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Donald D. Bogard Daniel H. Garrison Hiroshi Takeda 《Meteoritics & planetary science》2005,40(2):207-224
Abstract— Studies of several samples of the large Caddo County IAB iron meteorite reveal andesitic material enriched in Si, Na, Al, and Ca, which is essentially unique among meteorites. This material is believed to have formed from a chondritic source by partial melting and to have further segregated by grain coarsening. Such an origin implies extended metamorphism of the IAB parent body. New 39Ar‐40Ar ages for silicate from three different Caddo samples are consistent with a common age of 4.50‐4.51 Gyr. Less well‐defined Ar‐Ar degassing ages for inclusions from two other IABs, EET (Elephant Moraine) 83333 and Udei Station, are ?4.32 Gyr, whereas the age for Campo del Cielo varies considerably over about 3.23‐4.56 Gyr. New 129I‐129Xe ages for Caddo County and EET 83333 are 4557.9 ± 0.1 Myr and 4557–4560 Myr, respectively, relative to an age of 4562.3 Myr for Shallowater. Considering all reported Ar‐Ar degassing ages for IABs and related winonaites, the range is ?4.32‐4.53 Gyr, but several IABs give similar Ar ages of 4.50‐4.52 Gyr. We interpret these older Ar ages to represent cooling after the time of last significant metamorphism on the parent body and the younger ages to represent later 40Ar diffusion loss. The older Ar‐Ar ages for IABs are similar to Sm‐Nd and Rb‐Sr isochron ages reported in the literature for Caddo County. Considering the possibility that IAB parent body formation was followed by impact disruption, reassembly, and metamorphism (e.g., Benedix et al. 2000), the Ar‐Ar ages and IAB cooling rates deduced from Ni concentration profiles in IAB metal (Herpfer et al. 1994) are consistent if the time of the postassembly metamorphism was as late as about 4.53 Gyr ago. However, I‐Xe ages reported for some IABs define much older ages of about 4558–4566 Myr, which cannot easily be reconciled with the much younger Ar‐Ar and Sm‐Nd ages. An explanation for the difference in radiometric ages of IABs may reside in combinations of the following: a) I‐Xe ages have very high closure temperatures and were not reset during metamorphism about 4.53 Gyr ago; b) a bias exists in the 40K decay constants which makes these Ar‐Ar ages approximately 30 Myr too young; c) the reported Sm‐Nd and Rb‐Sr ages for Caddo are in error by amounts equal to or exceeding their reported 2‐sigma uncertainties; and d) about 30 Myr after the initial heating that produced differentiation of Caddo silicate and mixing of silicate and metal, a mild metamorphism of the IAB parent body reset the Ar‐Ar ages. 相似文献
Abstract— Eucrite meteorites are igneous rocks that derived from a large asteroid, probably 4 Vesta. Past studies have shown that after most eucrites formed, they underwent metamorphism in temperatures up to ≥800°C. Much later, many were brecciated and heated by large impacts into the parent body surface. The less common basaltic, unbrecciated eucrites also formed near the surface but, presumably, escaped later brecciation, while the cumulate eucrites formed at depths where metamorphism may have persisted for a considerable period. To further understand the complex HED parent body thermal history, we determined new 39Ar‐40Ar ages for 9 eucrites classified as basaltic but unbrecciated, 6 eucrites classified as cumulate, and several basaltic‐brecciated eucrites. Precise Ar‐Ar ages of 2 cumulate eucrites (Moama and EET 87520) and 4 unbrecciated eucrites give a tight cluster at 4.48 ± 0.02 Gyr (not including any uncertainties in the flux monitor age). Ar‐Ar ages of 6 additional unbrecciated eucrites are consistent with this age within their relatively larger age uncertainties. By contrast, available literature data on Pb‐Pb isochron ages of 4 cumulate eucrites and 1 unbrecciated eucrite vary over 4.4–4.515 Gyr, and 147Sm‐143Nd isochron ages of 4 cumulate and 3 unbrecciated eucrites vary over 4.41–4.55 Gyr. Similar Ar‐Ar ages for cumulate and unbrecciated eucrites imply that cumulate eucrites do not have a younger formation age than basaltic eucrites, as was previously proposed. We suggest that these cumulate and unbrecciated eucrites resided at a depth where parent body temperatures were sufficiently high to cause the K‐Ar and some other chronometers to remain as open diffusion systems. From the strong clustering of Ar‐Ar ages at ?4.48 Gyr, we propose that these meteorites were excavated from depth in a single large impact event ?4.48 Gyr ago, which quickly cooled the samples and started the K‐Ar chronometer. A large (?460 km) crater postulated to exist on Vesta may be the source of these eucrites and of many smaller asteroids thought to be spectrally or physically associated with Vesta. Some Pb‐Pb and Sm‐Nd ages of cumulate and unbrecciated eucrites are consistent with the Ar‐Ar age of 4.48 Gyr, and the few older Pb‐Pb and Sm‐Nd ages may reflect an isotopic closure before the large cratering event. One cumulate eucrite gives an Ar‐Ar age of 4.25 Gyr; 3 additional cumulate eucrites give Ar‐Ar ages of 3.4–3.7 Gyr; and 2 unbrecciated eucrites give Ar‐Ar ages of ?3.55 Gyr. We attribute these younger ages to a later impact heating. Furthermore, the Ar‐Ar impact‐reset ages of several brecciated eucrites and eucritic clasts in howardites fall within the range of 3.5–4.1 Gyr. Among these, Piplia Kalan, the first eucrite to show evidence for extinct 26Al, was strongly impact heated ?3.5 Gyr ago. When these data are combined with eucrite Ar‐Ar ages in the literature, they confirm that several large impact heating events occurred on Vesta between ?4.1–3.4 Gyr ago. The onset of major impact heating may have occurred at similar times for both Vesta and the moon, but impact heating appears to have persisted for a somewhat later time on Vesta. 相似文献
Jens Hopp Mario Trieloff Uli Ott Ekaterina V. Korochantseva Alexey I. Buykin 《Meteoritics & planetary science》2014,49(3):358-372
Ar‐Ar isochron ages of EL chondrites suggest closure of the K‐Ar system at 4.49 ± 0.01 Ga for EL5 and 6 chondrites, and 4.45 ± 0.01 Ga for EL3 MAC 88136. The high‐temperature release regimes contain a mixture of radiogenic 40Ar* and trapped primordial argon (solar or Q‐type) with 40Ar/36ArTR ~ 0 , which does not affect the 40Ar budget. The low‐temperature extractions show evidence of an excess 40Ar component. The 40Ar/36Ar is 180–270; it is defined by intercept values of isochron regression. Excess 40Ar is only detectable in petrologic types >4/5. These lost most of their primordial 36Ar from low‐temperature phases during metamorphism and retrapped excess 40Ar. The origin of this excess 40Ar component is probably related to metamorphic Ar mobilization, homogenization of primordial and in situ radiogenic Ar, and trapping of Ar by distinct low‐temperature phases. Ar‐Ar ages of EH chondrites are more variable and show clear evidence of a major impact‐induced partial resetting at about 2.2 Ga ago or alternatively, prolonged metamorphic decomposition of major K carrier phases. EH impact melt LAP 02225 displayed the highest Ar‐Ar isochron age of 4.53 ± 0.01 Ga. This age sets a limit of about 25–45 Ma for the age bias between the K‐Ar and U‐Pb decay systems. 相似文献
Timothy D. SWINDLE Clark E. ISACHSEN John R. WEIRICH David A. KRING 《Meteoritics & planetary science》2009,44(5):747-762
Abstract— 40Ar‐39Ar analyses of a total of 26 samples from eight shock‐darkened impact melt breccias of H‐chondrite affinity (Gao‐Guenie, LAP 02240, LAP 03922, LAP 031125, LAP 031173, LAP 031308, NWA 2058, and Ourique) are reported. These appear to record impacts ranging in time from 303 ± 56 Ma (Gao‐Guenie) to 4360 ± 120 Ma (Ourique) ago. Three record impacts 300–400 Ma ago, while two others record impacts 3900–4000 Ma ago. Combining these with other impact ages from H chondrites in the literature, it appears that H chondrites record impacts in the first 100 Ma of solar system history, during the era of the “lunar cataclysm” and shortly thereafter (3500–4000 Ma ago), one or more impacts ?300 Ma ago, and perhaps an impact ?500 Ma ago (near the time of the L chondrite parent body disruption). Records of impacts on the H chondrite parent body are rare or absent between the era of planetary accretion and the “lunar cataclysm” (4400‐4050 Ma), during the long stretch between heavy bombardment and recent breakup events (3500‐1000 Ma), or at the time of final breakup into meteorite‐sized bodies (<50 Ma). 相似文献
Abstract— The 40Ar‐39Ar dating technique has been applied to the lunar meteorites Northwest Africa 032 (NWA 032), an unbrecciated mare basalt, and Northwest Africa 773 (NWA 773), (composed of cumulate and breccia lithologies), to determine the crystallization age and timing of shock events these meteorites may have experienced. Stepped heating analyses of several different samples of NWA 032 gave complex age spectra but indistinguishable total ages with a mean of 2.779 ± 0.014 Gyr. Possible causes of the complex age spectra obtained from NWA 032 include recoil of 39Ar, or the presence of pre‐shock 40Ar incorporated into shock‐melt veins. The effects of shock veins were investigated by laser fusion of 20 small samples expected to contain varying proportions of the shock veins. The laser ages show a narrow age distribution between 2.61–2.86 Gyr and a mean of 2.73 ± 0.03 Gyr, identical to the total age of ?2.80 Gyr obtained for the bulk sample. Diffusion calculations based on the stepped heating data indicate that Ar release can be reconciled by release from feldspar (and possibly shock veins) at low temperatures followed by pyroxene at higher temperatures. The exposure age of NWA 032 is 212 ± 11 Myr, and it contains low trapped solar Ar. Stepped heating of cumulate and breccia portions of NWA 773 also give a relatively young age of 2.91 Gyr. The presence of trapped Ar in the breccia makes the age determination of this component less precise, but release of Ar appears to be from the same mineral phase, assumed to be plagioclase, in both lithologies. A marked difference in exposure age between the 2 lithologies also exists, with the breccia having spent 81 Myr longer at the lunar surface; this finding is consistent with the higher trapped Ar content of this lithology. Assuming that 2.80 Gyr and 2.91 Gyr are the crystallization ages of NWA 032 and NWA 773 respectively, these two meteorites are the youngest lunar mare basalts available for study. 相似文献
Abstract— Oxygen‐isotopic compositions were determined for a suite of enstatite chondrites and aubrites. In agreement with previous work (Clayton et al., 1984), most samples have O‐isotopic compositions close to the terrestrial fractionation line (TFL), and there appear to be no significant differences in O‐isotopic compositions between individual EH and EL chondrites and aubrites. Five enstatite meteorites have O‐isotopic compositions that are significantly different from the other samples and >0.2% away from the TFL. Two of these have petrographic evidence of brecciation and interaction between other meteorite types; for the other three, similar scenarios are suggested. There appears to be a systematic increase in δ18O from enstatite chondrites (both EH and EL) of petrologic type 3 to those of type 6. There is also good evidence that the EH meteorites do not fall along a mass fractionation line but along a line slope 0.66. At the present time, detailed understanding of the origin of these O‐isotopic systematics remain elusive but clearly point to a complex accretion history, parent‐body evolution, or both. 相似文献
Eleanor T. DIXON Donald D. BOGARD Daniel H. GARRISON 《Meteoritics & planetary science》2003,38(3):341-355
Abstract— This study presents the first determinations of 39Ar‐40Ar ages of R chondrites for the purpose of understanding the thermal history of the R chondrite parent body. The 39Ar‐40Ar ages were determined on whole‐rock samples of four R chondrites: Carlisle Lakes, Rumuruti, Acfer 217, and Pecora Escarpment #91002 (PCA 91002). All samples are breccias except for Carlisle Lakes. The age spectra are complicated by recoil and diffusive loss to various extents. The peak 39Ar‐40Ar ages of the four chondrites are 4.35, ?4.47 ± 0.02, 4.30 ± 0.07 Ga, and 4.37 Ga, respectively. These ages are similar to Ar‐Ar ages of relatively unshocked ordinary chondrites (4.52–4.38 Ga) and are older than Ar‐Ar ages of most shocked ordinary chondrites («4.2 Ga). Because the meteorites with the oldest (Rumuruti, ?4.47 Ga) and the youngest (Acfer 217, ?4.30 Ga) ages are both breccias, these ages probably do not record slow cooling within an undisrupted asteroidal parent body. Instead, the process of breccia formation may have differentially reset the ages of the constituent material, or the differences in their age spectra may arise from mixtures of material that had different ages. Two end‐member type situations may be envisioned to explain the age range observed in the R chondrites. The first is if the impact(s) that reset the ages of Acfer 217 and Rumuruti was very early. In this case, the ?170 Ma maximum age difference between these meteorites may have been produced by much deeper burial of Acfer 217 than Rumuruti within an impact‐induced thick regolith layer, or within a rubble pile type parent body following parent body re‐assembly. The second, preferred scenario is if the impact that reset the age of Acfer 217 was much later than that which reset Rumuruti, then Acfer 217 may have cooled more rapidly within a much thinner regolith layer. In either scenario, the oldest age obtained here, from Rumuruti, provides evidence for relatively early (?4.47 Ga) impact events and breccia formation on the R chondrite parent body. 相似文献
Barbara Anne COHEN Timothy D. SWINDLE David A. KRING 《Meteoritics & planetary science》2005,40(5):755-777
Abstract— We studied 42 impact‐melt clasts from lunar feldspathic regolith breccias MacAlpine Hills (MAC) 88105, Queen Alexandra Range (QUE) 93069, Dar al Gani (DaG) 262, and DaG 400 for texture, chemical composition, and/or chronology. Although the textures are similar to the impactmelt clasts identified in mafic Apollo and Luna samples, the meteorite clasts are chemically distinct from them, having lower Fe, Ti, K, and P, thus representing previously unsampled impacts. The 40Ar‐39Ar ages on 31 of the impact melts, the first ages on impact‐melt samples from outside the region of the Apollo and Luna sampling sites, range from ~4 to ~2.5 Ga. We interpret these samples to have been created in at least six, and possibly nine or more, different impact events. One inferred impact event may be consistent with the Apollo impact‐melt rock age cluster at 3.9 Ga, but the meteorite impact‐melt clasts with this age are different in chemistry from the Apollo samples, suggesting that the mechanism responsible for the 3.9 Ga peak in lunar impact‐melt clast ages is a lunar‐wide phenomenon. No meteorite impact melts have ages more than 1s? older than 4.0 Ga. This observation is consistent with, but does not require, a lunar cataclysm. 相似文献
Ekaterina V. KOROCHANTSEVA Susanne P. SCHWENZER Alexei I. BUIKIN Jens HOPP Ulrich OTT Mario TRIELOFF 《Meteoritics & planetary science》2011,46(9):1397-1417
Abstract– We present 40Ar‐39Ar dating results of handpicked mineral separates and whole‐rock samples of Nakhla, Lafayette, and Chassigny. Our data on Nakhla and Lafayette and recently reported ages for some nakhlites and Chassigny ( Misawa et al. 2006 ; Park et al. 2009 ) point to formation ages of approximately 1.4 Ga rather than 1.3 Ga that is consistent with previous suggestions of close‐in‐time formation of nakhlites and Chassigny. In Lafayette mesostasis, we detected a secondary degassing event at approximately 1.1 Ga, which is not related to iddingsite formation. It may have been caused by a medium‐grade thermal event resetting the mesostasis age but not influencing the K‐Ar system of magmatic inclusions and the original igneous texture of this rock. Cosmic‐ray exposure ages for these meteorites and for Governador Valadares were calculated from bulk rock concentrations of cosmogenic nuclides 3He, 21Ne, and 38Ar. Individual results are similar to literature data. The considerable scatter of T3, T21, and T38 ages is due to systematic uncertainties related to bulk rock and target element chemistry, production rates, and shielding effects. This hampers efforts to better constrain the hypothesis of a single ejection event for all nakhlites and Chassigny from a confined Martian surface terrain ( Eugster 2003 ; Garrison and Bogard 2005 ). Cosmic‐ray exposure ages from stepwise release age spectra using 38Ar and neutron induced 37Ar from Ca in irradiated samples can eliminate errors induced by bulk chemistry on production rates, although not from shielding conditions. 相似文献
Abstract— Most 40Ar‐39Ar ages of L chondrites record an event at approximately 500 Ma, indicating a large collisional impact at that time. However, there is a spread in ages from 400 to 600 Ma in these meteorites that is greater than the analytical uncertainty. Identification of, and correction for, trapped Ar in a few L chondrites has given an age of 470 ± 6 Ma. This age coincides with Ordivician fossil meteorites that fell to Earth at 467 ± 2 Ma. As these fossil meteorites were originally L chondrites, the apparent conclusion is that a large impact sent a flood of L chondrite material to Earth, while material that remained on the L chondrite parent body was strongly heated and reset. We have reduced 40Ar‐39Ar data for Northwest Africa 091 using various techniques that appear in the literature, including identification and subtraction of trapped Ar. These techniques give a range of ages from 455 to 520 Ma, and show the importance of making accurate corrections. By using the most straightforward technique to identify and remove a trapped Ar component (which is neither terrestrial nor primordial), an 40Ar‐39Ar age of 475 ± 6 Ma is found for Northwest Africa 091, showing a temporal link to fossil meteorites. In addition, high temperature releases of Northwest Africa 091 contain evidence for a second trapped component, and subtraction of this component indicates a possible second collisional impact at approximately 800 Ma. This earlier age coincides with 40Ar‐39Ar ages of some H and L chondrites, and lunar samples. 相似文献
G. F. HERZOG S. VOGT A. ALBRECHT S. XUE D. FINK J. KLEIN R. MIDDLETON H. W. WEBER L. SCHULTZ 《Meteoritics & planetary science》1997,32(3):413-422
Abstract— We report measurements of 26Al and 10Be activities in nine ordinary chondrites and of the light noble gas concentrations and 36Cl and 41Ca activities in subsets of those meteorites. All but Murray have low 21Ne concentrations (<1.0 × 10?8cm3STP/g) and have previously been used to estimate 21Ne production rates. Ladder Creek, Murchison, Sena, and Timochin have inventories of cosmogenic radionuclides that are compatible with a single stage of irradiation and give 21Ne production rates that are consistent with the standard L-chondrite value of 0.33 × 10?8cm3STP/g/Ma. In contrast, Cullison, Guenie, Shaw, and Tsarev experienced complex irradiation histories. They and several other meteorites with low nominal exposure ages also have lower 3He/21Ne ratios than expected based on their 22Ne/21Ne ratios. A general association between low 21Ne contents and 3He losses suggests that meteorites with short lifetimes often occupy orbits with small perihelia. However, meteorites with low 21Ne contents, one-stage exposure histories, and losses of cosmogenic 3He are rare. Possible explanations for the scarcity are (1) statistical, (2) that it is harder for more deeply buried protometeoroids to lose gas in a liberating collision, and (3) that it is harder to insert more deeply buried protometeoroids directly into orbits with small perihelia. 相似文献
Chen Zhao Katharina Lodders Hannah Bloom Heng Chen Zhen Tian Piers Koefoed Mria K. Pet Kun Wang 《Meteoritics & planetary science》2020,55(6):1404-1417
Enstatite chondrites and aubrites are meteorites that show the closest similarities to the Earth in many isotope systems that undergo mass‐independent and mass‐dependent isotopic fractionations. Due to the analytical challenges to obtain high‐precision K isotopic compositions in the past, potential differences in K isotopic compositions between enstatite meteorites and the Earth remained uncertain. We report the first high‐precision K isotopic compositions of eight enstatite chondrites and four aubrites and find that there is a significant variation of K isotopic compositions among enstatite meteorites (from ?2.34‰ to ?0.18‰). However, K isotopic compositions of nearly all enstatite meteorites scatter around the bulk silicate earth (BSE) value. The average K isotopic composition of the eight enstatite chondrites (?0.47 ± 0.57‰) is indistinguishable from the BSE value (?0.48 ± 0.03‰), thus further corroborating the isotopic similarity between Earth's building blocks and enstatite meteorite precursors. We found no correlation of K isotopic compositions with the chemical groups, petrological types, shock degrees, and terrestrial weathering conditions; however, the variation of K isotopes among enstatite meteorite can be attributed to the parent‐body processing. Our sample of the main‐group aubrite MIL 13004 is exceptional and has an extremely light K isotopic composition (δ41K = ?2.34 ± 0.12‰). We attribute this unique K isotopic feature to the presence of abundant djerfisherite inclusions in our sample because this K‐bearing sulfide mineral is predicted to be enriched in 39K during equilibrium exchange with silicates. 相似文献
Jessica M. SUNSHINE Schelte J. BUS Catherine M. CORRIGAN Timothy J. McCOY Thomas H. BURBINE 《Meteoritics & planetary science》2007,42(2):155-170
Abstract— Melting models indicate that the composition and abundance of olivine systematically co‐vary and are therefore excellent petrologic indicators. However, heliocentric distance, and thus surface temperature, has a significant effect on the spectra of olivine‐rich asteroids. We show that composition and temperature complexly interact spectrally, and must be simultaneously taken into account in order to infer olivine composition accurately. We find that most (7/9) of the olivine‐dominated asteroids are magnesian and thus likely sampled mantles differentiated from ordinary chondrite sources (e.g., pallasites). However, two other olivine‐rich asteroids (289 Nenetta and 246 Asporina) are found to be more ferroan. Melting models show that partial melting cannot produce olivine‐rich residues that are more ferroan than the chondrite precursor from which they formed. Thus, even moderately ferroan olivine must have non‐ordinary chondrite origins, and therefore likely originate from oxidized R chondrites or melts thereof, which reflect variations in nebular composition within the asteroid belt. This is consistent with the meteoritic record in which R chondrites and brachinites are rare relative to pallasites. 相似文献
Abstract— We report new 39Ar‐40Ar measurements on 15 plagioclase, pyroxene, and/or whole rock samples of 8 Martian shergottites. All age spectra suggest ages older than the meteorite formation ages, as defined by Sm‐Nd and Rb‐Sr isochrons. Employing isochron plots, only Los Angeles plagioclase and possibly Northwest Africa (NWA) 3171 plagioclase give ages in agreement with their formation ages. Isochrons for all shergottite samples reveal the presence of trapped Martian 40Ar (40Arxs), which exists in variable amounts in different lattice locations. Some 40Arxs is uniformly distributed throughout the lattice, resulting in a positive isochron intercept, and other 40Arxs occurs in association with K‐bearing minerals and increases the isochron slope. These samples demonstrate situations where linear Ar isochrons give false ages that are too old. After subtracting 40Ar*that would accumulate by 40K decay since meteorite formation and small amounts of terrestrial 40Ar, all young age samples give similar 40Arxs concentrations of ?1–2 × 10?6cm3/g, but a variation in K content by a factor of ?80. Previously reported NASA Johnson Space Center data for Zagami, Shergotty, Yamato (Y‐) 000097, Y‐793605, and Queen Alexandra Range (QUE) 94201 shergottites show similar concentrations of 40Arxs to the new meteorite data reported here. Similar 40Arxs in different minerals and meteorites cannot be explained as arising from Martian atmosphere carried in strongly shocked phases such as melt veins. We invoke the explanation given by Bogard and Park (2008) for Zagami, that this 40Arxs in shergottites was acquired from the magma. Similarity in 40Arxs among shergottites may reveal common magma sources and/or similar magma generation and emplacement processes. 相似文献
Abstract— We have determined initial 129I/127I ratios for mineral concentrates of four enstatite meteorites and a eucrite. In the case of the enstatite meteorites the inferred ages are associated with the pyroxene‐rich separates giving pyroxene closure ages relative to the Shallowater standard of Indarch (EH4, 0.04 ± 0.67 Ma), Khairpur (EL6, ?4.22 ± 0.67 Ma), Khor Temiki (aubrite, ?0.06 Ma), and Itqiy (enstatite achondrite, ?2.6 ± 2.6 Ma), negative ages indicate closure after Shallowater. No separate from the cumulate eucrite Asuka (A?) 881394 yielded a consistent ratio, though excess 129Xe was observed in a feldspar separate, suggesting disturbance by thermal metamorphism within 25 Ma of closure in Shallowater. Iodine‐129 ages are mapped to the absolute Pb‐Pb time scale using the calibration proposed by Gilmour et al. (2006) who place the closure age of Shallowater at 4563.3 ± 0.4 Ma. Comparison of the combined 129I‐Pb data with associated 53Mn ages, for objects that have been dated by both systems, indicates that all three chronometers evolved concordantly in the early solar system. The enstatite chondrites are offset from the linear array described by asteroid‐belt objects when 53Mn ages are plotted against combined 129I‐Pb data, supporting the suggestion that 53Mn was radially heterogeneous in the early solar system. 相似文献
Abstract— The Zagami shergottite experienced a complex, petrogenetic formation history (McCoy et al. 1992, 1999). Like several shergottites, Zagami contains excess 40Ar relative to its formation age. To understand the origin of this excess 40Ar, we made 39Ar‐40Ar analyses on plagioclase and pyroxene minerals from two phases representing different stages in the magma evolution. Surprisingly, all these separates show similar concentrations of excess 40Ar, ?1 × 10?6 cm3/g. We present arguments against this excess 40Ar having been introduced from the Martian atmosphere as impact glass. We also present evidence against excess 40Ar being a partially degassed residue from a basalt that actually formed ?4 Gyr ago. We utilize our experimental data on Ar diffusion in Zagami and evidence that it was shock‐heated to only ?70 °C, and we assume this heating occurred during an ejection from Mars ?3 Myr ago. With these constraints, thermal considerations necessitates either that its ejected mass was impossibly large, or that its shock‐heating temperature was an order of magnitude higher than that measured. We suggest that this excess 40Ar was inherited from the Zagami magma, and that it was introduced into the magma either by degassing of a larger volume of material or by early assimilation of old, K‐rich crustal material. Similar concentrations of excess 40Ar in the analyzed separates imply that this magma maintained a relatively constant 40Ar concentration throughout its crystallization. This likely occurred through volatile degassing as the magma rose toward the surface and lithostatic pressure was released. These concepts have implications for excess 40Ar in other shergottites. 相似文献
V. A. Fernandes J. Fritz B. P. Weiss I. Garrick‐Bethell D. L. Shuster 《Meteoritics & planetary science》2013,48(2):241-269
New petrography and 40Ar‐39Ar ages have been obtained for 1–3 mm sized rock fragments from Apollo 16 Station 13 soil 63503 (North Ray crater ejecta) and chips from three rocks collected by Apollo 16 and Apollo 17 missions. Selection of these samples was aimed at the old 40Ar‐39Ar ages to understand the early history of the lunar magnetic field and impact flux. Fifteen samples were studied including crustal material, polymict feldspathic fragmental breccias, and impact melts. The impact ages obtained range between approximately 3.3 and 4.3 billion years (Ga). Polymict fragmental breccia 63503,1 exhibits the lowest signs of recrystallization observed and a probable old relic age of 4.547 ± 0.027. The plateau age of 4.293 ± 0.044 Ga obtained for impact melt rock 63503,13 represents the oldest known age for such a lithology. Possibly, this age represents the minimum age for the South Pole‐Aitken (SPA) Basin. In agreement with literature data, these results show that impact ages >3.9 Ga are found in lunar rocks, especially within soil 63503. Impact exhumation of deep‐seated warm crustal material onto the lunar surface is considered to explain the common 4.2 Ga ages obtained for weakly shocked samples from soil 63503 and Apollo 17. This would directly imply that one or more basin‐forming events occurred at that time. Some rock fragments showing none to limited petrologic features indicate thermal annealing. These rocks may have lost Ar while resident within the hot‐ejecta of a large basin. Concurrent with previous studies, these results lead us to advocate for a complex impact flux in the inner solar system during the initial approximately 1.3 Ga. 相似文献
Queen Alexandra Range (QUE) meteorite 94204 is an anomalous enstatite meteorite whose petrogenesis has been ascribed to either partial melting or impact melting. We studied the meteorite pairs QUE 94204, 97289/97348, 99059/99122/99157/99158/99387, and Yamato (Y)‐793225; these were previously suggested to represent a new grouplet. We present new data for mineral abundances, mineral chemistries, and siderophile trace element compositions (of Fe,Ni metal) in these meteorites. We find that the texture and composition of Y‐793225 are related to EL6, and that this meteorite is unrelated to the QUEs. The mineralogy and siderophile element compositions of the QUEs are consistent with petrogenesis from an enstatite chondrite precursor. We caution that potential re‐equilibration during melting and recrystallization of enstatite chondrite melt‐rocks make it unreliable to use mineral chemistries to assign a specific parent body affinity (i.e., EH or EL). The QUEs have similar mineral chemistries among themselves, while slight variations in texture and modal abundances exist between them. They are dominated by inclusion‐bearing millimeter‐sized enstatite (average En99.1–99.5) with interstitial spaces filled predominantly by oligoclase feldspar (sometimes zoned), kamacite (Si approximately 2.4 wt%), troilite (≤2.4 wt% Ti), and cristobalite. Siderophile elements that partition compatibly between solid metal and liquid metal are not enriched like in partial melt residues Itqiy and Northwest Africa (NWA) 2526. We find that the modal compositions of the QUEs are broadly unfractionated with respect to enstatite chondrites. We conclude that a petrogenesis by impact melting, not partial melting, is most consistent with our observations. 相似文献
Marina A. IVANOVA Natalia N. KONONKOVA Alexander N. KROT Richard C. GREENWOOD Ian A. FRANCHI Alexander B. VERCHOVSKY Mario TRIELOFF Ekaterina V. KOROCHANTSEVA Franz BRANDSTÄTTER 《Meteoritics & planetary science》2008,43(5):915-940
Abstract— Isheyevo is a metal‐rich carbonaceous chondrite that contains several lithologies with different abundances of Fe,Ni metal (7–90 vol%). The metal‐rich lithologies with 50–60 vol% of Fe,Ni metal are dominant. The metal‐rich and metal‐poor lithologies are most similar to the CBb and CH carbonaceous chondrites, respectively, providing a potential link between these chondrite groups. All lithologies experienced shock metamorphism of shock stage S4. All consist of similar components—Fe,Ni metal, chondrules, refractory inclusions (Ca, Al‐rich inclusions [CAIs] and amoeboid olivine aggregates [AOAs]), and heavily hydrated lithic clasts—but show differences in their modal abundances, chondrule sizes, and proportions of porphyritic versus non‐porphyritic chondrules. Bulk chemical and oxygen isotopic compositions are in the range of CH and CB chondrites. Bulk nitrogen isotopic composition is highly enriched in 15N (δ15N = 1122‰). The magnetic fraction is very similar to the bulk sample in terms of both nitrogen release pattern and isotopic profile; the non‐magnetic fraction contains significantly less heavy N. Carbon released at high temperatures shows a relatively heavy isotope signature. Similarly to CBb chondrites, ~20% of Fe,Ni‐metal grains in Isheyevo are chemically zoned. Similarly to CH chondrites, some metal grains are Ni‐rich (>20 wt% Ni). In contrast to CBb and CH chondrites, most metal grains are thermally decomposed into Ni‐rich and Ni‐poor phases. Similar to CH chondrites, chondrules have porphyritic and non‐porphyritic textures and ferromagnesian (type I and II), silica‐rich, and aluminum‐rich bulk compositions. Some of the layered ferromagnesian chondrules are surrounded by ferrous olivine or phyllosilicate rims. Phyllosilicates in chondrule rims are compositionally distinct from those in the hydrated lithic clasts. Similarly to CH chondrites, CAIs are dominated by the hibonite‐, grossite‐, and melilite‐rich types; AOAs are very rare. We infer that Isheyevo is a complex mixture of materials formed by different processes and under different physico‐chemical conditions. Chondrules and refractory inclusions of two populations, metal grains, and heavily hydrated clasts accreted together into the Isheyevo parent asteroid in a region of the protoplanetary disk depleted in fine‐grained dust. Such a scenario is consistent with the presence of solar wind—implanted noble gases in Isheyevo and with its comparatively old K‐Ar age. We cannot exclude that the K‐Ar system was affected by a later collisional event. The cosmic‐ray exposure (CRE) age of Isheyevo determined by cosmogenic 38Ar is ~34 Ma, similar to that of the Bencubbin (CBa) meteorite. 相似文献
O. Eugster H. Busemann S. Lorenzetti D. Terribilini 《Meteoritics & planetary science》2002,37(10):1345-1360
Abstract— Cosmic‐ray exposure (CRE) ages and Mars ejection times were calculated from the radionuclide 81Kr and stable Kr isotopes for seven martian meteorites. The following 81Kr‐Kr CRE ages were obtained: Los Angeles = 3.35 ± 0.70 Ma; Queen Alexandra Range 94201 = 2.22 ± 0.35 Ma; Shergotty = 3.05 ± 0.50 Ma; Zagami = 2.98 ± 0.30 Ma; Nakhla = 10.8 ± 0.8 Ma; Chassigny = 10.6 ± 2.0 Ma; and Allan Hills 84001 = 15.4 ± 5.0 Ma. Comparison of these ages with previously obtained CRE ages from the stable noble gas nuclei 3He, 21Ne, and 38Ar shows excellent agreement. This indicates that the method for the production rate calculation for the stable nuclei is reliable. In all martian meteorites we observe effects induced by secondary cosmic‐ray produced epithermal neutrons. Epithermal neutron fluxes, φn (30–300 eV), are calculated based on the reaction 79Br(n, γβ)80Kr. We show that the neutron capture effects were induced in free space during Mars‐Earth transfer of the meteoroids and that they are not due to a pre‐exposure on Mars before ejection of the meteoritic material. Neutron fluxes and slowing down densities experienced by the meteoroids are calculated and pre‐atmospheric sizes are estimated. We obtain minimum radii in the range of 22–25 cm and minimum masses of 150–220 kg. These results are in good agreement with the mean sizes reported for model calculations using current semiempirical data. 相似文献