously unnoticed places. World maps of coal consumption, Cu mining and smelting, and N fertilizer application are presented to demonstrate the complex spatial heterogeneity of resource consumption as well as the overlap in acidifying potential derived from distinctly different phenomena. Projected population increase by country over the next four decades indicates areas with the highest potential for acidification, so enabling anticipation and planning to offset or mitigate the deleterious environmental effects associated with these global shifts in the consumption of energy, mineral, and food resources.  相似文献   

The stable isotope signatures of marine transient and resident nekton were used to investigate trophic linkages between primary producers, marsh macrophytes, phytoplankton, benthic microalgae, and consumers within the Delaware Bay. A whole estuary approach was used to compare the flux of nutrients from primary producers to juvenile weakfish (Cynoscion regalis), bay anchovy (Anchoa mitchilli), and white perch (Morone americana) in open waters of the lower and upper Bay and adjacent salt marshes dominated by eitherSpartina alterniflora orPhragmites australis. Our results suggest that trophic linkages vary significantly along the salinity gradient, reflecting the transition fromSpartina toPhragmites-dominated marshes, and secondarily, in a marsh to open water (offshore) direction at a given salinity. Superimposed on this pattern was a gradient in the proximate use of organic matter that depended on life history traits of each species ranging from pelagic to benthic in the order bay anchovy > weakfish > white perch.  相似文献   

Estuarine fish populations are exposed to a variety of environmental conditions that cause both short-term variability and long-term trends in abundance. We analyzed an extensive data set for striped bass (Morone saxatilis) in the San Francisco Estuary to refine our understanding of how environmental variability influences recruitment. We examined the effects of environmental variability during early life stages on subsequent recruitment (age 3 yr), and the degree to which conditions in early life may have contributed to a long-term decline in abundance of adult striped bass in the San Francisco Estuary. Survival from egg to young-of-the-year varied strongly with freshwater flow; this effect apparently occurred within the first week or two of life, a time period that encompasses transport of eggs and larvae from the rivers to rearing areas and the onset of feeding. The rate of freshwater flow to pumping facilities that export freshwater from the system had small or sporadic effects on survival during the first month or two of life. Although many young striped bass between ages 2 and 8 mo were entrained in export pumping facilities, the resulting high mortality was unrelated to total mortality rates determined from field data on young striped bass. This lack of effect was apparently due to strong density-dependent mortality occurring between ages 1 mo and 3 yr (Kimmerer et al. 2000). The available data do not support previously suggested relationships between recruitment and freshwater flow during early life, or between gross estimates of pesticide input and survival of early life stages. We used a simple life-cycle model to show that various combined factors could have led to a decline in adult abundance, particularly a large and increasing adult mortality, but that events early in life probably did not contribute substantially to the decline. These results demonstrate that several decades of monitoring data from numerous life stages are needed to distinguish among alternative hypotheses about environmental influences on populations of estuarine fish.  相似文献   

Shale is a highly heterogeneous material across multiple scales. A typical shale consists of nanometer-scale pores and minerals mixed with macroscale fractures and particles of varying size. High-resolution imaging is crucial for characterizing the composition and microstructure of this rock. However, it is generally not feasible to image a large sample of shale at a high resolution over a large field of view (FOV), thus limiting a full characterization of the microstructure of this material. We present a stochastic framework based on multiple-point statistics that uses high-resolution training images to enhance low-resolution images obtained over a large FOV. We demonstrate the approach using X-ray micro-tomography images of organic-rich Woodford shale obtained at two different resolutions and FOV. Results show that the proposed technique can generate realistic high-resolution images of the microstructure of shale over a large FOV.  相似文献   

A wide range of space and time scales characterize the processes and phenomena which interact to shape environmental condition and trends. Important perspectives of environmental space and time include the role of terrestrial and astronomical factors in shaping climatic change, insights to be gained from the pre-historical record, relations between disturbance and biotic responses, episodic extreme events and large-scale phenomena, cumulative impacts, fast — slow processes and memory reservoirs. Scales in physical, chemical and biological phenomena have parallels in human driving forces, societal relations and decision — making processes, and environmental scales of space and time thus have perceptual as well as physical (objective) dimensions. Scale is clearly more than just size and dimension, and there is a growing body of examples on how zooming along and across hierarchical scales can help in seeking explanation (how) and significance (why), and in revealing emergent properties. Scaling can also act as a motor for new approaches to scientific cooperation. Such evolving scales in scientific cooperation are examined in relation to three international research programmes (IBP, MAB, IGBP), to various sub-disciplines of ecology and biogeography, and to the restructuring of a largish research institute in Montpellier (France). An overall conclusion is that scaling issues may provide a stimulus to increased coherence within the science of ecology itself, and may facilitate mutually supportive links with other scientific domains and society at large.The views expressed are those of the authors and not necessarily those of the authors' employers.  相似文献   

The distribution of Mn was examined in the bottom sediments and water column (suspended paniculate matter) of the Laurentian Trough. Gulf of St. Lawrence. A characteristic profile of Mn with depth in the sediment consisted of a Mn-enriched surface oxidized zone, less than 20 mm thick, and a Mn-depleted subsurface reducing zone. A subsurface Mn maximum occurred within the oxidized zone. Below this maximum the concentration dropped sharply to nearly constant residual levels in the reducing zone. The accumulating estuarine sediments are deficient in Mn compared to the river input of suspended matter and are definitely not the ultimate sink for manganese. Manganese escapes from the sediment by diffusion and resuspension, forming Mn-enriched, fine-grained particles which are flushed out in the estuarine circulation. 5.0 × 109gyr?1 of Mn, or 50% more than the river input of dissolved Mn. are exported to the open ocean. In spite of the efficient mobilization and export of Mn, the quantity exported is a small fraction (0.2%) of the total flux to the deep-sea sediments. This is related to the low levels of paniculate matter transported by the St. Lawrence River. The export phénomenon, however, is probably true of many coastal regions of muddy sediments and thus has interesting implications for the oceanic budget of Mn.  相似文献   

The suitability of geologic frameworks for extrapolating hydraulic conductivity (K) to length scales commensurate with hydraulic data is difficult to assess. A novel method is presented for evaluating assumed relations between K and geologic interpretations for regional-scale groundwater modeling. The approach relies on simultaneous interpretation of multiple aquifer tests using alternative geologic frameworks of variable complexity, where each framework is incorporated as prior information that assumes homogeneous K within each model unit. This approach is tested at Pahute Mesa within the Nevada National Security Site (USA), where observed drawdowns from eight aquifer tests in complex, highly faulted volcanic rocks provide the necessary hydraulic constraints. The investigated volume encompasses 40 mi3 (167 km3) where drawdowns traversed major fault structures and were detected more than 2 mi (3.2 km) from pumping wells. Complexity of the five frameworks assessed ranges from an undifferentiated mass of rock with a single unit to 14 distinct geologic units. Results show that only four geologic units can be justified as hydraulically unique for this location. The approach qualitatively evaluates the consistency of hydraulic property estimates within extents of investigation and effects of geologic frameworks on extrapolation. Distributions of transmissivity are similar within the investigated extents irrespective of the geologic framework. In contrast, the extrapolation of hydraulic properties beyond the volume investigated with interfering aquifer tests is strongly affected by the complexity of a given framework. Testing at Pahute Mesa illustrates how this method can be employed to determine the appropriate level of geologic complexity for large-scale groundwater modeling.  相似文献   

A coupled coastal-bay estuarine numerical model is described and applied to investigate the combination of wind-estuarine driven circulation off the Orissa coast. The model is based on coupling of a 2-dimensional estuarine model with a 3-dimensional coastal-bay model. The models are linked through the elevation at the interface. Using the coupled model, the numerical experiments are carried out to elicit the dynamical linking between the estuarine outflow and the coastal ocean to simulate the ensuing adjoining coastal circulation. During the southwest monsoon, it is noticed that the estuarine discharge from the northern head-bay river system and the river systems that join the Bay of Bengal along the Orissa coast would sufficiently modify the coastal circulation along the coast. Numerical experiments are also carried for the model simulation of surges generated by the 1999 Orissa cyclone. It is shown that the estuarine system would influence significantly on surge development and associated inundation through the rivers.  相似文献   

云南禄丰地区首次发现晚侏罗世早期轮藻化石组合   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
近年来云南禄丰地区在地层学方面有两项重要的进展:①川街盆地不仅具有“禄丰晰龙动物群”, 在其上部还相继发现了中侏罗世“川街龙动物群”和相当晚侏罗世的恐龙化石;②按照国际地层规范,厘定并新建了一套侏罗纪岩石地层单位。新近又在前人称之为“上禄丰组”下部(川街组)及“酒红层”(麻地山组)中分别鉴定出中侏罗世轮藻组合Aclistochara maanshanensis-Aclistochara abshirira-Aclistochara karierica和晚侏罗世早期轮组合Aclistochara jaisalmerensis-Aclistochara karierica-Mesochara voluta。这一晚株罗世早期轮藻化石组合在中国属首次发现。  相似文献   

Salt marshes, which provide a transition between the marine and terrestrial environments around much of the temperature world, will be the first ecosystem to feel the effects of an increased rate of sea level rise. This study examined the metabolic responses of a high salt marsh to increased inundation and wrack deposition associated with sea level rise. We measured changes in ecosystem and soil photosynthesis and respiration by analyzing carbon dioxide fluxes in the light and dark. Data from seasonal flux measurements were combined with continuously measured light and temperature data to develop a model that estimated annual production and respiration. Results suggested that increased inundation will reduce respiration rates to a greater extent than production, yielding a moderate net loss of organic carbon from the high marsh. The model also predicted a substantial loss of organic carbon from wrack-affected areas. This decreased organic carbon input may play an important role in the ability of the marsh to maintain elevation relative to sea level rise.  相似文献   

Development and validation of an estuarine biotic integrity index   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
We tested hypotheses about how estuarine fish assemblages respond to habitat degradation and then integrated these responses into an overall index, the Estuarine Biotic Integrity Index (EBI), which summarized observed changes. Fish assemblages (based on trawl catches) and habitat quality were measured monthly or biweekly at nine sites in two estuaries from March 1988 to June 1990. Submerged aquatic vegetation habitats were classified as low or medium quality based on year-round measurements of chemical and physical characteristics (phytoplankton blooms; macroalgae; dissolved oxygen; nutrients; dredged channels). We tested 15 metrics and selected 8 for inclusion in the EBI: total number of species, dominance, fish abundance (number or biomass), number of nursery species, number of estuarine spawning species, number of resident species, proportion of benthic-associated fishes, and proportion abnormal or diseased. Fish assemblages in low-quality sites had lower number of species, density, biomass, and dominance compared with medium-quality sites. Fish abundance peaked in July and August, and was lowest in January to March. The seasonal cycle in low-quality sites was damped compared with medium-quality sites. Abundances of fishes using estuaries as a spawning and nursery area and of benthic species were lower in low-quality sites compared to medium-quality sites. The individual metrics and the overall index correlated with habitat degradation. The EBI based on biomass did not do better than the EBI based on number, indicating that the extra effort to obtain biomass may not be warranted. We suggest the EBI is a useful indicator of estuarine ecosystem status because it reflects the relationship between anthropogenic alterations in estuarine ecosystems and the status of higher trophic levels.  相似文献   

We applied an index of estuarine biotic integrity (EBI) to 36 sites in 16 estuaries on Cape Cod and in Buzzards Bay, Massachusetts, U.S. Two estuaries were sampled in 6 years, from 1988–1999 (Waquoit and Buttermilk Bays), and a total of 14 others in Buzzards Bay were sampled in 1993, 1996, and 1998. Habitats at each site were classified as either low or medium quality by density and biomass of submerged rooted vegetation (eelgrass). The EBI and its metrics (fish abundance, biomass, total species, species dominance, life history, and proportion by life zone) were successful in classifying habitat quality. Greatest success and least bias of the EBI and its metrics in classifying habitat quality occurred when eelgrass habitats were least degraded. The EBI tracked habitat degradation over time in Waquoit and Buttermilk Bays. Average EBI values in medium-quality habitats of Buzzards Bay estuaries during 1996 and 1998 were less than expected based on earlier EBI values from Waquoit and Buttermilk Bays, suggesting that many of these sites are in transition from medium to low quality. Our results indicate that the EBI is sensitive to habitat quality change, and further suggest that low-quality habitats may approach a stable fish community structure that is well reflected by the EBI. The relationship of the EBI to an independent measure of water quality demonstrated inherent time lags between the degradation and improvement of water quality, fish habitat, and response of the fish community.  相似文献   

To examine the role of physical disturbance on the long-term preservation of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) in sediments, cores were collected from two sites removed from point sources of PAHs and representing contrasting seabed mixing regimes. Although ΣPAH concentrations in sediments over the past 50 years were not significantly different between the two sites, several PAH isomer ratios were significantly different (P<0.05) between the two sites. Downcore changes in PAH isomer ratios resulted from preferential losses of the more linear PAH isomers. Thus, episodic, intense seabed mixing contributes to more efficient removal of selected PAHs. However, PAHs are still sufficiently stable relative to mixing events that historical PAH profiles can be used to reconstruct major resuspension events.  相似文献   

Rates of nitrification along an estuarine gradient in Narragansett Bay   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Rates of pelagic nitrification, measured using N-Serve-sensitive [14C]bicarbonate uptake, varied by as much as an order-of-magnitude among three sites along the salinity gradient of Narragansett Bay (Rhode Island, United States). Rates were always higher at the Providence River estuary site (0.04–11.2 μmol N I?1 d?1) than at either the lower Narragansett Bay site (0.02–0.98 μmol N I?1d?1) or the freshwater Blackstone River site (0.04–1.7 μmol N I?1d?1). Although temperature was the most important variable regulating the annual cycle of nitrification, ammonium concentrations were most likely responsible for the large differences in rates among the three sites in summer. At the levels found in this estuarine system, salinity and concentrations of oxygen or total suspended matter did not appear to have a direct measurable effect on nitrification and pH did only occasionally. Nitrification played an important role in the nitrogen cycle at all three sites. In Narragansett Bay, nitrification contributed 55% of the NO2 ? and NO3 ? entering annually, and was the major source during spring and summer. Water from offshore was the only other large source of NO2 ? and NO3 ?, contributing 34%. High summer rates of nitrification could support much of the phytoplankton uptake of NO2 ? and NO3 ?. In the Providence River estuary, the largest annual input of NO2 ? and NO3 ? was from rivers (54%), although nitrification (28%) and water from lower portions of the bay (11%) also made large contributions. Again, nitrification was most important in the summer. The high rates of nitrification in the Providence River estuary during summer were also likely to be important in terms of oxygen demand, and the production of nitric and nitrous oxides. In the Blackstone River, NO2 ? and NO3 ? concentrations increased as the river flowed through Rhode Island, and nitrification was a possible source.  相似文献   

The physiochemical variability inherent to estuaries makes it difficult to identify those variables of importance to habitat selection by fishes. We used factor analysis to investigate habitat partitioning of fishes in Contraband Bayou, an oligohaline creek within the City of Lake Charles, in southwestern Louisiana. This bayou receives runoff and organic wastes from the City of Lake Charles and adjacent farmland (adding levels of complexity to an analysis of fish habitat preferences). Fishes were sampled from locations within the Contraband drainage in winter and summer of 1983 and 1984. At each location, 14 environmental variables were measured. Distribution of each common species in a season relative to these variables was characterized by calculating means of individuals for each environmental variable. A species' mean for a variable (the state of the variable where individuals of the species are most likely to be found) was interpreted as the species' “preference” for the variable. Factor analysis was used to identify trends in habitat partitioning among species, based on their preferences for all environmental variables. In all seasons, habitat partitioning separated typically freshwater forms from estuarine fishes, and separated forms more tolerant of organic pollution from less tolerant species. Some species entered the bayou only in summer, and in this season, additional factors were related to the preference of some of these species for areas with little cover that were normally shunned by resident species.  相似文献   

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