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Life was limited for most of Earth's history, remaining at a primitive stage and mostly marine until about 0.55 Ga. In the Paleozoic, life eventually exploded and colonized the continental realm. Why had there been such a long period of delayed evolution of life? Early life was dominated by Archaea and Bacteria,which can survive ionizing radiation better than other organisms. The magnetic field preserves the atmosphere, which is the main shield of UV radiation. We explore the hypothesis that the Cambrian explosion of life could have been enabled by the increase of the magnetic field dipole intensity due to the solidification of the inner core, caused by the cooling of the Earth, and the concomitant decrease with time of the high-energy solar flux since the birth of the solar system. Therefore, the two phenomena could be responsible for the growth and thickening of the atmosphere and the development of land surface life.  相似文献   

The Francevillian Group in Gabonese Republic was recently established as a typical sedimentary sequence for the Paleoproterozoic.However,its age is rather poorly constrained,mainly based on Rb-Sr and Nd-Sm datings.This study reports new zircon data obtained from Chaillu massif and N'goutou complex,which constrain the protolith age of the basement orthogneisses and the igneous age of an intrusive granite,respectively.Most zircons from the orthogneisses are blue and exhibit oscillatory zoning in cathode-luminescence images.Zircons with lower common lead abundances tend to be distributed close to the concordia curve.Two age clusters around 2860 Ma and 2910 Ma are found in zircons plotted on the concordia curve.Based on the Th/U ratios of zircons,these ages correspond to the protolith ages of the orthogneisses,and the zircons are not metamorphic in origin.Syenites and granites were collected from the N'goutou complex that intrudes into the FA and FB units of the Francevillian Group.The granitoids exhibit chemical composition of A-type granite affinity.Half of zircons separated from the granite are non-luminous,and the remaining half exhibit obscure internal textures under cathode-luminescence observation.All zircon grains contain significant amounts of common lead;the lead isotopic variability is probably attributed to the mixing of two components in the zircons.The zircon radiogenic ~(207)Pb/~(206)Pb ratio is 0.13707 ± 0.0010.corresponding to a ~(207)Pb/~(206)Pb age of 2191 ± 13 Ma.This constrains the minimum depositional age of the FA and FB units.Furthermore,the FB unit consists of manganese-rich carbonate rocks and organic carbon-rich black shales with macroscopic fossils.Based on our age constraints,these organisms appeared in the study area just after the last Paleoproterozoic Snowball Earth event,in concert with global scale oxidation event encompassing the Snowball Earth.  相似文献   

The Hadean history of Earth is shrouded in mystery and it is considered that the planet was born dry with no water or atmosphere. The Earth-Moon system had many features in common during the birth stage. Solidification of the dry magma ocean at 4.53 Ga generated primordial continents with komatiite. We speculate that the upper crust was composed of fractionated gabbros and the middle felsic crust by anorthosite at ca. 21 km depth boundary, underlain by meta-anorthosite (grossular + kyanite + quartz) down to 50–60 km in depth. The thickness of the mafic KREEP basalt in the lower crust, separating it from the underlying upper mantle is not well-constrained and might have been up to ca. 100–200 km depending on the degree of fractionation and gravitational stability versus surrounding mantle density. The primordial continents must have been composed of the final residue of dry magma ocean and enriched in several critical elements including Ca, Mg, Fe, Mn, P, K, and Cl which were exposed on the surface of the dry Earth. Around 190 million years after the solidification of the magma ocean, “ABEL bombardment” delivered volatiles including H2O, CO2, N2 as well as silicate components through the addition of icy asteroids. This event continued for 200 Myr with subordinate bombardments until 3.9 Ga, preparing the Earth for the prebiotic chemical evolution and as the cradle of first life. Due to vigorous convection arising from high mantle potential temperatures, the primordial continents disintegrated and were dragged down to the deep mantle, marking the onset of Hadean plate tectonics.  相似文献   

Banded iron formations(BIFs) are major rock units having hematite layers intermittent with silica rich layers and formed by sedimentary processes during late Archean to mid Proterozoic time. In terrestrial environment, hematite deposits are mainly found associated with banded iron formations. The BIFs in Lake Superior(Canada) and Carajas(Brazil) have been studied by planetary scientists to trace the evolution of hematite deposits on Mars. Hematite deposits are extensively identified in Meridiani region on Mars. Many hypotheses have been proposed to decipher the mechanism for the formation of these deposits. On the basis of geomorphological and mineralogical studies, aqueous environment of deposition is found to be the most supportive mechanism for its secondary iron rich deposits. In the present study, we examined the spectral characteristics of banded iron formations of Joda and Daitari located in Singhbhum craton in eastern India to check its potentiality as an analog to the aqueous/marine environment on Mars. The prominent banding feature of banded iron formations is in the range of few millimeters to few centimeters in thickness. Fe rich bands are darker(gray) in color compared to the light reddish jaspilitic chert bands. Thin quartz veins(4 mm) are occasionally observed in the handspecimens of banded iron formations. Spectral investigations have been conducted in VIS/NIR region of electromagnetic spectrum in the laboratory conditions. Optimum absorption bands identified include 0.65, 0.86, 1.4 and 1.9 mm, in which 0.56 and 0.86 mm absorption bands are due to ferric iron and 1.4 and1.9 mm bands are due to OH/H_2O. To validate the mineralogical results obtained from VIS/NIR spectral radiometry, laser Raman and Fourier transform infrared spectroscopic techniques were utilized and the results were found to be similar. Goethite-hematite association in banded iron formation in Singhbhum craton suggests dehydration activity, which has altered the primary iron oxide phases into the secondary iron oxide phases. The optimum bands identified for the minerals using various spectroscopic techniques can be used as reference for similar mineral deposits on any remote area on Earth or on other hydrated planetary surfaces like Mars.  相似文献   

The primordial crust on the Earth formed from the crystallization of the surface magma ocean during the Hadean. However, geological surveys have found no evidence of rocks dating back to more than 4 Ga on the Earth's surface, suggesting the Hadean crust was lost due to some processes. We investigated the subduction of one of the possible candidates for the primordial crust, anorthosite and KREEP crust similar to the Moon, which is also considered to have formed from the crystallization of the magma ocean. Similar to the present Earth, the subduction of primordial crust by subduction erosion is expected to be an effective way of eliminating primordial crust from the surface. In this study, the subduction rate of the primordial crust via subduction channels is evaluated by numerical simulations. The subduction channels are located between the subducting slab and the mantle wedge and are comprised of primordial crust materials supplied mainly by subduction erosion. We have found that primordial anorthosite and KREEP crust of up to ~50 km thick at the Earth's surface was able to be conveyed to the deep mantle within 0.1-2 Gy by that mechanism.  相似文献   

http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.gsf.2016.02.006   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

In the tandem planet formation regime,planets form at two distinct sites where solid particles are densely accumulated due to the on/off state of the magnetorotational instability(MRI).We found that tandem planet formation can reproduce the solid component distribution of the Solar System and tends to produce a smaller number of large planets through continuous pebble flow into the planet formation sites.In the present paper,we investigate the dependence of tandem planet formation on the vertical magnetic field of the protoplanetary disk.We calculated two cases of B_Z 3.4 × 10~(-3) G and B_Z = 3.4 × 10~(-5) G at 100 AU as well as the canonical case of B_Z = 3.4 × 10~(-4) G.We found that tandem planet formation holds up well in the case of the strong magnetic field(B_Z 3.4 × 10~(-3) G).On the other hand,in the case of a weak magnetic field(B_Z= 3.4 × 10~(-5) G) at 100 AU,a new regime of planetary growth is realized:the planets grow independently at different places in the dispersed area of the MRl-suppressed region of r-8-30 AU at a lower accretion rate of M 10~(-7.4)M_⊙yr~(-1).We call this the "dispersed planet formation" regime.This may lead to a system with a larger number of smaller planets that gain high eccentricity through mutual collisions.  相似文献   

To understand the influence of fluid CO2 on ultramafic rock-hosted seafloor hydrothermal systems on the early Earth, we monitored the reaction between San Carlos olivine and a CO2-rich NaCl fluid at 300 °C and 500 bars. During the experiments, the total carbonic acid concentration (ΣCO2) in the fluid decreased from approximately 65 to 9 mmol/kg. Carbonate minerals, magnesite, and subordinate amount of dolomite were formed via the water-rock interaction. The H2 concentration in the fluid reached approximately 39 mmol/kg within 2736 h, which is relatively lower than the concentration generated by the reaction between olivine and a CO2-free NaCl solution at the same temperature. As seen in previous hydrothermal experiments using komatiite, ferrous iron incorporation into Mg-bearing carbonate minerals likely limited iron oxidation in the fluids and the resulting H2 generation during the olivine alteration. Considering carbonate mineralogy over the temperature range of natural hydrothermal fields, H2 generation is likely suppressed at temperatures below approximately 300 °C due to the formation of the Mg-bearing carbonates. Nevertheless, H2 concentration in fluid at 300 °C could be still high due to the temperature dependency of magnetite stability in ultramafic systems. Moreover, the Mg-bearing carbonates may play a key role in the ocean-atmosphere system on the early Earth. Recent studies suggest that the subduction of carbonated ultramafic rocks may transport surface CO2 species into the deep mantle. This process may have reduced the huge initial amount of CO2 on the surface of the early Earth. Our approximate calculations demonstrate that the subduction of the Mg-bearing carbonates formed in komatiite likely played a crucial role as one of the CO2 carriers from the surface to the deep mantle, even in hot subduction zones.  相似文献   

http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.gsf.2016.06.008   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
The mineral schreibersite, (Fe,Ni)3P, provides a reactive source of phosphorus capable of forming phosphorylated molecules. These molecules may have been an important component of prebiotic chemistry, allowing their build-up and eventual commencement of autopoiesis. Discussed here are potential geochemical routes to providing schreibersite, as a potentially important prebiotic mineral, to the Hadean Earth. Two routes are identified: delivery of phosphides by meteoritic material and the reduction of phosphates to phosphides by high-temperature, low-redox conditions. About 1–10% of all crustal phosphorus is estimated to have been in schreibersite during the Hadean, making the long-term reaction of this mineral with organic-laden water plausible for many years. Ultimately, such conditions would have been conducive to the formation of life as we know it today.  相似文献   

The Ypresian Cambay Shale Formation at Vastan and Mangrol lignite mines in Gujarat, western India, has yielded a rich vertebrate fauna with numerous taxa of European affinities. Here we report a new,approximately contemporary vertebrate assemblage from two fossiliferous layers in the nearby mine of Tadkeshwar. These layers have yielded a similar mammal fauna with the co-occurrence of the perissodactyl-like cambaytheriid Cambaytherium thewissi, the adapoid primates Marcgodinotius indicus and cf. Asiadapis cambayensis, and the hyaenodontid Indohyaenodon raoi. The presence of these species in both Vastan and Tadkeshwar mines and at different levels suggests that the deposits between the two major lignite seams represent a single land mammal age. Apart from the aforementioned species there is a new, smaller species of Cambaytherium, and a new genus and species of esthonychid tillodont. This fauna also contains the first large early Eocene vertebrates from India, including an unidentified Coryphodon-like pantodont, a dyrosaurid crocodyliform and a new giant madtsoiid snake. Among the Tadkeshwar vertebrates several taxa are of Gondwana affinities, such as Pelomedusoides turtles, dyrosaurids, and large madtsoiids, attesting that the early Eocene was a crucial period in India during which Laurasian taxa of European affinities co-existed with relict taxa from Gondwana before the India-Asia collision. Our results suggest that terrestrial faunas could have dispersed to or from Europe during episodes of contact between the Indian subcontinent and different island blocks along the northern margin of the Neotethys, such as the Kohistane Ladakh island-arc system. Gondwana taxa might represent remnants of ghost lineages shared with Madagascar, which reached the Indian subcontinent during the late Cretaceous; alternatively they might have come from North Africa and passed along the southern margin of the Neotethys to reach the Indian subcontinent. These dispersals would have been possible as a result of favourable paleogeographic conditions such as the particular Neotethys conformation during the beginning of the early Eocene.  相似文献   

Mafic rocks comprising tholeiitic pillow basalt,dolerite and minor gabbro form the basal stratigraphic unit in the ca.2.8 to 2.6 Ga Geita Greenstone Belt situated in the NW Tanzania Craton.They outcrop mainly along the southern margin of the belt,and are at least 50 million years older than the supracrustal assemblages against which they have been juxtaposed.Geochemical analyses indicate that parts of the assemblage approach high Mg-tholeiite(more than 8 wt.%MgO).This suite of samples has a restricted compositional range suggesting derivation from a chemically homogenous reservoir.Trace element modeling suggests that the mafic rocks were derived by partial melting within the spinel peridotite field from a source rock with a primitive mantle composition.That is,trace elements maintain primitive mantle ratios(Zr/Hf=32-35,Ti/Zr=107-147),producing flat REE and HFSE profiles[(La/Yb)_(pm)=0.9-1.3],with abundances of 3-10 times primitive mantle and with minor negative anomalies of Nb[(Nb/La)_(pm)=0.6-0.8]and Th[(Th/La)_(pm)=0.6-0.9].Initial isotope compositions(ε_(Nd)) range from 1.6 to 2.9 at2.8 Ga and plot below the depleted mantle line suggesting derivation from a more enriched source compared to present day MORB mantle.The trace element composition and Nd isotopic ratios are similar to the mafic rocks outcropping ~50 km south.The mafic rocks outcropping in the Geita area were erupted through oceanic crust over a short time period,between ~2830 and ~2820 Ma;are compositionally homogenous,contain little to no associated terrigenous sediments,and their trace element composition and short emplacement time resemble oceanic plateau basalts.They have been interpreted to be derived from a plume head with a primitive mantle composition.  相似文献   

正The 2016 Geoscience Frontiers Annual Convention was held in Beijing,China on October 14,2015 hosted by China University of Geosciences,Beijing(Fig.1).This convention assembled earth scientists from six countries,including Australia(Dr.Christopher Spencer),Italy(Prof.Emilio Saccani),India(Prof.G.Parthasarathy and Prof.M.Jayananda),Japan(Prof.Masaki Yoshida),UK(Dr.Nick Roberts),China,and also representative from Elsevier(Beijing).  相似文献   

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